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  1. #301
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    Republic of Iraq
    Prime Minister Office
    Media Office

    Press statement

    Sunday, June 3, 2007

    Prime Minister Nuri Kamel al-Maliki : We want a unified Iraq democratically stable looking capabilities sons to live in dignity and prosperity, equality and justice among all, and not Iraq, which others want Square influence of a settling of accounts between competing regional and international, extends When danger and abandon this will open to the door to external interventions increasingly turbulent Iraq and the conflict or wars behalf.

    The sovereignty during his chairing of the meeting of governors today that the challenges we face we announced a political project, Coming on the basis of elections and democratic life we have to invoke the election funds, which represent the basis for us to deal and communicate with the political process, he has completed this project the government of national unity established on the basis of elections and then on the basis of the political program set Teh political blocs ID and participated in the government of national unity.

    And Mr. Prime Minister : that Iraq is the property of everyone, not a king at the expense of the other hand, is able to impose himself here, was unable to impose himself there, this country each Kharetth geopolitical is a partnership between the sons, accepts only the logic of dialogue and negotiation and reconciliation , and reconciliation mean how to build a country with the principles of stable fixed protect the sovereignty, unity and strong relationship between the sons and organize political project based on the correct mechanisms.

    He sovereignty : that the solution to the situation in Iraq is to come together and accept that we disagree with the mechanisms of democracy and the belief in the principles and visions, but disagree Should we disagree on the project, which is the outcome of political will of the people and people and nations did not play hard and official government institutions only, Fall petroleum industry is the only effort that achieves success was noted when addressing a clan of terrorists in the province of Anbar, when clan started addressing them in the province of Diyala.

    He concluded his address by saying sovereignty : We are today looking forward to the possibility of advancement of the mammoth tasks, but we stress that the security forces alone will not carry out the responsibility if there is no additional effort is a citizen and the institutions of civil society political forces and tribes and various segments of the Iraqi people.
    It was during a meeting to discuss the reality of the governorates and problems encountered in the delivery of services and the expansion and plans to do so.

  2. #302
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    Talabani and Barzani in Dokan PROBE application of Article 140

    A source in the political office of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan on Sunday that Kurdish leaders Jalal Talabani and Masoud Barzani meet Sunday to discuss the application of Article 140 of the Constitution.

    The source added to the Independent News Agency (Voices of Iraq), "President Jalal Talabani and Kurdistan President Masoud Barzani meet today in the Red Sea resort of Dukan Balselemanih to discuss Article 140 of the Constitution, to normalize the situation in Kirkuk and the disputed areas between the central government and the territorial government."

    He said that "the meeting will focus on identifying positions on the application of that article."

    He explained that "the Kurdish leaders will hold a press conference after the meeting to announce its position with regard to the application of Article 140."

    He explained that "the meeting attended by a number of members of the two political offices."

    It is noteworthy that the Kurdistan Democratic Party led by Masoud Barzani, head of the Territory and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan led by Jalal Talabani President of the Republic are the two main parties in Kurdistan.

    Dukan and resort located on 48 km northwest of Sulaymaniyah.

  3. #303
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    Thumbs up

    From Luna's Post....

    The amendment to the Constitution : all factions wanted to broaden the powers of the president


    Within the continuous meetings of the amendment of the constitution before the
    date of submission of its final report to the House on the 15th of this month,

    the head of the Kurdistan Alliance bloc in Parliament d. Fouad Massoum that the proposal to hold a meeting of heads bloc, political leaders and heads of the major political parties will decide on the controversial points is that article 140 of the situation in Kirkuk and the sharing of oil wealth and water.

    THERE IT IS...

    All along the President and the PM said that they had to votes and by packaging them all as one (with an up or down) vote on the entire package should insure it's passage....

    Well within the 20 Days that the PM talked about and the deadline of 30 June that the White House gave them the other day.


  4. #304
    Senior Investor cooldolphins's Avatar
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    Default whoa!

    So, does this mean we should see a peg by the end of JUNE?
    Habakkuk 2:2-3 Then the LORD answered me and said: “ Write the vision And make it plain on tablets,
    That he may run who reads it. 3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry.

  5. #305
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    Talabani, Barazani affirm application of art. 140 won't be postponed

    Sulaimaniya - Voices of Iraq
    Sunday , 03 /06 /2007 Time 11:21:07

    By Amang Khalil

    Sulaimaniya, June 3, (VOI) – Kurdish leaders Jalal Talabani and Massoud Barazani affirmed that they would not accept postponement of the application of article 140 of Iraq's constitution, which deals with the issue of Kirkuk.

    "We are determined to have article 140, pertaining to the normalization of the situation in Kirkuk, applied," Talabani, Iraq's president, said during a press conference held with Iraqi Kurdistan Region's president, Massoud Barazani, at the resort of Ducan.

    The two Kurdish leaders had earlier on Sunday met to discuss ways of unifying their positions on the enforcement of article 140.
    The several hours' meeting was attended by Nejervan Barazani, the prime minister of the Iraqi Kurdistan region, Deputy Premier Burham Saleh, as well as a number of members of Talabani's Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) and Barazani's Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP).

    Kurds claim that the demographic distribution of Kirkuk's population was considerably changed after the 1980s, following attempts by the former regime to encourage Iraqi Arabs to flock to the oil-rich city in a bid to change its demographic makeup in favor of Arabs.

    Kirkuk, 250 km north of the Iraqi capital Baghdad, has a mixed population of Kurds, Arabs and Turkomans.

    Aswat Aliraq

  6. #306
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    Kurdish leaders Jalal Talabani and Massoud Barazani affirmed that they would not accept postponement of the application of article 140 of Iraq's constitution, which deals with the issue of Kirkuk.

    "We are determined to have article 140, pertaining to the normalization of the situation in Kirkuk, applied," Talabani, Iraq's president, said during a press conference held with Iraqi Kurdistan Region's president, Massoud Barazani, at the resort of Ducan.

    The two Kurdish leaders had earlier on Sunday met to discuss ways of unifying their positions on the enforcement of article 140.
    The several hours' meeting was attended by Nejervan Barazani, the prime minister of the Iraqi Kurdistan region, Deputy Premier Burham Saleh, as well as a number of members of Talabani's Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) and Barazani's Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP).

    Kurds claim that the demographic distribution of Kirkuk's population was considerably changed after the 1980s, following attempts by the former regime to encourage Iraqi Arabs to flock to the oil-rich city in a bid to change its demographic makeup in favor of Arabs.

    Kirkuk, 250 km north of the Iraqi capital Baghdad, has a mixed population of Kurds, Arabs and Turkomans.

    Aswat Aliraq[/QUOTE]

    can i hope that this will be how the rest will react. i pray, i pray, i pray

  7. #307
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    Quote Originally Posted by oldskiier View Post
    Economic report : Iraqi dinar continues to rise against the dollar, the optimistic atmosphere in a comprehensive urban renaissance in Najaf, Wasit

    محسن الجابري - 03/06/2007م - 9:03 م | عدد القراء: 251Mohsen Gabri - 06/03/2007 - 21:03 | readership : 251

    The Iraqi dinar began a new wave of what appears to be a rise in the dollar off the market in currency exchange in the Central Bank, are now handling dinar soon 1254 per dollar compared to last week, which was disbursed between 1270 and 1260, According to information obtained from the Ministry of Finance, the dinar will continue to rise in the dollar after the tribes that contained financial improvement of the Exchequer Iraqi improved financial reserve, which witnessed a leap improvement has not communicated since the years of embargo, The ministry's experts that Iraq consuming countries, which makes the majority of materials consumed comes to him from abroad and at the currency exchange, which would be reflected positively on the purchasing power of citizens, and despite the circumstances of terrorism, which has worked to raise the prices of many items because of banditry between markets, However, the ministry continues its policy because it believes that this would be a large fine on the citizens, particularly low-income who are now suffering from the high prices.

    .According to experts, economists, Iraq can testify further economic recovery with the continuous improvement of security emergency in many areas, They argue that the government has allocated $ 10 billion to be spent investment could go back to the labor markets, services and interrelated series of interest with the market construction, architectural and subsequent transport market in the medium and interests holds great promise could be feeling its effects later in the year significantly.

    But they fear that the ministries and not be able to disburse some governorates these specialties, which makes these funds frozen in the Central Bank, thus preventing the feed in the fields of development expected in the areas of improving the purchasing power of citizens.
    .It is in Najaf governorate ranked first in the area of reconstruction and development, and can see it clearly in all its facilities, comes from beyond Wasit then Nasiriyah, as is the city of Amarah, Anbar ranked low in this context, mostly for reasons of security.

    According to reports accredited to experience the governorate of Najaf, Wasit may witness a renaissance wide over the next two years if the current promotion of physical Palmenwal taking into account what the religious tourism that generated the two cities.

    وكالة انباء براثا (واب)Pratha News Agency (father)
    Your link isn't good....can you post it again or do you have another one?

  8. #308
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    Economy: Report : Mahdi Al-Hafiz calls to address «imbalances» in monetary policy ... 192 Iraqi government institution needs to privatization or rehabilitation


    The Former Planning Minister and the President «Iraqi Center for Development and Dialogue» international Mehdi Hafiz Iraq «needs to continue the economic reforms at all levels in order to increase economic growth and enhance the role of the private sector and to address the chronic imbalance in several areas, especially in monetary and fiscal policy,

    As well as creating jobs and reducing poverty area ». He considered that that «requires improving the efficiency of public administration and institutions and effectiveness». The keeper in a lecture he delivered at a symposium organized by the United Nations in Amman on «requirements of the reform of public administration», that «focus on addressing the excessive size of the public sector». Referring to the existence of «192 companies, business, industrial, agricultural, state-owned, must seek to reduce the number of road privatization or rehabilitation».

    The actions taken in recent years to remove the imbalance in fiscal and monetary policy and the reform of the state budget, the most important of which «reducing current expenditure for the benefit of investment spending, through the phasing out of the manufacturing expenses of government support of a few goods and services ».

    The keeper that the most important part of a package of reforms that concluded in an agreement between Iraq and the International Monetary Fund, He explained that it «does not provide a solution to the dilemma of total reliance on oil revenues as a basis for financing the state budget and other economic activities», adding that «share oil revenues over 90% of state budget resources, and constitutes more than 60% of GDP».

    He said : «was to curtail support heavy economic consequences on the citizens as is the direct cause of the reasons for the increase in inflation». Expected «cut further support according to the reform arrangements with the International Monetary Fund before the end of this year, which would lead to a lot of new citizens unless the problem of reduced incomes and rising inflation rates». The keeper that the reforms implemented in the field of monetary policy «mission», pointing out that the most prominent is b «steps to strengthen the reserve currency, since Iraq now has $ 17 billion, a phenomenon not seen in Iraq since 1980, when the size of this reserve of $ 40 billion ».

    He explained that the interest rates announced by the Central Bank of Iraq and of 23% «does not allow the expansion in bank lending, and deprives investors of the benefits of national channel funding Chairperson». He concluded that the keeper banking industry in Iraq «is now operating in the proper format, and does not lead banks function as a financial intermediary President». He noted «availability of huge liquidity in the banking system, requiring conversion to the private sector through bank lending, as well as old practices of the sector, which has put a strain on this vital industry».

    He believed that «requires the development of training programs and building institutional and human capacities to enable the sector to play its role, as well as the need to modernize the mechanisms of implementation and performance through integration with the global economy».

  9. #309
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    Quote Originally Posted by oldskiier View Post
    That works....thanx

  10. #310
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    Dr. Fouad Massoum : political meeting at a high level would remove obstacles and solve all problems

    The Kirkuk issue is very sensitive, and looks forward to our return to Kurdistan

    File Press : Head Kurdistan Alliance parliamentary bloc, Dr. Fouad Massoum that he sent a message to the Kurdish leaders, on the controversial contract from the viewpoint of members of the Kurdistan Alliance, which is not to find solutions for it in the constitutional amendments. He added that the contract was controversial from the standpoint of the Kurds around the budget and Peshmargas, and the theme of water and oil wealth, in addition to the fate and future of the city of Kirkuk, which Kurdish parties take a firm stand towards them, but some politicians together they have labeled the holy of holies.

    He denied Dr. Fouad Massoum be presented to the Kurdish leadership any suggestions on controversial subjects. Dr.Fouad Massoum, who heads the Subcommittee on the Constitution was drafted, the formula said that crystallized on Article 111 of the Constitution on the subject of oil and sharing of oil wealth, are : oil and gas are the property of all the Iraqi people
    The federal government collected oil imports and distribution on all Iraqis equally according to the law of the state budget in a transparent and equitable proportion to the population distribution in the provinces.The share assessments in the budget to the provincial and district territory is not linked to as an effective and transparent manner. Allocate a percentage of revenue to maintain productive as compensation for damages. The proportion allocated to a specific disadvantaged areas and the affected so as to the balanced development of different regions in the country. The contents of this article law.

    As for the drafting of article 112 supplemented with article 111 Massoum says the federal government with provincial and district government relationship with the management of all oil and gas operations. The federal government with provincial and district government of the relationship together and agree policy strategic outlook for the development of oil and gas wealth certified latest techniques of market principles and encouraging investment for the benefit of the Iraqi people and all the people of all regions of Iraq.

    But the head of the Kurdistan Alliance pointed out that there are still different points, and said that there was a proposal to hold a meeting of heads of blocs, political leaders and heads of the major political parties and actors to decide on the points of contention centered on the fate of article 140 and the future of oil-rich Kirkuk, and the subject of sharing oil wealth and water.

    He pointed out that the issue of water is still there specifically points related formulations to be agreed, pointing out that he would be listed powers water management file federal government with regard to international waters or riparian with other states, as well as for water beyond the territorial limit. The water within the region, the powers, according to Dr. Fouad Massoum, will be confined to the territorial government only.
    A Dr. Fouad Massoum as the emergence of other contentious points relating to the powers the president, said that the discussions within the Commission on constitutional amendments, produced two :
    I called to be the President of the Republic the power to be Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces and direct supervision of the various security agencies.
    While the Panel finds that the second such order requires fundamental changes and the conversion of the regime in Iraq to Republican presidential, and therefore there must be direct elections for the President of the Republic, which strongly opposed the opinion first.

    He said that Dr. Fouad Massoum depth discussions on this particular point showed opinion Thirdly perhaps longer compromise between the two views, calls for giving certain powers of the President of the Republic, which also existed across the State Administration Law, which gives the President the right to examine the decisions on the overall command of the armed forces, As entrusted by the validity of the appointment of officers and retirement.
    And Dr. Fouad Massoum that in the event of the political meeting at a high level, it is possible to reach agreements and consensus can overcome obstacles and solve all these problems.
    He pointed out that the government, Iyad Allawi, and Ibrahim Jaafari has adhered to the terms of Article 58 of the State Administration Law, which turned to be Article (140), and that despite the relatively low survival period for the completion of the constitutional deadlines set for implementation of article seven months. the position of the Kurdistan Alliance within the meetings of the constitutional amendments were resolute, and the coalition insists that "no amendment .. not disrupt .. no postponement." The letter explains that "was expected to make recommendations to the Presidency Iraqi Parliament.

    He pointed out, and because of the presence of sharp differences between the Vice-President Adel Abdel Mahdi and Tariq Al-Hashmi around withheld from the Shiite city of Karbala and linked Limits Anbar province has been unable to achieve unanimity presidency on those recommendations, and that light is needed to arbitration and this takes a long time, " explaining that "there are two proposals on this article posed by Iraqi parties :

    First is the extension of the implementation of Article 140 to another year.
    The second make Kirkuk during the year 2007 territories with a special re-link district and sub-district withheld, and three years after the inhabitants of Kirkuk through popular referendum to decide the fate of maintaining attachment Kurdistan province or refuse placement. "
    The head of the coalition and the Kurdish political leadership "that the very sensitive issue of Kirkuk, where people looked forward to the return of the territory of Kurdistan, but have not left us only 7 months must be resolved matters and the need to reach agreement.

    The point of the budget and Peshmargas (Guard Territory), said Dr..
    Massoum they propose adding the words "and be part of United Defense and National Security" on the text of the fifth paragraph of Article 121 to read as follows : "competent territorial government with all the administration of the province, particularly the establishment and organization of the internal security forces, such as police and security guards, and guards Territory part of the United defense and national security."

    KRG, Kurdistan Regional Government

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