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  1. #321
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    Default So much for the "magic" 1260

    D.G. of Foreign Exchange Control
    The 938 daily currency auction was held in the Central Bank of Iraq day Monday 2007/6/4 so the results were as follows :
    Details NotesNumber of banks14-----
    Auction price selling dinar / US $1259-----
    Auction price buying dinar / US $1257-----
    Amount sold at auction price (US $)44.170.000-----
    Amount purchased at Auction price (US $) 200.000
    Total offers for buying (US $)44.170.000-----
    Total offers for selling (US $)200.000-----

  2. #322
    Senior Investor Raditz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bultn View Post
    D.G. of Foreign Exchange Control
    The 938 daily currency auction was held in the Central Bank of Iraq day Monday 2007/6/4 so the results were as follows :
    Details NotesNumber of banks14-----
    Auction price selling dinar / US $1259-----
    Auction price buying dinar / US $1257-----
    Amount sold at auction price (US $)44.170.000-----
    Amount purchased at Auction price (US $) 200.000
    Total offers for buying (US $)44.170.000-----
    Total offers for selling (US $)200.000-----
    The above price represent reference rate and does not from any commitment on the Central Bank of Iraq.

    Note: The prices of the bulletin issued on Sunday will adopted for Monday also due to the weekend in New York .

    How can they change the rate when sundays rate were 1260. Please update me but have they dont this before?
    Nothing is impossible, the impossible only takes longer time!

  3. #323
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    Quote Originally Posted by bultn View Post
    D.G. of Foreign Exchange Control
    The 938 daily currency auction was held in the Central Bank of Iraq day Monday 2007/6/4 so the results were as follows :
    Details NotesNumber of banks14-----
    Auction price selling dinar / US $1259-----
    Auction price buying dinar / US $1257-----
    Amount sold at auction price (US $)44.170.000-----
    Amount purchased at Auction price (US $) 200.000
    Total offers for buying (US $)44.170.000-----
    Total offers for selling (US $)200.000-----
    Same pattern as last week perhaps 2 days on 1259...then back to 1260 for remainder and weekend......!!! Anyway we'll see...sure getting interesting watching there tactics..!!
    Last edited by roycepsam; 04-06-2007 at 10:13 AM.

  4. #324
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raditz View Post
    The above price represent reference rate and does not from any commitment on the Central Bank of Iraq.

    Note: The prices of the bulletin issued on Sunday will adopted for Monday also due to the weekend in New York .

    How can they change the rate when sundays rate were 1260. Please update me but have they dont this before?
    The Daily Price Bulletin still show the Sunday rate but the auction rate has changed.

  5. #325
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    Quote Originally Posted by roycepsam View Post
    Same pattern as last week perhaps 2 days on 1259...then back to 1260 for remainder and weekend......!!! Anyway we'll see...sure getting interesting watching there tactics..!!
    Tactics? What tactics? They are as confused as we are watching 'em!

  6. #326
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    Quote Originally Posted by breakeven View Post
    Tactics? What tactics? They are as confused as we are watching 'em!
    Lol....breakeven....Let me assure they are tactics.....Might be bad, unpredictable, etc. and they seem they cannot stick to there tactics either, your probable correct they lose themselves at times......confused i would say is a fair description.....No wonder we scratch our heads in disbelievement.....But still confident they'll get there...!!

  7. #327
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Positive traditions adopted Iraqi banks
    - 03/06/2007Business and Economy-03/06/2007

    برسBaghdad-file Press

    ى.A group of private Iraqi banks issuing statements on the financial position and results of its work in the first quarter of 2007, which constitutes a positive tradition has previously pledged to Iraqi banks, especially after it was obliged by the securities this orientation for the detection of financial positions before its shareholders, Hence, the statement of earnings before tax and reserves and allocations and other deductions.
    .The investment bank achieved a profit of 196 Iraqi R. three billion dinars, and the Gulf Commercial Bank has 270 t one billion dinars, and the profits of the Bank Darussalam 978 million dinars, and the Bank of North 481 t two billion dinars with the size difference capital of each of these four banks, with a capital investment bank Iraqi 750 t 29 billion dinars, and the Gulf Bank Commercial 344 t 22 billion dinars. .The Bank for Investment Dar es Salaam, the capital of 50 billion dinars, and the Bank of North 100 billion dinars

    تقاليد إيجابية تعتمدها المصارف العراقية
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  8. #328
    Senior Investor PAn8tv's Avatar
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    US document: Surge securing one-third of Baghdad
    Posted on : 2007-06-04 | Author : DPA
    News Category : US

    Washington- A US military assessment of the ongoing surge of troops to pacify Baghdad has imposed control over about one-third of the neighbourhoods in the Iraqi capital, The New York Times reported Monday. The internal military assessment, a one-page document obtained by the newspaper, was prepared late last month.

    The findings of the assessment were that in 146 of Baghdad's 457 neighbourhoods, combinations of US and Iraqi forces have been able to "protect the population" and impose "physical influence."

    Resistance continues or no attempt has been made to secure the rest of the city.

    The Times reported that the document provided a first, wide- ranging examination of the so-called US surge in Baghdad.

    The last of an additional 20,000 US troops are now reaching Iraq after a four-month deployment process. Most of the additional forces have been positioned in the capital
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
    - Abraham Lincoln

  9. #329
    Senior Investor pipshurricane's Avatar
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    Default Iraq not place for powers to settle disputes-PM

    Baghdad, Jun 3, (VOI)- Iraq's Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said on Sunday Iraq is not a place for international and regional powers to settle their disputes.

    "We want a stable, democratic and unified Iraq, not an Iraq modeled by others as a place to settle disputes among regional and international powers on its soil," Nouri al-Maliki addressed a meeting of provinces' mayors today at his office in Baghdad.
    The Iraqi Premier added that if violence extended to all over the country and we gave up our determination to stop it, Iraq would be more destabilized.
    Maliki who asked all Iraqi tribes and civil society organizations to support the security forces said "the solution for the current situation in the country is that we all meet and accept the democratic mechanism regardless of our differences in sect, principles and views."

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  10. #330
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    Default Maliki's calls for dialogue, national reconciliation make headlines in Iraqi press

    Baghdad, Jun 4, (VOI) Iraqi newspapers on Monday highlighted the statements made by Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki in which he asserted that Iraq is for all Iraqis and called for dialogue and national reconciliation as the only ways to resolve all differences.

    The government-funded al-Sabah newspaper quoted al-Maliki during a governors' meeting held on Sunday as saying that differences in belief and opinion should not lead to differences in Iraqis' stances on their political participation. The newspaper said in an attempt to stimulate greater political participation and to increase support for his government, al-Maliki is currently considering a new strategic project that aims to unite Iraqi groups.
    Discussing the possibility of opening channels of communication between the Iraqi government and opposition forces, the newspaper said that the prime minister's visit to Iraq's Kurdistan region and his meetings with regional officials had revealed a new strategy seeking to include the opposition in the Iraqi political process.
    Moreover, the newspaper quoted Iraqi President Jalal al-Talabani, after a recuperative trip to the United States, as stressing the current government's efforts to put an end to armed operations through coordination with armed factions and militia groups.
    On its front page the newspaper published the following two headlines: 'Security official: Gulf agenda undermines stability in Basra' and 'Al-Hafiz calls for forming a coalition government under a parliamentary majority system.' According to the newspaper, MP Mahdi al-Hafiz, who quit the Iraqi National Slate, called for forming a coalition government, which he said would lead to a more democratic political process.
    Under the headline, 'Religious scholars call for unity and prohibit fighting,' the newspaper covered an expanded conference scheduled to be held today with the participation of representatives from Iraq's Sunni and Shiite communities. "Today, 130 top religious clerics in Iraq will call for prohibiting fighting and rejecting division and sectarian violence," the newspaper wrote.
    Al-Taakhi newspaper, the mouthpiece of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) led by al-Talabani, published the following headlines: 'Joint meeting on Kurdistan and federal Iraq,' and 'U.S. defense minister warns Turkey of repercussions of military interference in Iraq's Kurdistan region.'
    Citing a report published by the Washington Post, al-Taakhi newspaper said that four years after the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime, the United Nations is still spending millions of dollars from Iraq's oil exports on its teams hunting for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
    The main headlines of the independent al-Mada newspaper read: 'An expanded conference today to create an institution of Sunni, Shiite scholars' and 'Petraeus to extend security plan until the end of 2007.' Quoting ABC News, the newspaper said that the U.S. troops are intending to stay in Iraq until 2019 at the earliest.
    Al-Bayyina newspaper, issued by Iraq's Hezbollah movement, focused on a statement made by Secretary General of the Human Rights Group in Iraq Walid al-Hilli, in which he dismissed claims that the current Iraqi government was appointed by the U.S. administration. "It is an elected national unity government represented by 94% of the Iraqi parliament," al-Hilli said.

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