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    Maliki says Iraq will honor ICI document

    Maliki says Iraq will honor ICI document

    SHARM EL-SHEIKH, May 3 (KUNA) -- Iraqi prime minister Nouri Al-Maliki said Thursday his country was capable of honoring all commitments listed in the International Compact with Iraq (ICI) document.

    Al-Maliki, at a joint news conference with Egyptian foreign minister Ahmad Abul Gheit and UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon, said the Iraqi government was capable of restoring order nationwide in the coming period "providing the international community support us." He said the ICI document specified obligations of Iraq and the international community. Al-Maliki said the constitution has determined the shape of federalism and unity of Iraq within framework of national conciliation.

    Abul Gheit said Egypt was fully supporting Iraq, noting that the ICI meeting on Egyptian soil has helped create suitable atmosphere for national conciliation among the Iraqis thus protecting them from tragic circumstances they were experiencing.

    He said Egypt was ready to host any meetings if they would help national conciliation in Iraq.

    Ban, meanwhile, said the success of the ICI document needed commitment of the international community to helping Iraq regain stability and security.

    He said the Iraqi government should also be transparent in the application of national conciliation and just distribution of national wealth.

    Ban said all delegations participating in ICI meeting pledged to assisting Iraq economically or through writing off debts.

    Ban said Bulgaria, China, Saudi Arabia and Greece showed willingness to write off their debts on Iraq, while China, Denmark and Britain said they were ready to offer financial aid.

    The UN chief said the international community and neighbors of Iraq should join hands to achieve development in Iraq as well as realizing peace in the region.

    Delegates to the ICI, said Ban, agreed to hold future international meetings to follow up the implementation of the ICI document. (end) kz.


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    Quote Originally Posted by HyiperOne View Post
    Expect the flow of investments to Kurdistan after the Sharm el-Sheikh
    (صوت العراق) - 04-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 04-05-2007
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    [RIGHT]Irbil (May 4) Agency (Lucky) Italian News-Kurdish government official make great efforts, on the sidelines of the International Conference held in Sharm el-Sheikh, to attract investments to the economic territory of Kurdistan, as part of economic openness on Iraq, according to the International Covenant, which aims to conduct political and economic reforms in Iraq.
    Wali said Daindar Zebari, the United Nations Coordinator in the Kurdistan region, which participated in the conference, representing the single regional government, and talks with several representatives of the participating countries, with the aim of encouraging them to contribute to the ongoing investments in the province, he said that "the outcome of the International Covenant, will be fruitful from the economic side, because it came for international support for Iraq, to build a democratic Federal Security Federal, and the document issued by will contribute to establishing security and stability in the country, and open the horizons of economic cooperation between Iraq with the countries of the world, to return Iraq to take his agent, in international and regional organizations. "
    He Zebari told the media Kurdish local Sharm el-Sheikh, that "the great efforts being made to create an investment-friendly environment in Iraq, especially in Kurdistan which has been able so far to attract many of the Arab and foreign companies, to work on major strategic projects, in order to create a proper atmosphere and in economic terms, for integration in the international economy. "
    The coordinator of the territorial government with the United Nations and international organizations, that "the government of Kurdistan region has many plans and programs to develop economic reality through giving utmost importance, investment projects and development, and coordination with the United Nations agencies and international organizations, to develop the province in economic terms."
    He got Iraq to substantial international support for rebuilding the economy, where most of creditor nations canceled the debts with other countries granted long-term loans to help Iraq to advance its national economy.


    franny, were almost there!!

  3. #73
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    Iraq urges neighbours to block border infiltration

    4 May 2007

    SHARM EL-SHEIKH, Egypt - Iraq urged its neighbours on Friday to stop militants sneaking into Iraq and, at talks in Egypt on stemming bloodshed, is expected to ask the Arab League to hold a conference on national reconciliation.

    Iraq made the call to its six neighbouring states at a conference in the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh that also brought together the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, the European Union and the Group of Eight leading industrialised countries.

    “We will not allow terrorist organisations to use Iraqi territory as a safe haven,” Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Al Maliki told an opening session of the one-day conference.

    “That is what drives us to call on the regional neighbours to prevent the infiltration of terrorist groups into Iraq and to stop them obtaining material support and political and media support.”

    The talks are due to focus on border security, Iraqi refugees and political reconciliation between Iraqi factions and ethnic and religious communities.

    Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa said a draft final communique from the conference was expected to call on the Arab League to convene a national reconciliation conference for Iraq.

    “We are ready for this. We are ready to host Iraqi national reconciliation,” he said. “Now is not the time to exchange accusations but is the time to work together.”

    Moussa gave no time frame as to when such a meeting could take place, nor did he say where it would be held. The 22-member Arab League is based in Cairo.

    Baghdad is dependent on US military support in its drive to halt a slide into all-out civil war by stamping out sectarian violence and defeating insurgents who draw support from the Sunni Arab minority once-dominant under Saddam Hussein.

    Contacts with Iran

    Diplomats said Baghdad was also pushing for talks between US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Iranian Foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki, who exchanged pleasantries on Thursday but had no substantial discussions.

    But Iran has appeared to dismiss the chance for talks, with a spokesman saying on Tuesday that it would not negotiate with Washington until it stops its “evil approach”. A US official said a bilateral meeting was not planned for Friday.

    “We’ll see if any other kind of interaction occurs,” the official added.

    Rice’s brief encounter with Mottaki and talks with Syria’s foreign minister on Thursday marked a shift in US President George W. Bush’s once resolute opposition to high-level contacts with Iran and Syria as he seeks ways to end the Iraq conflict.

    Baghdad’s interest in seeing a Rice-Mottaki meeting is clear as it is widely acknowledged that Shia Muslim Iran is an influential force on Iraq, both as a neighbour and because of its links with elements in the Shia-led Iraqi government.

    The US ambassador to Iraq, Ryan Crocker, did not rule out a meeting between Rice and Mottaki, saying his government would see “what options present themselves”.

    “The point from our side is not to have meetings with the Iranians. It is what can we do in Iraq and what can we do in the region to create better circumstances and a better future for the Iraqis,” he told reporters.

    While Rice and Mottaki exchanged greetings during lunch on Thursday, they did not have further contact at dinner. A US official said Mottaki had abruptly left a dinner where he was to sit opposite Rice, complaining that a red dress worn by a violinist was too revealing.

    State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said Mottaki left the conference dinner site just as Rice was arriving.

    “She did not see the Iranian foreign minister,” he said.

    Serious talks between Rice and Mottaki would be the highest-level substantive US-Iran contact since a 1979 revolution turned Iran from a close US ally into the arch-foe Islamic Republic. Over the years Iran has been less enthusiastic than the United States about dialogue.

    Washington has accused Iran of fomenting violence in Iraq. Tehran rejects the charge. Lower level US and Iranian envoys spoke to each other directly about Iraq at regional talks in Baghdad in March.

    US-led forces invaded Iraq in March 2003 to topple Saddam, but US troops -- now numbering more than 150,000 -- have since failed to stop the violence.

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  4. #74
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    The conclusion of the Sharm el-Sheikh without meeting Rice Mottaki

    (صوت العراق) - 04-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 04-05-2007

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    Ended Sharm El-Sheikh conference on Iraq, without any sign of the existence of common ground between the United States and Iran.

    Never before Congress was expected to meet with the Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki and American Condoleezza Rice.

    Instead, Shen Mottaki Feet attack against American policy in Iraq and accused the American presence stoking sectarian violence in this country.

    The roaring Rice expressed the hope that Iran "will work to stop the flow of weapons to the gunmen in Iraq who use them to attack American forces."

    Diplomats said that the Iraqi government has pressed for talks between Rice and Mottaki.

    However, the diplomats, who refused to reveal their identity, said that Iran had refrained from contacts with the task of Rice.

    Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari said that a low level was between Iranian officials and Americans on the sidelines of the conference.

    "No haven for terrorists"
    Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki told the conference, said that Iraq will not become a haven for terrorist groups.

    Maliki said that he would not allow his country to become a haven for terrorism

    He called Maliki neighboring countries to prevent gunmen from entering Iraq through its territory, and prevent them from obtaining financial support.

    Al-Maliki added, "What can our brothers and friends to do is to support fair and transparent."

    Participated in the second and last day of the conference of Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, as well as the United States, the European Union and the United Nations, in addition to other international parties.

    For half an hour between the teacher and Rice : significant shift in dialogue interests?
    During the first day of the conference on Thursday met with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice are rare with Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem, may be considered as a shift in Washington's policy, which was long in the province to make direct contact with Syria or Iran.

    And Washington has repeatedly accused Iran and Syria raise sectarian violence escalating in Iraq through the financing and support of the armed year in terms of hardline Shiite militia, on the other hand.

    Iraq had met with the neighbors several times in the past three years, the Iraqi government has received pledges of cooperation to secure the border.

    However, the Iraqi government says that the gunmen are still pouring in, and fleeing to the disarmament of Iraq.

    It is noteworthy that the spokesman of the American army in Iraq said earlier that recent months have seen a decline in the number of foreign fighters crossing from Syria to Iraq.

    Financial support
    With regard to debt remission for Iraq, which is part of focus for the conference Thursday, has identified "a document of the International" ambitious targets in order to achieve a "stable and unified and democratic within five years."

    The document identifies the form of international support for Iraq as set frameworks for strong commitments by the government of Baghdad, including the introduction of reforms designed to give Sunni Arabs a bigger role in the political process.

    The Secretary-General said the United Nations Ban Ki-moon told reporters that "the financial commitments made by certain States is estimated at more than 30 billion dollars."

    He added : "These include commitments to reduce the debt by Paris Club terms from Bulgaria, China, Saudi Arabia and Greece. It also includes new financial commitments from the United Kingdom, Australia, Spain, China, Denmark, Korea and other participants. "

    The Paris Club, a group of 19 government creditors of the major industrial states dealing with rescheduling of debts, has agreed to cancel $ 32 billion (80%) out of 40 billion dollars was owed by the former regime of Saddam Hussein.

    Mobilize Massive security in Sharm el-Sheikh during the Iraq conference, Gamal Mubarak wedding
    However, Saudi Arabia said it was still negotiating with Iraq on dropping billions of dollars of debt owed to them, with no commitment to Kuwait and Russia-two of the major creditor nations to Iraq - an immediate write-off of debt, which was one of the main objectives of the meeting.

    The absence of major undertakings to reduce Iraqi debt as a sign that some States, particularly the Arab Sunni, remain at a distance in their dealings with the Iraqi government.

    The Finance Minister said the Iraqi statement Jabr counterpart that Egypt agreed to drop all debts owed to it by Iraq - some 800 million dollars-while canceled, Slovenia, Bulgaria and Poland 80% of the debt.


    Translated version of

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    Published: 04/05/2007 12:00 AM (UAE)
    Meeting aims to build support for the state


    Sharm Al Shaikh: The Iraq Compact is an attempt to build international support for the Iraqi state and to lay out the country's reconstruction requirements.

    The five-year plan would see financial, political and technical support given in return for political, security and economic reforms.
    The compact will be discussed concurrently with a meeting in Sharm Al Shaikh, Egypt, this week between Iraq, its neighbours and world powers including G8 nations and the European Union.

    Political benchmarks have been set through a 15-point timetable of legislation that will be adopted by the end of 2007. The most important of these, which US officials want passed by the end of the summer, are a revenue-sharing oil law, the de-Baathification law to allow members of Saddam Hussain's former ruling party back into public life, and a governorate elections law that will enable a date to be set for provincial polls.

    The Iraq Compact also sets out a number of economic and fiscal targets. It says Iraq hopes to achieve economic growth of 15.4 per cent in 2007, up from three per cent in 2006. And it sets a crude oil output target of 3.5 million barrels per day by 2011, which would almost double annual crude export revenue to almost $50 billion (about Dh183 billion) .

    On the security front, the Iraqi army and police will take over exclusive responsibility for security throughout Iraq under principles of "democratic civilian control" and "one state one army" with the aim of self-sufficiency "prior to the end of the Compact period."

    Gulfnews: Meeting aims to build support for the state

  6. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by PAn8tv View Post
    'China ready to forgive Iraq's debts'
    [4 May, 2007 l 0818 hrs ISTlPTI]

    SMS NEWS to 8888 for latest updates

    BEIJING: China is ready to substantially reduce and forgive the debts owed by Iraq and has announced a fresh grant of 6.5 million US dollars to the war-ravaged country, the state media reported on Friday.

    The announcement was made by Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi at a ministerial meeting of the International Compact with Iraq (ICI), which took place on Thursday at the Egyptian Red Sea resort, Sharm-el-Sheikh.

    The Chinese grant will be used to help public health and education in Iraq, Yang was quoted as saying by Xinhua news agency.

    "The Chinese government is ready to substantially reduce and forgive the debts owed by Iraq. In particular, it will forgive all the debts owed by the Iraqi government," Yang said, without specifying the amount.

    China has taken note of Iraq's request for debt reduction and forgiveness according to the arrangements of the Paris Club of major creditor nations and is ready to resolve the issue through continued friendly consultation with Iraq, he said.

    Yang said China supports the ICI, which he said serves as a blueprint for Iraq's future development and Reconstruction and defines its partnership with the international community.

    On how to implement the ICI, Yang noted that the international community needs to increase consultation and work together to ensure assistance comes in a coordinated way.

    China supports the UN in continuing to play a leading role in this effort, he said

    franny, were almost there!!

  7. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike5200 View Post
    Iraq summit expected to call for more inclusion from Sunni Arabs in the political process

    Associated Press Writer
    Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, right, arrive to a press conference following the International Compact with Iraq conference at the Red Sea resort of Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt Thursday, May 3, 2007. Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki called on all countries Thursday to forgive his country's foreign debts on the opening day of the Iraq conference. (AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti)

    SHARM EL-SHEIK, Egypt — Iraq's neighbors negotiated a declaration Friday that would pledge support for Iraq's embattled Shiite-led government in return for more inclusion of Sunni Arabs in the political process.

    The declaration, to be issued on the final day of a major regional conference on Iraq, came amid little sign that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice would meet her Iranian counterpart.

    The Iraqi government has pressed for talks between Rice and Manouchehr Mottaki, saying Washington's conflict with the government in Tehran is fueling instability in Iraq.

    But U.S. officials have played down the chances for any substantive exchange, and some said they would wait for clearer signals from the Iranians that they were ready to talk.

    A draft copy of the six-page declaration said the summit participants would agree to support Iraq's government as long as it ensured the "basic right of all Iraqi citizens to participate peacefully in the political process through the country's political system."

    The declaration of support came one day after participants agreed on an ambitious blueprint to stabilize Iraq.

    The International Compact with Iraq sets benchmarks to achieve a stable, united, democratic Iraq within five years. It defines international help for Iraq — including debt relief — but also sets tough commitments on the Baghdad government, particularly carrying out reforms aimed at giving Iraq's Sunni Arabs a greater role in the political process.

    But Saudi Arabia said it was still negotiating with Iraq over writing off billions of dollars it is owed, and major creditors Kuwait and Russia failed to offer immediate debt relief — a key goal of the blueprint.

    The absence of major commitments to reduce Iraq's debt was a sign that some, particularly Sunni Arab, nations are still keeping their distance from Iraq's government.

    Still, the Iraqi government, the United Nations and many of the more than 60 countries and international organizations gathered here hailed the launch of the blueprint as a milestone.

    It was an initiative of Iraq's first elected government, launched soon after Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki took office in June 2006 and strongly backed by the United Nations.

    The debt issue loomed large over the meeting's unfinished business.

    The Paris Club of affluent lender nations has already written off $100 billion of Iraq's debt — most from former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein's war against Iran in the 1990s.

    But the government still owes a huge amount. Iraq's finance minister put the total remaining at roughly $50 billion, but the numbers vary and in some cases are still not resolved — with some estimates as high as $62 billion.

    Iraq's al-Maliki opened the conference urging "all our friends ... to forgive our debts and allow us to launch our reconstruction and development."

    But the foreign minister of Saudi Arabia — a major lender — made no immediate public pledge. Saud al-Faisal said only that his country was in talks with Iraq "to have an appropriate solution to debts in line with rules of the Paris Club," which calls for forgiving at least 80 percent of Iraq's debts.

    Before the conference, al-Faisal had confirmed that the kingdom would forgive 80 percent of Iraq's debt, raising expectations of an official announcement Thursday.

    U.N. officials said the problem is that Saudi Arabia and Iraq never kept records and have not agreed on the size of the debt. Iraq's finance minister puts the debt at $17 billion, while the Saudis have estimated it at between $15 billion and $18 billion.

    Kuwait is owed $15 billion, but its democratically elected parliament is refusing to consider any debt relief to Iraq — and the country's deputy prime minister did not mention the issue. There was also no mention of writing off the $13 billion Russia is owed.

    China's Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi, whose country is owed $8 billion, said Beijing "is ready to substantially reduce and forgive the debts owed by Iraq" and will forgive all government debts. He gave no figures.

    Bulgaria, owed $4 billion, said it was finalizing "technical talks" with Iraq and then would consider a "realistic solution."

    New grants and soft loans also came in.

    British Prime Minister Margaret Beckett promised some $400 million. Other pledges from South Korea, Australia, Denmark and Spain totaled about $280 million.

    In New York, the U.S. ambassador to the U.N. said the international community has been slow to live up to aid pledges in the past.

    Zalmay Khalilzad, who until recently was the U.S. ambassador to Iraq, said most countries have not come through on $13.5 billion in pledges made at a 2003 donor's conference in Madrid.


    Associated Press writers Anne Gearan, Edith M. Lederer and Lee Keath in Sharm el-Sheik and Salah Nasrawi in Cairo contributed to this report.

    Copyright 2007 The Associated Press.
    this story is in direct conflict with stories we have read that say kuwait did relief debt so it might be a timing issue on release of press.

    franny, were almost there!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by delmo View Post
    Lunar your letter in post #10 is awsome and i am glad that someone has seen it for themselves as i did when i was there the war is not throughout the whole country as the media tells everyone just a few towns. so thanks for the post it is good to hear.
    It is nice to read a positive perspective for a change....they're few and far between. Hopefully we'll see more of the same...

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    The text of a document of the International

    تمت إضافة الخبر بتاريخ 4-5-2007, 18:16
    Added news on 5 - 4-2007 18:16

    The text of a document of the International

    WAI-document-Hammad Firas

    1- Include a document with the International Covenant Iraq issued by the International Conference for Iraq, which concluded yesterday in Sharm el-Sheikh 1, the definition of its objectives and the vision of the Iraqi government and the political, security, economic and social development to achieve this vision and mutual commitments between the government and the international community ..The document focuses in detail on the economic aspects.

    2- According to the vision document aims to :
    Make Iraq a democratic federal united enjoys security and stability and equal citizens. Creation of a strong economy based on free market rules and the provision of appropriate standards of public social services for citizens. Merging Iraq effectively in the regional and international arenas on the basis of mutual respect.

    3-The document the priorities of development in the following : national reconciliation improve the security situation governance economic and social reforms. The areas are divided into two national vision are the security and political (and approved the document Petrabtahama) and the Economic and Social Council.

    4-defines the Political Section of the document is a set of requirements : to renounce violence against Iraqis and state, respect for human rights and freedoms, establishment of a united, federal and democratic reconciliation between the various groups in Iraq, just and equal sharing of resources, and cooperation with neighboring countries.

    5-The document set of procedures in line with the agenda of the Iraqi government to achieve these requirements including : continue in the fight against terrorism. Continued application of the initiative of national reconciliation, development and expansion of the dialogue process. Respect for human rights and prosecute violators, regardless of their affiliations. Addressing the issue of militias with a focus on political and economic means to do so.

    The quest for a peaceful and just solution to the issue of Kirkuk take into account the views of all its inhabitants.
    Ensure freedom of the press and the development of civil society and the building of State institutions on the basis of professionalism, transparency and responsibility. To ensure adoption laws established in the Constitution, including the revision of the Constitution according to the Iraqi specific time frame.

    Ensure understanding and coordination with the neighboring countries of Iraq is not allowing the use of its territory or resources to influence their interests will be allowed to intervene in its internal affairs.
    Seeking to transform decisions Meeting of the Interior Ministers neighboring countries last active programs to combat terrorism, infiltration and border control.

    Section 6 defines a set of security measures including :

    Programs continue to build the security forces away from political and partisan loyalties quickly assume security responsibilities from coalition forces in the framework of the reconciliation government seeks to secure the support of all parties to the solution, and to disarm militias and the integration through the provision of economic and political conditions and provide adequate job opportunities to elements the militias and other armed groups and amnesty program consistent with the standards of justice and international support UN building on previous experience.

    7-The human rights section identifies a series of obligations : to build a comprehensive system of respect for human rights and building a strong judicial system.

    Audit Act uprooting the Baath is non-politicized and put the Amnesty Law to the parliament and provide appropriate compensation to the victims of the former regime and terrorism and violence and mechanisms for compensation or repatriation of the former regime.

    8-The economic aspect focuses on three areas of reform : public resource management, economic reform, reform of the social sector, focusing on the energy and agriculture sectors so as to optimize the utilization of Iraq's resources and attract foreign investment and integrate into the global economy, through : setting up the oil resources management system based on transparency and accountability while ensuring an equitable distribution of oil revenues among regions.

    Public expenditure management would prevent wasting the wealth of the state or seizure.
    Activate anti-corruption policies and civil service reform.

    Achieving economic reform through the reform of support programs, private sector development and attract investment, restructuring the banking sector, the social insurance networks.

    Sector development to keep abreast of Iraq's needs and develop strategies for public and private investment in the oil sector (referred to the Cabinet approved the draft law on oil and gas, which is now before the House of Representatives).

    9-With respect to the obligations of international support Covenant refers to examples of forms of support needed by the Iraqi government from the international community, such as investments and financial aid, debt relief and cancellation of compensation and administrative and technical assistance (It is noteworthy that the core portion of the Iraqi debt from the former regime that had not been forgiven is owed the Arab countries, especially Gulf).

    10-Covenant keen to emphasize that the progress of the government in achieving its political, security and economic decisions will be about the future of donor support.

    11- Addendum to the same mechanism put the document the frameworks additional donors can use them to link their aid to Iraq from the Iraqi economic standards of performance more specifically : the Agreement Iraq (S. B. er) with the existing International Monetary Fund and the Additional Agreement to be held during 2007

    The conclusion of bilateral agreements with Iraq based on the conditions of this support.

    12-With regard to the implementation of the Iraqi government will lead the process of implementation of the international institutions when necessary using existing coordination of international partners and support is being provided by the partners on a bilateral or multilateral or through the Consultative Group.

    13-establishes the executive structure of the document focuses on joint monitoring of the performance indicators at the Covenant and its obligations and implement any strategic adjustments necessary to achieve the objectives of the Covenant. Will the Iraqi government to provide more details on the coordination with donors during the first month of the date of release contains the purview Each group of this structure.

    14 structure will consist of :

    The Executive Committee of the International Covenant : will be chaired by the government of Iraq, the United Nations and secretarial help of the Covenant and meet whenever the need arises, will assume responsibility for the Covenant.

    Secretarial Covenant : chaired by the government of Iraq and with the support of partners to the implementation of the policies meet when needed and provide technical advice and administrative support for the Executive Committee and is responsible for reporting on the progress of the government of Iraq towards the goals and performance of the international community toward maintaining Covenant obligations.

    Advisory Group : Iraq composed of government and development partners have included private at the discretion of the government of Iraq does not clarify the parties participating in the group and only nominated development partners, without specifying the criteria for accession.

    It is scheduled to hold group meetings annually and quarterly every three months to review the development strategy and developments at the political, security and the progress of both the government side or the performance of the international community for fulfilling the obligations of the Covenant and auditing procedures required to meet the goals of the Covenant, where needed. A Baghdad coordination : consisting of the members of the consultative group Iraqi in Baghdad and meets once every two months or whenever the need arises for the purpose of reviewing the performance work groups sectors at the standards and goals of the international community as well as the functioning of the international community.Work groups and the strategy for reconstruction and Iraqi mechanisms to review the performance of various sectors to an Iraqi government and certification programs and projects requirements of the national development strategy.News document the range of supplements containing the following :

    The current Iraqi government.The national reconciliation plan put forward by the Iraqi prime minister last June.

    Schedule legislative map is the only framework for the steps to be carried out by the Iraqi government to implement its commitments in the political sphere from the point of view of the end of 2007. The most important legislative items included are agreed on the formation of the constitution and the completion of work to ratify the laws of the executive procedures for the formation of regions, provincial elections, oil and gas, uprooting the Baath, the flag and emblem of the republic and the national anthem is to ratify the Coalition Provisional Authority Order No. 91 on the armed forces and militia, discuss the issue of amnesty and militias armed groups and the holding of the referendum required to amend the Constitution.

    It is noticeable that the majority of the items listed in this table are the most controversial issues in Iraq between the various political forces, which raises the question about the possibility of reaching a consensus around this year, and on whether the mere adoption in the existing constitutional frameworks, achieves a true around. The postponement of the constitutional review of the tail the existing schedule raises the question of purpose after the passage of each of these laws controversial).

    Supplement joint control, which sets out detailed and accurate indicators of progress in the implementation of the Covenant, and notes that one of the indicators is a policy to deal with the debts and receivables, which fall outside the Paris Club and the remainder (20%) of the Paris Club debt, and to engage in intensive negotiations on them. He also notes that the steps and goals detailed in the table purely economic, not linked to any political or security conditions may hinder achievement.

    Finally, the right to the financial framework for medium-term revenue and grants and expenditures over five years, as well as the special financial accounts for the oil sector, in the same framework in terms of revenue and expenditures, particularly investment expenditure. It is noteworthy that the document the international community to Iraq is a thirty-seven paper, in addition to five additional supplements are attached on the government program and the second on the national reconciliation plan and schedule III and IV on Legislative Oversight common indicators and the fifth medium-term fiscal framework.

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    Default What Arab press thinks of Conference!

    Press writes off Iraq conference

    More than $30bn (£15bn) in aid and debt relief was pledged to Iraq

    The Middle East press dismisses the Iraq conference in Sharm el-Sheikh., blaming the Bush administration for creating the situation in that country in the first place.
    One paper says the meeting is just a face-saving measure designed to divert attention from Washington's difficulties both in Iraq and at home.
    Other papers express pessimism, ranking this conference as one of many that achieve nothing.


    The Sharm el-Sheikh conference is being held not to salvage Iraq but to save the US administration from its numerous predicaments - security predicaments in Iraq... and political predicaments within America itself.


    If we want a clear and frank explanation of this Sharm el-Sheikh meeting and its aims, we would say without hesitation that the situation in Iraq has reached a dead end and that there is an almost total US failure in its objectives and achievements.


    Even if we consider the good intentions of the Sharm el-Sheikh conference and the need to preserve Iraq's unity and security, the situation on the ground in Iraq is the way it is because of the decision by the US neo-conservatives to wage war against it.


    The Iraqi crisis... lies in the fact that neither the US administration nor the Iraqi government is capable, on their own, of maintaining security... There is therefore an important need for a timetable for the withdrawal of foreign forces.


    The Sharm el-Sheikh conference managed yesterday to launch the International Compact with Iraq... There is no doubt that making pledges is much easier than implementing them.


    If we count the number of conferences held on Iraq, we will find many. If we look for one positive result, we will not find any... What then does the Sharm el-Sheikh conference add when those who organised it, called for it and participated in it could not clearly state its final objective?


    The Sharm el-Sheikh conference... reveals in many ways that its objective is not just the issue of Iraq but particularly US relations with countries like Iran and Syria.

    Every one or two years, we witness a conference to stop violence in this or that country, starting with Palestine, Lebanon and Somalia and now Iraq. As if anything ever changes...
    BBC Monitoring selects and translates news from radio, television, press, news agencies and the internet from 150 countries in more than 70 languages. It is based in Caversham, UK, and has several bureaux abroad.

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