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    Iraqi Fin Min: Italy Grants $600M Easy-Term Loan For Farming

    Italy has granted war-ravaged Iraq a $600 million easy-term loan, Iraqi Finance Minister Bayan Jabor said Monday.

    Jabor, speaking to reporters in Amman, said he signed an agreement with the Italian foreign ministry on the new loan in Rome last week. He said the loan will go toward financing Iraqi farmers and the agriculture sector. The state-run Iraqi Trade Bank will handle the loan, he added

    Part of the loan will be providing Italian made tractors, harvesters and other agricultural equipment to Iraqi farmers.

    He said the interest payable on the loan is 0.04% and Italy will write off 50% of the loan once Iraq starts paying back the loan. Jabor gave no details on the duration of the loan.

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    Iraqi finance minister says 2008 budget to increase by 2 percent to $42 billion

    Iraq's finance minister said Monday that his country's budget will increase by 2 percent to US$42 billion (€29 billion) in the fiscal year 2008, and oil production is expected to remain at the same level of 1.7 million barrels per day.

    Bayan Baqir Jabr said oil prices were calculated in next year's budget on the basis of US$50 (€35) per barrel — lower than the current market rate, which spiked above US$93 (€65) a barrel to a new trading high on Monday.

    "Iraq's budget for the year 2008 is going to be $42 billion. It's a slightly larger budget," Jabr told reporters.

    He said Iraqi oil production and prices next year "have not been fixed yet, but in general, the price will be around $50 a barrel and the average daily production will be 1.7 million barrels."

    The Iraqi minister did not give an estimate for oil revenues projected in next year's budget but noted that the figure is expected around US$30 billion (€21 billion) this year.

    Jabr's remarks followed a closed-door meeting he held in the Jordanian capital with representatives of the International Monetary Fund, which is supervising an Iraqi economic restructuring program.

    He said his discussions with the IMF included Iraq's budget in the fiscal 2008, trade and tax restructuring and ways to write-off his country's foreign debt. He declined to elaborate.

    Jabr said Iraq's oil minister was also due to visit Jordan on Thursday for talks with the IMF, which are expected to focus on coordinating Iraqi oil policies.

    Cabinet should reconsider 2008 budget in view of Oil prices increase

    Head of Oil and Gas Committee in the Parliament Yunadim Kana affirmed that the increase of oil price in the international markets which reached $92 for the barrel urges the government to reconsider 2008 Budget which is already established and is supposed to be submitted to the parliamentarian vote.

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    Iraq oil production down, capacity up

    A U.S. review of Iraq reconstruction finds Iraq oil production down compared with this time last year, though capacity is up.

    Electricity production has hit record wartime levels, but both sectors need to work together and both must combat insurgent attacks, according to the Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction's quarterly report, released Tuesday.

    Iraq oil production averaged 2.16 million barrels per day in third-quarter 2007, as the northern pipeline was fixed and better guarded than before.

    "It is important to note, however, that this quarter's production lags slightly behind the same period last year," the report said. It also pegged production capacity at 3 million bpd.

    And there is poor coordination between the Oil and Electricity ministries, which rely on each other to function properly and give Iraqis some of their most basic needs.

    "The circular dilemma of fuel demand at power plants and power shortages at oil facilities remains a major challenge for the electricity and oil sectors," the report said. Iraqis have access to neither the power nor the fuel supply they need; the power plants aren't getting their needed fuel and the oil refineries their electricity.

    Electricity production did average 4,550 megawatts per day in third-quarter 2007, its highest since the war began. Power capacity hit 5,530 megawatts on Sept. 11, a peak, and averaged 5,200 megawatts a day from early August through September, the report said, adding it supplied 60 percent of Iraqis' demand on Sept. 16.

    Production may dip as the ministry tackles scheduled maintenance, though it is looking to redirect fuel to other power plants in order to produce electricity.

    The report noted an increase in household appliances has bolstered demand while U.S. reconstruction efforts, done in isolation of the status of Iraq's electricity sector and its problems, have hurt the sector by stocking plants with too many generators of differing make, capacity and technology.

    Also, some provinces are producing more power than they consume but aren't sharing, as the ministry attempts to set caps and ration production. In a snapshot of the power sector on Oct. 9, all but four of Iraq's 18 provinces used more power than allocated.

    A major challenge the report noted for both sectors was how the infrastructure remains a target for insurgents and looters.

    Eight regional 400 kilovolt transmission lines were out of service this month because of attacks on the grid and towers. The northern oil pipeline, which accounts for the uptick in oil production, has barely functioned since 2003 because of attacks, and has been hit numerous times in the past three months.

    Iraq oil production down, capacity up : World

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    Perfect example of how news on Iraq is manipulated by press.

    ABC: Iraqis Adapt to 'New Normal' as 'Violence on Downward Trend'

    By Brent Baker | October 30, 2007 - 21:25 ET

    Both NBC and ABC on Tuesday night noted the smallest number of American servicemen killed in Iraq since March of 2006, but while NBC's Brian Williams stressed the total number killed since the war began, ABC's Charles Gibson segued to a story about “booming” markets and significantly improving life in Baghdad. Eight days ago, ABC uniquely highlighted Fallujah's “extraordinary comeback story.” [See below] Williams cited three soldiers killed, observing “that brings the toll for October to 37 Americans dead, which we should point out is the lowest monthly total in a year and a half. Since the war started almost four and a half years ago, more than 3800 Americans have died in the war in Iraq.”

    Gibson listed 36 as killed, not 37, and clarified “some of them in non-combat-related incidents.” After relating how “that is the lowest number of U.S. deaths since March 2006,” Gibson described “violence on a downward trend” in Iraq so now “Iraqis are learning to adapt to what might be called a new normal.” Reporter Miguel Marquez conveyed how Baghdad's largest market is “booming. Big sales, says this vendor. Everything, 2,000 dinars. There hasn't been an attack here since February.” Marquez highlighted “pockets of security where life is starting to get back to normal,” but, he acknowledged, “it's not a normal by most standards” since though “large-scale violence between Sunnis and Shiites has stopped,” there "are still criminal gangs” so “most people...are too afraid to leave their homes.” Still, “with wedding season coming up,” a woman florist “is hopeful that business and life will get back to something like normal.”

    The brief item from Brian Williams, in Philadelphia, on the October 30 NBC Nightly News:
    One issue certain to come up tonight [at the Democratic debate on MSNBC], the war in Iraq. Three more Americans were killed there today when an IED went off southeast of Baghdad. That brings the toll for October to 37 Americans dead, which we should point out is the lowest monthly total in a year and a half. Since the war started almost four and a half years ago, more than 3800 Americans have died in the war in Iraq.

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    Secretary Downe reviews Basra security file handover

    The visiting British Defense Secretary Des Browne discussed with the British Commander in southern Iraq, Major-General Jonathan Shaw, the handover of the security file in Basra, the media spokesman for the Multinational forces in southern Iraq said on Wednesday.

    "Browne discussed with General Shaw at dawn the handover of the security file to Iraqi forces," Major Matthew Bird told the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI) over the phone, noting that Downe paid a brief visit to the British base in the Basra International Airport, northwest of the city.

    Browne had arrived in Baghdad for an unannounced official visit on Wednesday morning.

    He held a meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

    British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said earlier this month that he believes Iraq can assume responsibility for security in southern Basra province from British forces within two months.

    The British forces in Basra, 590 km south of the Iraqi capital Baghdad, keep 5,250 troops within the Multi-National Forces in Iraq after withdrawing 1,850 soldiers during the past few months.

    Britain was the United States' prime ally in the March 2003 invasion of Iraq.

    Basra is located 590 km south of Baghdad.

    Secretary Downe reviews Basra security file handover | Iraq Updates

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    Iraqi, Iranian FMs say Istanbul conference should back Iraq

    Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zibari discussed with his Iranian counterpart Manouchehr Mottaki the conference of Iraq's neighboring countries, scheduled to be held next week in Istanbul, and said it should focus on support for Iraq rather than border tension.

    "We discussed issues of joint importance to the two countries, the security situation in Iraq, the Istanbul-based conference and its significance for security and stability in the country," Zibari said during a joint press conference on Wednesday.

    "We both stressed that the conference should concentrate on the Iraqi issue. Participants should not divert from the main issue to the Iraqi-Turkish border tension," the minister added.

    "The Iraqi government is willing to actively cooperate and take practical measures to prevent the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) from inflicting harm on Turkey," he added.

    "We discussed with the Iranian foreign minister the importance of U.S.-Iranian-Iraqi dialogue and negotiations, which are significant for the region."

    Mottaki arrived on a surprise visit to Baghdad on Wednesday morning. The visit coincided with the visit of British Defense Minister Des Browne, who arrived in Baghdad earlier in the day.

    Iraqi, Iranian FMs say Istanbul conference should back Iraq | Iraq Updates

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    FM: Efforts to release Turkish soldiers in advanced stage

    Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zibari on Wednesday said that his government's efforts for the release of Turkish soldiers held by the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) have reached an advanced staged and envisioned a breakthrough in the situation.

    "The Iraqi government is making every effort to release the eight Turkish soldiers. Indirect negotiations have reached an advanced stage," Zibari said during a joint press conference with his Iranian counterpart Manouchehr Mottaki, who is currently on a visit to Baghdad.

    "The government is continuing efforts to peacefully solve the PKK's crisis. We did not lose hope of reaching a settlement," the minister added.

    Providing further details of the Iraqi government's efforts end PKK activities in Iraqi territories, Zibari said that security forces tightened their grip on border crossings in an attempt to halt the party's supply of food and fuel. "Other measures have been taken to prevent PKK militants from reaching inhabited areas.

    One week ago, direct negotiations between a high-ranking Iraqi delegation and the Turkish government failed to find a peaceful solution to the crisis, which erupted after PKK fighters on the Turkish-Iraqi border areas allegedly waged armed attacks that killed nearly 15 Turkish soldiers.

    The two ministers discussed the conference of Iraq's neighboring countries, scheduled to be held next week in Istanbul, and said it should focus on support for Iraq rather than border tension.

    "We discussed issues of joint importance to the two countries, the security situation in Iraq, the Istanbul-based conference and its significance for security and stability in the country," Zibari said.

    "We both stressed that the conference should concentrate on the Iraqi issue. Participants should not divert from the main issue to the Iraqi-Turkish border tension," the minister added.

    The Iraqi government is willing to actively cooperate and take practical measures to prevent the PKK from inflicting harm on Turkey," he added.
    "We discussed with the Iranian foreign minister the importance of U.S.-Iranian-Iraqi dialogue and negotiations, which are significant for the region."

    Mottaki arrived on a surprise visit to Baghdad on Wednesday morning. The visit coincided with the visit of British Defense Minister Des Browne, who arrived in Baghdad earlier in the day.

    FM: Efforts to release Turkish soldiers in advanced stage | Iraq Updates

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    PM says Iraqis ready to receive Basra security file

    Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki told the visiting British Defense Secretary Des Browne on Wednesday that the work is underway to build the Iraqi armed forces to accelerate the handover of the security file throughout Iraq, asserting that Iraqi forces are ready to receive the Basra security file.

    The Baghdad government had said that Basra, the last Iraqi province still remaining under British security control, would be transferred over to the Iraqi authorities in December.

    "Our forces became ready to face challenges, bear responsibilities and hunt down for armed groups," al-Maliki said during his meeting with Browne at his office.

    "The national reconciliation project will continue de****e difficulties and obstacles made by some people," the premier said in a statement received by the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI).

    For his part, British Defense Secretary Des Browne asserted his country's support to the Iraqi government and its desire to continue cooperation to achieve security and stability in the country, mainly in Basra.

    The Media Spokesman for the Multinational forces in southern Iraq Major Matthew Bird told the VOI earlier that Browne discussed with the British Commander in southern Iraq, Major-General Jonathan Shaw, the handover of the security file in Basra.

    Browne had arrived in Baghdad for an unannounced official visit on Wednesday morning.

    British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said earlier this month that he believes Iraq can assume responsibility for security in southern Basra province from British forces within two months.

    The British forces in Basra, 590 km south of the Iraqi capital Baghdad, keep 5,250 troops within the Multi-National Forces in Iraq after withdrawing 1,850 soldiers during the past few months.

    Britain was the United States' prime ally in the March 2003 invasion of Iraq.

    Basra is located 590 km south of Baghdad.

    PM says Iraqis ready to receive Basra security file | Iraq Updates

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    Erdogan: Turkey Expects Immediate Steps

    Turkish PM Recep Tayeep Erdogan re-stressed that his country intends to send troops across the borders, in ****e of the American opposition to any military movement.

    Speaking to his party’s deputies in the Parliament, Erdogan said “It has become inevitable for Turkey to start a more intense military process against terrorism. The operations in the region are under way.”

    He also spoke about the bilateral relations between Turkey and U.S., and his expected meeting with the American President Bush, where he said “I will openly tell him that we expect concrete, immediate steps against the terrorists.”

    PUKmedia :: English - Erdogan: Turkey Expects Immediate Steps

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    The Presidency Council Holds a Meeting

    The Presidency council held a meeting in President Talabani’s resident in Baghdad yesterday, to discuss the political issues and figure out solutions to Iraq’s problems.

    The meeting discussed the necessity of spending efforts to achieve the national reconciliation and unification of all the Iraqis.

    They also stressed the necessity of achieving an agreement between the active parts in the political process to solve the disagreements and developing the government’s work.

    PUKmedia :: English - The Presidency Council Holds a Meeting

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