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  1. #491
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    if it is a fixed rate it will remain at that rate until it is adjusted. i dont know about everyone else but im not about to trade in more than i need RIGHT NOW and i will be hanging onto the rest. you gotta remember that several countries have bought millions of dinar to exchange back to iraq for oil no doubt. they wont be getting all their oil at once so it will be a long time before they get all their dinar turned back in.

    You got that right sister. I will only be trading in enough to become a free man once again. As for the rest, it can just sit there and grow.

  2. #492
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    "...An official source in the labor and social security special permission to "Assabah" : that the coordination with the postal offices set next Thursday the 10th of this month, the date for the pay social security for workers and retirees covered by the monthly March and April, pointing out that the distribution will be via postal offices known to have deployed in Baghdad. He added that salaries had not increased so far. He noted that the social security law in the way of legislation, which includes new paragraphs serve segments of the reporting..."

    My question...would be...are they receiving a check or cash?

    REMEMBER...they are a cash society...remember all the articles...

    That is according to the IMF...or just run the numbers from the Central Government...that is one big pile of money...

    How did they get all that vast amount of money out to all the post offices, nationwide...???

    Maybe they FED Ex'd It??? To regional banking centers and then out to individual post offices...Just maybe???

    Oh well! Just a thought....
    Last edited by fredgwest1999; 08-05-2007 at 01:57 AM.

  3. #493
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    Quote Originally Posted by smcquiller1 View Post
    Did anyone else see the CNN live today? There was a gentelman on there that said that if the constitution is not changed by Tuesday, I am assuming tomorrow, that the he and the Sunnis will pull out copletely; he said he is very sorry that he ever trusted in a democracy or constitution. This did not sound good at all. Any one else see this today? Can they do that? Please provide info or insignt if you have any. Thanks,

    Just like the good ole Clinton News Network to find the worst in things. I've said it before and I'll say it again D*** LIBERALS!!!!!!!!!
    Just Waitin!!!!!!

  4. #494
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    Zebari : potential tripartite negotiations between the United States and Iran and Iraq
    (صوت العراق) - 08-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 08-05-2007
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    Tehran-Qabas :
    The Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari was expected holding real negotiations between Iranian diplomats and Americans and Iraqis on ways to stabilize security and stability in his country.
    He pointed out that Zebari was not held any meeting Preprogrammed between the United States Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and her Iranian counterpart Manouchehr Muttaqi.
    Pointing out that he had proposed a 'genuine negotiations' diplomats in Baghdad between Americans and Iranians and Iraqis. He continued Zebari : that the meetings will continue, and the response to a question about the possibility of holding a meeting between American diplomats and Iranian and Iraqi Foreign Minister said Iraq : 'I believe it Up coming'.
    Zebari pointed out that these negotiations will be launched on security and stability in Iraq, but this does not mean not to discuss other matters.
    This did not seem Iranian officials and Americans no immediate reaction to statements Zebari.

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  5. #495
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    The battle erupted between about who is responsible for protecting the headquarters
    (صوت العراق) - 08-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 08-05-2007
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    The battle erupted between about who is responsible for protecting the headquarters of the Iraqi Parliament

    Her views American company tasked the Interior maintains

    Baghdad, London : Middle East
    A hassle broke out between deputies in the Iraqi Parliament and government bodies around the body responsible for the protection of the House of Representatives in the region, which was finally to the missile attacks. As he said that one prominent deputy parliamentary committees endorsed the contract with American security company to assume responsibility, the spokesman for the Interior Ministry that the government has entrusted the task of protecting Parliament. A member of the House of Representatives (the United Iraqi Alliance) Hassan Sunaid that the Committee for Security and Defense, supported the proposal on contract with American security company to protect the parliament building.
    He added will be contracted amount less than three million dollars ..For six months, but because we do not know whether they have already been contracted or not . And that security company will be responsible for the security of the parliament building from the inside while the internal forces will remain to protect outside the building.
    Meanwhile, the spokesman for the Iraqi Interior Ministry did not reach, but we have no information about the contract with American security company. He continued, Maj. Gen. Abdul Karim Khalaf firm have charged that the Iraqi government and the Interior Ministry the task of protecting the Parliament, which is to undertake such a task because. The cabinet has approved, after the explosion, which targeted a cafeteria in the building of the Iraqi parliament on the 12th of last month, that the Interior Ministry the task of protecting the parliament building. The House Speaker Mahmoud Almchidani in a parliamentary session on the 24th of last month, the Parliament signed an agreement with the security company to protect its headquarters, located within the Green Zone central Baghdad, but he did not specify dependence of the company. So, different views about the nature of Iraqi Vice demand President George Bush to postpone the Iraqi Parliament to vacation next summer pending the completion of the legislation needed by the country, where he was Vice this requirement interference unreasonable or unacceptable .. With Vice Others felt that the matter does not come from being advice and the desire, and the third group went to the theme the Iraqi Parliament.
    A member of the House of Representatives (Kurdistan Alliance) Mahmoud Othman News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent consider the American request to postpone holiday Parliament unreasonable interference and unacceptable. In contrast Osman, both the MP Jaber Habib Jaber (United Iraqi Alliance) with Dr. Salim Al-Jabouri (Accord Front), in what Bush requested is nothing more than advice or willingness. He said Habib, a professor of political science fact, I do not understand (demand), like .. But is the hope and desire, where she heard members of the American Congress who have expressed their opinion (during previous meetings), it is not appropriate at a time when their soldiers killed in Iraq to go on leave legislators Iraqis . He continued, I do not think that intervention .. Because no one from outside Iraq can prescribe any certain views .

    But member (coalition consolidated) expressed his belief that the Iraqi Parliament is the most capable of assessing interest and appreciation of the circumstances of the (Iraqi) people, whether there is legislation requiring delivery.

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  6. #496
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    4 international organizations : Iraq most corrupt ..
    والثالث بين 60 دولة
    And third among 60 nations

    (صوت العراق) - 08-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 08-05-2007
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    4 international organizations : Iraq most corrupt .. Between 60 and the third State failed

    After 4 years of the invasion .. Iraq's transition to a grim milestone with high crime rates
    Basra : Jassim inside Baghdad : Middle East
    Reports indicated 4 international organizations recently published statistics for multiple Iraqi ministries that Iraq has become the most corrupt ..
    Between 60 and the third failed state in the world. The reports, all issued during April (April) the past, Iraq has turned over the past four years since the entry of multinational forces led by the United States, to a grim milestone, a majority of widows and orphans, divorced and destitute, in which crimes of corruption and abuse of the public ownership, Walthrip, rising rates of theft and armed robbery, The abductions, rape, drug addiction, loss of a sense of security and juvenile delinquency. He stressed the Transparency International report issued recently, that warned him in March 2005 has been achieved, or become etched or lower, which is that Iraq is among the most corrupt countries of the world. He pointed out that a number of Iraqi officials at various levels, engaged in systematic looting of the state and its resources and facilities, integrated with the feet of the occupation to dispel billions of dollars of Iraqi assets that were seized after the fall of the former regime.
    The report of the World Peace Fund to the American Iraq ranked third among the world's most failed, had occupied this arrangement among the worst 60 countries in the world, failed a critical. The focus of the organization to monitor the situation States caused failures in the management of affairs of endangering the security and stability at risk.

    Iraq, according to assess the global transparency, tops the list of the worst countries in the world financial and administrative corruption because of the widespread looting of the wealth and resources and mismanagement which, as the spread of financial and administrative corruption in state institutions under governments that followed the occupation of more than 70%, according to official estimate Radi Radi body integrity in Iraq.

    A report by the Humanitarian Coordinator for the International Organization in Iraq as increasing numbers of widows who are heads of households were unable Ministry of Social Affairs of the complete census of the numbers, which so far amounted to 565 thousand woman becomes a widow with every day 400 children orphans in Baghdad alone because of the violence. As divorce rates rose 22% in 2003 from 2006, while the marriage rate retreated to the same period to 50%, according to statistics from the Ministry of Justice in Iraq.

    As for the social aspect which saw plummet sharply showed a study entitled road deprivation and the standard of living in Iraq prepared by the United Nations Development Program in collaboration with the Ministry of Planning and Development, the reality of the Iraqi standard of living of the Iraqi family at the present time, where the study pointed out that the standard of living is low in the field of education by 31.8% and 22.7%, health and infrastructure necessary for the family by 58.2% and 20.1% of housing and economic situation by 55.1%, while the decline in the standard of living for families proportion of 31.2%.

    As the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs that the Iraqi poverty level exceeded by 35% of the poverty level before 2003, and that about 5.6 million Iraqis live under the poverty level, including 40% facing sharp deterioration in living, which has led to widening phenomenon researchers from livelihood among the mountains of garbage and minefields, and others. The reports of other humanitarian organizations that the state of security deterioration and the growing rates of unemployment and forced migration of hot spots and the countryside to the city and rising inflation has created mounting pressures on the family, which resulted in the disintegration of families and the increased proportion of marginalized groups, orphans, the homeless, the disabled, and beggars, widows and heads of households, who are reduced to finding places for accommodation in shanty houses and abandoned buildings.

    For his part, a recently issued Reform Society to combat ***** in Iraq, the numbers of drug users is increasing because of the war which caused chaos and security, which have made Iraq a market for ***** including what we spend in the country, and which passes through its territory. The statistics issued by the Ministry of Health indicate that more than 24 thousand Iraqis had abused ***** last year, but it did not appear so far statistical belonging addicts them. He sounded report of the International Red Cross alarm about the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Iraq, reported Dohnanyi spokeswoman for the ICRC in a press announcement last week from the organization's headquarters in Amman that the international organization is very concerned over the deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Iraq. She said that violence affecting civilians daily directly affecting the humanitarian situation and on the basic services offered to citizens.

    She pointed out that basic services in Iraq from the health, water and electricity to suffer from a serious shortage of human resources and supplies and hospitals unable to deal with the large number of wounded, in addition to the many doctors and nurses have left the profession because of fear . Doumani stressed that the problem in Iraq today is not a military problem nor political nor geo-strategic, but a humanitarian problem in the first place.

    While the resort where thousands of children to waste dumps in search of food, and after scandals ships, which reached the port of Umm Qasr, loaded with hundreds of thousands of tons of rice Almtaven, said a statement issued by the public integrity of Iraq for the loss of 75 thousand tons of American wheat imported for the card Supply.

    The statement confirmed the readiness of the company (Karkl American) compensation Iraq quantity of wheat lost provided that the company entered the competition in the market for processing Iraq wheat future. A report by a network of social protection for its continued disbursement amount of 75 thousand dinars (the equivalent of 50 dollars) per widow within budget in 2007 to tackle the deteriorating social conditions of broad social bracket. The Judge Radi Hamza Radi, head of the integrity of Iraq, in press statements that corruption increased and expanded after the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime explaining that eight ministers from the various governments that have succeeded in Iraq After the invasion, were referred to juvenile charges of corruption, but trials are not because most of them fled the country and some of them enjoy now parliamentary immunity has not been waived after , including former Defense Minister in the government of Iyad Allawi, Hazim Al-Shalan, accused of wasting $ 1.3 billion of public money with 72 other officials of the government. Radi stressed that the fight against corruption faced great difficulties, pointing out the killing of 51 judges who handed down sentences in cases of corruption or terrorism, and 12 investigators body integrity during 2005 and 2006. He said that assignment in 4100 was to eliminate corruption case during the two years, including 24 cases involving ministers and under-secretaries and directors two years.

    الشرق الاوسط
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  7. #497
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    Sorry if posted

    GOP senator: Patience on Iraq is limited By ANNE FLAHERTY, Associated Press Writer
    2 hours, 17 minutes ago

    WASHINGTON - Senate Republican Whip Trent Lott (news, bio, voting record) said Monday that President Bush's new strategy in Iraq has until about fall before GOP members will need to see results.


    Lott's comment put a fine point on what Senate Republican stalwarts have been discussing quietly for weeks. It also echoed remarks made this weekend by House Minority Leader John Boehner (news, bio, voting record), R-Ohio, indicating the GOP's limited patience on the war.

    "I do think this fall we have to see some significant changes on the ground, in Baghdad and other surrounding areas," Lott, R-Miss., told reporters.

    Lott declined to say what he thinks should happen if Congress does not see improvement in the security situation by then. But he said lawmakers have time before they must decide.

    Bush announced in January that he planned to send to Iraq 21,500 more combat troops, plus several thousand more support troops, in an attempt to tamp down violence in Baghdad and the western Anbar province. Gen. David Petraeus, the U.S. commander in Iraq, said he could give a better assessment in September of whether the strategy is working.

    Republicans have agreed to uphold Bush's veto of $124.2 billion legislation that would have funded the war but called for troops to start coming home this fall. Without the two-thirds majority support needed to override Bush's veto, Democrats this week were redrafting the bill.

    White House officials have sought to play down the expectations of the September review as merely a progress report, but many Republicans have latched onto the date as a critical juncture. War funding for this fiscal year, while still under negotiation, is expected to run out Sept. 30.

    "Obviously, his (Petraeus') response or developments will make a difference in the next fiscal year," said Lott.

    Lott said he generally agreed with Boehner, who told "Fox News Sunday" that, "By the time we get to September or October, members are going to want to know how well this is working, and if it isn't, what's Plan B."

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    UN political adviser to hold talks in Saudi Arabia on aid to Iraq

    Ibrahim Gambari
    7 May 2007 – Just back from the official launch of the International Compact on Iraq, a five-year plan for peace and development, the top United Nations envoy on the issue today said he will travel to Riyadh to discuss aid to the war-torn country with Saudi officials.

    “There are all kinds of negotiations going on, particularly between Saudi Arabia and Iraq, Kuwait and Iraq, Bulgaria and Iraq in terms of the details of their commitments,” said Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s Special Adviser for the International Compact with Iraq and Other Political Issues, Ibrahim Gambari, briefing reporters in New York on last week’s launch in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.

    At that meeting, the Compact was endorsed by 70 countries, with $30 billion in specific financial commitments announced. The plan obliges the Baghdad Government to work to meet basic needs, protect the rights of all citizens and ensure the optimal use of the country’s resources for the common good.

    National reconciliation, improved security, better governance and continued economic and social reforms are expected to help unlock Iraq’s own development potential. International partners, in turn, pledge to provide financial, technical and political support to help meet these challenges on the basis of mutual commitments.

    Responding to press questions on the participation of countries in the region, Mr. Gambari said, “The Saudis have a sense of what is owed. The Iraqis have a slightly different sense of how much is owed. Then there is official debt and debt owed to private people and they are trying to sort all of that out.”

    Saudi Arabia has invited Mr. Gambari and Sinan Mohammed Rida Al-Shabibi, the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, “to see how we can promote the reconciliation of some of these issues where there are differences of opinion between Iraq and the Saudis,” the envoy said.

    Co-chairing the official launch last Thursday, Mr. Ban pledged the world body’s full support for the five-year plan. “The United Nations stands ready to assist the Government of Iraq in the implementation of the Compact,” he said.

    “We cannot leave Iraq on its own to meet the enormous challenges that it faces. The international community as whole, and in particular Iraq’s neighbours and regional countries, must work together to help Iraq build a peaceful, unified and prosperous country.”

    Hi gert

  9. #499
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    Baghdad-file-Presse Haidaralhashimi

    .The Director of the Office of economic and agricultural development in the American Agency for International Development, "Christian Hogen" that a company of Iraqi bank guarantees first of its kind in the country grant American hit five million dollars to provide loans to small entrepreneurs producing Okvallat bank without collateral.
    .The director of the Bureau Hogen in a special attended (file Press), the purpose of the program is to give citizens a simple product, which it can provide guarantees on loans appointed expansion work after studying the actual productivity. .Relying on the principle that cash flow.

    واوضح. The Director of the Office of Development to work in partnership with the Iraqi government and the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, the Central Bank and Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation Agency enabled the formation of economic policy is essentially dependent on the sector banks, which will be simple citizen loans without collateral incapacitating explaining that the purpose is to move the money because the money rigid Homal dead and his in-healthy environment-generate interest to everyone.

    وبين .He said the pinnacle of government economic policies determined from the tax, social security and other being the only source for the success of the economic process and the foot of the economic pyramid of companies and institutions is produced, but the laws of the government and its policy help First-trade laws, this depends on the other to lend to the public sector and private Hoaml exciting challenge for a description of the Director.

    .The Director pointed out that the American Agency for International his wishes train some employees in the agricultural sector and the industrial and commercial investment for the purpose of optimizing the country one of the oldest countries in the agriculture-linking the past with the present - and to support markets and building a new structure to deal with the gross domestic agricultural and Coordination with wholesalers and consumers need to know the circulation of information throughout the country to increase the national markets of the province to the other needs of crops.

    وقال .He said that the draft American Agency for International Development (Development), which we intend to put on the table-from the field to spoon - which will play the Iraqi government control of health and efficiency of quality according to an economic system that works for Ad and light fighter away from the bureaucracy and the cooperation of representatives of ministries and provinces will enable us to direct draft from the field Spoon to (develop) during the next summer.

    وقال .He said that this project will enable the farmer to choose quality cultivation showed Agency assisted in the selection of hand marketed directly after consumers need and make it taste and the type of food they want and that this effort (to develop) will be put on the table and the Iraqi Agriculture Ministry to discuss priorities and duration of 3 years and have succeeded if his five-year Hopklveh and $ 350 million.

    .He confirmed that among the plan utilizing water resources in the country done by two rivers lie in addition to the land reclamation and dredging rivers and providing experts in the country to reduce the cost of remediation pumping solving water problems collectively.

    . The efforts by the American Agency for International Development for the purpose of preparing the ground to enter Iraq occasion of the World Trade Organization after it helped to amend dozens of laws relating to trade supportive of the private sector also helped the Iraqi government to re-evaluations legal in the economic sphere, which is technically supported by the Ministry of Justice, planning, employment and social security health and the Environment, Housing and worked to pass the investment law in October 2006.

    مشروع من ال*قل الى الملعقة سينعش الفلا* والصناعة والتجارة الزراعيتين
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

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    Please excuse if already posted

    Iraq takes steps to settle YTL 2 bln debt with Turkish CB

    The Iraqi government has taken a constructive step in efforts to settle its YTL 2 billion ($1.5 billion) in debt to Turkey's Central Bank, nominating US accounting and consulting firm Ernst & Young to negotiate its amount outstanding with the Turkish Treasury. As the central bank's biggest partner, the Treasury is dealing with the collection problem in the name of the bank and has also enlisted the help of the UN towards this goal.

    The debt began accumulating before the US invaded Iraq in 1991. In accordance with commercial agreements between the two countries before the first Gulf war, the Turkish Central Bank was proceeding with payments to Turkish exporters and contractors that do business in Iraq. The funds expended were later collected from the Iraqi government. The system was working smoothly until it broke down after the US invaded Iraq 16 years ago. Iraq has been unable to pay the remaining debt since then due to internal disorder created after the war.

    The central bank’s latest activity report for 2006 once more included the amount owing from Iraq in its “bad and irrecoverable debts” item. Of the bank’s YTL 2 billion in receivables, YTL 1.83 billion stems from notes, while the remainder originates from uncollected loans that resulted from the central bank providing funds for Enka Construction for the Bekhme Dam project that the Iraqi government couldn’t cover. The amount of this loan was YTL 130.12 million.

    The Iraqis’ debt to the Turkish Central Bank is equal to 31 percent of the bank’s annual expenditures. The central bank’s spending climbed to YTL 6.25 billion in 2006, a 52.6 percent increase from YTL 4.1 billion in 2005. Interest payments, as an item of expenditure, were YTL 3.63 billion, whereas non-interest expenditures were YTL 2.24 billion.

    Payroll expenses amounted to YTL 270 million, and the other spending was YTL 107.42 million. Although the bank is making allowances to hedge the risk for bad debts, it has not made any provision for receivables from Iraq since 2002, when it adopted international accounting standards.

    Iraq owes $900 million to BOTAŞ,

    The state-owned Turkish Pipeline Company (BOTAŞ) is also owed a significant sum by Iraq, totaling as much as $900 million. This debt stems from transportation costs through the Kirkuk-Yumurtalık oil pipeline.

    BOTAŞ officials say they are waiting for the Iraqi government to settle its debt with the government since there is no appropriate authority to deal with the problem. They claim that the current situation of BOTAŞ, which is in serious financial trouble due to uncollected receivables from its domestic customers, the biggest of which is the Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, will be alleviated if they can obtain the money owing from Iraq.

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