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  1. #1
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    I wish to state clearly, my opinion on this continued, and seemingly unending war in Iraq.

    The US military did its job. It did it four years ago. It should come home. A continued active military combat presense, does not "fight for my freedom" nor "defend my safety", and any politican that states so, is using fear based rhetoric as a shallow excuse for failed purposes and policies.

    The faliure of Iraq, also occurred four years ago, when the architects of this war, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Rice etc, used precious post combat efforts to find the nonexistent WMD, instead of establishing a localized politicial coalition of those who suffered the most under Sadam, to begin a tradition of governing trust between the US military and the Iraqi people. The political effort failed then, and continues to fail today.

    Now the US military, which did what was asked and expected of it, continues to sacrifice the daily separation from home, family and personal life, as well as the fear of life or death and the personal agony of killed campanions. Instead of rewarding the military for a job well done and completed by bringing them home for a hero's welcome, the policy making politicans punish them by pursuing an open ended war without a clear defination of what success is, and pushes the blame on other politicans who wish to bring home the troops.

    From a political, economic, foreign relations, and domestic point of view, this war has caused more grief that it has alleviated. It has not stablized the region and in fact has allowed the balance of power to shift in such a way, as to create more instability. My question would be; Is that the real intent? Because if it wasn't, then the resulting current situation can lead to the only conclusion, that any other possilbe stated goals have failed.

    I wish for a miracle in the desert. I have dinars which I hope will be valued based upon a stable thriving government and economy. Isn't that what you wish for also? Without those two elements, we idle away our time with pipe dream predictions & rumors, knowing our dinars are only as good as the society from which they come. As long as that society is brutalized from within or without, through the political failures of the war's architiects, we too, who hold dinars are also brutalized. The majority of our hope for a revaluation is directly tied to a peaceful society. End the war, and prosper in peace.

    wish us all success(and for a miracle in the desert)


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  3. #2
    Senior Member OneShotOneKill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrisomi View Post
    I wish to state clearly, my opinion on this continued, and seemingly unending war in Iraq.

    The US military did its job. It did it four years ago. It should come home. A continued active military combat presense, does not "fight for my freedom" nor "defend my safety", and any politican that states so, is using fear based rhetoric as a shallow excuse for failed purposes and policies.

    The faliure of Iraq, also occurred four years ago, when the architects of this war, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Rice etc, used precious post combat efforts to find the nonexistent WMD, instead of establishing a localized politicial coalition of those who suffered the most under Sadam, to begin a tradition of governing trust between the US military and the Iraqi people. The political effort failed then, and continues to fail today.

    Now the US military, which did what was asked and expected of it, continues to sacrifice the daily separation from home, family and personal life, as well as the fear of life or death and the personal agony of killed campanions. Instead of rewarding the military for a job well done and completed by bringing them home for a hero's welcome, the policy making politicans punish them by pursuing an open ended war without a clear defination of what success is, and pushes the blame on other politicans who wish to bring home the troops.

    From a political, economic, foreign relations, and domestic point of view, this war has caused more grief that it has alleviated. It has not stablized the region and in fact has allowed the balance of power to shift in such a way, as to create more instability. My question would be; Is that the real intent? Because if it wasn't, then the resulting current situation can lead to the only conclusion, that any other possilbe stated goals have failed.

    I wish for a miracle in the desert. I have dinars which I hope will be valued based upon a stable thriving government and economy. Isn't that what you wish for also? Without those two elements, we idle away our time with pipe dream predictions & rumors, knowing our dinars are only as good as the society from which they come. As long as that society is brutalized from within or without, through the political failures of the war's architiects, we too, who hold dinars are also brutalized. The majority of our hope for a revaluation is directly tied to a peaceful society. End the war, and prosper in peace.

    wish us all success(and for a miracle in the desert)

    Berkley by any chance?


    Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and proclaiming, "Wow, what a ride!!!"

  4. #3
    Senior Investor PAn8tv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrisomi View Post
    I wish to state clearly, my opinion on this continued, and seemingly unending war in Iraq.

    The US military did its job. It did it four years ago. It should come home. A continued active military combat presense, does not "fight for my freedom" nor "defend my safety", and any politican that states so, is using fear based rhetoric as a shallow excuse for failed purposes and policies.

    The faliure of Iraq, also occurred four years ago, when the architects of this war, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Rice etc, used precious post combat efforts to find the nonexistent WMD, instead of establishing a localized politicial coalition of those who suffered the most under Sadam, to begin a tradition of governing trust between the US military and the Iraqi people. The political effort failed then, and continues to fail today.

    Now the US military, which did what was asked and expected of it, continues to sacrifice the daily separation from home, family and personal life, as well as the fear of life or death and the personal agony of killed campanions. Instead of rewarding the military for a job well done and completed by bringing them home for a hero's welcome, the policy making politicans punish them by pursuing an open ended war without a clear defination of what success is, and pushes the blame on other politicans who wish to bring home the troops.

    From a political, economic, foreign relations, and domestic point of view, this war has caused more grief that it has alleviated. It has not stablized the region and in fact has allowed the balance of power to shift in such a way, as to create more instability. My question would be; Is that the real intent? Because if it wasn't, then the resulting current situation can lead to the only conclusion, that any other possilbe stated goals have failed.

    I wish for a miracle in the desert. I have dinars which I hope will be valued based upon a stable thriving government and economy. Isn't that what you wish for also? Without those two elements, we idle away our time with pipe dream predictions & rumors, knowing our dinars are only as good as the society from which they come. As long as that society is brutalized from within or without, through the political failures of the war's architiects, we too, who hold dinars are also brutalized. The majority of our hope for a revaluation is directly tied to a peaceful society. End the war, and prosper in peace.

    wish us all success(and for a miracle in the desert)

    Hmmmm, I guess Clinton, Gore, Kerry, Edwards, oh yea Clinton, Dean, and how many others Dems all thought the WMD's were missing prior to 9/11 and after. And who's guy was left in place in charge of the CIA? And since you brought up instability let's not leave out Wen Ho Lee and all the nuclear secrets that were sold to the Chinese. You may not agree with the present administration, I'll be the first to admit there were some different tactics that should have been executed in handling this war. But before you go casting blame, please take the time to review some history.
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
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  5. #4
    Senior Investor ronbo's Avatar
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    In my opinion it is by no means a failed anything., and yes, it is defending your safety. Do you want to have to worry about going to your local market or walmarts and worry about a suicide bomber there? If we pack up and quit it will happen. If you think it won't, you really need to wake up. Of all the combat vets I talked to after 9/11, we all looked at it the same way. We were only surprised it took so long to happen. And it will happen again if we don't take care of these extremist while we are there. As far as the "non-existant wmd's, if you research it you will see that our guys have found well over 300 since they have been there. And are still finding them. It does not make the news because we all know how the media is. As said above, you need to do more research before forming an opinion.

  6. #5
    Co-Admin YogiBrood's Avatar
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    It is all too easy to watch the stone cast or skimmed when hurled into the pond. When the stone does not rise up, it is a lost cause... so, leave it be, I just stood by to watch, I'm ok so far, who cares whether that pond is deep with shit or slib... I'll think about it when my water runs out!!!

    As far as I can review... the cowardice crowd always echo from quarters that lifts no finger, only criticise from a secured site or location, sustained and maintained by the very forces that earlier made that possible...

    (Un)gratitude by these quarters surely run skin deep...!!

    I wished all those brave men can return back to their loved ones and families and live a life to the fullest...rather than being lost to a land far away that may seem so irrelevant....unfortunately, they sacrificed an honorable cause with their lives and deserves a lasting salute!!

    But you..., YOU ARE WRONG... if that was the attitude, Stalin, Adolf and Hirohito ...oops, Mussopizza too is included, would have had their way long ago...

    Some really don't know what Freedom is like... its all to easy to obtained thinking it dropped from the skies, knee down before OBL or his henchmen with the same neurotic wisdom... your head will be swiftly removed as a goat would be as halal meat!!!
    Last edited by YogiBrood; 11-05-2007 at 03:44 PM.

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