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  1. #1151
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spoiledred View Post
    I hope this doesnt mean waiting till September, that stinks, but the way this game has been going, it seems like when things get close the date slides. Well guess that is still better than Oct 2008.
    LOL heck yeah i sure as poo don't want to be sitting at this puter in oct. 08 LOL
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  2. #1152
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    Default poached eggs

    Quote Originally Posted by JudasPriest View Post
    if i remember right...they held a rate for 2-3 weeks...don't know if it was 1271 or 1272...maybe someone can confirm but nothin came of it/.
    but... a) it wasnt a known CBI target 1271 or whatever. 1260 has been talked about for a long time as a CBI target.its happened twice that i can remember, the price freeze.
    b) they listed on the site at the beginning of the hold period how long it would be held for, and held it for that length. this time, no notice. thats whats different.

    look, its too early to tell yet, sometimes its moved pretty slow, but normally at least 1 tick per auction. if it sits at 1260 for a while, somethings definately up.

    maybe poached eggs rather than beans?!

  3. #1153
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    : PARLIAMENTARY figures on oil production unrealistic

    (صوت العراق) - 22-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 22-05-2007

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    The pressure to formulate a law oil

    BAGHDAD : Ali helper
    An official of the oil of the Iraqi Parliament the figures announced on the production and export of crude oil «far from reality», confirming the existence of «mislead this regard» by the views he did not identify. He also said the government forces exposed to pressure «local and foreign» for the formulation of the law of Iraqi oil, which is still under discussion between the political forces and the government of Kurdistan region and the central government in Baghdad.

    The MP said Jaber Al Khalifa «Middle East» : «that all of the announced figures on crude oil production and export figures are far removed from reality .. We are fully convinced of the existence of a massive disinformation in this regard », and stressed that the matter does not only includes the production of oil and even on importing oil derivatives, and oil export and distribution in black markets« imported large quantities but the Iraqi street live in the shadow of successive crises and scarcity unjustified », He added that «supposed to be subject to existing oil installations rehabilitation operations but we see it is affected constantly and energies in the retreat also». Khalifa said that the meter is still inherent in the production and export operations and across all outlets and that the Oil Ministry is still used method of calculating the metric of extracted oil and the source, He added : «This means that all the figures are inaccurate oil extracted from the well until the arrival of foreign or domestic consumer» and said «This is totally unacceptable and must come to an end through the oil. He said Khalifa «must develop rigorous regulatory regime».

    He denied Khalifa pressure local or foreign influence in the drafting of the law or even accelerate the approval, and stressed that «such pressures do not feel their existence did not» However, it was «the political forces or government intervention in the political process is the most affected by these pressures, This makes all the forces away from the arena of government far removed from such pressures, and this would bring it closer to a national interest in mind ».

    Khalifa stressed that the new oil law is now the focus of study and consultation of various political forces, particularly between the government of Kurdistan and the central government has so far prevented the Iraqi Parliament for examination and approval. Barriers Act and the distribution of oil wealth between the Territory several controversial points, including the Kurdistan Regional government wants to open the door to foreign companies and investors to enter the Iraqi oil sector, the central government believes that the investment must be centralized and under certain conditions. The other point of contention is centered on addressing items on the distribution of wealth and oil allocated specific percentages of the territory where the oil wells and also change some clauses of the Iraqi oil company.

    Jaber said that the new law had not yet reached the oil in Parliament for the purpose of the study is still the subject of discussion between the government of Kurdistan and the central government to agree on formulas initially
    He said that «members assigned the study of law are fully convinced that a file, the Iraqi Oil is now in dire need of foreign investment is the best and fastest way to address the problem of the deterioration of oil production facilities, modernization and the need for very large amounts of rehabilitation, it is now in a deplorable state and all aspects».

    الشرق الاوسط
    Middle East

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  4. #1154
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    Together we build Iraq »festive scene on Baghdad

    (صوت العراق) - 22-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 22-05-2007

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    Together build Iraq» festive scene on Baghdad ..Without prior announcement

    Calling for national reconciliation and the renunciation of sectarian violence coincided with the anniversary of the announcement by the government of Maliki

    A Baghdad. P. B : The artists Iraqis yesterday before a modest audience in the heart of Baghdad, festive entitled «support national reconciliation plan and impose law»; which called for the rejection of violence and to rebuild Iraq at this stage. Celebrations were held, which coincided with the passage of a full year of the Declaration of the government of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, under the slogan «Iraq build together», played on the «National Theater» downtown Baghdad. Unfurling festivities Ghanim Hamid and writer Ali Hussein phreatic theatrical performance and poems calling for national cohesion.

    No witness theater, which seats around the strict security measures, widely attended despite the presence of a representative of Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, spokesman plan «impose law» security Brigadier Qasim Atta, the majority of viewers in the theater workers, their families and staff in the building.

    He said Saad Said one staff «always surprises us in the days always there or theatrical work of art without prior declaration». The artist Haider Mun'athir «Art must take real and effective role at this stage in waging political battleground, which finds and, unfortunately, he is the only responsible for the corrected».
    He added «politicians should take note of the role of art», continued «must benefit from the experiences of others and see how politicians benefited from the visions of artists and objects to the sign, but used literature and the arts and culture of Isheeah». The Mun'athir adherence to the land of Iraq and his refusal to leave the country; Like many Iraqi artists, saying «require life need to stay within my Valmaatark is the real homeland, and to stay there is a challenge and determination, which is almost the artist from his family and the Division».

    Meanwhile, the singer Abdel orbit regretted that the «artist currently marginalized and does not have the opportunity to influence the building society, as do politicians».
    Raqia Iraqi Salman emotions that «this work of the festivities, the son of a circumstance which is going home, and the objective of delivering the message say : love and loyalty to build Iraq and Nkhit tearing of the fabric». Her «should be based on the artist's work worthy of this stage of the works up to the level variables in the arena, and the State must be concerned with the artist, writer, because the fore, and we hope that puts our soon dress wellness».
    Prince Hassan said an onlooker at the end of the supply «enjoyed Balahtphalih We hope to be called for each of urging unity and reconciliation».

    الشرق الاوسط
    Middle East

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  5. #1155
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    The extension of the work of the constitutional amendments and the possibility of meeting leaders

    (صوت العراق) - 22-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 22-05-2007

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    The extension of the work of the constitutional amendments and the possibility Iraqi leaders meeting in Arbil

    The PNA agencies : rose yesterday to the constitutional amendments initial report to the President of the House of Representatives is expected to make Mr. Mahmood Almchidani statement on the work of the constitutional amendments at today's meeting, and that is before the Council a proposal to extend the work of the Committee for a period of two weeks compensation for the holidays formal and informal that had interfered with the work of the Commission and give more time for resolving the remaining points of contention on the table.

    Al (Russian) from a source close to the House that the Speaker's statement regarding the amendments will include three key points which were unanimously adopted amendments and modifications made to reach agreement as a centrist by consensus and then remaining points of contention and I will therefore call House Speaker

    According to the same source key components representatives in the Council to a meeting with the Presidium of Parliament to discuss these points and find solutions to them during the period of extension of the Committee's work.

    On the other hand, is expected to draw Mr. Massoud Barzani, head of Iraq's Kurdistan region formal invitation to a number of leading personalities in Iraq, including Adel Abdelmahdi and Dr. Tariq Al-Hashmi and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to visit the capital of the province of Kurdistan, to be guests of the President of the Territory, to discuss some controversial points on the constitution, including Article 140 which confirmed the Kurdistan Alliance bloc earlier last week to abide by and implement on schedule.

    A delegation of members of the Kurds in the constitutional amendments had visited last week and met with Prime Arbil province and prominent members of the political offices of the two Kurdish ruling parties, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and the Kurdistan Democratic Party, The delegation presented the proposals of the committee on constitutional amendments were presented to representatives of Kurds on article 140 articles (111, 112) and guards question Territory. The delegation insisted on returning Kurdish leadership and commitment to the text of Article 140 of the Constitution and not delaying acceptance or modification.

    On the other hand, met Mr. Nuri al-Maliki Iraqi prime minister of the Kurdistan government delegation headed by Mr. Barzani, head Najirfan territorial government in Baghdad yesterday, Monday, to discuss the issues of oil and Article 140 of the Iraqi constitution and the budget Guard forces in the Kurdistan province.

    Accompanying the delegation headed by Mr. Barzani Najirfan ministers of natural resources and areas outside Kurdistan, representative of the Ministry of Public Peshmargas to discuss several important issues with the central government.

    Where the two sides discussed the situation and developments on the Iraqi arenas and Kurdistan and the relations between the territorial government and the Iraqi government, in addition to discussing the oil, gas and the distribution of wealth.

    The two sides exchanged views on a number of political and administrative matters.

    Following the completion of the meeting held by al-Maliki and Najirfan Barzani held a joint press conference, during which Barzani emphasized on the support of the territorial government of the Iraqi government.
    He also met the Chairman of the Kurdistan government, Mr. Barzani Najirfan, Sunday afternoon in Baghdad, Dominique Escues British ambassador in Baghdad, and the delegation accompanying him.

    The meeting dealt with the situation in Iraq in general and the political process and the security situation in particular. The meeting discussed in the attitudes and policy of the government of Kurdistan region on issues concerning the territory of Kurdistan and Iraq.

    The meeting stressed on the constitutional principles of the Iraqi permanent constitution, and stressed the bilateral relations between Kurdistan and the British government to serve the interest of both parties.

    The British ambassador through the support of the British government to revive economic and trade movement in the Kurdistan region and encouraging investment and capital investment in the British province.

    On the endeavors being made to introduce amendments to the permanent Iraqi constitution, the President of the Kurdistan Regional government that any change must be approved mechanisms of the Constitution and take the desire and will of the citizens of Iraq and Kurdistan into consideration.

    الاتحاد العراقية
    The Iraqi

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  6. #1156
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    All eyes on UAE

    دبي.Dubai Reuters Bank left the United Arab Emirates markets puzzled yesterday on whether it will change its policy of foreign exchange after Kuwait abandoned the currency's peg to the American dollar and adopted a price for spending based on a basket of currencies. وبات.Now raise the value of UAE dirham more likely after turning yesterday, Sunday, Kuwait, which makes it difficult for monetary union as scheduled in ,2010 and send a downward new Gulf oil exporters on expectations a weaker dollar.
    وقال.Nordic and Scandinavian bank said that Kuwait is now less need to buy American assets when accumulate reserves to defend the exchange rate but the impact on the dollar is negligible.
    .The Bank said 'But if followed by other countries in the Gulf view is a risk twice the average for the dollar'.
    .According to analysts interviewed by 'Reuters' views in March comes in the UAE ranked second after Kuwait Capers candidates to ease linking dollarize agreed six states producing oil to continue until the monetary unit.
    'بي.She said Elizabeth Geroy expert in emerging markets' me. ان.That. بي.Bi. .Paribas' in Paris' watch closely the UAE is expected to be next on the list '.
    لكن.But the governor Sultan Nasser Swedish Central Bank UAE refused to comment.

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    If a load of the countries are going to do this, will Iraq follow?? Is this good?
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  7. #1157
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    UNA specialized economists welcomed the step taken by the Central Bank of Kuwait on the adoption of determining the exchange rate of the Kuwaiti dinar on the basis of a basket of major currencies.
    .The head of the company board statement to invest Faisal Al Mutawa to Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) that this step taken by the Central Bank came in the interest of the Kuwaiti economy and would reduce the inflationary effects that occur in the Kuwaiti market.
    .Al Mutawa pointed out that this would enhance the purchase of the Kuwaiti dinar keeps savings Kuwaiti citizen.
    .He explained that the association of a basket of currencies, the dollar equivalent based on the varying proportions of different currencies and determined by the volume of trade in the currency of the goods imported by Kuwait, stating that the goods outside the scope of the dollar is inflationary effects and cost less, the best value purchasing.
    .For his part, the accounting professor at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences at Kuwait University, Dr. Hussein Yousif need to determine the exchange rate of the Kuwaiti dinar on the basis of the major world currencies, including the Japanese yen and the Swiss franc and the euro, as it distributed risks to the basket of currencies which affect the level of inflation, which suffer from.
    .Dr. Yousef stressed that this will lead to strengthening the capacity of the local economy after the marked decline of the American dollar and linking dinar against major world currencies, which appeared to raise inflationary clear in the Kuwaiti economy.
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    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  8. #1158
    Senior Investor notazbad2000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rvalreadydang View Post
    UNA specialized economists welcomed the step taken by the Central Bank of Kuwait on the adoption of determining the exchange rate of the Kuwaiti dinar on the basis of a basket of major currencies.
    .The head of the company board statement to invest Faisal Al Mutawa to Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) that this step taken by the Central Bank came in the interest of the Kuwaiti economy and would reduce the inflationary effects that occur in the Kuwaiti market.
    .Al Mutawa pointed out that this would enhance the purchase of the Kuwaiti dinar keeps savings Kuwaiti citizen.
    .He explained that the association of a basket of currencies, the dollar equivalent based on the varying proportions of different currencies and determined by the volume of trade in the currency of the goods imported by Kuwait, stating that the goods outside the scope of the dollar is inflationary effects and cost less, the best value purchasing.
    .For his part, the accounting professor at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences at Kuwait University, Dr. Hussein Yousif need to determine the exchange rate of the Kuwaiti dinar on the basis of the major world currencies, including the Japanese yen and the Swiss franc and the euro, as it distributed risks to the basket of currencies which affect the level of inflation, which suffer from.
    .Dr. Yousef stressed that this will lead to strengthening the capacity of the local economy after the marked decline of the American dollar and linking dinar against major world currencies, which appeared to raise inflationary clear in the Kuwaiti economy.
    Translated version of ÌÑíÏÉ ÇáÞÈÓ
    Thanks RV, you're always right on top of things.
    "The ulimate measure of man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." --Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

  9. #1159
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    Quote Originally Posted by notazbad2000 View Post
    Thanks RV, you're always right on top of things.
    thanks, but i don't see the dollar in there?
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  10. #1160
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    Default guys guys guys. stay positive

    cool it with the freaking out will y'all.

    its a reval we are after, not an Oil Summit.

    Oil Deals can be signed behind closed doors in Jordan or anywhere safe for that matter, just like laws being passed and enacted, before or after any Summit, and they already have been perhaps?

    why the hell would you want, in a war zone, to tell the enemy where to bomb?

    do you really think they are gona publish actual meeting dates AND locations in the News. i hope not, for security reasons.

    stay positive. . .

    they may very well be holding it anyway, in a different location, somwehere terrorist free.

    news is not nessecarily fact. its only an indication, and part of the picture.

    you also need some kind of a crystal ball, or a good gut, or both. if you are gona be a succesful trader in these crazy but lucrative areas like Iraq Vietnam and Iran.

    politics doesnt rule the world. money does. its gonna happen.

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