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  1. #821
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    Cool Moved the IMF Rereport to Predictions.

  2. #822
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cooldolphins View Post
    Yeah, what he/she said.
    last minute meeting?
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  3. #823
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    Default HI SGS and others

    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post

    the cabinet did approve the law back then. what we currently are awaiting and what they are having conflicting reports about is the oil law in PARLIAMENT. it goes from cabinet, to parliament, to presidential council.

    I believe that although it had been approved there had been discrepancies regarding the verbiage (income and revenues) disputed by the Kurds, which could be misinterpreted or something to that effect that would not benefit the Iraqis as a whole.
    I am sure someone recalls this information. I am not sure whether it was with regard to the HCL or the FIL.

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  4. #824
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    Egyptian readiness to rehabilitate the electricity and energy in Iraq
    (صوت العراق) - 19-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 19-05-2007
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    Multiple agencies : Egyptian Minister of Electricity and Energy Dr. Hassan Younis his country's readiness to provide all the possibilities of the Egyptian electricity sector to help the electricity and energy sector in Iraq. A statement by the Ministry said, "Yunis said that in his meeting, yesterday, Friday, with a visiting delegation from the Ministry of Electricity adviser to the Iraqi ministry headed by Hassan Leap." He pointed to the fruitful cooperation between the two sides in the preparation and implementation of training programs for the rehabilitation of Iraqi cadres in different functional areas of electricity, including an administrative support of the rebuilding of Iraq.

    For his part, praised the Kubaisa During the meeting the distinguished relations between the two countries in energy and electricity sectors, pointing out that most of Iraqi personnel working in the fields of electricity and energy on training courses at the hands of trained Egyptians. He expressed the desire to increase cooperation through the implementation of new training programs for about five thousand Iraqi engineers and technicians.
    The Iraqi

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  5. #825
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    «World Economic Forum» witnessed the launch «Business Council
    (صوت العراق) - 19-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 19-05-2007
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    Abdullah II calls to seize the opportunity for prosperity
    Dead Sea (Jordan) - Lina Al Hayat-19 / 05 / 07 / /

    Full «World Economic Forum on the Middle East» yesterday in West Timor of the Dead Sea in Jordan, the lowest point below sea level on Earth, carrying the title of this year's «activate pluralism», after pregnancy last year in Sharm el-Sheikh is the title «promise of a new generation».

    The Forum was opened yesterday, Jordan's King Abdullah II dedicated a large part of his speech to economic challenges facing the Arab region, wondering : «in the day Sealy achieve peace in the region, whether we would be meeting the plans to achieve the advantages of peace, and whether we will have the vision to see the potential that abounds in our region?».

    He noted that the «200 million young people under twenty-fourth live in the Arab world, and deserve to be part of the prosperous, since the periods of economic prosperity are important opportunities to advance reforms».

    The Jordanian king to one of the important challenges facing the region in the water problem, «If we plan to meet this basic need of the citizens, will be in a fight for the sake of peace, but in a fight for the survival».The other challenge is to sustain the oil resources that «blessed by God» the region with the aim of «sustain for a longer time and use cleaner».

    He pointed to a third challenge, is to develop infrastructure in the region «By 2020, it is estimated that 70% of the population in cities», so that «the existence of an efficient transport is a strategic necessity for the Arab region become a strong economic bloc, characterized the competitiveness highest in the industry and provide employment opportunities for sustainable».

    Following the official opening ceremony, a discursive opening, attended by Arab leaders and international hubs, which posed discussed by the Forum.

    The president of the company «Aramks» Post rapid Fadi Ghandour that institutions in the Arab world to consider further the goal of achieving profits, and active in addressing the problems of society and strive daily to a more sophisticated.

    The President focused «swaps for development» UAE Khaldoun Mosque, the need for diversification, not only in economic sectors, but also in the education sector, through the revision of curricula in Arab countries. He added that «the Arab region had achieved an overall fiscal surplus is estimated trillion dollars since 2004, and is noteworthy that most of these funds no longer go abroad, as in the past».

    The President focused company «Development» UAE Said Almentafqa the importance of cooperation between the public and private sectors and the need to develop companies operating in the region. He called to spread the spirit of initiative in the younger generation through the school curriculum, and to improve standards of corporate governance in order to create intrinsic value in their work and facilitate openness to the global business community and its engagement with him.

    The Forum, which ends tomorrow, was launched in a preliminary morning before the official opening «Business Council, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict», which will include a select group of businessmen Palestinians and the Israelis, and will «strengthen relations between business in Palestine and Israel, and the development agenda calls for dialogue to support the reconstruction and economic reform, and support for the efforts to achieve peace, through the development of a strategy aimed at enhancing cooperation and resolving issues that obstruct the march of peoples on both social and economic ».

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  6. #826
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    Iraqi officials demanding an increase of their salaries to deal with inflation
    - 19/05/07//BAGHDAD - Adel Mahdi life-19 / 05 / 07 / /

    .The Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation of Iraq that the inflation rate exceeded 70%, and are continuing to rise. ».It added in its latest report that «rising inflation was rising toll index for food products, textiles and clothing, footwear, furniture, transport, communications and medical services, medicines and rents, which is the proportion of spending by 94.4% of the total domestic consumer spending».

    .And about the high prices of goods, particularly foodstuffs and daily living, combining economists that the scale of salaries adopted by the State of the staff is not commensurate with the size of the price hike in food on the Iraqi market, where it is noted that a large chunk of the salaries of state employees and retirees spent on fuel and conveyances There is nothing to buy daily necessities, which are often higher than the value received by the citizen.

    .An economic researcher Nouri Sobeih, in a report on the great disparity between the monthly salary for state employees and retirees and the prices of commodities and consumer goods, especially foodstuffs, clothing, fuel and transportation. .He added that this disparity «very large» latest chasm in the real income level General of the Iraqi family, which felt suffering in a clear, in many instances, and social phenomena. ا.Sobeih pointed to the importance of the adoption of the State, if it insists on not raising the salaries of employees and retirees, a policy conducive to reducing inflation, which burden the labor tranche significantly by continuing to offer him «Central Bank of Iraq» procedures necessary for lifting the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar. what makes fixed prices to some extent.


    ., It warned among different from the results of continuing high inflation rates, which asserts that it will affect much in real life for staff and retirees. .In the forefront of these results portended such a large migration of workers from government departments and the search for new opportunities in the private sector or jobs overseas, which means the loss of competencies needed by the country.

    ».Wonder economic researcher Faisal Ani «How officer at the bottom of the career ladder and earns a month not to exceed 160 thousand Iraqi dinars, to continue life in this amount which could not fill 30% of the necessary needs of the family, especially that rises in the prices of oil derivatives increased the suffering of employees of the state and all citizens, in addition to other amounts forcing many of the staff paid monthly, such as generators special prices or rents houses ».

    .It should be noted that the Iraqi government raised salaries of the staff and retirees between 40 and 60%, but most of this segment pointed out that the increase did not meet the necessary requirements for citizens under the substantial rises in prices which are no longer commensurate with the rates of salaries and essential needs of the Iraqi family.
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    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  7. #827
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    The Iraqi Oil Ministry : Oil bill preserves the rights of everybody, away from political pressures
    المصدر: الزوراء Source : Zora
    19 / 05 / 07
    .Government seeks Iraq's Kurdistan region for concessions and wider powers before agreeing to the terms and paragraphs of the draft law of oil and gas new objects to some paragraphs, particularly those limiting the powers of the territorial government in the conclusion and signing of contracts for prospecting and exploration by foreign companies wishing implemented in various regions of the province, without referring to the central government in Baghdad.
    .A prominent member of parliament and representative of the Iraqi Kurdish bloc Dr. Mahmoud Othman, that there are a number of points of difference between the parties on the oil and gas and the new Iraqi that need to conduct many of them talks, but the Americans want to rush the approval. .Between Othman told «Middle East» that Dick Cheney, the American Vice President, has during his recent visit to Baghdad, a large part of the talks for this purpose, as well as the termination of other things such as the law abolishing the Baath Party and restoring some formations and the participation of the parties or expand participation.

    ».Uthman added «that Iraqi views they wish put to the parliament end of this month for final approval, but I personally do not believe that this will be possible, because it before endorsing it must pass to the Council of Ministers».

    ».And on the controversy raised by the law among some quarters, especially among government in Kurdistan and the central government, said Osman «that there are matters concerning the law is not over yet has been agreed upon compromise formulas, but this is expected that the head of the province Massoud Barzani and accompanied by a number of officials and experts concerned, a visit to Baghdad during the earliest opportunity to discuss and dialogue with officials in the central government and to end all outstanding problems in this regard, a line or a formula satisfactory to all parties ». ».As for the points of contention, he said Osman «The draft law touched on the subject of imports, and how divided centralized, and there are views in favor of or wants to put other formulas sees more realistic and safeguard the rights of everyone, and that there are three supplements law is the other did not get any agreement so far, In general, I think that such a law should take enough time before final approval ».

    To confirm Assem Jihad spokesman of the Oil Ministry told «Middle East» The talks, and serious discussions will be held between the government of the Kurdistan region and the central government in Baghdad on points of disagreement which appeared in some oil supplements existing within the new oil law, in an attempt to get to be acceptable by all parties, and thus move forward in the application of the provisions of the paragraphs of this law after it was ratified by the Iraqi parliament. ».He said «The ministry is waiting impatiently for the ratification of the law by parliament to proceed with the application in accordance with the powers conferred upon her so, in order to be communications with global companies, which are awaiting approval by the law formally unconfined ministry, but there will be substantial roles will be distributed to the relevant authorities. since there will be very significant role of the federal oil and the role of the ministry in Baghdad, and the role of the National Oil Company, and the role of the regions and provinces, so as not to exceed any party to the powers and set it within the law, to begin after the conclusion of contracts and direct operations drilling and oil exploration, According to the law oil ».

    ».He explained that his ministry Jihad «put the supreme national interest above every other consideration, in order to achieve the sound management of the oil wealth in the country away from the narrow interests and political pressures exerted by certain parties in order to obtain greater benefits of this wealth through this law», pointing out that the law aims to ensure the rights of all Iraqi parties away from political influence and pressure, which should not have any role or influence on this law, the parliament has the responsibility so great, there must be a thorough study and analysis of the law in all respects to come to a conclusion that satisfies all classes ». .Observations on the points at issue, which contained items that law objected to by the different actors, said «all the lapses and controversial points, and some parties have comments on certain paragraphs of the law, the existence of these outstanding points does not necessarily mean that the law was not good.

    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gloribee View Post
    A high level meeting is taking place as we speak. Boots are not sure what the discussion is about, but will e-mail when they know. jeepers, I hope its good, will let you know when they respond.


    PS they callled and said it was a snap meeting. Boots are good sourse. been bang on for a long time.

    Gloribee: Any news from your boots on the ground regarding this meeting!

  9. #829
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    Ahhh! Finally my ban is over!

    It's been fun watching the posts - but i have certainly missed posting. I admit I was a bad boy - I was banned because I was critical Of Mrs. CK and then she was permanently banned the very next day.

    Anyway - it's nice to be back and I promise to be a good boy from now on!

    I'm sitting on my 20 million dinar waiting for that special moment!
    Last edited by billknows; 19-05-2007 at 04:36 AM.

  10. #830
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    Quote Originally Posted by screwball View Post
    Gloribee: Any news from your boots on the ground regarding this meeting!
    Just saw on BBC News UK, that Tony Blair is in Baghdad today.....may or may not be connected to this meeting....I leave it for more in the know members to work out...!!

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