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  1. #631
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    the role of banks Altejariahvi revitalize Iraq market for securities

    د.لربيعيD. Khalaf Falah Al-Rubaie
    يعinvestment banking and particularly the long-term financing projects oriented agricultural and industrial activities directly related to the process of economic development

    .Most types of investments that do the role of the banking sector in the development process, this type of investment to achieve financial returns are high and continuing to banks, and also contributes to the development of the securities market and increase the number of productive companies listed in that market.
    .And follower of the banking sector activity in Iraq, noted that most investments are concentrated in the commercial banks to provide credit facilities and short-term advances, with the weakness of the relative importance of financial resources directed towards productive activities, indicates a weak role in the development process. حيث.Since most of these banks prefer to retain a surplus large reserve of cash to make long-term loans. It is natural that this trend leads investment portfolios to a steady decline in profitability ratios and the rate of return on invested capital. وقد.This trend has been associated with several factors, notably the high rate of bad debts repayment witnessed by the banking sector during the economic blockade and the period following the fall of the regime, and the other due to the weakness of investment opportunities already available to those banks in the productive areas.
    .It can be argued that both workers refer to a situation of structural weaknesses in the role of commercial banks as institutions for financial intermediation in Iraq, as a result of weakness in its operations in the securities market, and this situation is not the only government banks, but the situation is generally experienced the banking system in Iraq, which leaves the this organ great responsibility in the revitalization of the stock market.
    :To accomplish this task should follow the following steps :
    1.1. .Banks need to pay government and private collaboration with the National Authority for Investment important marketing and promotion of the new stock and bond issues, especially those relating to equity issuances public sector enterprises put up for privatization.
    2.2. ة0The need to adopt a policy for recycling portfolios through putting a portion of possession for sale of securities and use of proceeds or part thereof to purchase new securities 0
    3.3. :Banks could revitalize the stock market through the provision of funding which takes several forms, including :
    أ- .- A form of loans to clients to buy shares of the private sector.
    ب-.B-loan guarantee a certain percentage of securities not exceeding 40% of the value of the shares.
    .T. form-the form of loans to finance the purchase of shares.

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    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  2. #632
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    The constitutional amendments committee submit its recommendations to the Iraqi Parliament week

    (صوت العراق) - 09-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 09-05-2007

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    The constitutional amendments committee submit its recommendations to the Iraqi Parliament next week

    BAGHDAD : «Middle East»
    The members of the Committee formed to reform the Iraqi constitution, yesterday, they hope to make recommendations to the parliament next week, in a major step of the political criteria set by Washington to Baghdad.
    This announcement comes in the light near the impatience of the United States of the progress made by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in the implementation of the power-sharing plans, which the United States says it is essential to curb sectarian violence in Iraq.

    Under the first constitution after the fall of Saddam's regime that provides for the commission to prepare proposals to amend the Constitution recommendations of the parliament in a term of up to four months from the commencement of work.The Committee, consisting of 31 members and includes Shiites, Arabs and Kurds year work in the November 15 (November) 2006. The Committee said, yesterday, that because of holiday Parliament in January (January) and February (February), has become the new deadline for completing the work is May 15 (May).

    He said Hassan Sunaid Committee member who is a member of the ruling coalition, told Reuters «according to article 142 of the Constitution, the history of 15 of the current month is the deadline for submission of a revised draft constitution to parliament». He added : «there are still some outstanding issues, but there is still a week until the deadline, and, God willing, all will try to resolve outstanding points before the expiration of the period».It was another member of the Commission hoped the extradition recommendations by next week.

    The Iraqi Constitution in 2005. The Shiites and Kurds voted by a large majority in favor of the constitution, while Sunni Arabs opposed.

    Among the most controversial items, which allows those provinces to obtain a separate autonomy from Baghdad and the formation of federal regions. There are also items on the Arab identity of Iraq, and those for the prevention of former members of the Baath Party filling government posts.

    It is feared the year to allow the federal system of the Kurds in the north and Shiites in the south where oil wealth, secession and the formation of their independent, which means annihilation of the political year. The Kurds resisted the formula for the Arab identity of Iraq.

    Have to be approved by parliament, where the majority Shiite any constitutional amendment absolute majority before submitting amendments to a referendum. If a two-thirds majority in three provinces of Iraq's 18 provinces constitutional amendments, it automatically falls. Which gives the Kurdish minority, in fact, veto the amendments.

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  3. #633
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Businessmen and economists were discussing the new Iraqi investment law in Hilla

    08/05/2007م - 9:25 م | عدد القراء: 2608 / 05 / 2007-21:25 | number of readers : 26


    محمدGuinness Mesopotamia : Hilla / Amir Muhammad

    .Discussed and businessmen are interested in economic affairs in the province of Babylon the most important articles and paragraphs of the new investment law asserting that the law is a positive step the Iraqi government in the right direction. وبين.And among participants in a symposium organized by the Federation of Iraqi businessmen in preserving the most important advantages that characterizes the new law at the level of activation of various kinds of investment in Iraq, including drives economic development forward, pointing out that all Arab states characterized by a strong economy was able to strengthen its economy through investment laws that have opened markets of these countries in the world.
    .Dr. Safaa Taqi Eissawi assistant professor in the Faculty of Law at the University of Babylon (Guinness Mesopotamia) that the new investment plan is the most important step the Iraqi government towards development of the Iraqi economy and the rebuilding of infrastructure, pointing out that the new law contains articles and paragraphs of well encourage Arab and foreign investors to enter the Iraqi arena he equated rights of the investor Iraqi and other Arab and foreign investors is no stand on equal distance from everyone except for the right to own land, which make it exclusive to the Iraqi investors.
    .Dr. Eissawi stressed on the need to initiate the formation of the cabinet to a safe area can invite foreign investors by explaining that one of the first guarantees to be provided to activate the investment law is implemented properly to ensure security because investors do not care about the financial support as their security assurances.
    من.For his part, Jaafar Baqer Said that the President of the Russian Federation is adopting currently task of educating Iraqi businessmen in maintaining the new investment law affirming that the union a broad program includes holding seminars and organizing workshops for educating law, which he said was to meet all the aspirations and expectations of traders and investors primarily with the Iraqis.
    .Said called to the need to speed up the government in the formation of committees domestic investment, which read law with a view Bouajptha each body within the province, which it operates.
    .It was during the discussion of the mechanism for guaranteeing the rights of Iraqi workers by foreign companies expected to work in Iraq under the new law and activate Kabbveh labor laws Iraqi force to ensure these rights, as Discussants touched on how to deal with these companies, which would enjoy legal personality in Iraqi territory.
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    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  4. #634
    Senior Member OneShotOneKill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by snottynose View Post
    Ok Dinar geniuses...please break all this down for us.some of us need alot of help!!!!I truley appreciate all that you guy's do!!!!
    Mom, Mom, Is that you?

    Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and proclaiming, "Wow, what a ride!!!"

  5. #635
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    Maliki and Hashemi meet after a break to settle their differences

    (صوت العراق) - 09-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 09-05-2007

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    Maliki and Hashemi meet after a break to settle their differences on political process

    A source close to the Prime Minister : security developments in Sunni areas rounded views

    BAGHDAD : Numan Alheims
    A source close to the presidency of the Iraqi Council of Ministers, said that the meeting between Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, Iraqi Tariq al-Hashemi, Vice President of the Republic the night before last, came against the background of continuing complaints from Hashemi especially with regard to the political process, as well as the threat of the Iraqi Accord Front, which belongs to the Vice President Republic, withdraw from the government or the political process or both.
    A source, who asked to remain anonymous, told «Middle East» on the intensive efforts of the other parties culminated in the achievement of their meeting, which is basically a personal collection Monday without the participation of any party representing the prime minister or the presidency of the republic, noting that it had been discussing some issues which relate to the government's political, which is not for the government, but agreement represents all the political blocs.

    The source pointed out «that there was no rupture between Maliki and Hashemi at the official level, particularly as they share the Presidency in meetings with the Prime Minister, and the ongoing meetings of the national political, and the meeting between them resulted in resolving the stagnation in the relationship between them and removing sensitivity, which is important for a meeting to bring viewpoints, and develop common visions, research the divergent positions », adding that« future meetings between the two parties were agreed upon, to activate the shared visions with respect to government action or political process The source said «The new shift in policy and the work of Al-Qaeda in Iraq and the current situation in the Sunni areas and the threats of Al Qaeda for all Shiites and Sunnites, helped to bring viewpoints between them». The Hashemi had described the meeting as «was required to break the ice that has accumulated between us and the Prime Minister».
    He added that «the meeting was required for a ... It was a gathering frankness ».

    He said Hashemi «we could still build a promising future based on a genuine partnership based on mutual understanding and mutual trust ..
    This is a very important issue in order to move the political project and the political process best .He said «meeting will usher in many of the files and questions to be pursued in the near future». This meeting comes following threats by the Accord Front representing the Sunni Arabs throughout this week and by its leaders, is willing to take a stand on their participation in the Iraqi government and the political process.

    So, met Jalal Talabani, President of the Republic of Iraq in his office yesterday afternoon, Vice-Hashemi and Adel Abdul Mahdi. It was during the meeting, according to a statement of the Office of the Hashemite «serious dialogue and explicit focus on how to activate the resolutions agreed upon before the formation of the current government, where it was agreed to activate the constitutional powers of the presidency in coordination with the prime minister, and to ensure the contribution of the contribution of actors in decisions concerning the management of the State». As discussed a number of issues concerning the security file, and agreed Members of the Presidency later to hold another meeting in the near future to follow up on those issues.

    Middle East

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  6. #636
    Senior Investor snottynose's Avatar
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    Default hello

    Quote Originally Posted by OneShotOneKill View Post
    Mom, Mom, Is that you?
    well not sure what to ask,are you referring to sassy by any chance!!

  7. #637
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    Quote Originally Posted by mountaingirl View Post
    Looks like we are in for a longer wait than some of thought.
    Yep, for about another 3 weeks.

  8. #638
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    The Council of Ministers headed by State Council President

    (صوت العراق) - 08-05-2007

    (Voice of Iraq) - 08-05-2007

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    History 8px May 2007


    The Council of Ministers headed by the State of the Prime Minister regular 20th meeting on May 8, 2007 and decided as follows :

    1. Approval of the legal measures taken to Iraq to join the International Convention for Investment Guarantee MEGA authorization and the Iraqi ambassador in Washington to sign it first.

    2. Approval of the draft Code of Criminal Procedure in accordance with the formula prepared by the SJC.

    3. Repeal the holidays and public holidays No. 110 of 1972 and prepare a new draft recommends that Iraq's declaration of independence on the national day of the Iraqi state and to keep on Friday and Saturday, a weekly holiday and deleted on July 17 and February 8 of the Act and the problem previously assigned to the task.

    4. Validation on the first day of the month of October (the first day of officialschool hours) in schools, colleges and institutes days for the student.

    5. Instruct the ministries and departments not related to the Ministry of legislative texts to work for granting sabbaticals for staff in the initial university degree holders both inside and outside Iraq basis of Legislative Decree No. 24 of 1960, instructions and regulations on this matter and referred to the Cabinet for approval with regard to leave school out of the country.

    6. Adoption of a draft law to amend the warrant compensation martyrs and the injured as a result of terrorist acts No. 10 of 2004 and coverage of retirees with the state provisions of this law.

    7. People agree that the salaries of school administrators Iraqi abroad by the Ministry of Education.

    8. Approval of the authorization of the Minister of Education the power to negotiate and sign the draft agreement on cultural and educational cooperation between the Republic of Iraq and the French Republic.

    9. Approval to extend the service of Mr. Hassan Hashem Haydari conventions and general manager at the Central Bank loans for a period of three years from the date of July 1, 2007.

    10. Approve the capital increase National Insurance Company of 600 million Iraqi dinars to two billion Iraqi dinars with studying the possibility of privatization.

    11. Agreed to grant a loan to the Land Bank of 21.9 billion dinars under an agreement between the Ministry of Finance and Mortgage Bank, and increase the bank's capital from real estate billion, one hundred million dinars to twenty-five accordingly.

    12. Adoption of the tender for granting licenses for the mobile phone and mind open to all specialized companies wishing to enter without a bid, ask the companies that have already been approved to enter the bidding Yugoslavia and the addition of Mr. Minister of Planning for membership of the committee.


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  9. #639
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    Quote Originally Posted by danny51 View Post
    Yep, for about another 3 weeks.
    Oh Danny! Don't make me wait that much longer!
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  10. #640
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    «Alliance» Shiite studying a proposal to relinquish security powers

    (صوت العراق) - 09-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 09-05-2007

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    The fall of 16 civilians in a suicide attack in Kufa ... «Alliance» Shiite studying a proposal to relinquish security powers of the Year

    Waging officials and Iraqi leaders difficult negotiations to expand the participation of lumps and prominent Sunni in the government and amending the Constitution to fulfill pledges Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki at the Sharm el-Sheikh.

    Maliki held a series of meetings with notably Vice President Tariq Al-Hashmi, who had threatened to withdraw from the government and the parliament within one week, while deliberated bloc «Alliance» Shiite powers that can be waived, including a proposal for the withdrawal of some American security powers of the prime minister to be in the hands of the Presidency and the cost Hashemi supervision.

    Security renewed suicide attacks on Najaf governorate, collapsed yesterday, about 16 people were killed and about 70 others wounded by a car amid Kufa (150 km south of Baghdad) after two weeks of a long attack near Karbala.

    Yesterday the American Defense Department, 35 thousand additional troops to be sent to Iraq.

    The Shiite religious leader Ali Sistani called, the day before yesterday, working «collection Sunnis and Shiites and avoid escalation of sectarian», and this invitation coincided with a remarkable political movement in Baghdad to find mechanisms to ensure the implementation of the commitments made by the government to itself in Sharm el-Sheikh.

    A statement issued by the office of Hashemi Monday evening that he had met with al-Maliki «rupture after long weeks», they discussed ways of continuing the political process. Despite the fact that Hashemi stressed that the dialogue with the «explicitly» and agreed on the mechanisms for follow-up later, but he threatened, during a meeting with the network «CNN,» US to withdraw from the political process «during the week if not ratify the constitutional amendments that guarantee that Iraq is not divided, disbanding the militias, the Shiite», contending that feel «committing the worst mistake in his life, whereas decided to join the political process, if not the test site claimed».

    Political parties and believes that the front «consensus» led by the Hashemite realize that the only Sunni party that can be a partner in the government, which reflect the demands of national reconciliation and now aspire to continuing this representation in the long run even if polarizing armed opposition groups. Front realizes that its withdrawal from the government at this stage would change the political map of non-interest components.

    The head of the Kurdistan region in a speech yesterday before the European Parliament «efforts to resolve the Iraqi crisis through the separation of religion and state», confirmed close to the former Prime Minister Iyad Allawi conduct extensive contacts with leaders of Shiite, Sunni bloc passing of the founding of the communities inside and outside Parliament were adjourned after its contacts with the leaders Kurds.

    Barzani and denied that Ankara had threatened to intervene in the case of the Kurdish minority Turkish wire, but he warned that he would not tolerate any threat. He stressed the refusal to postpone a referendum on the future of Kirkuk, saying that there is «a conspiracy against the Kurds to delay» this referendum scheduled for the end of 2007. He said that «delay will be a source of conflicts and problems in the future».

    For his part, the leader of the «coalition» Shiite Aziz Hakim consultative meeting with major mass participation of Prime Minister by the seating arrangement in the near-Hakim former Prime Minister Ibrahim Jaafari. Sources said that the Shiite leaders «discussed in granting a greater role to« consensus »and meet some of their demands in terms of amending the Constitution, especially with regard to the laws of chopping and achieve a balance in the security forces».

    Hakim also met with President Jalal Talabani to discuss the same issue, Talabani met with the head of the Presidency, which includes two, Sunni and Shiite, with the agreement to activate the powers granted to the Council in the security file.

    The politicians close to the atmosphere of dialogues that all parties are looking at achieving broader participation of years without making constitutional amendments, and put several options in this regard, including the proposal for the withdrawal of some American security powers of the prime minister to be in the custody of the Presidency, and charged Hashemi supervision.

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