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    Maliki studying a comprehensive review of the government
    (صوت العراق) - 09-06-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 09-06-2007
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    Do «Terrorism Act» against politicians and deputies «implicated» ...Maliki studying a comprehensive review of the government
    Baghdad-Salhi leadership life-09/06/07

    A close to the Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki intention to conduct a comprehensive review of the government's program developed by the agreement with the parliamentary blocs during the formation of the government «to identify weaknesses and gaps enter terrorists», With MP Adnan Al-Dulaimi, leader of the «consensus» Front held an agreement with «Iraqi Islamic Supreme Council», led by Abdul Aziz al-Hakim «to hold periodic meetings to bring viewpoints between the Shiites and Sunnis and find a formula for salvation from the plight of Iraq».
    He denied that the parties are attempting to find alternative government or the formation of a new political front ».

    The Minister of State Hassan told applicable «life» that «the government is about to conduct a comprehensive review of the political program agreed by the parliamentary blocs during the composition and consisting of 32 points», pointing out that Al-Maliki seeks to «heroes and refute the arguments of some politicians involved in the political process».

    He said that «the government is serious and moving in this direction, and there are contacts with all factions before moving to the next step».

    He explained that this step «The effectuation of the Anti-Terrorism Act against politicians involved with acts of violence, and incitement to sectarian sedition, and to transmit files to the judiciary, as a prelude to withdrawing the parliamentary immunity of those enjoying it to be investigated».

    He stressed that the current Cabinet «discuss the overall situation and does mention the names of those involved in public», pointing out that «these topics discussed in the narrow and closed, such as the politburo of national security, which will see many showdowns and frankness».

    Fadel Al-Shara, political advisor to the owners of the «life» said that «the government moving in line with constitutional and legal frameworks in relation to this matter has nothing to do with the timing is certain».He explained that «overlook the power and political figures involved with the violence and lack of prosecution throughout the period comes within the framework of national reconciliation and to try to restore them to the right». He stressed that the government «will not resort to filing these forces and personalities to justice only after exhausting all avenues available for return to the right».

    It said Adnan Al-Dulaimi, leader of the «consensus» for «life» visit to Wise came in «the desire to reassuring to health», adding that «The visit was short and talks, which was broken only on the draft reconciliation and national dialogue and the necessity of the existence of ongoing dialogues».

    He pointed out that Dulaimi another meeting for Friday, Adel Abdel Mahdi, the vice president, and one of the most prominent leaders of «Supreme Council», which he proposed to be Abdul Mahdi «There is the ongoing dialogues between« consensus »,« Council »« to explain the problems and dilemmas faced by the parties ».

    He said : «responded with Abdel Mahdi and agreed to hold periodic meetings for this purpose to find a formula that Iraq's salvation from the plight of», denying touched talks to replace the government or the formation of a new political front. He pointed out that «complained to Abdel Mahdi criminal acts carried out by militias represented by killings and kidnappings and displacement of Sunnis in areas Bai'aa inspired group and other». He added that «Abdul Mahdi complained of the same militias, which he said would kill Sunnis and Shiites in the south and central regions without exception».

    The identity of this militia and said that «Mahdi Army comes at the top, and if we can stop the work of these militias will be all fine». Asked why with «consensus» to open channels of dialogue with Mr. Muqtada al-Sadr said : «If requested, we are ready Sadr We have no objection to, but we want honesty and sincerity in these dialogues».

    Al-Maliki said that «it is necessary to stand firmly and decisively in the face of those who receive funds from the regional parties to disrupt the stable security situation in Iraq's southern governorates».

    He added during his visit Wasit governorate and meeting with the governorate and managers and university professors «that the government can not find magic solutions to the problems suffered by the Iraqi citizen because the former dictatorship left us many problems».

    He explained that «what has been achieved in Iraq until this stage is a good thing, but our great-level economic and political service and restore political relations with the international community and all these things now seemed like paintings wants to weed itself clearly to be Iraq».

    He continued : «What has been happening in the regional order not to change the level of the elected government, but to stop the democratic process and overthrowing the constitution and the return of the ousted regime Unfortunately issued this tendency of some of the political process and share in the parliament sometimes».

    Translated version of

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    the feasibility of rehabilitation of industrial enterprises in the Iraqi private sector (1-2)

    العراقيينBassem Jamil Anton Vice-Chairman of the Federation of Iraqi businessmen
    لقد ..We have witnessed the first decades after the founding of the Iraqi state, the emergence of many industrial enterprises to the private sector as well as its contribution with the state in some projects .. .Kalsment and others, particularly after the passage of a law to encourage industries to 1929..But those first building blocks of the same process did not continue after the clarity of general orientations royal rule and the nature of dominant power on the reins of power. فقدالامد.According to a concerned about their stripes material in working to achieve maximum profits, as soon as possible rather than enter into long-term investments, the view of the authority and its collaborators oriented investments feudal agricultural nature, as well as some business in the open the floodgates with import duties will be reduced customs allowance trend towards long-term industrial investment. ،However, it managed an emerging class of the new bourgeoisie to make inroads in the construction of some capital projects de****e the inconvenience encountered by agents of authority, and has stayed put industry in the state sector for its crumbling also until the end of the Second World War and the very foundation of the ages,

    .Where the material situation of the Iraqi State in a bad thing, but it is interesting to look at the beginning of the 1950s of the last century was noted that the volume of capital in the private industrial sector has grown bigger and faster than the movement of industrial investment by the public sector, which led to the private industrial sector enjoys a leadership role in ****e of potential material weakness has benefited the private industrial sector of capital accumulation in other economic sectors.
    في .In the mid-1950s of the last century emerged on the scene a strong industrial organization representing private industry, in addition to existing parties; namely, the (Iraqi Industries Union) as an official representative for the industrial sector Qur'an and the interests of the class and took legal form in 1956 the leaders gathered around this ideology enlightened as the official representative of the Bourgeoisie industrial defend its interests and goals class in capital imports and Alcolmbraduri open without conditions and restrictions; , where he was at the heart of its objectives (to Iraq and protect manufacturing industries Iraqi targets are the Iraqi Industries Federation, which relate directly to the policy of import ...), has demanded that the European involvement in enacting laws and contribute to the development of policy import.
    .It is noticeable that the Iraqi private sector operations over the ebb and in its relations with the existing authorities, based on the philosophy of governing authority in a timely manner as happened after the revolution of July 14 national, including based on the moods and fancies as happened in the era of Arif in the nationalizations Economic Law No. 1964 (99) or, as happened in the Saddamist where decisions issued haphazardly to satisfy the layers loyal to the rule of parasitic alien to the industry, which was privatized in many industrial projects in the late 1980s, non-scientific studies and realistic for this step, but no more than a propaganda no more, followed by sharp fluctuations of the severe crisis and then the consequences have caused.
    .After the glorious July Revolution in 1958 began to take an authority and realistic planning in the industrial sector and public sector have had to give an important role politically and economically for the bourgeois class, especially industrial waste, then supporting industry and providing facilities for them has identified Ibrahim Kabbah and the Minister of Economy at the time functions of each industrial sector, since then countless oil industries, however, the State, while leaving the light industry and consumer goods, however, the Iraqi industrial sector in order to rehabilitate this sector and the expansion of its functions. ...However, the march was not completed economic revolution, where a coup February 8, 1963 and the dispersal of the objectives of the revolution and the loss mechanisms of growth of the industrial sector and then what followed in the second coup in November 1963, issuing decrees and decisions nationalization distorted in 1964 under the number (99), which worked to curtail the industrial sector where it landed private sector contribution in the national industrial capital from 25% to 13% after the nationalization also followed them under other laws (No. 104) for working to transform individual companies or (y. m. m.) companies contribution to the capital increase (70) thousand Iraqi dinars, and not allowing any industrial project to increase its capital from (300) thousand dinars and inventory activity industrial sector some industries without the other ... 1968.The situation continued as it is a mistake of these projects and then nationalized punishment pledges given by the government to workers such as contributing to the profits of such companies nationalized since the second year, which was 25% increase, which led to the failure of this project in the quantity and quality of production, an industry oils, soap and textile, leather, cement and others, and until the coup of 17 -30 July 1968.
    .After taking the industry to take a new turn since the 1970s, began five-year plans are a careful study of starting entry scientific cadre of graduates and graduates from many academic missions particularly from the So******t industry has been given special importance in the financial allocations and perhaps more than any other economic activity, it allocated for the industrial sector seven slit both public and private, more than 37% of the investment budget has increased allocations for the industrial sector in 1971 was (28) million Iraqi dinars, rose to 1977 (1020) million Iraqi dinars, The total allocations for the industrial sector from 1970 to 1977 (2567) amounted to 1 million Iraqi dinars, and that these specialties than (9.5) once total expenses of the industrial sector over the previous periods of the year 1951-1969.
    ان .The volume of added value to the private sector far exceeds in relative terms the value added of the industrial sector compared to the size of public investments in both sectors, and one of the most important features that characterized that period emergence of the important role of the mixed sector, and the foundation of several industrial companies, which is characterized by combining the advantages of both private and public administration.
    ثم .Then occasionally dramatic events affected the industrial activity in Iraq three types of mixed public and private sector in the light of the present reality and passed by the Iraqi economy in the era of the 1980s and 1990s militarization of the Iraqi economy, inject substantial funds to buy weapons to fight wars, the rise of Iraq's foreign debt, What struck the economy since the invasion of Kuwait and the imposition of comprehensive sanctions on Iraq, and the freezing of its foreign paralyzed local industry and the destruction of infrastructure.
    .The process exacerbated the fall of 2003 pervaded Iraq since a wave of looting and sabotage public institutions and industry in particular, in addition to the deteriorating security situation and the decline in services and higher commodity prices and increased inflation and the weakness of the administrative and financial corruption and the spread of the big increase in the volume of unemployment, before all this deteriorating situation, if we have to work to activate and energize economic sectors in general and the industrial sector in particular, what has Iraq foundations for the development of this sector, especially senior technical seasoned with the Ministry of Industry, a group of former Military Industrialization, and carefully activate the role of the Iraqi private sector and to agility and the possibility of revitalization because of its flexibility. السابق؟Given these problems and the importance of activating the role of industry and the private sector Iraqi surprise to confirmation and the International Covenant document, which will serve as a political, economic and social constitution of Iraq, the process of being marginalized and overlooked for the role of the industrial sector in the promotion of economic reality, what about the fate of the governmental installations of the Ministry of Industry, whose number exceeds (192) projects have added more than (70) belonging to a former military manufacturing plants? ما...That theme really calls for surprise and puzzlement to marginalize the industrial base in the country de****e the conviction active contribution of the industrial sector in the building of Iraqi national income, amounting in periods of the 1980s of the last century, more than (13%), whereas I said these contributions in 2005 to less than -2.006 (1.5%) and it to promote the private sector industrial and activation of the role and contribution to the solution of economic problems, it is imperative for the government to make several key points and to reconsider the document the international community, through a re-examination of this document with economic actors of the private sector businessmen, industrialists and others ... المهمة.Zwabott to develop new industrial workers of this important document. سوقWe also suggest that for the purpose of activating the role of the private industrial sector and activate its role in the market

    ÌÑíÏÉ ÇáãÏì - ÌÏæì ÊÃåíá ÇáãÔÇÑíÚ ÇáÕäÇÚíÉ Ýí ÇáÞØÇÚ ÇáÎÇÕ ÇáÚÑÇÞí (1-2)
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

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    Top US military officer replaced under shadow of Iraq war by Jim Mannion
    Fri Jun 8, 5:52 PM ET

    WASHINGTON (AFP) - US Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Friday he was replacing General Peter Pace as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to avoid a divisive showdown in Congress focusing on the Iraq war.


    The surprise shakeup removes a general who has been at the center of US military decision-making for the past six years, from the war in Afghanistan to the US-led invasion of Iraq.

    "I am disappointed that circumstances make this kind of a decision necessary," Gates said of the loss of Pace, who has held the country's top military post since September 2005.

    The moves comes amid persistent difficulties in Iraq and sharpening political tensions at home with Congress already gearing up to receive a key progress report from US military commanders on the Iraq war in September.

    Gates said he had intended to name Pace to a second two-year term as chairman in September, but changed his mind after consulting members of Congress, who also already have an eye on the 2008 presidential polls.

    "I have decided that at this moment in our history, the nation, our men and women in uniform and General Pace himself would not be well served by a divisive ordeal in selecting the next chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff," he told reporters.

    Pace as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is the chief military adviser to US President George W. Bush and the most senior US military officer.

    "I'm told the president reluctantly agreed because he has the highest regard for General Pace," said White House spokeswoman Dana Perino.

    In deciding to replace Pace with Admiral Michael Mullen, who is currently the chief of naval operations, Gates also had to replace Admiral Edmund Giambastiani as vice chairman so that the top two military positions would not both be held by naval officers.

    Giambastiani will be replaced by Marine General James Cartwright, currently the head of the US Strategic Command, which is responsible for US strategic nuclear forces.

    Gates insisted that his decision was no reflection on either Pace's or Gambastiani's performance, only of the political realities of getting them confirmed to a second term.

    He said he had spoken with Democratic and Republican senators over the past several weeks and came away convinced that "there was the very real prospect the process would be quite contentious."

    Both officers were closely associated with former defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld, leading analysts to conclude Gates is clearing the decks to make way for officers with less baggage and a fresh perspective.

    "Almost everybody who is getting a top job in the Pentagon now is in the mold of Bob Gates, meaning they are not ideological and they are oriented more to management excellent than to visionary ideas," said Loren Thompson, director of the Lexington Institute, a research group.

    Pace will step down in September after a distinguished 40 year career in the marines that has ended under the cloud of a protracted and unpopular war.

    "Bottom line is Pace was vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff when we prepared the worst war plan in the last 35 years in this country, and probably one of the two or three worst in our nation's history," said Michael O'Hanlon, a military analyst at the Brookings Institution.

    Pace's military career began in 1968 as the leader of a rifle platoon in Vietnam, another divisive and unpopular war.

    He commanded US troops in Latin America, served as director of the Joint Staff, and was deputy commander of US forces in Somalia during an ill-fated intervention in the early 1990s.

    He was named vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff just weeks after the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States, becoming the first marine in history to hold the post.

    Mullen, a surface warfare commander who studied at Harvard Business School, served as commander of US naval forces in Europe and was in charge of NATO operations in the Balkans, Iraq and the Mediterannean.

    He became the chief of naval operations in July, 2005.

    Gates called him "a very smart strategic thinker."

    "So as we try to look to the future, in terms of where we need to be five years from now or 10 years from now, I think Admiral Mullen will bring a tremendous perspective," he said.

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    U.S. commander points to progress in parts of Iraq
    POSTED: 5:52 a.m. EDT, June 8, 2007
    Story Highlights• Gen. David Petraeus: Al Qaeda in Iraq remains entrenched in parts of Baghdad
    • U.S. commander says tribes in Anbar province have turned against al Qaeda
    • Sectarian killings have risen in May after declining past two months
    • Petraeus says tough work remains in Diyala province north of Baghdad

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    BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- A new approach by American-led forces in Iraq is producing "breathtaking" improvements in security in some areas, says Gen. David Petraeus, commander of U.S. forces in the country, but al Qaeda in Iraq remains well-entrenched in some Baghdad neighborhoods.

    In an exclusive interview with CNN, Petraeus said the situation in Anbar, the restive Sunni province west of the Iraqi capital, has been "truly transformed in recent months, as the Anbaris and the tribes have decided to oppose al Qaeda and fight with the coalition forces against them."

    "What's taken place in Anbar is almost breathtaking," he said. "In the last several months, tribes that turned a blind eye to what al Qaeda was doing in that province are now opposing al Qaeda very vigorously. And the level of violence in Anbar has plummeted; although there clearly is still work to be done. (Watch a CNN exclusive interview with Petraeus as he discusses Iraq )

    "Our strategy has always been with this new approach to determine who are the reconcilables and to separate them from the irreconcilables, the extremists," he said. (Watch how some Iraqi insurgents are turning on al Qaeda in Iraq militants)

    But the picture is not consistent, Petraeus said, and the increase in U.S. forces had been more effective in some areas than others.

    Tough work remains to be done in Diyala province north of Baghdad, and al Qaeda remains able to use neighborhoods around the capital to build and dispatch car bombs, he said.

    He also acknowledged that after a substantial reduction in sectarian killings in the capital between January and April, the deaths have risen again in May.

    The general's visit to the CNN office in Baghdad was unannounced. He said he had been visiting with Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari nearby, and together they'd decided to take a walk in a part of Baghdad that is well-protected. He said it was the minister's idea to knock on CNN's door.

    Petraeus said all elements connected to the increase in U.S. forces will be on the ground within two weeks, including a Marine expeditionary unit and combat aviation brigade moving toward Baghdad from Kuwait.

    Asked about the infiltration of the Iraqi police by militias, Petraeus said elements of Interior Ministry forces during 2006 were "hijacked by certain militia interests in particular."

    "Some of those undoubtedly remain within the force," he said. "And as we identify those individuals, and we have, and we then take action with the Ministry of Interior against them

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    New White House plan: Keep US troops in Iraq permanently. ,
    Fri Jun 8, 4:00 AM ET

    Washington - President Bush used to be fond of saying that American troops would stay in Iraq as long as needed and not a day longer. He isn't saying that anymore.


    The new word from the White House is that American troops would be stationed in Iraq permanently on the "Korean model." The analogy is a little strained. The United States has helped to mend the rift between North and South Korea since 1953. But South Korea has had no internal insurgency to worry about.

    The plan for permanent bases in Iraq must have been long in the making. The president ignored a recommendation of the Baker-Hamilton Commission that he state that America seeks no permanent bases in Iraq. At one point last year, the Senate and House passed an amendment to the military-spending bill banning the establishment of permanent bases in Iraq. The bill went to conference and then the ban on bases, adopted by both chambers, mysteriously disappeared.

    The building of four bases along with a gigantic new American embassy in the Green Zone on the Tigris River has been moving along rapidly. The bases will have runways two miles long to accommodate the largest American planes. The Balad base north of Baghdad covers 14 square miles. Another base is planned for the area that was ancient Babylon.

    The new embassy, which will be the largest American mission in the world, will be complete with swimming pool and commissary. Retired General Anthony Zinni has said that permanent bases are "a stupid idea." He said that they will damage America's image in the whole region.

    These huge installations must be intended for more than Iraqi stabilization. Former President Jimmy Carter said in a speech in February of last year that "the reason we went into Iraq was to establish a permanent military base in the Gulf region." And few are missing the point that bases in Iraq will keep American might on Iran's doorstep

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    Iraq's leader can't get out of 1st gear
    By Ned Parker, Times Staff Writer
    June 6, 2007

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    Related Stories
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    BAGHDAD — Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki and Tariq Hashimi, the country's Sunni vice president, faced each other across the room as the latter spoke angrily of the bad blood between Sunni and Shiite officials.

    A hush fell over the room as Hashimi demanded to know whether the prime minister had been accusing his political bloc of being infiltrated by terrorists.

    "Are you talking about us? If you are … we would ask for proof," said Hashimi, according to his account of a recent closed-door meeting of Iraq's top political and national security officials. "I am treated as an opponent," he said, his voice rising. "If you continue treating me like this, it is better for me to quit."

    Maliki sat in silence.

    Iraq's government is teetering on the edge. Maliki's Cabinet is filled with officials who are deeply estranged from one another and more loyal to their parties than to the government as a whole. Some are jostling to unseat the prime minister. Few, if any, have accepted the basic premise of a government whose power is shared among each of Iraq's warring sects and ethnic groups.

    Maliki is the man U.S. officials are counting on to bring Iraq's civil war under control, yet he seems unable to break the government's deadlock.

    Even Maliki's top political advisor, Sadiq Rikabi, says he doubts the prime minister will be able to win passage of key legislation ardently sought by U.S. officials, including a law governing the oil industry and one that would allow more Sunni Arabs to gain government jobs.

    "We hope to achieve some of them, but solving the Iraqi problems and resolving the different challenges in the [next] three months would need a miracle," Rikabi said.

    Interviews with a broad range of Iraqi and Western officials paint a portrait of Maliki as an increasingly isolated and ineffectual figure, lacking in confidence and unable to trust people.

    Iraq's intractable problems would challenge even the most skilled of politicians. But skilled politicians are in short supply here. Most of Iraq's current leaders grew to adulthood as members of underground militias, skilled in the arts of conspiracy, not compromise. And many of those leaders appear to believe that their side can still win a decisive military victory in the country's civil war.

    Maliki, 57, shares that background and world view. A longtime Shiite Muslim leader, he fled to Iran soon after Saddam Hussein took power and spent the subsequent years in exile in Iran and Syria, plotting Hussein's overthrow. He was never expected to become prime minister and emerged as a compromise candidate after his Islamic Dawa Party's first two choices were rejected by the Americans and the Kurds.

    Nonetheless, he took office amid hopes that he could succeed where others had not.

    "Maliki had an amazing opportunity," said a senior Iraqi politician, speaking on condition of anonymity because he still does business regularly with the prime minister. "He had amazing support from Bush. Amazing support even from the regional countries, the Arabs — even Saudi Arabia at the start."

    "He did not seek the right tactics. The guys around him did not enable him to do his job. All of these guys around him were small-minded and sectarian."

    Now, fellow Iraqi officials describe the prime minister as dangerously out of touch. They accuse him of insulating himself with a tightknit group of advisors from his party and of shutting others out of decision making. Rikabi, Maliki's political advisor, denied that allegation.

    Parliament recently humiliated the prime minister by twice refusing to approve his nominations for six Cabinet positions left vacant for nearly two months. A Western diplomat in Baghdad, speaking on condition of anonymity because he deals with the government, said Maliki had alienated would-be partners.

    "Maliki is to blame for that because he has surrounded himself with his Dawa colleagues in his prime minister's office," the diplomat said. "It is a very big problem and doesn't promote trust.

    "He isn't a natural leader. You either have it or you don't."

    Kurdish leaders in Baghdad, who were once strong allies, have become irritated by Maliki's behavior, said Kurdish lawmaker Mahmoud Othman. "They complain about him. They say he does all these things without telling us."

    The most problematic relationship in the government remains the one between Maliki and Hashimi. Their failure to find a way of sharing power feeds into the violent struggle between Sunnis and Shiites on the street.

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    Iraq, Jordan to sign free-trade agreement

    Azzaman, June 2, 2007
    Iraq and Jordan are in talks for a free-trade agreement to boost commercial ties between the countries.
    Iraqi Trade Minister Abdulfalah al-Sudani and his Jordanian counterpart Salem Khazaa have met recently in Amman to work out a framework for the agreement.
    Sudani said he would send a special team to Amman “to revitalize trade exchange and work on the free-trade pact.”
    However, Sudani admitted that the flow of trade between the countries was facing “some hurdles.”
    Jordan was Iraq’s top trade partner before the 2003 U.S. invasion. Amman received all its energy needs from Baghdad at preferential treatment.
    Bilateral trade, which surpassed $1 billion a year, has dropped substantially with Iraq now importing most of its needs from Iran, Syria and Turkey.
    The upsurge in violence has affected trade. The highway to Amman is dangerous with bandits and rebels attacking trucks and passengers.
    The countries signed a memorandum of understanding following the U.S. invasion under which Iraq was to meet up to 30 percent of Jordan energy needs estimated at more than 100,000 barrels a day.
    But the lack of security, Sudani said, has made it difficult to implement the agreement.

    Iraq, Jordan to sign free-trade agreement

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    Iraq, Jordan to sign free-trade agreement

    Azzaman, June 2, 2007
    Iraq and Jordan are in talks for a free-trade agreement to boost commercial ties between the countries.

    would be hard for a free trade agreement. 1 Jordanian dinar = roughly 1,175 iraqi dinar. makes one remember when Iraq stated that they have to have a currency = to countries that surround them. In case you are keeping track 1 Jordanian dinar = 1.05 euro, 1 Jordanian dinar= 1.41 USD.

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    Poland to move troops into one base in Iraq

    Associated Press, THE JERUSALEM POST Jun. 8, 2007

    Poland will transfer about 200 of its troops from a base in central Iraq to a larger base it maintains in the country starting in July, the military said Friday.

    The Polish troops stationed in Kut in central Iraq will move to the larger base in Diwaniyah, about 130 kilometers south of Baghdad. The base is currently home to some 700 Polish soldiers, said Col. Wojciech Ozga, a spokesman for the military staff. The base in Kut will remain staffed by troops from other countries.

    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
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    Exclusively for governor of the holy Karbala on his recent
    (Voice of Iraq) - 06-06-2007

    Exclusively for governor of the holy Karbala on his recent meeting with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki

    .The Governor of Karbala holy Dr (Aqeel khaz'ali) in a statement singled out by the N Bouri this today, Wednesday, 06/06/2007 on the recent meeting included Governors Iraq with the Prime Minister (Nuri al-Maliki) "that the meeting had discussed a number of issues, electricity, oil, reconstruction and security, stressing that he" has been reviewing the problems and challenges facing the system in the areas of electric generation and distribution, as has been reached several directives in this regard to commit their share of assessments with the provinces to speed up the installation of the gas which has been allocated funds to them within the budget crisis this year. "

    He added that "the Commission has been allocated from the Ministry of Electricity and quality control center and the secretariat of the Cabinet Mravbah quotas governorates of electric energy."

    .And between (khaz'ali) "It has been agreed with Mr. Prime Minister on the reform of the security services of mattresses and officers, as well as seek to strengthen the possibilities of the police in terms of preparing the number has also been research on the most important obstacles that stand in the extradition of the security issue" and emphasizing that "Mr. Prime Minister (Nuri al-Maliki) has emphasized the need to expedite the training regiment, which was approved and mandated the Minister of the Interior directly supervised the processing of these groups up in arms and other supplies, as well as seeking to develop Capabilities intelligence services.

    .The Maikhs reconstruction operations, it was announced Dr (Aqeel khaz'ali) "has been standing on the achievements in the development of provincial regions and accelerate the reconstruction and to accelerate operations and contracting assignment will be on 30/6/2007 this year is a day to assess the performance of provincial reconstruction in the area and the governorates of late will give budget Itim supplementary.
    He added (khaz'ali) that during the last meeting with the Prime Minister (Nuri al-Maliki) has been discussing the crisis and oil derivatives, specifically benzene, which complains the holy city of Karbala, explaining that "the recent crisis caused by the strike pipelines transporting workers to the central and southern governorates, as well as the lack of justice in the distribution of oil derivatives between governorates, "emphasizing at the same time," it was stressed to expedite the commencement of the implementation of projects which have been agreed upon and will be laying the foundation stone for the project liquidator Karbala during the next few days. "

    Lastly (khaz'ali) "that the meeting had been attended by National Security Advisor (conciliator spring) and the ministers of electricity, municipalities, oil and secretary general of the cabinet and the governors of Iraq, saying that" it was agreed to hold an extended conference after two weeks. "

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