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  1. #481
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    Accord Movement-regarding statements Jalal Talabani
    (صوت العراق) - 05-06-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 05-06-2007
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    June 5, 2007

    An official from the Iraqi National Accord Movement

    We thank God for the safety of His Excellency Mr. Jalal Talabani and linking Iraq's healthy and we would like to comment on what was in a press conference held Mr. Jalal Talabani in the June 24, 2007, presented by the Iraqi National Accord Movement and other factions, and national figures in the key Iraqi political work and through this exposure, among other issues are unrealistic and incorrect My Information Office of the Accord Movement clarify the following :

    does not declare the political front at the meeting referred to by Mr. Talabani, but was purposeful dialogue to form a national front to save Iraq from the disasters and tragedies suffered by the people of Iraq and massacres committed by terrorists and others served.

    this is not a secret meeting was not in the dark rooms of this meeting was not against the march of democracy and against the Kurds, but quite the opposite decision meeting is the main communication and dialogue with the two Kurdish presidents as an Iraqi national and non-sectarian background, as well as the talks approached views Islamic Shiite sites in governance the aim of bringing the views and the formation of a broad national front Mahassat away from sectarianism and to build a strong unified Iraq, peaceful and abide by the federal Iraqi Kurdistan and Reconciliation Movement has never been afraid alliance with the two main Kurdish parties and have extensive relations and strong with the political leaders of the Kurdish people.

    perhaps one or two lackluster attendance reservation for being Mr. Jalal Talabani as their reservation to other conferees, the meeting will include political elite and national figures could not be underestimated and their positions in the historic battle of the former regime or in supporting and defending our people and the oppressed this is the people and their brothers together.

    mentioned intelligence that foreign countries and regional supportive of this meeting to restore the memory of what was reported Saddam against his political foes and Mr. Jalal Talabani them, as well as Accord Movement them, Strangely enough, that they are not condemned by the Iraqi government and the intelligence agencies of Iran, which have operations in Iraq and relations with the other Arab states condemned where the Arab affiliation is a disbelief in Iraq, informed that the income to the Arab countries in such meetings, but those meetings will place Iraqi.

    We are surprised that the confiscated democratic practice for allegedly conspiring to democracy at a time when it must encourage the obvious political blocs and treated as a democratic phenomenon and the different political alliances only assurance of a democratic path to be secure and protected from every faith in democracy.

    that the movement would remain faithful and true to the commitment made by each (and every political concepts and the initial convictions) in the darkest circumstances experienced by not afraid of saying the right to defend them, will always support our people and national unity, sovereignty and dignity of this occasion, we once again call for the release of detainees and the fairness of our martyrs and re - separated and stop repressive practices against the leaders of the movement under the laws on terrorism and uprooting the Baath notorious, got and get after the fall of the ousted regime also call to stop the adoption of sectarian and provincial and build an Iraq for all Iraqis, and state institutions is indeed capable of protecting our people and without discrimination, State unable to halt the devastating effects of some of the neighborhood.
    Long live Iraq and lived Division Majid

    Information Office of movement
    Iraqi National Accord

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  2. #482
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    The Oil Ministry proceed sales operations Almbacherlasitwanat gas
    (صوت العراق) - 05-06-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 05-06-2007
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    Republic of Iraq
    The Cabinet-National Information Center
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    Tuesday 5-6-2007

    The Oil Ministry proceed sales operations Almbacherlasitwanat new gas and price (40) thousand dinars.

    Mcdermseol announced at the Oil Ministry said that the Gas Filling Company started direct sales operations for new gas cylinders in laboratories located nationwide and Baghdad.
    He said the company's general manager Amer Abdalajabar that shots were selling gas cylinders in the new company Pan factor in all governorates and the price (40) thousand dinars per cylinder, as well as the sale of non launch Scud high pressure gas and Allowati.

    The Director-General said the deal will be the adoption of the ration card and would equip each family with oxygen regulators only.
    The official source called on citizens to avoid purchasing CDs from non-official outlets to avoid "cheating and the ministry is not responsible for the CDs sold in other outlets House official.

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  3. #483
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    Cancellation guarantor guarantor of Industrialists granting soft loans
    (صوت العراق) - 05-06-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 05-06-2007
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    Republic of Iraq
    The Cabinet-National Information Center
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    Tuesday 5-6-2007

    The Ministry of Industry : the abolition of guarantor guarantor of Industrialists granting soft loans

    An official source at the Ministry of Industry and Minerals had been amended regulations for granting industrialists soft loans through the department of industrial development has been canceled as a guarantor guarantor granting them loans were also abolish the requirement of the presence of the project, which allows the mechanism used in the granting of loans necessary flexibility.

    He added that the industrial development continue to receive completed applications where 150 out of 500 applications will be treated to grant direct owners in the near future loans allocated to it and different industries.

    Stressing that the Rasheed Bank and all its branches is preparing to start working out delivery, which will be covered by loans for the three categories - (15.20.25) million dinars solicitors in the province of Baghdad (exclusively) will be a special requests by the Commission on legal and technical indicators for the study of the project should be available to note Akayam industrial machines and the type of project and energy products OWNING and the land of the project and the number of working with a database in electronic calculators.

    Notably, the conditions to be met in the industrial is that the identity holds for the current year 2007 should be to determine the amount of the loan and acceptance of the nature of the project and estimates of the Special grants to the three categories or the equivalent in dollars to be repaid the loan within a period (four years), including a permit (one year) calculated benefits and the amount of interest on the loan is 2% annually.

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  4. #484
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    The Iraqi Ministry invites Arab training institutions to train cadres
    (صوت العراق) - 05-06-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 05-06-2007
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    The Iraqi Ministry invites Arab training institutions to train Iraqi cadres

    BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The Iraqi Ministry of Planning on Tuesday from training institutions Arab submit their offers to train Iraqi cadres of different functions within the area of administration and finance, law and communications.

    A statement issued by the National Information Center of the Council of Ministers, the Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation calls "Arab training institutions to offer training for 250 administrative cadres within the competence of the administrative, financial and legal addition to the art of communication, public relations and media, decrees and Protocol."

    The statement said the ministry's plan adopted in the present context is the "distribution of trainees to 17 training courses participants rate not less than ten participants per session."

    The ministry said it fixed 14 of the current month date "for the receipt of submissions by express mail for the National Center for consultancy and management development is one of formations ministry."

    This is the first time that the Iraqi government institution where the Declaration and invite Arab institutions to submit offers to host Iraqi groups for training.

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  5. #485
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    Finance Minister stresses the importance of the contribution of private banks
    (صوت العراق) - 05-06-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 05-06-2007
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    Republic of Iraq
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    Finance Minister stresses the importance of the contribution of private banks and the private sector in the development of the Iraqi economy

    The Finance Minister Baqer Jabr Al-Zubaydi the importance of the contribution of private banks and the private sector in the Iraqi economy came during the expanded meeting with the directors of private banks and 33 of the Bank in addition to the Rafidain and Rashid bank and the Central Bank of Iraq and advisor to the Minister of Finance for the banks.

    It was during the meeting, a thorough review of the work of private banks and the obstacles that hinder their work as minister commended the role of the banks, stressing "the importance of dealing seriously with them through the conversion of the opening credits to expand employment and direct the implementation of major projects in Iraq and support ministries and departments in the opening credits to effectively contribute to the reconstruction Iraq and the expansion of private sector participation in this aspect.

    He called on the minister to develop standards to be agreed upon in the development of the banking sector in Iraq based on a free market economy and revitalize the Iraqi economy on a large scale for Aikv when certain limits, but that the investment in Iraq is the largest of any state in the region because of the "need for Iraq to the rehabilitation and building projects and infrastructure development therein.

    The minister stressed the importance of a greater awareness of the correspondent banks and advisers to promote the creation and Commercial Bank of Iraq is ready to cooperate in this area because any support for these banks is the support of the Iraqi economy is heading towards a strong pace of building a new Iraq based on a scientific basis advanced to which all without exception because Iraq to Aybene without investment, we affirm that these banks of Dorkabbir (33), actor in the process of advancement and comprehensive development. Why should adopt controls and standards for the granting of opportunities opening credits to private banks.

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  6. #486
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    The Ministry of Commerce recorded 328 Iraqi company and the Arab and foreign countries
    (صوت العراق) - 05-06-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 05-06-2007
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    Republic of Iraq
    The Cabinet-National Information Center
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    The Ministry of Commerce recorded 328 Iraqi company and the Arab and foreign countries
    During the month of April last

    A statistical report issued by the company registration from the Ministry of Trade activity for the month of last April, the Chamber (328) recorded an Iraqi national, Arab and foreign countries during the month.

    A statement issued by the Information Office of the Ministry of the companies registered spread between (227) is a limited liability company and two of the project and individual company solidarity, and five Arab and foreign companies.

    The statement added that limited companies registered and commercial sectors including travel and tourism, contracting, industry, transport and various services and security services, airlines and shipping, communications, agricultural production, investments and agencies ...Companies with multiple activities included the areas of trade agencies and trade and general contracting, services, agencies and trade agencies and transport, travel and tourism and investment, transport, services, trade, construction, transport, services and construction services and construction, trade, travel and tourism, transport and trade and contracting agencies and communications, trade, transport and authentic old.

    The statement said that the registration of companies issued 165 last April decision to amend contracts establishing national companies registered included 25 resolutions to amend the name of the company held a capital increase of 140 corporate decision, in addition to issuing a decision to liquidate 15 limited companies.

    The Service also registered five representative offices of foreign companies and referred Service (20) to an Iraqi magistrate's Service for violation of the terms of the provisions of the Companies Act No. 21 of 1997 as amended.

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  7. #487
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    Hard measures taken for harder times...

    Next person to track of from any topics posted in any thread deliberately, making the threads end up in a caos, will be subject to a BAN, by me....!!

    This is a lasting warning, and will not be over now, in one week or a month.. I don't want to ban anyone, from anywhere so please do not force me to do so in your posting. Rolclub is and will stay a place were people can discuss things in a peaceful manner. I agree to have seen some high amplitudes from members in the past. But that will now change for better.

    A steam blower thread is posted here: I suggest that if you have some steam to blow you come to this thread only:


  8. #488
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Mosher slight decline of the financial market Iraq

    .CAC Iraq market for securities in the meeting on Monday by a low 24.686 1.125 points from the previous meeting. 93 .The meeting deliberated in the 35-stock company out of the 93 listed companies in the market. 1.735 بالمائة .It is clear from news bulletin companies to several sectors stabilized their index than in the previous meeting, such as investment 35.860 points and the services sector 75.373 points, and the agriculture sector 86.033 points, compared with the low index of the hotel sector, which fell to 10.302 points, a drop of 1.735%. .Despite the rise in the index of the banking sector increased by 35.860 0.335% as well as the industry at 11.347 0.247% but the index declined in Monday's meeting. سهمهاIt is noteworthy that a number of companies were suspended by decision of the securities or by the Board of Governors and the other is not dealing in shares
    جريدة المواطن العراقية
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  9. #489
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    Baghdad / follow Justice : The Iraqi dinar new wave seems there is a rise in the dollar off the market in currency exchange in the Central Bank, are now handling dinar soon 1254 per dollar compared to last week, which was disbursed between 1270 and 1260,

    .According to information obtained from the Ministry of Finance, the dinar will continue to rise in the dollar after the tribes that contained financial improvement of the Exchequer Iraqi improved financial reserve, which witnessed a leap improvement has not communicated since the years of embargo, The ministry's experts that Iraq consuming countries, which makes the majority of materials consumed comes to him from abroad and at the currency exchange, which would be reflected positively on the purchasing power of citizens, and despite the circumstances of terrorism, which has worked to raise the prices of many items because of banditry between markets, However, the ministry continues its policy because it believes that this would be a large fine on the citizens, particularly low-income who are now suffering from high prices, according to experts, economists, Iraq can testify further economic recovery with the continuous improvement of security emergency in many areas, They argue that the government has allocated $ 10 billion to be spent investment could go back to the labor markets, services and interrelated series of interest with the market construction, architectural and subsequent transport market in the medium and interests holds great promise could be feeling its effects later in the year remarkably, but they fear that the ministries and not be able to disburse some governorates these specialties, which makes these funds frozen in the Central Bank, thus preventing the feed in the fields of development expected in the areas of improving the purchasing power of citizens, and occupy Najaf governorate ranked first in the area of reconstruction and development, and can find it very clearly in all its facilities, comes from beyond Wasit then Nasiriyah, as is the city of Amarah, Anbar ranked low in this context, mostly for reasons of security. .According to reports accredited to experience the governorate of Najaf, Wasit may witness a renaissance wide over the next two years if the current promotion of physical Palmenwal taking into account what the religious tourism that generated the two cities.
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  10. #490
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    Coalition captures “terrorist” shipping EFPs from Iran to Iraq
    Tue. 05 Jun 2007
    Iran Focus

    London, Jun. 05 - Coalition forces in Iraq detained one “suspected terrorist” and killed another Monday morning during raids in Baghdad, the U.S. military said in a statement.

    “The individual detained during the raid is believed to be a member of the secret cell terrorist network known for facilitating the transport of weapons and explosively formed penetrators, or EFPs, from Iran to Iraq, as well as bringing militants from Iraq to Iran for terrorist training”, it said.

    “Intelligence reports indicate the suspected terrorist detained during the morning raids is an integral member of the improvised explosive devises and EFP facilitation network.

    “He is also believed to be responsible for numerous attacks against Coalition Forces, including heavy involvement in mortar attacks, personally observing and adjusting fire in the past two days”, the statement added.

    “Eliminating the EFP threat from the battlefield is a top priority for MNF-I”, said Lt. Col. Christopher Garver, the spokesperson of the Multi-National Force – Iraq (MNF-I). “Captures like this one represent steady, deliberate progress against the network that brings them in to Iraq and uses them against Coalition and Iraqi security forces.”
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