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    Iraq council seeks to bridge Sunni-Shi段te divide
    Web posted at: 6/5/2007 3:0:40
    Source ::: AFP
    BAGHDAD Sunni and Shi段te religious scholars came together in Baghdad yesterday to form a new inter-sect Muslim council and called for an end to the both the US occupation and violent extremism.

    Under the slogan "the unity of the scholars symbolises the unity of the Iraqi people," some 40 clerics, both Sunni and Shi段te, formed the Union of Muslim Scholars, the first body of its kind.

    While none of Iraq's truly influential religious leaders were present, the major trends in Muslim thought were represented and the delegates pledged to heal the rifts tearing the society apart.

    "We call on the people, especially the sons of the tribes, to reject the gangs and violent mobs and their failed satanic plans and present a united front against the extremists trying to destroy Iraq," a closing statement said.

    Since the US-led invasion of March 2003 and the dissolution of the largely secular ruling Baath party, Iraqis have increasingly looked to religious figures for leadership.

    The main Sunni organisation, the Muslim Scholars Association, however, took a very hard line towards working with the new Shi段te-dominated political system while many Shi段te clerics had little good to say about the Sunnis.

    The scholars called on politicians to end their bickering, and heal their rifts so that the foreign occupation of Iraq can end as soon as possible. The scholars described the spiral of violence gripping the country, much of it done in the name of religion, as a foreign import.

    "We are confronted now by a culture we have not seen before, a dangerous culture of kidnapping and slaughter," Khaled Al Mulla of the Muslim Scholars Association told the conference.

    "We don't want any more of these bad examples imported from outside... the awakenings of Anbar and Baquba are proof of the rejection of this," he said, referring to the tribal alliances recently formed against Al Qaeda in Iraq om provinces west and north of the capital.

    Ahmed Al Bahadly of the Shi段te Hawza, the religious schools of Najaf, condemned "strange fatwas" and teachings sanctioning sectarian violence. "The crimes which have been committed in the name of religion because of faulty understanding have led to attacks on holy places, the sabotage of public utilities and the theft of our wealth," he said.

    The scholars pledged to form committees to follow up on their recommendations.

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  2. #492
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    Basra with huge oil wealth estimated at 65 billion barrels - 05/06/2007News-05/06/2007


    ".A researcher oil Ahmad Husseini said geological studies "showed that about 530 in Iraq complex geology of the good prospects for oil, and drilling about 115 so far been gas reserves are estimated at about 3.111 billion barrels of oil, and 415 remain subject requiring exploration."
    ".Char and that the "reserves estimated in the 415 subject undiscovered for various reasons over 215 billion barrels." ".He believed that the provincial and district rich in oil "will dominate in the future nearly two thirds of Iraq's oil result." He Husseini in a symposium organized by the University of Babylon on the oil, gas and hosted by experts in the economy and oil, that oil reserves in Iraq "parallel discovered reserves in Saudi Arabia which is today the first product in the world." ".He pointed out that producing fields now "concentrated in the provinces of Basra and Kirkuk, in exchange for the production of a few other fields located in the provinces of Misan, Baghdad, Salah al-Din, Diyala and Mosul."

    ".He pointed out that the "fields discovered and developed deployed in most Iraqi provinces except four are : Qadisiyah and Babil and Anbar, Dohuk."

    منالكليThe expert noted that the Basra governorate "holds the largest oil wealth in Iraq, referring to the statistical data it has 15 gas fields, including 10-productive, What still awaiting development, and production. It also contains rocks in these fields to keep oil over 65 billion barrels constituting about 59% of total Iraqi oil reserve. It also represents the oil reserve to the provinces of Basra, Dhi Qar, Maysan 79400 Meyer barrels or 71% of the total reserve in the country. " He explained that these figures mean that "the bulk of the oil reserve is concentrated in the south and around Kirkuk in the estimated 13450 billion barrels constituting about 12% of total reserve of Iraqi oil. The Kurdistan region contains 3160 billion barrels, or 3% of total
    リァルリィリオリアリゥ リェリカル リォリアル畏ゥ ルルリキル韓ゥ リカリョルリゥ リェルぺッリア リィ65 ルルル韓ァリア リィリアルル館
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  3. #493
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    Basra with huge oil wealth estimated at 65 billion barrels
    (Voice of Iraq) - 05-06-2007
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    A researcher oil Ahmad Husseini said geological studies "showed that about 530 in Iraq complex geology of the good prospects for oil, and drilling about 115 so far been gas reserves are estimated at about 3.111 billion barrels of oil, and 415 remain subject requiring exploration."

    Char and that the "reserves estimated in the 415 subject undiscovered for various reasons over 215 billion barrels." He believed that the provincial and district rich in oil "will dominate in the future nearly two thirds of Iraq's oil result." He Husseini in a symposium organized by the University of Babylon on the oil, gas and hosted by experts in the economy and oil, that oil reserves in Iraq "parallel discovered reserves in Saudi Arabia which is today the first product in the world." He pointed out that producing fields now "concentrated in the provinces of Basra and Kirkuk, in exchange for the production of a few other fields located in the provinces of Misan, Baghdad, Salah al-Din, Diyala and Mosul."

    He pointed out that the "fields discovered and developed deployed in most Iraqi provinces except four are : Qadisiyah and Babil and Anbar, Dohuk."

    The expert noted that the Basra governorate "holds the largest oil wealth in Iraq, referring to the statistical data it has 15 gas fields, including 10-productive, What still awaiting development, and production. It also contains rocks in these fields to keep oil over 65 billion barrels constituting about 59% of total Iraqi oil reserve. It also represents the oil reserve to the provinces of Basra, Dhi Qar, Maysan 79400 Meyer barrels or 71% of the total reserve in the country. " He explained that these figures mean that "the bulk of the oil reserve is concentrated in the south and around Kirkuk in the estimated 13450 billion barrels constituting about 12% of total reserve of Iraqi oil. The Kurdistan region contains 3160 billion barrels, or 3% of total
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
    - Abraham Lincoln

  4. #494
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    Fighting shows dissension between Al Qaeda and Iraqi groups
    (Voice of Iraq) - 05-06-2007
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    BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The clashes in the streets of Baghdad between one of the main Iraqi armed groups and members of an armed movement led by Al Qaeda and a deep chasm within the insurgency led by Sunni Arabs in Iraq.

    The battle that took place last week to control the Amiriyah neighborhood of Baghdad, the first of its kind between the Arab Sunni armed groups had previously maintained on the Alliance strictly against American forces and Iraqi security forces.

    He hopes Iraqi and American officials could lose key Qaeda allies and more isolated in areas Sunni Arabs in Iraq caused harsh tactics, including the bombings killed thousands of alienating many of them.

    After 48 hours of fighting between Al Qaeda and the Islamic Army in Iraq, calm has returned to the streets of Amiriyah.

    But the battle does not die on the Internet.

    Until recently, often the data published by various armed groups praises each other for the declaration of responsibility for attacks against American and Iraqi forces as well as the killing of Shiites, which constitute the majority of the country's population.

    But now it has included data from Al Qaeda and the Islamic Army posted on the use of armed groups overt attack on each other.

    The rule also published an insult messages against Islamic Army leaders. One of these letters are termed dogs.

    He denied the Islamic Army is a large group composed mainly of supporters of the late President Saddam Hussein and disbanded army officers alleged to be from Al Qaeda began fighting in the Amiriyah detonated a man tried to remove phrases hostile to the base of one of the walls.

    In a voice recording posted on the electronic teenage Ali Naimi, spokesman for the Islamic Army-Qaida leaders responsible for the fighting and said that the Islamic State of Iraq led by Al Qaeda converted Sunni cities to "ghost towns".

    Naimi said "hold Abu Hamza Al-Masri and Abu Omar al-Baghdady responsibility Maevalleh followers in the Sunni" in reference to al-Qaeda leader in Iraq Abu Ayyoub and the Egyptian leader of the comprehensive founders.

    He added that they fear "and opposed the hands of God on the Baath", and added that Al Qaeda killed 40 members of the Islamic Army so far, including leading.

    After the publication of the statement sonar Islamic Army on Monday ruthlessly barrage of insults followers of Al Qaeda. The organizers of the Forum loyal to the base closure following page letter Literacy participant cursed group.

    She described the state of Iraq led by the Islamic rule which Agdptha other comments of the spokesman for the Islamic Army of Al-Jazeera route of the group members as a "stab in the back."

    The group said in a statement on the Internet "we must first resolve the issue with him either legacy of this technique meant to challenge or confront him from behind and tried to campaign for God to repent and abandon what mention from time to time."

    Iraqi analyst Hazim Naimi said said that the infighting was not surprising in the light of the growing feelings of resentment towards the rule among Sunni Arabs who rejected most of the indiscriminate killings by the extremist interpretation of Islam.

    He added that the battle had been expected because the rule angered Iraqis ignoring safety during the battle, pointing out that it may be in the interest of Iraqi groups, which may increase their popularity through stand in the face of Al Qaeda.

    They fought and some Sunni Arab tribes in the western province of Anbar, which has long been a haven for a group of gunmen for weeks and says it is able to take control of large areas of desert preservation.

    American officials sought and Iraqis who are eager to stop the violence that threatens to tear apart Iraq to isolate Al Qaeda and often characterize it as non-reconciliation while other armed groups are for reconciliation.
    Last edited by PAn8tv; 05-06-2007 at 08:42 PM.
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  5. #495
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    الاهليةFinance Minister stresses the importance of the contribution of private banks

    () - 05-06-2007(Voice of Iraq) - 05-06-2007
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    of Iraq
    Cabinet-National Information Center
    / Press ReleasePress statement / Press Release

    راقيFinance Minister stresses the importance of the contribution of private banks and the private sector in the development of the Iraqi economy

    اكد.The Finance Minister Baqer Jabr Al-Zubaydi the importance of the contribution of private banks and the private sector in the Iraqi economy came during the expanded meeting with the directors of private banks and 33 of the Bank in addition to the Rafidain and Rashid bank and the Central Bank of Iraq and advisor to the Minister of Finance for the banks.

    .It was during the meeting, a thorough review of the work of private banks and the obstacles that hinder their work as minister commended the role of the banks, stressing "the importance of dealing seriously with them through the conversion of the opening credits to expand employment and direct the implementation of major projects in Iraq and support ministries and departments in the opening credits to effectively contribute to the reconstruction Iraq and the expansion of private sector participation in this aspect.

    فيه.He called on the minister to develop standards to be agreed upon in the development of the banking sector in Iraq based on a free market economy and revitalize the Iraqi economy on a large scale for Aikv when certain limits, but that the investment in Iraq is the largest of any state in the region because of the "need for Iraq to the rehabilitation and building projects and infrastructure development therein.

    وشدد.The minister stressed the importance of a greater awareness of the correspondent banks and advisers to promote the creation and Commercial Bank of Iraq is ready to cooperate in this area because any support for these banks is the support of the Iraqi economy is heading towards a strong pace of building a new Iraq based on a scientific basis advanced to which all without exception because Iraq to Aybene without investment, we affirm that these banks of Dorkabbir (33), actor in the process of advancement and comprehensive development. لذا يجب .Why should adopt controls and standards for the granting of opportunities opening credits to private banks.

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    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  6. #496
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    Iraqi Industries Federation
    Date : Tuesday, June 05
    Page name : Economic
    Baghdad-Abbas Algalbi
    Proposals to move the wheel of industry and activating small enterprises
    The government recently moved to support small industrial projects in an attempt to solve the unemployment problem through the operation of certain categories of graduates, immigrants and the disabled of the assignee.

    The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs on the tongue and its minister announced the allocation of 730 million dollars for small projects initially, but soon fell to only $ 50 million divided by 30 million dollars to the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, 20 million were made available to the Directorate General of Industrial Development under the Ministry of Industry metals and benefit from the projects registered in the industrial development exclusively in Baghdad.
    Hashim Al-Atraqchi Relief President of the Federation of Iraqi Industries counting draws support the government in addressing the small industrial projects partially incomplete, pointing out that $ 50 million is not enough for projects registered at the Directorate General for industrial development projects, or even newly registered with the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.
    Al-Atraqchi felt that the best way to activate these projects lies in the adoption of a package of proposals submitted by the Iraqi Industries Federation to the Supreme Committee for Employment and Vocational Training for the reduction of import policy of indiscriminate goods that prevailed in the Iraqi economic scene following the fall of the previous regime.
    He said proposals include import controls according to the decisions and the principles of the WTO and the granting of leave by the import of the competent ministries in line with the actual need of raw materials as well as the local market demand for imported goods.
    It is noteworthy that the principles of the WTO in this direction to prevent dumping of imported goods and non-competitive industrial production and the national agricultural goods imported as well as identify local market need for the annual import of goods.
    He said Al-Atraqchi : The proposals also include imported goods subject to the terms of the quality control and health and safety and the introduction of such goods through campus Alkamrki or customs areas and update fee Alkamrki according to the customs tariff on the basis of the Brussels Convention and the Convention customs of the Economic Commission of the League of Arab States in addition to the fee Alkamrki decided by a civil administrator Bremer 5% for the reconstruction of Iraq in force.
    He continued : The proposals included an estimate of the true value of the goods through customs Almkhmanin Service to estimate the true market price of the goods imported after submitting lists of certified exporters and Iraqi embassies or Arab, as well as meeting the income tax on those goods and the transfer of funds through banks in accordance with the law of the Iraqi Central Bank in order to prevent money funds pointing to the need to inspect the materials imported by the importer, marking manipulation or shortages or contrary to the import certificate lists the customs official documents in order to prevent fraud in the cargo.
    He noted that Al-Atraqchi those proposals received in response and Trade Ministry at the time were silenced by the Ministry of Finance, which enjoyed the support of all members of the Supreme National Committee for Employment and Training.
    It is noteworthy that the Supreme National Committee for Employment and Training, headed by Minister of Labor and Social Affairs and its membership includes representatives from the twelve addition to representatives of the Federation of Industries and the Federation of Trade Unions striking is the we have seen on the ground or no interaction tests by the Ministry of Trade and it is the issue that we see more with the importation of goods for example, they did not propose or legally issued instructions to set controls to regulate the movement of topical import goods and prevent the phenomenon of dumping the commodity in the market of Iraqi Endemicity.
    The Al-Atraqchi that those proposals were circulated as to whether they lead to reactivate the industry in Iraq and do small industrial enterprises and even medium occupy manpower effort to combat unemployment in order to reactivate the Iraqi economy and diversify its sources of income through the activation of other productive sectors such as the industrial sector as well as stimulate private Special in this direction, which is an urgent need to move the process and the durability of the economic system.
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    Platform essential to the development process
    Date : Tuesday, June 05
    Page name : Economic
    Strict Al-Feeli
    No doubt that the man is an end and the means of development at the same time, and can not reach the development goals unless the basic platform known foremost culture. It turned out to the values that are the engine of change in any society.

    The important question here is how to formulate a modern system of values to help society to embrace the institutions and laws and to provide incentive to defend it? . In other words can make harmony between culture and visions and means of economic development and scientific and physical.
    The move in the civilized values such as respect for the time and deal with it without careful relaxation or waste. It is also known to the basic dimensions of the evaluation of the efficiency tracks progress in various social underpinning the development process in the rebound. This, in turn, pays the spirit of collective action in decision making and implementation to the advanced level of the priorities of the values driving the development process. Considering that the group is the basic building block for the success of any political or economic Aukdemi, to ensure avoid possible fall in the economic and social repercussions of a culture of personal improvisation. Not enough achievement and speed without the two with specifications and goals that are lacking turn to the existence of the values of accuracy in implementation and achievement Bmassadegha which continues to widen the prospects and reality of Iraq.
    And Matekadm of lines can be reflected in the arena without a culture choose the right person in the right place is a practical source of the concept of performance secretariats and responsibilities to the community with competence and integrity, to set an example of community prevails them through movement and performance culture, the value of the individual, including alloy and its service not including, pretending to say it.
    Certainly there are many civilized values is not site listed here, but I would just emphasize that all the values associated with the development process are organically trend in the general culture, but the need to draw attention to the necessity and paid for the top priority in the strategic outlook vision of development, and how conversion to the conscience of the people is reflected in the behavior of each joints society.
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    Karbala reconstruction conference held in Beirut next month
    Date : Tuesday, June 05
    Page name : Economic
    Karbala - Sabah.
    Abdel-Aal announced Yasiri head of Karbala Governorate Council, a group of companies belonging to the Iraqi residents in Lebanon Seraun conference next month on rebuilding the city of Karbala, attended by Arab and foreign investors.

    He added in a statement l (morning) that this agreement came during our visit to Lebanon, heading a delegation of local government in Karbala for holding conventions and trade .. He added that the conferees will provide investment opportunities that they can contribute and specific economic realities and the religious service and tourism .. He noted that Karbala need to build hotels and excellent Mulat commercial and strategic roads and housing buildings to ease the housing crisis and the establishment of laboratories factor brick construction materials, ceramics, plaster artistic .. Pointing out that the conference will discuss these requirements and it is hoped that responds Arab and foreign investors to these needs and implement projects in Karbala.
    In relation to Yasiri said : that the delegation signed with the Federation of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture memorandum of understanding for cooperation to work in Karbala and strengthen relations, as well as benefit from the experiences of these chambers campaigns in the reconstruction of Lebanon .. He added : "These chambers have been invited to participate in a conference on reconstruction in order to be accessible to a wider needs of Karbala.
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
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    The document recommended supporting the International Covenant
    Date : Sunday, June 03
    Page name : Economic
    Private sector urges the wrong ball in the court of government
    Baghdad, Haider Al-Rubaie
    Said Chairman of the Federation of Iraqi businessmen to raise interest rates by banks, and not to finance productive projects, and rising unemployment due to the cessation of most private labs and factories, as well

    The weak fiscal policy pursued by the State, all these things have caused the creation of a (catastrophically) to the private sector ..
    He pointed to a consensus of views between the federation and Mr. Prime Minister that the private sector take the President in the overall process of economic and policy salient features. So what enjoyed by this sector of the great experiences in all economic fields that qualify restore life to the overall industrial and commercial activities and others ..
    He added Reza Ragheb Bleibel at the meeting conducted with him (morning) : The involvement of the private sector in formulating economic laws before Based on the economic decision is an important step towards reactivate the Iraqi economy, despite our need for a wholesome and good support for the implementation of the State, particularly the ministries concerned economic affairs. Noting that the private sector was able to gets its strength recently through Matrah in the recommendations of the Sharm el-Sheikh to support this sector and attention, and have a significant role in the economic process.
    Explaining that the European submit a document containing a number of recommendations necessary in the renaissance of the private sector through the Sharm El-Sheikh conference, which included the document points shows how important this sector at the present time, addressing problems facing the Iraqi economy and the productivity of project stalled and commercial areas, which have stagnated.
    He added that the Russian demanded that there be a role for the IMF and World Bank to finance projects and support the private sector in this important stage.
    And most demands that will promote private sector Bleibel said : There are a lot of important points needed by the private sector to be able to strongly promote them to be an official policy of free economy depends on a clear, and there should be effective and expeditious procedures address this trend, in addition to the need to have a monetary policy and the financing of the private sector and soft and long repayment periods and the benefits of simple because the state claims that the sponsor of this sector to fulfill its responsibilities and to contribute to the revitalization of the economic process and reduce unemployment and ease inflation. He added Bleibel also in this regard : there is another important is the need for the private sector to participate in all economic commissions and the media turn out to be his only, because the private sector has the expertise and experience can provide suggestions of great benefit to the country .. Bleibel and stressed the need for the private sector to take the leading role in the economic process, pointing out that the tests had confirmed that all regulations adopted a policy of free economy was the private sector's outposts in economics ..
    He also said : through our meetings with officials and personnel including Prime Minister stressed that the private sector has a role in the life of the President of Iraq and reliable lot, and will have an active role in all the committees that deal with economic laws and procedures ..
    And the mechanism to activate the new investment law Bleibel said : the ball is now in the range of state and believe that the delay shows the lack of seriousness composition of the investment, but the hope in the coming period to terminate the Investment Authority to complete all associated formations, where asked us to nominate our representatives in this body limited number between 3 4 representatives but demanded that the representation of the private sector in the more than 50% because the sector has the experience and full knowledge of the laws, which can enrich the body of studies and information ...
    He added : is the most important seminars to stimulate the Iraqi economy by attracting foreign investments, must therefore include persons having Capabilities large and extensive relations with various international companies to attract investment to Iraq and demand that it be a specialized sectors take it upon themselves to provide investment opportunities for the industrial, agricultural and financial investment and tourism ..
    Bleibel also said : The government must work hard to support industrial projects, which have previously fed the Iraqi market with all necessary requirements industries such as chemical, metal and engineering, construction, goods and other goods that were produced by those factories .. Noting that the current policy deviation is one of the main reasons why that led to the suspension of manufacturing process .. Referring to the existence of a law in the cabinet provides for the protection of national industry and the consumer, This compels us to demand a swift issuance also invite all institutions of Customs and quality control and other duties to take real role in protecting local industry through Matverding restrictions on imported commodities. explaining that the private sector since the 1930s has had a prominent and important role in the provision of goods through industrial projects, which provided each Maihtajeh country, but the official policies of successive governments have caused shrinkage of these vital projects, even allowing for the private sector again, it will be able to process the command economy, albeit gradual.
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
    - Abraham Lincoln

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    impose law : killing six gunmen and arresting 47

    An abortive attempt to detonate a belt regret amid a crowd of volunteers Baghdad governorate morning Defense Ministry announced that the 11th Party of the Iraqi army was killed yesterday terrorist was wearing a belt of explosives attempted to blow themselves amid a crowd of volunteers for the national police in a channel. The spokesman of the Interior Ministry Major General Abdul Karim Khalaf announced yesterday morning that the National Police were able to kill a woman terrorist was wearing a belt of explosives before the bombing itself. He added that the terrorist tried to blow themselves amid a crowd of Volunteers new national police in Baghdad, when confronted by Mechanized Brigade of the National Police, was able to blitz. Meanwhile, the female lead of Baghdad, "the imposition of the law" that the security forces were able during the last 24 hours before last killed six militants and the arrest of 47 and the arrest of 10 suspects, I was also able to defuse four explosive devices and seized 17 civilian car to bear identification papers and the confiscation of large numbers of weapons and ammunition in various parts of Baghdad. As the army issued a statement summarizing the military operations in all partitioning operations during the twenty four hours before last kill 7 militants and the arrest of 11 and the arrest of 92 suspects. For its part, American forces announced yesterday the arrest of 18 suspects during raids targeting Al Qaeda network in different areas, and said that the process implemented in Taji resulted in the arrest of the leader of an important network of presumed trapping cars in Rasafa. So Eyewitnesses said yesterday that security forces closed a street in Karadah neighborhood Square Swimming Pool even Conquest Square near the National Theater without knowing the reasons that led to the closure of the street. Another witness explained that the security forces allowed civilians to walk on foot traffic in the street. In relation soldiers found the multinational forces to United 60 mm mortar shells in Sadr City. The army statement said that American soldiers parachute got information from a local resident in the city on the United mortar hidden in a truck. With security sources and another in the office of martyr al-Sadr in Baghdad, unknown gunmen assassinated yesterday by the representative office of martyr al-Sadr in the governorate of Al Hillah hand. A security source said in press statements that the security forces imposed a curfew in the region in the wake of the assassination of Sheikh Rahim Mohammad Nayef representative of the Office of the Martyr al-Sadr in hand Jabla. Meanwhile, a media source in the office of martyr al-Sadr in Baghdad, unknown gunmen assassinated Sheikh Naif after it fired a volley of bullets at the entrance point, and then fled. In the same context, security source said police official in the city of Baquba that the armed group launched an armed attack yesterday on the family, killing and injuring four of them south of Baquba, while a car bomb exploded amid garage juvenile Sadiyyah resulted in the injury of three civilians. The source explained that the armed group had yesterday raided a neighborhood in southern Baquba assassinating people and injuring three, all from one family. At the same time, he said the same source : a car bomb exploded amid the transfer car garage juvenile Sadiyyah resulting damage to a number of vehicles and wounding three Medenine who were near the scene of the explosion. He added that the wounded were evacuated to a hospital to receive treatment. In Muqdadiya been one of the neighborhoods of the city came under mortar fire and Katyusha rockets last night. A security source said that the district military suffered mortar shelling and Katyusha rockets, which led to the injury of civilians injured and destroyed some property of citizens.

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    It seems that the state insists, or preserve the value of the Iraqi dinar 148 against the dollar ...Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states [ MOF Sept 2006]

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