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  1. #681
    Senior Investor cooldolphins's Avatar
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    Translated version of

    I know, you 2 (seaview and rollsroyce) beat me to it, but is there more at this site? I am having a hard time figuring out which article is which...

    وواشنطن - الأمم المتحدة تدعو إلى حوار وطني بنّاء في الداخل
    وواشنطن - United Nations calls for a national dialogue in home building
    العـالم ينظر من نافذة شرم الشيخ إلى عراق آمن مزدهر
    The world seen through the window of Sharm el-Sheikh to secure and prosperous Iraq
    بغداد - الصباح
    فتحت مرحلة ما بعد مؤتمري شرم الشيخ آفاقاً جديدة ظهرت ملامحها جلياً على أرض الواقع، من خلال تفاعل المجتمع الدولي وتعاطيه الجاد مع الشأن العراقي. ��
    Opened post-el-Sheikh two new prospects appeared features evident on the ground, through the interaction of the international community and abuse with serious matter العراقي. ��

    وبالمقابل، فان العالم بدأ يترقب بتفاؤل مدى تفاعل الحكومة العراقية وحرصها على تنفيذ التزاماتها في العهد الدولي، وتحقيق الاصلاحات السياسية والامنية والاقتصادية.
    In contrast, the world started looking forward to the interaction with optimism and the eagerness of the Iraqi government to implement its commitments to the International Covenant, and the achievement of political and security reforms and economic development.
    ويؤيد هذا التفاعل المتبادل القول بنجاح تعهدات شرم الشيخ على إحلال الأمن والاستقرار في العراق عبر معادلة الحشد الدولي من جهة، وعهد وطني تعمل حكومة المالكي على ترتيبه في الداخل من جهة أخرى.عالمياً، رحب الاتحاد الاوروبي بمؤتمر دول الجوار الموسع، وبالمساهمة الدولية الفاعلة في شرم الشيخ، ما يعكس مسؤولية المجتمع الدولي حيال العراق، ورغبته الجادة في مساعدته للخروج من أزمته الحالية.
    Supporting this interaction say successfully Sharm El-Sheikh to establish security and stability in Iraq through equation crowd on the one hand, the national government is working on Maliki arranged at home on the other side. Globally, the European Union welcomed with the neighboring countries expanded, and the contribution of international players in Sharm el-Sheikh, which reflects the community's responsibility the international stance on Iraq and its willingness to help him out of his current dilemma.
    كما أكد الاتحاد الاوروبي في بيان نقلته وزارة الخارجية أمس، دعمه لحكومة العراق وشعبه، وصولاً إلى قيام دولة ديمقراطية آمنة ومستقرة، مشدداً في الوقت نفسه على التزام الاتحاد باستقلال العراق وسيادته ووحدته الاقليمية.
    As the European Union in a statement quoted by the Foreign Ministry yesterday, support for the government and people of Iraq, leading to the establishment of a democratic, secure and stable environment, while stressing its commitment to the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity.
    وأشاد بجهود حكومة العراق المنتخبة في تحقيق المصالحة الوطنية وحكم القانون، وسعيها إلى استعادة النظام العام واعادة الاعمار، وإشراك دول الجوار والمجتمع الدولي في هذه الجهود.
    He commended the efforts of the elected government of Iraq in achieving national reconciliation and the rule of law, and its attempts to restore public order and reconstruction, and the involvement of neighboring countries and the international community in t
    Last edited by cooldolphins; 09-05-2007 at 01:44 PM.
    Habakkuk 2:2-3 Then the LORD answered me and said: “ Write the vision And make it plain on tablets,
    That he may run who reads it. 3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry.

  2. #682
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cashNsoon View Post
    Yeah and NO A/C could be hazardous to their health..........They could write it on a post-it and run it over to another bank. LOL

    franny, were almost there!!

  3. #683
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    Quote Originally Posted by cooldolphins View Post
    I know, you 2 (seaview and rollsroyce) beat me to it, but is there more at this site? I am having a hard time figuring out which article is which...

    When you go to the site you have to click on 'Economic' in the left hand column. The article is in there.

    I tried to bring that link over but it kept going back to the main page.

  4. #684
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seaview View Post
    Beat you to it RollsRoyce..

    But I think it is.
    Yeah . . . LOL . . . you're obviously a faster typist . . . I've been trying to make heads or tails out of it since 7 this am . . .

    All's good . . . glad you found it too . . . makes me feel a bit better about what they are saying . . .

    Best to you & all . . . RR . . .
    Φ Iligitimi Non Carborundum Φ....

  5. #685
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by michael16 View Post
    Report: Iraq could produce more oil
    Report: Iraq could produce more oil
    Business Week - [09/05/2007]

    Oil production in Iraq could double to 4 million barrels a day if violence ends and facilities are modernized, a Colorado energy consulting company says in a forthcoming report.
    Ron Mobed, president and chief operating officer of IHS Energy, said Tuesday the study is the first detailed overview of Iraq's oil reserves and production potential since the war began.

    The report, expected to be released in the next few weeks, used experts in Iraq to develop its field-by-field analysis, Mobed said. IHS is based in suburban Englewood.

    IHS found that Iraq has oil reserves of up to 116 billion barrels, validating previous estimates, Mobed said. It also found there could be up to 100 billion barrels more in the country's western region, which is the epicenter of the country's Sunni Arab dominated insurgency.

    The U.S. Geological Survey has estimated the country's additional reserves at 45 billion barrels.

    The western region currently has little to no oil and gas production, contributing to fears among Anbar residents that they will be left with little more than date groves and sand while the Kurds and Shiite regions of the north and south divide the vast oil wealth.

    The IHS estimate on the potential reserves in that region are based on four wells drilled in the area in 2002 and 2003 by Syria's national oil company in conjunction with Iraqis. It also factored in research on the area's geological structures and formations.

    Mobed acknowledged it wasn't a firm figure.

    "There's going to be a big error bar on this," he said.

    Not counting Canada and Venezuela's vast bitumen deposits, Iraq currently has the world's third largest oil reserves.

    But years of neglect have resulted in shut-ins in oil fields, significantly reducing their output. That reduction has been magnified by repeated insurgent attacks on the country's vast oil infrastructure, including pipelines and refineries.

    If companies felt safe sending workers to Iraq and investing money there, Iraq could again match or exceed production levels it had before the first Gulf war, Mobed said.

    Before the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, the country was producing 2.5 million to 3 million barrels per day, a level that has since tapered off to about 2 million barrels per day.

    The report will not deal with the political problems in Iraq or speculate on when the situation may improve, Mobed said.

    "When the time comes for people to feel sufficiently comfortable to make investments there, that's when the clock starts on achieving those production numbers," he said.

    The IHS report said most of the current production comes from the south because facilities in the north are subject to sabotage attacks.

    Discounting such attacks, however, most of the oil exports are generally routed through the south -- where pipeline capacity is much greater -- and loaded on to tankers. The northern route, which links the fields of Kirkuk to Ceyhan, in Turkey, has a significantly smaller capacity.

    The map-based report, originally set to be released Wednesday, was delayed so new information could be added. Mobed said that wouldn't change production estimates included in an overview released to the public.

    A version of the report that does not include the production estimates will be sold to energy companies.

    The report is being completed as the Iraqi government works on legislation that is expected to allow energy companies to sign contracts to explore the country's untapped oil reserves.

    Because of the war, major Western firms still expected to wait five years or more before actually beginning large-scale production.

    Some analysts think China, hungry for energy to fuel its rapidly growing economy, will be more willing to take security risks to develop Iraq's oil.
    tell me this article doesnt put dollar signs in ya eyeballs!!!! cha ching!

    franny, were almost there!!

  6. #686
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seaview View Post
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    Imad Principality

    Banks characterized activity eligibility in Iraq since the 1990s and there are a number of obstacles in its tracks banking, private banks suffering from the result of modest financial resources and limited ability to interact with the data bank of modern technology.

    Especially in the light of the high Asaaralamadat and modern methods in real terms compared to the resources of these banks and private banks facing limited interaction with foreign banks and this led to a large information gap and that it lacks what might be called historical depth, which enables it to employ banking relationships precedent for use during the contemporary stage, and one of the most prominent aspects of the suffering of private banks in providing expertise and technical strength is its dependence on elements Bank (Rafidain and Rasheed), particularly those who have completed their services schemes and then moved to work in private banks or who resign for any reason, and this Cadres though experienced in the field of banking (public sector), but lack the work requirements Al-Serafi talk has led excessive reliance on the banking sector tables year to a state of strong competition between private banks to make such Cadres regardless of whether caused by complications related to the banks However, it managed private banks Iraqi Since its founding contribution in the provision of services bank to the Iraqi economy, although this contribution was modest in both activity and attract liquidity individuals and companies in the field or to provide them with credit facilities, a situation of great disparity between the levels of private banks, the result of different experiences and competencies departments of these institutions.

    Today, as the changes are the way to correct economic imbalances. The move seemed clear in the pursuit of partnership with global financial institutions advantage entering new investment law into practice shows that the next few days will see a noticeable improvement in the performance of the banking sector and this is what the National reliable to involve the private sector in economic activities and to sort out the transition from the totalitarian economy to a market economy.


    franny, were almost there!!

  7. #687
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RollsRoyce View Post
    Window-Economic Banks Eligibility!


    Banks characterized activity eligibility in Iraq since the 1990s and there are a number of obstacles in its tracks banking, private banks suffering from the result of modest financial resources and limited ability to interact with the data bank of modern technology.

    Especially in the light of the high Asaaralamadat and modern methods in real terms compared to the resources of these banks and private banks facing limited interaction with foreign banks and this led to a large information gap and that it lacks what might be called historical depth, which enables it to employ banking relationships precedent for use during the contemporary stage, and one of the most prominent aspects of the suffering of private banks in providing expertise and technical strength is its dependence on elements Bank (Rafidain and Rasheed), particularly those who have completed their services schemes and then moved to work in private banks or who resign for any reason, and this Cadres though experienced in the field of banking (public sector), but lack the work requirements Al-Serafi talk has led excessive reliance on the banking sector tables year to a state of strong competition between private banks to make such Cadres regardless of whether caused by complications related to the banks However, it managed private banks Iraqi Since its founding contribution in the provision of services bank to the Iraqi economy, although this contribution was modest in both activity and attract liquidity individuals and companies in the field or to provide them with credit facilities, a situation of great disparity between the levels of private banks, the result of different experiences and competencies departments of these institutions.

    واليوم، اذ اخذت التغيرات طريقها الى تصحيح الاختلالات الاقتصادية...
    Today, as the changes are the way to correct economic imbalances ...
    فان تحركا بدا واضحا في مجال السعي نحو الشراكة مع المؤسسات المالية العالمية مستغلة دخول قانون الاستثمار الجديد حيز التطبيق ما يشير الى ان القادم من الايام سيشهد تطورا ملحوظا في اداء القطاع المصرفي الاهلي وهذا ما يعول عليه في اقحام القطاع الخاص في الانشطة الاقتصادية وبما يفرز الانتقال من الاقتصاد الشمولي الى اقتصاد السوق.
    The move seemed clear in the pursuit of partnership with global financial institutions advantage entering new investment law into practice shows that the next few days will see a noticeable improvement in the performance of the banking sector and this is what the National reliable to involve the private sector in economic activities and to sort out the transition from the totalitarian economy to a market economy.
    kinda hard to misinterpret that one.

    franny, were almost there!!

  8. #688
    Senior Investor notazbad2000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seaview View Post
    When you go to the site you have to click on 'Economic' in the left hand column. The article is in there.

    I tried to bring that link over but it kept going back to the main page.
    Thanks Seaview!
    "The ulimate measure of man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." --Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

  9. #689
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cooldolphins View Post
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    I know, you 2 (seaview and rollsroyce) beat me to it, but is there more at this site? I am having a hard time figuring out which article is which...
    im tellin ya, alsabaah is the sh*t. its why i post most everything from there nightly, its all good.

    franny, were almost there!!

  10. #690
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    Someone help me out here.

    If the FIL goes into practice and they open up the ISX without a reval - doesn't that mean it would end up being a slow grow?

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