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  1. #761
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    7 Sistani Gives Priorities for Treating Situations
    Baghdad, May.9 p5
    Baghdad, May.9 p5
    Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani gave 7 priorities for treating the situations in Iraq
    Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani gave seven priorities for treating the situations in Iraq

    The priorities to occur at the same time with the plan consists of 5 chapters would declaring by Norri al-Maliki soon to unifying the national front.The priorities including: more interesting of the public basic in Iraq, providing services for the people, annihilation of the corruption and fight it as well as possible, preference of the national benefits at the politicians, releasing of brotherhood concepts among the people, nonexistence of Sunnis and Shiites indications and putting of the priority for the Iraqi people before any thing else about the lay decisions I n front of the parliament council.
    The priorities to occur at the same time with the plan consists of 5 chapters would declaring by Norri al-Maliki soon to unifying the front.The national priorities including : more interesting of the public basic in Iraq, providing services for the people, annihilation of the corruption and fight it as well as possible, preference of the national benefits at the politicians, releasing concepts of brotherhood among the people, nonexistence of Sunnis and Shiites and putting indications of the priority for the Iraqi people before any thing else about the decisions I lay n front of the parliament council.

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  2. #762
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    I'm still thinking no auctions, it has to be late there, i just checked cbi and the news sites, nothing at all mentioned
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  3. #763
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hkp View Post
    Maliki receives Cheney in Baghdad
    (صوت العراق) - 09-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 09-05-2007
    ارسل هذا الموضوع لصديق
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    (In addition to meeting Cheney and Maliki)
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)
    The canal official Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki met today, Wednesday, Vice President Dick Cheney, the American who had arrived in the Iraqi capital this morning.
    The Iraqi Al-Maliki and Cheney discussed the political situation and developments in the political process in Iraq in addition to the security file.
    She pointed out that the Iraqi Cheney held upon his arrival in Baghdad meeting with the American ambassador in Baghdad, Ryan Crocker.
    On another front, Dr. Nassar spring spokesman chest bloc in the House of Representatives Cheney's visit to Iraq as "unjustified" and that it constituted interference in the political affairs of Iraq.
    Al Rabie News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent today that the "American interference in the Iraqi clear through its military presence, as well as the existence of contacts between the Iraqi and American cross-circuit television."
    "He added : "Cheney's visit to Iraq to rocket them, which is unjustified."
    Informed sources said government reported today that Dick Cheney arrived in Baghdad on a surprise visit to Iraq.
    The sources told (Voices of Iraq) is scheduled to meet with Cheney during his visit with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and a number of other senior Iraqi officials.
    Cheney's visit to Baghdad in the framework of his tour of the country in the Middle East, including Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
    It is expected to include Cheney talks with senior Iraqi officials to discuss the political situation and developments in the political process in Iraq in addition to the security file.
    The American Administration is seeking to push the political process forward in Iraq and pressure on the parties, particularly the government and parliament in a bid to speed regislation decisions believes
    The American administration had greatly help to push the political process forward.
    The American president called parliamentarians weeks before Iraqis to cancel their vacation summer
    The time to discuss laws directly related to the political process.
    The Administration has asked the American government to speed up the completion of the issuance of laws such as the abolition of

    The law abolishing the Baath Party and the completion of the oil and the Law on Local Elections.
    P P-m s-h n

    Translated version of
    what administration? they were talking about the american administration then the next statement says they are asking themselves to speed up the process?? whaaa??
    ok, i think i got it, they misprinted 'american' before goverment and it should have been omited as they were talkin about the iraqi govt.

    franny, were almost there!!

  4. #764
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiffany View Post
    Oh Danny! Don't make me wait that much longer!
    Tiff you know that I would never make you wait for anything that was in my power!!

  5. #765
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hkp View Post
    Parliament sources : disputes on mends to end
    Baghdad, May.
    Baghdad, May.
    9, P.
    9, P..
    Parliament sources revealed disputed articles inside constitution changing committee, but it hope to end it during next week
    Parliament sources revealed disputed articles inside changing constitution committee, but it hope to end it during next week

    Deputy Chairman of the committee MP Dr.
    Deputy Chairman of the committee Dr. 98-105.
    Ayad samarai that some articles still object of dispute as federalism, debathification, distribution natural resources beside article 41 of civil rights.While MP Hassan Senaid, member of the committee, said that according article 142 of the constitution that 15 of recent month its final date to put changed constitution draft before the Parliament.
    Ayad samarai that some articles still object of dispute as federalism, debathification, distribution natural resources beside article 41 of civil rights.While Senaid MP Hassan, member of the committee, said that according article 142 of the constitution that 15 of recent month its final date to put draft constitution changed before the Parliament.

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    like i said, next week is lookin MIGHTY INTERESTINK!!!

    franny, were almost there!!

  6. #766
    Senior Investor PAn8tv's Avatar
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    Hmmmm, think this why Cheney showed up? Me thinks so...

    Analysis: Agenda clashes trump Iraq summit gains
    By Mel Frykberg
    Middle East Times
    Published May 9, 2007

    Reflecting on the recent two-day Compact for Iraq summit in Egypt's Sharm El Sheikh Red Sea resort, it would seem the gains of the conference were ultimately outweighed by conflicting regional agendas.

    Despite the official pleasantries, the attractive setting, the promise of a large debt relief package for Iraq, and some significant political breakthroughs, a pall hung over the May 3-4 summit, attended by delegates from the UN Security Council (UNSC), the EU, the G8 (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, Britain, and the US), as well as Iran, Syria, and other regional Arab heavyweights.

    On the positive side of the balance, the summit saw Iraq win a pledge of 30 billion in debt relief from international donors; the US secretary of state held groundbreaking talks with Syrian foreign minister Walid Moualem; US and Iranian officials met at the ambassadorial level.

    On the negative end of the scales, however, serious doubts were raised about the desire of both the US and Iran to put the welfare of Iraq before their own economic and geopolitical interests in the region and the desire of participants not to settle their own grudges first and foremost.

    Hard questions were also asked regarding beleaguered Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Maliki's desire to reverse the de-Baathification program written into the Iraqi constitution, allegedly a major impediment to reconciling Iraq's warring Sunni and Shiite factions - itself a vital undertaking before security and political progress can be made.

    Maliki is deemed as knowing the formula for ending Iraqi violence and establishing an agenda for reconciliation. He has attended many conferences in the past and promised to implement the necessary steps, but has, so far, failed to do so, crippled by a weakened government, with members of parliament walking out periodically and threatening the fragile ruling coalition.

    The Iraqi PM is also considered by some as presently lacking the determination necessary to confront the country's Shiite militia groups, the extremely politically powerful Badr Brigades, and the Mehdi Army - allegedly largely supported, trained, and funded by Iran.

    Maliki's critics have pointed to his apparent desire to placate these groups and his own hunger for staying in power as taking precedence over his initiative to quell the bloodshed.

    Meanwhile, Iran's summit delegates engaged in verbal sparring with their American counterparts, turning the international media's attention temporarily away from Iraqi issues toward the Islamic republic's ongoing showdown with its arch-foe, the US.

    At the summit, Iranian foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki stated that the "US should issue a clear troop-withdrawal plan to return stability to Iraq," adding that "the United States must accept the responsibilities arising from the occupation of Iraq, and should not finger-point or put the blame on others.

    "The continuation of, and increase in, terrorist acts in Iraq originates from the flawed approaches adopted by the foreign troops. Thus, in our view, the continuation of [US-led] occupation lies at the origin of the [Iraqi] crisis," he said.

    Mottaki also called for the immediate release of five Iranians detained in northern Iraq by US troops in January.

    The Iranian foreign minister later declined to attend an official dinner at which the Egyptian hosts had seated him near US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, claiming that Islamic dictates of modesty required he avoid the presence of a Russian violinist in a red dress.

    Nonetheless, the summit saw a thaw in British-Iranian relations when British Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett met Mottaki following last month's furor over Iran's arrest of 15 British sailors and marines in the Shatt Al Arab waterway.

    Meanwhile, Rice met privately with Syrian foreign minister Moualem May 3 in the wake of strong criticism of democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi by President George W. Bush for her Damascus visit with Syrian President Bashar Al Assad last month.

    The United States has accused Syria of allowing foreign fighters to enter Iraq through the long border and is pushing for an international tribunal to try suspects in the killing of former Lebanese president Rafiq Hariri. A UN probe has implicated Lebanese and Syrian security officials in the killing, but Damascus denies all charges.

    However, the ice-breaking meeting - the first between the US and Syria in decades - followed rare praise from the US army that Damascus had reduced "the flow of foreign fighters" into Iraq, and appeared to be an attempt at dialogue as urged by the international community and, indeed, many Americans.

    But despite the thawing of relations between Syria and the US, Aaron David Miller, a scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center and a former senior adviser on Arab-Israeli relations at the State Department, said that neither Washington nor Damascus was willing to deliver what the other wanted.

    The US wants Syria to cooperate with the UN tribunal investigating the Hariri killing and to halt its support for Islamist movement Hezbollah and the use of its borders to transfer foreign fighters into Iraq. In return, Syria desires to be taken off America's list of countries allegedly supporting terrorism and to hold open talks with the US. Both countries' wishes look unlikely to be fulfilled at this stage.

    But beyond resolving the region's various conflicting agendas that influence conditions in Iraq, many ultimately believe that the real litmus test for the country continuing to secure international support and much-needed aid and debt relief is dependent on the ability of Maliki and his cohorts to implement steps aimed at Sunni-Shiite reconciliation.

    According to this viewpoint, such steps would have to include reaching out to the Sunnis by reopening talks on the constitution, passing a new oil law guaranteeing an equitable sharing of revenues across the Iraqi regions, reversing most of the purge of former Baathists from political life and government employment, and dismantling sectarian Shiite militias.
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
    - Abraham Lincoln

  7. #767
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    Iraq minister lobbies D.C. to keep troops

    Published: May 9, 2007 at 10:16 AM
    WASHINGTON, May 9 (UPI) -- Iraqi national security adviser Mowaffak al-Rubaie is lobbying U.S. politicians in Washington to keep U.S. troops in Iraq to avoid anarchy.
    Monday and Tuesday, Rubaie visited two Democrats leading the Congressional charge to reduce troop numbers by fixed dates -- Sen. Carl Levin of Michigan and Rep. John Murtha of Pennsylvania, the New York Times reported.

    "I know that they are running out of patience, and I understand this very well," Rubaie told the Times in an interview. "And we have to play the political game. But I feel we are on the last mile of a walk toward success, and if they let go and don't take our hand, I feel that we are going to lose everything."

    President Bush has promised to veto any bill that includes withdrawal dates, and his administration said it would review troop numbers and tour lengths in September.

    Meanwhile, Rubaie said opponents to the war needed to be more aware of consequences of a sudden-pullout.

    "If you ram it down our throats and sync it to Washington because of the election cycle, things will crumble" he said.
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
    - Abraham Lincoln

  8. #768
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hkp View Post
    Minister Calls Int.
    Companies for Investment
    Companies for Investment
    Amman, May.9 p4
    Amman, R May.9
    Minerals and industry minister engineer Fawzi Harerry, called through his participation in Iraq re-building fair and conference in it's 4 th cession which currently hold in Amman from 7-10 May
    Minerals and industry minister Fawzi Harerry engineer, called through his participation in Iraq re-building fair and conference in it's 4th cession which currently hold in Amman from May 10-7

    the international companies and the businessmen besides the investment men to doubting a seriously in cooperation, investment and high participation for well using of the chances towards special invest mental files of cement, irons, steel, petrochemical, chemical fertilizer and engineering industries besides ceramic and glass industry.On the other hand, he said that, the Iraqi industry finally exist from the central system which supported by the government up to the opening system to offer more chances for competitions among the companies and businessmen.
    The international companies and the businessmen besides the investment men to a doubting seriously in cooperation, investment and high participation well for the chances of using special invest towards mental files of cement, irons, steel, petrochemical, chemical fertilizer and engineering industries besides ceramic and glass industry.On the other hand, he said that, the Iraqi industry finally exist from the central system which supported by the government opening up to the system to offer more chances for competitions among the companies and businessmen.

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    kinda handy having that fil done right about now isnt it??? 9th fil enacted, during the investors conference when they are signin up.
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 09-05-2007 at 05:07 PM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  9. #769
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    oil : there is no shortage of oil derivatives

    بغداد - الصباح
    Denied general manager Oil Products Distribution Company Karim Hatab there is no shortage in oil derivatives, especially pediatric gasoline and gas oil in the fuel stations ..

    He said in a press statement : "The reason scarcer due to the group of security and blocked access to and transfer of products from warehouses to the Ministry of packaging where the tanks will be targeted in the session / tiles martyrs, have been targeting and killing drivers in addition to the martyrdom of three drivers earlier in the last week and the abduction of another number of them. He added : "It is the lack of alternative routes portable access routes from warehouses to the stations as well as the question of preventing the movement of tanks and trucks crossing bridges, and large restricted within instructions plan to impose law in Baghdad also targeting truck drivers and the presence Setarat illusory tiles near the martyrs is the only road which is used by trucks, all contributed the obstruction of access to portable stations in Baghdad.
    Hatab explained : "It has been approached security authorities to secure the routes portable and take joint measures with the Ministry of Oil Pajat like issuing special or particular identities of the tanker tank of the oil products and transit through other ways to ensure that the fuel / gasoline, kerosine / mobilization stations to fuel." called on the Ministries of Defense and Interior and the security agencies to speed securing roads and especially the path of tanks in the session via / highway /, as well as facilitate the process of passing through the governmental Alcetarat

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  10. #770
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    Default Explosion in Baghdad while Cheney visits

    Habakkuk 2:2-3 Then the LORD answered me and said: “ Write the vision And make it plain on tablets,
    That he may run who reads it. 3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry.

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