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  1. #441
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    The US Treasury is doing a great job on choking Iran
    By Olivier Guitta

    Financial pressure on Iran is gaining traction: as proved by this article from The Croissant:

    The US strategy to put financial pressure on Iran seems to be getting substantial results.
    Using a more discreet approach, pressure is being applied on banks, large multinationals dealing with Iran, in particular in the energy sector: in particular in Europe, Iran's main trading partner.

    Regarding banks, the results are impressive: according to diplomats and economical experts, not a single European bank now ventures in financing large projects in Iran. “The Americans played their cards very smartly” says a diplomatic source in Paris.
    Regarding multinationals, the US did not follow the strategy of the 1990’s of using a domestic law sanctioning companies (US and foreign with offices in the US) doing business with Iran. Instead they went directly to the foreign companies listed on Wall Street. They evoked sanctions, fines or the likely boycott from US pension funds. It is working, a French diplomat acknowledged: “it is very efficient. What can we do?”

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  3. #442
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    I received an email from a friend of mine whose husband is currently in Iraq. I don't think that she is vested in the dinar, so this is why I found her email very interesting. She talked about how her husband has been telling her for weeks now that it is really NOT that bad over there, and tons of progress has been made. She included the following link, saying that finally someone has published an accurate article in the US.

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  4. #443
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    Island working to rehabilitate leaders of the armed factions media
    (صوت العراق) - 07-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 07-05-2007
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    From behind the scenes.

    Press particular file

    According to a statement by the agency (file Press), before the merger on a number of the armed factions under the name of (Army of Muslims), led by Abdullah al-Janabi, where we had published an article in this column entitled came under the title (Abdullah al-Janabi due to the leadership of the Army of Muslims) has conducted channel (island) space last week, a lengthy dialogue is the first of its kind, with Al-Janabi, who has been mentioned as the meeting sponsored by the Muslim army commander is the new faction after the merger of several factions with each other. It is noteworthy that al-Janabi had disappeared after the second battle of Fallujah in 2004 was Roy himself in the interview how the Americans violated the obligation to the other without knowing what it is.

    The island was conducted before the interview with al-Janabi another interview with a spokesman of the Islamic Army in Iraq, Ibrahim al-Shamari. While al-Janabi appeared Lobularity and kinship to the viewers Shamari, who had appeared name and described his hand was covered so no one watches this film, which is a precautionary measure for security reasons.

    Perhaps the question that arises here is .. Why Shamari needed to cover the point while Tubeless Janab with that both were given on the basis of being the leaders of resistance factions?

    The answer to this question may be owned channel alone or may be the sheer desire of the party that can be seen in no other party sees no objections to the public.

    In any case, according to the new developments and subsequent According to leaks here and there, the emergence of al-Janabi, al-Shamri at times almost numbers expressing under Mabatt witnessed armed factions of some sort between the edges, it hardly intended to be an effort to rehabilitate some leaders of the armed factions to new humor of the political action, especially in terms of some relationships with Al Qaeda and its branch in Iraq (Iraq Islamic State).

    All of this coincides with a marked change in the discourse of the island of Al Qaeda and the Islamic State of Iraq, which have become keen to add (the so-called Islamic State of Iraq .. Sic), while mentioned in the news tape the bottom of your screen. Observers believe Followers of the armed factions that the island has played a role in the rehabilitation of some resistance leaders in preparation for the coming new phase may be pregnant big secrets.

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  5. #444
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    Prime Minister receives a telephone call from British Prime Minister
    (صوت العراق) - 07-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 07-05-2007
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    الاثنين 7 ايار 2007
    Monday, May 7, 2007

    Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki complete a telephone call from British Prime Minister Mr. Tony Blair this morning, when Britain's support new Iraqi government in its efforts to achieve security and stability and the rule of law, expressing his optimism about the outcome of both the Sharm el-Sheikh.
    And Mr. Prime Minister, that political efforts for greater attention and take precedence over security measures and military plan to impose law and bring about the desired results, pointing out that the escape of terrorist groups outside the city of Baghdad is proof of the success of the plan, and the government's determination to eliminate the terrorists wherever they are, however, of beatings Iron all the outlaws.
    Sovereignty and praised the cooperation between the British troops and Iraqi forces in the Basra governorate, and the positive role of clan elders and citizens in the province and their ability to overcome obstacles and differences and reject anything that would lead to instability in the province.

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  6. #445
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    Abbadi : next week announce the names Cabinet replacements bloc Chest
    (صوت العراق) - 07-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 07-05-2007
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    - Najaf / voices /
    Haider Abadi, a member of the Iraqi Parliament and leadership in the Islamic Dawa Party today, Monday, next week is expected to announce the names of the Cabinet of Ministers Substitute bloc chest from which it withdrew last weeks, and Abadi said in a press conference held after the visit of a delegation from the Islamic Da'wah Party Repertory supreme religious Ayatollah Mr. Ali al-Sistani in Najaf, "Mr. Prime Minister removed has been studying the list of names submitted to him from various quarters and titles, and now hope that the list be ready next week as we were told. We hope to announce next week during the convention of the House of Representatives "and on the content of the delegation's visit to Seestani What went by, Abadi said, "After the completion of the work of the Islamic Da'wah Party, a delegation of the party to visit Eminence Ayatollah Sayyid Ali al-Sistani to brief him on what happened at the party conference and the results it produced. Mr. Samaha his part, emphasized the need to provide daily services to meet the many citizens and receive complaints about lack of services and security and stated that security is one of the fundamental rights of citizens and must be provided, and touched on the Islamic Dawa Party has gathered ideas between Sunnis and the Shiites and do not differentiate among them and called for the party to the dissemination of such ideas which are in the interest of the Iraqi people without discrimination and Mr. administrative corruption exists in the State and the need for firmness and decisiveness on the subject of administrative corruption that wasted capacity and makes other trustees Masultin the fortunes of the Iraqi people. from our side we have of Mr. draft fight corrupt ranked first in the priorities of the party and also to to serve the people and provide security for them and touched his eminence to the criminal acts against intellectuals in Iraq, the Iraqi universities and the need to protect scientific centers and universities because the Iraqi flag is the foundation, said that science is the secret of success of any conference, RSNWT who conspire to kill the Palestinian people. Iraqi intellectuals and must be adequate monitoring force to stop such crimes and also spoke of the disparity and stratification must be responsible in the service of the people and that does not happen in the issue of salary disparity and must lift the standard of living of the Iraqi people

    The Iraqi government on the establishment of a lawsuit on Al-Jazeera, Al-Abbadi said, "Of course this is not new to Al-Jazeera, which was with the former regime against the Iraqi people and the people would not have been liberated now remained deduced from it. Perhaps the government was considering this but, in our view, we need to extend invitations lawsuit by people because the island is directly responsible for the killing says they incite the killing of Iraqis and incite terrorism and help groups that kill Iraqis wholesale "

    On reading the government and parliament of the precarious security situation in the center and south, Abbadi said "the situation is fragile Yes, we acknowledge that we are at a major change and we are building our security forces and certainly there are armed groups are still in the Iraqi street, and any friction resulting in such cases. France recall State ancient democracy where rioting occurred two years ago and got swept Paris and in London, but the important point that the state is moving in any direction? State moving towards disarmament outside the framework of the State and must be given the prestige of the State, the provision of services to citizens and the general line, which must abide by the state. "

    / End /

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  7. #446
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    Egyptian President commended the outcome of the Iraqi neighboring in Sharm
    (صوت العراق) - 07-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 07-05-2007
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    Egyptian president pays tribute
    The outcome of the Iraqi neighboring in Sharm el-Sheikh and calls for new steps

    CAIRO-Iraq voted Bilal-Sharif

    A spokesman for the Egyptian presidency, Ambassador Suleiman Awad told reporters after a meeting between President Hosni Mubarak and his counterpart Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan that gathered at the Iraqi neighboring and the International Covenant affirmed that the reconciliation and the Iraqi National Accord, regardless of race, religion or sect are considered a prerequisite for the success of the political process and restore calm the country.

    The ambassador added that President Mubarak Awad said these meetings step of the way and expressed his hope that Ttlohema other steps soon.

    And he (Awad) that both the Sharm el-Sheikh have made progress towards national reconciliation in Iraq at the same time pointing out that no one expected to emerge conferences magical solution leads to a change in the situation in Iraq overnight

    Awad also revealed in a visit close to Vice President Dick Cheney to Egypt within trip to the region. He pointed out that this visit comes within the framework of the American Administration's keenness to learn to appreciate the political leaderships region on the latest developments on the Iraqi arena as well as ways to break the stalemate in the peace process in the Middle East ending the suffering of the Palestinian people present.

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  8. #447
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    Customs re-fund savings customs
    (صوت العراق) - 07-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 07-05-2007
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    وزارة المالية
    The Ministry of Finance
    المكتب الأعلامي
    Media Bureau
    بغـــــــــــــــــد اد
    M / press pass

    ((Customs re-fund savings customs))

    Re Public Authority for Customs fund Adjaralkmark.

    The source explained that the body was re-activating Provident Fund customs and implementation of the directives of Mr. Baqir Jabr al-Zubaydi, Minister of Finance, this fund, which has been stalled since 2003 as fund disclosure of wages and 15% in accordance with resolution No. (4) in 2006, according to the provisions of the customs number (23) the 1984 rate.
    He added that he was honoring a group of staff of the distinguished as well as the families of martyrs and deceased, affected by the terrorist events of the Fund above.
    The source added that the Public Authority for Customs will implement several projects important and vital during the current year in light of the investment budget for 2007, including the rehabilitation of buildings Customs southern region, as well as customs warehouse in Zubayr will be secure modern tools that will help customs officers to carry out the tasks entrusted to them well our country serves as the provision of modern cars to fight smuggling across the border outlets with providing border outlets dedicated to a balance weight loads on trucks carrying cargo.
    The source is hoped that during the next two months that the body installed detectors for trucks entering and leaving via the border in Safwan and Umm Qasr, according to its contract by the Ministry of Finance last month with the People's Republic of China

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  9. #448
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    Default 1260

    Wan't there a post back in Feb about the dinar getting to 1260 by June. Can't remember the significance of it. Anybody?

  10. #449
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    Quote Originally Posted by RfxLady View Post
    Wan't there a post back in Feb about the dinar getting to 1260 by June. Can't remember the significance of it. Anybody?
    It was the amount that their 2007 budget was based off of.
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  11. #450
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    This isn't dated but was posted with todays news...

    Economic event : in light of the multiple economic enticements legislation .. Any method applies to the economic reality?

    Since the collapse of the United Iraqi state after previous April 9, 2003, features new image of the Iraqi economy did not seem evident, despite the clarity of the overall framework which was installed .. It ordered the state economy, driven by totalitarian authority towards political interests, to the uncontrolled market economy not controlled by any officer.

    Through many collapses injuring overall productive sectors, through the stages of degradation experienced by this rentier economy .. Have emerged for the ordinary citizen and observer economic phenomena many may not withdraw by constants and economic laws, which called for the adoption of many erratic (mobility commercial and financial mobility, as well as mobility productive) before economic laws and constants over recent years and years that preceded it ...

    Are features new Iraqi economy, after a series of laws and legislation designed to shape the final picture of this economy? Are deals ordinary citizen to accept and clear with new features? A series of questions tried some of the employees in the economic answer ... Abdul Jalil Al-Saadi (economic researcher) told us : perhaps not seen any economy in the world in twenty years, witnessed by the Iraqi economy from failures and missteps variety, a result of what is caused by damage to the corridors of politics, the different Phases tasted this economy, which has no real infrastructure for being economical unilateral were numerous.

    No experience collapse that occurred in the economies of East Asian countries (Tigers seven) in the mid-1990s of the last century could be similar experience catastrophic collapse of the Iraqi economy, and the Argentine economic crisis that occurred due to the sudden movement of the Argentine economy and non-systematic to a market economy, similar to what passed by the Iraqi economy fluctuations even reached the stage can be written off all its activities to establish a new direction and building the economy continued to global economics.

    Our economy may not apply vocabulary theory of supply and demand in many stages because of the multiplicity of factors influencing the performance of its economic imbalance, and the multiplicity of factors affecting these make the economic reality (raw) can be made available to the decision-making to chart out the features form a new Iraqi economy moving .. Valeria coming from the sale of oil and qualifies it seems, the political decision-maker for the state budget and then move towards shaping (raw material) intended to manufacture the final form of the economy.

    The citizen here (consumer), and appear to be part of the process of restructuring .. This citizen who did not expect that at the stage of the 1980s when the price of the car equal to the price of a pack of cigarettes value in the 1990s, is the same that was happening on the (vial of liquid gas) and at official thousand dinars, the equivalent of two years ago and now it is happening at a formal five thousand dinars, the equivalent of a satisfied, because he lived spiral crises and that commodity purchased twenty thousand dinars, and this applies to the subject of electric power, citizen now is on the verge of the summer season, it is ready to buy power at any price up to the limits of the price at which it buys trend unstable owners generators.

    The citizen has become an important part of the new composition of the Iraqi economy ... Mr. Abdul Amir Alawi (BA economy), he said to us : some economists called the nomination (adjustment phase) of this period of transition experienced by the Iraqi economy and intended time frame for the Iraqi economy until the early stages of stability, and this stage accompanied by disruptions in many systems and economic transactions, state transition from a state to a market economy and the existence of the productive structur.

    The economic base undergoes major disruptions, and these imbalances and the resulting price the consumer pays, how the case in the absence of infrastructure and productive economic base such as the economic reality in which we live that it will be very difficult for the public, and ordinary citizens will pay a heavy price bread covered in the stage adaptation of this, so I I think that the current drive towards attempts to support poorer classes through a network of social welfare or increase the salaries of junior staff, came to alleviate the burdens of the consequences of these classes this stage, it is natural to find a set of contradictions at the same time, the high value of the dinar against foreign currencies now seems to be contributes to the reduction of the price hike, and the citizen is psychologically ready to bear the expenses of campus services, which were previously subsidized by the State in a time when laws clearly features of the final picture of the Iraqi economy.

    As Ziad, the owner of an office Dealer, said to us : they say that Iraq's economy, is a so******t and was, for example, each dollar deals go hand, and then permitted to deal in dollars on the streets and sidewalks, sold public sector enterprises, but now say that a market economy, but we have yet to understand the features of this economy, legislation still focus difference (and gas bottles) became five thousand dinars, at the government and 20 thousand dinars on the black market, the dollar fall while prices do not go down, the law of supply and demand determines prices Maad!

    جريدة المدى - في ظل تجاذبات التشريعات الاقتصادية المتعددة .. أي منهج ينطبق على واقعنا الاقتصادي؟

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