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    Private sector urges the wrong ball in the court of government

    The document recommended supporting the International Covenant

    Source : Sabah Al-04/06/2007

    Said Chairman of the Federation of Iraqi businessmen to raise interest rates by banks, and not to finance productive projects, and rising unemployment due to the cessation of most private labs and factories, as well as the policy pursued by the weak financial state, all these things have caused the creation of a (catastrophically) to the private sector ..

    He pointed to a consensus of views between the federation and Mr. Prime Minister that the private sector take the President in the overall process of economic and policy salient features. So what enjoyed by this sector of the great experiences in all economic fields that qualify restore life to the overall industrial and commercial activities and others ..

    He added Reza Ragheb Bleibel : that the involvement of the private sector in formulating economic laws before Based on the economic decision is an important step towards reactivate the Iraqi economy, despite our need for a wholesome and good support for the implementation of the State, particularly the ministries concerned economic affairs. Noting that the private sector was able to gets its strength recently through Matrah in the recommendations of the Sharm el-Sheikh to support this sector and attention, and have a significant role in the economic process.

    Explaining that the European submit a document containing a number of recommendations necessary in the renaissance of the private sector through the Sharm El-Sheikh conference, which included the document points shows how important this sector at the present time, addressing problems facing the Iraqi economy and the productivity of project stalled and commercial areas, which have stagnated.

    He added that the Russian demanded that there be a role for the IMF and World Bank to finance projects and support the private sector in this important stage.

    And most demands that will promote private sector Bleibel said : There are a lot of important points needed by the private sector to be able to strongly promote them to be an official policy of free economy depends on a clear, and there should be effective and expeditious procedures address this trend, in addition to the need to have a monetary policy and the financing of the private sector and soft and long repayment periods and the benefits of simple because the state claims that the sponsor of this sector to fulfill its responsibilities and to contribute to the revitalization of the economic process and reduce unemployment and ease inflation. He added Bleibel also in this regard : there is another important is the need for the private sector to participate in all economic commissions and the media turn out to be his only, because the private sector has the expertise and experience can provide suggestions of great benefit to the country ..

    Bleibel and stressed the need for the private sector to take the leading role in the economic process, pointing out that the tests had confirmed that all regulations adopted a policy of free economy was the private sector's outposts in economics ..

    He also said : through our meetings with officials and personnel including Prime Minister stressed that the private sector has a role in the life of the President of Iraq and reliable lot, and will have an active role in all the committees that deal with economic laws and procedures ..

    And the mechanism to activate the new investment law Bleibel said : the ball is now in the range of state and believe that the delay shows the lack of seriousness composition of the investment, but the hope in the coming period to terminate the Investment Authority to complete all associated formations, where asked us to nominate our representatives in this body limited number between 3 4 representatives but demanded that the representation of the private sector in the more than 50% because the sector has the experience and full knowledge of the laws, which can enrich the body of studies and information ...

    He added : is the most important seminars to stimulate the Iraqi economy by attracting foreign investments, must therefore include persons having Capabilities large and extensive relations with various international companies to attract investment to Iraq and demand that it be a specialized sectors take it upon themselves to provide investment opportunities for the industrial, agricultural and financial investment and tourism ..

    Bleibel also said : The government must work hard to support industrial projects, which have previously fed the Iraqi market with all necessary requirements industries such as chemical, metal and engineering, construction, goods and other goods that were produced by those factories .. Noting that the current policy deviation is one of the main reasons why that led to the suspension of manufacturing process ..

    Referring to the existence of a law in the cabinet provides for the protection of national industry and the consumer, This compels us to demand a swift issuance also invite all institutions of Customs and quality control and other duties to take real role in protecting local industry through Matverding restrictions on imported commodities. explaining that the private sector since the 1930s has had a prominent and important role in the provision of goods through industrial projects, which provided each Maihtajeh country, but the official policies of successive governments have caused shrinkage of these vital projects, even allowing for the private sector again, it will be able to process the command economy, albeit gradual.

  2. #392
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    Iraq : Basra with huge oil wealth
    Rocks containing more than 65 billion barrels

    Source : House life-04/06/2007

    A researcher oil Ahmad Husseini said geological studies «in Iraq showed that about 530 complex geology of the good prospects for oil, and drilling about 115 so far been gas reserves are estimated at about 3.111 billion barrels of oil, and 415 remain subject requiring exploration». He pointed out that «reserves estimated in the 415 subject undiscovered for various reasons over 215 billion barrels». He believed that the provincial and district rich in oil «dominate in the future nearly two thirds of Iraq's oil result».

    He Husseini in a symposium organized by the University of Babylon on the oil, gas and hosted by experts in the economy and oil, that oil reserves in Iraq «parallel discovered reserves in Saudi Arabia which is today the first product in the world». He pointed out that producing fields now «concentrated in the provinces of Basra and Kirkuk, in exchange for the production of a few other fields located in the provinces of Misan, Baghdad, Salahaddin and Diyala and Mosul». He pointed out «presence fields discovered and developed deployed in most Iraqi provinces except four are : Qadisiyah and Babil and Anbar, Dohuk».

    The expert noted that the Iraqi province of Basra «holds the largest oil wealth in Iraq, referring to the statistical data it has 15 gas fields, including 10 producers, and is still awaiting development, and production. It also contains rocks in these fields to keep oil over 65 billion barrels constituting about 59% of total Iraqi oil reserve. It also represents the oil reserve to the provinces of Basra, Dhi Qar, Maysan 79400 billion barrels, or 71% of the total reserve in the country ».

    He pointed out that these figures mean that «the bulk of the oil reserve is concentrated in the south and around Kirkuk in the estimated 13450 billion barrels constituting about 12% of total reserve of Iraqi oil. The Kurdistan region contains 3160 billion barrels, or 3% of the total ».

  3. #393
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    Is Petrochemical Industries will revert to the arena of international competition?
    $ 120 million cost of rehabilitation

    Source : Sabah Al-04/06/2007
    Petrochemical industries need to substantial capital because of their industrial capacity, As estimated by the Ministry of Industry and Minerals total value of the development and qualification of $ 120 million promised by the number of such experts were inadequate allocations for the development and rehabilitation of the institution known as industrial giant because the capital needed to operate its liquidity requires very high because it has a high technical specifications and with enormous costs and eliminate the need to be industrial parks in the form of cards and integrated productivity significantly.

    A review of the characteristics of the Petrochemical Industries clear to us that these industries require fundamental constituents of growth Pamphlet capital and technological progress, and projects for Petrochemical Industries in Iraq and because of the availability of raw materials and large quantities of these ingredients led to the success of the industry Petrukemiawiyeh national in the country. Besides Lee oil derivatives resulting from the oil refining ((a natural gas)), which accompanies the production of large quantities of oil wealth is enormous and essential raw material for petrochemical industry has been most of the production from Iraq .

    Natural gas to the recently completed incinerators to oil companies operating in Iraq without the benefit of the burn, and it is the most important industrial projects is the petrochemical .

    ((Draft extract sulfur from gas)), this project consists of a network for collecting natural gas from oil fields and plant extract sulfur from the gas liquefaction plant on the river water ((Zab micro)) pipeline and pumping water into the plant, The lab is designed for the treatment of 84 to 88 million cubic feet of natural gas per day to produce acid following articles, (100) tons of material annually and pure sulfur (402) million cubic feet of dry natural gas per day, equivalent to about (385) thousand tons annually in addition to 15 18 thousand barrels of liquid natural gas daily, and despite the fact that sulfur is always a by-product of this plant only produced quantities of large, and sulfur product is consumed in this project to meet the needs of the national industry of times ((silk industrial)) at the helm of the Indian paper industry and in Basra, fertilizers industry and the Daura refinery in Baghdad.

    Then ((draft fertilizers)), in Basra, another project of the draft Petrochemical Industries that were established in Iraq in recent years of the last century, The project was completed at the beginning of the year (1971) at (30) Mlioum dollars and actual production started from 1971/6/1 ... and now, in step on the road to rehabilitation is clear that the Ministry of Industry and Minerals is determined to operate because the PC industry had made great strides, but retreated because of the circumstances mentioned above, and the constituents The requirements for operation available wonder, Is this industry will see light soon. The question arises : Is that the PC industry will return to the arena of international competition? .

  4. #394
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    The government is preparing to announce a general amnesty to activate dialogue with groups
    (صوت العراق) - 04-06-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 04-06-2007
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    The government is preparing to announce a general amnesty to activate dialogue with the armed groups want to join the political process
    The deputy said the bloc United Iraqi Alliance Sunaid good that the Iraqi government is laying the foundations of the draft general amnesty preceded the national reconciliation process in order to activate the dialogue with armed groups willing to join the political process.
    The Sunaid In statements made today, Monday, that the amnesty which it is hoped that a government is part of the program and comes within the framework of national reconciliation plan how to ensure that the return of criminals.
    He pointed out that this strategy also includes a cabinet reshuffle includes service ministries which have direct contact with citizens and activate security plan Baghdad and establish diplomatic relations with regional states to urge them to implement their debt towards Iraq, including the support of the United National Security and control its borders with Iraq and to support the political process.
    On the other hand, welcomed the figures parliamentary desire the American side in an amnesty on what it calls the former rebels in Iraq and opening a dialogue with some of the armed factions in support of the draft national reconciliation.

    Correspondent "Radio Sawa" Zafar Ahmed in Baghdad

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  5. #395
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    Nasiriyah : salary distribution network of social protection for the unemployed
    (صوت العراق) - 04-06-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 04-06-2007
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    Nasiriyah : salary distribution network of social protection for the unemployed
    Nasiriyah News Network / Asaadalmutiri :

    Begins network of social protection in the Dhi Qar distribute salaries unemployed and the disabled have enrolled, said Mr. Ammar Abdul Sawadi Associate Head Network that the network of social welfare in Dhi Qar received sums

    Included in salaries and registered with the meals and delivered the lists to the postal service for each administrative unit will be the distribution by the following table : Since the first week of meals will be distributed in the first, fourth and fifth of the unemployed, and the first meal to meal of hors eighth, In the second week will be distributing meals sixth, seventh and eighth for the unemployed and unable to feed ninth addition to the families of martyrs, where amounts will be handed over to the treasury and to maintain distributed to post offices deployed in the province.
    It is noteworthy that the number of registered unemployed in the province and beneficiaries of social protection network reached 31497 and 11107 disabled.

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  6. #396
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    Hashemi reveals radical changes in the political map
    (صوت العراق) - 04-06-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 04-06-2007
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    Hashemi reveals radical changes in the Iraqi political map

    Welcome to the great satisfaction of the visit of Vice President of the Republic of Iraq in Cairo

    CAIRO-Iraq voted Bilal-Sharif

    The Secretary General of the Arab League, Amr Moussa, today, Monday, June 4 June current Iraqi Vice President Tariq Hashimi, who is visiting the Arab Republic of Egypt for three days at the official invitation of Prime Minister Ahmed Nazif.

    Amr Moussa also expressed during the press conference held today at the Arab League headquarters following the conclusion of the formal talks between the delegation of the Arab Community and the Iraqi delegation was satisfied with the talks where listened to assess Iraqi position and the Arab position in the region and the current developments in both.

    For his part, Hashemi said that the talks were good and useful and will lead to good results, positive and indicated that the situation in Iraq is very worrisome and that no changes would get future.

    Regarding the visit of American National Security Advisor Envoy of the President George W. Bush's Iraq ..The visit comes within the framework of supporting the Iraqi diplomatic support Iraqi national reconciliation march because they possess great vision of the situation in Iraq and that it is responsible for the Iraqi file, and we expect to be a fruitful visit.

    And on the results of the Iraqi national reconciliation Hashemi said .. The draft national reconciliation encountered several pitfalls, it did not achieve the expectations of gigantic so far, we believe that a safety valve for all Iraqis, and still is a long way to achieve the building on the basis of mutual understanding and cooperation between all the political components.

    Turning around Hashemi file of the detainees in the prisons of American occupation forces and expressed his deep regret that the release of innocent detainees so far stressing that there is a legal problem as much as the level of (the scandal) In this framework has been discussed with the American ambassador in Iraq two days ago made commitments regarding personal the file of the detainees in the prisons (Boca-Cooper).

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  7. #397
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    The Ministry of Oil : the need to intensify efforts to protect oil pipelines period in the provinces of Basra, Dhi Qar
    Luna / 6-4 / BAGHDAD / appealed to the Ministry of Oil of Governors of Basrah, Dhi Karjanob Iraq and clan elders in the provinces, where security agencies need to intensify efforts to protect the oil pipeline running from the geographical area of the two provinces.
    The ministry said in a statement today, Monday, the need to protect the pipeline, especially vital oil pipeline carrier of petroleum products from Khor Al-Zubair to Baghdad via areas south and the Middle Euphrates repeated sabotage operations by a continuous basis.
    The ministry added in its statement that bear officials and Senate in two provinces responsibility in the protection of the oil wealth, which provides the economic stability and benefit to the Iraqis.
    Noting in this regard to the pipeline in the period between (1/1/2007 until 31/5/2007) for many of sabotage operations in the area between the Shuaiba Nasiriyah exposure to (52) process in order to sabotage and theft of the product between the cities of Nasiriyah and Indian passing to Baghdad to (5) of subversive note that the tube is transferred quantity (5) million liters of petroleum products from different Shuaiba Nasiriyah and Nasiriyah to Indian Karkh then transferred (3-4) million liters of petroleum products.
    An official source at the Oil Ministry said that this pipeline again to be an act of sabotage which led to the suspension of pumping it, pointing out that the pipeline was fed some areas in the south and the Middle Euphrates addition to the arsenal of Baghdad
    The source explained that the technical and engineering Cadres in the ministry embarked on just to control the effects of sabotage operations and begin the rehabilitation and maintenance of the pipeline to ensure the continued flow of oil derivatives, and that feeds many areas between Baghdad and Basra at the same time stressing that the acts of sabotage and disruption in electricity led to pumping loitering in the pipeline that will transport oil derivatives of refineries south or imported from South outlets / / completed / p u / u p / security.

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    President of Iraq : the Shiites, Kurds and Sunnis, seeking long-term American presence
    Washington : it Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, the Iraqi army will from the end of 2008 is ready to assume its responsibilities in the country, in an interview with the station "ABC" American television yesterday.''Talabani said, but I am not President of the United States to decide when the American forces should withdraw "she declared its support to maintain presence long-term American military in Iraq, saying that this matter hopes for the majority of Iraqis ", adding that a large number of Iraqis want • terrorism after seeing some American military bases in a number of parts of Iraq to protect its sovereignty and independence from outside interference." She
    He continued, "Today, even the Sunni Arabs want the American forces and the coalition forces to stay • ASK Shiites and the Kurds, this is asking," she added, "To withdraw troops before they succeed, this would be my opinion against the national interest of the United States and the Iraqi people", pointing out that the majority of the goals set by the Iraqi government will be at the end of this year, Prime Minister said "we will by September ordered convince our friends in the United States," she On this date is supposed to vote on the budget American Congressmen American military in Iraq image and linking American aid Congress political progress the Iraqi government is supposed to achieve •

    KRG, Kurdistan Regional Government

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    Talabani bode agreement soon, »BAATHISTS« negotiating with the government on the terms of the agreement

    04 / 06 / 2007

    Mohammed Abdel Agricole, the envoy of the league, finally met with representatives of the government and briefed on the conditions for joining the political process to establish a timetable for getting out and declare a general amnesty and a return of constitutional amendments that would allow the party to political action and repeal Section own constitutional Federation
    Baghdad home, and agencies :

    Accelerated hours at the Baghdad dialogues with the armed groups, including the Baath Party organizations, in recent days to the extent that Iraqi President Jalal Talabani has publicly expressed his optimism on the near reaching an agreement with them, would accelerate the elimination of Al Qaeda and Islam in Iraq , which turned finally to the common enemy of the Iraqi government and armed groups and Sunni opposition organizations, in both, for sticking to impose their own political, religious and military-year Iraq, while Shiite groups monitor suspicious of the return of the Baath to power, once again, these developments, which are not away from it anyway, in conjunction with intensive action to amend the law abolishing the Baath, which might open the door to many officials in the Saddamist to return to their jobs, which taken off under this law.

    Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, the newly returning to Iraq after remedial trip to the United States, expressed optimism the elimination of the organization »rule« in Iraq, through dialogue with armed factions and training Iraqi security forces. He said that the agreement will be reached soon.

    The Talabani said in an interview with the network »any. Bi. CNN «news that the American» advanced steps «made in Iraq, including dialogue with the armed groups to halt attacks against coalition forces. The Iraqi president also expressed optimism, saying »We are coordinating and cooperating with military commanders the British and Americans who are working to solve this problem, and I think that reaching a final agreement is imminent«.

    According to American sources, the coalition leaders who have pointed out that the dialogues »rebels« demanded granting »jobs and immunity« for peace. Talabani described these demands as the price willing to pay, compared to the elimination of the organization »Qaida«.

    He said Talabani »dialogue and agreement with the armed groups, it will be easy to eliminate Al Qaeda, a terrorist group of major criminal«. He added »because people especially Citizens year, now Eckerhonha (al-Qaeda) are now Iqatlonha in several areas .. The Iraqi armed forces will be well trained and capable thus obliged to fight them «. He added the Iraqi president »of this, I think that the so-called National Resistance Movement, the political process will be convinced to participate«, before saying Iraqi President »that the task of eradicating the terrorist al-Qaeda, would become easier«.

    Suites Baath.

    In the meantime, government sources revealed Iraqi newspaper »life« on contacts »semi-official« affiliated with the two wings of the party »Baath« dissolved manned Younis al-Ahmed and Mizher Matani Awwad, and wing shown willingness to change the party's name and condemn terrorist acts and practices of the former regime in return for a return to Iraq and the political process.

    The source said that he met in Amman, mid last month, Mezher Matani Awad presence of a third party »and discussed various topics«. He described the meeting as positive », where Awad was speaking on behalf of the organization he leads, the other led by Muhammad Yunus Ahmed«. He added : »at the beginning of the meeting, did not hide Awad discomfort orientations Izzat periodic former deputy president after the fall of the regime and how Roy, the latter on behalf of the Iraqi issue trader drag the party to field contradicts secular plan in alliance with Al Qaeda«.

    He continued : »Awwad said that the league was launched after the occupation and beard now nicknamed b» Sheikhul Islam «accept his followers waived Line and the National So******t Baath Party ... Assisted now in the party leadership Abdalbaqi Karim al-Sadoun residents Nasiriyah, Rashid Ta'an Kazim residents Diyala «. The source pointed out that Awad attacked »Sunni Accord Front«, and he thinks they »does not represent reality the Iraqi Sunni and demanded better representation modification of the people within the government«.


    And the results of the meeting, the source said : »concluded by the demands on behalf of his colleagues to halt the prosecutions against them, and amending the Law dismissed Baathists to include only those who hurt the Iraqi people and committed crimes during Saddam's rule right to return to Iraq and the political practice and identify a clear foreign forces to undertake to issue a statement denouncing the practices of the former regime make up against the Iraqi people and condemn all terrorist acts, which exercises now and change the name of the Baath «.

    The source revealed concern and Awad Ahmed eliminated at the hands of a league and its allies in the organization »Qaida« inside Iraq, pointing out that he enjoys the support organizations »Baath« in Jordan, Lebanon, Yemen, Libya, Egypt, Palestine, and is now the legitimate successor to the leadership after the execution of Saddam late last year.


    The same source revealed that Mohammed Abdel Agricole, the envoy of the league, Finally met with representatives of the government and briefed on the conditions for joining the political process including the withdrawal of foreign forces from Iraq or setting a timetable for getting out and declare general amnesty for all political prisoners and the return of constitutional amendments that would allow the party to political action and repeal Section own constitutional Federation.

    The General Raymond Auderno, second in command of the American forces in Iraq, he pointed to the possibility of a reconciliation with some elements of the organization »rule« in Iraq. He said in press statements that the vast majority of Iraqis »ready to enter the draft national reconciliation announced by the government of Nuri al-Maliki«, pointing out that there are groups of Iraqi »could not reconcile with.

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    Amendment controls on loans for industrialists
    Baghdad-Taha Hussein
    Chamber decided Industrial Development at the Ministry of Industry and Minerals Amendment controls for granting industrialists soft loans, thus obtaining the greatest number of these loans.

    An official source in the ministry said in a press statement : The Development Service waived the requirement guarantor guarantor of the loans also abolished the requirement of the presence of the project in order to allow the practice of granting loans necessary flexibility. The source explained that the development continues to receive requests for loans where treatment was completed 150 of the 500 treatment will be direct owners to grant loans allocated to them in the near future. He added that the Rasheed Bank and all its branches is preparing to start working out delivery, which will be covered by loans for the three categories of 25, 20 and 15 million dinars in Baghdad are delivered exclusively with the special requests will be studied by a committee of legal and technical indicators for the study of the project should be available to note Akayam industrial machines and the type and energy products OWNING project and the land of the project and the number of working with a database in electronic calculators.

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