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  1. #1171
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    Thanks to U.S., Iran-Iraq trade is booming
    Tehran and Baghdad waged a war during Saddam Hussein's rule. Now, Iran is profiting.

    Trucks line up every day at this border crossing to carry melons, cookies, soft drinks and appliances into Iraq. For truck driver Ala Saeedi, the booming trade is proof his country is helping its war-torn neighbor.

    This spot in southwestern Iran, he says, "was once the scene of chemical attacks by Saddam against Iranian troops. But now it's used for trade. . . . Iran is meeting the daily needs of Iraqis."

    More than four years after the U.S.-led invasion toppled Saddam Hussein, Iran's influence has never been greater - a fact bedeviling the United States as President Bush pledges that large numbers of U.S. troops will remain in Iraq.

    In his speech Thursday night, Bush warned that a U.S. pullout would encourage Iran "in its efforts to gain nuclear weapons and dominate the region."

    Washington also has long accused Iran of sending arms and even fighters to help Shiite Muslim militias in Iraq that target U.S. troops, and both British and U.S. commanders have called the fighting in parts of Iraq a "proxy war" by Iran.

    Iran disputes those allegations, saying it does not meddle inside Iraq and is not trying to acquire atomic weapons.

    Iranian officials do agree that they play a strong role in Iraq, much as they do with the trade and aid they provide to Afghanistan on their eastern border, as Tehran seeks to increase its regional influence.

    "The Iraqi government and nation are close friends of Iran," Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in an interview this week. "We are natural allies."

    Complicating the U.S. position, Iraq's Shiite-dominated government has sought close trade and political ties with Iran, whose people are predominantly Shiite.

    Iraq and Iran were hostile to each other throughout Hussein's reign, fighting a long and destructive war through most of the 1980s. But when Hussein's Sunni regime fell and Iraq's Shiite majority took power, long-standing historical, religious and cultural ties between the Shiites of both countries flourished again.

    These days, Iran's influence still is most apparent across Iraq's mostly Shiite south. But it also is felt in Kurdish northern areas and even in Baghdad, where many new reconstruction projects - such as improving Iraq's electricity grid - are financed by Iranian investment.

    "Decades of war and U.S. invasion have destroyed almost everything in Iraq," said Saeed Leilaz, an economic and political analyst in Iran. "And Iran is well-prepared to make good use of this opportunity to flood Iraqi markets with goods and services."

    The export of goods to Iraq brings both money and influence, he noted.

    "Iranian products are sold everywhere in Iraq," he said. "This never happened before. Iran is playing a clever game."

    Iran's ambassador to Baghdad, Hasan Kazemi Qomi, said last month that Iran-Iraq trade in 2006 totaled $2 billion - with 97 percent of the goods going from Iran into Iraq. Hossein Tizmaghz, an Iranian Commerce Ministry official, said he hoped trade would soar to $10 billion in five years.

    Each month, more than 40,000 Iranians visit southern Iraq's important Shiite sites, such as the holy cities of Najaf and Karbala, buying religious souvenirs and pumping money into the economy by staying in hotels.

    Many pass through the south's biggest city, Basra, about 30 miles from the border. It has many Iranian cultural and religious centers, and its shops are full of Iranian food, kitchen appliances and construction materials.

    Iran has said it wants to build an airport in Najaf and has promised to help renovate important shrines. It also has begun work on a railroad between the Iranian port of Khorramshah and Basra, connecting Iran's rail system to Iraq's.

    Tehran also has signed a $150 million contract to build a 300-megawatt power plant in Baghdad. Another project, a 400-megawatt electricity-transmission line from the Iranian frontier city of Abadan to the Iraqi town of Alharasa, is expected to go into operation in a few months.

    Iran also is conducting feasibility studies on building two pipelines to carry oil and derivatives from Basra to Abadan.
    "Enmity is over," Iranian businessman Bahram Mehrparvar said as he filled out paperwork at the Shalamcheh export terminal for the bricks and cement he exports to Iraq. "Business and trade have replaced bullets and mortars."

    Thanks to U.S., Iran-Iraq trade is booming | Inquirer | 09/15/2007

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    Sadr movement says won't challenge Maliki for now

    16 Sep 2007
    Source: Reuters

    BAGHDAD, Sept 16 (Reuters) - Iraqi cleric Moqtada al-Sadr's political movement has no immediate plan to bring down Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's government de****e pulling out of his ruling Shi'ite Alliance, a spokesman said on Sunday.

    Sadr's bloc withdrew from Maliki's parliamentary coalition on Saturday, leaving him with the support of only about a half of the legislature's 275 lawmakers.

    "We have many reservations about Maliki's government but we haven't discussed a vote of no confidence yet because it's still too early to talk about this matter," Salah al-Ubaidi told Reuters.

    Maliki can still count on the backing of two Shi'ite Islamist parties and the two main Kurdish parties in parliament, and could probably survive with the support of a handful of independent lawmakers.

    But the Sadr bloc's withdrawal further weakens his coalition, which even before the defection had failed to push through laws aimed at reconciling Iraq's warring majority Shi'ite and minority Sunni Arabs.

    "Maliki lost an important ally ... an ally which helped him reach power," said Dhafir al-Ani, a parliamentarian from the main Sunni Arab bloc, the Accordance Front, which pulled its six ministers from Maliki's cabinet last month.

    "The government is in a fragile and weak position. The allies of yesterday, today are adversaries."

    Sadr was instrumental in getting Maliki, a fellow Shi'ite, appointed prime minister in May last year.

    Sadr's political bloc has raised a host of grievances in the past, including Maliki's refusal to set a timetable for the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq.

    The government has made no official comment on the Sadr movement's withdrawal from the ruling alliance.

    Kurdish politician Abdul-Khaliq Zengena, whose party is part of Maliki's remaining parliamentary coalition, criticised the Sadr bloc's move.

    "It is not constructive and hampers progress," he told Reuters. "Politicians must always calculate these moves carefully and see if it's in the interest of the political process and a return to stability."

    The decision by Sadr's movement to quit the Shi'ite Alliance in parliament was not unexpected after the anti-American cleric ordered his six ministers to quit the cabinet in April.

    The Accordance Front withdrew its ministers after saying the prime minister had ignored their demands.

    Ani said Sadr's supporters had been in contact with his bloc a few weeks ago to discuss a parliamentary challenge to Maliki's government.

    "I believe now the Sadrists will be very enthusiastic to do such a thing, to go to parliament and ask for a vote of no confidence," he said.

    "Even if the government got a majority, such a majority would not represent the real majority of the parliament and the Iraqi people." (Additional reporting by Khaled Farhan in Najaf)

  3. #1173
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    FACTBOX-Can Iraq's government survive?

    16 Sep 2007
    Source: Reuters

    Sept 16 (Reuters) - The political movement loyal to anti-American cleric Moqtada al-Sadr quit Iraq's ruling Shi'ite Alliance on Saturday, leaving Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's coalition in a weakened position in parliament.

    More than a dozen ministers from Maliki's cabinet have also quit this year. Following are some possible scenarios for Maliki and his government.


    With the exit of Sadr's bloc from the Shi'ite Alliance, Maliki's government now enjoys the support of only about half of Iraq's 275 lawmakers, although it could survive with the backing of a handful of independent lawmakers.

    Some politicians talk about a no-confidence motion against the government, although nothing concrete has happened.

    U.S. intelligence agencies last month said the government would become more precarious over the next 6-12 months.


    Opposition Democratic lawmakers in the United States have called for Maliki to be replaced, infuriating the prime minister. He told the McClatchy News Service in an interview late last month he had no intention of quitting nor did he expect to be forced out. Last week he hinted at a long promised overhaul of his cabinet, saying it was time for a "partnership government".

    Several Iraqi lawmakers, de****e being critical of Maliki, questioned whether removing him made sense.

    "The problem is who would replace Maliki. Finding an alternative is more difficult than sacking him," said Hussein al-Falluji, from the main Sunni Arab bloc, the Accordance Front.

    "Even the Americans ... don't have any alternatives," said Kurdish lawmaker Mahmoud Othman.


    Three names have circulated for months: former interim Prime Minister Iyad Allawi, current Vice President Adel Abdul-Mahdi as well as former Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari.

    Allawi, a secular Shi'ite, is making the most apparent public bid, seeking to drum up support in Iraq and the United States.

    Abdul-Mahdi is a senior leader in the Supreme Iraqi Islamic Council (SIIC), one of Iraq's biggest Shi'ite parties, and a key member of the ruling alliance. He is seen as a popular choice among some lawmakers.

    The other alternative is Jaafari, who like Maliki, comes from the Shi'ite Islamist Dawa party. But Jaafari, whose first term was characterised by inaction, is an unpopular choice for many, including Washington.


    Washington still sees Maliki as the best man for the job, one senior Western diplomat in Baghdad said last month. The Bush administration did not believe "there is somebody who can do it better", the diplomat said. "Now is not the time for a change in government," he said. In 2006, it took Maliki's government more than four months to form.


    Asked if this would plunge Iraq deeper into crisis, Deputy Prime Minister Barham Salih, a Kurd, told Reuters last month: "In the absence of a credible alternative, a better alternative, it would be problematic, chaotic. In the context of Iraq, when you talk about problems, you are talking serious problems."

    Lawmaker Othman added: "There would be chaos like that which accompanied the fall of Saddam, especially if there were no constitutional alternatives (to Maliki)."

  4. #1174
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    Sadr group says no plans to unseat Iraq PM

    Sun Sep 16, 5:31 AM ET

    NAJAF, Iraq (AFP) - Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr's political movement said on Sunday its defection was not aimed at toppling Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki de****e having dealt another blow to Iraq's embattled premier.

    We have absolutely no intention of pushing Prime Minister Maliki out," Liwa Sumaysim, head of the political committee of the Sadr group, told AFP in the holy city of Najaf.

    Sumaysim late Saturday announced at Sadr's headquarters in Najaf that the movement was withdrawing its 32 MPs from the United Iraqi Alliance (UIA), leaving Maliki's coalition in control of only about half the seats in parliament.

    "Our protest was about the attitude of the Shiite alliance in which they rejected our demands," he said.

    Announcing the pullout, Sumaysim had complained of "no positive response from the Shiite alliance."

    He did elaborate but other Sadr officials complained that Maliki had stopped consulting them over decisions and ordered an inquiry into the movement's Mahdi Army militia, widely blamed for violence during a Shiite pilgrimage in the shrine city of Karbala last month that killed 52 people.

    Maliki's office did not immediately react to the withdrawal while Iraqi government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh declined to comment.

    "It is not our affair. It is the affair of parliament. Only parliament can comment on this," Dabbagh told AFP.

    Abbas al-Bayati, a Turkmen Shiite lawmaker and member of the UIA, said the alliance would try to persuade the Sadr bloc to return.

    "We will not neglect the Sadr movement and will keep open channels of dialogue with them to listen to them and understand the reasons for their withdrawal."

    Bayati did not believe that the Sadr movement's decision was final. "They will not go too far away from the alliance, their withdrawal is not decisive," he said.

    But Sheikh Saleh al-Obeidi, the movement's spokesman in Najaf, was adamant there was no going back.

    "We do not expect to return to the alliance. The alliance made some courteous communications, and there were no serious attempts from them for understanding us.

    "In future, we will make studied steps and will not give our support for any party free of charge," Obeidi said at Saturday's press conference.

    The UIA initially comprised four key Shiite factions -- the Sadr group, the Supreme Iraqi Islamic Council (SIIC), the Dawa party and the Fadhila party -- and held 130 of the 275 seats in parliament.

    However, the number dropped to 115 when the Fadhila party pulled out in March. The Sadr bloc has 32 seats in parliament.

    The decision of Sadrists to pull out of the Shiite alliance will paralyse Maliki further, said Kurdish lawmaker Mahmud Othman.

    "The government is on a shaky ground. If somebody moves a no-confidence motion in the parliament then we will know who has how much support," Othman told AFP.

    Maliki's government can now only count on the support of 136 lawmakers, including 53 from two Kurdish groups.

    If the Sadr bloc votes against him, it would bring the numbers of MPs who oppose him to 127. The other 12 MPs represent various small parties and could vote either way.

    The Sadr group five months ago withdrew its six ministers, including Sumaysim, from Maliki's government, saying Baghdad had failed to provide basic services to the people.

    On Saturday, Obeidi said the Sadrists were now planning to negotiate with the Fadhila party for a possible "future together."

    Iraq's fractious government is made up of ministers from both sides of the sectarian divide but there are frequent rows between Sunni and Shiite leaders and it has difficulty governing.

    Maliki has said he will announce a cabinet reshuffle but has so far not been able to fill the vacant seats left by the Sunni and Shiite ministers. He is currently running the government with 23 ministers out of an original 40.

    Sadr group says no plans to unseat Iraq PM - Yahoo! News

  5. #1175
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    Statement by the Oil Unions Federation in Iraq against the Oil Law - Arabish

    Scientific Conference of privatization of the third period 9-10/9/2007 and mounted in the Chamber Training Institute oil as follows:

    The final statement

    In order to preserve the wealth of the Iraqi people and wealth of hydrocarbon and other resources in the public sector, which is the main artery of the Iraqi economy, and therefore the cornerstone of the welfare of the people who have endured injustice, poverty and disease. It was held Ngaptna (Union Oil) Three conferences on the privatization of the oil sector and the negative effects of disastrous effects of that process on the future of Iraq, the entire basis of the Secretariat that this tranche union leash in front of the Iraqi people and thank God have yielded these conferences to educate the masses and re .. maintenance project for the oil and gas more than once. We are moving your support us in good stop some materials begin affecting sovereignty to the Iraqi people the wealth.

    The Congress emerged the following recommendations:

    1-claim the Iraqi government to amend the articles on participating in the production in the bill for oil and gas being to restore the Iraqi economy Conventions privileges whatsoever anonymity.

    2-can be agreed with foreign companies of good repute and experience high as for the development of the oil industry and conditions of serving the Iraqi economy and rights in Iraq, according to the ceilings productivity fit and development programs.

    3-supporting oil sector financially to be able to promote the development of fields including reflected increased production especially oil companies capable Iraqi Bquadrha expert on the development of the fields to increase production. The granting of the South Oil Company, for example, $ 500 million could add million b / j in the end of the year 2008 so as to the existence of the fields ripe and full development of the evidence that the company added more than 150 new wells since the fall of the former regime and until now.

    4-founding the Faculty of energy studies for the preparation of cadres oil expert's oil and gas.

    5-rehabilitation of the public sector in Iraq as a mainstay of the welfare of the Iraqi experience and Barrick economic and administrative governance.

    Cultural and Information Office
    General Federation of Trade Unions oil
    Iraq _ eyesight


  6. #1176
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    Participants in the symposium, the Ministry of Industry and Minerals on economic reform Confirm

    Partner Alstratigi optimal option to meet the challenges and rehabilitation of dilapidated projects

    Source: Sabah Al-16/09/2007

    Again, the Ministry of Industry and Minerals, a holding symposiums economic reform where traditionally been catered for the policies and ideas consistent with the transition from a totalitarian economy to a market economy.
    A number of experts in the economy to become the ministry's initiatives in the right direction through sponsorship of the program Tuaoui mature in creating the Iraqi public to accept new shifts after the Nikkei to a pattern of behavior and thinking over 35 years.
    Symposium offered this time partner Alstratigi contribute to the rehabilitation projects under the economic reform which expert at the Ministry Amer Issa paper included important ideas on the road to achieving the goals of the ministry in promoting the industry at the national and rehabilitation companies and factories closed.
    Symposium sponsored by the Minister of Industry and Minerals and foremost an economic advisor in the ministry led economic expert Afif al Following the study have provided expert Nizar Qassem.
    The symposium marked the presence of distinguished predecessors as were jammed hall and the presence of spe******ts involved in the economic as representing the Iraqi universities and departments concerned for a number of concerned ministries and thus invaluable ideas to find solutions to the challenges faced by the Iraqi economy.
    In his value emphasized economic advisor to the Ministry of Industry and Minerals, Professor Jacob Shonia need to expand the studies to address all the challenges facing the national economy or devastate not be confined to the problems faced by the ministry.
    Based on this vision, he called on the right in regard to the preparation of economic studies would find means to achieve the desired economic reform commensurate experience and the new Iraqi beliefs and unique in achieving economic stability enjoyed by all. Rayes part Following the presentation simple goals symposia researcher called for brevity participants who appeared ministries of finance and planning, agriculture, industry and university professors studied the content.
    Researcher expert Amer Issa introduced ideas on the strategic partnership envisaged by which to identify successful policies to attract Alstratigi partner for the advancement of the national industry by retreated For many reasons known.
    The researcher knew that the strategic partner's expertise and the technological, managerial and financial solvency and marketing can work and develop solutions to the crises facing the activity and the introduction of his hand to increase production and profit, which will benefit the country and its employees.
    The study summarized in the presentation Mathsal expectations from the partner and partner benefits to attract workers and marketing and how to choose the partner and the Alstratigi and other sections.
    There were interventions by economics professors in universities and the number of participants has been mostly involved in correcting the course of study at the optimum choice of a partner and successful enemy of this new approach to the economic infrastructure of Iraq, has become a reality, especially as the trend is towards a market economy and this Maitnasp with new transformations.
    Economic adviser reiterated that the ministry had reached an impasse in obtaining funds grants or loans for the advancement of two-thirds of companies run by the Iraqi totaling 192 company Valtjat Khiaralt to economic reform in force internationally and in all States, which has passed in transition and stipulated in this direction that Iraqi experience to suit our present.
    And draw the attention of the reader that morning published a detailed investigation on the proceedings of the symposium and the House and Matrah where ideas are in the service of our national economy, in preparation for later.

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    Iraq's stock exchange index has risen by 577 t 1% and stabilized at the level of 779 t 39 points

    Source: Kuna - 16/09/2007

    The market index rose Iraq Stock Exchange (Stock Exchange) today by 577 t 1% stable at 779 t 39 points to offset so that lost most of its losses since the beginning of September 14th.
    The number of shares traded on the stock exchange more than 357 million shares at a value of more than 820 million Iraqi dinars ($ 656 thousand) achieved through the implementation of 142 contracts.
    Shares were trading 24 shareholding companies listed on the market, ten companies banking service and three companies and eight industrial companies and hotel company and one two valleys.
    The decreased rates contributed seven companies are banking banks Basra by 6 t 7%, the highest rate of decline, Babylon 1 t 7 and investment Iraqi R. 5 3 9 Alorka t 2 and 8 commercial t 2 and 4 north of Baghdad and t 2 9 1 ½%.
    The three banks maintained the same rates shares at the previous meeting and the Iraqi National banks and commercial Sumar, Mosul and the banking index closed at the level of 581 t low 37 points per 421 t 0% from the previous meeting.
    In the services sector contributed deliberated three companies increased the price of company shares by 5 globe Real t 2% rate fell SHARE PRICE Company Badia public transport by 1 ½%, while the company maintained Iraqi land transport on the rate of exchange losses and closed meeting earlier this sector index at the level of 938 t 77 point stable as was the previous meeting.
    The shares were trading eight industrial companies increased the price of shares electronic industries by 1 t 3% and decreased rates contributed four companies which Iraqi Engineering Works 7 t 4% and 8 Crescent Industrial t 3% and industry Carton by 3% and the chemical industry by 7 t 2%.
    The three companies have maintained the same rates shares at the previous meeting of a corporation Baghdad carbonated drinks and light industries company and the company dyes and modern industrial index closed at the level of 839 t low 11 points per 210 t 0% from the previous meeting.
    In the agriculture sector increased price of the company shares the Middle East for fish by 3 t 15%, the highest rate rise at today's meeting, while the company maintained Altherar of agricultural production on the rate of exchange losses same at the previous meeting.
    The agriculture sector index closed at 797 points, up 85 t per 217 t 0% from the previous meeting.
    In the final outcome of the meeting today was the circulation circulation contributed to 24 out of 93 companies listed on the market rose rates contributed four companies decreased rates shares of 12 companies maintained eight companies on the prices of the previous rates.

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  9. #1178
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    The announcement of the inclusion of all Iraqi governorates draft SME lending

    Source: Radio SEWA - 16/09/2007

    With the approval of the granting of small loans for graduates of universities and institutes Iraqi in Baghdad by the Cabinet, which was to reduce the unemployment rate, announced by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs on the draft circulated lending small projects for all Iraqi governorates, and coverage of Iraqi industries as a first step towards economic recovery in the country.

    This came at a press conference, Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Sheikh Mahmoud Al-Radi in Baghdad Sunday, which was confirmed six thousand loan to start small projects and cost ten million Iraqi dinars for each project.

    The minister disclosed Nadi plan to revive industries in the Iraqi Ministry of Industry and Minerals, as well as investment.

    The Minister indicated that the success of Nadi mechanism that worked for the Ministry of Labor in the application of project lending small payment to the ministry circulated on the project all Iraqi governorates.

    Meanwhile, the agent's Senior Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Nuri Halve to cut the salaries of social protection network for the graduates of colleges and institutes is included project loans, explaining facilitate those loans repayment period was good.

    It is noteworthy that the graduates of colleges and institutes registered as unemployed in operation centers before the 16 of September of this year, affected by the armed operations who lost a breadwinner or handicapped, and the owners of businesses affected by armed attacks, returnees and displaced persons to their home areas, it may the draft included soft loans to small businesses, according to an economic study package.

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    Jordanian official: Iraq will provide Jordan with oil this week

    Source: Reuters-16/09/2007

    Jordanian official said in statements published on Sunday that Iraq had informed the Jordanian authorities readiness to begin providing Saudi oil this week after multiple attempts did not succeed because of the security situation.

    He said Transport Minister Saud supporters in an interview with the constitution that Iraqi officials told the party that Jordanian security conditions on the road to Kirkuk appropriate at the present time for a no fewer than 500 Iraqi tank truck during the days to transfer "specific shipments" from the protection of Iraqi oil until it reaches the border where will be transferred to Jordanian trucks.

    The Iraq and Jordan agreed last year to provide Jordan with ten thousand barrels They constitute 10 per cent share of consumption Kingdom of crude oil daily last year by road only that the security conditions prevented.

    Jordan and raise prices of diesel fuel and gasoline several times in recent years to curb the growing budget deficit after grants of oil was obtained from Iraq before the American invasion in 2003.

    The Jordanian economy depends heavily on foreign grants to pay the oil bill has doubled because of record oil prices during the past years.

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    Burglary Iraqi banks reduces the chances of profit sector

    Source: House life-16/09/2007

    The banking sector for more than two years to incidents of burglary had taken so far to any of them or the circumstances of those who stand behind it, but all bear the imprint gangs wearing Iraqi police uniforms and using government cars, underlines the enormous difficulties experienced by the local banking sector.

    Officials attribute sector exacerbated the insecurity which in turn reflected on the level of performance and the decline in activity in the sector.

    Most did not achieve Iraqi banks during the last two years, any profits. An official with the sector l «life» that «among 27 banks Iraqi special achieved only 5 banks profits« very modest levels during the past »,

    He pointed out that the current and future phases will be better off for the banks unless officials take serious action and the actors and measures to address the security difficulties.

    The head of «Association Iraqi banks», Fuad Al Hosani, the security side now accounts for a large portion of the proceeds of banks, with large sums being spent annually on the salaries of the security escorts and other precautionary measures, as well as expenditure on fuel, which drains large amounts, in light of the scarcity electricity.

    Bono pointed to a decision taken by «Central Bank of Iraq» year ago, in which he called the banks to invest their deposits had in return for the benefits of helping them to overcome the difficulties.

    Bono asked: what must be done in light of the deterioration of the security and dwindling investment opportunities, not for the support available from the Central Bank of Iraq? He added that the absence of security has become a disturbing, and it is not reasonable to repeated incidents of robbery and theft against them without a means to ensure the necessary protection for banks.

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