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    Barzani in Brussels to discuss the situation in Iraq

    (صوت العراق) - 08-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 08-05-2007

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    Brussels : Research's High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union Javier Solana in Brussels today with Massoud Barzani, head of government in Kurdistan (northern Iraq), the latest situation in the country and the outcome of the Sharm el-Sheikh International, which was held last week on Iraq. He stressed Barzani Following the meeting, the importance and central role of the European Union in finding a settlement to the Iraqi situation, "European officials promised to continue efforts to support Iraq's stability."

    He spoke out about the situation in the territory of Kirkuk, "which should be resolved according to Article 140 of the Iraqi Constitution." On distribution of wealth and oil in Iraq, Barzani said that it was agreed on the distribution of Iraqi oil revenues equally to all regions and all people of Iraq.

    In response to threats to the Turkish Kurdistan, Barzani opinion that the "language of threat is not appropriate in this day and age", and expressed his aspiration to establish relations of friendship and cooperation with Turkey and not to exchange threats. Barzani also will speak this afternoon to members of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the European Parliament, where exchanges of views of parliamentarians about the situation in Iraq in general and Kurdistan in particular.

    Translated version of

  2. #572
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    Will it succeed, the new Minister of Health in promoting?
    (Voice of Iraq) - 08-05-2007 | - ÕæÊ ÇáÚÑÇÞ

    Baghdad-Saadi deer
    The performance of the Ministry of Health clear decrease over the past three years represent devices malfunctioned medical examination and the lack of ***** in most health institutions, which increased the suffering of citizens who are trying to get good treatment services

    , Which made its minister and the former gives broad powers to the directors of health services and public hospitals in repairing equipment and buying medicines from the local markets. In spite of the reform most organs except that the ministry still faces many problems especially lack of medicines, particularly in medical clinics and the lack of popular medical and nursing Cadres in many health institutions. He described the Inspector-General Dr. Adel Abdullah performance of the ministry during the last year that was the worst in history, where it was referred hundreds of cases of administrative and financial corruption to eliminate addition to the diagnosis of many of the problems which have been experienced by the Ministry of Health in the forefront of the lack of competence of doctors in public hospitals The lobbies of emergency is the most important challenge faced by the ministry after it had been targeted by terrorist groups, which led to the martyrdom of approximately (150) spe******t doctors and the brain more than a thousand of them outside Iraq, according to the latest statement by the former Minister Dr Ali al-Shamri, while AWACS Medical Association migration (16) A doctor through the past few years (33) Alpha titular have. A problem which raised more than once before the Supreme responsible, where the ministry hopes to take many of the special procedures to reduce this phenomenon, such as the development of special protections and increase their salaries by 100% and granting land plots, and a lot of other proposals that are designed to encourage them to stay and not immigrate to outside Iraq, but these proposals were not taken into consideration by the Council of Ministers. In many reconstruction projects and rehabilitation of many delays in delivery of health centers model promised by the American side did not complete and receiver do not exceed twenty center of the 142 center had hoped to receive from the beginning of last year since 2006 the ministry was counting on these centers in the application known as the family medicine and referral system is applied in most neighboring countries. Also, the construction project of ten public hospitals for which it has its own budget, its implementation did not begin until the moment due to some technical problems. It can be said that the deteriorating security situation was the main factor behind the decline in the performance of the Ministry of Health as well as by some quarters to politicize the ministry and accusing them of possessing outlawed militias, which led to the targeting of their cadre all nursing and administrative as well as ambulances. Which led to a decline in health services and perhaps lost in most areas and provinces, especially the hot them. The escalation of terrorist operations drained much of the energies of public hospitals and material resources which make one former agents known as the Ministry of Emergency. When another official said that the performance of the Ministry of Health linked to the extent of improvement in the performance of other service ministries such as (municipal, electricity, environment, the Interior) to all these problems and challenges, the Ministry of Health and its minister awaiting the new must have integrity, competence and courage in taking decisions, as stated by Al (morning) and the technical agent Dr. Amer Khsai in a meeting with him last month. The question that arises here is whether the new minister will succeed in providing quality health services if they are chosen according to the qualities mentioned.?
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
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  3. #573
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    The Kurdistan Alliance supports Maliki commitment in the document
    (Voice of Iraq) - 08-05-2007 | - ÕæÊ ÇáÚÑÇÞ

    Arbil : Kurdistan Alliance bloc renewed its support for al-Maliki government, especially at this stage where the government to abide by the commitments contained in a document issued by the International Conference of Sharm el-Sheikh. He said spokesman bloc in a telephone conversation with him today, "We in the Alliance bloc not continue to support the government of Mr. Nuri al-Maliki and believe that the pledge during the Sharm El-Sheikh conference did not reflect the position, but the position of the Iraqi government and the parliament which represents all Iraqi components, and we look forward to him translated document principles and commitments on the ground. " The Maliki had pledged to the conference to work to disarm the militias and the elimination of sectarian conflict in Iraq, and coalition spokesman confirmed that "one of the priorities of the government now is the disarmament of those weapons which we believe that without this process can ease sectarian tension and stop the deterioration of security in the country." Media sources quoted today by the Shiite leader Muqtada al-Sadr's call for the elements of the Mahdi Army to disarm, and that he would refrain from the ranks of the army. This came from the Shiite leader following the renewed spread of the elements of the Mahdi in areas of Baghdad and the resumption of prosecution and the assassination of the year in the capital
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
    - Abraham Lincoln

  4. #574
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    Maliki, Hashemi discussing ways to guarantee the continuation of the process
    (Voice of Iraq) - 08-05-2007 | - ÕæÊ ÇáÚÑÇÞ

    Maliki, Hashemi discussing ways to guarantee the continuation of the political process
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)
    A statement issued by the Office of the Vice President of the Republic of Iraq today, Tuesday, that Tariq Hashemi Vice President met with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, and the two sides discussed ways to ensure the continuation of the political process on track.
    The statement, which received the news agency (Voices of Iraq) a copy of the independent Al-Maliki met Monday evening Hashemite leadership in the Sunni Accord Front and the parties discussed ways aimed at "the continuing quest to move the political process."
    The statement added that the meeting included "discussing and reviewing a number of files security, political and ways to manage it properly, which guarantees the continuation of the political process on track."
    The statement said that Hashemi confirmed that the meeting touched on "many issues of common interest and agreed to mechanisms to follow later."
    The statement added, quoting the Hashemite that this meeting "comes after long estrangement weeks on the background of divergent views on many sensitive issues."
    This meeting comes following threats by the Accord Front representing the Sunni Arabs throughout this week and by leaders is willing to take a stand on their participation in the Iraqi government and the political process.
    Front accuses government to marginalize their role in participating in the management of political and security files and their involvement in the process of decision and decision-making and lack of balance in governmental obligations opt Front says that the government entered into during formed in the spring of last year.
    Adnan Al Dulaimi, head of the front last Sunday said that the Front, which owns forty-four parliamentary seats and six portfolios in the government Al-Maliki has made to withdraw from the government in the absence of government response to their demands.
    In footage of the video tape of the meeting, which included Hashemi and al-Maliki on the evening of yesterday, Monday, and got (Voices of Iraq) me a copy of which Al-Maliki said that he had discussed with Hashemi "many of the political and security files and how to manage it."
    He added, "We agreed to review a lot of issues, and we agreed to be a mechanism for continuing review and come up (operation) consistent with the brotherhood and partnership in which we believe."
    Asked on the possibility of the government to provide guarantees to prevent the withdrawal Accord Front of the political process Maliki said, "There are no guarantees us .. We have discussed how to develop and track (to the political process) on the line right. "
    He went on to say "this is the guarantee."
    In exclusive interview show worsening gap between Front and the government described the meeting as Hashemi "was needed to break the ice that has accumulated between us and the Prime Minister."
    He added : "The meeting was required for a ... Achieved today (Monday) and was to meet with frankness. "
    He said Hashemi still "we can build a promising future based on a genuine partnership based on mutual understanding and mutual trust .. This is a very important issue in order to move the political project and the political process at best. "
    He added : "The meeting will usher in many of the files and questions to be pursued in the near future."
    Wa-h m
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
    - Abraham Lincoln

  5. #575
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    Closure of all Alcetarat Foreign Najaf
    Date : Tuesday, May 08
    Topic : latest news
    The Civil Administration in Najaf today, Tuesday, close outlets city of Foreign Affairs and prevented the entry of a motor vehicle to maintain until further notice.

    He said the official spokesman for the Civil Administration, Ahmed Deibel, the Department of Foreign Affairs to close the city outlets and barred the entry of any vehicle to maintain until further notice.
    He added : "As the security services in the city inspection campaigns to wheels and the surrounding areas of the accident in anticipation of a gang consecutive takfiri terrorist acts."
    This came in the wake of a car bomb explosion this morning in the yard Shahrastani east of Najaf.
    The director of the health of Najaf that 16 people were killed and 70 others injured by the explosion.
    The Salem blessing that a car bomb exploded this morning in a popular area near the market where people gather in the plaza construction workers Shahrastani.
    He pointed out that the explosion that led to the killing of 16 persons and injuring 70 others wounded.
    He said that the number of dead is likely to rise given that the injury of a number of serious injuries.
    On the other hand, eyewitnesses reported that a bomb voice heard Duiha late in the evening yesterday in the (railway) Balkovah (10 km) east of Najaf.
    According to one eyewitness to the explosion of this bomb near the site of the explosion today.
    In the same Civil Administration issued a statement in Najaf bore the responsibility for the explosion, described as "takfiri groups and their followers from Sadamien."
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
    - Abraham Lincoln

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    Economic : the role of banks Altejariahvi revitalize Iraq market for securities
    D. Khalaf Falah Al-Rubaie

    The investment banking and particularly the long-term financing projects oriented agricultural and industrial activities directly related to the process of economic development

    Most types of investments that do the role of the banking sector in the development process, this type of investment to achieve financial returns are high and continuing to banks, and also contributes to the development of the securities market and increase the number of productive companies listed in that market.

    And follower of the banking sector activity in Iraq, noted that most investments are concentrated in the commercial banks to provide credit facilities and short-term advances, with the weakness of the relative importance of financial resources directed towards productive activities, indicates a weak role in the development process. Since most of these banks prefer to retain a surplus large reserve of cash to make long-term loans.

    It is natural that this trend leads investment portfolios to a steady decline in profitability ratios and the rate of return on invested capital. This trend has been associated with several factors, notably the high rate of bad debts repayment witnessed by the banking sector during the economic blockade and the period following the fall of the regime, and the other due to the weakness of investment opportunities already available to those banks in the productive areas.

    It can be argued that both workers refer to a situation of structural weaknesses in the role of commercial banks as institutions for financial intermediation in Iraq, as a result of weakness in its operations in the securities market, and this situation is not the only government banks, but the situation is generally experienced the banking system in Iraq, which leaves the this organ great responsibility in the revitalization of the stock market.

    To accomplish this task should follow the following steps :

    1. Banks need to pay government and private collaboration with the National Authority for Investment important marketing and promotion of the new stock and bond issues, especially those relating to equity issuances public sector enterprises put up for privatization.
    2. The need to adopt a policy for recycling portfolios through putting a portion of possession for sale of securities and use of proceeds or part thereof to purchase new securities 0
    3. Banks could revitalize the stock market through the provision of funding which takes several forms, including :

    - A form of loans to clients to buy shares of the private sector.
    B-loan guarantee a certain percentage of securities not exceeding 40% of the value of the shares.
    T. form-the form of loans to finance the purchase of shares.


  7. #577
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    Maliki confirms its determination to achieve national reconciliation in Iraq and the settlement of pending files
    Date : Tuesday, May 08
    Topic : latest news
    Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to President George W. Bush's determination to achieve national reconciliation in Iraq as a basis for advancing the peace process.

    The White House spokesman Tony Snow that President George W. Bush and Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on Monday in search files in the wake of the Iraqi political outcome of the Sharm el-Sheikh.
    Snow refused to reveal details interchanged what President Bush and Prime Minister of Iraq in about the telephone, but he said that al-Maliki explained that the project intends to achieve. He said :
    "Maliki said he intended to collect the executive, which includes members from all the main groups, and sat with them in a very practical way to try to reach settlements on all the files. He pointed out that Snow Maliki expressed satisfaction at the outcome of the Sharm El-Sheikh conference saying that it encouraged him to proceed with the political project. He added :
    "After the results of the Sharm el-Sheikh will be on the ground and stronger economic footing. Several participants had submitted pledges and commitments for the success of Iraq, and now we must work more closely together on projects such as the oil and constitutional reform and the like. "
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
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  8. #578
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    Just a reminder...Fast approaching:

    Completion by Ernst & Young of (a) a final audit of the net international reserves May 31, 2007 data reported to the IMF as at December 31, 2006, including a ful count by Ernst & Young of gold and foreign exchange holdings at the CBI, and (b) an interim audit report of CBI 2006 financial statements in accordance with International Standards on Auditing.

    28. In light of our request to extend the current SBA by six months, we would also like the final (fifth) review, due originally by mid-February 2007, to be rephased to mid-May 2007, and that the last purchase will be available upon observance of the end-June 2007 performance criteria.
    (I believe it is scheduled for May 14-15th re: Article IV)

    Iraq: Letter of Intent, Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies, and Technical Memorandum of Understanding, February 23,

    Last edited by DayDream; 08-05-2007 at 05:52 PM.
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  9. #579
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    Quote Originally Posted by DayDream View Post
    Just a reminder...Fast approaching:

    Completion by Ernst & Young of (a) a final audit of the net international reserves May 31, 2007 data reported to the IMF as at December 31, 2006, including a ful count by Ernst & Young of gold and foreign exchange holdings at the CBI, and (b) an interim audit report of CBI 2006 financial statements in accordance with International Standards on Auditing.

    28. In light of our request to extend the current SBA by six months, we would also like the final (fifth) review, due originally by mid-February 2007, to be rephased to mid-May 2007, and that the last purchase will be available upon observance of the end-June 2007 performance criteria.
    (I believe it is scheduled for May 14-15th re: Article IV)

    Iraq: Letter of Intent, Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies, and Technical Memorandum of Understanding, February 23,

    I've heard about a lot of gold supposedly held by the Iraqi gov.
    And how so much was found. Has anyone determined how much actually was? I ran across this disclaimer, appears to be old news. . .

    There was a lot of publicity in May of 2003 when military forces in Iraq started discovering caches or shipments of gold bars.
    One find in a truck in Iraq was estimated to be worth $500 million.
    According to a Reuter's report from August 1, 2003, however, later testing of the more than 1,000 bars that were found revealed they were not gold but mostly copper and zinc.

    Millions of dollars of gold bars found in Iraq-Fiction!
    just numb . . . waiting for a new rumor!

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    This may be a dumb question (and please don't flame me if it is ) but concerning the debts of Iraq, considering that at the time the debts were incurred, the Iraqi dinar was valued quite high. Does the fact that the dinar has plunged in value have any effect on the debt estimates? And could this be why there is such a dispute on the figures? Just curious.

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