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    President of the government of West Kurdistan reveals alliance with
    (صوت العراق) - 07-06-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 07-06-2007
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    President of the government of West Kurdistan reveals alliance with the gathering led rose Assad
    Mullah : We agreed to grant the Kurds in Syria, the right to self-determination

    The formation of parliament Syrian abroad emerge from exile government

    A Kurdish opposition Mullah Jawad, who founded the so-called government of West Kurdistan in exile in the new alliance 04/25/2004 establishment was agreed upon with the former Syrian Vice President rose Assad, who leads the national assembly common aim of building a real opposition to Syria and to activate their performance. He said in an interview with Mullah »UPI International organizations : we had two meetings with rose Assad was sold last month in a house in London last discussed during which outlines of the alliance and agreed to return to Syria and discussed ways of resolving the problem of peoples and exploded by the Baathist regime ruling «.He added »announced a set of points and ideas so that the foundations of solid coalition and opposition genuine us from our common that (former Syrian Vice President dissident), Abdel Halim Khaddam, the Muslim Brotherhood not sincere in finding a way out of the Syrians were Arabs or Kurds because Khaddam is part of the system and one of its founders, The Muslim Brotherhood in the conviction of more than Baath nationalism and racism, and I would imagine they BAATHISTS template and Islamic garb and turbans «. He revealed publicly that he agreed with Assad rose to »There Kurdish people and other Arabs in Syria«, as agreed »granting Kurds in Syria, the right to self-determination, and work on the formation of parliament Syrian abroad by the binational major Arab and Kurdish arising therefrom during the subsequent exile government«.

    Kurdish opposition »are currently working on a comprehensive conference for all actors and movements Syrian opposition abroad except Salvation Front led by Khaddam«, and the expectation said that the conference be convened in the coming weeks in the British capital of London. Mullah Asked whether the proposed alliance between the Kurdistan National Congress, which pointed out that includes events, organizations and Kurdish opposition Rassemblement National common response to the opposition National Salvation Front, which was founded by Khaddam and the Comptroller General of the Muslim Brotherhood, Ali Sadreddin Al Bayanuni and other opponents last year. he »our coalition is not in response to the Salvation Front, but on the performance opposition grouping in general, and the negative attitude of the Kurds in particular, they say that the Kurds in front of our brothers and have Prominent members of the Kurds«. He »this talk naive and rejects the Kurds, the tendencies they were truthful Salvation Front, Velielenwa granting Kurds in Syria, the right to self-determination«. He described publicly accused by the opposition factions in Syria that adopt separatist ideas that »inaccurate«, it astonishment of seeking to establish an opposition alliance with a national gathering »illogical«. He »I basically ask the Kurdish identity, which allows Kurds to maintain its identity and principles and customs, traditions and culture and to rule themselves, But totalitarian ideology exists in the region, especially when the Baath regime, alas, does not allow the existence of such identity so that he refuses to give us Syrian identity we call 40 years ago «.He added Mullah »This denial of the existence of the Kurdish people prompts us to the chaos and because of that we are blamed separatists, but, in reality, which created this situation is the same system by continuing to isolate three million Kurds and marginalizing them and denying their existence«.

    With stressed that »Demands Identity Kurdish people in Syria under one in the future«, he admitted that »defends the independence of Kurds in the Syrian current situation because of the continuing fear of persecution and repression«.

    He »believes that the development of the right of self-determination for the Kurdish people, which resembles the alliance agreed to set up with the rose-Assad, and there is a fellow real and recognize the existence of the Kurdish people and not a minority, Vesentkhali then these orientations «pointing out that the proposed alliance with Assad rose» will be publicized after the adoption was finalized in the end of the comprehensive plan to be held in London «. Defending publicly about the presence of al-Assad rose in the ranks of the Syrian opposition, and he »convinced that Syrian dissident Kurdish exercise a role as a real and quite different from the role played by Khaddam has weighed political, military and fans hold in Syria, and intends to activate the Syrian opposition after the formation of the proposed alliance«, He pointed out that »will discuss with Assad rose in the next stage whether this coalition will adopt a national reconciliation with the regime or calls to topple«.

    The leading figures of Syria, Kurdish Syrian observatory today that it does not recognize the so-called government of West Kurdistan and Mr. Jawad Mulla Aemethelha which exists on the homeland and struggling for many years for peaceful democratic change in Syria, and the legitimate national rights of response within the country's unity and Syrian Tima were found in coalition forces Damascus Declaration for democratic change and the statement issued by the Second Conference of the so-called government of West Kurdistan in exile held in the city on the German Dortund 2005 / 06 / 12 withhold confidence from d. Mullah Jawad, who held the post of prime minister and relieved of all responsibilities. This was denied by Dr. Jawad publicly today for Syrian Observatory he is the legitimate president of the so-called government of West Kurdistan

    Syrian Observatory

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    Iraqi Kurds reject Turkish conditions for dialogue
    (صوت العراق) - 07-06-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 07-06-2007
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    Resort Salah Eddin (Iraq) (AFP) - The Kurdish leaders in Iraq Thursday, the conditions set by Turkey for dialogue with them, especially dealing with the PKK, which Ankara accuses of carrying out "terrorist" in its territory.

    The head of the Kurdistan Massoud Barzani in a joint press conference with President Jalal Talabani that "the requirement and put in addressing the PKK do not accept this fact and we have always said we will help Turkey with all the possibilities if they pursued a peaceful solution."

    He added, "but now confirm that if the aim of Turkey just war, we are not prepared to accept this condition." He continued that "Turkish forces did not enter the territory of Kurdistan and the Turkish threat that happened, it would encroach upon the sovereignty of Iraq and not only the Kurds."

    Turkey has expressed its readiness for talks with the leaders of Iraqi Kurdistan in the event of taking action against Turkish Kurd rebels based in the regions.

    He said Levent Bilman spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs "of course we need to positive signals to initiate steps in the direction of dialogue and the positive references mean serious operations against PKK terrorists." He added, "contrary to it would not be feasible to conduct a dialogue to mere dialogue."

    And fight the PKK, which it considers the United States, the European Union and Turkey, a terrorist organization since 1984 for independence of the Southeast Anatolia majority Kurdish killing 37 thousand people dead.

    Ankara accuses the Kurds of Iraq, regardless of party rebels or Turkish Muslim Brotherhood so.

    And often threaten Turkey pushed across the border to attack rebels of the Kurdistan Workers Party.

    For his part, Talabani said : "We hope and wish that there was no invasion of Turkey and take the path of dialogue and fraternity and negotiation to resolve all issues there is a tripartite committee of Turkish American Iraqi responsible for these things we hope that this matter should be referred to it."

    Talabani said that the response to a question, "We consider Rule No. 140 essential in our Constitution and the constitutional amendments based on the survival and this is not a bargaining chip in for us."

    He added : "During my recent visit to the United States, talked to all officials, especially in the Foreign Ministry officials said that on this issue they support our ideas in the normalization and full application of Article gradually."

    Article 140 of the Constitution to "normalize the situation and conduct a census and referendum in Kirkuk and other disputed territories to determine what residents want, before December 31, 2007."

    It demands that the Kurds inflict Kurdistan in Kirkuk province, while Turkmen and Arabs opposed it.

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    Article 140 knots or a solution?
    Secretary Cordh

    The Mufti Dr. Humam Hamoudi Chairman of the Committee on amending the Constitution to space Euphrates on 3-6-2007 that there many complexities in the application of Article 140 of the Constitution, we have to start from square one of the Presidential Council and the agreement on the border and if there is no agreement we have to go to a neutral arbitrator if there is no agreement go the United Nations would then be the subject of normalization and then Statistics referendum.
    At the same time, the sovereignty of the Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in Kurdstan says otherwise and that Article 140 will be applied at the date scheduled by the constitution! Dr. Humam Hamoudi personality balanced and prudent and was characterized by high ability to solve problems encountered in writing of the current Constitution when he presided over the writing of the Constitution in 2005 as we have heard from some members of the Committee.

    These contradictions in the statements of expectation that would really in doubt and puzzled by, and make us wonder about the feasibility of drawing boxes and resort to international arbitration and the United Nations, while the road map to solve the problem of Kirkuk and the application of Article 140 as clear as the sun in the Baghdad summer days Muharraq, The fixed in the Constitution voted by the millions of Iraqis and should be respected by all.

    Article 140 relates to the issue known simply summarized as follows : The former authoritarian regime since the bloody coup that brought disaster to Iraq by a series of actions unconstitutional and invalid while disbanded the administrative boundaries of the provinces which Alcordstanih (Sulaymaniyah, Irbil, Kirkuk, Dohuk) and the right of many district and sub-district-majority provinces Alkordih again, right districts and aspects of the majority of Arab governorates Alcordstanih taking narrow racist policy through the implementation of the national strategy smelting and Arabization and deportation and forced disappearance of Cord and some Turkomans in Kirkuk, and these illegal acts, and constitute serious crimes require legal accounting.

    The dictatorial regime fell on April 9, 2003 and was heartened by the Iraqis good four years ago and has become a case from bad to worse. Is it conceivable that the effects of the crime remain intact without remedy? Is it possible to keep the usurper cowardly occupier of the land and other capital?

    The fact is that no one can deny that what happened in Kirkuk and other cities Alcordstanih subjected to the Arabization of anger religiously and legally, Valegasp usurper, which does not have Almegsoub never, In legitimacy of Usurpation money for other catering to the situation which had a value or when he died.

    From a legal standpoint, the anger is not a reason to have, because the base is illegal, and built on falsehood is false.

    For this, the existence of the rapists Alcord properties in Kirkuk example of the Arabs arriving from the center and south and Mosul and other cities by the stick-and-carrot policy pursued by the Baathist dead - and-buried can accept it, because the intent of this work was to change the national identity of the city and create.

    The principle of good faith and the rules of morality and the law also requires redrawing the map of the administrative boundaries of the Iraqi governorates fair, has been affected provinces Alcordstanih of demarcation which took place in the era of the former dictator and that is unacceptable, and that the original maps of the provinces available and can be consulted, for example, what happened in the governorate of Kirkuk chapter 4 districts by a majority Kordih and inflicting Petkret and keep juvenile Huwayjah Arab majority only within the administrative boundaries of the province is a clear intention on the dead - and-buried aggression against Alcord change in the identity of Kirkuk Alcordstanih.
    It should be noted that the manipulation of the long borders other regions of Iraq, for example, have been withholding large areas of the administrative borders of Karbala and annexation to Anbar, and must also redraw the borders and corrected.

    is a matter of question marks, exclamation is the attitude of some politicians Arab participants in the political process from outside on the issue of Kirkuk and article 140 of the Constitution, they recognized crimes of Saddam and his regime, but when it comes to the issue of Kirkuk individuals ignore these crimes, Otherwise, what is the meaning of such a determination to keep the situation in Kirkuk as it is so far?

    Known as civilized nations and peoples to respect their constitutions are written constitutions in the morning and back in the evening, it must be the texts of the Constitution and the relative stagnation of respect and credibility, while we hear and read that the Iraqi constitution, which was approved by the Iraqis and succeeded in the referendum had been made to more than half the articles except for the new additions, deletions and change, not only a less than two years! One of the articles are frenzied attempts to modify or repeal article 140.

    The fact that article 140 of the Constitution and its application is not the problem node or as some would claim, nor is beyond the law or in violation of the Constitution, but a viable solution for meeting Kirkuk if the goodwill and transparency away from the political style of twists and fabricate pretexts and justifications for the postponement. but lack of application in accordance with the Constitution will hold a problem and leads to a lack of trust by the federal government Alcord, especially since there are steps made towards the implementation of the Commission while the application of Article 140 four positive decisions and approved by the Prime Minister of Iraq.

    The call to resort to arbitration and to involve regional or international parties or make Kirkuk provinces stand-alone and other invitations consistently chant some quarters, especially Turkmen Front, known to all clients of Turkey, which are not only to create plots and conspiracies against malignant Alcord and fabricating lies here and there. instead of having to devote its efforts to defend the rights of Turkmen improperly incurred by the Baath regime is dead - and-buried and the return of deportees to Kirkuk them with their brethren Alcord, They rejected calls from people Party is the majority of the Iraqi issue since the Iraqi Kirkuk is not entitled to non-Iraqis solving its problem on the basis of the Iraqi Constitution, which establishes the appropriate solution in Article 140 thereof, if the Turkmen Front claimed national and is seeking to preserve the unity of Iraq if there Assottaghuaiha Turkey and Artmaiha back into the know with any certainty how the ambitions of Turkey in Iraq Just a reminder we refer to the statements made by Minister of Defense of Turkey in 2002 religion morning Jkmagh oglu who openly claimed in August of that year that the cities of Kirkuk and Mosul, two Turkish Turkey can not and should not compromise! In addition to the statements of former Chief of Staff of Turkey Huseyngulu at the same time that Turkey will sweep through the (northern Iraq) on the pretext of protecting Turkmen! In addition to the Turkish military threats currently the same direction and Thahidatham military shelled border villages, do not consider these excesses violation of the sovereignty of Iraq, which calls for Turkmen Front?

    It was all these postponements and attempts to renege on the implementation of this constitutional article in any 140 is not enough for us to even show us a new political bloc supported by some Arab states and Turkey symbolizing includes parties known attitudes and intentions. aiming to circumvent the political process in Iraq and to retreat on the Constitution in many of the materials contained therein and foremost federal and Article 140 and the distribution of oil wealth and uprooting the Baath and the identity of Iraq and other materials, One participant in this bloc National Accord Movement headed by Iyad Allawi, the Iraqi Islamic Party and the Accord Front headed by Adnan Al-Dulaimi and the movement of dialogue and reconciliation headed by Saleh Mutalk, and there is also the Islamic Union Puk (announced his withdrawal from the bloc), and with a number of Alcord Ghosh who were clients of the Saddam regime and participated in the Anfal operations and the killing of their compatriots Party and deserve accounting and retribution, and we hope to see them shortly before the criminal court file Anfal Iraqi authorities to be punished just for their crimes.

    Citizen's Party is expected to achieve tangible objects on the ground has begun content and patience on the verge of force will not tolerate any more promises to restore their rights and, therefore, it rejects these postponements and stalling, and that the return of the right to non-premature contrary to justice, The settlement human deportees and redrawing the administrative borders and resolving problems disputed areas would restore confidence lost by the policies of the ruling regimes against Alcord, not in the interest of Arab brothers today, particularly the Shiites who are long tasted the bitterness of injustice, In the shadow of terrorism, which strikes every joints Iraq length and breadth of losing their .They are true partners Alcord them.

    To those who claim falsely keenness on Iraq and pretend to fear the unity and fear that the application of Article 140 will lead to the division of Iraq, such as Al-Dulaimi and Mutalk and Alenjevi and Allawi and Alflogi and orphans of Ataturk and others should know that they are (Alouahmon) The lack of application of this article is constitutional, which will lead to this result, and take into account the important fact that the people of the Peoples Party which is not waive their rights and the sacrifices of martyrs convoys easily, but refer to the past and recent history to assure themselves of this fact.

    Perhaps it is useful to recall here the words clear sign came on at the end of the preamble to the current Iraqi constitution says :

    ((The commitment to this constitution preserves for Iraq united people and the free land and sovereignty)).

    KRG, Kurdistan Regional Government

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    A dispute between Baghdad and Erbil on the number of "s"
    Arbil : The Kurdish military official in Arbil yesterday to the existence of differences between the government in Baghdad and the Kurdistan authorities about many forces "s", as they ask the central authorities suggestion to 90 thousand instead of only 190 thousand currently •

    The spokesman Forces Command "uniform" Jabbar aide-de-camp : talks are under way with the central government and the multinational force to reach agreement on the number of troops "s" to maintain security in the province image and the leadership of the "s" from the Iraqi Ministry of Defense to pay the salaries of its image and added that "the aide-de-camp territorial government demands to keep 190 thousand troops 110 thousand of them are working within the force equipped and ready to defend and maintain security, while the number of retirees 30 thousand, and 50 thousand of forming a standby force to be called when necessary, "she said" aide-de-camp to the central government seeks to reduce that number to 90 thousand only, and that this number is sufficient to control the security situation, "she Territory

    KRG, Kurdistan Regional Government

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    Biofuels 'will push up oil price'

    Abdalla El-Badri made his oil price warning ahead of the G8 Summit

    The chief of the Opec oil cartel has warned that investing in biofuels could push oil prices "through the roof", the Financial Times has reported.
    Opec secretary general Abdalla El-Badri said moves to use biofuels would make his members consider cutting investment in new oil production, the FT said.
    President Bush says the US will cut petrol use by 20% in 10 years, partly through increased use of biofuels.
    Opec members control about 40% of the world's oil production.
    Mr El-Badri said that while Opec members had so far maintained their investment plans, he added: "If we are unable to see a security of demand... we may revisit investment in the long term."
    The warning comes as leaders of the G8 industrialised nations gather for their summit in Germany. Environmental issues are high on the agenda and the use of biofuels is central to the attempts of many G8 countries to cut their carbon emissions. Biofuels can be anything made with vegetable matter that burns. They can be used to replace some or all of the petrol used in vehicles.

    BBC NEWS | Business | Biofuels 'will push up oil price'

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    Published: 08/06/2007 12:00 AM (UAE)
    UAE says dollar peg will remain

    By Shakir Husain, Staff Reporter

    Dubai: The UAE yesterday ruled out any change in the dirham-dollar peg in the "foreseeable future", saying the current foreign exchange policy has served the country well.
    "It is a very important stability anchor," Central Bank Governor Sultan Bin Nasser Al Suwaidi said about the currency peg.
    He also said the goal of a common currency might not be achieved in 2010 as agreed by the six Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries.
    There has been speculation in the market about revaluation of the UAE dirham since Kuwait abandoned its peg to the US currency on May 20 and let the dinar appreciate agai-nst the greenback.
    "This is something they are entitled to do and we have no problem with that in the rest of the GCC," he said at a conference.

    Kuwait's decision threw into disarray plans for a Gulf currency and led investors to believe the UAE would follow suit.
    Deutsche Bank said on Wednesday the UAE was likely to allow the dirham to appreciate by up to three per cent before September to rein in inflation and enhance purchasing power.
    The International Monetary Fund said last month inflation in the UAE was about 10 per cent.
    But the central bank governor said "at this time it does not make sense" to revise the exchange rate. "Not in the foreseeable future," he added.
    Simon Williams, an economist at HSBC, said the statement was "very clear and direct. It is a clear signal that a change in the value, or nature, of the UAE's currency regime is unlikely at least over the course of this year."
    Kuwait had blamed the dollar's weakness for contributing to inflation and the rising cost of imports from Europe and some Asian countries.
    Al Suwaidi said Kuwait used a "margin fluctuation" and never pegged its currency to the dollar "in the same way as other GCC countries."
    "We do not have to artificially manipulate our currencies to compensate for the loss of value as a result of natural fluctuations," he said when asked if the bank would revalue the dirham while keeping the peg.
    He compared the calls for the dirham's appreciation to the situation in the 80s when other currencies rose against the dollar.
    "At the end of 80s, there was tremendous pressure on the GCC countries to appreciate their currencies. In the beginning of the 90s, things went the other way. The dollar started appreciating against other currencies and we did not have that pressure," Al Suwaidi said.
    On the common currency, Al Suwaidi said the GCC may not meet the 2010 deadline, which was in doubt after Oman said last year it would not be able to meet conditions in time.

    Gulfnews: UAE says dollar peg will remain

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    Published: 08/06/2007 12:00 AM (UAE)
    New Iraqi front to reform political process

    By Basil Adas, Correspondent

    Baghdad: Iraq's former prime minister and US favourite Ayad Allawi is leading a new effort to replace the Shiite-led government of Prime Minister Nouri Al Maliki with an administration that would focus on restoring order and security in the country, Iraqi politicians said.
    Allawi has succeeded in forming a new political front, which will be backed by Sunni political forces like the Accord Front and former regime parties, they noted. Iraqi President Jalal Talabani accused the new political front of standing against Iraq and Shiite coalition parties that accused the Front of working for Arab countries' intelligence services.

    Ebrahim Al Janabi, a prominent figure in the National Accord Party headed by Allawi, told Gulf News: "President Talabani's reactions should not be that negative because he must act like the president and must not intervene in the new political front issue ... We affirm the right of all personnel to join the National Front which will act within a national and non-sectarian framework."
    Salim Abdullah, spokesman of the Sunni Accord Front, told Gulf News: "The new front is not a coup attempt as portrayed by some. It will be the first phase to correct the political process and put pressure on Al Maliki to accept reforms against sectarianism, if he does not respond then the only option available would be to overthrow his government."

    Gulfnews: New Iraqi front to reform political process

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    Talabani and Allawi parties exchanging accusations against the backdrop of the meeting
    (صوت العراق) - 08-06-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 08-06-2007
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    Talabani and Allawi parties exchanging accusations against the background of the Cairo meeting

    Russian accused «Accord» evading «facts» .. The movement are : Arab affiliation in Iraq has Kafra

    London : «Middle East»
    Party accused the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan led by Iraqi President Jalal Talabani National Accord Movement, headed by former Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi b «evasion of the facts», in a reference to a statement issued by the movement the day before yesterday, in response to a statement issued by the political offices of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, deplored the meeting held in Cairo with representatives of the Accord and other organizations to establish a new political front. The Information Office of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, in a statement last night, the Accord Movement launched its «changing realities and evasion of the facts», and the statement «tried to shorten position on fragments of statements made by President Jalal Talabani at a press conference, which followed a meeting of political offices of the two main Kurdistan». The office added that the statement Accord Movement tries «evasion from the fact approve the establishment of new political front, manipulating words, it says that he does not declare the political front, while the document signed by the brother Dr. Iyad Allawi and brother, Dr. Adnan Pachachi, expressly provides words (agreed to establish political front) and the fact that the declaration was not responsible because of the position of the Islamic Party, which opposed the declaration, while Mr. Saleh announced were the foundation of a new political front. Then accused in the post-Islamic Party blocked the front assessments ».
    Regarding the presence of Kurdish figures meeting in Cairo on the establishment of a new front, the statement described the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, such as Kurds from «representatives» who fought Kurdish people in the past half century and Talabani «heard from a high-level official in harmony in the course of their existence justified that the Turks who had come to them and Frdohem, they who were expelled from the meeting, while we found signatures on the document announcing the agreement on establishing Front ». The statement of the European «that evasion of truth by comparing the position of the two Kurdish position of Saddam Hussein, is a perversion of the facts of history and falsification of the facts», adding «that those who cooperate with the orphans of Saddam Hussein and agree with the agent of Saddam Hussein's intelligence on forming political front until now describes executioner dictator Balshahid commander, they last one to the position of Saddam metaphor. Especially who publicly call for the revival of Saddam Hussein's army is responsible for payment away from national duties to fight the Kurds and the Anfal crimes and wars of aggression against Kurds and Shiites and the neighbors ». The Accord Movement had refused to have her accusations Talabani conspiring with Arab and regional capitals, to overthrow the political process, indicating «intelligence indicated that foreign countries and regional supportive of this meeting, to restore the memory of what was reported Saddam against his political foes, including Talabani, as well as the Accord Movement them, Strangely enough, that they are not condemned by the Iraqi government and the intelligence agencies of Iran, which has operations in Iraq and relations with other countries condemned this Arab country, where the Arab affiliation is a disbelief in Iraq, informed that the income to the Arab countries in such meetings, but those meetings will place Iraqi ». Referring to the resolution adopted by the conferees in relation to maintaining dialogue with the two major Kurdish parties, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and the Kurdistan Democratic Party, as the Iraqi national and non-sectarian. He stated that the conferees agreed to be interviewed, views Islamic Shiite sites in the provision of converging views. He stressed that these dialogues aimed at the formation of a broad national front Mahassat away from sectarianism and to build a strong and unified Iraq, peaceful and committed to federalism for Iraqi Kurdistan.

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    Erdogan : parliamentary approval necessary to launch the operation in Iraq
    (صوت العراق) - 08-06-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 08-06-2007
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    Turkish army maintains 3 «security zones», near the border

    London : Meena Aribi
    Turkey again denied entering Iraqi territory yesterday, and came to the defense of San Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan who said that there was a need for parliamentary approval to launch an attack on Iraq after reports of a cross-border operation to track down the elements of the PKK. The news agency quoted «Anatolia» yesterday evening for Erdogan saying that «a decision of the parliament is necessary to launch a cross-border Action will be taken in accordance with that», but he added that any process will be announced. Have to be re Parliament, which is now spending a holiday before general elections to be held in July (July) convened to delegate any major military operation in Iraq.
    Denied the Foreign Ministry and the military command reported Agence «Associated Press» yesterday evening said that thousands of members of the Turkish army penetrated into Iraqi Kurdistan to pursue PKK fighters. De****e denials, the army announced the establishment of the Turkish regions 3 «security» to the border to confront Kurdish fighters, in addition to prevention of air and road travel between Iraq and three Turkish provinces. Meanwhile, the spokesman for the Central Command in the American Army, Eric Clarke told «Middle East» that «Turkish and American officials on the ground confirm the existence of intense activity within the borders justifies these reports». It is worth mentioning that the American forces have a presence in the region and monitor the Iraq - Turkey border closely, especially with the escalation of the crisis between the two countries because of the Kurdistan Workers Party (Bi so so). He U.S. military source beginning of military operations in Iraq to «Turkish forces are occasionally limited operations to ascertain the facts in the border region, but there was no evidence of the military incursion».

    Middle East

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    S. commander points to progress in parts of Iraq
    POSTED: 7:18 p.m. EDT, June 7, 2007
    Story Highlights• Lt. Gen. David Petraeus: Al Qaeda in Iraq remains entrenched in parts of Baghdad
    • U.S. commander says tribes in Anbar province have turned against al Qaeda
    • Sectarian killings have risen in May after declining past two months
    • Petraeus says tough work remains in Diyala province north of Baghdad

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    BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- A new approach by American-led forces in Iraq is producing "breathtaking" improvements in security in some areas, says Lt. Gen. David Petraeus, commander of U.S. forces in the country, but al Qaeda in Iraq remains well-entrenched in some Baghdad neighborhoods.

    In an exclusive interview with CNN, Petraeus said the situation in Anbar, the restive Sunni province west of the Iraqi capital, has been "truly transformed in recent months, as the Anbaris and the tribes have decided to oppose al Qaeda and fight with the coalition forces against them."

    "What's taken place in Anbar is almost breathtaking," he said. "In the last several months, tribes that turned a blind eye to what al Qaeda was doing in that province are now opposing al Qaeda very vigorously. And the level of violence in Anbar has plummeted; although there clearly is still work to be done. (Watch a CNN exclusive interview with Petraeus as he discusses Iraq )

    "Our strategy has always been with this new approach to determine who are the reconcilables and to separate them from the irreconcilables, the extremists," he said. (Watch how some Iraqi insurgents are turning on al Qaeda in Iraq militants)

    But the picture is not consistent, Petraeus said, and the increase in U.S. forces had been more effective in some areas than others.

    Tough work remains to be done in Diyala province north of Baghdad, and al Qaeda remains able to use neighborhoods around the capital to build and dispatch car bombs, he said.

    He also acknowledged that after a substantial reduction in sectarian killings in the capital between January and April, the deaths have risen again in May.

    The general's visit to the CNN office in Baghdad was unannounced. He said he had been visiting with Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari nearby, and together they'd decided to take a walk in a part of Baghdad that is well-protected. He said it was the minister's idea to knock on CNN's door.

    Petraeus said all elements connected to the increase in U.S. forces will be on the ground within two weeks, including a Marine expeditionary unit and combat aviation brigade moving toward Baghdad from Kuwait.

    Asked about the infiltration of the Iraqi police by militias, Petraeus said elements of Interior Ministry forces during 2006 were "hijacked by certain militia interests in particular."

    "Some of those undoubtedly remain within the force," he said. "And as we identify those individuals, and we have, and we then take action with the Ministry of Interior against them."

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