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  1. #471
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    I think this shoots down any speculation that the money flown to the banks was for retired workers! So what was the large sums of money for????

    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    The first political : next Thursday pay social security for retired workers

    Baghdad-Rali sure

    The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs next Thursday the 10th of this month, the date for the pay of social security for retired workers.

    An official source in the labor and social security special permission to "Assabah" : that the coordination with the postal offices set next Thursday the 10th of this month, the date for the pay social security for workers and retirees covered by the monthly March and April, pointing out that the distribution will be via postal offices known to have deployed in Baghdad. He added that salaries had not increased so far. He noted that the social security law in the way of legislation, which includes new paragraphs serve segments of the reporting.

  2. #472
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    Paramount Sheiks Sign Peace Agreement
    May 6th, 2007
    By Multi-National Division - North PAO

    TIKRIT, Iraq - In an effort to end tribal conflicts that have been occurring for decades, the paramount sheiks from the Karki and Shimouri tribes signed a peace agreement at the home of the Mujema tribal leader in Diyala province, Monday.

    Sheik Thaer Ghadban Ibrahim, Karki paramount sheik, and Sheik Ahmad Abdullah Hassooni, Shimouri paramount sheik, have been meeting for the past three months to work out grievances between tribes.

    By signing the agreement, the tribes promised to “consolidate and unify to battle all insurgents that penetrate among [their] tribes.”

    “The people have no confidence in the terrorists’ ways and ultimate goals for death and destruction,” said Col. David W. Sutherland, 3rd Brigade Combat Team commander and senior U.S. Army officer in Diyala. “This initiative and agreement by the tribes shows their commitment to their people, this country’s stability, and a positive vision for the future.”

    Specifics of the agreement include freeing previous kidnapped victims and stopping all kidnapping and killing operations; stopping indirect-fire attacks; providing the Iraqi police any members of their tribes which may be linked to insurgent groups; supporting the Iraqi army and police against terrorists; and resolving farming issues among the tribes.

    “We are all with you against the terrorists,” Ahmed said.

    After signing the agreement, Thaer and Ahmad placed their hand on the Koran to signify their commitment to the peace agreement.

    Within the upcoming months, more paramount sheiks are expected to meet to come to similar agreements toward peace.

    Sheik Ahmad Abdulla Hassooni, paramount sheik for the Shimouri tribe, signs a peace agreement to stop tribal conflicts with the Karki tribe in Diyala province, April 30.

    After signing a peace agreement with the Shimouri tribe in Diyala province, Iraq, April 30, Sheik Thaer Ghadban Ibrahim, paramount sheik for the Karki tribe, places his hand on the Koran to signify his commitment to the agreement.

    Iraq’s Inconvenient Truth

  3. #473
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    Quote Originally Posted by smcquiller1 View Post
    Did anyone else see the CNN live today? There was a gentelman on there that said that if the constitution is not changed by Tuesday, I am assuming tomorrow, that the he and the Sunnis will pull out copletely; he said he is very sorry that he ever trusted in a democracy or constitution. This did not sound good at all. Any one else see this today? Can they do that? Please provide info or insignt if you have any. Thanks,
    Just to clarify, he meant next Tuesday, the 15th. And you can read the story on CNN's website. Don't yet know what to think about it. Waiting to hear what other people think. Initially, my thoughts were that this would be devastating, but then I thought that this is how politicians tend to get what they want. I'm hopeful that they can reach a compromise, but again, want to hear what others think. Here's the link:

    Sunni demand could unravel Iraqi government -
    Four years ago... no, it was yesterday. Today I... No, that wasn't me. Sometimes I... No, I don't.

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  4. #474
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    Quote Originally Posted by smcquiller1 View Post
    Did anyone else see the CNN live today? There was a gentelman on there that said that if the constitution is not changed by Tuesday, I am assuming tomorrow, that the he and the Sunnis will pull out copletely; he said he is very sorry that he ever trusted in a democracy or constitution. This did not sound good at all. Any one else see this today? Can they do that? Please provide info or insignt if you have any. Thanks,
    may 15 is the deadline.... gulp.

  5. #475
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    Bush and Blair urging Maliki on implementing the Sharm el-Sheikh summit in reconciliation
    American officers : thousands of prisoners without charges in government prisons hung frustrate storming militia

    Washington Marsa Aboutouk
    Baghdad Karim Zaire
    Cairo Mustafa Amara

    He urged the American President George Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki commitment to the decisions of the Sharm el-Sheikh in the areas of security and reconciliation in Mahatvien separate. Bush confirmed during the recent via closed-circuit television that the early autumn is the deadline for the success of its strategy in Iraq, according to White House spokesman stressed on reconciliation and relations with neighboring countries. The conversation took place in two stages, the presence of the American President helpers then individually.He called Bush's decisions to introduce international conference on Iraq in Sharm el-Sheikh replace actual implementation. For his part, Blair during a phone call to the security of Basra and the importance of convening of a reconciliation conference bringing together all Iraqis, without exclusion.

    On the other hand, American officers disclosed yesterday that the government forces arrested hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians and sent to prisons and detention despite their innocence since assuming the task of detention last March as the beginning of the preparation of the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki called the imposition of the law with the same sources said that government forces continued detention daily pretext of "suspicion only without the draw of detainees formally charged. Meanwhile, the spokesman for the British government, John Wilkes correspondent for the (time) in Cairo that his government wants to accomplish national reconciliation Maliki to provide £ 100 million to the International Fund to support the Iraqi economy. At security prevent Iraqis from residents willing Khatoon and Ras marginal hung in the neighborhood north of Baghdad government forces backed by militia from storming the two regions. The government forces attempted to implement raids on a number of houses after it imposed a siege on the above-mentioned regions and prevented vehicle traffic allowed in the orientation of the staff to work on foot foot and depriving them of their cars. Officers said the Iraqis that they could distinguish the suspects as terrorists is better than the Americans, that the arrest was still a precautionary measure acceptable to societies. He said Amjad Abbas Hassun, one Iraqi army officers, "in the past had orders to achieve with the suspects, but now orders are always the arrest and not an investigation. " said Steve Duke, a team leader up between the American and Iraqi armies, that "until the reduction of these practices, will continue efforts in Iraq cumbersome." The Duke told the "Times Meletri" to be able to succeed in Iraq, then the people have to trust the army, the army must care for his trust ... No able to achieve so far. " Maliki issued directives to the Interior Ministry to prevent thereunder, the number of Iraqi detainees whose numbers have increased since the start of the so-called Plan security of the capital. Under the emergency powers to force implementation of this plan, it can detain any Iraqi for an indefinite period in fear of Iraqi human rights organizations and international that the number of detainees in Iraqi prisons had exceeded two hundred thousand prisoners are systematically tortured in order to extract confessions from them without setting a date for trial in contrast to Iraqi laws imposed on the investigating authorities to release the detainees after thirty days of detention in the absence of any charge for them. Denying covenants and charters arrest on suspicion practiced by the Iraqi government troops daily.

    Judicial sources said an Iraqi told "time" that "arrests are not implemented under memorandums issued by magistrates under emergency powers and will be subject to military commanders." The same sources that asked not to give his name, "The Iraqi judicial system, which suffers from weakness originally unable to summon such an enormous number of the detainees to appear before it." The spread in prisons government militias linked mafiosi and officers in the Interior relatives of the detainees were extorting financial return for a promise of release and often Wijdunem corpses in the streets after a ransom. She said that unfortunately "conducted operations release is not based on justice, but to give bribes in return without disclose further details. The Iraqi government does not allow international organizations to visit prisons and Muattaglatha that contravene international standards of detention. The government contracted to build three prisons major new plan to expand arrests in remote areas of Iraq.

    The Iraqi authorities refused to allow detainees to accompany lawyers during the investigation or hire them to defend them.The families live under extremely harsh conditions due to the loss of dependents of parents and children. The Maliki had promised on his arrival at the office without the release of prisoners and to implement several so far.

    He said in an interview with the correspondent (time) in Cairo that "efforts to achieve reconciliation by the Iraqi government had not made sufficient progress".
    He explained that the British troops faced serious problems in Basra, "such as militias infiltrate the police and instability in the province."
    "He stressed that there is "widely supported by the international community to achieve security and stability in Iraq."
    Replying to a question about Iran's role in stabilizing Iraq, he said "we welcome the announcement by Iran's Foreign Minister Manouchehr Muttaqi on Iraq in Sharm El-Sheikh conference, but we urge the Iranian government to remove doubts about the Iranian role, especially in southern Iraq.
    This is the second time in which the hung to attack from militias and government troops during the short period of time, where these forces stormed the hospital only last week and forced the patients, including children, women and elderly to leave and arrested auditors found recovered in later closed the hospital before re-opened yesterday.

    In relation to American-Iraqi troops raided a number of houses common Jihad district southwest Iraq.
    And in relation to the democratic leaders in Congress Sunday they will Ezzlon White House to put pressure on President George Bush to withdraw American forces from Iraq while seeking to prepare a new bill to finance the war instead of the project.
    Bush used the veto power / power / him.
    And the Democrats in political television programs idea that the United States does not have to be a civil war in Iraq did not show any sign of backtracking on troop withdrawal.
    He said Democrat Charles Rangel of New York, Chairman of the Committee on ways and means in the House of Representatives for the program and faced the nation on the network (CNN. Bi. S.)
    This is a battle that the American people. Asked us to send a message to the President.
    He must Nzlezelle White House so that the voice of the United States.
    At a time when the Iraq war helped in the decline of Bush's acceptance rate to 28%, the lowest rate ever, according to the poll conducted by Newsweek magazine to be on Bush to work with Congress, which is controlled by the Democrats on a bill to finance the war. Bush refused bill allocated $ 412 billion because it would set a date for withdrawing its forces.

    He said Senator Charles Schumer of New York in the latest edition of Network (CNN. That. That) that the Democrats and Republicans are not close to that limit to reach a compromise on a bill to finance the war, but said that there are encouraging signs.
    Rangel said that the House of Representatives only relieve pressure on Bush before the United States withdraws from Iraq.

    He added, We hope to be skilled enough to permit him to reach international solution. He added, but the people who elected request the return of the troops.
    This sufficient.
    Looming on the horizon is not a sign of victory. It is a civil war and we do not have the means to solve such a major problem.
    Senator Chris Dodd is a democratic candidate for the presidency said that he is still committed to the law put majority leader in the Senate, Harry Reid, Senator Ross Feingold sets a specific timetable for the withdrawal of American forces by March 31, 2008, but he would think of other options in case of failure of this.
    He said minority leader John Boehner republic in the House that he preferred targets to be used as signs indicative of measuring progress Iraqi forces as a measure of withdrawing American forces.
    Boehner said it was too early to despair of the Bush plan, especially as it has been published every additional troops strength of 30 thousand individual who is Bush deployed.
    He added, we want to give this plan a chance to succeed.
    He went on to say over the past three or four years we will have an idea of how the plan.

    Azzaman International Newspaper - Issue 2690 - Date 8/5/2007
    Azzaman Newspaper International-Issue Date 2690-May 8, 2007

    جريدة (الزمان) الدولية - العدد 2690 - التاريخ 8/5/2007
    Newspaper (time) International-number 2690-the date May 8, 2007

  6. #476
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    GCC ministerial coordinating meeting starts before meeting with his EU
    GMT 20:00:00 2007 الإثنين 7 مايو
    20:00:00 GMT 2007 Monday, May 7

    وكالة الأنباء الكويتية - كونا
    The Kuwaiti news agency Kuna -

    RIYADH : The foreign ministers of the Cooperation Council on Monday evening coordinated a meeting prior to the meeting with the European side to unify positions on the topics to be discussed in the work of the session of the 17 cabinet Gulf Union tomorrow.

    He reviewed the Secretary-General of the Cooperation Council, Abdel Rahman al-Attiya at the beginning of the meeting in which Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Kuwait Sheikh Dr. Mohammad Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah developments that have occurred since the previous session of negotiations on establishing a free trade zone between the two sides to date.
    It also reviewed the draft final statement of the Ministerial Meeting Gulf Union was expected to be held in Riyadh tomorrow and contains a number of files political and economic relations between the two sides, particularly the agreement on establishing a free trade zone between them.
    Al-Attiyah stressed the importance of intensifying the current negotiations between the parties to this end and allow the experts spe******ts from both sides to examine the pending points in the Convention and work to speed processing.
    He announced in this regard on the two meetings of the Group of Experts on both sides GCC and the EU held during one week in the second meeting will be held in mid-June next.
    It is scheduled to discuss the foreign ministers in the Gulf Cooperation Council at their closed meeting, which began after opening the most important topics to be discussed with the European side and coordination of views exit vision unified Gulf action.

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  7. #477
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    Iraq : conditions that do not allow use of assistance
    GMT 7:30:00 2007 الإثنين 7 مايو
    7:30:00 2007 GMT Monday, May 7

    وكالة نوفوستي
    Agency Novosti

    العراق: الظروف لا تتيح الاستفادة من المساعدة المالية الدولية
    Iraq : conditions that do not allow use of the international financial assistance


    Continued violence in Iraq following the conclusion of the International Conference on Iraq held in Sharm el-Sheikh. It was in the official version that the Sharm El-Sheikh conference was held at the initiative of Iraq and the United Nations. But it was not a secret to anyone that the Americans are the first stakeholders in holding such a conference because the White House Mattered achieving international blessing for his policy in the Middle East which is perceived in Moscow as well. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov "confirmed said that hurry is not preceded by good preparation for the coalition forces from Iraq could lead to negative consequences" However, he said, "can not continue the foreign military presence in Iraq indefinitely."

    And across the majority of participants at the conference look similar. Thus, the Bush administration has been unable this time also to mobilize broad international support for its policy in Iraq.

    Perhaps the main positive outcome of the conference was the recognition by the United States that it can not unilaterally overcoming the Middle East crisis, which the Americans pay to stimulate dialogue with States and other major countries in the region including Iran and Syria, as called for by Russia, which was first put forward several years ago the idea of organizing a major international conference particular Iraq.

    The Americans also did not succeed in achieving their objective of the conference envisaged second goal of fully restoring stability in Iraq in order to implement a five-year plan to provide financial assistance and economic under "close the International Covenant Iraq" was endorsed by participants at the Sharm El-Sheikh conference.

    In fact, the Iraqi government today does not need the funds pledged by the international community because the current situation existing in the country does not allow investment funds to be as large as indicated by the experts. For this reason, many wondered participants in the conference : Why Americans insisted on being first to research and document the international community for Iraq, and then discuss the political situation in Iraq?

    American diplomats also insisted that declares its creditor nations to cancel debts owed by the government of Iraq. It was partly what they want, since donors pledged seven states including Saudi write 80% of Iraq's debt. But that might be the signing of the conventions on debt cancellation after more than a year.

    Russia announced in 2004 its intention to exempt Iraq from the debt owed to them valued at ten billion dollars.
    But not signing an agreement providing for debt cancellation so far because Russia wants to know first whether the Iraqi government intends commitment to the provisions of the conventions signed by the previous Iraqi government with Russian companies, most oil companies.
    So far Analysts Russians that the draft law prepared by the Iraqi experts Iraqis help American experts on the extraction of minerals from beneath the ground in Iraq, gave an indirect response to the question posed by Moscow, it states that regulates the granting of new concessions without saying anything about the agreements signed before the war.

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    Default Part of reshuffle?

    Quote Originally Posted by WebGuy75903 View Post
    Just to clarify, he meant next Tuesday, the 15th. And you can read the story on CNN's website. Don't yet know what to think about it. Waiting to hear what other people think. Initially, my thoughts were that this would be devastating, but then I thought that this is how politicians tend to get what they want. I'm hopeful that they can reach a compromise, but again, want to hear what others think. Here's the link:

    Sunni demand could unravel Iraqi government -
    Maybe these guys know they are going to get axed and are blowing steam to save some face when it happens. JMHO

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    Quote Originally Posted by RfxLady View Post
    Maybe these guys know they are going to get axed and are blowing steam to save some face when it happens. JMHO
    its not cabinet ministers. its the whole sunni bloc, 44 seats in parliament. not a good thing. time for some concessions... past time, actually...

  10. #480
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    Hashemi GIVES Maliki weeks before the withdrawal from Iraqi government
    (صوت العراق) - 07-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 07-05-2007
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    Baghdad, Iraq (CNN) -- Iraqi Vice President grants Tariq Hashimi, Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki one-week notice last to disarm the militias, and begin to amend the Constitution, before the Front "consensus" to end Sunni participation Iraqi government.

    Hashemi also announced during an interview with CNN that he decided to postpone his trip to the United States, at the invitation of President George Bush, to be seen "more real assistance" by Washington, for the deteriorating conditions in Iraq.

    Iraqi Vice President, during his interview by Nick Robertson, said that if the amendment of the constitution by the middle of this month, he would withdraw the 44 deputies belonging to the list of the Sunni Iraqi Accord, the Parliament, which comprises 275 members.

    "In the case of non-inclusion of the required constitutional amendments into effect, I am quite frankly, will confess that I committed a mistake in life, when it agreed to participate in this government."

    He explained that Hashemi forehead, demanding that the Constitution contains guarantees for the non-division of Iraq into statelets of the Year and federal Shiites and the Kurds, saying that it "will harm the interests of the Iraqis year."

    "The Vice-President said that the Iraqi "militias are still active in Baghdad, in spite of the positive signs in the plan to impose the law."

    "Terrorism is still able to move freely in the attacking innocent car bombs, in addition to the militias that are still active, especially after what happened in the neighborhood group (the Iraqi capital) and other areas over the past few days."

    The participation of the Sunni Accord Front is vital to legitimize the government of Maliki, which are predominantly Shiite, as it is one of the basic pillars based upon the plan of President George Bush, on Iraq, as one of the factors behind to stop the cycle of sectarian violence between Sunnis and Shiites in Iraq.

    And President Bush had made a telephone call a week ago, with Hashemi, as discussed with him the reasons that might lead the list of the Sunni Iraqi Accord to withdraw from the Iraqi government.

    "A statement issued by the Office Hashemi, the Accord Front is studying the possibility of withdrawing from the government "after what appears that the front has lost hope in the reform of the situation, despite attempts earnest and sincere efforts in this direction."

    "The statement said that the American President Hashemi promised to "study the observations referred to by the vice president, seriously, and he invited Hashemi to visit Washington," adding that the Vice-President promised to visit meet in the "earliest possible opportunity."

    The Hashemi had visited the United States late last year, where he met with President Bush and a number of American officials.

    Ministers announced Chest bloc loyal to Shiite leader Moqtada Sadr, announced their withdrawal from the Iraqi government, the mid-April last, which exacerbated the critical situation experienced by the government of al-Maliki.

    Hashemi and the two brothers, more than a year ago, at the hands of armed militias, in less than two weeks, after assuming office as deputy to Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, a representative of the year.

    Mason and killed his sister-Hashimi and driver, in April 27 of the year 2006, when four gunmen opened fire on the car from the helicopter in the neighborhood science BMW South west of Baghdad, killed with his brother Mahmoud Hashemi, on the 13th of the month.

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