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  1. #431
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    The Iraqi Council of Ministers approved the draft SME lending to citizens, as Iraqi banks will provide loans to ensure the Ministry of Finance.
    2 %.This has identified the Iraqi Council of Ministers size of the loan is around 40 thousand dollars and an interest rate of 6% borne by the Ministry of Finance Iraqi 4% and 2%, the Iraqi citizen.
    منط.On the other hand, said the source in the Iraqi Council of Ministers that the Council had also agreed 'to the draft implementation station Najaf gas to generate electricity at a cost of 55 million dollars and a capacity of 22 megawatts. محطةHe will be signing the contract with a company specialized for a station
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  2. #432
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Dear parliamentarians .. Iraqis believe.
    (Voice of Iraq) - 07-05-2007

    Abdul Zahra Zaki
    .Iraqi Parliament did not need to listen to criticism directed to the American House of Iraqis likely to enjoy vacation months this summer camps to cancel the holiday or insist upon.
    Before utter spokesman for the White House, the American ambassador in Baghdad and Ishara publicly conclude their government of this holiday was the Iraqi press is behind the Iraqi public have expressed their strong protests while Regale parliamentarians themselves holidays precedent.
    In many cases had not been protests and journalists with the Iraqi street protests by the attention of the House deserves the necessary attention being treated by many deputies, positively or negatively, about American criticism directed to the parliamentary recess.

    Iraqi press is fully aware of the legitimacy of this holiday and stalling humanitarian and professional, but before it realizes the seriousness and importance of time passes, are still dozens of laws and legislation and the tasks required to complete the legal and legislative structure of the new State is still waiting for action by Parliament, to be window materials needed by the government, judicial and other authorities in their daily work.
    The problems incidental to the democratic system of government created a complex bureaucratic system of management .. When this happens such as in the current Iraqi situation, with another system built by Parliament on the basis Mahassat sharp and the newfound political positions usually governed by the prior, the Parliament's agenda remains always crowded lot of programs and action items are deferred and relaxation in dealing with the time factor foregone difference and casual discussions.
    No such postponements and indifference time factor in the exceptional circumstances in everything : the beginnings of the establishment of a new, bad security conditions, economic conditions, and service is just as bad, and a financial and administrative corruption that is unmatched, all of this sheds on the street with their perceived holiday parliamentarians Mitreva behavior does not take into account the needs of citizens and their problems and the problems of building a new nation.
    No objection to that Itrv parliamentarians, and that they deserve Itnamwa religiously and legally, but not everything that is legitimate and legal relished his work in humane conditions and social exceptional, certainly understands the parliamentarians such exceptions as their understanding before members of the executive authority (the government), who also deserve to be annual holidays, but did not hear that one this government has demanded annual his entitlement in such circumstances and infect the matter within the government and ministers to many joints career which did not adhere to its staff hours or days durability are providing their services, said the same thing about working in the military and security apparatus who continue night and day in combat roles and security known.
    This is not what the Iraqis expect of parliamentarians who pay their people's blood and eats and stubbornness and pride to the parliament.
    Iraqis realize that the parliamentarians did not attend the meeting and one of the parliament sessions, and the Iraqis are aware that some other parliamentarians did not give parliament a quarter of his time spent in travel and trips and functions of some magnitude know, and not know, the Iraqis are aware that parliamentarians (or some of them) bemoan the criticism of the press and some of them wanted to download Information responsible for the explosion which occurred in a cafe Parliament because it coincided with the (campaign) information was true and some others talked about allocations makes the wrong parliamentarians and financial dues.
    Iraqis aware of this and much else, but the Iraqis are also aware that Parliament doomed period of time, followed by elections and the last Parliament, and the Iraqis believe not once bitten, twice shy.

    المدى العراقيةLong Iraqi - ÕæÊ ÇáÚÑÇÞ

    franny, were almost there!!

  3. #433
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Preparations for Arab Iraqi reconciliation conference

    (Voice of Iraq) - 07-05-2007

    Cairo/ agencies

    He met with Secretary General Amr Moussa of the Arab League, Barham Salih Deputy Prime Minister was talking about how to prepare for a national reconciliation conference under the auspices of the Comprehensive Arab League at the earliest, according to item 13 of the final statement of the neighboring countries, which was held in Sharm El Sheikh on Friday.
    In the same vein senior source revealed that the Arab League has begun to intensify its contacts with members of the Iraqi government and various parties to consult on ways to implement the recommendations of the Sharm el-Sheikh activating the Arab League initiative for Iraqi National Accord.

    The source said that the conference called for an end to sectarian and dismantle militias and armed groups, promote reconciliation and expand political participation, which will be done at the university.
    The source expressed hope in the implementation of the International Covenant document endorsed by the Sharm el-Sheikh Arab and international consensus has been identified time frame as much as five years.
    It should be noted that item 13 of the final communiqué of the International Ministerial Conference of the neighboring countries of Iraq and Egypt and Bahrain and the permanent members of Security Council and the Group of Eight Summit in Sharm el-Sheikh had pointed out the importance of supporting the United Nations and the need to strengthen its central role in coordinating international assistance in support of the political process national reconciliation and welcome the role played by the Arab League to activate the initiative of the Iraqi National Accord and the call to resume preparations for a reconciliation conference under the auspices of the Arab League as soon as possible and welcome the effective contribution of the Organization of the Islamic Conference in the ongoing political process, and their active role in promoting tolerance between different communities in Iraq . - ÕæÊ ÇáÚÑÇÞ

    franny, were almost there!!

  4. #434
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    EGYPT DENIES write off their loans to Iraq
    .CAIRO-East : The Daily Egyptian "today" today, Sunday, the Egyptian official sources denied an announcement by the Minister of Finance statement Jabr Iraqi counterpart on the sidelines of the Sharm el-Sheikh conference on Iraq on Egypt's decision to drop the debt owed by Iraq, estimated at 800 million dollars.
    ".The newspaper quoted sources as saying that "no truth to the strike and there is no decision to write off debt owed by an Egyptian on Iraq."
    ".It should be noted that a large portion of this debt is affected by the Egyptians compensation wars of Iraq or what's known as "Balholat yellow."
    من.For her part, Aisha Abdel-Hadi, the Minister of Manpower and Immigration not waive the dues of Egyptian workers in Iraq, stressing that her ministry has no waiver of the rights of individuals.
    newspaper quoted the minister as saying that the compensation and the rights of Egyptian workers do not fall within any negotiation might be to drop or reduce Iraq's debt

    Translated version of
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  5. #435
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    بعمان40th State Fair in the reconstruction of Iraq in Amman

    .Amman-East : participate Monday in the 40th State of the fourth session of the Iraq reconstruction exhibition to be held in Amman in order to attract international companies to participate in the reconstruction of this country.
    ة.Prominent among the countries participating in the exhibition, which lasts until the 10th of May the United States, Britain, France, China, Russia, Germany, Italy, Japan and Iran in addition to the seven Arab countries.
    .The aim of the exhibition organizers, which confirms that the largest, "to give international institutions the opportunity to conclude deals with Iraq, which was one of the most advanced Arab States and prosperous world.
    .Experts believe that Iraq needs more than sixty billion dollars to rebuild infrastructure destroyed by war and neglected for years.
    وتOn the sidelines of the exhibition, conferences and seminars between businessmen and representatives of companies
    .World, Arab and Iraqi officials to discuss the needs of Iraq's reconstruction.
    فParticipate in the exhibition of hundreds of local and Arab and international institutions working in different
    الت .Urban and industrial areas and construction, agricultural, construction, information technology and equipment, electrical appliances and consumer products and prefabricated buildings.
    وعلي رة.And despite the passage of four years, the fall of Baghdad is still the process of reconstructing Iraq faced considerable constraints.
    ".A quarterly report issued by the Inspector General American for Iraq reconstruction Stuart Bowen, published on the 30th of October in Washington last of the deteriorating security situation in Iraq continues to hamper reconstruction. "
    ".He added that the decline in the security situation is also causing delays in a number of projects and prevents visit several sites and increases in security spending and endangering the lives of contractors in danger. "
    .The report also criticized the corruption of a number of Iraqi ministries reminder that Iraq brand ranked 137 out of 158 countries in the global ranking of corruption in 2005, which was endorsed by Transbernse International NGOs.

    Translated version of
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  6. #436
    Senior Investor pipshurricane's Avatar
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    Default Voices of Iraq : Parliament-holiday (achieve)

    Books : santiago on Monday, 07 May 2007-1:20 PM BT
    raqi Vice differ in their views on the demand to postpone the parliament summer recess
    From Santa Mikhail
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)

    Different views about the nature of Iraqi deputies demand the American President George Bush to postpone the Iraqi Parliament to vacation next summer pending the completion of the legislation needed by the country, where he was Vice this requirement interference "unreasonable or unacceptable" ... With Vice Others felt that the matter does not come from being "Tip and desire", and a third team went to the theme "the Iraqi Parliament."

    A member of the House of Representatives (Kurdistan Alliance) Mahmoud Othman News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent, "We consider the American demand to postpone holiday Parliament unreasonable interference and unacceptable."

    "He added : "They know their country and Maihtaj him ... They undoubtedly Siegelon or shorter vacations if the need arises, as they did last year when the holiday narrowed from two months to one month. "

    The (Kurdistan Alliance) the second largest parliamentary bloc in the Iraqi parliament, has (55) Members of the total members of Parliament (275) deputies.

    "Osman expressed his belief that "may not interfere in this way, there may be another country that says to a sovereign Parliament should take a holiday or not, the American side is behaving Absurd with the Iraqi side ... And interfere in everything, to the fact that the US-Iraq is not Matuszanh ... It is not a rival Lindh. "
    The theme of the summer recess of Parliament had raised a sensation last summer, where the politicians, intellectuals and ordinary citizens expressed dissatisfaction long holiday with a duration of two months ... كما أعلنت بعض المراجع الدينية عن تحفظها على الإجازة ،الأمر الذي أجبر أعضاء مجلس النواب على تقليصها إلى شهر واحد .As announced by some religious authorities for reservation to leave, which forced the members of the House to be reduced to one month.

    "In contrast Osman, both the MP Jaber Habib Jaber (United Iraqi Alliance) with Dr. Salim Al-Jabouri (Accord Front) Matalph that Bush "is nothing more than advice or desire."
    "He said Habib, a professor of political science "fact, I do not understand (demand), like ... But is the hope and desire, where she heard members of Congress who crossed from the viewpoint (during previous meetings) that it is not appropriate at a time when their soldiers are killed in Iraq, Iraqi legislators to go on leave. "
    وتابع "لا أعتقد أنه تدخل... لأن لا أحدا من خارج العراق يستطيع أن يفرض أي رؤى معينة."He continued : "I do not think that the intervention ... Because no one from outside Iraq can prescribe any certain views. "
    "But member (coalition consolidated) expressed his belief that the Iraqi Parliament "is the most capable of assessing interest and appreciation of the circumstances of the people (Iraqi) whether there is legislation requiring completion."
    Habib said that the Americans "Tserawa to talk about the matter ... It was inappropriate to put Now, the fact that the Iraqi Parliament had already work so ", in reference to the Parliament reduced his summer vacation last year to only one month instead of two months.

    "He added : "I think the attitude in the Parliament is to extend work thirty days, and self leave thirty days ... Instead of months, as the summer vacation months in duration basis. "

    "He explained Habib told (Voices of Iraq) that the Iraqi Constitution "allows Parliament to extend its (30) days ... With the requirement for a holiday every two legislative, and the powers of the Presidency or parliament. "
    "The second paragraph of Article (58) in the Iraqi constitution that "will be extended legislative session of the assembly session for not more than thirty days to complete the tasks that require this ... At the request of the President or the Prime Minister or the President of the Chamber of Deputies, or the 50th member of the the Chamber of Deputies. "
    It consists of the annual session convened legislative chapters, a conclusion together the eight months.

    He Habib, who belongs to the largest parliamentary bloc (coalition) that the Iraqi Parliament
    ""Already extended its work during the past year, also extended its work early this year to approve Balancing
    (2007)...(2007) ... "As specified in the Iraqi constitution. "
    The (coalition consolidated), consisting of several Shiite political groups, is the parliamentary majority in the House of Representatives Iraqi .. Where have the (113) seats in the Council.

    مMeanwhile, a member of the House of Representatives (Accord Front) Salim Al-Jabouri the demand for Bush "never
    .If that is a formula decision or recommendation ... و"But formula request, I think it goes for advice. "
    "He added, "I think that the issue (ie leave) is likely to consider."
    "He Jabouri, a member of the Legal Committee of Parliament, that "the advocates of not taking full holiday", and said "at this juncture security troubled ... Needed to be examined in parliament to reduce the duration of the leave. "

    The (Accord Front), consisting of three key Sunni organizations, the third parliamentary bloc in the House of Representatives present ... And (44) representatives in the Council.
    Meanwhile, Iraqi government spokesman Dr. Skinner on the subject of the holiday
    ا.House "is a matter for Parliament," stressing that "there is no influence from the government or outside party" in the subject.
    "But Skinner expressed the hope of the Iraqi government in "Parliament of a vision of complete laws."

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  7. #437
    Senior Investor pipshurricane's Avatar
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    Default Voices of Iraq :-$ auction (economy)

    Books : dhrgham on Monday, 07 May 2007 12:44 PM-BT

    The stability of demand for dollar in the Central Bank
    Dargham of Muhammad Ali
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)
    Stabilized dollar purchase offers for the second consecutive day auction Iraqi Central Bank, where the volume of demand on the dollar, today, Monday, 89 million and 140 thousand dollars compared to 90 million and 580 thousand dollars yesterday.
    She said the bulletin issued by the Central Bank of Iraq received news agency (Voices of Iraq) independent copy today that the purchase orders were spread by 18 million and 550 thousand dollars in cash and 70 million and 830 thousand dollars in the form of remittances outside the country covered by the bank fully exchange rate low of 1265 dinars, down two points from the price yesterday exchange of 1267 dinars,
    While he did not make any of the banks (18) participate in the auction, offers to sell the dollar.
    He said the Yasiri, a dealers with the bank, told (Voices of Iraq) announced today that the disappearance offers sales due to the low rate of two to one and one .. Which is what makes the purchase price of the dollar by the bank two percentage points lower than yesterday, which was Eicja on sale.

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  8. #438
    Senior Member Cyberkhan's Avatar
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    Thumbs down Can't believe anything anymore!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by rvalreadydang View Post
    EGYPT DENIES write off their loans to Iraq
    .CAIRO-East : The Daily Egyptian "today" today, Sunday, the Egyptian official sources denied an announcement by the Minister of Finance statement Jabr Iraqi counterpart on the sidelines of the Sharm el-Sheikh conference on Iraq on Egypt's decision to drop the debt owed by Iraq, estimated at 800 million dollars.
    ".The newspaper quoted sources as saying that "no truth to the strike and there is no decision to write off debt owed by an Egyptian on Iraq."
    ".It should be noted that a large portion of this debt is affected by the Egyptians compensation wars of Iraq or what's known as "Balholat yellow."
    من.For her part, Aisha Abdel-Hadi, the Minister of Manpower and Immigration not waive the dues of Egyptian workers in Iraq, stressing that her ministry has no waiver of the rights of individuals.
    newspaper quoted the minister as saying that the compensation and the rights of Egyptian workers do not fall within any negotiation might be to drop or reduce Iraq's debt

    Translated version of
    WTF is this??????

    Is there no competence in reporting anywhere????????????
    I just need $1.47.

  9. #439
    Senior Investor wciappetta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyberkhan View Post
    WTF is this??????

    Is there no competence in reporting anywhere????????????

    I wouldn't get too bothered by this. He is probably a fellow drowning in his self importance having no real say in administrative policies of this debt forgiveness. He's out of the loop. I'm afraid mis-info is going be all the rage up to the conclusion of this investment.
    It seems that the state insists, or preserve the value of the Iraqi dinar 148 against the dollar ...Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states [ MOF Sept 2006]

    High RV is like Coke; it’s the real thing baby!

    Jesus Loves You

  10. #440
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    Default Monday May 8, 2007

    Number of banks 18 -----
    Auction price selling dinar / US $ 1265 -----
    Auction price buying dinar / US $ ------ -----
    Amount sold at auction price (US $) 89.140.000 -----
    Amount purchased at Auction price (US $) ------
    Total offers for buying (US $) 89.140.000 -----
    Total offers for selling (US $) ------ -----

    Gooooooooooooooood Morning Rolclub

    "The More They Take, The More We Make"
    "Stay the Course, its the difference between Winners and whiners"

    9.71 Trillion taken out and still the Party has not started

    1. "2" Dinar rate change today, it was 1267, it is now 1265

    2. A (net) worth of dinars, IQD - 112,762,100,000 pulled out of circulation today 5/7/07.

    3. 18 banks participating today

    4. 137th auction since the beginning of CBI's reval plan

    5. 219 days into the CBI's reval plan. (Seven Months +)

    6. 9,711,539,461,000 dinars pulled from circulation !!

    6A. Conservative ESTIMATE of Dinars still in circulation or controlled by the CBI 7,288,460,539,000

    7. "0" Dinars back into circulation today

    8. 212 dinar change since Oct 1st (baseline was 1477) 14.353% increase in value of the dinar since beginning of reval plan (Approximatly Oct 1st).

    9. 2 point reduction in the rate so far this week. Was at 1267 at the end of last week, 1265 so far this week.

    10. 4 point drop in the month of May. Ended at 1269 in April, now stands at 1265
    In January we saw a 2.49% drop in the rate.
    In February we saw a .928% drop in the rate.
    In March we saw a .546% drop in the rate.
    In April we saw a .3142% drop in the rate

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