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  1. #611
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    Trade is preparing a draft agreement for economic and trade cooperation
    (صوت العراق) - 07-06-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 07-06-2007
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    Republic of Iraq
    The Cabinet-National Information Center
    Media Relations
    Press Release
    Press statement / Press Release
    Thursday 7-6-2007

    Trade is preparing a draft agreement for economic and trade cooperation, scientific and cultural cooperation with Iran

    Service has economic relations in the Ministry of Trade to draft a new convention trade and economic cooperation with the scientific and cultural Islamic Republic of Iran.

    A source in the Chamber that the draft of the Convention was circulated to the concerned ministries for the purpose of the observations on them and added that serves this Convention.
    The source added that the draft agreement in case their remarks on the roadmap and informed the Iranian side, they are friendly alternative to the agreement signed between the two countries in 1967.

    He added that relations between the two countries have witnessed Melhoudha after visits by senior officials of the two countries, in addition to the government economic and trade delegation, headed by the Minister of Trade, Dr. Abdel Hassan Sudanese farmer who met senior Iranian officials and agreed to issue a joint statement between the two sides emphasized the common desire the development of economic relations and increasing trade exchange between the two countries and overcome a number of problems related to various issues.

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  2. #612
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    Hamid Majid Moussa : Terrorism and quotas main reasons for the deteriorating situation
    (صوت العراق) - 07-06-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 07-06-2007
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    The Iraqi Communist Party
    Media Communication Center (Matta)
    Hamid Majid Moussa :
    Terrorism and quotas main reasons for the deteriorating situation

    Baghdad - Nina :
    Counting Comrade Hamid Majid Moussa, central committee secretary of the Iraqi Communist Party, terrorism and sectarian quota system and the positions of some of the most important political blocs causes of the deterioration of the security and political situation in Iraq.
    Moussa said of the National Iraqi News yesterday, Wednesday, : "American policy is wrong in Iraq and ignoring the opinion of the government's decisions are other reason for the deterioration of the situation in the country." Calling : "the political blocs to avoid vandalism, and make concessions to unify Iraqi ranks to get Iraq out of its crisis."
    Moussa stressed : "the need to engage the political forces were not involved in the political process and accession." He said : "The government is part of the complex situation, but does not possess a magic wand to solve the crisis," adding : "This does not mean that the government does not bear a large part of the responsibility for the security situation in particular and service."
    He called on the government to stand united to address the seriousness of the current situation and provide services to the people.

    Thursday 7/6/2007

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  3. #613
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    Vice President Adel Abdul Mahdi stressed the importance of
    (صوت العراق) - 07-06-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 07-06-2007
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    Republic of Iraq
    Presidential Office
    Press Office

    News : Vice President Adel Abdul Mahdi stressed the importance of intensifying efforts and sustain meetings between the political forces to get out of the current tensions
    June 7, 2007
    June 7, 2007

    Research Vice President Adel Abdel Mahdi with Prime Iraqi Accord Front Adnan Al-Dulaimi, political and security developments in the country, along with the progress made in the draft national reconciliation.
    His Excellency, stressed, during a reception at his office in Baghdad Wednesday 6-6-2007 President of the Iraqi Accord Front Adnan Al-Dulaimi, the importance of intensifying efforts and sustain meetings between various political forces in order to find ways to break the current tensions.
    As the Vice President of the Republic, to the need to develop mechanisms for the process of political forces in order to build a state of law based on respect for human rights and democracy, and be kept away from sectarianism and narrow interests and work to strengthen the ties between the components of the people, pointing to the existence Mutabenyat agreed by the political parties in this regard.
    Meanwhile, the Head of the Iraqi Accord Front for agreement on general principles, in order to extricate Iraq from the current dispositions applicable targeting everyone without exception.

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  4. #614
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    Vice President of the government of the territory Kurdstan meet with a delegation investment
    (صوت العراق) - 07-06-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 07-06-2007
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    Vice President of the government of the territory Kurdstan meet with a delegation of U.S. investment

    Arbil : met Mr. Omar Fattah, Vice President of the government of the territory Kurdstan yesterday Colonel Knapp of the American army and a delegation of the company (Lawrence City what Nigement) American investment and private affairs in the areas of medical and industrial sources and agriculture. The delegation expressed willingness to participate in the reconstruction of Kurdstan region and meet the needs of the citizens of Kurdstan. For his part, Mr. Vice President of the government of the territory Kurdstan territorial government was ready to extend all support and cooperation and facilities of the companies participating in the reconstruction of infrastructure, environment, the territory Kurdstan.

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  5. #615
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    The Council of Ministers of Kurdstan hold its territory and raises Law
    (صوت العراق) - 07-06-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 07-06-2007
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    The Council of Ministers of Kurdstan hold its territory and raises the Peshmargas and budget 2007 to Parliament

    The Council of Ministers headed by the territory Kurdstan Najirfan Barzani, President of the Council and the presence of Omar Fattah, deputy chairman of the Cabinet in its presidency of the Council, It was at the presentation of the results of the successful visit of the Prime Minister of the Territory to Iran, and especially at the economic level, trade and the strengthening of relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the region were discussed Kurdstan arrival of their delegations to the territory of Kurdstan to establish trade and economic relations and the participation of Iranian investors in the economic recovery to serve the citizens of the territory and the organization of Kurdstan border between the two sides.

    The findings were presented talks delegation of the government of the territory Kurdstan to Baghdad and discussions held over the distribution of imports and cause the Peshmargas and other issues, the ministers also discussed the mechanism put in place between the two sides to be addressed, The Sarkis Aghajan and Minister of Finance and Economy in government territory Kurdstan budget ratified and allocated by the federal government for the Iraqi territory Kurdstan, also touched on the deficit that exists between the needs of the territory and Kurdstan budget allocated by the Iraqi government, pointing to the paragraphs and points in terms of budget expenditures, imports and the amounts allocated to all ministries, institutions and organizations for disbursement to projects according to their priorities, the Board approved after extensive debate on the budget for the year two thousand and seven of the territory of Kurdstan for submission to the National Council Puk.

    Also at the meeting was the discussion of the law of the Ministry of Peshmargas in government territory Kurdstan was approved submission to the National Council for endorsement Puk, has been discussing with the district councils were introduced many of the proposals and observations for the development project was approved formation of a committee to be enriched.

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  6. #616
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    Iraqi clan leader calls factions to unite
    (صوت العراق) - 07-06-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 07-06-2007
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    Iraqi clan leader calls factions to unite and refrain from fighting

    Amman (Reuters) - The leader of Iraqi Sunni clan on Thursday armed Iraqi groups to unite instead of fighting among themselves for "ending the American occupation of Iraq."

    He said Sheikh Majid Alkuawwad a leader in the Dulaimi clan wide influence in a phone conversation with the Reuters "sincerely invite all factions brothers in jihad and resistance to continue their jihad imposed by the Almighty God as heralds of victory had been manifested."

    He added Alkuawwad "and bless every voice calling for the unification of the ranks of the resistance, as happened in front Jihad and reform, which is work and persistence nightmare haunts enemy occupier and his aides asked everyone should support all methods of assistance."

    The Islamic Army is one of the main armed groups in Iraq and another armed group announced earlier last month that they form a united front under the name of jihad front and reform.

    The Islamic Army said on Wednesday that it had reached an agreement to a cease-fire with Al Qaeda in Iraq to end the clashes between the two groups 2, which are engaged in an armed campaign against the American forces in Iraq.

    The groups exchanged accusations regarding the killing as the Islamic Army accused the Qaeda seeking hegemony of the State of Iraq during the Islamic him.

    He said Alkuawwad and friendly relations with senior army officers the former regime "I call on all the sons of Iraq to the wounded reunification and unity in the South, Central and North Iraqna beloved."

    He added : "We say that the dark period on Iraq that made enemies might encounter ended ago Square is Jihad and resistance, we say that Iraq is not like in the Ivory Coast because it is American calculations and scrapped its entire theory global supremacy."

    The Islamic Army in Iraq has repeatedly said that a Sunni fighting the "occupying forces" and strongly denied suggestions that he was subject to the domination of former army officers and supporters of the Baath Party, which was led by the dissolved late President Saddam Hussein.

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  7. #617
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    Nigervan BARZANI : are ready to provide all support to activate the role of
    (صوت العراق) - 07-06-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 07-06-2007
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    In the first conference of civil society organizations in the province
    Nigervan BARZANI : are ready to provide all support to activate the role of organizations

    Government patronage of the President of Kurdstan region Nigervan Barzani, and the presence of several ministers, members of Parliament and representatives of the consulates and international organizations and personalities, social mobilization and the representatives of civil society organizations in Arbil, Dahuk and Sulaymaniyah, Kirkuk, and extensive media coverage. The Office of the Minister of Territory for civil society, the sixth day of June in a hotel Khanzad in Arbil, a regional conference under the slogan (together for the development of civil society and reality in the territory of Kurdstan).

    The Conference was opened by the Minister of Territory for civil society George Mansour, the welcoming speech the importance of the role of civil society organizations independent and free in building a civilized society in the territory of Kurdstan and focused on the tasks and requirements of the discharge.

    It then gave the Prime Minister of the government of the Kurdstan Nigervan Barzani, a speech prepared and ambitious, an integrated program of the government's work with civil society organizations, and expressed his government's full readiness to offer all support to activate the role of civil society organizations in the province to work in the areas of transparency and women and youth, environment, investment, education and information. He also commended the efforts made by the Office of the Minister of Territory for civil society to the conference, describing it as "important".

    Having dropped Boukhchan g entire e-member Parliament Speaker Kurdstan speech, there were two on the current reality of civil society in the province and legal status him.

    Hence the Congress, members discussed several hours, and through workshops totals do not work, axes task for the methods organizations to obtain licenses, and ways to maintain independence, and the methods of funding, and the relationship between the organizations themselves, and the relationship between organizations and donor institutions, and the relationship between local organizations and the territorial government.

    And ended Almitmerbekelmeh Concluding Minister George Mansour.The conference issued a final communiqué and a series of important recommendations.

    Ministry of Region / Civil Society Affairs
    Ministry of Region / Civil Society Affairs
    Kurdistan – IRAQ.
    Kurdistan - IRAQ.
    PHONE: 256 1137
    PHONE : 256 1137

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  8. #618
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    The political bureau of the Patriotic Union of Puk shows position of the Iraqi Islamic Party Statement
    Luna / 6-7 / BAGHDAD / clarification of the political bureau of the Patriotic Union of Puk
    Statement on the Iraqi Islamic Party :
    We in the joint statement with the Political Bureau goes to the document signed by the three leaders of the Islamic Party and declare that the text agreed on the formation of political front to seek agreement on the formation of this front away from the representatives of the vast majority of the Iraqi people from Shiites and Kurds, who raised is not criticizing the meeting, which was Brother President Talabani informed of the meeting and approved delegates to attend Islamic Party without agreement on the formation of political front, and without reading the list of invitees The reason for the issuance of the month after the signing of the document announcing the agreement on establishing the political front is due primarily to our recent document, which ran as reported. We did not reach agreement on the founding of the front and secondly to delay meeting the two politicians headed by the Barzani and Talabani We welcome the statement that the Islamic party is working on setting up a broad coalition in the parliament platform grouping of national and away from the sectarian and nationalist Trenching is exactly what we brothers the leadership of the Islamic Party to work for several months ago and we hope that this will take place shortly eight Kurdish parties opened a new page of a general amnesty even Alghosh leaders, but that does not mean the involvement and pressure Turkish officials also said one of reconciliation in the political front, away from the basic forces of Iraqi Shiites together, we believe that our brothers in the Islamic Party, I know people are not only hard work but carefully before by their fellow Kurds for national reconciliation, national reconciliation and the involvement of representatives of all components of the Iraqi people in the leadership of the state and we would like to ask them whether this was possible without the hard work to achieve what compatibility has been achieved and joint work on the shortcomings Will forgot dear brothers in the leadership of the Islamic Party and our our efforts to bring the parties to achieve national and GNU / / completed / p u / u p / local

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  9. #619
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    Financial convene a committee of mobile phone licenses in Iraq

    Luna / 6-7 / BAGHDAD / contract Finance Minister Baqer Jabr Al-Zubaydi lengthy meeting of the Special Committee to study the issue of cell phones in Iraq, which included Tawfiq Mohammed Alawi, Minister of Communications and a leading Fahmi, Minister of Science and Shirwan Aloaele CST and the Minister of National Security and Fadel Mohammad Javad Adviser to the Prime Minister.
    A source in the ministry today, Thursday, it was during the meeting, a review of procedures in connection with the auction of mobile and study schedule on the auction procedures, rules and decisions to be taken thereon.
    The source added that it was also discussion of a company (Cork) Special legal mobile in the Kurdistan region, observations by the Ministry of Communications on the draft contract and replies licensing body, then held extensive discussions on the draft of the license contract this.
    It is noteworthy that the committee held several meetings aim to reach the best results, which contribute to improving the performance of the mobile phone and ways of providing better services for citizens / / completed / p u / a, c / financial ..

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  10. #620
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    Rising numbers of auditors to obtain loans to the Ministry of Labor
    Luna / 6-7 / Baghdad / The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs for the preparation of audit of the unemployed registered in the database of the Department of Labor and Vocational Training wishing to obtain loans to set up small income-generating activities for the period 27-31/5/2007.
    An official source in the Department of Labor and Vocational Training today, Thursday, the ten outlets allocated by the ministry for the reception of applicants in Rasafa and Karkh side of Baghdad received (861) Auditor gathered at (200) in the Waziriyah district auditor, and (30) in the fledgling auditor, and (150) in the Zafaraniyah, (180) in the flame, and (80) auditor at the center of staying, (120) auditor in the chest, and (37) shall appoint in the Ur district, and (64) shall appoint the people.

    That brings the total number of auditors in all the centers since the start of the project in the current year from 04/15/2007 (5092) auditor.
    The source said that the Commission received communications (1627) telephoned to inquire about the loans since the launching of the program.
    It should be noted that the program includes granting loans to set up small income-generating for the four categories is the class of unemployed graduates enrolled in the center of the operation and shopkeepers affected by terrorist acts that occur within the city of Baghdad, and displaced persons who wish to return to their homes in Baghdad. The special needs of disabled people covered by the CRC / / completed / u p / b p / local.

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