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    UN official to travel to Saudi Arabia to sort out Iraq debt

    UN official to travel to Saudi Arabia to sort out Iraq debt

    UNITED NATIONS, May 7 (KUNA) -- Ibrahim Gambari, the Special Advisor to the Secretary-General on the International Compact with Iraq on Monday said he is planning to visit Saudi Arabia "soon" to sort out the Iraqi debt.

    He told a press conference here following his visit to Sharm EL-Sheikh where he attended the launch of the International Compact with Iraq that he will be accompanied on the trip by Sinan Al-Shibibi, the Governor of the Iraq Bank.

    "The Saudi-Iraq relation is very complicated. There are elements of the debts that need to be reconciled because the Saudis have a sense of how much is owed, and the Iraqis have a slightly different sense of how much is owed," he said.

    Also there are official debts and there are debts owed to private people," he added. "They have to sort all that out".

    He said he and Al-Shibibi will see how "we can promote a reconciliation of some of these issues where there is difference of opinion between Iraq and the Saudis".

    The UN and Iraq co-launched the International Compact with Iraq last week in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, in support of the five-year plan for peace and development in the war-torn country.

    Over USD 30 billion in specific financial commitments have been announced so far.(end)

    KUNA 072312 May 07NNNN

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    German Defense Minister will meet his Iraqi counterpart on Wednesday

    German Defense Minister will meet his Iraqi counterpart on Wednesday

    BERLIN, May 8 (KUNA) -- German Defense Minister Franz Jung will meet his Iraqi counterpart Abdal-Qadir Al-Obeidi in Berlin on Wednesday, an official statement released on Tuesday said.

    The statement did not reveal topics of talks and indicated they would be held at the Leber Julius barracks in Tegel neighborhood.

    They are expected to concentrate on bilateral relations, issues of mutual concern and possible German contribution to reconstruction of military establishment in Iraq as well as ways to improve security conditions in Iraq. (end) sh.


    KUNA 081356 May 07NNNN

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    ICRC calls for additional USD 29 million to face growing difficulties in

    ICRC calls for additional USD 29 million to face growing difficulties in

    Iraq GENEVA, May 7 (KUNA) -- The International Coommittee of the Red Cross (ICRC) announced Monday that it was seeking an additional USD 29 million to allow it to substantially expand its humanitarian work in Iraq.

    The additional funds requested will bring the organization's total budget for Iraq in 2007 to just over USD 75 million.

    ICRC's head of operations for the Middle East and North Africa Beatrice Megevand-Roggo said in a news briefing today that this conflict is inflicting immense suffering on all Iraqis.

    "People directly affected by the crisis are finding it increasingly difficult to cope. The ICRC is therefore stepping up its work to be able to better respond to needs throughout the country. It would focus on improving health care, the water supply and sanitation services," she added.

    Beatrice Megevand-Roggo noted that the number of internally displaced people inside Iraq has stepped up from 500,000 in January to 850,000 in April. She added that the ICRC would reach between 650,000 and 700,000 of the most vulnerable of IDPs.

    Beatrice Megevand-Roggo said that the current number of detainees in four coalition detention centers is roughly 17,000 persons.

    She referred to the ongoing casualties in Iraq among civilians and said that in the past few days up to today some 350 people have been killed.

    This is an appalling figure, she said, noting that it is unacceptable anywhere else, but in Iraq it has become a daily routine. Beatrice Megevand-Roggo said that the ICRC is opening new offices in Najaf and Al Anbar and is stepping its expatriate presence to 69 people. She praised the Iraqi Red Crescent, and said that without its cooperation the ICRC could not carry its role. Beatrice Megevand-Roggo said that the ICRC has 135 offices across the country, with 1500 staff and 9000 volunteers, describing their mission as outstanding in very difficult circumstances where the risks are high. (end)

    KUNA 071941 May 07NNNN

  4. #564
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    Economic : Joint policy in the field of national strategic outlook for oil
    Summary lecture Dr. Mahdi Al-Hafiz invitation of the Iraqi List on May 1, 2007 in the upper Club

    1. The advantages of oil wealth in Iraq and provided enormous :
    115 billion barrels reserve fixed!
    215 billion barrels of probable reserves.

    The cost of exploration and development is Lowest in the world, less than the cost of discovery cents per barrel and the cost of 2 - 1 D dollars per barrel

    2. The bill has not been officially announced "not yet submitted to the Chamber of Deputies until the moment, therefore, the discussion revolved around the text available, issued by the Ministry of Oil informally.

    3. The case for other bills to be considered by this law and on the "distribution of oil resources" and "National Oil Company" and the "Ministry of Oil", in addition to "the model contracts.

    4. There are some people who questioned the need to pass a law on oil and gas, or calls to postpone it because of the circumstances and differences of views on topical issues. And Azaihza prosecution or questioning, mention can be made of a different opinion yes another important reason for Clearly, it was essential to develop a legal and institutional framework for the management of administrative processes oil, and invest this stockpiling large reserves underlying strategic vision and targeted to achieve maximum benefit of the Iraqi people.

    There is also an urgent need for coordination between federal and regional authorities and provinces on the basis of clear and regulated to avoid "any embarrassments and overlaps in the powers between the different bodies. Then there is an urgent need to formulate a clear rules for the form of foreign investment in this sector through standards and clear conditions for contracting with foreign companies, which would safeguarding national interests.

    5. From here we can accept or understand the call to postpone consideration of the law of oil and gas, for reasons of legitimacy of the political process and the foreign presence, whatever the differences in points of Alenzerbhan these two issues and on the political evolution in Iraq generally requires that the national interest should not depend on the economic future of the country and the League of basic stockpiling oil enormous political settlement of this problem or that the problems of the current political development is not indifferent to the time factor.

    Time objective brute force, could not be abrogated or repel repercussions in the historical development, and must be reckoned with, opportunities are not always available and the content "of economic and social development and reap the benefits of this wealth and investing, what Iraqis badly needed to take a lesson from the historical experience of the past dissipated during the biggest and most precious assets and opportunities denied the country's potential to develop national economy and raise him and catching up global particularly in this vital area and valuable (oil sector).

    In summary, the country needs to develop institutional frameworks governing the modern investment stockpiling oil away from improvisation and abuse and tampering with the interests of the people, which is embodied drafting and enactment of the sound and responsive to the requirements of development of this wealth and benefit from the opportunities available globally "not breach the principles of national sovereignty and supreme interests of the people.

    Alstratigi framework of the law desired

    The bill contains two fundamental principles are the right to invest Alstratigi wealth hydrocarbons (oil and gas) in the interests of the entire Iraqi people, namely :
    1. The joint ownership of an entire people in the regions and provinces of oil and gas (Article 111 of the Constitution).

    2. Affirming the principle of the distribution of oil revenues equitably between different parts of the country according to population size and other criteria related to the compensation for areas that have suffered from deprivation and unjust policies in the past (Article 112-First-Constitution).
    Here must make fundamental remark about distribution criteria, as it is likely many of the experts and international institutions to adopt index deprivation first class.

    Any set of indicators that reflect the level of economic and social situation of the population in different regions, as poverty, unemployment and the level of basic services, education and health, namely, the standard of living indicators. And it should be taken a full account of deprivation along with a working volume The population.

    3. In addition to these principles (joint ownership of the oil distribution), there is a third principle stated in the Constitution, and emphasizes the strategic adoption of comprehensive national development. (Article 112--II of the Constitution) as well as (Article 110 of the Constitution) is undoubtedly based on the oil industry revenues to finance projects and programs in the country overall, which imposes consider carefully how foundations and distribution of oil resources, in discussing the upcoming draft law on this issue is another question, raises many questions and questions.

    Policy Unit strategic outlook

    The principles of common ownership, and the equitable distribution of oil revenues, in addition to the requirements of national development task force put an emphasis on unity Alstraetje national policy in all areas of investing oil wealth. This is reflected in the wording of the federal or central policies and priorities and programs within the framework of a comprehensive national take into account the particularities of regions. This entails a proper determination of the powers of the various stakeholders, especially the Federal Council for Oil and Gas and Oil Ministry and the National Oil Company and the regional bodies.

    However, the bill contains overlapping powers, which requires treatment. Federal Council should be the prerogative of the Supreme Adoption of policies, plans and the conclusion of oil contracts, which means that the common strategic outlook tool based on the authority of the federal Cabinet. The Oil Ministry is primarily concerned with the preparation and propose policies, plans and control the management and operation of petroleum activities, so that the dividing line between the Council and the ministry is the first authority to approve policies and plans of oil, while the Ministry is preparing all the policies, programs and studies. It is a warning of the creation of the additional office of the Council as long as the Council shall consider the validity of proposals and projects presented by the ministry, and that he has the independent advisers to benefit from access to any professional advice.

    Decision making and approval of contracts with foreign companies
    Requirements unit strategic outlook of national policy-making in strengthening the central key issues relevant to conclude contracts with foreign companies, and strengthen the bargaining power of the State as a whole. Notes there has been an exaggeration in the regional and local specificities which weakens Alstratigi joint resolution, which allow the regional and provincial bodies producing freedom of negotiation and approval of contracts initially.

    The signing of the first contracts to weaken the bargaining power of the country and opens the door to all sorts of external influences and confused decision-making process. The safest method is to limit the negotiation process and the final approval of contracts the federal council. As that would provide safeguards required for the unity of politics strategic outlook to guide investment and operations management petroleum harmonious.

    The effectiveness of the Federal Council

    Highlights in the introduction, crucial to ensure the effectiveness of serious and efficient and speedy performance of the federal oil and gas, as the most important tool, however, the federal Cabinet to lead the petroleum sector. But there are weaknesses can be monitored in the project should be addressed :

    1. The proposed installation of the Council holds a "broad" loosely "which weakens the effectiveness, and requires reducing the membership of the Council to reflect the appropriate number need the truth, to enable it to discharge its functions. Some experts suggest that the number (9).

    2. Cancellation base for decision-making in the Council by a two thirds majority as stated in the draft law (Article 5-T / eleven), in the current circumstances indebted conflict of interest and bias manifestations of regional, ethnic and regional this principle is a constraint "on the options and the freedom of the Council and its effective functioning and productive.

    3. The phrase "the representation of the basic components of the Iraqi people" in the draft law (Article 5-T / 6), as they contradict the national curriculum objective and abstract desired for the Council's work in accordance with professional standards and professional and general considerations common There should extend quotas specter of sectarian or partisan to the strength and integrity of his movement and paralyze its direction.

    Office of independent advisers

    The law will establish this body. It is a tool to enhance the technical task of the decision-making process is beneficial. However, the bill required that the choice (independent advisers) by the Federal Council unanimously This glitch gratuitous, and allow the crippled and delays in decision-making, as well as the difficulty of obtaining the advice of honest elections.

    The detriment to the safety of choice. More correctly, that is being formed this office to the House and Tuguetasredewith the Iraqi experts, and cancel a requirement of the resolution adopted unanimously by the Federal Council in forming this office (Article 5-T / VI) If highlighted the need to benefit from foreign expertise could be done by contracting consultant with specific individuals or companies.

    Forms of investment

    The draft law is certainly on the national investment in the re-establishment of the National Oil Company and enable them to act for about 80-90% of the fixed reserve of 115 billion barrels, which contains producing fields and discovered (and unproductive) and stands (52) gas fields in the framework of the bill attached Supplement No. (1) of the fields producing The number (27) and a supplement to No. (2) and number (25) - A non-productive (Protocols (1) and (2)). In addition, the bill gives the right of the National Oil Company to enter investor "or a" commercial "on the basis of competitive investment in the discovered fields and other exploratory Patches (Exploration Blocks) IBC probable reserves (Protocols (3) and (4)), according to the current distribution in the four annexes attached to the draft law.

    The Act assigns the company National Oil tasks management and operation of oil and gas pipelines and the main ports of export for two years until a new system to run them. Experts estimate that investment in producing fields can provide current production (10-8) million barrels per day for ten years to come, and perhaps more than that. it can also National Oil Company the use of service contracts or management that dictated by the need to rehabilitate and strengthen the production as stated in the draft law.

    As for foreign investment makes the bill remarkable resilience about the possibility of contracting with foreign companies but calling "to make efforts in order to ensure prompt and effective development of the fields discovered - developed wholly or partially on the date of issuance of this law," as stated in (Article No. w-8).

    It emphasizes the obligation of contractual formulas and instructions issued by the Federal Council of oil and gas also stipulates a set of conditions and criteria to ensure national control over wealth and achieve maximum returns, as well as "enhance local content, which includes the use of manpower and services, and Iraqi purchases and involve the private sector in implementing some of the Iraqi actors.

    Indeed, the model contracts standards contained in the draft law is also of great importance for the protection of national interests, and find the best contracts achieved to the maximum economic return and Mali for the country. The content of these contracts include service contracts, management and development, production and risk.

    The discussion of the need for foreign investment contracts require finding a set of criteria and indicators in order "to take the right position and the right decision about this sensitive issue :

    1. Power tasks entrusted to the National Oil Company, including the inventory of about 80-90% of the reserve established in the scope of work.

    2. The large size of the reserve remaining firm and potential discoveries, which exceeds 200 billion barrels.

    3. The ability of national agencies to absorb investment desired in terms of implementation and efficiency, speed and capacity, after they had Cadres proven oil drain broad and serious during the last term and was happy lot.

    4. Built valid criteria for the protection of the national interest in the contract (a contract) with foreign bodies and its advantages in terms of acquisition of modern technology, financing and effective management and human resource development (education and training).

    5. It should be emphasized that the formulation of policies and programs concerning foreign contracts should be governed by the requirements of national strategic outlook Assembly. In this context, note that the draft law to ensure freedom of choice call for national and foreign investment outside of what is provided from the fields of the National Oil Company.

    It is worth noting the existence of "the wise" underlines the priority given to the development of existing fields, because "they provided assurance at the production level and immediate need. The exploration ventures secondary priority must be included in the framework of contracts with foreign companies.

    Therefore, emphasis is not to rush Licensing is broad and improvised to avoid " any suspicions and accusations for the benefit of foreign parties. Therefore proposed assigning the approval of contracts for exploration and production with foreign companies in parliament within a certain ceiling value exceed 600 million dollars of the contract also finds a number of experts.

    Oil and national development

    Do not dispute that oil revenues are the main source of funding for overall national development, whether in the framework of the investment program of the federal budget or strategic national development and obligations established in the "International Covenant" to be announced soon.

    * In light of this we look forward to be drafted law "distribution of oil resources," according to this vision of comprehensive national development requirements and take into account the distribution of projects on parts of the country, according to the criteria of deprivation and poverty and the standard of living and the size of the population, namely focusing on the concept of equitable distribution of benefits and the fruits resulting from the adoption and implementation of strategic national development.

    Rather than deal with this issue, as if the distribution of financial resources between the federal and regional authorities and governorates. , Which requires the precise wording of the concept of equitable distribution of resources in the draft law expected. Finally, "in addition to these ideas and proposals, the basic nature Alstratigi Nationally, there are more than a few remarks on the articles of the draft law in terms of the accuracy and integrity of the wording, which requires review and adjustment.


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    Skinner Egyptian newspaper : There are no sectarian war in Iraq.
    (صوت العراق) - 08-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 08-05-2007
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    Skinner Egyptian newspaper : There are no sectarian war in Iraq, but terrorism
    CAIRO - (Voices of Iraq)

    Egyptian newspaper published today, Tuesday, dialogue with the spokesman of the Iraqi government to Dr. Skinner, said that no sectarian war in Iraq, but that "terrorism" .Although the government is serious in solving the armed militias.

    Once a timetable for that.
    Skinner added in his replies to questions from the newspaper editor who he met on the sidelines of the conference on the security situation in Iraq .. To improve the security situation of Iraq is not the responsibility of the government, but the responsibility of all neighboring countries; fact that the current crisis threatens the entire region.
    He continued, saying that this Mahaulena Neighboring countries have already listened to us and O'dona working to help us.

    In response to another question about what his fears after the conference, Skinner said they are "afraid of nothing but terrorism transition to the rest of the region, as happened in Algeria and Morocco."
    The explosions occurred in Algeria One was near the government headquarters in the capital Algiers in April last April, with three suicide bombers detonated themselves in Morocco in separate incidents.

    Skinner denied reports about American security Iranian role his country, saying that "if there is evidence of such a role for our firm position."
    The price Skinner of the International Conference for Iraq positively saying, "We put this conference Iraq on the threshold of a new era for help in building its own national capabilities in debt forgiveness unjust and a shift towards market economic help Iraqi society to modernize and provide employment opportunities thereby reducing political violence."
    Skinner expected from the American side would contribute to the training of the Iraqi army to be a "starting to talk about the withdrawal of American forces."

    He denied that there was any dispute between his country and the United States, saying that there was an internal dispute between the Republicans and Democrats, "We do not interfere in it nothing to do with us."

    The newspaper also published the news (official daily) published an article under the title (Democratic Party threatens' earthquake in the White House 'for withdrawing its forces from Iraq), which stated that the democratic leaders in Congress say they will' Ezzlon White House 'for the withdrawal of troops from Iraq, and at a time when trying to prepare a new draft law to finance the war instead of the project, which Bush used the veto 'veto' against him recently.

    The Congress, headed by Nancy Pelosi, two weeks before adopting a resolution providing for the withdrawal of American forces from Iraq in December solutions October 2008; only that the American President George Bush used the right (of veto) against this decision.
    أ م ط - م ع
    A m i m-p

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  6. #566
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    The Council of Ministers headed by State Council President

    (صوت العراق) - 08-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 08-05-2007

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    History 8px May 2007

    عقد مجلس الوزراء برئاسة دولة السيد رئيس مجلس الوزراء الجلسة العشرون الاعتيادية بتاريخ 8/5/2007 وقرر ما يأتي:
    The Council of Ministers headed by the State of the Prime Minister regular 20th meeting on May 8, 2007 and decided as follows :

    الموافقة على اتخاذ الاجراءات القانونية لأنضمام العراق الى الاتفاقية الدولية لضمان الاستثمار MEGA وتخويل السفير العراقي في واشنطن للتوقيع الاولي عليها.
    Approval of the legal measures taken to Iraq to join the International Convention for Investment Guarantee MEGA authorization and the Iraqi ambassador in Washington to sign it first.

    الموافقة على مشروع قانون اصول المحاكمات الجزائية وفق الصيغة التي اعدها مجلس القضاء الاعلى.
    Approval of the draft Code of Criminal Procedure in accordance with the formula prepared by the SJC.

    الغاء قانون الاعياد والعطلات الرسمية رقم 110 لسنة 1972 واعداد مشروع جديد يوصي اعتبار يوم اعلان استقلال العراق عيداً وطنيا للدولة العراقية والابقاء على يومي الجمعة والسبت كعطلة اسبوعية وحذف يومي 17 تموز و 8 شباط من القانون وتكليف اللجنة المشكلة سابقا لأنجاز المهمة.
    Repeal the holidays and public holidays No. 110 of 1972 and prepare a new draft recommends that Iraq's declaration of independence on the national day of the Iraqi state and to keep on Friday and Saturday, a weekly holiday and deleted on July 17 and February 8 of the Act and the problem previously assigned to the task.

    المصادقة على ان يكون اليوم الاول من شهر تشرين الاول (اليوم الاول للدوام الدراسي الرسمي) في المدارس والكليات والمعاهد يوماً للطالب.
    Validation on the first day of the month of October (the first day of official school hours) in schools, colleges and institutes days for the student.

    الايعاز الى الوزارات والدوائر غير المرتبطة بوزارة بالعمل بالنصوص التشريعية الخاصة بمنح اجازات دراسية للموظفين من حاملي الشهادة الجامعية الاولية داخل العراق وخارجه استنادا للقرار التشريعي رقم 24 لسنة 1960 والتعليمات والضوابط الخاصة بهذا الشأن وعرضها على مجلس الوزراء لغرض الموافقة فيما يتعلق بالاجازات الدراسية خارج البلاد.
    Instruct the ministries and departments not related to the Ministry of legislative texts to work for granting sabbaticals for staff in the initial university degree holders both inside and outside Iraq basis of Legislative Decree No. 24 of 1960, instructions and regulations on this matter and referred to the Cabinet for approval with regard to leave school out of the country.

    اقرار مشروع قانون تعديل امر تعويض الشهداء والمصابين نتيجة الاعمال الارهابية رقم 10 لسنة 2004 وشمول المتقاعدين مع الدولة بأحكام هذا القانون.
    Adoption of a draft law to amend the warrant compensation martyrs and the injured as a result of terrorist acts No. 10 of 2004 and coverage of retirees with the state provisions of this law.

    الموافقة على ان تصرف رواتب مدراء المدارس العراقية في الخارج من قبل وزارة التربية.
    People agree that the salaries of school administrators Iraqi abroad by the Ministry of Education.

    الموافقة على تخويل السيد وزير التربية صلاحية التفاوض والتوقيع على مشروع اتفاق التعاون الثقافي والتربوي بين جمهورية العراق والجمهورية الفرنسية.
    Approval of the authorization of the Minister of Education the power to negotiate and sign the draft agreement on cultural and educational cooperation between the Republic of Iraq and the French Republic.

    الموافقة على تمديد خدمة السيد حسن هاشم الحيدري مدير عام الاتفاقيات والقروض في البنك المركزي لمدة ثلاث سنوات اعتباراً من تاريخ 1/7/2007.
    Approval to extend the service of Mr. Hassan Hashem Haydari conventions and general manager at the Central Bank loans for a period of three years from the date of July 1, 2007.

    الموافقة على زيادة رأس مال شركة التأمين الوطنية من 600 مليون دينار عراقي الى 2 مليار دينار عراقي مع دراسة امكانية خصخصتها.
    Approve the capital increase National Insurance Company of 600 million Iraqi dinars to two billion Iraqi dinars with studying the possibility of privatization.

    الموافقة على منح قرض للمصرف العقاري قدره 21.9 مليار دينار بموجب اتفاق يبرم بين وزراة المالية والمصرف العقاري وزيادة رأس مال المصرف العقاري من مليار ومئة مليون دينار الى خمسة وعشرين تبعاً لذلك.
    Agreed to grant a loan to the Land Bank of 21.9 billion dinars under an agreement between the Ministry of Finance and Mortgage Bank, and increase the bank's capital from real estate billion, one hundred million dinars to twenty-five accordingly.

    اعتماد المزايدة لمنح تراخيص الهاتف النقال واعتبارها مفتوحة لكافة الشركات المتخصصة الراغبة في الدخول بالمزايدة دون حصرها بالشركات التي سبق وان تم اعتمادها لدخول المزايدة السابقة واضافة السيد وزير التخطيط لعضوية اللجنة.
    Adoption of the tender for granting licenses for the mobile phone and mind open to all specialized companies wishing to enter without a bid, ask the companies that have already been approved to enter the bidding Yugoslavia and the addition of Mr. Minister of Planning for membership of the committee.


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    Bush and Blair urging Maliki on implementing the Sharm (Voice of Iraq) - 08-05-2007 | - ÕæÊ ÇáÚÑÇÞ

    Bush and Blair urging Maliki on implementing the Sharm el-Sheikh summit in reconciliation
    American officers : thousands of prisoners without charges in government prisons hung frustrate storming militia

    Washington Marsa Aboutouk
    Baghdad Karim Zaire
    Cairo Mustafa Amara
    He urged the American President George Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki commitment to the decisions of the Sharm el-Sheikh in the areas of security and reconciliation in Mahatvien separate. Bush confirmed during the recent via closed-circuit television that the early autumn is the deadline for the success of its strategy in Iraq, according to White House spokesman stressed on reconciliation and relations with neighboring countries. The conversation took place in two stages, the presence of the American President helpers then individually. He called Bush's decisions to introduce international conference on Iraq in Sharm el-Sheikh replace actual implementation. For his part, Blair during a phone call to the security of Basra and the importance of convening of a reconciliation conference bringing together all Iraqis, without exclusion. On the other hand, American officers disclosed yesterday that the government forces arrested hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians and sent to prisons and detention despite their innocence since assuming the task of detention last March as the beginning of the preparation of the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki called the imposition of the law with the same sources said that government forces continued detention daily pretext of "suspicion only without the draw of detainees formally charged. Meanwhile, the spokesman for the British government, John Wilkes correspondent for the (time) in Cairo that his government wants to accomplish national reconciliation Maliki to provide £ 100 million to the International Fund to support the Iraqi economy. At security prevent Iraqis from residents willing Khatoon and Ras marginal hung in the neighborhood north of Baghdad government forces backed by militia from storming the two regions. The government forces attempted to implement raids on a number of houses after it imposed a siege on the above-mentioned regions and prevented vehicle traffic allowed in the orientation of the staff to work on foot foot and depriving them of their cars. Officers said the Iraqis that they could distinguish the suspects as terrorists is better than the Americans, that the arrest was still a precautionary measure acceptable to societies. He said Amjad Abbas Hassun, one Iraqi army officers, "in the past had orders to achieve with the suspects, but now orders are always the arrest and not an investigation. " said Steve Duke, a team leader up between the American and Iraqi armies, that "until the reduction of these practices, will continue efforts in Iraq cumbersome." The Duke told the "Times Meletri" to be able to succeed in Iraq, then the people have to trust the army, the army must care for his trust ... No able to achieve so far. " Maliki issued directives to the Interior Ministry to prevent thereunder, the number of Iraqi detainees whose numbers have increased since the start of the so-called Plan security of the capital. Under the emergency powers to force implementation of this plan, it can detain any Iraqi for an indefinite period in fear of Iraqi human rights organizations and international that the number of detainees in Iraqi prisons had exceeded two hundred thousand prisoners are systematically tortured in order to extract confessions from them without setting a date for trial in contrast to Iraqi laws imposed on the investigating authorities to release the detainees after thirty days of detention in the absence of any charge for them. Denying covenants and charters arrest on suspicion practiced by the Iraqi government troops daily.
    Judicial sources said an Iraqi told "time" that "arrests are not implemented under memorandums issued by magistrates under emergency powers and will be subject to military commanders." The same sources that asked not to give his name, "The Iraqi judicial system, which suffers from weakness originally unable to summon such an enormous number of the detainees to appear before it." The spread in prisons government militias linked mafiosi and officers in the Interior relatives of the detainees were extorting financial return for a promise of release and often Wijdunem corpses in the streets after a ransom. She said that unfortunately "conducted operations release is not based on justice, but to give bribes in return without disclose further details. The Iraqi government does not allow international organizations to visit prisons and Muattaglatha that contravene international standards of detention. The government contracted to build three prisons major new plan to expand arrests in remote areas of Iraq.
    The Iraqi authorities refused to allow detainees to accompany lawyers during the investigation or hire them to defend them. The families live under extremely harsh conditions due to the loss of dependents of parents and children. The Maliki had promised on his arrival at the office without the release of prisoners and to implement several so far.
    He said in an interview with the correspondent (time) in Cairo that "efforts to achieve reconciliation by the Iraqi government had not made sufficient progress"
    He explained that the British troops faced serious problems in Basra, "such as militias infiltrate the police and instability in the province."
    He stressed that there is "widely supported by the international community to achieve security and stability in Iraq."
    Replying to a question about Iran's role in stabilizing Iraq, he said "we welcome the announcement by Iran's Foreign Minister Manouchehr Muttaqi on Iraq in Sharm El-Sheikh conference, but we urge the Iranian government to remove doubts about the Iranian role, especially in southern Iraq.
    This is the second time in which the hung to attack from militias and government troops during the short period of time, where these forces stormed the hospital only last week and forced the patients, including children, women and elderly to leave and arrested auditors found recovered in later closed the hospital before re-opened yesterday.
    In relation to American-Iraqi troops raided a number of houses common Jihad district southwest Iraq.
    And in relation to the democratic leaders in Congress Sunday they will Ezzlon White House to put pressure on President George Bush to withdraw American forces from Iraq while seeking to prepare a new bill to finance the war instead of the project
    Bush used the veto power / power / him.
    And the Democrats in political television programs idea that the United States does not have to be a civil war in Iraq did not show any sign of backtracking on troop withdrawal.
    He said Democrat Charles Rangel of New York, Chairman of the Committee on ways and means in the House of Representatives for the program and faced the nation on the network (CNN. Bi. S.)
    This is a battle that the American people. Asked us to send a message to the President.
    He must Nzlezelle White House so that the voice of the United States.
    At a time when the Iraq war helped in the decline of Bush's acceptance rate to 28%, the lowest rate ever, according to the poll conducted by Newsweek magazine to be on Bush to work with Congress, which is controlled by the Democrats on a bill to finance the war. Bush refused bill allocated $ 412 billion because it would set a date for withdrawing its forces.
    He said Senator Charles Schumer of New York in the latest edition of Network (CNN. That. That) that the Democrats and Republicans are not close to that limit to reach a compromise on a bill to finance the war, but said that there are encouraging signs.
    Rangel said that the House of Representatives only relieve pressure on Bush before the United States withdraws from Iraq.
    He added, We hope to be skilled enough to permit him to reach international solution. He added, but the people who elected request the return of the troops. This sufficient .. This sufficient. Looming on the horizon is not a sign of victory. It is a civil war and we do not have the means to solve such a major problem.
    Senator Chris Dodd is a democratic candidate for the presidency said that he is still committed to the law put majority leader in the Senate, Harry Reid, Senator Ross Feingold sets a specific timetable for the withdrawal of American forces by March 31, 2008, but he would think of other options in case of failure of this.
    He said minority leader John Boehner republic in the House that he preferred targets to be used as signs indicative of measuring progress Iraqi forces as a measure of withdrawing American forces.
    Boehner said it was too early to despair of the Bush plan, especially as it has been published every additional troops strength of 30 thousand individual who is Bush deployed.
    He added, we want to give this plan a chance to succeed.
    He went on to say over the past three or four years we will have an idea of how the plan.
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
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    Hevern company recognizes the largest scandal in the United States on

    (صوت العراق) - 08-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 08-05-2007

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    Condoleeza Rice was working and oversees policy

    Hevern company recognizes the largest scandal in the United States related to the purchase of Iraqi oil

    Washington-file Press

    Investigators said in the United States that the company "Hevern", the second largest oil company in the United States, is now preparing to admit that it must have been known that the fees were paid to Saddam Hussein for oil, bought from Iraq as part of the "oil for food" program, which expired after the 2003 invasion.

    The New York Times recognize that this is part of the settlement Thdieeh discussed with the members of the public prosecution in the United States. She said that the settlement includes fines totaling between 25 to 30 million dollars, according to the investigators, who have refused to make themselves known, because the details of the settlement to pay the amount not authorized to announce them yet.

    The punishment was still being discussed - newspaper-will be the biggest scandal even in the United States, and connected with the investigation of companies involved in the scandal of "oil for food" program. The New York Times that the program of 64 billion dollars, which work by 1996, by the Security Council to help reduce the effects of United Nations sanctions against Iraqi civilians after the first Gulf War. Even the American occupation in 2003, was guaranteed to Saddam Hussein's government, export amounts of oil to buy food, medicine and humanitarian goods uses.

    The New York Times that in spite of the system done in wages and additional taxes secret, the Iraqi regime received at least 1.8 billion dollars from the company fees set forth in the program, according to the investigation completed in 2005 by "Paul Volcker," the former President of the federal seizure. By imposing additional taxes on the sale of crude oil, the Iraqi regime had obtained secret to 228 million dollars from the proceeds of oil exports.

    The report revealed by 2004 and one of the investigators of the American Central Intelligence Agency has named five American companies purchased oil through the program (oil for food). These companies : Costel Foundation (an affiliate of El Paso), Hevern, Texaco, Bi Oil, Mobile (now part of the company Aksickson). At the time the companies denied committing any error and said it was cooperating with ongoing investigations to uncover the facts.

    As part of the deal - says investigators prosecution in a statement to The New York Times-the company "Hevern", which now owns the company, "Texaco" is not expected to recognize the violation of the economic sanctions of the United Nations. But it is expected that the company acknowledges that it should have been aware that the taxes paid illegally to Iraq for oil. They pointed out that the fines related payments amounting to about $ 20 million for additional fines of tens of millions of barrels of Iraqi oil purchased by the company "Hevern" During the period from 2000 to 2002.

    The New York Times that what was said is that these payments ball oil traders kids sold oil company "Hevern." But existing records to the United Nations, and the Italian and American officials showed that payments financed by the "Hevern." The paper recalls that the negotiations may take several weeks to emerge following the results reached last February by the company, "El Paso", the largest operator of natural gas pipelines American, in order to pay the United States government $ 7.37 million to settle the problem, which contains allegations of illegal payments on behalf of the oil for food.

    The settlement discussions, "she says - The New York Times - is the result of months of work of a common set of trial attorneys general in the Southern Province of New York, and the prosecutor in the Manhattan" or Robert Mogentho "with the help of the Italian authorities. He said, "Kent Robertson," company spokesman "Hevern" : on the oil for food program in general, the company bought quantities of Iraqi crude oil to be used in American refineries, and ratified the United Nations processes first sale of the entire cargo purchased by the company "Hevern. He confirmed that the company will cooperate with the investigations and would continue to work in that direction. According to The New York Times, the American Public Prosecution Service, the Public Prosecutor's Office in the New York area refused to comment on these statements. To this extent remains Former officials of the United Nations, individuals and dealers, oil companies are relatively small, under scrutiny by the competent departments in the United States.

    According to the report, "Volcker" the additional fines on Iraqi oil exports in the month of August 2000 by the Iraqi government oil company, a marketing company governmental oil. The paper disclosed that "Condoleezza Rice," and the current foreign minister in the United States, at that time, a member of the company "Hevern" oil, leading to the policy, which oversaw the areas of political fears potential jeopardize the interests of the company for concern. Resigned "Rice" from the company in January 2001 after 16 that President Bush appointed an adviser to American national security, as the official spokesman for the State Department. According to the records of the security committee and the exchange of securities of the company, the Policy Committee met three times during 2000, but the company "Hevern" refrained from commenting on consultations own.

    The New York Times : The "Patricia and Ertz", which was on the 26th of the month of January 2001, President of the company's "Hevern" shown through internal notices "that the financial batch of such fines are banned under the United Nations sanctions against Iraq.This was revealed company documents furnished to the Commission "Volker." Any deal that includes Iraqi oil - also wrote and Uertz-the company must anticipate the identity of the corporation and reputation "and also said :" as well as anticipate any deviation in the pricing of the proposed general rules and margins deals according to the date of the company's sales practices. "

    According to investigators, the Americans and Italians - as-paper says the list of Iraqi oil deals from January 2000 until December 2002, which sent the company "Hevern" of the Volcker Commission "showed that the price difference, which was driven by" Hevern "of third parties, there is only after August 2000, when it began any additional taxes illegal, The payment even after warnings "Ertz." the company also has not implemented the "Ertz", which was the Chairperson of the products, and to check the credibility of the companies that sell Iraqi crude oil to the company "Hevern." Investigators stated that the company bought tens of millions of barrels of Iraqi oil companies were not known in advance not to be it records in the oil. One such company, "Erdem Holdings," which sold to "Hevern" Mellon 13 barrels of oil, according to company lists "Hevern" itself. The company, owned by "ZAINEL Abidin Erdem" is a Turkish businessman, who participated in the Department of Labor Turkish-Iraqi.

    On February 15, 2001, about two weeks after the issuance of the memorandum "Ertz" mentioned, bought the company "Hevern" 1.8 million barrels of oil from the "Erdem" Turkish Sint 36 price increase on the official selling price validated by the United Nations on Iraqi oil.
    On other occasions the increase payments will rise to 49.5 Sint barrel, depending on the records of the company "Hevern." In data submitted to the Attorney General under oath Italian section, "says Italian businessman," Fabrizio of Waioli "that sold Iraqi oil to a number of companies, including the company" Hevern "American, and all were aware the Iraqi request for additional tax payments.

    In fact - says the Waioli testimony before the Public Prosecutor Italian - that any final benefit include these amounts in addition to the official price for concealment value paid to the mediator. He added : in fact they were all aware that only a portion of those amounts was going for the mediator, while the remaining amounts paid to the Iraqis. The investigators found Supports Italians, Mahada evidence that the company "to Waioli" called "Oil House" paid additional taxes to the Iraqis to buy oil for the benefit of the company "Hevern." The documents seized in the offices of "House of Oil" that the 45 thousand dollars was sent to the Iraqi secret account in Jordan patch of additional taxes on the oil tanker carrying through "Overseas," on behalf of the company "Hevern" in the March 13, 2003.

    It was "the Waioli" has been convicted in the United Arab Emirates fraud is now under investigation in Greece and Italy, according to an Italian investigator, who spoke on condition his name not be revealed because the investigation is still ongoing. The investigators found in the "Milan" evidence confirms that "Waioli" mediate in the sale of some 155 million barrels of Iraqi oil, paying directly or indirectly 4 Miloon to five million dollars in taxes additional. In the case of "Hevern" - say to the Waioli-in the note that the amount deposited deal with a responsible person at the company's office in London, and the name "Michael Dkdel", who led a buy Iraqi oil.

    Show electronic message from the company "Hevern" found by investigators in the United States, suggestions "Dkdel" that the company knows that the caloric value of the "Waioli" was included additional taxes Iraqi illegal. This revealing a person close to the investigation.

    Finally, The New York Times says : "The Dickedel" left the company "Hevern" in the autumn of 2005. In a telephone conversation from London, said : "Dickedel" deal with the Italian mediator, but denied any discounts received on the financial package. He said, "Dickedel" : that any deal then ratified by the senior management of the company.
    He added : that he had been informed about the negotiations with the administration "to Waioli."

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    Tourism Authority : Promote Tourism «transit» northern boundary
    (Voice of Iraq) - 08-05-2007 | - ÕæÊ ÇáÚÑÇÞ

    Arar : «Middle East»
    A report of the supreme body for tourism will encourage tourism «transit» in the northern border region, in addition to the conversion of pumping stations affiliated companies Altaplaen to cultural tourism sites. The report pointed out that powerful elements in the northern border is the fact that the strategic location of the region in the north with the Kingdom of Jordan and Iraq, which make them an outlet for these two, and the existence of many archaeological and historical sites and historic trade routes, in addition to buildings and popular markets, handicrafts and folklore. Seeking Supreme Commission for Tourism to promote tourism «transit» of the neighboring countries of the region Mcharvin transients where the some one night in the region. According to the report, climate distinct region, where temperatures tend to be cooler compared to other regions in the Kingdom, the so-called northern border «Sahara green» for the growth of vegetables and the weather after rain and the beauty of afforestation. The region is famous fish hawk, which was organized special festival fish hawks, and there is a large natural reserve guard with the crew and the application of measures of protection, and accessible land and air to the region, and the attention of municipal administrations and NGOs and the private sector to develop the tourism committee had been formed to tourism at the Chamber of Commerce in the region. Regarding improvements to stimulate tourism in the region, the report was the establishment of a Squara, the development of eco-tourism in several places within protected areas, and develop the production of handicrafts and traditional industries and sales, and the establishment Society for Culture and Arts in the northern border to encourage the development and performance arts, folklore and the local cultural heritage. It has also been established rested on the roads specifications adopted, and signboards at tourist sites, and the implementation of economic development projects proposed for a free trade zone and operate phosphate mine, in addition to organizing races patrol hybrids, the annual festivals of shearing wool and tubers collecting, organizing sports desert at the local level, with emphasis on developing «coached Zubaydah» as a historic landmark and nationally. On the development of products in the areas of tourism development in the northern border, has been transferred to the Emirate Palace visitors center equipped with a coffee shop and a store that sells souvenirs, and will be converted into a regional museum, and completing developmental work in the palm groves Street, and Park Prince Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz bin assistant. It was a beauty surrounding areas Valley and Wadi Arar limb, and the establishment of the city of Arar sports, and the establishment of a commercial recreational parks to meet the needs of the region and visitors. With regard to the location of the natural environment report said that the establishment of camps of the environmental tourism in protected free zone, and identify ways to take advantage of future Aldhaoul and caves in the area and Alhbach Alhbach creature, and provide the necessary facilities for visitors to the area Altarifawi natural, and the provision of facilities for visitors Altesseh protected, and the development of parks in the revival of Rafha, Tarif. In the cultural heritage sites, was staffing the popular tourist district in a lean, protect and provide necessary facilities for visitors, as well as to the path of Zubaydah and historic park facilities, tourism and employment for the «Zabala», as well as providing facilities in the village of Luka, and the conversion of pumping stations in Rafha Tarif and tourist sites to recreational and cultural.
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    Default Voices of Iraq :-$ auction (economy)

    Books : dhrgham on Tuesday, 08 May 2007 1:28 PM-BT

    The stability of demand for dollar auction CBE
    Dargham of Muhammad Ali
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)
    Stabilized demand on the dollar for the third consecutive day in the meeting, today, Tuesday, from the Iraqi Central Bank auction recording volume demand totaled 87 million and 865 thousand dollars compared to 89 million and 140 thousand dollars yesterday.
    She said the bulletin issued by the Central Bank of Iraq received news agency (Voices of Iraq) independent copy, today, that purchase orders are divided by 16 million and 945 thousand dollars in cash and 70 million and 920 thousand dollars in the form of remittances outside the country covered by the bank fully exchange rate hit a low point of 1264 dinars to one dollar exchange yesterday of 1265 dinars.
    While he did not make any of the banks (18) participating auction offers to sell the dollar.
    Sadiq Abdul Razzaq trouble economic analyst told (Voices of Iraq), today, the decline being by one or two points a day said that encourages high bids, a policy Nfdeh used by the bank to absorb the largest amount of local currency to reduce inflation, which witnessed the Iraqi market.

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