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    Cheney put pressure on the leaders of Iraq
    (صوت العراق) - 10-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-05-2007
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    Cheney put pressure on the leaders of Iraq and bomb kills 14 in Arbil

    BAGHDAD (Reuters) - pressure Vice President Dick Cheney, the American leaders of Iraq to move without delay toward approving agreements to share power Washington says it is necessary to end sectarian violence.

    The Cheney visit, which was not declared before, which came in the framework of a tour in the Middle East to the impatience of the United States about Iraq's reluctance to approve laws on the distribution of oil revenues and other basic procedures with the leaders of the American army increased forces to secure Baghdad.

    Cheney said that the talks also focused on security campaign in Baghdad, which includes the deployment of 30 thousand additional American troops and seen as the last chance to prevent the outbreak of civil war between Shiites and Sunnis.

    "Cheney told a press conference "stressed the importance of achieving progress in the subjects before us, not only on security issues but also political issues stockpiled before the Iraqi government."

    "I think they know that, in their interest and in our interest that could achieve progress on the political front while we deal with security issues."

    Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki Shiite government was committed to the restoration of order and national reconciliation and ensuring said that all Iraqis on their share of Iraq's enormous oil wealth.

    It highlights the serious security challenges plaguing Iraq resulted in a suicide truck bomb attack that killed 14 people and injured 87 in the Kurdish area located in the north of the country, which enjoys relative calm, as least three Iraqi journalists and the driver died after gunmen forced to disembark from their car and tortured and then shot they fire near the northern city of Kirkuk.

    As an explosion apparently caused by a rocket Morter causing tremendous boom in the green region where Cheney and journalists accompanying him.

    Journalists were landing to a shelter, but that McBride spokeswoman for Cheney said he had not hampered the work.

    She added, "has not impaired his work .. Not affected. The Green Zone constantly exposed to mortar attacks.

    Exposed President George Bush growing pressure to show concrete progress in the ongoing war four years ago, which killed more than 3300 American soldiers and tens of thousands of Iraqis.

    The killing American soldiers daily, American officials urged the Iraqi parliament to cancel planned summer recess last two months.

    Robert Gates, said the American Defense Secretary, during a visit to Iraq last month that progress on a series of laws, including a bill for the sharing of wealth Iraqi oil will be an important factor in Washington's decision to keep the troop level high.

    Cheney said that he could not predict whether the Iraqi Parliament abolished the summer vacation in July and August, but said "any unnecessary delay would be difficult to justify."

    Deputies said the Iraqi parliament this week that they had shorter vacations, but refused to American pressure to cancel the holiday.

    Cheney arrived in Baghdad on the same day, which showed the opinion poll conducted by USA Today in cooperation with the Foundation Jalob that six out of every ten Americans favor a timetable for withdrawal of American forces despite the fact that a clear majority expects the outbreak of civil war in Iraq if the American forces withdrew in next year.

    Last week, Bush used the veto (veto) against a bill for the expenses of the war, he called for the withdrawal of combat troops no later than October 1st October.

    ويزور تشيني العراق في وقت حساس.
    Cheney is visiting Iraq at a critical time. It threatened the leaders of the Sunni minority to withdraw from the government al-Maliki they claim it is ignoring the interests of the year.

    Washington says that there is a role for Sunnis in the government to attract the year strongly to the political process and defuse the Sunni insurgency.

    They also threatened the Kurds close allies of the United States to disrupt the oil bill in Parliament. The bill is the American standard to another part of legislation to end the ban on former members of the Baath party from assuming public posts a plan received strong Shiite opposition.

    The attack Kurdistan, which tells the police that the truck that was used was loaded with approximately 800 kilograms of explosives covered products cleaning kitchens rare event in the Kurdish area producing oil and autonomous which is usually calm enjoyed more than other parts of Iraq.

    Officials said the explosion occurred near the Interior Ministry Kurdish government in the capital, Irbil, killing 14 and wounding 87.

    The expulsion Villapitiya

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    Economic expert stresses : the difficulty of determining prices in the light of the competitive capabilities

    Hassan Al-Rubaie

    Dr. Salim Mohammed Aboud expert on the affairs of the market price policy in the Iraqi market depends on a variety of factors linked to the standard of living for individuals and the state's ability to produce and the protection of national production and regulate the relationship between the consumer and producer.

    He said in an interview with the (Economic morning) that the price consists of production facilities and banking institutions and financial aspects in the implementation of functions including pricing policy in the market.

    Therefore Valtozan between economic organizations and pricing policy between development programs and ways to achieve prosperity for the individual and society and between Touzan psychological situation for consumers and achieve degrees of stability is needed.

    There is a direct relationship between pricing policy and the desire of consumers to buy goods and needs, taking into account the relationship between price and volume entry.

    For all that the responsibility of the price list and moving to achieve production targets or even exceed the resources in the distribution of the total output as well as adapt and modify the economic system and handle any change in the request goods or services because of the evolution and change in tastes.

    Despite previous attempts in the fixed fee pricing policy and control relative price levels but they failed, because of the absence of parameters fixed in supply and demand and the level of incomes that have not stabilized over the past decades and the absence of strong economic system and the people there in the economic arena does not exceed distorted structures and institutions scattered The processes and procedures regarding spending priorities unbalanced and did not arrange programs according sound development in the absence of a real evolution of production and qualitative and quantitative decline in services and the emergence of sterile techniques in the mass production of the most competitive capabilities of the country. .In general. Thus did not show the identity of the market did not establish sound economic system unable to perform his functions within the development plan and the activation of the roles economic institutions.

    Dr. Abboud goes in his response to treatments, and the steps required to control the pricing policy, saying : The weakened state capacity and production factors and resources lost most important and therefore could identify any pricing policy of a system of prices at the current stage at least we As I lost Infrastructure and revealed efforts and weakened the qualifications and capabilities available with what is looming on the horizon of quick calls invitations to move to a market economy privatization, without careful calculation or studies of the importance of a favorable climate and conditions and awareness of the potential changes.

    It could not achieve stability and situations fee pricing policy to protect consumers and regulate the relationship continues to ABC at the State and society unachieved.

    But this does not close the door completely under enjoyment Iraq has great economic potential and the qualifications and resources that allow them to pursue steadily towards the changes that serve society and social balance and prosperity.

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    1.61 USD Yazzman Rate

  3. #853
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DinarDarling View Post
    Just guessing here is that they mean Craps (it's a table game, no stupid comments please).
    stupid comments? you mean like.......dang find a restroom?

    also today we had a pretty interesting day, no auction and perhaps the investment law implementation......heehee
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  4. #854
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    Default Blocked Currency Info.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sudden Impact View Post

    No problem. I have nothing written to back this up but you can search back through the forum and find people reporting that their banks have told them the dinar is "blocked" or that it's illegal to trade the dinar due to government regulations. This should not even be considered at this point. IMO, as there are many banks, including Chase, in both the US and UK buying and selling dinar.


    I was told this yesterday by an FX spe******t at Wells Fargo. When I CORRRECTED him, he stuttered and said well yes but Wells Fargo chooses not to get involved at this time.

  5. #855
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    Cheney forbearance to delay reconciliation is subject to depletion

    (صوت العراق) - 10-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-05-2007

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    Cheney in Baghdad : forbearance to delay reconciliation is subject to depletion

    Washington allows Iranians to visit detainees in Iraq, an American general to request an extension of the security plan

    Baghdad Karim Zaire
    Washington Marsa Aboutouk
    Warn Vice President Dick Cheney, Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki during his talks with him in Baghdad, where he arrived and left for hours in secret yesterday that the patience of the American President George Bush and the leaders of the Democratic and Republican parties started to be implemented due to the delayed completion of national reconciliation between Iraqis and the disbanding of the religious parties participating in the The power to amend the Constitution and the repeal of a law abolishing the Baath Party.

    He also held Vice President Bush talks with Iraqi President Jalal Talabani and his two deputies Adel Abdel Mahdi and Tariq Al-Hashmi talks on the security situation and met with Abdul Aziz Hakim, head of the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq. Cheney acknowledges the form of a written report by the American ambassador in Baghdad, Ryan Crocker, commander of the American forces in Iraq, General David Petros on the security situation.

    Shade crisis
    Cheney's visit coincided with attacks in Baghdad and a number of Iraqi cities and receive the crisis between Washington and Tehran shadow on the explosive situation in Iraq and American officials show flexibility over the five detainees Iranians to allow their families to visit them in Baghdad and Tehran insist that they Diplomats to be released from prison in Erbil four months ago.

    In relation to White House announced that Bush would use the presidential veto for the second time against a bill in Congress in the event of the text on the financing stages of military operations in Iraq.

    The Maliki has pledged several times recently in my meeting of the International Conference and neighboring Iraq held in Sharm el-Sheikh to work on solving the Iraq crisis through expanding the political process, which included new parties after completion of the reconciliation and the dimensions of the militias from the military after them and lift the ban on the practice of party leaders former Baath political action after the cancellation of the chopping, but has not been implemented so far this pledges made by the American Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who visited Baghdad before the preventive Sharm el-Sheikh and during talks interview with the Foreign Minister, Condoleeza Rice during multiple visits to Baghdad.

    At the time of counting leaders in Congress belonging to the two that the completion of these tasks is the criterion for the success of the United States in Iraq until September next in the new pressure on Bush, who before the challenge and do not want to subject his popularity setback to the impact of new low in recent months because of Iraq while warned Maj. Gen. Joseph commander of American forces in Baghdad that the deadline requested by Congress until September next to resolve the situation in Baghdad militarily and secure stability DC inadequate and demanded implicitly Extension.

    For its part, the Iraqi government has decided that the third of October of each year the national day for Iraq instead of the 17th of July because it marks the anniversary of the declaration of independence of Iraq and the end of the British mandate, while the United Nations Iraq is an occupied country and stationed about 150 thousand soldiers from the multinational forces.

    Cheney's visit to Baghdad yesterday, which left the station is the first visit to the Middle East aimed at mobilization against military and security role for Iran in the region who will visit Amman and Riyadh, which strained relations with Baghdad following the refusal of Saudi officials to receive preventive Maliki before Sharm el-Sheikh.

    Cheney said after meeting with al-Maliki, "We talked about a variety of topics related to Iraq and the region, and we focused on things like Baghdad security plan, and sustained operations against terrorists, economic and political themes before the Iraqi government." He added : "We have the neighboring countries, which was held last week in Egypt .. As we talked about the future language of our joint efforts to build an Iraq that is secure and comfortable, and governs itself free from the threats of Al Qaeda and the insurgency. Turn Maliki described the meeting with Cheney a "positive and serious". He said they had discussed the efforts that must be made for "the continuation of the strong relations between our two nations, and we discussed the best ways to support the efforts of the Iraqi government in order to succeed in this test. According to American sources, the Maliki repeating the same pledges always after meeting with American officials in Baghdad without will be serious in its implementation, which has become the focus of anger management.

    Holiday Parliament
    The American ambassador in Iraq, Crocker told reporters aboard the plane that Vice President Cheney would repeat objection Washington to take the Iraqi Parliament parliamentary recess for two months while it is supposed to decide on important issues.

    He added that this issue is part of the message Cheney. I have said that myself and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said that.
    I am sure that the Vice President will say that. "

    For his part, the newspaper "New York Times" America yesterday that the Iraqi national security adviser Muwaffaq Al-Rubaie, who is currently visiting America, trying to put pressure on American politicians in Washington to keep troops in Iraq to avoid political chaos and the loss of government.

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  6. #856
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    What's this?

    Re Provident Fund customs
    I've never heard of it
    لصينAn official source at the Public Authority for Customs to re-activate and Provident Fund customs, and added that the Fund, which has been stalled since 2003 financed from wages and detection rate of 15% in accordance with resolution No. (4) in 2006, according to the provisions of the customs No. 23 of 1984 as amended, explaining The General Authority for Customs will implement several important projects and vital during the current year depending on the investment budget for 2007, and including the rehabilitation of buildings Customs southern region, as well as warehouses and customs in Zubayr, will be securing devices and modern equipment that will assist customs officers in the implementation of the tasks assigned they are good service to the country, such as the provision of modern cars to fight smuggling across the border outlets with providing those outlets dedicated to a balance weight loads on trucks carrying cargo. The source pointed out, it is hoped in the next two months that the body detectors installed within Chanat and leave through border points in Um Qasr and Safwan according to its contract by the Ministry of Finance last month with China

    جريدة المواطن العراقية
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  7. #857
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    I cashed in some dinars yesterday at a chase bank in KY. no problem at all.
    lady at the bank said their value was going down. .00072560 for 1 dinar.
    didn't sound good to me.

  8. #858
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    A project to develop skills and support investment programs

    بغداد- نيناBaghdad - Nina
    .The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs for a project to develop skills and support investment programs for young people in coordination with the strategic outlook for Iraq reconstruction of the Ministry of Planning. .A source at the ministry on Wednesday : "This project, which is part of the ministry's plan to provide work opportunities for the unemployed youth of the bracket includes the provision of employment and training the unemployed and to coordinate with humanitarian organizations to provide necessary assistance to those tranche. He added : "The ministry is currently studying a draft to provide loans to groups non-reporting network of social protection of college graduates, immigrants and shopkeepers as it has affected research and studies, the mechanisms and proposals for implementing a project grant loans to those categories according controls and instructions. ا.It is noteworthy that the Ministry of Labor through the Social Safety Net Program provides monthly subsidies of up to 120 thousand dinars for poor families
    جريدة المواطن العراقية
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

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    Oil is seeking to hire foreign oil tankers

    official spokesman for the Oil Ministry said that the Ministry is seeking to reach agreement with foreign companies to hire a number of carriers in order to activate the performance of Iraqi Tanker Company. The spokesman added that the ministry will work on setting up a new joint operation of the tanker fleet to get the company that owns the carriers for a share of oil transported on delivery vehicles wages transfer. The spokesman added that the ministry would hire tankers to be waived by the owner companies for the benefit of the Iraqi government after a certain period to be agreed upon between the parties
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    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

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    Events in the Middle East are driven by Cheney, Rice

    (صوت العراق) - 10-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-05-2007

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    The Washington Post

    Written by : David Ignatius :

    News occupies diplomatic tasks, which normally involve the American Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice in the Middle East issued the first pages in newspapers and magazines, but if you want to get an idea about what is happening lightning underground game of politics and power, then you follow the trip by Vice-President Dick Cheney American Saudi Arabia this week.

    In the past nine months, King Abdullah has emerged as one of the more allies President Bush and most powerful Arab importance of the resolve and we all remember how the last autumn bold vigorous campaign to contain Iranian influence in the Arab world and how those efforts served laterally American interests in the region in spite of the setbacks in Iraq.
    It seems that Cheney's visit aimed partly to reassure the two countries, both sides want to confirm their alliance, despite the differences between them on the American policy in Iraq and the Palestinian issue.

    The Saudis also want to set up an additional channel of communication with the American side, making it possible to avoid a misunderstanding of the kind that was sometimes arise when the main mediator is Prince Bandar bin Sultan, Saudi ambassador in Washington, the former who was working freely, and is now the National Security Adviser.

    It is noted that King Abdullah tried to distance itself from Washington on some of the comments made in the recent period, in February last opposed American efforts were designed to isolate the Palestinian radical group Hamas to his sponsorship agreement Mecca, which led to Palestinian unity government through the integration of Hamas with Fatah more moderate.

    In March last »surprised« King American officials as the military occupation of Iraq Balamshroo during his speech at the Arab League summit held in Riyadh, but did not respond to the plans were required to attend a dinner at the White House in April.

    The truth is that King Abdullah criticism of the American presence »illegal« in Iraq reflects the deep suspicion of American strategy successfully There Saudi sources as saying that King is no longer on the ability of Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in the Shiite ending sectarian divisions and unify the country, also said that the Saudi leadership does not believe in the usefulness of an increase in the number American soldiers in Iraq, since it can increase the risk of all-out civil war there.

    It seems that the Saudis prefer to replace the government-controlled Al-Maliki Shiite religious parties supported by Iran, in their view, and they are working quietly to support the interim Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi, the former a secular Shiite and former Baathist who enjoys the Iraqis.

    In this context, the advisers Allawi that his strategy relies on exploiting the prevailing tensions in the Shiite religious alliance and the formation consisted new Governor combines year Kurds and the Shiites secularists.
    The supporters of Allawi expressed the belief that he was close to obtain enough votes to achieve this thanks to the support of Saudi political and material.

    But it seems that the Bush administration was not keen to give the idea Allawi power despite the frustration of Maliki as American officials feared that the change of government in Baghdad to deepen the political chaos and encourage more calls for the withdrawal of American troops.
    It is clear in any case, that concern tense in the region partly resurrected from the perception that the American troops will withdraw from Iraq regardless of what the Bush administration says.

    Therefore To alleviate this feeling said that the Bush administration informed the Saudis that it will never withdraw from Iraq during the presidency of Bush, ie after 18 months from now, which would provide time to address things better, according to a Saudi source says.

    However, the essence of the Saudi-American alliance is to make a new effort to counter Iran and its proxies in the Arab world, and this trend had begun last summer after the war in Lebanon between Israel and Hizbollah militia backed by Iran.

    Collaboration is working closely with the United States, the Saudis began providing support for a year in Lebanon and a political Druze and Christian, which opposes the influence of Hezbollah in Lebanon, as the Saudis and the Americans cooperate in assisting the Lebanese Internal Security Forces answerable to the Prime Minister Fouad Siniora.

    It seems that the Saudi-American cooperation in the face of Iran extends to Yemen, where cooperate jointly to assist the Yemeni government to take tough action against a group funded by Iran and linked its Shiite religious man named Hussein Huthi had been killed in 2004.
    It is expected that Syria is the final topic on the agenda of Cheney in Saudi Arabia.
    Vasaudion had given the efforts undertaken by Condoleeza Rice recently, and sought the assistance of Syria in stabilizing Iraq.

    However, the Saudis had in fact started to move towards easing tension with Syria during the Arab League summit last March to apologize after Syrian President Bashar Assad was personally by King Abdullah of describing some Arab leaders semi men because they did not help Hezbollah during the war in Lebanon, but officials Americans believe that Saudi Arabia is continuing its contacts with the Syrian opposition groups.

    Finally, if we remember that Saudi Arabia has always exercised its foreign policy quietly and calmly in order to resolve outstanding problems peacefully to show us that the worst fault of the President of Iran is disrupted Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was push the Saudis to abandon traditional reservations, but even with the cooperation rigid man named Cheney.

    تعريب نبيل زلف
    Arabization Nabil Zelf

    الوطن الكويتية
    Kuwaiti homeland

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