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  1. #951
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    The National Dialogue is preparing for a conference expanded to reconciliation
    (صوت العراق) - 10-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-05-2007
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    Baghdad morning
    An official source at the Ministry of National Dialogue that the political circles in the country, preparations are underway to hold an extended conference of national reconciliation in accordance with the undertaking made by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said at the conclusion of the International Covenant

    Concluded in the recent Sharm El-Sheikh. An official at the ministry of international relations, Saad Yousef in the statements cited by Radio Sawa that the preparations and preparations are underway to hold an extended conference of national reconciliation in late June or early July, pointing out that there are political benefits should be completed prior to the conference. He explained that Yousef speed in this conference is consistent with the decisions of the Sharm el-Sheikh commitments made by the Iraqi government. Quoting media adviser for the media to Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki as saying that actions were being taken to launch governmental and parliamentary reconciliation between all parties involved in the political process, as well as near a cabinet reshuffle which would greatly joints fundamental change in the structure of government as well as the activation of ministerial performance away from the sectarian quota system as much as possible. He explained that Maliki entrusted to the Minister of National Dialogue Akram Hakim important numbers and prepare for a reconciliation conference wide at the earliest would focus on the things focus the difference between political factions deforestation and the Baath cabinet reshuffle, expand political participation.

    The many parties in the political arena in the country for some time to hold such a conference in an effort to break the ice and to clear the way towards reaching a national consensus ending the state of conflict and working to create a suitable atmosphere and offer the opportunity to Governch to assume its responsibilities in the promotion of security and stability and put an end violence, terrorism and launch the process of reconstruction and rehabilitation throughout the country.

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  2. #952
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    President Jalal Talabani, confirms that the Iraqi government continue
    (صوت العراق) - 10-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-05-2007
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    Republic of Iraq
    Presidential Office
    Press Office

    News : President Jalal Talabani confirms that the Iraqi government is continuing its efforts to strengthen democratic experiment
    May 10, 2007
    May 10, 2007
    The President of the Republic, Jalal Talabani, the need to mobilize international efforts to help the Iraqis to overcome the current situation, and so through extinguishing debt and fulfill the decisions of the Sharm el-Sheikh.
    And President Talabani, during a reception on Wednesday, 5-9-2007, Vice President Dick Cheney and his accompanying delegation, said the Iraqi government to continue its efforts to strengthen democratic experiment, and preserve the gains engendered by the political process in the country.
    His Excellency also praised the effective role of the United States in supporting and support the government of national unity and political security, stressing the importance of activating the joint work between the two countries in various fields for rebuilding and reconstruction of Iraq.
    American Vice-President stressed during the meeting, which was attended part thereof, Vice President Dr Adel Abdul Mahdi and Tariq Al-Hashmi, he would seek to mobilize the support of Arab countries including Iraq to get sensitive stage through which the Iraqi people and the elected government.
    Part of the Vice President reviewed the political developments, and significant improvement in the security aspects of the implementation of the plan after the imposition of the law, and its successes in dealing with terrorist squads, as well as the progress made in the draft national reconciliation.
    Pregnancy and the Presidency, American Vice-President, greetings to President George Bush for his support of Iraqis in various fields.

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  3. #953
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ordinaryseawoman View Post
    Sorry to ask an obvious question, but you're thinking that we'll see something before the end of may?

    Thanks, OSWoman
    i do, not so ordinary woman of the sea!!

    franny, were almost there!!

  4. #954
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    Hashemi : political moves Iraq a step on the right path
    (صوت العراق) - 10-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-05-2007
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    Hashemi : political moves Iraq a step on the right path

    "BAGHDAD (Reuters) - A statement issued by the office of Tariq Hashemi Iraqi Vice President on Thursday that Hashemi expressed satisfaction with movements in the political process in Iraq during the past two days, describing it as "a step in the right direction."

    The Vice-President Dick Cheney arrived in Baghdad by American on Wednesday in a surprise visit aimed at pushing the political process in Iraq and after the American Administration announced a few days ago that patience about what is happening in Iraq is running out.

    Cheney met upon arrival Baghdad, the president and prime minister.

    "The statement said that Hashemi expressed "satisfaction with the outcome of the recent events that have collected a number of politicians and officials in the last few hours, which saw the political momentum intense."

    "The statement added that Hashemi met in his office Wednesday afternoon with the "British Ambassador in Iraq, Mr. Dominic Esquith who assured the British government's sovereignty support any political effort would contribute to establishing security and stability in Iraq."

    Hashemi was threatened at the beginning of this week, that the Sunni Iraqi Accord Front, which represents the participation of Sunni Arabs in the political process, which is considered one of the most prominent Hamas Hashemi is about to take a clear and frank position on the political process and their participation in government. Hashemi did not rule out that option withdrawal Front, which has six portfolios of the government one of these positions.

    The statement said the meetings Wednesday also included a meeting with Cheney, the Presidency followed by "private meeting with him ... Hashemi lasted half an hour, discussed a number of hot files in addition to the results of recent political events in the Iraqi arena. "

    "The statement added that the meetings included "a lengthy meeting included Jalal Talabani, the president of the republic and his two deputies in addition to Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and Mr. Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, head of the United Iraqi Alliance list in addition to Vice President Dick Cheney and the American Ambassador Ryan Crocker."

    "The statement said, quoting the Hashemite that these meetings and meetings "has reviewed many of the issues and the pending files, which all agreed to find appropriate solutions."

    "He added that the Hashemite describe these political moves "as a step in the right direction although still a long way to exist for the elimination of all the points of difference."

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  5. #955
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    Iraqi Parliament called off its session on Thursday only a half-hour after the day's business got underway when a heated argument broke out between parliamentarians.
    The conflict was sparked by discussion of a report prepared to examine the security situation in Diyala, which had been commissioned after its residents staged a protest in Karbala.
    According to VOI, the report submitted to parliament revealed that during one year in Diyala 11,200 people were killed, 9,500 families displaced, 8,250 women widowed, 16,500 children orphaned, 66 Shiite tombs destroyed, 350 groves set on fire and an equal number looted. The report also blames US forces for the deteriorating security situation.
    Discussion over the report led legislator Shatha al-Mousawi, from the Shiite Unified Iraqi Coalition, to call the government "weak" in its inability to provide security.
    She also voiced calls for House Speaker Mahmoud al-Mashhadani to summon Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to attend the session for further discussions on the deteriorating security situation. However, Mashhadani thought things were getting a bit out of control and canceled the rest of the day's deliberations instead. Mashhadani has called for Parliament to re-adjourn on Saturday.
    This is the second day this week that Parliament has been called off. On Tuesday, a blackout caused that day's session to be cancelled after technicians failed to restore power.

    IraqSlogger: Heated Argument Cancels Parliament

  6. #956
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    Quote Originally Posted by RollsRoyce View Post
    From Darock, elsewhere . . .
    The 10 May date for the current pay of retired workers

    The Service Retirement and Social Security of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, on Thursday, May 10, 2007 date for the pay of retired workers through post offices for a monthly Baghdad March and April.
    An official source in the ministry told the media (eye), "The Trial tables (?)completed procedures for the allocation of the salaries of retired workers."
    Adding that "retired service, which has more than 25 years received (220) thousand dinars and retired, who served less than 25 received (170) thousand dinars, (140) thousand dinars similarity deceased pensioner consisting of a single individual."

    The same source said that "all retirees who receive their salaries from the Post Office (faraniyah) Audit Service for the purpose of altering their identities Pension another new and old after receiving salary This includes the resolution (14.519) retired workers in Baghdad and other governorates, including (8.943) factor in the Baghdad governorate."

    Best . . . RR . . .
    that post is here too rr.

    franny, were almost there!!

  7. #957
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    The names of candidates for ministerial portfolios before Parliament today
    (صوت العراق) - 10-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-05-2007
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    From the hushed Abdulamir
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)
    A source close to the House that the Iraqi names of the new ministers candidates for ministerial portfolios in the cabinet reshuffle before the House, in its Thursday morning.
    source, who requested anonymity, told the news (Voices of Iraq) alone "from among the names to be presented to the Council today, as candidates for the cabinet portfolios each : Sami military member of the House (United Iraqi Alliance) and the ministers of transport,
    And Adnan Indocile Minister of Health, Saber Eissawi (Secretary of Baghdad current), and minister of agriculture. "
    He continued : "There Zuhair drinking candidate and Minister of Tourism, as well as the two nominated to give ministries more ... Namely : Aqeel Trihi Inspector General of the Ministry of Interior, and Mahmoud Hashemi. "
    " ،
    However, the source explained that the meeting of the parliament today will see "the names of the candidates only,"
    "He expected that "voting on the nominees list next Sunday."
    The source pointed out that a number of these candidates "are not independent," according to recipe.
    On the other hand, said a source close to the chest bloc in the House of Representatives is expected to object to block "a number of these candidates designated" for the inter-ministerial portfolios.
    The source added told (Voices of Iraq), "it seems that bloc will oppose the chest the names of some candidates, because some of them independents ... As agreed with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in the wake of the withdrawal of ministers from the government bloc. "
    The Sadri trend has withdrawn his ministers from the six government Maliki last month, to protest the government's failure to respond to his request for the need to set a timetable for the withdrawal of foreign forces from Iraq.
    Sadri trend leader Moqtada Sadr, following the withdrawal of Ministers, said that the prime minister delegate selection "Ministers independents" rather than ministers Sadrien six ... To which the Maliki time expressing his wishes to do the parliamentary blocs and the example of other political trend sternum.
    ك م
    K m

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  8. #958
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    Hashemi : the political process in Iraq is a political momentum
    (صوت العراق) - 10-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-05-2007
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    Hashemi : the political process in Iraq is a positive political momentum
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)
    A statement issued by the Office of the Vice President of Iraq today, Thursday, that Tariq Hashemi expressed satisfaction with the political mobility, witnessed by the political process in Iraq during the past two days, describing what happened as a step in the right direction.
    Was Dick Cheney American Vice-President arrived in Baghdad yesterday, Wednesday, in a surprise visit aimed to push Iraq's political process forward at a time when the American administration announced a few days ago that the impatient about the events in Iraq began implemented.
    Cheney met upon arrival Baghdad, the president and prime minister.
    The statement, which received the news agency (Voices of Iraq) independent copy to the vice president, Hashemi expressed "satisfaction with the outcome of the recent events that have collected a number of politicians and officials in the last few hours, which saw the political momentum intense."
    The statement added that Hashemi met in his office yesterday afternoon Wednesday, "British Ambassador in Iraq, Mr. Dominic Esquith who said the British government's support for any political effort would contribute to establishing security and stability in Iraq."
    Hashemi was threatened early this week that the Sunni Iraqi Accord Front, which represents the participation of Sunni Arabs in the political process, which is considered one of the most prominent Hamas Hashemi as on the verge of taking a clear and explicit political process and participation in government.
    Hashemi did not rule out that option withdrawal Front, which has six portfolios of the government one of these positions.
    The statement said the meetings yesterday, Wednesday, also witnessed the meeting between Vice President Dick Cheney with the Presidency followed by "private meeting with him ... Hashemi lasted half an hour, discussed a number of hot files in addition to the results of recent political events in the Iraqi arena. "
    The statement added that the meetings Wednesday saw "a lengthy meeting included Jalal Talabani, the president of the republic and his two deputies in addition to Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, Abdel-Aziz al-Hakim, head of the United Iraqi Alliance list in addition to Vice President Dick Cheney and the American Ambassador Ryan Crocker."
    The statement said, quoting the Hashemite that these meetings and meetings "has reviewed many of the issues and the pending files, which all agreed to find appropriate solutions."
    The statement added that the Hashemite describe these political moves "as a step in the right direction although still a long way to exist for the elimination of all the points of difference."
    The Front had accused the government to marginalize their role in participating in the management of political and security files and their involvement in the process of decision and decision-making and lack of balance in governmental obligations opt Front says that the government entered into during formed in the spring of last year.
    Adnan Al Dulaimi, head of the front last Sunday said that the Front, which owns forty-four parliamentary seats and six portfolios in the government Al-Maliki has made to withdraw from the government in the absence of government response to their demands.
    وا- ح م
    Wa-h m

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  9. #959
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    Has anyone seen this yesterday ?......I think I'll post it again, as it is good news !!!!

    Abd Al-Enezi : Article 140 dealt a manner acceptable to all

    بغداد - بيداء كريم
    Baghdad-worthless cream
    Member of the House of Abd Al-Enezi from the coalition bloc that Iraq hoped neighboring countries cooperate in order to proceed in strengthening security and stability and the application of its constitution as the security and stability of Iraq is not Iraqis but only regionally.

    On the issue of Kirkuk, Al-Enezi said : Article 140 article of the constitution have been addressed objectively, logical and reasonable and acceptable to the Iraqi parties, as well as political forces that have packaged and settled decisively and made a legal mechanism of the constitution dealing with the subject of Kirkuk is a fair for all if applied accurately and objectively.

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  10. #960
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hkp View Post
    Has anyone seen this yesterday ?......I think I'll post it again, as it is good news !!!!

    Abd Al-Enezi : Article 140 dealt a manner acceptable to all

    بغداد - بيداء كريم
    Baghdad-worthless cream
    Member of the House of Abd Al-Enezi from the coalition bloc that Iraq hoped neighboring countries cooperate in order to proceed in strengthening security and stability and the application of its constitution as the security and stability of Iraq is not Iraqis but only regionally.

    On the issue of Kirkuk, Al-Enezi said : Article 140 article of the constitution have been addressed objectively, logical and reasonable and acceptable to the Iraqi parties, as well as political forces that have packaged and settled decisively and made a legal mechanism of the constitution dealing with the subject of Kirkuk is a fair for all if applied accurately and objectively.

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    Yes this was a must have.....
    It seems that the state insists, or preserve the value of the Iraqi dinar 148 against the dollar ...Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states [ MOF Sept 2006]

    High RV is like Coke; it’s the real thing baby!

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