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  1. #921
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForceReK0n View Post
    Well fellow Dinar peeps. Looks like I am probably heading back to Iraq. Things are tight here. They cut my pay and I have an addition to the family on the way. The wife gave me the "GREEN" light.

    Anyway, I will let you all know the final word very soon. I still need to negotiate my package to the "exotic" land. If I go I will be "boots on the ground" as much as I can for ROL.

    good luck, but you probably wont need it as you probably wont be goin anywhere before we have a revalued dinar.

    franny, were almost there!!

  2. #922
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    good luck, but you probably wont need it as you probably wont be goin anywhere before we have a revalued dinar.
    Sorry to ask an obvious question, but you're thinking that we'll see something before the end of may?

    Thanks, OSWoman

  3. #923
    Senior Investor notazbad2000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ordinaryseawoman View Post
    Sorry to ask an obvious question, but you're thinking that we'll see something before the end of may?

    Thanks, OSWoman
    Hey OSWoman! Good to see you back! A lot has happened since you been away. I take it you're getting caught. And that's the word, the end of May, having the ISX kicking in the first part of June.
    "The ulimate measure of man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." --Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

  4. #924
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    Quote Originally Posted by ordinaryseawoman View Post
    Sorry to ask an obvious question, but you're thinking that we'll see something before the end of may?

    Thanks, OSWoman
    OSGal . . . I think in a word SGS means *YES* . . . and I also think she is not alone in her thoughts . . .

    Best to you & all . . . RR . . .
    Φ Iligitimi Non Carborundum Φ....

  5. #925
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    The general belief is that the stabilization of Iraq depends on the mobilization of Iraqis to implement national reconciliation and the equitable sharing of resources and powers.

    A key international conference on Iraq held at the Egyptian resort of Sharm al-Sheikh last week sparked mixed reactions among Iraq's political factions and raised doubts about the positive changes that it could introduce to Iraq's troubled situation.

    The conference, attended by representatives from more than 50 states, including the five permanent members of the United Nations and Iraq's neighbors, adopted a five-year plan, codenamed the International Compact with Iraq, to rescue Iraq from turbulence and bankruptcy. It called upon the Iraqi government to curb the militias and step up the fight against terrorism.

    Three European nations-Poland, Bulgaria, and Slovenia- agreed to forgive 80 percent of Iraq's debt. The European Union pledged to grant Iraq $200 million, and several other participating countries agreed to make donations to Iraq to rebuild its infrastructure, which has been seriously damaged as a result of decades of war and violence.

    Within Iraq, however, the conference failed to secure the support of all the political factions from the three major communities of Sunnis, Shiites, and Kurds.

    "Our hopes were dashed by the outcomes of the Sharm al-Sheikh conference," Zafer al-Ani, a prominent Sunni lawmaker from the Iraqi Accordance Front (IAF), told the London-based pan-Arab newspaper al-Hayat.

    The IAF is the largest Sunni parliamentary bloc with 44 members.

    However, Shiite politicians applauded the conference and called it "a success for Iraq's diplomacy."

    "The conference reflected the desire of its participants to offer serious solutions for Iraq's situation," Homam al-Hamudi, a Shiite lawmaker and head of Iraqi parliament's Foreign Relations Committee, told the reporters at the conference. "Expressing total support for the Iraqi government's efforts on the security and political levels was the most important outcome of the conference."

    In Kurdistan, the results of the conference were received more cautiously. The conference's endorsement of a federal structure for Iraq was largely hailed, however.

    "It was a great and even historical achievement for Kurds that the conference expressed its support for a federal structure for Iraq?given the weight of the participating nations in that conference," said Talib Kakayee, a professor of international law at Erbil's Salahaddin University. He added that the Iraqi government needs to do more to assure Sunnis that they are not going to be marginalized.

    The general consensus in Kurdistan was that time is needed to decide if the conference was a success or "just one more conference with no concrete effect on Iraq's situation."

    "The extent of the success or effectiveness of this conference will depend on whether its recommendations are implemented or not," Saadi Barzinji, an Iraqi parliamentarian from the Kurdistan Alliance List, told The Globe.

    Barzinji said that there are now favorable grounds to implement the conference's key recommendations in terms of fairly distributing oil revenues and activating the national reconciliation process among the conflicting groups.

    The oil issue has been of primary concern to the country's Sunni Arabs, who fear their region will be impoverished if Shiites and Kurds control oil resources in their southern and northern regions, respectively. The Iraqi government has pledged to create a central fund where the oil revenues will be collected and redistributed according to the size and populations of the provinces.

    The country's national reconciliation program is mainly aimed at mending fences between the country's Shiites and Sunni Arabs and lifting a ban on those members of the ousted Baath Party who were not involved in serious "atrocities against the Iraqi people."
    Barzinji criticized a passage in the conference's final statement that stresses "Iraq's Islamic and Arab identity."

    "Such a phrase does not change the reality of Iraq. Although Arabs constitute the majority of Iraq's population, Iraq doesn't have a pure Arab identity, and there are other (non-Arab) people living in this country," said Barzinji, who heads the parliamentary committee on the dispute over the oil-rich city of Kirkuk.

    International ministerial conference on Iraq | Iraq Updates
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  6. #926
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    Last edited by inquisitive1; 10-05-2007 at 01:44 PM. Reason: link

  7. #927
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    p.swf(application/x-shockwave-flash Object)-Mozilla Firefox

  8. #928
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    Sorry, I am having link problems. This video is incredible.

  9. #929
    Senior Investor cooldolphins's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inquisitive1 View Post
    Sorry, I am having link problems. This video is incredible.
    The link isn't working for me, either.
    Habakkuk 2:2-3 Then the LORD answered me and said: “ Write the vision And make it plain on tablets,
    That he may run who reads it. 3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry.

  10. #930
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    Default Wednesday & Thursday, 5/9&10/07

    Number of banks 15 -----
    Auction price selling dinar / US $ 1263 -----
    Auction price buying dinar / US $ ------ -----
    Amount sold at auction price (US $) 59.655.000 -----
    Amount purchased at Auction price (US $) ------
    Total offers for buying (US $) 59.655.000 -----
    Total offers for selling (US $) ------ -----

    Number of banks 16 -----
    Auction price selling dinar / US $ 1263 -----
    Auction price buying dinar / US $ 1261 -----
    Amount sold at auction price (US $) 60.475.000 -----
    Amount purchased at Auction price (US $) 2.000.000
    Total offers for buying (US $) 60.475.000 -----
    Total offers for selling (US $) 2.000.000 -----

    Gooooooooooooooood Morning Rolclub

    "The More They Take, The More We Make"
    "Stay the Course, its the difference between Winners and whiners"

    9.97 Trillion taken out and still the Party has not started

    1. "0" Dinar rate change today, it was 1263, it is now 1263

    2. A (net) worth of dinars, IQD - 149,550,567,000 pulled out of circulation today 5/9&10/07.

    3. 16 banks participating today

    4. 140th auction since the beginning of CBI's reval plan

    5. 222 days into the CBI's reval plan. (Seven Months +)

    6. 9,972,151,388,000 dinars pulled from circulation !!

    6A. Conservative ESTIMATE of Dinars still in circulation or controlled by the CBI 7,027,848,612,000

    7. "2,522,000,000" Dinars back into circulation today

    8. 214 dinar change since Oct 1st (baseline was 1477) 14.888% increase in value of the dinar since beginning of reval plan (Approximatly Oct 1st).

    9. 4 point reduction in the rate so far this week. Was at 1267 at the end of last week, 1263 so far this week.

    10. 6 point drop in the month of May. Ended at 1269 in April, now stands at 1263
    In January we saw a 2.49% drop in the rate.
    In February we saw a .928% drop in the rate.
    In March we saw a .546% drop in the rate.
    In April we saw a .3142% drop in the rate

  11. Sponsored Links
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