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    Benchmarks Key to Iraq Deal, But What Are They?

    by Eric Weiner, May 7, 2007 · As the debate over the war in Iraq heats up, one word you're likely to hear often is benchmarks. They are key to overcoming the impasse between President Bush and the Democrat-controlled Congress. But the term is confusing and means different things to different people. Here, a guide for the benchmark-perplexed.
    What is a benchmark?
    A benchmark is any milestone that the Iraqi government must meet in a given amount of time. The White House and Congress have yet to hammer out specifics, but broadly speaking, everyone agrees on the kinds of milestones they want to see the Iraqi government meet:
    • Economic milestones, such as passing a law that equitably divides Iraq's oil wealth.
    • Political milestones, such as allowing former members of Saddam Hussein's Baath party to return to jobs they lost when the party was banned from government, the armed forces, state-owned companies, universities and high schools.
    • Security milestones, such as disbanding Shiite militia.
    Is the notion of benchmarks a new idea, one specific to Iraq?
    No. The United States often ties foreign aid to criteria that other governments must meet. This ranges from meeting certain financial targets, to cracking down on drug traffickers, to improving performance on human rights.
    So why are Iraqi benchmarks so contentious?
    Because the stakes are so high. At issue is not only money — U.S. aid — but also the fate of some 150,000 U.S. troops in Iraq.
    Who first proposed benchmarks for Iraq?
    The Iraq Study Group was among the first to suggest that the United States hold the Iraqi government accountable for progress. Last December, it said in its report:
    "The United States should work closely with Iraq's leaders to support the achievement of specific objectives—or milestones—on national reconciliation, security, and governance. Miracles cannot be expected, but the people of Iraq have the right to expect action and progress."
    Are there any drawbacks to setting deadlines for the Iraqi government?
    Possibly. The Iraqi government doesn't want to be seen as taking orders from Washington. That will further weaken it in the eyes of the Iraqi people. And, as the Bush administration argues, hard-and-fast benchmarks might tie the hands of the U.S. and Iraqi governments. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice made that point on CBS's Face The Nation on April 29.
    "To say 'we must do this if they don't do that' doesn't allow us the flexibility and creativity that we need to move this forward," Rice said.
    Many analysts, however, believe that the benefits of benchmarks outweigh the drawbacks. The Iraqi government, they say, must know what is expected of it.
    Is the Iraqi government capable of meeting the benchmarks?
    In the short run, probably not. The government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is weak and divided. Some analysts also question the resolve of Maliki and other Iraqi leaders. For instance, the Iraqi parliament, which has a backlog of crucial legislation pending, plans to take a two-month recess this summer.
    Who will determine whether the Iraqi government has met the benchmarks?
    That's not yet clear. The White House would like President Bush to make the determination. Some congressional Republicans have suggested that Gen. David Petraeus, the top military commander in Iraq, make the call. Others say an impartial body, such as the General Accountability Office, should be the judge. In any event, choosing the "referee" is important because many of the benchmarks are fuzzy and open to interpretation.
    How long does the Iraqi government have to meet the benchmarks?
    That depends on whom you ask. Some proposals call for President Bush to certify every 30 days that the Iraqi government is "fully cooperating" with U.S. efforts toward the benchmarks. Others allow for as long as four months between reports.
    What happens if the Iraqi government fails to meet the benchmarks?
    Good question. That's the pivotal issue, and it's the one that is being debated most fiercely now on Capitol Hill. Some congressional Democrats want the United States to begin withdrawing troops should the Iraqi government fail to meet the benchmarks. The White House is adamantly opposed to that. A possible compromise solution is for the United States to withhold about $5 billion in non-military aid from Iraq. That would give the benchmarks some teeth, but not so much that President Bush objects.
    Some analysts, however, question whether withholding funds will really make a difference to the United States now.
    "In order to spend serious money, you need serious institutions," says Jon Alterman of the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C.
    The Iraqi government doesn't have serious institutions, Alterman says, so withholding the funds is not likely to have much impact.

    NPR : Benchmarks Key to Iraq Deal, But What Are They?

  2. #462
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    The Prime Minister is meeting with the American President, through the department
    (صوت العراق) - 07-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 07-05-2007
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    بيان صحفي
    Press statement

    Prime Minister Nuri Kamel al-Maliki and President George W. Bush this afternoon dialogue via closed-circuit television.
    And Mr. Prime Minister stressed the need for continued cooperation and coordination between the Iraqi forces and the multinational force in the implementation of a plan to impose law which he said had achieved important successes in halting sectarian fighting with the challenge of survival of car bombs by the takfiri organizations and the henchmen of the former regime.
    He pointed out that sovereignty issued strict instructions to the Iraqi forces need to deal with all of the outlaws and professionalism, regardless of their religious and ethnic groups.
    The Prime Minister and the American President to both Sharm el-Sheikh preparing international support for a strong regional government of national unity.
    The President renewed American support for the political process and the democratic experiment in Iraq to contribute to the strengthening of security and stability, pointing out that a senior official in the American administration would visit the region to mobilize support for the government of national unity.

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  3. #463
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    Washington-Maliki implementation of its obligations or leave the arena
    (صوت العراق) - 07-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 07-05-2007
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    Iraqi oil reserves would stir the world lust after American withdrawal
    Washington-Maliki implementation of its obligations or leave the arena of regional war
    Washington-Baghdad-file Press

    It seems more likely in the debate between Bush and Democrats on Iraq rallied on the deal linking funding of the Iraq war, the timetable for withdrawal, provided that the Iraqi government accomplish specific political issues, but there is no reason to believe that Iraqi leaders will deal seriously with any subjects required longer compared shown Washington advised so far on the speed salvage its deal and support.

    Commitments have become well known to the leaders of the Iraqis, because the United States ruled last year pandering to the Iraqis around about a year extension through the re-erection on the Constitution, the enactment of a new law to guarantee fair participation oil dividends oil across regions, and stop the process of cleansing former Baathists from political life and government jobs, and the dismantling of Shiite militias sectarianism.

    And across most of the meetings between Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and American officials, the verbal expressions of reassurance were up in every way to President Bush, but if there was no negligence fully to American demands, from the Iraqi government, the interpretation is too broad to make it without meaning, or can easily be postponed in order to gain time.

    Maliki, as seen down bets, he accepted American demands, but at the same time alleviate the pressure on the militia of the Shiite coalition attacks, and even directly went away to clear Iraqi army officers because they are very active in pursuing the Mahdi Army, followers of Muqtada al-Sadr's main ally.

    The Iraqi leaders know that the United States did not invade their country without attention to become better off, I went to war in order to secure their own objectives-namely UNRISD currency Iraqi politicians from different components also (and not surprising that the Shiite and Kurdish parties that control both the current government less inclined to the attention of their objectives own, rather than follow the dictates of Washington, as long as each one of painful memories that have been ignored by the United States during the failed movement against Saddam in 1991).

    But the withdrawal of American knew everyone would mean abandoning many of the goals private American, and lead inevitably to weaken the moderate Arab regimes pledged to protect, and the abandonment of some of the largest oil reserves in the world and that would be the reason for the fighting between the Jihadis and the Baathists and agents of Iran, while Turkey and the Kurds Iraqis strongly Sidharbon under a paper on what is rapidly becoming a regional war.

    And now, the American presence might be all that preserves Iraq's unity, but let him fall away and caused profound damage to the workshops of the broad American interests. It seems that the Iraqi leaders know the restrictions on American effectiveness in Baghdad more visible Democrats in Congress, studded Withdrawing from Baghdad would urge Baghdad to look towards Iran-even China might be willing to implicate a number of billions if he could buy that portion of the oil transactions, and will not appear that there is any reasonable scenario for the replacement of Al-Maliki, then a long time until finding a strong man might be able to contain the aspirations of the Shiites, which has long gone and today the Iraqi army in its majority Shiites, with the response of a street and Ayatollah Sistani might make Iraq can not be wiser than any the system lacks their consent.

    Certainly the Iraqi leaders to presume that the cost of personnel and funds in the United States staying in the country without the possibility of victory will be a taboo for Washington, as it appears now already for the majority of Americans, but delay the moment the extent possible advantages, allowing the components to build strength Iraqi Special time they are trying to extend basic American firepower against their opponents. Even Sadr, kept one foot in the government and other Shiite authority to the street criticizing the Americans and wants a timetable for withdrawal.

    The United States can not win in Iraq realize converted into a stable country supported American policies in the region, but it is also not prepared to accept the consequences of the defeat, and this may be all determine what kind of predicament, which was in the minds of the American Secretary of State, Colin Powell, when former President Bush warned that the "rule livestock in a ceramics factory "applies to the invasion of Iraq :" You breakup, you owned. "

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  4. #464
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    The most important events and activities of the ministries and state institutions

    (صوت العراق) - 07-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 07-05-2007

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    جمهورية العراق
    Republic of Iraq

    ديوان الرئاسة
    Presidential Office

    المكتب الصحفي
    Press Office

    وزارة الدفاع
    The Ministry of Defense

    نشاطات الوزارة:
    The activities of the ministry :

    1- قوات الجيش العراقي تقتل 5 ارهابيين وتلقي القبض على 3 آخرين وتعتقل 120 من المشتبه بهم وتبطل مفعول سيارة مفخخة و4 عبوات ناسفة في بغداد والمحافظات.
    1-Iraqi army forces kill 5 terrorists and detaining three others and arresting 120 suspects and override a car bomb and 4 bombs in Baghdad and other governorates.

    2- قوات الجيش تلقي القبض على 10 إرهابيين مطلوبين في الموصل وتستولي على مستودع كبير للأسلحة.
    2-Army forces arrested 10 wanted terrorists in Mosul and appropriating a large repository of weapons.

    3- وزارة الدفاع تمدد فترة استقبال الضباط لغرض إعادتهم الى الخدمة.
    3 - The Ministry of Defense extended for the purpose of receiving officers returned to service.

    وزارة الخارجية
    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    نشاطات الوزير:
    Activities minister :

    وزير الخارجية يجتمع بنظيره الاردني ويبحث معه عدد من القضايا ذات الاهتمام المشترك.
    Foreign Minister meets Jordanian counterpart and discussed with him a number of issues of common interest.

    امانة بغداد
    Baghdad Secretariat

    نشاطات الامانة:
    Activities of the Secretariat :

    1- قامت دائرة بلدية الكرادة خلال الأيام الثلاثة الماضية بإصلاح (9) كسورات ونضوحات في شبكات الماء الصافي ضمن الرقعة الجغرافية للدائرة البلدية..
    1-Service has Karadah municipality in the past three days reform (9) and Cksorat Ndouhat water systems in the net within the geographic area of the municipality ..
    فيما قام قسم الطرق بإصلاح عدد كبير من الحفر والمطبات في الشوارع الرئيسية والداخلية إضافة إلى صيانــة بعض الطرق واكساءها بالإسفلت حيث تم أكساء حوالي (150) م2 في العديد من الشوارع والأزقة..
    With the reform of the way a large number of potholes and bumps in the main streets and Interior addition to the maintenance of some roads and اكساءها asphalt where clothing was about (150) m 2 in many streets and alleys ..
    إما القسم الزراعي فقد قام من جانبه بالاهتمام بالمزروعات التي تم زراعتها سابقا" وسقيها وتنظيف الجزرات الوسطية والاستمرار في زراعة الأماكن التي لم يتم زراعتها سابقا"..
    The agricultural section, for its part, the attention that had been cultivated crops were previously "and watered and clean carrots moderate and continue growing places that have not been previously cultivated" ..
    من جهته أشرف قسم النظافة على مراقبة عمليات التنظيف للرقعة الجغرافية للدائرة المذكورة حيث يتم يوميا" رفع حوالي ( 300 ) م2 من النفايات إضافة إلى حوالي (12) م2 من أنقاض البناء يوميا".
    For his part, Ashraf Section hygiene control over its geographical cleaning of the Service, where daily "about lifting (300) m 2 of waste in addition to about (12) m 2 of building rubble every day."
    فيما قامت دائرة بلدية الكرخ بإصلاح حوالي (15) كسر ونضوح في شبكات الماء الصافي خلال الأيام الثلاث الماضية..
    With the reform of the Karkh municipality about (15) and Exuding break in the water net during the past three days ..
    فيما قام قسم الطرق أضافه إلى أكساء وإصلاح عدد كبير من الحفر والمطبات للعديد من الشوارع في المنطقة أضافه إلى قيام الدوائر بحملة تبليط في منطقة الصالحية..
    With the addition of the road to clothing and repair a large number of potholes and bumps to many of the streets in the region in addition to the Chambers campaign surfacing in Saliheya area ..
    أما القسم الزراعي هو الأخر مستمر في تنفيذ خطته الزراعية بإدامة المزروعات في الجزرات الوسطية والساحات والتقاطعات أضافه إلى قيامة بتنفيذ تجميل شارع الكندي الذي تم اختياره من قبل دائرة بلدية مركز الكرخ لتطويره وتجميله ليكون نموذج لبقية شوارع المنطقـــة...
    The agricultural section is the other trend in the implementation of his agricultural crops in sustaining moderate and carrots squares and intersections in addition to doing the implementation Canadian beautification Street, which was chosen by the Service Center Karkh municipality to develop and beautifying to be a model for the rest of the streets of the region ...
    من جهته قام قسم النظافة بالأشراف على عمليات التنظيف ورفع النفايات والتي تبلغ يوميا" حوالي (220) م3 من النفايات إضافة إلى حوالي (60) م3 من أنقاض البناء.
    For his part, the Section hygiene supervision of cleaning and garbage, which amounts to daily "about (220) m 3 of waste in addition to about (60) m 3 from the ruins of construction.

    2- تواصل دائرة المخلفات ألصلبه والبيئة عملها اليومي في متابعة عمليات التنظيف وعمليات الطمر الصحي وإتباع الأساليب الحديثة والصحية في هذه العمليات حفاظا على البيئة.
    2-Service continues solid waste and the environment in their daily work of cleaning up and dump drainage, a modern techniques and health in these processes in order to preserve the environment.
    فقد قامت الدائرة المذكورة أمس بمراقبه نظافة محطة الصدر التحويلية مع مراقبه نظافة المحلات السكنية الواقعة ضمن الرقعة الجغرافية لدائرة بلديه الصدر الأولى أضافه إلى مراقبه نظافة المحلات السكنية الواقعة ضمن الرقعة الجغرافية لدائرة بلديه الكاظمية ومحطة الشعلة التحويلية.
    The Service has mentioned yesterday control cleaner manufacturing plant chest with control cleaner housing shops located in the geographical vicinity of the Municipality in addition to the first-Sadr control cleaner housing shops located in the geographical vicinity of the municipality of Al-Kazimiyah and torch manufacturing plant.
    إما بخصوص عمليات الطمر الصحي فقد أشرفت الدائرة على عمليات الطمر الصحي في موقع العماري الذي يصل إليه يوميا حوالي (6600) م2 من النفايات من جانب الرصافة تم طمرها وتغطيتها بطبقة من التراب أيضا.
    As for the dump Health Service has supervised the operations of the dump site in the health-Amari, which have reached nearly daily (6600) m 2 of waste by burying been Rasafa and covered a layer of sand as well.

    وزارة الصحة
    The Ministry of Health

    الموقف اليومي:
    Daily position :

    1-الموقف اليومي للجرحى والشهداء (عمليات ارهابية) من الساعة 9 صباحاً يوم 6/5/2007 الى الساعة 9 يوم 7/5/2007 الجرحى (128)، الشهداء (38).
    1-position daily to the injured and martyrs (terrorist operations) at 9:00 on May 6, 2007 at 9 am on May 7, 2007 wounded (128), martyrs (38).

    2- الموقف اليومي لمعهد الطب العدلي من الساعة 8 صباحاً يوم 6/5/2007 الى الساعة 8 يوم 7/5/2007 معلومة الهوية (10)، مجهولة الهوية (11)، المجموع (21).
    2-position daily of the Institute of Medical center at 8:00 on May 6, 2007 at 8 am on May 7, 2007 unknown identity (10), unknown (11), Total (21).

    وزارة المالية
    The Ministry of Finance

    نشاطات الوزارة:
    The activities of the ministry :

    1- ضبطت الهيئة العامة للكمارك أربعة شاحنات محملة باللحوم غير صالحة للأستهلاك البشري وذات منشأ هندي في مركز كمرك طريبيل الحدودي وتم أعادتها الى الجانب الأردني.
    1-seized the Public Authority for Customs four trucks loaded with meat unfit for human consumption and of Indian origin at the center of the Customs Trebil border has been returned to the Jordanian side.

    2- اعلن مصدر مسؤول في الهيئة العامة للكمارك أنه تم أعادة وتفعيل العمل بصندوق أدخار الكمارك وذلك تنفيذا لتوجيهات وزير المالية.
    2-An official source at the Public Authority for Customs has been re-activating Provident Fund customs and implementation of the directives of the Minister of Finance.
    واضاف المصدر ان الصندوق الذي توقف العمل فيه منذ عام 2003 يمول من أجور الكشف وبنسبة 15% وفقا للقرار المرقم (4) في2006 وأستنادا لأحكام قانون الكمارك رقم (23) لسنة 1984 المعدل.
    The source added that the Fund, which has been stalled since 2003 financed from wages and detection rate of 15% in accordance with resolution No. (4) in 2006, according to the provisions of the customs number (23) of 1984 as amended.

    3- حققت شركة التأمين الوطنية أقساطا لمختلف أنواع التأمين قدرها (7389) ألف دينار وذلك خلال الأسبوع الأخير من شهر نيسان الماضي هذا وقد قامت الشركة بأعلام الوزارات والدوائر والشركات الحكومية وشركات القطاع الخا ص بأقساط التأمين المترتبة بذمتهم تجاه الشركة.
    3 - The national insurance company premiums for various types of insurance (7389) thousand dinars, and during the last week of April, this company has informed the ministries, departments and government corporations, and private insurance premiums of% Al implications dues to the company.

    4- قام المصرف الزراعي بالتأكيد على جميع فروعه في بغداد والمحافظات بضرورة تحصيل القروض الممنوحة للفلاحين والمزارعين المتأخرين عن التسديد مع اعادة الجدولة بالنسبة للمعسرين منهم لمساعدتهم على تجاوز ظروفهم الصعبة مع استمرار المصرف بتنظيم معاملات الأقراض الخاصة بالفلاحين المشمولين بمشروع صندوق قروض الفلاحين الميسر وبما يضمن استفادة أكبر عدد ممكن من الفلاحين والمزارعين.
    4 - The Agricultural Bank certainly at all of its branches in Baghdad and the provinces need to collect the loans given to farmers and farmers in arrears with payment rescheduling for the indigent to help them to overcome the difficult conditions with the continuation of the bank's lending transactions organizing peasants covered by the draft Loan Fund peasants and facilitator to ensure that the greatest number possible peasant farmers.

    وزارة الموارد المائية
    Ministry of Water Resources

    نشاطات الوزارة:
    The activities of the ministry :

    1- واصلت المديرية العامة لتشغيل وصيانة مشاريع الري اعمالها في تنظيم الري في انهر البصرة ويتضمن تاهيل الانهر المتفرعة من شط العرب وجعلها مهيأة لخدمة المناطق المجاورة لها لاغراض الزراعة والارواء وبكلفة تصل الى (2) مليار دينار.
    1 - The Directorate-General for the operation and maintenance of irrigation projects in the organization of its irrigation in Basra and Nenjiang rivers include the rehabilitation of branching from the Shatt al-Arab and make it ready to serve adjacent areas for agriculture and Perfusion and cost up to (2) billion dinars.

    2- واصلت شركة الرافدين العامة لتنفيذ مشاريع الري اعمالها في مشروع استصلاح اراضي نهر سعد في محافظة ميسان وعلى الجهة اليسرى من نهر دجلة ايسر طريق (بغداد- عمارة ) شرق مدينة العمارة حيث تبلغ المساحة الكلية للمشروع (90،000) دونم مقسمة الى اربعة مراحل وتقوم الشركة حاليا بتنفيذ المرحلة الثالثة منها وبمساحة (5300) دونم وبكلفة تقدر (5) مليارات دينار.
    2-Rafidain Company continued to implement its irrigation projects in the draft land reclamation River Saad in Maysan governorate and on the left side of the Tigris River easier through (Baghdad-Amara) east of the city of Amarah, where the total area of the draft dunums (90.000), divided into four stages, and the company is currently implementing the third phase of The area (5300), at an estimated cost of dunams (5) billion dinars.

    3- انجزت المديرية العامة للسدود والخزانات اعمال الصيانة الدورية لسدتي الكوفة والعباسية واعمال الخدمات الادارية للمشروع مع تنفيذ بناية الدائرة لسدة الكوفة وناظم العباسية اضافة الى تجهيز ونصب وتشغيل وفحص محطة تصفية الماء سعة (25)م3/ساعة بكلفة كلية قدره (707) مليون دينار.
    3-completed General Directorate of dams and reservoirs for periodic maintenance work Sada Kufa and Al-Abbasiya, the work of administrative services with the implementation of the project for building the helm of Kufa and Al-Abbasiya Nazim addition to the processing and fraud, and check the operation of the water purification plant capacity (25) m 3 / hour cost of college (707) million dinars.

    وزارة العمل و الشؤون الاجتماعية
    The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs

    نشاطات الوزارة:
    The activities of the ministry :

    1- فاتحت الوزارة وزارة البلديات والاشغال لتخصيص قطع اراضي لانشاء مجمعات اصلاحية جديدة .وتتابع الدائرة هذا الموضوع الذي يتضمن المطالبة بتخصيص قطع اراضي تصل مساحتها الى 20 دونماً في كل من محافظتي ذي قار والبصرة لاقامة مجمعين اصلاحيين فيها ، وهذه الخطوة تأتي في أطار سعي الوزارة الحثيث والمتواصل لتوسيع مجمعاتها الاصلاحية لتشمل معظم محافظات البلاد الامر الذي سيسهم في تسهيل انسيابية عمل الدائرة في تنفيذ برامجها الاصلاحية للمودعين في هاتين المحافظتين والمناطق القريبة منها .
    I approached the ministry-the Ministry of Municipalities and Works for allocation of plots of land for the establishment of new parks reform. Following the theme of this claim, which includes the allocation of plots of land occupies 20 dunums in each of Dhi Qar and Basra for a unanimous reformists, and this step comes within the framework of the Ministry of rapid and continuing to expand Correctional compounds include most provinces of the country, which will contribute in facilitating the cruise work in the implementation of their reform programs to depositors in these two provinces and regions nearby.
    حيث تابعت اللجنة الفنية في الدائرة المحاضرات الارشادية التي تلقى على الاحداث في قسم احداث الكرخ من اجل الاطلاع على واقع سير تلك البرامج الاصلاحية من خلال الباحثين والاحداث.
    The terms of the technical committee in the Chamber indicative receive lectures on events in the Karkh events to be found on the reality that the reform programs through research and events.

    2- اعلنت الوزارة عن استمرار عملية توزيع رواتب المشمولين ببرنامج شبكة الحماية الاجتماعية عن طريق المكاتب البريدية المخصصة لكل مشمول وحسب السياق المعمول به .
    2 - The Ministry of the continuing process of distributing salaries covered by the network of social protection through postal offices for each covered by the context in force.
    حيث واصلت الدائرة ومن خلال صندوق شبكة الحماية الاجتماعية صرف رواتب المشمولين بالاعانة عن طريق المكاتب البريدية العاملة في بغداد والمحافظات .
    As it continued through the network of social protection pay subsidy covered by postal offices operating in Baghdad and other governorates.
    وان الدائرة ارسلت مندوبين من قبلها لمتابعة سير عملية توزيع الرواتب وانسيابية العمل واستقبال شكاوي المواطنين والرد على استفساراتهم وملاحظاتهم وتقديم تقرير مفصل الى مكتب السيد المدير العام لدائرة الرعاية الاجتماعية .
    The Chamber sent delegates accepted to follow up the process of distribution of salaries and cruise and receive complaints from citizens and answer their questions, comments and submit a detailed report to the Office of the Director General of the Department of Social Welfare.
    كما تواصل الدائرة استقبال طلبات المواطنين لغرض الشمول ببرنامج شبكة الحماية الاجتماعية عن طريق مجلس المحافظة ودوائر المجالس البلدية.
    The Service continues to receive requests for citizens for the purpose of the network coverage of social protection through the preservation and the municipal councils.

    البنك المركزي

    نشاطات البنك:
    The activities of the World :

    1- تم افتتاح المزاد اليومي الثامن عشر بعد التسعمائة لبيع وشراء العملة الأجنبية في البنك المركزي العراقي ليوم الأثنين المـوافق 7/5/2007.
    I was the opening-day auction 18th to 900th after buying and selling foreign currency in the Central Bank of Iraq to be held on Monday, May 7, 2007.

    2- وكانت عدد المصارف المساهمة في المزاد 18.
    2 - The number of banks contributing to auction 18.

    3- السعر الاساسي الذي رسا عليه المزاد بيعاً دينار/ دولار 1265.
    3-price basic yacht in the auction sale dinars / $ 1265.

    4- المبلغ المباع من قبل البنك بسعر المزاد (دولار) 89،140،000.
    4-amount sold by the bank at auction ($) 89.140.000.

    5- مجموع عروض الشراء (دولار) 89،140،000.
    5-Total bids ($) 89.140.000.

    6- سعر البيع للحوالات (1264) دينار/دولار.
    6-sale price of remittances dinars (1264) / $.

    7- سعر البيع النقدي (1276) دينار/ دولار
    7-cash sales price (1276) dinars / $

    8- الكمية المباعة بمبلغ (18،550،000) دولار وحوالات بمبلغ (70،590،000)
    8-quantity sold at $ (18.550.000), the amount of remittances (70.590.000)

    وزارة الصناعة و المعادن
    The Ministry of Industry and Minerals

    نشاطات الوزارة:
    The activities of the ministry :

    1- بلغت قيمة المبيعات على مستوى قطاع النسيجية (106.300) مليون دينار.
    1 - The value of sales at the level of the textile sector (106.300) million dinars.

    2- يقوم فريق الفحص الهندسي المتواجد في موقع تشييد ونصب خزانات محطة كهرباء ديزلات الحرية بأجراء اعمال الفحوصات الهندسية لكافة فقرات التنفيذ ومفاصل اللحام المختلفة حيث بلغت نسبة الفحص الهندسي للخزانات سعة (5000 م3 عدد /2) 74% وللخزانات سعة (300م3 عدد/4)75% وللخزان سعة (150م3) 80% وللخزان سعة (100م3) 80% كذلك اما بالنسبة للخزانات المصنعة بالكامل فقد تم الانتهاء من اعمال التصوير الشعاعي والفحص الفراغي ويجري العمل حاليا" على تهيئة المستلزمات الخاصة بالفحص المائي حيث بلغت نسبة انجاز مجمل هذا النشاط (85%).
    2-A team engineering tests randomly on a construction site, and installed septic power station Dezlat freedom to conduct tests of engineering for all paragraphs of implementation and joints welding different hitting percentage engineering tests of the septic capacity (5000 3 Number / 2) 74% and septic capacity (300 m 3 Number / 4) 75% and the tank capacity (150 m 3) 80% and the tank capacity (100 m 3) 80%, well As for the tanks have been manufactured in full completion of the screening and testing imaging vacuum currently being "to create water supplies for examination by a percentage of the overall completion of this activity (85%).

    وزارة التربية
    The Ministry of Education

    نشاطات الوزارة:
    The activities of the ministry :

    1- حثت وزارة التربية ادارات المدارس على عدم استخدام العنف الجسدي ضد الطلبة بسب تقصيرهم لاي سبب كان،متوعدة من يستخدم هذا العنف ستعرضة الى المسألة القانونية.
    1 - The Ministry of Education urged school administrations not to use physical violence against students because of their whatever reason, the space used by this violence will be submitted to the legal issue.

    2- اصدرت المديرية العامة لتربية بابل عددها العاشر من مجلة (اضواء) اذ تعنى هده المجلة بالفنون والاداب المدرسية وغيرها من الموضوعات.
    2 - The Directorate General of the Educational Babylon the 10th edition of the (lights), as mean plunged magazine arts and literature and other school subjects.

    3- اقامت المديرية العامة لتربية بابل مؤتمرها الارشادي الاول وناقش المؤتمر عدة موضوعات منها مشاكل الاشراف التربوي وضعف الاعداد التعليمي والمهني لعدد من لمدرسين واسباب رسوب الطلبة في المرحلة الاعدادية ونوقشت هذه المواضيع عن طريق دراسة ميدانية تحليلية.
    3-established General Directorate of Educational Babylon indicative its first conference discussed various topics, including problems Tutoring and weak educational and vocational preparation for a number of reasons for the failure of teachers and students in the middle school and discussed these topics through a field study analytical.

    4- تستنكر وزارة التربة الاعمال الارهابية الاجرامية التي تستهدف الطلبة والكادر التعليمي والتدريسي ومنها الاعتداء الارهابي الذي استهدف مدرسة البشائر المختلطة حيث ادى انفجار عبوة ناسفة كانت موضوعة على جانب الطريق الى استشهاد طالب واصابة ستة اخرين بينهم اثنان بحالة خطرة جدا.
    4-deplores the Ministry of soil criminal terrorist acts that target students and cadre education and teaching, including the terrorist attack that targeted a school Hidden Valley, where mixed explosive device was placed at the side of the road to martyrdom student and injuring six others, including two very dangerous situation.

    5- نظمت المديرية العامة لتربية الرصافة الثانية بالتعاون مع منظمة (الارسال لبناء قدرات حقوق الانسان) ورشة عمل اختصت بالفساد الاداري واثره في بناء الدولة وتنشئت المجتمع وشرحت الورشة مفصلا انواع الفساد الاداري واسبابه واثاره السلبية التي تنخر بدوائر الدولة العراقية.
    5-organized by the Directorate General of the Educational Rasafa second collaboration with the (transmitter to build the capacity of human rights), a workshop singled administrative corruption and its impact on building the state and society Tencet workshop and explained in detail the types of administrative corruption, its causes and its negative effects plaguing districts of the Iraqi state.

    6- اقامت وزارة التربية معرضا لرسوم الاطفال شاركت فيه العديد من رياض الاطفال وضم المعرض لوحات فنية واعمال يدوية من انتاج معلمات الرياض جسدت افكار الاطفال واحلامهم في التطلع لغد مشرق.
    6 - The Ministry of Education exhibition of children's drawings in which many kindergartens The exhibition of paintings, hand grenades produce teachers Riyadh embodied the ideas and dreams of children look bright tomorrow.

    7- شاركت وزارة التربية في المهرجان السنوي المقام في وزارة الثقافة اذ شاركت الوزارة بلوحات فنية معدة من قبل طلبة المدارس.
    7 - The Ministry of Education participated in the annual festival here in the Ministry of Culture Ministry participated as a technical plates designed by school students.

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    to be called for a strong inside role in the solution and supported the idea of the needed push

    بموقف موحد

    بموقف uniform

    Politician : Iraq needs to be a national covenant to invest results Sharm el-Sheikh

    بغداد - الصباح
    Followers consider carefully the need to conclude the Iraqi political forces at home, including recent national unanimity investment world to help Iraq following the Sharm el-Sheikh. He supported politicians spoke to "Assabah" the idea of speeding up the holding of the necessary push cooperation and harmony in line with the International Covenant, which provided sound base and foundation for the internal support the government of national unity and the tightening of her power.

    He says MP Hassan Al-Sunaid to alienate the queue for national unity, international means compromise historic opportunity may not happen again in Iraq. He explained that the political forces that are based in their positions to support regional losers will be determined to adhere to this position, saying : that these forces, which he described otherwise consistent with the government to lose hope after today from any regional or international intervention to change the political equation in Iraq. Seem urgent need for Iraq to a political agreement commits all parties to work for the sake of the country after the government's success in raising the world to detour around and support financially and morally.

    As is inevitable Sunaid resorting to such a national covenant, it holds the government responsible for expensive, and that - as he said - not to leave eroding international support becomes into oblivion.
    The same observers that the results of the Sharm el-Sheikh started to yield fruit very quickly, in addition to the call for early reconciliation and amnesty, the expansion of the partnership political parties and national forces inside and outside the Parliament has to consider the value that it played a role in healing, and do not give a solution to the whole world countries, and noted that the Iraqi street will be considered "revulsion" at the political forces that had lagged behind treatment and left dependent on foreign countries, however.

    But Dr. Adnan Al-Dulaimi President Accord Front said : Congratulations to what the government is doing, thus leaving the door open to the participation of positive points to the need for compatibility leaders convinced that everyone in line to benefit from the results of the Sharm el-Sheikh summit, said the official spokesman of the Front Salim al-Jabouri, the idea of a national covenant internal necessary and suggested that the political blocs schedules and timing of the changes and results to be obtained from the fruits of the International Covenant, in order to prevail confidence and teamwork prevails he said.

    According to officials talk of the "morning" They need to develop a positive attitude in the least to gain the confidence of the citizens who will light the apartment themselves if these divisions are not able to adapt to reform the House from the inside, says Deputy Ayad Jamal al-Din that the covenants and agreements are worthless if there are different forces, and pay this talk to the conviction that those forces agreeing first to translate the idea of promoting collective production.

    The MP resolved Wael Abdel Latif by saying that Iraq actually needs a national covenant reinforcing the International Covenant and do his steps, we must first add speed to convene a national conference for the completion of dialogue and reconciliation.
    The government of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has mobilized international support for Iraq politically, economically and security at the Sharm el-Sheikh last week, what has given impetus to the confidence of the Iraqi street, which is now repeating that the country desperately needs to abandon the era in which local forces disquisitions on the convulsive and divergent positions and doubts Standing between them.

    Will "morning" call centers of power and influence to the need to hold political parties, movements and parliamentary blocs and movements and groups outside the political process, including the recent contribution to redressing the situation as citizens according may not create burdens, we beseech solutions from the outside.
    And trusting citizens that the crux of the problem is at home, is the splinter factions themselves and not Ansjammehem in a unified vision to support the government of national unity and its responsibilities on the degree of support, which is supposed to holdings of all forces.

    Observers expect to reveal the coming days detour around the broad government Al-Maliki, makes for great tasks to arrange regarding Iraq and the abandonment of attitudes and decisions which imposed certain conditions will no longer exist after the conclusion of a national covenant.

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    the need to take steps quickly in order not to alienate the unanimous world to help Arroub

    International Covenant in Sharm el-Sheikh imposed on the political forces inside the conclusion of a national covenant between
    Baghdad morning
    Politicians and citizens agreed that the document of the International provided the political process in Iraq, international support, including secure and enhance the stability of its economy, stressing that the activation of the Sharm el-Sheikh decisions and translate them into action programs contribute to the building of the future of the country but requires national covenant and around government programs based on the criterion of Iraqis.

    They also asked for meetings conducted by "Assabah" work seriously to create arable land to crystallize ideas and promises in Sharm el-Sheikh and translated into a march serve the new Iraq, the burden on the Iraqi national forces stand carefully responsibility to support the government's programs and the direction of the events of political and economic reforms and security, stressing that the International Covenant develop lumps political, parliamentary and civil society before the Iraqi difficult tasks requiring a solution from within each problems and achieve tangible positive results on the economic and security situation in light of international support.

    A precious opportunity
    The MP said the Iraqi Coalition Hassan Sunaid : The International provided a great opportunity for the political forces to benefit from the international support it did not receive state in the world to stop global such stand that Iraq obtained, and it has become the responsibility of all parties to create the ground and unite visions within the Iraqi house in order to accommodate this support and development steps advanced.
    That unity alienate international support, I mean compromise important opportunity may not happen by Iraq again.
    He said : The government should also benefit from the opening up diplomatic obtained by the fact that the regional movement to pressure some national parties to take positions consistent with the national interest, adding that the government can also activate the resolutions of Sharm El Sheikh through programs and memoranda of understanding and protocols with participating States begin immediately to move the conclusion Machine diplomacy from now until the leaves eroding international support and become forgotten and said : the government formed a working group to translate data respect the International Covenant and neighborly to national action programs in order to keep such data is not ink on paper.
    He added, we know that the responsibility is exchanged between international forces and the Iraqi national, and this responsibility must go through government programs and projects of different kind of national reconstruction and reform of the Constitution and the draft economic reform and the opening of the political process also has become necessary to the existence of the parallel between success and effort the international community.
    He added Sunaid saying : I think that what got government support could be a good impetus to unify the political vision of national and parking all nations supportive attitude of the government without mudslinging or Touré, I also think that the political forces were not consistent with the government to lose hope after today from any interference or regional states trying to change the equation. political.

    Political commitments
    Meanwhile, spokesman for d Accord Front. Salim Abdullah al-Jabouri need to translate between the local political actors, especially in parliament and the government in the light of the international community to support Iraq.
    Al-Jabouri says : This is achieved by reference to the commitments of the political blocs among themselves and between the citizen and commitments from the other side.
    He adds : all the political blocs to set a timetable agreed by them to make political and economic reforms and security to reassure prevail among them and confidence in the atmosphere and thus demonstrate the gravity of which do not implement the conventions.
    He pointed out that the target of these steps are not enough unless it also supported other points, such as goodwill and revert to the government and solidarity between all the lumps out of the current impasse in addition to giving genuine participation in decision-making.
    The spokesman Accord Front that the current stage is difficult, especially as the security aspect need to be resolved internally and more serious than the present, adding that the first Accord Front called for the internal among all the political blocs to agree on a common vision towards all issues on letting everyone session without marginalizing one.

    Era Constitution
    And found Mr. Ayad Jamal al-Din deputy Iraqi List, which links to the Iraqi people and any of the world's peoples is the Constitution stating that in the event of a disagreement thereon must be reviewed and adjusted in order to be truly tent all Iraqis.
    He explained Gamal Eddin Erman told (morning) that there is a paragraph in the Constitution to be amended. Pointing out that the Constitution Review Committee is the most of any conference this Committee that combines the views of all political forces represented in Parliament, whether or not represented, including the peaceful opposition forces.
    He said : that all conferences and covenants are worthless as long as there is disagreement on the constitution, however, stressed the need for national covenant is the constitution, pointing to the importance of expediting the convening of a national reconciliation conference to meet what they united by different nationalist school of thought there was no mosque only united by the Constitution.

    In the interest of national project
    Dr. Wael Abdel Latif, a member of the Iraqi List confirmed that the document the international community ultimately discharges in favor of the national project, pointing out that accurate reading of this document, and in particular those came in five wanted the government to complete the project nationally.
    Dr Abdul Latif said in a telephone conversation with the (morning) and the International Covenant document contains five points fundamental support national project, including the national government and the national reconciliation as well as political and economic reforms.
    He said : we really needed to national covenant internal reinforcing the International Covenant and do its steps and operating from a basic process for the correction and evaluation of the political process, including the exit of foreign forces and the disbandment and congregation of all political forces, however, pointed out that the draft International Covenant answer every dream involved the political process including the resistance or the opposition.
    He called Dr. Wael Abdel Latif to expedite the convening of a national conference to achieve dialogue and reconciliation, adding that it was important that the Iraqis complete their national project.

    Satisfaction compatibility
    The Chairman of the Iraqi Accord Front Adnan Al-Dulaimi that the front is great satisfaction as a result of the Sharm el-Sheikh Arab attitudes toward thanking those decisions, in particular support for reforms and an end to the militias and create a balance in governmental institutions.
    He continued, Al-Dulaimi said : "We now await what will be played by the Iraqi government reforms and procedures for balance in the state and the Iraqi government.
    The deputy Ibrahim Relief Accord Front, confirmed that Iraq needed an agreement between all the actors in the arena over the country's need for international covenant. He said Relief : The big success is local unanimity to achieve security and stability in the country and not material support or give money and the issue of reconstruction.
    Adds deputy consensus that the Front supports any action or agreement leading to preserve Iraqi blood and achieve stability in the country, and the politicians and the faithful of this requirement is the public pays Iraq to safety.

    In this area also, Dr Abdul Rahman Khodeir Abbas, a university professor : The spread decisions both Sharm El-Sheikh on many aspects and is a big step on the political, economic, security, as recognized by the countries participating in the conferences importance stabilization of the political process and support the government in the fight against terrorism and to disarm the militias and reconstruction.

    We have a promise to reduce debt and provide loans and offer technical assistance and support for a plan to impose law and the promotion of national reconciliation initiative, and all of this work requires all Iraqi political bloc, their deputies and their governmental and non-governmental organizations that perform joint effort in order to activate these recommendations and to fulfill the promises we have ..
    Everybody should unite and gather around their voice to government programs and the country's progress towards fulfilling ...On the political blocs must work seriously to create the ground and support dialogue and political accommodation.
    Requesting Hasna Muhammad Hussein-Mustansiriyah University, says : The spread of Sharm el-Sheikh hope and optimism among the Iraqi citizen, but what is more important is how to translate these decisions into practical and effective steps that would provide the requirements of the progress desired by the Iraqis in various fields, and this requires perseverance and effort on the part of political forces that should waive all Tmalsha and cons of responsibility and pushing firmly on the path to success of the political process has damaged Iraqis Hall disasters and crises they have lived and now we hear the internationalization of crises that we first make effort to resolve and cohesion from a national scale and formulate serious steps on the path of reconciliation, tolerance and the elimination of terrorism.
    The d.Haifa Abdul Hamid says : We have heard good things eliminating some debt and strengthen stability in the country and reconciliation.
    As we look to the practical embodiment of the things I think that the parties to the political process in Iraq to coordinate their positions to implement the aspiration of the Iraqi people and to achieve what Aahdona it .. The solution, however, the Iraqis themselves, and there must be a national covenant at home stems from the professional standard and patriotic and builds on the basis reject sectarianism and the lack of obstacles to the process of construction and progress.
    In this context, the highest political body for Iraq Aluchaabanih an uprising launched by saying :
    While optimistic and hope all the best decisions of the positive outcome of the international conference in Sharm el-Sheikh, which opens new horizons of international and regional support for democratic change happening in Iraq and the political and economic support of the oppressed Iraqi people, the sons of Iraq uprising Aluchaabanih kinsmen of the mass graves they thank and appreciation to all the good efforts made to leaders and commanders representatives of the participating countries in this conference who have become convinced the full importance of supporting Iraq in its current ordeal as one of the most important countries in international stability and as Chairperson front in fighting and eliminating terrorism as well as its economic and cultural.

    To Angfel important and prominent role played by the Iraqi diplomacy of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari made clear and distinct effort to persuade regional states to attend the conference and actively participate.
    We call on the Iraqi people to reject the inherent discord and sectarianism and racism abhorrent and to close ranks and Cmir Forearms to build and brotherhood and support the state of institutions and the state of law and the federal pluralistic democratic option and call Messrs. parties, and trends in the national and religious to be role models for the people as people and leaders away from illegal racing and the pursuit chairs and cornering power and selfishness unhelpful in dealing with them and rise on smaller matters and they please their people and nation-building and reconstruction.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    i dont know about everyone else but im not about to trade in more than i need RIGHT NOW and i will be hanging onto the rest.
    I could not agree more!! From your lips to God's ears.

  8. #468
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    political goal

    حديث الصباح
    Morning talk

    محمد عبد الجبار الشبوط
    Mohammed Abdul Jabbar carp

    The text of the International Covenant on that political objective for which the international community seeks to achieve cooperation with the Iraqi government as the primary role in the realization is : "a democratic and unified Iraq is a sovereign and federal and integrated with the regional and global environment."

    This sentence focused described Iraq that the international community desires it. The international community is not ready to cooperate with any Iraq, but is ready to cooperate with Iraq possesses the specifications contained in this text. Five : unity, democracy and federalism, sovereignty and integration with the regional and global levels.

    It is not true to say that those who refuse or some of these characteristics : "external support to go to hell We do not need it." First, the international community will not go to hell if Iraqis reject these characteristics of their state, and secondly, that the Iraqis refused for international support for this reason does not obviate the need him. Iraq needs to be various forms of international support to emerge from the current crisis, the plight of political, security and economic strategy, it must be consistent to deal Covenants : one internal between Iraqi, and the second outside the State with an interest in Iraq's stability, progress and prosperity.
    Iraqis no problem with the specifications. These are the same specifications and characteristics reminiscent of a permanent constitution.
    "Article I of the Constitution says : "The Republic of Iraq is a federal one independent sovereign complete, a republican form of government representative (parliamentary), democratic. This Constitution guarantor of the unity of Iraq. "
    According to Article VIII : "caring Iraq the principle of good neighborliness, and adheres to non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries, and seeks to resolve disputes by peaceful means, establish relations on the basis of mutual interests and reciprocity, and respect its international obligations."
    Each one of these characteristics many details. The rest can be either detailed provisions of the Covenant, or a statement of how to achieve them. Underdevelopment in achieving those details and characteristics mean lag in the possession of Iraqi state specifications modesty panels as a condition for international cooperation with them.
    If the procedure is to activate the space, the required components of the Iraqi conform to these five characteristics of the Iraqi state, and conform to the detailed steps that face the international community to embody and achieve. This applies primarily to federalism, for example, for national reconciliation, for example, second, and the imperatives of democracy and a third example. The controversy over these issues, in any form, it calls into question the credibility inside Iraq and his ability to achieve these characteristics and thus communicate with the global ocean in order to complete the International items.

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    Default CNN News today?

    Did anyone else see the CNN live today? There was a gentelman on there that said that if the constitution is not changed by Tuesday, I am assuming tomorrow, that the he and the Sunnis will pull out copletely; he said he is very sorry that he ever trusted in a democracy or constitution. This did not sound good at all. Any one else see this today? Can they do that? Please provide info or insignt if you have any. Thanks,

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    the participation of 40 Arab and foreign countries

    Opening fourth international exhibition for the reconstruction of Iraq in Amman today

    Amman-Abdul Jabbar Al-Azzawi
    With large Iraqi inaugurated today in Amman fourth international exhibition for the reconstruction of Iraq. The exhibition, in which Iraqi companies and Arab and international until the 10th of the current month.

    The organizers of the exhibition mounted on the highway to Queen Alia International Airport to about a thousand opposed directly and indirectly in 700 separate booth from 40 Arab and foreign participants in the presentation attended by a large number of Jordanian businessmen and the Iraqis and foreigners, as well as the participation of about 80 senior Iraqi officials and international representatives the various nations involved. The organizers of the special processing hall meetings Iraqi businessmen and their counterparts of participants in the exhibition to discuss opportunities in the representation contracts and joint ventures in Iraq, Jordan and the Iraqi market needs. Meanwhile begins today, Monday, in Amman also Activities Forum's second Iraqi businessmen organized by the Chamber of Commerce Iraqi industry and American companies big Iraqi and Iraqi businessmen with about 100 companies. The statement of the chamber that 15 Jordanian company working in the fields of industry, commerce, construction, transportation, banking, medical equipment, foodstuffs and plastics industries will participate in the activities of the Forum. The forum will be on the sidelines reconstruction projects and projects and investment opportunities currently available in Iraq for investors The Arab businessmen and foreigners.

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