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    Budget for US embassy in Baghdad faces $144m in extra costs

    The massive US embassy under construction in Baghdad could cost $144 million (Dh528.48 million) more than projected and will open months behind schedule because of poor planning, shoddy workmanship, internal disputes and last-minute changes sought by State Department officials, according to US officials and a department document provided to Congress.

    The embassy, which will be the largest US diplomatic mission in the world, was budgeted at $592 million (Dh2.17 billion). The core project was supposed to have been completed by last month, but the timetable has slipped so much that the State Department has sought and received permission from the Iraqi government to allow about 2,000 non-Iraqi construction employees to stay in the country until March.

    Two key office buildings, including the new chancery, will not be finished until early 2009, according to the document.

    Completing the sprawling, 21-building compound is viewed by some officials as a key element of building a sustainable, long-term diplomatic presence in Baghdad. It will allow US personnel to vacate their offices in Saddam Hussain's former Republican Palace and consolidate operations that are spread out across the Green Zone. The new facility is also intended to provide diplomats with housing that is better protected to withstand mortar and rocket attacks.

    The growing price tag and delayed opening have alarmed members of Congress, some of whom regard the troubled project as the latest in a series of State Department management problems in Iraq.

    Budget for US embassy in Baghdad faces $144m in extra costs | Iraq Updates

  2. #1792
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    Britain to cut Iraq troops

    Britain’s Prime Minister Gordon Brown announced on Monday that Britain would drastically reduce the number of troops in by early next year.

    "We plan for next spring to reduce force numbers in southern to a figure of 2,500," he told parliament's lower House of Commons. The figure will more than half the number of troops currently in .

    Brown said that there would two distinct stages to the handover. The first will see British forces training and mentoring Iraqi security forces, securing supply routes, protecting the Iraq-Iran border and providing back-up to local troops.

    In the second stage British forces will maintain a limited ability to intervention by force and the main focus will be on training.

    Britain to cut Iraq troops | Iraq Updates

  3. #1793
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    Construction of children's ho****al providing hundreds of jobs for Iraqis

    An average of 750 workers per day contribute to the construction of the Basrah Children's Ho****al, but this number is likely to jump to 1,000 per day, according to Navy Lt. Cmdr. Chad Lorenzana, the resident engineer overseeing the project for the Basrah Office of the Gulf Region South district of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).

    Construction is now 66 percent complete, Lorenzana said. The 94-bed ho****al - which will focus on oncology - is targeted to open in January 2009.

    The project is providing "a lot of jobs" for Iraqis and is putting money into the local economy, Lorenzana said. The overall cost of the project is estimated at $163 million, according to USACE.

    Construction of children's ho****al providing hundreds of jobs for Iraqis | Iraq Updates

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  5. #1794
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    Iraqis participate in conference at economic development center

    The Babylon Center for Economic Development (BCED) recently organized and facilitated an agricultural development conference that included 50 government representatives, private sector businesses and non-governmental organizations, community agricultural unions and agricultural associations.

    The participants took stock of issues in irrigation, transportation, marketing and trade that affect the agricultural sector, which is the largest employer in the province. It was an event with full Iraqi attendance, organized and hosted by the BCED at the suggestion of the Babil embedded provincial reconstruction team (PRT).

    The BCED was invited to join the Babil Provincial Economic Development Team that was formed in August. This initiative brings together members of the provincial council and representatives of the PRT in a forum that crafts strategic plans for the province. BCED is represented in the Economic Development Team by its executive manager.

    "We are working together to identify the economic activities that we must include with priority in the development plan of the province for the next year. As far as our center is concerned, aside from the business development courses and advisory services that we will continue to deliver, we have been asked to prepare a business and marketing plan for the rehabilitation of Hilla Textile," BCED executive manager said.

    The BCED has been assisted by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Izdihar project in establishing and developing the capacity to run the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) in Hilla. BCED has been offering training courses and advisory services to the local business community since November 2006.

    Iraqis participate in conference at economic development center | Iraq Updates

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  7. #1795
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    The 2008 budget is ready to be submitted to the Cabinet

    The Budget Service in the Ministry of Finance announced last Saturday, the completion of the 2008 budget to be submitted to the Economic Committee and the Cabinet, and the appointment of three associates to the Director-General for Management and Follow-up, to the ministries' affairs and to the provincial affairs in the ministry for the organization of work and rapid disbursement of the 2008 budget.

    A statement of the Iraqi Ministry of Finance said that this budget will be a quantum leap in the completion of projects and the rehabilitation of infrastructure in Iraq. The statement added, "The Iraqi government has made great effort in 2007 to write off Iraq's debts due to the policy of the former regime." The statement noted that the coming days will witness a declaration concerning the writing off of the debts.

    The Finance Minister stressed, according to the statement, "On the bank managers to take all necessary measures to protect public money through tightening security guard to prevent terrorists and thieves from stealing the money of the Iraqi people, and measures had been taken to maintain security on banks."

    The 2008 budget is ready to be submitted to the Cabinet | Iraq Updates

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  9. #1796
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    Hakeem confirms creating state of law

    Head of Islamic supreme council Mr. Abdulazeez Hakeem confirmed importance of achieving Iraqi people' goals in creating state of law and justice after previous regime's collapse statement of the council said.

    It added that Mr. Hakeem attended fast breaking in the council's office in Tehran which attended by Vice President Dr. Adel Abdulmahdi and Iraqi Ambassador Mohamed Sheikh and many of Iraqi residents.

    Hakeem confirms creating state of law | Iraq Updates

  10. #1797
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    Al-Hashimi Praises the Stance of King Abdullah about Iraq

    Iraqi vice-president Tariq Al-Hashimi, in a fast breaking banquet, met Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz. They discussed the Iraq issue.

    Al-Hashimi praises the good stance of King Abdullah on Iraq and for the promise to do his best to reduce sufferings of the Iraqi people.

    PUKmedia :: English - Al-Hashimi Praises the Stance of King Abdullah about Iraq

  11. #1798
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    President Talabani’s Assistant for Trade Affairs Receives J.T.C Representative

    President Talabani’s Assistant for Trade Affairs Abdullah Haji Saeed, received Mr. Hassan Mahboob, J.T.C representative accompanied by the company’s delegation. J.T.C is a Japan’s company for trade, investment and industry that works in Japan and other countries.

    During the meeting, Mr. Abdullah Haji Saeed talked about the KRG’s relationship with the neighboring countries especially in the fields of trade, investment and industry and KRG’s facilitation to create security.
    He hoped that J.T.C would consolidate Japan and KRG relation de****e their trade and investment projects in Kurdistan.

    Fields of J.T.C’s work was discussed. It was suggested that the President’s Assistant would submit proposed projects base on which J.T.C would implement their projects. It was decided that an office to be opened in Sulaimani for the company.

    They formally invited President’s Assistant to visit Japan to improve trade and investment between both countries.

  12. #1799
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    President Talabani hailed the Agreement between the (SIIC) and al-Sadr Movement

    Iraqi President, his Excellency Jalal Talabani, hailed the agreement which was signed by Mr. Abdul Aziz al- Hakim, President of the, Supreme Islamic Council in Iraqi and Muqtada al-Sadr, leader of the al-Sadr movement.

    His Excellency, in a statement concerning this issue, said that this agreement lays the foundation for strengthening the Front of National forces which are combating violence and terrorism, and as a step towards strengthening the atmosphere of reconciliation and dialogue.The statement reads as follows:

    "Iraqis received joyfully the good news of the agreement signed by the Mr. Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, President of the, Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council and Muqtada al-Sadr, the leader of the al-Sadr movement .While we heartily welcome this agreement, we believe it lays the foundation for strengthening the Front of National forces combating violence and terrorism, and as a step towards strengthening the atmosphere of reconciliation and dialogue.

    To clear the atmosphere and having closer ties between the two main sides of the political process in Iraq is also a step towards promoting an atmosphere of reconciliation and dialogue between all parties involved in this process and enhance the performance of the legislative and executive authorities with the active and effective participation of all parties and the national parties ambition to build our Consolidated Federal pluralistic and democratic Iraq .

    The agreement provides for the sanctity of the Iraqis blood regardless of their ethnicity, is a prerequisite for building the new Iraq, Iraq of brotherhood, justice and equal opportunities.

    Once Again, we hail and welcome this agreement and we are all confident that it will be translated on the ground in practical steps serving the political process and the interests of the entire Iraqi people, and consolidate the ties of brotherhood between all its citizens.

    Jalal Talabani
    The Iraqi President

  13. #1800
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    Turkey says Ready to Send Troops into N.Iraq

    Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan gave the green light on Tuesday for a possible military incursion into northern Iraq to crush Kurdish rebels hiding there after a series of deadly attacks on Turkish security forces.

    Erdogan is under heavy pressure from Turkey's powerful army and opposition parties to take tough action against rebels of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) after they shot dead 13 soldiers on Sunday near the Iraqi border.

    Defence Minister Vecdi Gonul said Turkey's parliament would need to authorise any large-scale military operation -- a scenario most analysts say remains unlikely -- but he said such permission was not required for limited, "hot pursuit" raids.

    Washington has urged Turkey, a NATO ally, not to take military action in mainly Kurdish northern Iraq, fearing this could destabilise the most peaceful region in the country.

    "To put an end to the terrorist organisation operating in the neighbouring country (Iraq), the order has been given to take every kind of measure, legal, economic, political, including also a cross-border operation if necessary," Erdogan's office said in a statement.

    "Orders have been given to all relevant institutions to continue to wage a decisive struggle against terrorism and the terrorists," said the statement, issued after a special meeting of Turkey's top anti-terrorism body.

    The White House said on Tuesday it was committed to working with Turkey and Iraq to combat the PKK. Spokesman Gordon Johndroe would not comment specifically on whether the White House would support any Turkish incursion.


    Sunday's attack in Sirnak province was the worst single incident in 12 years. Two other soldiers died on Monday in separate PKK landmine explosions.

    The previous week, 12 people, including village guards, died when PKK rebels ambushed their minibus in Sirnak province.

    Turkish television and newspapers have carried extensive pictures of the funerals, with coffins draped in the national flag, watched by grieving wives, children and parents.

    Financial markets are closely monitoring the debate over northern Iraq, though the lira currency and share prices did not move very much on Tuesday after Erdogan's statement.

    NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer condemned the latest PKK attacks and pledged the alliance's solidarity.

    "The terrorist threat presented by such violence is unacceptable and Turkey deserves full support of its allies. NATO will continue a steadfast defence against terrorism; we will not allow terrorists to prevail," he said.

    Turkey signed an anti-terrorism deal on Sept. 28 with Iraq targeting the PKK but failed to win Baghdad's consent to allow "hot pursuit" raids across the border. Their deal focuses on financial and intelligence measures against the PKK.

    Ankara knows the Baghdad government has little clout in the autonomous Kurdish north, whose authorities are loathe to take action against their ethnic kin in the PKK.

    An estimated 3,000 PKK rebels use mountainous northern Iraq as a springboard from which to attack Turkish targets.

    Ankara blames the PKK for the deaths of more than 30,000 people since the group began its armed campaign for an ethnic homeland in southeast Turkey in 1984.

    PUKmedia :: English - Turkey says Ready to Send Troops into N.Iraq

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