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    Petrol crisis in Baghdad Are we witnessing the elimination of the stop and ending this week
    Luna / 6-3 / BAGHDAD / Abbas announced Almchidani Chairman of the oil derivatives and member of the Baghdad governorate that this week will see the end of the petrol crisis.
    He said that the crisis in Baghdad now will end within the next two days after an agreement was reached with the ministries of interior and defense on securing the tanks and trucks cruise across bridges and allow them to pass, taking into account security Tivaljtaha witnessed the capital, Baghdad.
    He added that the Oil Ministry has reached a suitable mechanism to facilitate access to portable fuel stations will protect oil installations elements present in Setarat inspections and are in direct contact with officials in the Oil Products Distribution Company, officials in the ministry to oversee the delivery of oil derivatives to fuel stations.
    The meeting was chaired by Minister of Oil Hussein Shahrastani annexation agents and directors, the Baghdad governorate discuss the mechanism of delivery and distribution of petroleum derivatives among citizens has been formed joint operations room to follow up the new mechanism, which would eliminate this crisis.
    Almchidani explained that the meeting touched on the issue of providing protection for the route through the tank drivers, as well as the formation of committees to monitor the performance of the follow-up fuel stations and workers on the Elimination of traffickers and users refueling since Shahrastani said that the offender accountable and to allocate it to the judiciary.
    He pointed out that contracts with the Iranian side to import large quantities of gasoline have been activated since the quantities will arrive soon, as well as claim the Kuwaiti side to speed up the supply of gasoline to Iraq, explaining that the perpetrator second Gulf outlet where the maintenance of the oil pipeline, and if the end maintenance will be importing oil derivatives from the other Gulf.
    He said that it was agreed that the division of the Indian product ascend to the two governorates of the second section of the capital Baghdad because of the large quantities sufficient capital. He quoted Shahrastani demands for a pontoon bridge to the Diyala bridge to facilitate the passage of trucks and tanks to fuel stations deployed in Baghdad / / completed / p u / u p / of the parliament.

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    The consolidation of trade relations between the territory and the countries investing Kurdstan
    Arbil : met Mr. Mohammed Rauf and Trade Minister Muhammad in government territory Kurdstan Friday Ms. Allison Kimmitt British Consul in new territory Kurdstan.
    During the reception, decrees and Trade Minister congratulations to Ms. Allison on the new post office, then talk about commercial traffic, the ministry in this direction, The Minister of Trade during the meeting that the territory of Kurdstan now witnessing a noticeable improvement in the development of commercial traffic and the arrival of several companies and investors to set up projects and wide and at all levels to address the territorial government to support the private sector and that the ministry now in the process of establishing a free trade zone in the region to provide the facilities for commercial traffic international and the consolidation of relations between the region and those countries, on their part, expressed British Consul was pleased to have occurred in the Territory of the evolution of business and consolidate its relations with companies and international organizations.

    KRG, Kurdistan Regional Government

  3. #253
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    Talabani and Barzani in Dokan PROBE application of Article 140

    السليمانية-3-6 : قال مصدر في المكتب السياسي للاتحاد الوطني الكردستاني الاحد ان الزعيمين الكرديين جلال الطالباني ومسعود البارزاني يجتمعان الاحد للتباحث حول تطبيق المادة 140 من الدستورSulaymaniyah -3-6 : A source in the political office of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan on Sunday that Kurdish leaders Jalal Talabani and Masoud Barzani meet Sunday to discuss the application of Article 140 of the Constitution

    واضاف المصدر ان" رئيس الجمهورية جلال الطالباني ورئيس اقليم كردستان مسعود البارزاني يجتمعان اليوم في منتجع دوكان بالسليمانية لمناقشة المادة 140 من الدستور والخاصة بتطبيع الاوضاع في كركوك والمناطق المتنازع عليها بين الحكومة المركزية وحكومة الاقليم."The source added that "President Jalal Talabani and Kurdistan President Masoud Barzani meet today in the Red Sea resort of Dukan Balselemanih to discuss Article 140 of the Constitution, to normalize the situation in Kirkuk and the disputed areas between the central government and the territorial government." وقال ان" الاجتماع سيركز على تحديد المواقف بشأن تطبيق تلك المادة."He said that "the meeting will focus on identifying positions on the application of that article."

    واوضح ان" الزعيمين الكرديين سيعقدان مؤتمرا صحفيا بعد الاجتماع للاعلان عن موقفهما من تطبيق المادة 140. He explained that "the Kurdish leaders will hold a press conference after the meeting to announce its position with regard to the application of Article 140.

    واوضح ان " الاجتماع سيحضره عدد من أعضاء المكتبين السياسيين للحزبين."He explained that "the meeting attended by a number of members of the two political offices."

    يذكر ان الحزب الديمقراطي الكردستاني بزعامة مسعود البرزاني رئيس الإقليم والإتحاد الوطني الكردستاني بزعامة جلال الطالباني رئيس الجمهورية هما الحزبين الرئيسيين في كردستان.It is noteworthy that the Kurdistan Democratic Party led by Masoud Barzani, head of the Territory and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan led by Jalal Talabani President of the Republic are the two main parties in Kurdistan.

    و يقع منتجع دوكان على بعد 48كم شمال غرب السليمانية.Dukan and resort located on 48 km northwest of Sulaymaniyah.
    Welcome to ALrafidayn: The Iraqi information service

  4. #254
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    Zones for Iraqi industry to support US military

    June 3, 2007

    BAGHDAD -- After years using outside contractors to tend to the needs of its Iraq bases, the US military is now building zones outside its army posts so Iraqi businesses can actually benefit from their presence.

    The plan, which has been several months in preparation, is part of a wider effort to stimulate local employment and end years of funnelling lucrative contracts to providers from outside the country.

    "Let's get American and third country contractors out of that business and let's get Iraqis into that business," Brigadier Steven Anderson, a driving force behind the program, said.

    "Let's get Iraqis employed and get them out of the bomb-making business and into the support-providing business," added the deputy chief of staff for resources and sustainment.

    The Iraq-based industrial zone (I-BIZ) program was conceived last year when military commanders recognized the need to boost employment to put a dent in the violence raging throughout the country.

    "There is a clear focus both by the Iraqi government and on the part of the US mission of beginning this process to see more jobs created," a US official in Baghdad told reporters in May.

    The idea is comparatively simple and mirrors the support industries to be found outside US bases in South Korea and Germany. It will involve building a protected area for Iraqis to provide products, services, and maintenance.

    The plan is a major departure from the first four years of the US presence in Iraq when nearly every need was provided by large US contractors such as Kellogg Brown and Root (KBR), a Halliburton subsidiary.

    KBR, in turn, brought in thousands of foreign workers, mainly from south Asia.

    Unlike citizens from other countries hosting US bases, Iraqis have seen few financial benefits from having more than 140,000 US troops in their country.

    A December 2004 suicide attack on a US military dining facility in Mosul killed 14 soldiers and, for all intents and purposes, ended the employment of locals on bases.

    Iraqi unemployment was bad before the 2003 US invasion, but following a series of decisions by the Coalition Provisional Authority to disband the army and shut down state-owned industries, it soared to an estimated 48 percent.

    Shortly before his tour ended last year, the number two US commander in Iraq, Lieutenant General Peter Chiarelli, described a new push to find simple ways of boosting employment.

    "Provincial governors tell me that creating jobs will have the most impact on building a safe society - they tell me 'put the angry young men to work; find jobs for them,'" he said December 8.

    One of the most tangible results of this shift is the ongoing mission by deputy defence secretary Paul Brinkely to restart dozens of mothballed state-owned factories.

    The I-BIZ program would coordinate with Brinkley's efforts and the reopened factories could have storefronts in the industrial zones, Anderson said.

    For now, the project is in its infancy, with a two-year-old prototype near the southern city of Diwaniyah.

    The first true zone will open in August next to the massive Camp Victory base at Baghdad airport.

    Over the next year, further zones will appear at Tikrit's Camp Speicher, at Camp Taji just north of Baghdad and at Talil Air Base, in the south near Nasiriyah.

    "We are thinking big, but starting small," Anderson said.

    The gradual start is in marked contrast to the grandiose approaches of the early years when the focus was on ambitious projects that often foundered, especially in light of security challenges.

    Since so many contractors working with multinational forces have been assassinated by insurgents, the zones will be enclosed within high walls and have disguised entrances.

    "You are providing a secure area that the Iraqis can set up their business and operate their businesses in, but it's not part of the interior base itself," Anderson said, noting that normal defensive procedures would continue.

    Construction began six weeks ago on the Camp Victory Iraqi zone that will hold around 35 businesses over 25 acres.

    The model is a series of Iraqi industries clustered around the Polish-run Camp Echo base near Diwaniyah where carpenters, mechanics, and welders serve the base.

    "It's pretty isolated, and that's one the reasons why it's a thriving I-BIZ because it is so isolated and it really desperately needs that kind of support," Anderson said.

    He envisions the zones filled with recycling industries that would restore old generators, recycle tires, treat waste oil, and revive spent batteries.

    "The military consumes thousands of lead acid batteries every month. Very few of them are reclaimed, there are estimates that perhaps 80 to 90 percent of these batteries could be," he said.

    "There are battery shops like that all over the world, but there's nothing like that here yet.

    "If you build it, they will come, and that's my philosophy. People really don't take you serious until they get an opportunity to see what you got."
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
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  5. #255
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    Activists Nsoyat we will call for a repeal of Article 41 of Constitution

    (صوت العراق) - 03-06-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 03-06-2007

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    Which revealed the existence of significant obstacles and complacency

    Activists Nsoyat l (File Press) : we will call for a repeal of Article 41 of the Iraqi Constitution as one of the elements of disunity

    Baghdad-file Presse-Mohammed al-Jabouri

    Iraqi women's movement called the international community's commitment to the pledges made to assist Iraq and enable the rights of the activists Nsoyat and demanded the repeal of article 41 of the Iraqi Constitution, Msheerat that it contributes to disunity and disintegration of the social fabric in Iraq.

    This call Alnsoyat activists who spoke to Agence (AFP file) in the midst of discussions of the constitutional amendments, but they ensured that the Parliamentary Committee on deaf ears to listen to their demands repeal of article and return to the old Personal Status Code.

    She kept looking Hana active representative of the women's movement to demand the implementation of the commitments towards Iraq remains a single option did not come from Iraq but came within the mandates of the Security Council resolutions of the United Nations numbered 1483 and 1511 and 1546 and we at the same time, we expressed our deep concern over the amendment process the Constitution especially that particular date of the completion of the final drafting of amendments and recommendations would come to an end.

    She kept looking leaders of the women's movement that has met with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Baghdad, Ashraf Qazi, the Constitutional Support Unit of the United Nations Mission in support of Iraq (UNAMI) and since then has been working and coordinating closely with them on human rights and women, But despite this cooperation, but we have great concern after all the efforts made by experts and United Nations agencies to work on the draft constitution recommendations by the Office of the Constitution to support the document's recommendations is unclear came contradictory with the report's recommendations and other United Nations agencies such as UNICEF and UNESCO.

    It went at the request of the women's movement met with Iraqi Deputy Special Envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Cholenberk been discussing a number of issues with him and the presence of representatives from the Office of Constitutional Support But the answers we received from the Attorney-bending is that (Ionami) intergovernmental organization is not able to act more than made Mission staff and their salaries are paid by the Governments of Member States and their role is not advisory.

    And when she went to the United Nations conventions including the Convention on the protection of the rights of women and children that the response we Attorney international conventions voluntary and Member States can withdraw whenever it wants and being weak partner, as described by the Ionami can not impose anything.

    She kept looking, as we know, the United Nations should add to the promotion of international human rights charters must act to ensure the application of all resolutions of the Security Council, specifically 1483, 1511 and 1546 and here we do not expect anyone to write to us or our Constitution, but at least we expect from Ionami to defend international charters of the United Nations and the Iraqis all hope that the mission will analyze the situation in Iraq closely and carefully at all aspects of political, economic and social development, but so far have seen no clear and effective strategic Ionami in this regard.

    She pointed out that the past eight months have seen a campaign of pressure and advocate in the promotion and emphasis on human rights and women's rights in particular, the definition and the international conventions ratified by Iraq and seek to remove all sectarian paragraphs of the draft constitution and in particular paragraph 41 of the Constitution.

    She kept looking and that the light of the facts mentioned, our efforts are continuing in the campaign to pressure and advocacy at various levels, especially with members of the constitutional amendments in the House and we are trying to establish a civil constitution is not a sectarian religious to ensure the protection of human rights in the Constitution is here believe that the write-off article 41 of the Constitution is in favor of the unity of Iraq and also feed to refine articles of the Constitution and its terms of sectarianism.

    As Dr. Fawzia Al-Attiyah Professor of Sociology - University of Baghdad, said that Iraqi society known civilizations across the historical stages a civilized society, but unfortunately that happened in foreign wars led to the spread of illiteracy and lack of culture in the society.

    She added after the overthrow of the former regime and reduce this moment it is clear that the government is unable to provide full protection of the citizen and now has two options either death threats or choose immigration as the second task of the State is to protect the interests of citizens and other service is anticipated services lacking presence in the community.

    It said al-Attiyah, we now see that the personal status law being marginalized according to the wishes of political or class and here I find that the abolition of Article 41 and return to the personal status law is the best previous especially that of a long time it did not objections.

    They pointed out that Article 41 would mean a return to the clan learned with the composition of Iraqi society, but this does not give the right to return to the patriarchal system is also contrary to the democratic project before.

    The newspaper Al-Attiyah Another issue is the question of intermarriage between the components of society, imagine married to a Sunni and Shiite Muslims believe the opposite as a married Christian, but unfortunately we find there is attribution of views to create conflicts in trying to divide this topic society, uncertain what is not necessarily successful in Europe is to succeed in Iraq. I said we have a collective responsibility to maintain the Iraqi identity and at the same time try to apply what we need to raise the level of society, frankly, I feel now that national identity is the identity threatened to disrupt the state will be and we will not reach any result so long as there are significant external influence and interests go beyond the interests of Iraq.

    Part active Bushra al-Ubaydi confirmed that the concept of citizenship is a good concept but we understand that on a good Unfortunately Constitution addressed the subject in very miserable example believe in paragraph (4), which emphasizes a multiple nationality of the Iraqi We are not against this paragraph multinationality, but is also Sitadd affiliation.

    Obeidi and added that the rights, freedoms and duties specific issue of the citizen toward the homeland if the person holds more than one nationality here would cost more than the commitment and the question I wonder who will abide performs duties and Atabiei it would citizen services of the State with dignity, but would like to stress that citizenship is not taking human but are discharge of the duties, and the other issue is the duty of the state to protect citizens and if not, does this mean that the absence of citizenship.

    And how can we went looking for Educational citizen and the state can not provide those pillars of Education and the question of fundamental rights and principles of the Constitution within the stipulated but guarantee that violate That is why we need to search for stronger security.

    Beaming with the attorney-Shamari, the head of the (women for the good of women) that the constitution is not without good material, but the same time there are materials constitutional right of the Iraqi citizen unfair, especially for Iraqi women and 41 of these materials belonging to the Personal Status Act, which states that Iraqis are free to commit their situation as each personal letters or religion.

    She said I think that this article could lead us to abolish the Personal Status Act, which contains a good thing for women and the Iraqi family in general and therefore must be specific materials not be open this indiscriminate openness and frankly that this article is not justification for the existence in the Constitution.

    Shamari showed that the subject of personal status is the subject of a special session, and not a mistake and signed by the Commission in writing the Constitution it is stated, inter especially in the Constitution, while the rules should include a general constitutional derivations of special laws and what happened in the constitution is to address the unnecessary details, including Article 41.

    And its view that other constitutional articles by points objection explained Yes, there is other material, including the issue of federalism and the distribution of wealth but as a women's issue, we Laymen demand for the abolition of article 41.

    She said Shamari, unfortunately, when we met the constitutional amendments in Parliament did not find them any cooperation on the amendment to article 41, but the contrary, we found the door closed to us and to all attempts to do and what we continue to insist on our position, as well as approached influential quarters in the decision but we are not to what we want

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    Public frustration with the lack of services .. The demonstrators chanted : Blood
    (صوت العراق) - 03-06-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 03-06-2007
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    Public frustration with the lack of services .. The demonstrators chanted : blood sacrifice down the water we

    Baghdad-file Press

    Hundreds of people demonstrated Shula neighborhood to protest the continuing drop of water, electricity and the scarcity of services, and asked officials to fulfill their obligations towards the Iraqi people.

    The demonstrators expressed dissatisfaction over the failure of Iraqi officials who said they elected them in the provision of basic supplies to them, shouting slogans to bear a grudge against Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, says that the demonstrators ordering the supply of water and electricity, and providing appealing. The whole demonstrators that Iraqi government officials had reneged on the promises they made to the Iraqi people during the elections, he said should be the availability of the Iraqi government life that is worthy of the Iraqi people. They said that the sacrifices of the Iraqis and elections resulted in nothing, and expressed bewilderment of the Iraqi people to participate in future elections are needed. The demonstrators echoed one voice : direct, do ordain and ordered the return of water, electricity and services.

    The protesters chanted : bestowed rewarded people who gave blood? The protestors wondered : Is it reasonable in the 21st century that lacks water to the cities of Iraq, while passing confluence in the country? In reference to the waters of the Tigris and Euphrates.

    Addressed the ruling parties in Iraq, saying : mandate parties, which says it is an Islamic state, why not make denial your women like our women in light of the loss of service? Are your women stand in queues oil and gas as is the case with our women. The protesters chanted, saying : "blood sacrifice down the water we" and "This kicks people who gave blood," and draws a cheer to the Iraqi Prime Minister : "Oh Maliki Win opinion, no electricity or Mai."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Inscrutable View Post
    The link to the news I posted about the Iraqi Labor Leaders is real news. These are real Iraqi's protesting the oil law and not a group of leftist as you call them.
    They are actually Iraqi muslim extremists ****ing their anti-American venom.

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    17:50 2007.06.0 3

    PUKmedia خالد النجار - فوتو/حمه عمر :PUKmedia Khaled Najjar - Photo / lions Omar :

    In the afternoon today, Sunday, in the tourist resort of Dukan in Sulaymaniyah joint press conference of the Co-Talabani and Barzani, the conference addressed many of the fundamental issues that concern the territory of Iraq and Kurdstan and ways to overcome obstacles to solving some problems and agree on a program of holistic common.

    وحول زيارة الرئيس جلال طالباني الى الولايات المتحدة قال: لقد اوجزت للرئيس الامريكي جورج بوش مساعي الحكومة العراقية من اجل حل جميع المشاكل العالقة وكذلك التنسيق مع الفصائل المسلحة التي تسمي نفسها(المقاومة) لغرض وضع حل نهائي للاعمال المسلحة التي تعرض حياة العراقيين للخطر.Regarding the visit of President Jalal Talabani to the United States, he said : I have outlined to President George Bush's Iraqi government for the solution of all outstanding problems, as well as coordination with the armed factions, which calls itself the (resistance) for a final solution to the armed actions endanger the lives of Iraqis at risk.

    The talks also dealt with His Excellency legal oil and uprooting the Baath, said his Excellency : There are some basic points outstanding, which will take the road to a solution so that after the completion of the issue of national reconciliation which we are working out in earnest.

    وحول التهديدات التركية المتكررة لإقليم كوردستان قال السيد مسعود بارزاني رئيس إقليم كوردستان: اذا كان هناك اي تهديد لإقليم كوردستان يعني انه تهديد لكل العراق، ولن تقف الحكومة العراقية وحكومة الاقليم مكتوفتي الايدي من هذه التهديدات ونتمنى حلها بالطرق الدبلوماسية.Regarding Turkey's repeated threats to the territory of Kurdstan said Mr. Massoud Barzani, President of Kurdstan region : If there was any threat to the territory of Kurdstan means that the threat to all of Iraq, it would not stop the Iraqi government and the territorial government Mactufti hands of these threats and we wish resolved by diplomacy.

    وحول تطبيق المادة 140 من الدستور العراقي الدائم اكد فخامة الرئيس جلال طالباني انها ستنفذ في موعدها المحدد.And on the application of Article 140 of the Iraqi Constitution, the Permanent His Excellency President Jalal Talabani, it will be implemented on schedule.

    يجدر ذكره ان المكتبين السياسين اصدرا بيانا مشتركاً حول الجبهة السياسية المعلنة في 29/4/2007.Worth noting that the two Alesiasin issued a joint statement on the political front proclaimed in 04-29-2007.


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    Default Competition for Postal Stamps

    Competition for Postal Stamps
    24/5/2007 Foreign Relations and Media Office
    The minister of communication seeks to develop the ministry in all the roles with exception and that show during the mission which should be down on shoulders the tasks on the directorate of post and saving for issue the postal stamps on occasion the mass cemetery anniversary immortal for brave myrters from Al-baath autocracy regime for sack make this memory immortal in patriotism memory .
    So the director of posters and savings invite all the artist for submitting their designer according to the condition below:-
    1-the designer including expression of its technical sides and represent its aims .
    2-the size of design have to be 20 cm x 27 cm on paper art
    3-the designer can produce more than design
    4-the designer is free in colors choice .
    5-the participant submits the design on floppy in accuracy 300 DPI on program (adope photoshop)
    6-the designer have to produce in finale date 4/6/2007
    7-the saving and post office having the right for edition which is suitable for stamps issue in fit picture and will produce fund gift for the own design amount 200000 dinnars and for more information about the competition conditions contact us the directorate of saving and post –stamps section in Salhia
    Or contact us on the following numbers

    Architectural Engineers Jobs Opportunities
    21/5/2007 Foreign Relations and Media Office
    The highness minister of communication Mohammed T. Alawy instructs for benefit from accumulated engineering experiences and offer jobs opportunities for big number in the recent time which is facing our country another side the ministry of communication announce to employment for architectural engineers so every one who want employment to submit their request of appointment to foreign relations and media office in the head ministry with all their official documents.

    .......:: Ministry of Communications ::.........:: وزارة الاتصالات العراقية ::.......

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    Quote Originally Posted by View Post

    Always nice to see that Kurd's once again are getting their way in regards to 140. Too bad they were not running the whole country from start for we would not have had to wait this long for restoration of value of dinar as the Baghdad bunglers stumble along crippled by incomptent leaders in parliament. I like what I am hearing finally.

    Good luck and health to all, Mike
    hmmmm...incompetent...I will have to add that to my favorite description of the Iraqi leadership...illiterate, corrupt and lazy...sorry SGS but your thesarus just can't touch these words...

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