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  1. #621
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    The Supreme Council of the Kurdish political parties issued a communiqué on whatever Cairo Conference

    The Supreme Council of the Kurdish political parties on a conference held in Cairo on 28/4/2007 issued at the conclusion of the meeting filed with the text :

    Communiqué of the meeting of the Supreme Council of Kurdish political parties

    The Supreme Council of the Kurdish political parties, were discussed at the meeting political situation in Iraq and Kurdistan in general, and highlighted in particular the Cairo Conference held in 28/4/2007.

    The discussion during the meeting, in the spirit of democracy and an open and transparent manner, about the political process in Iraq and the experience of the Kurdistan region, as was decided the following :

    1-After discussing the content of the record of the Cairo Conference and the clarification given by the Islamic Union of Kurdistan around freezing participation in all meetings which resulted from this conference and the lack of commitment by the Islamic Union of Kurdistan, with all respect to the conference, before the meeting of the Supreme Council for clarification.

    2-should not participate Kurdish political parties in general, and especially to participate in the Supreme Council, in such fronts in the future, without reference to the Supreme Council of the Kurdish political parties.

    3-for the sake of the unity of the Kurdish political parties and federal experiment, it was decided during the meeting exceeded all data on the subject, and the return of unity, and the situation in the relations between the Kurdish parties to strengthen the unity of the internal and face all the challenges that arise in the political arena.

    This participated in the meeting the heads of political parties and officials from the Kurdistan (KDP, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, the Communist Party of Kurdistan, the Islamic Group in Kurdistan, the Islamic Union of Kurdistan, the So******t Party of Kurdistan Democratic Party and the Kurdistan Toilers Party).

    The Supreme Council of Kurdish political parties

    KRG, Kurdistan Regional Government

  2. #622
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    Kuwaiti-Iraqi relations excellent -- Iraqi official POL-BULGARIA-IRAQ-KUWAIT
    Kuwaiti-Iraqi relations excellent -- Iraqi official
    (With photos) SOFIA, June 7 (KUNA) -- Iraqi Deputy Foreign Minister Labid Abawi said Thursday his government had special relations with Kuwait.

    Speaking to the Kuwait News Agency (KUNA,) on the sidelines of a current visit to Bulgaria, he said his country's relations with Kuwait stemmed "not only from the fact that they have common borders, but because they have a common history and civilization." He stressed that what the former Iraqi regime did to Kuwait was not enough to sever those good relations between the two brotherly states.

    He also lauded Kuwait's efforts to restore law and order to his country.

    He added that his current visit to Bulgaria was aimed at fostering military, economic and cultural ties with that country.

    He said he met so far with Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ivailo Kalvin and Bulgarian Deputy Defense Minister Sonia Yakolova and agreed with them on a protocol of cooperation at economic, trade, political, military and security levels.

    The Iraqi official said Bulgaria has shown readiness to receive an Iraqi military delegation "to discuss the military cooperation in greater detail." A meeting of the joint Iraqi-Bulgarian ministerial committee is to take place soon in Sofia to discuss cooperation at all those levels.

    Turning to the issue of the debt owed by Iraq to Bulgaria, it was agreed to hold joint meetings between the finance ministries and central banks of both countries to reschedule the debt or agree on ways of settling it.

    Abawi said he had briefed the Bulgarian side on the efforts of the Iraqi government to dissolve all armed militias by paving the way for their members to join the regular Iraqi armed forces. (end) mbk.
    KUNA 071510 Jun 07NNNN

    Kuna site|Story page|Kuwaiti-Iraqi relations excellent -- Iraqi officia...6/7/2007

  3. #623
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    GCC countries could foster knowledge-based economies -- executives ECO-KUWAIT-GCC-KNOWLEDGE
    GCC countries could foster knowledge-based economies -- executives
    KUWAIT, June 6 (KUNA) -- Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries are qualified to become knowledge-based economies, GCC investors said Tuesday.

    In a seminar held by Global Intellectual Plus (GIP), an international company specializes in knowledge management holding based in Bahrain, a company executive said these projects are widely needed in the region, as there is a great market for them because of changing laws to comply with World Trade Organization and protect intellectual property which guarantees the rights of people working in the field.

    The director of Middle East investments at the company Jawad bin Sabt said the advanced infrastructure in most GCC countries, especially in telecommunications, is a great support to knowledge-based projects. He added the bank transactions in the region remain swift and relatively simple, de****e procedures applied since September 11.

    The tax-free nature of the GCC economies is also a great advantage as its bottom-line will be relatively high compared to other countries where fees and taxes take a chunk out of profits.

    Head of the strategic studies and international affairs at GIP Hamza Qarouni said knowledge has in fact become a great investment. Microsoft, who makes billions of dollars every year, does not sell products, but knowledge. He added in another example, eBay, an eleven year old company, makes around five billion dollars annually. Its stock has increased from three dollars to 70 since its inception.(end) ahj.aa.
    KUNA 061332 Jun 07NNNN

    Kuna site|Story page|GCC countries could foster knowledge-based economi...6/6/2007

  4. #624
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    Appologize if previously.

    Iraq considers Jordanian, Syrian seaports to export its goods COM-IRAQ-PORTS-GOODS
    Iraq considers Jordanian, Syrian seaports to export its goods
    BAGHDAD, June 6 (KUNA) -- Iraqi Commerce Minister Abdulfalah Al-Soudani stated Wednesday the ministry is currently studying the possibility of using Al-Aqaba and Tartous ports in Jordan and Syria to transfer imported food products to northern and western Iraq.

    Al-Soudani said Iraq's Ministry of Commerce is conducting a study to considera all options to facilitate food supply transfer.

    The ministry is examining the usage of Al-Aqaba and Tartous ports for transit trade to northern and western Iraqi provinces, he pointed out.

    Transfer of goods from Basra port, south of Iraq, to northern and western provinces is currently facing many obstacles, he stated. To overcome these obstacles, he added, cooperation with neighboring countries like Syria and Jordan is a necessity.

    Al-Soudani held meetings with Jordan's Minister of Commerce and Industry Salem Al-Khaza'ala to discuss means of bolstering trade between the two countries.(end) ahh.

    KUNA 061022 Jun 07NNNN

    Kuna site|Story page|Iraq considers Jordanian, Syrian seaports to expor...6/6/2007

  5. #625
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    Demand for dollar exceeds 100 m ceiling in daily auction Baghdad - Voices of Iraq
    Thursday , 07 /06 /2007 Time 5:05:53
    By Dergham Mohammed Ali
    Baghdad, Jun 7, (VOI) - Demand for the dollar soared on Thursday to its highest level in over a fortnight, hitting $104, 355 million compared with $41.235 million on Wednesday, due to high bids made by governmental departments in foreign transfers.
    In its daily statement the bank said it had covered all bids, which included $18.545 million in cash and $85.810 million in foreign transfers, at an exchange rate of 1,260 dinars per dollar, unchanged from yesterday.
    None of the 17 banks that participated in Thursday's auction offered to sell dollars.
    Ali al-Yasseri, a trader at the auction, told VOI "the hike in today's demand for the dollar was due to the high bids made by governmental departments in foreign transfers to honor their commitments with foreign companies."
    The Iraqi Central Bank runs a daily auction from Sunday to Thursday.

    Aswat Aliraq

  6. #626
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    Kordih formation of a committee to follow up the implementation of Article 140 of the Iraqi Constitution, headed by Masud Barzani

    Arbil : the political offices of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan led by Jalal Talabani and the Kurdistan Democratic Party led by Massoud Barzani met this morning lasted for several hours to discuss recent developments on the Iraqi arenas and Kurdish Barzani described b (historic meeting). The meeting adopted several resolutions, foremost of formation of a committee headed by senior Kurdish Massoud Barzani to follow up the implementation of Article 140 Iraqi constitution on normalizing the situation of Kirkuk.
    Kurdish leaders renewed their rejection of any concession with regard to this article. "

    It was decided at the meeting also prevent any party Kordestani from holding any kind of relations with the States, because these relationships are of the presidency and the territorial government under the Constitution. The two leaders also pledged Talabani and Barzani address "terrorist forces, which kill Kurds in areas outside the territory of Kurdistan," in reference to the two Kurdish Mosul and Diyala, Kirkuk and other areas targeted by the Kurds to expel them, with the emphasis of the two leaders to "not to be drawn into a war between Arabs and Kurds." the two leaders did not touch the details of the ways to address these forces beyond the control of the territorial government.

    KRG, Kurdistan Regional Government

  7. #627
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    Jalal Talabani and Massoud Barzani, announcing their refusal to address the conditions the Turkish Kurdistan Workers Party

    Luna / 6-7 / Kurdistan / announced Jalal Talabani and Massoud Barzani, head of the Kurdistan region of Iraq on Thursday rejected Turkish conditions to address the PKK against Turkey a dialogue with the Kurds in northern Iraq.
    Barzani said in a joint press conference held Thursday afternoon with President Jalal Talabani in Salah Eddin summer resort, that the requirement set by the Turkish addressing l (PKK) (PKK) to the fact we Anqubl and we have always said we will help Turkey with all the possibilities if they pursued a peaceful solution, we now agree, but if the goal of Turkey only war, we are not prepared to accept this condition.
    And Aattabralbarzani Turkish invasion that happened to the Kurdistan region is beyond the Iraqi sovereignty before the encroachment on the sovereignty of Kurdish and said that Turkish forces did not enter the territory of Kurdistan and the Turkish threat that happened, it would encroach upon the sovereignty of Iraq and not only the Kurds.
    For his part, Jalal Talabani that the method of dialogue is the best way to address this issue and added hope and wish Alaihadth any invasion of Turkey and take the path of dialogue and fraternity and negotiation to resolve all issues.

    Talabani pointed out that there is a tripartite committee of Turkish American Iraqi responsible for these issues and said we hope that this matter should be referred to this Committee and on article 140 constitutional Talabani said Article 140 we consider a fundamental article of the constitution of Iraq and agree on constitutional amendments based on the survival of Article 140 and this is a matter for them Amsaumeh we have.
    He added, during my recent visit to America talked to all officials, especially in the Foreign Ministry officials on this issue supported the ideas in the normalization and full application of Article gradually.

    Talabani also announced the formation of two committees by the Kurdish leadership to follow up the application of this article, one in the Kurdistan province and the other in Baghdad and said we have formed a committee in Kurdistan, led by President Barzani to follow up the application of Article 140 and the other officials in Baghdad includes Kurds to follow up phases and will be applied to two coordination and communication among them.

    In reply to a question about the attitude of the authorities of the Kurdish targeting Kurds in areas outside the authority of the province said Barzani, although we remain passive before this terrorism targeting Kurds in areas outside the region and pointed to the attempts of Iraqi President Jalal Talabani in Baghdad with the Iraqi government to find solutions to stop targeting Kurds by armed groups classified terrorism.
    He said Alantzarev but must break out of a war Arab and Kurdish But certainly we will strike and will continue to strike at terrorists and their collaborators.

    He said that his meeting with Barzani, Talabani discussed issues available have got Iraqi Kurdistan Alliance exists between the two Kurdish Kurdistan Democratic Party and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan
    Barzani was a historic day and have taken good decisions to stabilize our strategic alliance, as well as the formation of committees for reform in all administrative institutions and partisan happy and fortunate said that our coalition arrived at this stage.

    From his part, Talabani expressed his pleasure at the outcome of the talks and said that a statement issued Thursday on the outcome of the meeting and agreement reached a year ago between the two Kurdish parties in consolidating departments Bustaneh in Erbil and Sulaymaniyah in one department and the withdrawal agreement that elections were not held at the end of the current year in the Kurdistan region of the National Council of Kurdistan Iraq, the post of prime minister in the government of the province, which is being handled now Najirfan Barzani, leader of Kurdistan Democratic performed to a candidate for the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan party, provided that the candidate of the Democratic Party of Kurdistan office of President of Parliament, which is being handled now Adnan Mufti, leader of the National Union / / completed / p u / u p / Kurdistan.

    Translated version of
    Last edited by Hkp; 07-06-2007 at 08:31 PM.

  8. #628
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    of the Constitution Review Committee : the presidency of the parliament must be resolved contentious points

    The Constitutional Review Committee should be for the presidency of the Chamber of Deputies a key role in resolving contentious points of the amendments.

    A statement issued by the Information Office of Sheikh Dr. Humam Hamoudi Chairman of the Committee : that Hamoudi yesterday received the first American Ambassador Ryan Crocker in Iraq. The statement added that the price Crocker large role of the Constitutional Commission in a fair and legal formulas valid pleased all parties. Head of the interesting subject of American statements, and the neutral position for the duration of the Committee's discussions, hoping that the American ambassador positive role in the next steps.

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  9. #629
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    to discuss with President Mubarak of three important files
    Hashemi calls Cairo to reopen its embassy in Baghdad and support national reconciliation
    Baghdad-up morning
    The Vice-President Tarek Hashemi Egyptian government to support national reconciliation and re-opened its embassy in Baghdad and to facilitate the establishment of the Iraqi territory, pledged to Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak trained Iraqi forces in the country free of charge.

    Hashemi said in a press statement yesterday following a meeting with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak resort of Sharm el-Sheikh : Talks with the Egyptian president focused on three files of the first President of the political file which concerns how to extend a helping hand Egyptian Iraqis to achieve reconciliation and address a number of files that require Arab effort to push the Iraqis to agree on whether the word.
    The Vice President : The second file was appealed to the economic file where Hashemi President Mubarak and Egyptian cabinet ministers concerned should think seriously about entering strongly in many of the reconstruction projects, infrastructure and services and provide supply goods in Iraq.
    Hashemi pointed out that the file is in the third consular activities and diplomatic exchanges, saying : "We would like to return to the Egyptian flag flying in Baghdad, as we have representation on the Arab and Egyptian permanent representation and integrated in order to preserve the Arab identity of Iraq."
    He warned that the Arab identity of Iraq was in danger and must be official Arab position to confront this danger, and the reopening of Arab embassies indicating that he had received a good attitude in this regard from President Mubarak and Prime Minister and Foreign Minister.
    Hashemi also invited the Egyptian Interior Ministry to facilitate the establishment of Iraqis in Egypt as guests and in need of special care in this difficult phase.
    He said : that he had asked Egyptian officials also assist postgraduate students from the Iraqis to study at Egyptian universities, "to narrow the technological gap suffered by Iraq currently benefit from the Egyptian expertise in this area."
    He pointed out that Hashemi security file hinder the political and economic situation in Iraq, pointing out differences between Iraqi political leaders and the need for the Arabs to help their brothers in Iraq to achieve national reconciliation, stressing that the situation in Iraq really a cause for concern and must be stopped before it is too late Arab, calling for the need not to leave the future of Iraq to be determined by foreigners.
    On whether Iraq was ready to hand over power after the withdrawal of the multinational forces Hashemi said, "We hope the withdrawal of foreign forces today before tomorrow, but there must be the Iraqi armed forces are far from the intervention of political parties and hire exclusively military action."
    He demanded the abolition of the Hashemite militias in order to achieve national unity, pointing out that President Mubarak pledged to train Iraqi armed forces in Egypt without receiving any funds until these forces can assume their national responsibilities in Iraq.
    He said that the key to achieving stability in Iraq is the implementation plan for the rehabilitation and training of the Iraqi armed forces.

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  10. #630
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    Default the federal budget for 2007 and the solutions provided by the unemployment and povert

    the federal budget for 2007 and the solutions provided by the unemployment and poverty

    The name Abdul Hadi Hassan

    Will the federal budget for 2007 real solutions to the problem of unemployment and poverty in Iraq?

    Perhaps not this question is more heated in official circles or even on the level of presentation of a woman journalist Majesty (the fourth)
    However, confirmation of interest no less than 50% of the labor force and unemployment rate, which represents 40% of the Iraqi population and the poverty rate approved by the Ministry of Planning last year, in absolute terms it employs into thinking more than ten million Iraqis.

    The problems of unemployment and poverty problems of the vehicle in which the causes and results between the economy and politics, and this meeting does not negate the possibility of determining the relationship between them in the formation of the mentioned phenomena in terms of depth and strength, this description applies almost entirely on Iraq.

    Unemployment in the Iraqi economy have roots more than a quarter century different forms and different ratios of economic and political conditions undergone by the country, which invited some to believe that this problem is difficult to solve structural feature, unemployment has gone through several forms from behavioral unemployment at the end of the seventies of the last century through structural unemployment in the 1980s and compulsory unemployment in the 1990s and finally imported and unemployment in ****e of the decline shown by the data of the Central Agency for Statistics and Information Technology in unemployment rates for the reconstruction of over 15 years of 28% 2003 to 27% in 2004 and 18% in 2005 but the reading of these ratios do not cover all aspects of the topic, especially if we look at the rest of the data where underemployment rates have increased from 5 t 23% to 31% and 3 t 30% of the same previous years,

    Furthermore, the unemployment rate is still among the youth category (ages 15-24 years), very high in ****e of the decline of 8 t 43% in 2004 to 30% in 2005.

    This problem becomes more complicated in light of the deteriorating security situation, especially with the increasing poverty in Iraqi society, which is a vicious circle with unemployment are difficult to resolve and although the official quarters in Iraq is still considering the poverty situation through a weak definition of poverty, any identifying poverty rate that all income is less than one dollar per day but the relevant international organizations know poverty line now that all income is less than two dollars. as well as a look at poverty through broad definition according to the criteria of human development that is adding some requirements social and political as well as income in the definition of poverty, such absence of political freedom and the inability to participate in decision-making and the absence of personal safety and the inability to participate in community life and the inability to access to housing, skills and good health.

    2003 ؟Through the above, before returning to the question we posed above President say how he was dealing with the problems of poverty and unemployment in Iraq after 2003? Especially in light of the Iraqi economy shifts toward a market economy, which generally means that there is more unemployment and hence poverty?

    Perhaps the social protection network that emerged in 2006 from the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs is one of the pillars or solutions that have been adopted by the government in the face of phenomena above, in ****e of the confusion, and the many problems encountered by the network but relatively successful not deny it was possible to achieve more successful if it had been providing means of support required, which was reliable through the budget in 2007. In this budget there is more attention the problems of unemployment and poverty, but will succeed in finding solutions?

    Is it sufficient to address?

    With regard to unemployment reported to the federal budget in 2007 that it will provide 379 thousand jobs during the year in corporate general government ministries and departments as well as 500 thousand jobs Multimedia investment budget,

    But if we take into account that the implementation of the federal budget for 2006 was only 10% of what was planned and if so, we handed over in ****e of the differences between Moisentin absolute figures, this means that the new budget will provide 50 thousand jobs through investment plan.

    On the other hand, the budget stated that the industrial sector revenue will reduce to 10% than it was in 2006, it means that the new appointments will add to the unemployment convincing existing ones already in the government sector, and therefore the solutions mentioned unemployment are partial solutions.

    As for poverty, the poverty rate set by the Ministry of Planning, was 40% (according to the broad definition will be the largest percentage), which means 10 million people, 2 million of any family (assuming the Ministry of Labor to five family members) At a time when not covered by social protection network only 750 thousand families
    How would the current budget amounting to 920 million dinars amounted to 2 million family? Especially if we know that 120 million of them will go to the Kurdistan region of the displaced families and added to the network of social protection on the other hand! If we bear in mind that the allocations ration card had decreased by 15% over the previous year and inflation rates rose by nearly 60%, the picture will be clearer.

    In the end, we once again that we are very much counting on the success of the investment plan have been identified this year, and if that happens, the picture will change completely and positively to resolve the problems of unemployment and poverty in Iraq, but this does not negate the importance of looking for other solutions comes in the forefront of the formation of unemployment

    The increased support for the social protection network, which move with the Ministry of Labor important steps in addressing the problems above.

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