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  1. #641
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    Alcanutobarham Ahmad Saleh discuss with Cheney and Rice

    (صوت العراق) - 09-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 09-05-2007

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    Alcanutobarham Ahmad Saleh discuss with Cheney, Rice and the outcome of the International Covenant

    Union : he met with Deputy Prime Minister Barham Ahmad Salih in Washington yesterday, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and address the bilateral relations between Washington and Baghdad and the outcome of the Sharm el-Sheikh for the international community and Iraqi neighboring states on Iraq, and both sides confirmed during the meeting the importance of following up the outcomes of the conferences, particularly in relation to the government's efforts the Iraqi national reconciliation as well as warranted on the international community to give the Iraqi government to fight terrorism and achieve security and stability and to reduce indebtedness.

    He also met Deputy Prime Minister Barham Ahmed Salih during his visit to the United States Vice President Dick Cheney. The two sides discussed the latest political and security developments in the Iraqi arena, in addition to the outcome of the Sharm el-Sheikh "the International Covenant, and the neighboring countries" and the resulting therefrom. A source said that the American Vice-President is expected to visit Iraq and meet with Iraqi officials as part of his tour to the Middle East, which began yesterday with a visit to the United Arab Emirates. And in relation to, the European Union in a statement issued from his patrol, with the Iraqi neighboring states expanded held in Sharm el-Sheikh on May 4, 2007, the international contribution.

    The responsibility of the international community, especially the countries of the region, in support of the draft national reconciliation and stability in Iraq and prevent external interference, which could affect the process of reconciliation, as expressed in the statement expressed hope that this conference contributes to the development of confidence-building process in the region through dialogue and cooperation, and is ready the contribution of the actors in this endeavor.

    The statement that the European Union condemns in the strongest terms all acts of force condemnation of terrorism and politically motivated attacks, or sectarian and aimed at the people of Iraq.

    The European Union reaffirmed its support for the establishment of a secure, stable, democratic, prosperous, united and stresses its commitment to the independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of Iraq, also confirms his support for the government of Iraq democratically elected and for its efforts to achieve national reconciliation and the rule of law, and to restore public order and economic reconstruction and the involvement of the Iraqi neighboring states and the international community in these efforts.

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  2. #642
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    Default Friend in Transit

    I spoke with my friend who is in Houston and who is being processed to go to Iraq. Says its a lot bigger operation than he thought it was going to be. There are 600 others being processed just this week. 50% of the people at the process center are from Bosnia. Most cannot speak English, but all are willing to work in Iraq. They told my friend they can earn in a month in Iraq what they can earn in 14 to 15 months in Bosnia. He met another fellow that has dinars and was recently in Iraq. My friend knew more of what was going on by staying tuned in at RolClub than this guy knew after being in country for the past 8 months. He also met a woman who works as a truck driver in Iraq and she loves it there. She has been there 3 years. I guess it depends upon what part of the country you're stationed. My friend is still scheduled to leave next Monday, but he told me there are so many people going over there that he might be delayed for 3 or 4 days. Of course he is hoping for a reval so he won't have to go at all, but we will see. I'll post again when I speak with him tomorrow.

  3. #643
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    Quote Originally Posted by Socata 850 View Post
    I spoke with my friend who is in Houston and who is being processed to go to Iraq. Says its a lot bigger operation than he thought it was going to be. There are 600 others being processed just this week. 50% of the people at the process center are from Bosnia. Most cannot speak English, but all are willing to work in Iraq. They told my friend they can earn in a month in Iraq what they can earn in 14 to 15 months in Bosnia. He met another fellow that has dinars and was recently in Iraq. My friend knew more of what was going on by staying tuned in at RolClub than this guy knew after being in country for the past 8 months. He also met a woman who works as a truck driver in Iraq and she loves it there. She has been there 3 years. I guess it depends upon what part of the country you're stationed. My friend is still scheduled to leave next Monday, but he told me there are so many people going over there that he might be delayed for 3 or 4 days. Of course he is hoping for a reval so he won't have to go at all, but we will see. I'll post again when I speak with him tomorrow.

    Thanks for this.. Looking forward to hearing back from your friend.

  4. #644
    Senior Member nikki's Avatar
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    Default Dead Bodies, Pollution Threaten Tigris

    Dead Bodies, Pollution Threaten Tigris
    Environmentalists Warn Source of Food, Water Being Destroyed
    Posted 9 hr. 55 min. ago

    BAGHDAD, 8 May 2007 (IRIN) - The River Tigris has long been a symbol of prosperity in Iraq but since the US-led invasion in 2003, this amazing watercourse has turned into a graveyard of bodies. In addition, the water level is decreasing as pollution increases, say environmentalists.

    Pollution in the river is caused by oil derivatives and industrial waste as well as Iraqi and US military waste, they say.

    The river was one of the main sources of water, food, transport and recreation for the local population but after four years of war and pollution, it has been transformed into a stagnant sewer, according to environmentalists.

    "The situation is critical. The river is gradually being destroyed and there are no projects to prevent its destruction," said Professor Ratib Mufid, an environment expert at Baghdad University.

    "A large part of the river has been turned into a military area, forcing families to leave their homes around the riverbanks and close restaurants. Fishermen are prohibited from fishing where the river passes through the capital and all vessels are banned in the area," Mufid said.

    The river is contaminated with war waste and toxins, and residents of the impoverished Sadr City suburb are often left with no alternative but to drink contaminated water from the Tigris. This is why, spe******ts say, many Sadr City residents are plagued by diarrhea and suffer from recurring kidney stones.

    In the hot dry summer months, when the water level drops, mud islands can be seen, and water levels appear to be decreasing every year.

    "The problem of decreasing water flow starts in Turkey's Taurus mountains. Between there and Kurdistan, many dams have been built which help to decrease the water flow. The idea was to prevent floods which over the years affected northern communities, but the consequence can now be seen with nearly half the previous water flow," Seif Barakah, media officer for the Ministry of Environment, said.

    Ban on shipping, fishing

    Military forces have banned shipping and fishing in the river, and many families who depend for their income on fishing have been deprived of their means of survival.

    "Many fishermen have been killed trying to fish at night because they encountered insurgents looking to plant bombs on the riverbanks. It is still possible to find some men trying to fish, but it is rare," Barakah said.

    During the day, military boats can be seen making their daily patrols, and in more secure areas, such as those near the fortified Green Zone, snipers are on guard 24 hours a day preventing insurgents from entering the zone.

    Dead bodies

    Every day local police haul bodies from the Tigris bearing signs of torture. Locals who live near the river constantly see floating bodies.

    The situation is even worse in Suwayrah, a southern area of the capital, where the government has built barriers with huge iron nets to trap plants and garbage dropped in the river but now this is also a barrier for bodies.

    "Since January 2006 at least 800 bodies have been dragged from those iron nets, and this figure does not include those collected from the central section of the river. Most of the bodies are unidentified and buried without family claims," said Col Abdel-Waheed Azzam, a senior officer in the investigation department of the Ministry of Interior.

    According to Azzam, 90 percent of the bodies found in the river show signs of serious torture. "Because of the state of the bodies, it is not useful to try to have an autopsy done, and if the bodies are not claimed within 24 hours they are automatically buried," he said.

    Highly polluted

    During Saddam Hussein's regime people caught dumping garbage in the river were punished, but today mountains of rubbish can be seen on the riverbanks; and these affect the normal watercourse and pollute the area.

    "With dams decreasing the water flow, the salt level rises and in conjunction with the high level of pollutants dumped in the river by northern cities, this reduces oxygen levels, making an unpropitious environment for any living being," Barakah said.

    Fishermen said that years ago it was easy to catch a fish in the river but today even if you use nets it is practically impossible to catch a fish and many can be found floating, having died of pollution and lack of oxygen.

    "Today, the only fish you can catch are those floating and which died from pollution after ingesting toxic waste and eating rubbish," said Ateif Fahi, 56, a fisherman in the capital, Baghdad.

    IraqSlogger: Dead Bodies, Pollution Threaten Tigris
    "The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is."
    A wave of service, if it sweeps over the land catches everyone in it's enthusiasm, will be able to wipe off the mounds of hatred, malice and greed that infest the World.
    Attune your heart so it will vibrate in sympathy with the woes and joys of your fellow-man. Fill the World with Love. - Sathya Sai Baba

  5. #645
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    Vice-President Dick Cheney hit Baghdad

    (صوت العراق) - 09-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 09-05-2007

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    American embassy : Vice-President Dick Cheney hit Baghdad

    BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The American embassy in the Iraqi capital Baghdad on the arrival of Vice-President Dick Cheney on Wednesday at the American visit was not declared before.

    John Roberts, the media official in the embassy said said that Cheney will meet with senior Iraqi officials.

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  6. #646
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    The six-year sentence ordered regiment protections oil
    (صوت العراق) - 09-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 09-05-2007
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    Integrity / government six years to a regiment protections oil

    The Central Criminal Court handed down a sentence of six years and one Civil Defense Ministry ordered batches protections oil / 10th Regiment, in accordance with the provisions of article 315 in terms of penalties and materials participate (49.48.47), after referral from the public integrity on the background of the convicted to publish the names of three hundred thousand associate them associate Asmaia imaginary the staffing of the Ministry of Defense / protections oil and receipt of salaries.
    Decision Based on the provisions of Article 182 of fundamentalism / a capable adversary judgment of discrimination.

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  7. #647
    Investor TerryTate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nikki View Post
    Dead Bodies, Pollution Threaten Tigris
    Environmentalists Warn Source of Food, Water Being Destroyed
    Posted 9 hr. 55 min. ago

    BAGHDAD, 8 May 2007 (IRIN) - The River Tigris has long been a symbol of prosperity in Iraq but since the US-led invasion in 2003, this amazing watercourse has turned into a graveyard of bodies. In addition, the water level is decreasing as pollution increases, say environmentalists.

    Pollution in the river is caused by oil derivatives and industrial waste as well as Iraqi and US military waste, they say.

    The river was one of the main sources of water, food, transport and recreation for the local population but after four years of war and pollution, it has been transformed into a stagnant sewer, according to environmentalists.

    "The situation is critical. The river is gradually being destroyed and there are no projects to prevent its destruction," said Professor Ratib Mufid, an environment expert at Baghdad University.

    "A large part of the river has been turned into a military area, forcing families to leave their homes around the riverbanks and close restaurants. Fishermen are prohibited from fishing where the river passes through the capital and all vessels are banned in the area," Mufid said.

    The river is contaminated with war waste and toxins, and residents of the impoverished Sadr City suburb are often left with no alternative but to drink contaminated water from the Tigris. This is why, spe******ts say, many Sadr City residents are plagued by diarrhea and suffer from recurring kidney stones.

    In the hot dry summer months, when the water level drops, mud islands can be seen, and water levels appear to be decreasing every year.

    "The problem of decreasing water flow starts in Turkey's Taurus mountains. Between there and Kurdistan, many dams have been built which help to decrease the water flow. The idea was to prevent floods which over the years affected northern communities, but the consequence can now be seen with nearly half the previous water flow," Seif Barakah, media officer for the Ministry of Environment, said.

    Ban on shipping, fishing

    Military forces have banned shipping and fishing in the river, and many families who depend for their income on fishing have been deprived of their means of survival.

    "Many fishermen have been killed trying to fish at night because they encountered insurgents looking to plant bombs on the riverbanks. It is still possible to find some men trying to fish, but it is rare," Barakah said.

    During the day, military boats can be seen making their daily patrols, and in more secure areas, such as those near the fortified Green Zone, snipers are on guard 24 hours a day preventing insurgents from entering the zone.

    Dead bodies

    Every day local police haul bodies from the Tigris bearing signs of torture. Locals who live near the river constantly see floating bodies.

    The situation is even worse in Suwayrah, a southern area of the capital, where the government has built barriers with huge iron nets to trap plants and garbage dropped in the river but now this is also a barrier for bodies.

    "Since January 2006 at least 800 bodies have been dragged from those iron nets, and this figure does not include those collected from the central section of the river. Most of the bodies are unidentified and buried without family claims," said Col Abdel-Waheed Azzam, a senior officer in the investigation department of the Ministry of Interior.

    According to Azzam, 90 percent of the bodies found in the river show signs of serious torture. "Because of the state of the bodies, it is not useful to try to have an autopsy done, and if the bodies are not claimed within 24 hours they are automatically buried," he said.

    Highly polluted

    During Saddam Hussein's regime people caught dumping garbage in the river were punished, but today mountains of rubbish can be seen on the riverbanks; and these affect the normal watercourse and pollute the area.

    "With dams decreasing the water flow, the salt level rises and in conjunction with the high level of pollutants dumped in the river by northern cities, this reduces oxygen levels, making an unpropitious environment for any living being," Barakah said.

    Fishermen said that years ago it was easy to catch a fish in the river but today even if you use nets it is practically impossible to catch a fish and many can be found floating, having died of pollution and lack of oxygen.

    "Today, the only fish you can catch are those floating and which died from pollution after ingesting toxic waste and eating rubbish," said Ateif Fahi, 56, a fisherman in the capital, Baghdad.

    IraqSlogger: Dead Bodies, Pollution Threaten Tigris
    Uhhh... Hmm.... Sounds like Iraq needs Al Gore to the rescue...... Yes, lets donate Al to Iraq to save them from the evils of pollution, as I'm sure they don't have anything else on their minds in Iraq............


  8. #648
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Received the Kurdistan Regional government representative in Washington Ghobad Talabani, a delegation representing the Iraqi Businessmen Union / Center Kurdistan.

    و . , held a meeting in the Office of Mission with the participation of all members of the Bureau Hirsch Abdel Rahman and Dusko Sherwani, where they were discussing how to invite American companies to the province and encourage them to enter the gate of the Iraq Kurdistan, and ways of enhancing cooperation and coordination between the private sector and representatives of Kurdistan, the Kurdistan Regional government in Washington thereon, and to work hard for the promotion of investment in Kurdistan with a view to rebuilding infrastructure, and then enter into Iraq in the future, also agreed to cooperate in organizing a forum for businessmen Kurdistan and the Americans in the Washington area and view definition transfer and Borrower real advantages of security and stability and the facilities provided by the territorial government to foreign investors.

    و.Ghobad Talabani and stressed the need for private sector participation in addressing the problem of the Kurdistan disguised unemployment (unemployment solution to unemployment) in Kurdistan for any reason, as directed for appointment to the State although they already suffer from a surplus of workers.

    و .Hirsch said the pilot and the need to encourage the private sector industrial and agricultural marginalized largely in order to contribute to addressing the unemployment across the memorial and the establishment of factories and laboratories and farm fields Mmetsh of the local workforce instead of relying on the public sector and recruitment in the state, and this step will help the federal and Kurdistan by promoting and offering incentives to local and foreign investors, and a mechanism for expedited entry of such strategic service of the economy in the province and Iraq generally.
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  9. #649
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    Anyone seen the auction outcome for today? I checked CBI and no update yet.
    Enjoying the thoughts of early retirement

  10. #650
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    Assassination director general at the Ministry of Housing in the neighborhood bank in Baghdad

    ذو الفقار علي - 09/05/2007م - 10:43 ص | عدد القراء: 57Zulfiqar Ali-09 / 05 / 2007-10:43 | number of readers : 57


    .He said media source in the Ministry of Housing said that unknown gunmen assassinated morning today, Wednesday, director general of the Administrative Service in the Ministry east of Baghdad. .The terrorist group attacked a civilian car Hisham Mahdi Administrative Service director general at the Ministry of Housing on the way from his home in the district banks to the Ministry's headquarters in the Karradat Maryam and showered him with a barrage of bullets. .He added that the accident resulted in the martyrdom of Mahdi and the car severely damaged, while hiding criminals run away.
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    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

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