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    Default Parliament To Vote Two Week Extension on Introduction of Ammendments/HCL

    The extension of the work of the constitutional amendments and the possibility of meeting leaders

    (صوت العراق) - 22-05-2007

    (Voice of Iraq) - 22-05-2007

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    تمديد عمل لجنة التعديلات الدستورية واحتمال اجتماع القيادات العراقية في اربيل

    The extension of the work of the constitutional amendments and the possibility Iraqi leaders meeting in Arbil

    الاتحاد ــ PNA ــ وكالات: رفعت امس لجنة التعديلات الدستورية تقريرها الاولي الى رئيس مجلس النواب ومن المتوقع ان يدلي السيد محمود المشهداني ببيان حول عمل لجنة التعديلات الدستورية في جلسة اليوم، و ان يعرض على المجلس اقتراحا بتمديد عمل اللجنة لمدة اسبوعين تعويضا عن ايام العطل الرسمية وغير الرسمية التي تداخلت مع عمل اللجنة واعطاء المزيد من الوقت لحلحلة النقاط الخلافية المتبقية على طاولة البحث.

    The PNA agencies : rose yesterday to the constitutional amendments initial report to the President of the House of Representatives is expected to make Mr. Mahmood Almchidani statement on the work of the constitutional amendments at today's meeting, and that is before the Council a proposal to extend the work of the Committee for a period of two weeks compensation for the holidays formal and informal that had interfered with the work of the Commission and give more time for resolving the remaining points of contention on the table.
    وعلمت (الاتحاد) من مصدر مقرب من مجلس النواب ان بيان رئيس البرلمان حول التعديلات سيتضمن ثلاث نقاط اساسية وهي التعديلات التي تمت بالاجماع والتعديلات التي تمت بالتوصل الى اتفاق وسطي عن طريق التوافق ومن ثم النقاط الخلافية المتبقية ومن اجل ذلك سوف يدعو رئيس مجلس النواب

    Al (Russian) from a source close to the House that the Speaker's statement regarding the amendments will include three key points which were unanimously adopted amendments and modifications made to reach agreement as a centrist by consensus and then remaining points of contention and I will therefore call House Speaker

    وحسب المصدر ذاته ممثلي المكونات الرئيسية في المجلس الى اجتماع مع هيئة رئاسة البرلمان للتباحث حول هذه النقاط وايجاد حلول لها خلال فترة تمديد عمل اللجنة.

    According to the same source key components representatives in the Council to a meeting with the Presidium of Parliament to discuss these points and find solutions to them during the period of extension of the Committee's work.
    ومن جانب آخر من المتوقع ان يوجه السيد مسعود بارزاني رئيس اقليم كردستان العراق دعوة رسمية الى عدد من الشخصيات القيادية في العراق ومنهم عادل عبدالمهدي والدكتور طارق الهاشمي ودولة رئيس الوزراء نوري المالكي لزيارة عاصمة اقليم كردستان، ليكونوا ضيوفا لدى رئيس الاقليم، لبحث بعض النقاط الخلافية حول الدستور ومنها المادة 140 التي اكدت كتلة التحالف الكردستاني في وقت سابق من الاسبوع الماضي على الالتزام بها وتنفيذها في موعدها المقرر.

    On the other hand, is expected to draw Mr. Massoud Barzani, head of Iraq's Kurdistan region formal invitation to a number of leading personalities in Iraq, including Adel Abdelmahdi and Dr. Tariq Al-Hashmi and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to visit the capital of the province of Kurdistan, to be guests of the President of the Territory, to discuss some controversial points on the constitution, including Article 140 which confirmed the Kurdistan Alliance bloc earlier last week to abide by and implement on schedule.

    وكان وفد من الاعضاء الكرد في لجنة التعديلات الدستورية قد زار في الاسبوع الماضي اربيل والتقى رئيس الاقليم واعضاء بارزين في المكتبين السياسيين للحزبين الكرديين الحاكمين، الاتحاد الوطني الكردستاني والحزب الديمقراطي الكردستاني، وعرض الوفد مقترحات كانت لجنة التعديلات الدستورية قد عرضتها على ممثلي الكرد حول المادة 140 والمواد (111 و 112) و مسألة حرس الاقليم.

    A delegation of members of the Kurds in the constitutional amendments had visited last week and met with Prime Arbil province and prominent members of the political offices of the two Kurdish ruling parties, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and the Kurdistan Democratic Party, The delegation presented the proposals of the committee on constitutional amendments were presented to representatives of Kurds on article 140 articles (111, 112) and guards question Territory.
    واكد الوفد بعد عودته تمسك القيادة الكردية والتزامها بنص المادة 140 من الدستور وعدم القبول بتأجيلها او تعديلها.

    The delegation insisted on returning Kurdish leadership and commitment to the text of Article 140 of the Constitution and not delaying acceptance or modification.

    من جانب آخر التقى السيد نوري المالكي رئيس الوزراء العراقي وفد حكومة اقليم كردستان برئاسة السيد نيجيرفان بارزاني رئيس حكومة الاقليم أمس الاثنين في بغداد لبحث مسائل قانون النفط والمادة 140 من الدستور العراقي وميزانية قوات حرس اقليم كردستان.

    On the other hand, met Mr. Nuri al-Maliki Iraqi prime minister of the Kurdistan government delegation headed by Mr. Barzani, head Najirfan territorial government in Baghdad yesterday, Monday, to discuss the issues of oil and Article 140 of the Iraqi constitution and the budget Guard forces in the Kurdistan province.

    ويرافق الوفد الذي يرأسه السيد نيجيرفان بارزاني وزراء الموارد الطبيعية ومناطق خارج إقليم كردستان وممثل وزارة شؤون البيشمركه لبحث عدة مسائل مهمة مع الحكومة المركزية.

    Accompanying the delegation headed by Mr. Barzani Najirfan ministers of natural resources and areas outside Kurdistan, representative of the Ministry of Public Peshmargas to discuss several important issues with the central government.
    حيث تباحث الجانبان الأوضاع والمستجدات على الساحتين العراقية والكردستانية والعلاقات بين حكومة الإقليم والحكومة العراقية, بالإضافة الى مناقشة قانون النفط والغاز وتوزيع الثروات.

    Where the two sides discussed the situation and developments on the Iraqi arenas and Kurdistan and the relations between the territorial government and the Iraqi government, in addition to discussing the oil, gas and the distribution of wealth.
    وتبادل الجانبان الاراء حول عدد من المسائل السياسية والإدارية.

    The two sides exchanged views on a number of political and administrative matters.

    وعقب الإنتهاء من الإجتماع عقد كل من المالكي ونيجيرفان بارزاني مؤتمراً صحفياً مشتركاً، أكد بارزاني خلاله على دعم حكومة الإقليم للحكومة العراقية.

    Following the completion of the meeting held by al-Maliki and Najirfan Barzani held a joint press conference, during which Barzani emphasized on the support of the territorial government of the Iraqi government.

    كما التقى رئيس حكومة إقليم كردستان، السيد نيجيرفان بارزاني، عصر الاحد في بغداد، دومينيك آسكويس السفير البريطاني في بغداد والوفد المرافق له.

    He also met the Chairman of the Kurdistan government, Mr. Barzani Najirfan, Sunday afternoon in Baghdad, Dominique Escues British ambassador in Baghdad, and the delegation accompanying him.
    وقد تطرق اللقاء الى الوضع في العراق بصورة عامة والعملية السياسية والوضع الامني بصورة خاصة.

    The meeting dealt with the situation in Iraq in general and the political process and the security situation in particular.
    وقد بحث اللقاء في مواقف وسياسة حكومة إقليم كردستان فيما يخص المسائل المتعلقة بإقليم كردستان والعراق.

    The meeting discussed in the attitudes and policy of the government of Kurdistan region on issues concerning the territory of Kurdistan and Iraq.

    وقد شدّد اللقاء على الاسس الدستورية للدستور العراقي الدائم، وتم التأكيد على العلاقات الثنائية بين إقليم كردستان والحكومة البريطانية خدمة لمصلحة الطرفين.

    The meeting stressed on the constitutional principles of the Iraqi permanent constitution, and stressed the bilateral relations between Kurdistan and the British government to serve the interest of both parties.

    وقد عبر السفير البريطاني عن دعم الحكومة البريطانية لإنعاش الحركة الاقتصادية والتجارية في إقليم كردستان والتشجيع على الاستثمار وتوظيف رؤوس الاموال البريطانية في الاقليم.

    The British ambassador through the support of the British government to revive economic and trade movement in the Kurdistan region and encouraging investment and capital investment in the British province.

    وبخصوص المساعي التي تبذل حالياً لإدخال تعديلات على الدستور العراقي الدائم، أكّد رئيس حكومة إقليم كردستان ان اي تغيير يجب ان يكون وفق آليات الدستور وأن يأخذ رغبة وإرادة مواطني العراق وكردستان بنظر الاعتبار.

    On the endeavors being made to introduce amendments to the permanent Iraqi constitution, the President of the Kurdistan Regional government that any change must be approved mechanisms of the Constitution and take the desire and will of the citizens of Iraq and Kurdistan into consideration.

    الاتحاد العراقية

    The Iraqi

    The committee on the ammendments was to report and introduce their bills on last Tuesday (15 MAY) and then they asked and were granted a one week extension...this report says that they have asked for (NOW) an additional two weeks to tweek the bills...


    Even though the Government & PM have boasted that they have the votes to pass this legislation...

    What a Shame...Another two weeks to wait!
    Last edited by fredgwest1999; 22-05-2007 at 05:54 AM.

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    The uprooting the Baath : General and the Ministry of the Interior employees of the security services to overthrow the constitutional process

    Luna / May 21 / BAGHDAD / A statement issued by the supreme national body to uproot the Baath today, Monday, that the statements of the Interior Ministry employees on the devices dissolved constitutional violation coup against the constitutional process.

    The statement that the supreme national body to uproot the Baath briefed on the statement's press brigade Abdul Karim Khalaf director of the National Command Center in which he announced that the ministry had decided to restore the former employees of the security agencies, including intelligence, intelligence and security services and public sectors who are fit for service, The assignment of the Unwearable of service to retire, especially those over the legal age.

    The statement added that this resolution is a clear constitutional violation of Article (135), The Cabinet Decision No. (130), and Order No. (2) It is a coup against the constitutional process and democracy in Iraq and what is the attempt to restore elements and henchmen of the ousted regime to the institutions that are supposed to be working on the security and safety of the citizen to the highest e tyranny and oppression (and the Interior Ministry While the Abu constitutional and legal right to issue such a decision).

    Noting that while we regret the issuance of this resolution from the Interior Ministry, we surprised the ministry continued to maintain elements in the security services prior joints ministry task and not excluded, although they contemplated the need to exclude them and not allowing them to return to the post, which is a clear violation of the laws in force.
    He stressed at the same time a lack of legitimacy and the legality of this decision and will use the constitutional and legal right direction this clear breach of the Constitution and the laws in force.


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    Defense Minister ... invites thousands of officers to return to service in the Iraqi army

    Luna / May 21 / BAGHDAD / called Defense Minister Abdul Qader Al Obeidi officers outside service to return to the army, Obeidi said in a joint press conference of the Ministers of Interior and the oil and electricity held today at the premises of the Secretariat of the Council of Ministers attended (Luna) that the doors are open to all officers who wish to return to the army to serve their homeland, according controls ordered by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, explaining that the former Iraqi army comprises more than 70 thousand officers returned and now some of them are in service and the remaining 52 thousand of them are out of service, Obeidi explained that the ability of the Iraqi army is now better than the previous evolving day after day through the introduction of modern equipment and sophisticated weapons.

    For his part, Interior Minister Jawad Abd that his ministry had achieved substantial results on the security level, since the ministry began the graduation of many officers and rank in the police service through the academies of the ministry and 13 Academy distributed in the various provinces and Schola has been in many performing security operations in Baghdad and the other governorates and Ahrazo considerable progress in this area. The ministry has achieved positive results in detection on the issues of administrative corruption and bribery through activating the laws in this area has been the assignment of more than 2000 officers and an associate member of the judiciary in different cases concerning bribery and exploitation of the powers granted to them, as officers were separated in 1000 and 11 thousand associate implicated in various cases.

    He Muqtada speaking on the achievements of his ministry that the ministry has prepared a draft law gave 11 (protection of the installations FBS, the Interior Ministry, weapons, and due process, service and retirement, and accommodation as well as other draft laws issued in time of the former regime).

    While between Minister of Electricity Karim Wahid indicated that the ministry had prepared a plan in 2006 for the establishment and reconstruction of several electric stations in various governorates, but between that there are challenges completion of these projects, namely Alt_khasayasat financial terms that are allocated to the ministry two billion dollars while the ministry need to 4.5 billion Dorla, indicating that the projects undertaken by the Ministry now includes rebuilding the old plants and entered into service in addition to building new stations in Baghdad and other governorates.

    Part-Oil Minister Hussein Shahrastani crisis Albanzin rampant in Baghdad is due to the difficulty of transporting Albanzin governorates because of the security situation deteriorated, especially as tankers are columns from time to time to attacks by terrorist groups, affirming that the rule Albanzin available in stores oil is the only transport the main reason for the creation of this crisis. Explaining that the ministry has prepared plans for the establishment of refineries in a number of governorates in order to provide oil derivatives and minimization of the momentum that generates other existing refineries in Baghdad.


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    Invite political forces to build the experience of reconciliation in Kurdistan

    The member of the Kurdistan Alliance, Monday, the political forces to build the experience of the Kurdistan region in national reconciliation, considering it a successful experiment.

    He added Nawzad rose fit for the Independent News Agency (Voices of Iraq) that "what happened in the province was an initiative of my two main parties (National Union and democratic) who eternally flexibility in the positions and forward various concessions."

    He continued : "In addition to sacrificing the interests of party, some of the conditions they insist on some things ... has been successful draft national reconciliation."

    It is hoped that the Iraqi government convene a special conference of the forces, political parties and currents within the project of national reconciliation through June of next June.

    The Iraqi government had been held earlier this year, two special national reconciliation, I had a strong national political trends and other special former Iraqi Army officers.

    Saleh pointed out that "reconciliation conference to be held in June next June is a good sign, but the same time we wish to be a useful and positive and not be doomed to the fate of previous conferences."

    He added, "We hope the various parties participating in the conference to determine the actual position of the subjects of Iraq and its people from the tragedies and look towards providing what is best for all citizens."

    Acharali and that "the success of this conference requires everyone lenient attitudes and show flexibility for reconciliation and forgetting the past and ridding the Iraqi people of all pending problems."

    And the benefit of all the political forces that had the interests of the country and works to sacrifice partisan and sectarian interests and thus the success of national reconciliation to overcome the obstacles and problems accumulated.

    He described the talks will be held between Iran and the United States at the ambassadorial level on the situation in Iraq at the end of this month ... Balhcheh pointing out that the differences between Iran and the United States deeply rooted for many years and thus there will be no perception arrival of the parties to any positive results at the meeting, which will bring together the parties in Iraq.

    The governments in Kurdistan has declared unite the two administrations prior to last year after a hiatus of years between the two main Kurdish parties as chair of the current President Jalal Talabani presidency of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, while the Kurdistan Democratic Party headed by the President of the Kurdistan current Massoud Barzani, son of the late Kurdish leader Mullah Mustafa Barzani.


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    The size of the monetary reserves of up to 21 billion dollars
    20 / 05 / 2007 18:08 (GMT)

    The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq Sinan Shabibi access volume monetary reserves to 21 billion dollars, stressing that the daily auction to the American dollar is stable.

    Shabibi pointed out that the rates of inflation in the Iraqi market sways between 40 and 45%.

    It is noteworthy that the rates of inflation reached in the past few months to more than 70%, which negatively impact on the functioning of markets and the overall economy.

    Correspondent "Radio Sawa" Omar Hammadi and details :

    Radio Sawa - Ø*جم الاØ*تياط النقدي يصل الى 21 مليار دولار

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    Iraq will soon be a breakthrough in the political and security files

    Aware of the file from important sources refused to be identified, that the Iraqi arena will witness during the next few days relaxation militarily and politically significant impact reached Talks between the government and armed forces to significant results at the level of containment Sunni militias, and at the level of synergies between the political parties Sunni and Shiite participation in the political process

    The sources explained that the joint declaration formally put before the media expression of reaching agreements included a wider participation of the forces in Sunni circles and state institutions, and drafting of decisions affecting Iraq

    On the other hand, the trend related to the same sources confirmed that the meeting scheduled on the 28th of this month between the Iranian and American sides will yield good results in curbing the violence in Iraq, these sources - pointing - that penetrated the groundwork for this meeting has been completed in a matter of much optimism.


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    Iraq still hopes to pass the oil in May

    Barham Saleh said Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister, on Saturday to remain hopeful that prompts Iraq to agree on a draft bill this month, including the oil allows the Parliament to pass soon.

    Saleh said on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Jordan that negotiations should begin soon in Baghdad in order to review the details of the annexes of law and methods of income distribution.

    He said that the Kurdish delegation was in Baghdad and that he will return to Iraq on Sunday to start negotiations.

    Saleh said that those who seek to hold talks want to ensure that the law includes restrictions and balances for the fair distribution of income and want to discuss the scope of activity and the control of the Iraqi National Oil Company.

    He said they hope to complete this before the end of the month, adding that reaching an agreement would mean that the law will be forwarded to Parliament for approval.

    Saleh said that the law will form the country's economy for a long period, describing it as the most important legislation facing Iraq drafted.

    The law aims to distribute Iraq's oil wealth fairly among the Shiites, Sunni Arabs and Kurds. Washington thinks that the law is important for ensuring that national reconciliation in Iraq.

    ÇáÚÑÇÞ áÇÒÇá íÃãá Ýí ÊãÑíÑ ÞÇäæä ÇáäÝØ Ýí ãÇíæ - ÔÈßÉ ÃÎÈÇÑ ÇáäÌÝ ÇáÃÔÑÝ

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    Iraqi MPs : there is no deadline for the American government
    (صوت العراق) - 22-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 22-05-2007
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    برلمانيون عراقيون: لا وجود لمهلة أميركية للحكومة بشأن التزامات شرم الشيخ
    Iraqi MPs : there is no deadline for the American government on the Sharm el-Sheikh commitments

    الائتلاف: البرلمان هو من يحاسب..
    Coalition : Parliament is being punished ..
    * التوافق: وجود خطة أميركية بديلة غير مستبعد
    * Compatibility : a U.S. plan alternative is not ruled out

    بغداد: رحمة السالم
    Baghdad : Al-Salem Al-Rahma
    نفى برلمانيون عراقيون وجود مهلة من الجانب الأميركي لحكومة رئيس الوزراء نوري المالكي، للإيفاء بالتزاماتها التي تعهدت بها بعد مؤتمري شرم الشيخ ودول الجوار الأخير.
    Iraqi MPs denied the existence of a period of the American side of the government of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, to meet its obligations after the Sharm el-Sheikh and the two neighboring countries last.
    ويدور الحديث في الأوساط السياسية العراقية عن منح الادارة الأميركية مهلة أمام رئيس الوزراء العراقي لتحسين أداء حكومته.
    There is talk in political circles about granting Iraqi American administration time before the Iraqi prime minister to improve the performance of his government.
    وجاء هذا الحديث على خلفية التصريحات المتعاقبة لمسؤولين أميركيين بأن «صبر الأميركيين بدء ينفد».
    This came against the backdrop of modern successive statements by American officials that «the patience of Americans start running out».
    وقال النائب وليد الحلي، عضو الائتلاف العراقي الموحد عن حزب الدعوة الاسلامي الذي ينتمي اليه المالكي، إنه لا صحة لهذه المعلومات وانها «مجرد إشاعات»، وصرح لـ«الشرق الاوسط» بـ«أن الحكومة العراقية انتخبت من قبل البرلمان وهو الوحيد (البرلمان) له الحق بانتهاء هذه المدة او إعطاء أي مهلة».
    MP Waleed jewelry, a member of the United Iraqi Alliance for the Islamic Da'wah Party, to which he belongs Maliki, said that there was no truth to this information and that they «mere rumors», he stated, told «Middle East» b «that the Iraqi government was elected by Parliament is the only (parliament) has the right end of this term or give any notice».

    وأكد الحلي أن البرلمان العراقي أعطى مدة أربع سنوات لحكومة المالكي «وهي حكومة وحدة وطنية، اشترك الجميع باختيارها».
    The jewelry that the Iraqi Parliament gave four years for the government Maliki «It is a government of national unity, involving all choice».
    وعن وجود دعم من قبل الادارة الاميركية لبعض التكتلات السياسية في البرلمان، أشار الحلي الى ان «هذا الموضوع غير واقعي، وغير صحيح، لاسيما وان الجولات السياسية الاخيرة التي قام بها كل من نائب الرئيس الاميركي ووزيرة الخارجية الاميركية للمنطقة العربية وللعراق، بالاضافة الى المكالمات المتلفزة بين الرئيس بوش ورئيس الوزراء نوري المالكي كلها، تعطي دلالات على أن الادارة الاميركية تدعم حكومة المالكي سواء على الصعيد العالمي او العربي».
    Regarding the presence of support by the American administration of some political blocs in Parliament, pointed out that the jewelry «this issue is unrealistic and untrue, particularly since the recent political tours undertaken by both the American Vice-President and Minister of State for the Arab region for Iraq in addition to the televised calls between President Bush and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, are given indications that the American administration supports the government of Maliki either globally or Arab ».

    وعن الخطوات التي تتبع مؤتمر شرم الشيخ حول المصالحة الوطنية في البلاد، قال ان «الحكومة مستمرة في مسألة المصالحة الوطنية، واللقاء مع الأطراف السياسية مستمر أيضا».
    Regarding the steps that followed the Sharm El Sheikh conference on national reconciliation in the country, said that «the government continues to issue national reconciliation, and meeting with political parties is also continuing».

    وقال النائب حسين الفلوجي، عضو جبهة التوافق في البرلمان، لـ«الشرق الاوسط» «نسمع عن منح مهلة للحكومة العراقية لإصلاح الوضع المتأزم في العراق»، وتابع «ان اللاعب الأميركي لاعب أساسي في العراق، وعليه سيلجأون الى الخطة (ب) أي البحث عن بديل، وليس مستغرباً ان تكون هناك خطة بديلة لأنهم يتمتعون بقدرات بحثية واستراتيجية واسعة».
    The MP said Alflogi Hussein, a member Accord Front in parliament, told «Middle East» «granted a hearing on the Iraqi government to reform the tense situation in Iraq», continued «American player to a main player in Iraq, it will resort to the plan (b) any search for a replacement, It is not surprising that there are alternative plan because they enjoy the capabilities of research and broad strategy ».

    ولفت الفلوجي قائلا «نتأمل من حكومة المالكي ان تلتزم بما ألزمت به نفسها، عن طريق إحداث تغييرات جذرية في المسارات السياسية، ولو تم تنفيذها فان الامور تتحسن.
    He Alflogi saying «think the government should commit to Maliki has committed itself, through radical changes in the political tracks, if implemented, the situation improved.
    وفيما إذا بقي الحال على ما هو عليه فالعكس سيكون»، وعن التكهنات حول المهلة، أكد الفلوجي «لا نستطيع ان نجزم، ولكن الواقع السياسي والاجتماعي هو الذي سوف يمهل الحكومة العراقية بالبحث عن حلول للخروج من الأزمة».
    As if the case as it is the opposite would be », and speculation about the deadline, said Alflogi« can not emphasize, but the political and social reality is what will give the Iraqi government to search for solutions to emerge from the crisis ».

    الى ذلك، نفى النائب محمود عثمان، عضو التحالف الكردستاني، وجود مهلة محددة لحكومة المالكي من الجانب الاميركي.
    So, denied the MP Mahmoud Othman, a member of the Kurdistan Alliance, a concrete deadline for the government Malki of the American side.
    وعن وجود ضغوط على حكومة المالكي، أكد لـ«الشرق الأوسط» «بدون شك سوف يراجع الاميركيون خططهم في سبتمبر (أيلول) المقبل، حيث سيكون هناك تقرير يقدم الى الكونغرس والإدارة الاميركية حول نجاح الخطة الامنية ومدى التزام الحكومة العراقية بتعهداتها التي أقرتها في مؤتمري شرم الشيخ ودول الجوار»، وتابع عثمان «من المفروض أن تكون هناك نتائج ملموسة حتى تؤثر بطريقة ما على السياسة الاميركية لاسيما مع وجود ضغوط على الادارة الاميركية لتحسين الوضع في العراق»، وأضاف «من المفروض أن يكون هناك تقدم قبل تقديم التقرير في سبتمبر على جميع المستويات، والذي سينعكس في التقرير في النهاية».
    Regarding the presence of pressure on the government of Maliki, he told «Middle East» «Without doubt Americans will revise their plans in September next (September), where there will be a report to Congress and the American administration about the success of the security plan and the commitment of the Iraqi government pledges approved by at the Sharm el-Sheikh and the neighboring countries», He continued Osman «supposed to be no concrete results so as to affect American policy, especially with the pressure on the American administration to improve the situation in Iraq», added «supposed to be made before the submission of the report in September at all levels, which will be reflected in the report at the end».
    وقال ان الحكومة العراقية تتعرض لضغوط شتى من قبل الأميركيين والبريطانيين وحتى بعض الدول العربية، وقال ان «للضغوط نتائج عكسية، لاسيما وان الجهة المقابلة (حكومة المالكي) تتمتع بإمكانيات محدودة ولا تستطيع ان تلبي ما مطلوب منها».
    He said that the Iraqi government was being pressured by various Americans, British and even some Arab countries, and said that «Pressure counterproductive, especially since the other side (government Maliki), the potential is limited and can not meet the required».

    من جهته، قال النائب مفيد الجزائري، عضو الكتلة العراقية في البرلمان، إن قضية المهلة تدخل في إطار التكهنات، وقال إن الإدارة الأميركية تعاني من وجود ضغوط كبيرة عليها من خلال نشاط الحزب الديمقراطي ورغبته في إيجاد مخرج من المأزق العراقي، ورجح أن جزءا من الضغط يعود الى المعركة الانتخابية الاميركية.
    Meanwhile, the deputy said Mufeed al-Jazairi, a member bloc in the Iraqi Parliament, that the issue of time within the framework of speculation, and said that the American administration suffers from the presence of great pressure from the Democratic Party during the activity and its desire to find a way out of the Iraqi impasse, and guessed that part of the pressure due to the American election battle.
    وأضاف أن الادارة الأميركية بدورها تضغط على الحكومة العراقية.
    He added that the American administration in turn put pressure on the Iraqi government.
    الشرق الاوسط
    Middle East
    Last edited by fredgwest1999; 22-05-2007 at 05:38 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by buddyboy View Post
    Iraq makes plans for quick US pullout
    Updated: 2007-05-22 09:06

    BAGHDAD - Iraq's military is drawing up plans to cope with any quick US military pullout, the defense minister said Monday, as a senior American official warned that the Bush administration may reconsider its support if Iraqi leaders don't make major reforms by fall.

    The US official did not say what actions could be taken by the White House, but his comments reflected the administration's need to show results in Iraq -- as an answer to pressure by the Democrats in Congress seeking to set timetables on the US military presence.

    Several mortar shells hit the US-controlled Green Zone, one striking the Iraqi parliament building but causing no casualties -- the latest in near daily barrages on the nerve center of the US mission and Iraqi government that underline the country's tenuous security.

    At least 58 Iraqis were killed by attacks or found dead across Iraq, including seven people ambushed on a bus northeast of Baghdad, police said. The dead included 24 men whose bullet-riddled bodies were found across Baghdad, apparent victims of sectarian death squads.

    British troops clashed with Shiite Muslim gunmen in the southern city of Basra. Britain's military said one British soldier and a civilian driver were killed when a supply convoy was attacked in the center of the city, Iraq's second biggest.

    Elsewhere, US troops raided safe houses south of Baghdad but failed to find three soldiers missing since a May 12 ambush that left four other Americans and an Iraqi dead.

    "We've (identified) some safe houses and we targeted a couple of those today and they were able to slip away from us. But we're going to come at things from a different angle," a US spokesman, Maj. Webster Wright, said without elaborating.

    US officers said the search by thousands of US and Iraqi soldiers may be forcing the kidnappers to move the three Americans frequently, preventing insurgents from posting pictures of their captives on the Internet.

    "We choose to be cautiously optimistic," Maj. Gen. Rick Lynch told CNN. "We're pursuing all leads with a passion, but right now we believe our soldiers are still alive. Each day that passes when we don't see proof of life, it causes us concern."

    With violence raging, pressure is mounting on Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's government to demonstrate progress on key reforms or risk losing American support for the unpopular war.

    On Monday, Defense Minister Abdul-Qader al-Obeidi told reporters Iraq's military was drawing up plans in case US-led forces left the country quickly.

    "The army plans on the basis of a worst case scenario so as not to allow any security vacuum," al-Obeidi said. "There are meetings with political leaders on how we can deal with a sudden pullout."

    It was unclear whether al-Obeidi's comment referred to routine contingency planning or reflected a feeling among Iraqi leaders that the days of US support may be numbered even though President Bush blocked an effort by Congress to set a withdrawal timetable.

    A White House spokesman, Tony Fratto, said President Bush expressed confidence in al-Maliki during a telephone call Monday to the Iraqi leader.

    He said the two talked about political progress in Iraq, and al-Maliki gave Bush updates on two key US demands -- legislation to share Iraq's oil wealth among its regions and ethnic groups and a reform of the constitution.

    But two senior Iraqi officials told The Associated Press that Bush warned al-Maliki that Washington expected to see "tangible results quickly" on the oil bill and other legislation as the price for continued support.

    The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren't supposed to release the information.

    In London, a senior US official echoed that warning, saying the Bush administration wanted signs of progress by fall or it would be forced to reconsider its policy in Iraq.

    The official, who briefed reporters on condition his name not be published, said the top American diplomat and military commander in Iraq would submit a report on Iraqi progress in September.

    "If one looks at when critical progress is to be made, one would be best advised to look at this fall as a key point," the official said.

    Senior Kurdish lawmaker Mahmoud Othman confirmed that US pressure was mounting, especially on the oil bill, which was endorsed by the Iraqi Cabinet three months ago but has yet to come to the floor of parliament.

    "The Americans are pressuring us to accept the oil law. Their pressure is very strong. They want to show Congress that they have done something so they want the law to be adopted this month. This interference is negative and will have consequences," Othman told AP.

    Kurdish legislators oppose the formula for distributing oil revenues among the Iraqi communities, arguing for a greater say in how the money is disbursed.

    Major Shiite and Kurdish parties oppose several proposed changes in the constitution, as well as Sunni Arab demands for a loosening of rules banning former Saddam Hussein supporters from government jobs.

    Prospects for far-reaching agreements among Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds were thrown into doubt over the weekend when the leader of the largest Shiite party, Abdul-Aziz al-Hakim, was diagnosed with lung cancer at a hospital in Houston.

    Al-Hakim, who left the US for treatment in Iran, delivered a televised address Monday in which he said he was suffering from a "limited tumor" but expected to return to the country soon.

    US officials had been counting on al-Hakim to help push through reforms, and a lengthy absence could make it difficult to deliver Shiite support.

    In other violence, the Iraqi newspaper Azzaman reported Monday that one of its reporters, Ali Khalil, 22, was kidnapped while leaving a relative's house in the increasingly volatile Baiyaa neighborhood of Baghdad and found dead several hours later. He is survived by his wife and week-old baby, the newspaper said.

    The attack came three days after two Iraqi journalists working for ABC News were ambushed and killed on their way home from work. The New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists said 104 journalists -- not including Khalil -- had been killed in Iraq since the 2003 US-led invasion. About 80 percent of those were Iraqis, it said.

    A roadside bomb exploded near a group of Iraqi soldiers patrolling the Sunni-dominated Adil neighborhood in western Baghdad, killing three and injuring two others.

    In Muqdadiya, about 60 miles north of Baghdad, two gunmen killed two police officers as they walked by the police station.

    Insurgents also fired mortar rounds into a bank in Baqouba while customers were lined up to collect their pensions, killing two people, police said.

    Iraq makes plans for quick US pullout
    God I hope that they are not cocky and start getting cowboy attitudes like we can this ourselves. Pushing the envelope on time tables and now planning for quick withdrawl. BOYS YOURE PLAYING WITH FIRE!! sign the HCL swim in foriegn currency and call it a day.
    Enjoying the thoughts of early retirement

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    Korea provided $ 200 million for Iraq
    (Voice of Iraq) - 22-05-2007

    Baghdad «Middle East» : The South Korean ambassador in Baghdad Hajan is, that his government is to meet its financial obligations that were agreed upon at the International Conference held in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt earlier this month. The ambassador said during his meeting with Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister peace Zubai Baghdad yesterday «We are determined to provide $ 200 million in addition to our previous amounted to more than 260 million dollars». - ÕæÊ ÇáÚÑÇÞ

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