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  1. #471
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    News reports : Kurdistan Parliament discusses the stages of the implementation of Article 140 and the forthcoming amendment of the Constitution

    Fouad Othman : Kurdistan Parliament held its No. 22 for the second electoral devoted to the discussion of the implementation of Article 140 of the normalization of the situation in Kirkuk and regions withheld from the territory, and the anticipated amendment in the Iraqi constitution.

    The President reviewed the government in Kurdistan to the meeting yesterday the results of his visit to Baghdad, the most important hubs, which was discussed with the Iraqi government, saying that "the most important hubs for the distribution of wealth and oil imports, we were able to complete the oil cooperation with the Iraqi government, But this law needs to be attached to the laws Therefore, we have proposed to send this law with all accessories to the Parliament for discussion, among them how to manage the accessories oil wealth, which we consider one of the most important topics. He continued to deposit our oil imports to the region and to allocate quota, and be placed directly in the province.

    He expressed optimism to resolve outstanding problems, and said that the Minister of Finance and the Prime Minister are working very hard to resolve these issues and many of the officials contributing to solve all Maehemena is resolving the outstanding issues, The Chairman of the Kurdistan Regional government proposal to the parliament for the formation of Kurdistan four committees of the Oil and Gas Commission and the Commission on Article 140 and the water and power dams and the region.

    The Minister of Public areas of the province, Dr. Mohammed Ihsan had submitted a report to the Parliament of Kurdistan in the beginning of the meeting in which he reviewed the course of the implementation of Article 140 and said, "in the last report submitted to the parliament of Kurdistan, I pointed out that the process of issuing the first 4 decisions on incoming Arab,

    The second on immigrants, and other agricultural contracts on either the recent decision covers dismissed politicians, pending the approval of these resolutions. lengthy discussion took place in Baghdad, were these decisions to resolve the issue in a drastic way. "

    Regarding agricultural contracts Mohammad Ihsan said "there is a contract in Kirkuk 5677 agriculturally clinched during the rule of the defunct regime These include contracts million and 800 thousand dunums of agricultural land and the land belonging to Kurds and Turkmen, was raped injustice has been to enter into these contracts before the Arabs arrived." The "These contracts require the signature of the Minister of Agriculture in order cancellation," pointing out that there are 400 agricultural held in the Sinjar and came all these contracts in accordance with the policies of forced Arabization.

    Regarding the demands of the displaced Kurds and Turkmen in these areas, the Minister for areas outside the region "many of these demands in order to return to their areas and we demand to return to prepare for Statistics and the referendum for the areas to embrace democratic Kurdistan."

  2. #472
    Senior Investor wciappetta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PAn8tv View Post
    I was wondering about that wciappetta, do you recall the orginal article that came out in March about the HCL being done at the end of May?
    Yep I recall much confusion surrounding this law. It could be done already or it's a few days/weeks away.... I suspect they want to keep us guessing.
    It seems that the state insists, or preserve the value of the Iraqi dinar 148 against the dollar ...Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states [ MOF Sept 2006]

    High RV is like Coke; it’s the real thing baby!

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  3. #473
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrFnHappy View Post
    Spot on. Both the CBI and IMF have stated as much.

    I speculated last year that conquering inflation through rate adjustment might be a phase and then leap to the real rate and maintain. The reports have declared some success in that arena so maybe that is why the article IV meetings came up for discussion..time to move on....ok out for my walk...back later
    It seems that the state insists, or preserve the value of the Iraqi dinar 148 against the dollar ...Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states [ MOF Sept 2006]

    High RV is like Coke; it’s the real thing baby!

    Jesus Loves You

  4. #474
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    The announcement of establishing gathering of Sunni clerics and Shiites to strengthen unity and the elimination of sectarian tension.

    04/06/2007 16:53 (GMT)
    Baghdad witnessed the first founding conference of the Union of Muslim Scholars, attended by nearly 150 religious personalities of the Sunnis and Shiites, in a move to contain the thought existent and sectarian tension in Iraq.

    , A member of the preparatory body for the Hussein al-Shami speech in which he said that the conference is a first step to stop the ongoing bloodshed in the country, and it also supports document Mecca signed by a number of Muslim scholars.

    He added that the document is the premise of Mecca to renounce disagreement between Iraqi sects in order to get rid of "terrorism newcomer" and begin the process of reconstruction and progress in Iraq.

    Meanwhile, the member of the ulema of Iraq President of the Court of stay Sunni Sheikh Ahmad Abdel Ghafur al-Samarra'i Iraqis to renounce their differences, indicating that what is the bloodshed is "objective serves the interests of the occupation", according to the source.

    He said that the Iraqi people and government support this new conference, which aims to promote unity among Iraqis and remove sectarian differences and sensitivities between the Iraqi sects to be a unified speech trying to calm the Iraqi street.

    Details of the correspondent of "Radio Sawa" in Baghdad, Salah Nasraoui :

  5. #475
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    Talabani and Barzani : We will not accept any postponement of normalizing the situation in Kirkuk


    One day after statements from Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on the Iraqi government to normalize the situation in the disputed city of Kirkuk, called on both Iraqi President Jalal Talabani and Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani, the need to accelerate the application of article 140 constitutional, which provides a normalization as the end of this year.

    The assurances Kurdish leaders pledged during a press conference yesterday afternoon after the meeting, which lasted several hours to discuss Article 140 in Dukan resort in Sulaymaniyah in northern Iraq. Talabani said : "We insist on the application of Article 140 of the Iraqi Constitution on the normalization of the situation in Kirkuk."

    For his part, Massoud Barzani said "we will not accept any delay in the application of that article," On the other hand, the Council renewed the Arab Consulting, a leading bodies of Sunni Arabs in Kirkuk, rejected the application of the resolutions of the ministerial committee responsible for the application of Article normalize the situation and calls to modify or repeal.

    According to Sheikh Abdul Rahman Asi Taut Chairman of the Advisory Board that the "clans and political elites met Arab common position to confirm they are the Shiites and the Sunnis who reject the annexation of Kirkuk to any territory," according to Agence France-Presse.

  6. #476
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    Republic of Iraq
    Prime Minister Office
    Media Office


    Tuesday 5/6/2007

    Iraqi government warns of the outlaws all state institutions and the damage they hit an iron hand anyone who is tempted to tamper with public security and implement the evil plans HARMING higher interests of the country.

    The Prime Minister and Commander of the armed forces orders to the security services and military to deal firmly and strongly to deter vandals and that the government will find itself forced to expose local actors behind the attempt to damage to oil installations and ports, and reveal some of their suspected regional States.

  7. #477
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    Five Arab countries, Turkey and the Iraqi political parties which lead the conspiracy Alghosh expose President Talabani


    A member of the Coalition of Iraqi Observatory new details about a conspiracy Alghosh he spoke about President Jalal Talabani in a press conference Friday with Mr. Massoud Barzani, He added that five Arab countries like Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates and Turkey contribute to a project to topple the government of Maliki and the constitutional process and the return of Iraq to the pre-2003.

    5 دول عربية وتركيا واحزاب سياسية عراقية تقود مؤامرة الجحوش التي فضحها الرئيس الطالباني - شبكة أخبار النجف الأشرف

  8. #478
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    Kurdistan Parliament constitutes four committees in the light of talks Barzani in Baghdad


    The National Council of Iraqi Kurdistan - Parliament-Monday, to form four committees to follow up the topics Article 140 of the Iraqi Constitution and the law of oil, gas and water issue and the powers of the government of Iraq's Kurdistan region in the light of the visit by the Prime Minister of Territory Najirfan Barzani recently to Baghdad.

    The prime minister in the government of Iraq's Kurdistan region attended a special session of the Parliament of Kurdistan on Monday to review the outcome of his visit to Baghdad, which lasted ten days and concluded last week.

    Barzani, suggested forming four committees, including a committee of oil and gas and the Commission on Article 140 of the Constitution concerning the normalization of the situation in Kirkuk and the Commission on water and other exclusive powers to the territorial government.

    He Najirfan Barzani during its review of the results of his visit to Baghdad that talks with the Iraqi government and reached a good level for the oil, and said "we have completed the oil, but need other accessories, and the territorial government, we suggest that all these laws to the House of Representatives and one file including the distribution of imports."

    And among our P "until now accounts Iraqi oil goes to the International Monetary Fund, at the end of this year will turn to the Central Bank of Iraq, and we want to turn their Kurdistan directly to the expense of Kurdistan, and the Iraqi government will not hinder the conversion."

    The Chairman of the territorial government to the constitutional amendments, and said "amendments to the constitution will only respect Kurdish rights, such as Article 140 and the issue of oil, gas and exclusive powers to the territorial government."

    He added : "I think that the constitutional amendments include only material on the fateful Kurdish people in a time when we imagine that the amendments include women's rights and human rights."

    He stressed "the need to examine these issues Kurdistan Parliament and approval during a maximum period of one month, during the period of any extension of the constitutional amendments."

    A delegation from the Kurdistan region visited Baghdad last month headed Najirfan Barzani for talks with the central government in Baghdad on the oil, gas and theme Peshmargas.

    Mahmoud Othman, a member of Parliament from the Iraqi Kurdistan Alliance last Thursday said that "there was some kind of agreement on the issue of troops s according to the text of the Constitution of these forces in terms of its financing, management and formed a subcommittee to coordinate between the two governments."

    The Law on Oil and Gas said Osman "did not end the negotiations conducted by Barzani with government figures, as well as the American and British sides," but said "negotiations were advanced to a large extent and there is another round of the territorial government in Baghdad to complement these negotiations." But he did not specify the time.

    The oil and gas law and one of the most contentious issues currently on the Iraqi arena, and there are differences between the political blocs around the law ... By the first wealth in the country, the Sunni Parties had reservations on its present form ... With Kurds objections centered on the relationship between the territorial government and the government center in Baghdad.

    As if made law oil and gas, it gives investors Iraqis and foreigners the right to establish facilities and oil refineries and investing for a period of up to (50 years), to be reverted after that to the Iraqi government.

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    Iraqi oil workers strike over proposed law
    Posted : Tue, 05 Jun 2007

    BASRA, Iraq, June 5 Iraqi oil workers, marginalized while a law to govern the oil is drafted and debated, are firing a warning shot by going on strike.

    The Iraqi Pipelines Union released a statement Monday that it shut down two 14-inch oil and gas products pipelines inside the country in protest against the law and working conditions they want changed.

    The statement, released by a number of ally groups outside the country, said Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki needs to make good on an agreement on the demands reached May 16 or face more work stoppage.

    The Iraqi Federation of Oil Unions, an umbrella group of more than 26,000 oil-sector workers, including the Basra-based IPU, is demanding better working conditions, salaries, land promised them and lower fuel prices.

    And most importantly, they want to join the debate over the law that will govern Iraq's vast oil reserves -- the third-largest in the world.

    Saad Rahim, manager in the country strategies group at analyst PFC Energy, said there is now a "sense of increased risk," with the oil workers demanding to sit at the table with Kurdish, Shiite and Sunni lawmakers in Baghdad. It's not known exactly how long the current strike will last.

    While stopping exports will be a power move directed at getting Baghdad's attention, choking off the country's main source of revenue for too long could turn the federation from hero to villain, Rahim said.

    Iraq sends 1.6 million barrels per day of oil to the market, which brings in 93 percent of the federal budget.

    The IFOU says up next, if Maliki doesn't make progress on the demands, is shutting down a 48 inch pipeline sending oil to Baghdad.

    Ben Lando, UPI Energy Correspondent

    Iraqi oil workers strike over proposed law

  10. #480
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    Iraqi Oil Workers On Strike

    Monday June 4th 2007

    Workers from the Iraqi Pipelines Company in Basra are on strike today.

    Workers began the strike at 6.30 this morning by shutting two 14” pipelines carrying oil and gas products inside Iraq.

    The strike is over unfulfilled demands tabled by the Iraqi Federation of Oil Unions (IFOU) – of which the Iraqi Pipelines Union is a member – to Prime Minister Maliki on May 16th 2007. The 16 demands focus on improved working conditions, pay, land for homes, a reduction in the national price of fuel and crucially, inclusion in the Oil Law drafting process.

    Prime Minister Maliki agreed to the Federation’s demands and established a committee comprised of Ministry of Oil, IFOU and Southern Oil Company representatives to implement the demands.

    Strike leaders say, if the government does not implement the agreement, the 48” crude pipeline to Baghdad will be shut.

    General Union of Oil Employees in Basra
    General Union of Oil Employees in Basra

    Last edited by Lunar; 05-06-2007 at 05:19 PM.

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