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    Sunnis at center of strategy for Iraq

    September 7, 2007
    Sunnis at center of strategy for Iraq --

  2. #882
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    Parliament is preparing to start a parliamentary battle to approve the laws Baath, Oil, Constitution


    Playing MPs, with the start of the new session of Parliament, the battle heated to approve a number of bills that raise considerable controversy. He said Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Maliki, the government offered to the Parliament a draft law amending uprooting the Baath "Reconciliation Act and accountability", which aims to reduce the restrictions on former members of the Baath Party and enable them to join the government and army institutions. Maliki said that the draft law which was discussed and endorsed by the government and other political parties exists and is ready and was discussed by the preparatory committee of the problem by political parties, and has been forwarded to the Council's political national security and referred to the House for discussion and approval.
    Maliki expected to approve the House on what has been agreed after some detailed discussions or partial. As reported Middle East.
    The law is one of the most important decisions are expected to play either the Iraqi government to push the national reconciliation process forward. Deputies also discuss bills on other exciting Oil and the amendment of the constitution, and elections for the provinces. There are substantial differences between the masses especially in the issues of the law of oil and some paragraphs of the Constitution Amendment task.

    جريدة الأهالي

  3. #883
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Maysan governor: the Dubai opportunity to achieve investment results
    العمارة/نينا Architecture / Nina

    . Maysan governor said Eng Adel Mehouder Radi: The Dubai conference was a great opportunity results will be achieved significant investment in Maysan. He added: One of the most important things that have been made clear to companies in Dubai are the introductions to be offered starting in the area of investment in addition to the safeguards available. أو. He continued: that the reference to the security situation in Maysan governorate Pena that can be very stable for investors and companies that operate both cruise and there are no obstacles or threats, and to maintain replete with the human and scientific capacities and capabilities

    جريدة المؤتمر : م*افظ ميسان:مؤتمر دبي فرصة لت*قيق نتائج استثمارية
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

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    Iraq Gears Up For Licensing Bid Round As MPs Prepare To Debate Draft Oil Law

    10 September 2007 Volume 50, Issue 37 - TOP STORIES

    Related Content in zawya

    Iraqi oil officials have started preparatory work on identifying oil fields and gathering field data ahead of an upstream licensing round that will be launched soon after the approval of the much-delayed draft oil law. While this key package of legislation remains to be debated and adopted by the federal parliament and there is plenty of evidence to suggest it will receive close scrutiny a new sense of pragmatic optimism from Iraqi officials and their potential international partners was apparent at the Iraq Development Program-sponsored Iraq Oil, Gas Petrochemical and Electricity Summit, which started on 2 September in Dubai. De****e significant political differences among Iraqs federal government partners, divisions that have held up progress on the law, senior officials are now striking a more positive tone ahead of the presentation of the law to MPs, as Bill Farren-Price reports.

    The political hurdles faced by those preparing Iraqs oil law have been well reported since the draft legislation was approved by cabinet in February this year (MEES , 5 March). Opposition from the Kurdish members of the government and the Kurdistan Regional Governments (KRG) decision to proceed with its own laws have highlighted the paralysis that has at times gripped the federal government as it has striven to achieve consensus on the package of laws that will regulate the oil sector and the revenues flowing from it. But discussions in Dubai this week between international oil companies (IOCs) and Iraqi officials appeared to take on a slightly more pressing tone as the prospects for a breakthrough on the law loomed larger (see below for MEES interview with Iraqi Oil Commission Chairman Thamir al-Ghadhban). The summit provided an opportunity for major western IOCs including BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Marathon and Shell to meet with Iraqi officials while representatives from India and China were also present. While it is clear that MPs are expected to debate the package vigorously, and that political opposition to some of the measures is likely to continue, Iraqi officials, while refusing to forecast a timeline for parliamentary approval, sounded more upbeat than when the original May deadline was missed and MPs went into recess (MEES , 6 August).

    Former oil minister and government advisor Ibrahim Bahr al-?Ulum said he was optimistic MPs would approve the law but could see further delays. I am optimistic it will be passed but dont ask me about the timing. I even have doubts they (MPs) are going to read it in September, he told MEES . The majority of MPs are ready to approve it but there will probably be some slight changes. He pointed out that the draft law left room for the Federal Oil and Gas Council (FOGC) to make adjustments after the law was approved, as a legislative safety valve. Dr Bahr al-?Ulum said he believed that the KRG would ultimately support the federal law, de****e public misgivings over some aspects of it (MEES , 13 August). I do believe they would like to stick to the center and push the political process, he said, noting the natural strategic alliance between the Kurdish and Shi?a parties. The former minister said the significance of the oil law could not be underestimated since it would set the tone for other types of investment in the country. The investment future of Iraq will depend on this law. Even though it is specific to oil, it will open the door to other investors, he said.

    As expected, MPs from the Parliamentary Energy Committee gave divergent views on the draft legislation. Deputy Head of the committee and Da?wa party member 'Abd al-Hadi al-Hasani told delegates that while there were constitutional amendments outstanding, approval of the draft oil law should be postponed. We hope to shed light on the different opinions of the citizens they believe the law has not been given enough time to be discussed, he said. He argued that the government should continue to consider all types of upstream contract and questioned the need for exploration contracts. We cant exploit existing fields lets spend the money there, he told delegates. Independent MP and prime ministerial advisor Sami al-Askari, meanwhile, spoke in favor of the legislation, arguing that those who sought to freeze its progress wanted to demonstrate the inefficacy of democracy. He also accused regional players of obstructing progress on the law to prevent Iraq from resuming its historic place as a major oil producer and regaining its full role within OPEC. Mr Askari argued that the law provided the framework to switch the Iraqi economy from a so******t command economy to a market-based one and that the revenue-sharing law would enhance the unity of the country. The oil sector cannot be developed without foreign capital the hydrocarbon law sends the message that this investment will be protected by the constitution and laws, he said, adding he believed the law would achieve parliamentary approval: I believe this law may be amended slightly but it will be approved in the end. All of us are on the same side.

    As the parliamentary debate draws closer, MEES understands that Iraqi oil officials have already started work on drawing up a list of some 15 fields and projects that will form the basis of the first licensing round by delineating project scopes and collecting data for data room sessions. The list contains some large redevelopment projects, as well as development of discovered but non-producing fields and the development of several fields that have been chosen for their location in governorates where it is hoped the prospect of international oil investment will strengthen political unity. IOCs, for their part, remain concerned about security issues but are making headway in establishing preliminary consortia and alliances to bid on projects, as required by the government, although few details on these tie-ups have yet emerged.

    Oil And Gas Targets

    In his presentation to delegates, Iraq Oil Commission Chairman and former oil minister Thamir al-Ghadhban laid down government targets for oil production, which see capacity rising from the present 2.25mn b/d (2mn b/d from the south, 250,000 b/d from the north) to 2.8mn b/d by the end of 2007 (2.2mn b/d from the south, 600,000 b/d from the north). Pointing to proven oil reserves of 112bn barrels, probable reserves of 214bn barrels and proven gas reserves of 3,100 bcm (20% free, 9% gas cap and 71% associated), Mr Ghadhban said the governments exploration objectives were to convert some 25-30% (60bn barrels) of probable oil reserves into proven, focusing on the Western Desert, the Mesopotamian sedimentary basin and the Kurdish areas in the north. He said efforts would be focused on boosting national oil production to 4mn b/d in the period 2006-15 with IOCs adding an additional 2.5mn b/d in the period. On the gas side, the plan involves boosting overall gas production from 1,500mn cfd to 6,700mn cfd, of which free gas production would be lifted from 250mn cfd to 1,850mn cfd. This increase would necessitate a reduction in the 1bn cfd of flared gas and the construction of new projects to gather, process, transport and export gas, he said. In the downstream sector, Mr Ghadhban said the government had established a medium term target of 42,000 liters/day of gasoline production and 60,000 l/d of middle distillates through the upgrading of existing refineries and the establishment of new ones.

    Mr Ghadhban also described the complex array of institutions and their responsibilities under which the federal oil sector would be managed.

    The FOGC is to be chaired by the prime minister and include federal ministers of oil, planning, finance and the governor of the central bank; presidents of oil companies, ministers from the federal regions, representatives from the oil producing governorates and three independent experts. The FOGC will issue oil policy, exploration and field development plans; issue regulations for licensing and contracting; prepare model contracts; assess and approve signed contracts; and decide the level of overall oil production. The Office of Independent Advisors comprising the three independent experts - will advise the FOGC on contracts and development plans and also assess revisions to any contracts signed before the laws enactment, such as those signed by the KRG.

    The Ministry of Oil meanwhile will propose federal policy, laws and planning; prepare draft regulations; monitor and supervise oil operations; and prepare draft upstream policies with the regions to determine production levels and geographic distribution of development projects for submission to the FOGC. Regional governments such as the KRG are tasked with proposing oil plans to the deferral government to be included in the national plan and carrying out licensing rounds in areas not delegated to the Iraq National Oil Company (INOC), although this is to be done in accordance with FOGC directives and with the participation of a representative of the oil ministry.

    Finally, INOC, whose chairman will have the rank of federal minister and will report direct to the prime minister, will fully manage the South and North Oil Companies and run its financial and administrative affairs independently. Its remit will cover managing and operating existing fields; developing discovered but non-producing fields close to existing infrastructure as delegated by the FOGC, participating in exploration on a competitive fields elsewhere while operating the main oil and gas pipeline network and export terminals.

    Ghadhbans MEES Interview

    Chairman of the Iraq Oil Commission and former oil minister Thamir al-Ghadhban gave the following interview with MEES in Dubai on 3 September.

    Q: What is your outlook on the prospects for the oil laws approval (and then a bid round after that)?

    A: The law is now with the House of Representatives. I believe that parliament will take it seriously and it will give it priority. There is of course a procedure within parliament on how to legislate laws: there will be a first reading followed by a second reading after four days, and they will make an opportunity for amendments, and a third reading shall follow that and they will vote on each amendment per article. Once all the articles are voted in, they will vote on the law as a whole. Once it is passed it will be sent to the presidential tribunal for their approval. Once that is done it will be published in the Iraqi Gazette and it becomes official and valid. What I have been hearing and [after] counting numbers, I think the law has a good chance of being passed but I dont want to give forecasts I think it is better to leave it to parliament to handle as it likes and as it deems right.

    Q: Once the law is approved, how long before the government can launch a licensing round?

    A: There is now a plan with milestones: a call for bids, data room, a certain time for submitting offers, then assessment of offers, negotiation of contracts and final awards. We hope that this would be done in the shortest possible time.

    Q: Will it take six months to launch a round and make awards?

    A: Let us say within a year. If you take other countries experiences of bid rounds, they usually take some time.

    Q: The points of contention appear to relate to the annexes of the oil fields the KRG has raised issues on that. What will be the key to unlocking the remaining points of disagreement?

    A: Well I dont think really this a serious point. I was ready for discussing and agreeing on those annexes. Those annexes are only lists of oil fields. Three of them are lists of producing fields and non-producing fields and so on and the fourth provides the coordinates of the blocks. So after consultation even with our colleagues from the Kurdistan coalition in government and even in the federal parliament, it was suggested by them to leave this matter to the Federal Oil and Gas Council (FOGC) to let them handle it rather than involve parliament with these detailed matters. There is nothing political in it at all. It is only the names of oil fields. And if it is required by parliament that we present to them annexes then we could do it. In a day or two we could agree on this. I dont think its really a problem.

    Q: The structure that you laid out in your presentation shows quite clearly that the FOGC and INOC will take a leading role with the Ministry of Oil in more of a regulatory role, a lesser role. Is that true?

    A: No, that is not exactly correct because the ministry will be charged with a number of powers. One is, as you said, regulatory: it will prepare all the drafts, model contracts, plans and coordination and consultations with the federal regions and producing governorates and present them to the FOGC. But the ministry is going to be the Iraqi body negotiating with foreign companies on all exploration in Iraq, except in the Kurdistan region, as well as negotiating development contracts for already-discovered fields within Iraq outside the KRG but not allocated or assigned to INOC. So it has this role of negotiation. Once the ministry signs a contract with a foreign company on exploration, or on development of a discovered field and it is approved by the FOGC, then INOC will represent the Iraqi government within that consortium if Iraq elects to have a participatory interest, which most likely will happen.

    Q: So INOC will in many cases behave as a standard NOC?

    A: It will have a role in policy-making but there is one difference: it will not have a monopoly on the Iraqi land in terms of exploration. INOC has the right to compete and in this way we will be assured that there is competency for INOC to compete with IOCs in exploration. It is a unique model.

    Q: Can Iraq proceed with oil field development and investment under present security conditions?

    A: There are areas in Iraq that are relatively secure. Kurdistan is fairly safe and small IOCs are working there and normal business is being done in commercial trade and so on. Areas like Basra, 'Amara and Nasiriyya are fairly safe now. I am not saying they are 100% safe, no-one can give that assurance. But there are some operations in oil field services and supply being conducted in North and South Rumaila and West Qurna. I believe once the contracts are awarded and IOCs are ready to be there, I think the Iraqi government will take serious measures to provide what I would call Area Security and Protection. The government would secure the perimeters of the fields, the main access roads, ports, airports and pipelines. The government will concentrate on these while internal security will be done by the companies themselves, who will hire sub-contractors to do that.

    Q: To what extent is the absence of reliable gas and power supplies going to be a challenge for oil operations?

    A: I dont think it is going to be a challenge. All companies whether national or international should go ahead with local captive power generation. Before drilling they can use alternative fuels if gas is not available. Most likely they could use gas oil, fuel oil and once the facilities are operational there will be power generation.

    Q: Will you need additional gas for EOR projects?

    A: I dont think so because most of the cases, especially in the south of Iraq, even some of the fields in the north, we have always preferred water injection because of the impact on recovery.

    Q: How is INOC going to finance its share of capital investment?

    A: INOC will be self-financed from oil production through a fee with two components one to finance the operating budget and the other to finance the investment budget. There will be a profit margin built into it. And there will be a capital amount from the very start to be provided by the government. We have taken these measures to ensure that INOC will be a stand-alone oil company. The company will have the right to raise capital and to borrow and also to form JVs and alliances with IOCs in Iraq and even outside Iraq. In the law there is even an article about these JVs having the right to issue bonds internally and externally.

    Q: Why are you encouraging IOCs to form alliances and consortia as they line up to invest in Iraqi upstream?

    A: We encourage consortia formation because this has been clearly stipulated in the law. We believe in the benefits of diversification and we want the maximum number of IOCs to work in Iraq to help in providing technical expertise and managerial skills and financial capabilities but also to help in enhancing the strategic balance of Iraq.

    Q: What prospects are there for the oil contracts signed with the Saddam regime?

    A: In general, there is a clear article in the draft law that old contracts will be reviewed by the Ministry of Oil with the contractor and they should be made consistent with the new law in order to make the maximum benefit to the Iraqi people as laid down in the constitution. The reassessed contract will then be submitted to the FOGC and they will either approve or reject it.

    MEES@zawya Review of Energy, Finance and Politics
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  5. #885
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Chairman of the Board of Baghdad governorate Engineer certain assistant told (citizen):


    Chairman of the Board of Baghdad governorate Engineer certain assistant told (citizen):
    We asked the Ministry of Oil introduction of Baghdad branch for the distribution of fuel for total elimination of the crisis
    سيتم . Opening will be regrouped homes for families displaced on both sides of the Karkh and Resafe in the coming days.

    We seek to increase the quantity of drinking water to 2 million cubic meters per day to three million

    امين Interview conducted by the Secretary-Ammar
    .. All agree that the current reality experienced by the capital Baghdad aspects of the service, and urban projects are not befitting one of the oldest cities in the Islamic history because of the historical status, intellectual and cultural hand matched the available funds in the State Treasury Iraqi hand ..
    هذا.. This fact can not be changed for the better, up to the stage only wished Albghaddadion convergence efforts of the responsible concerned with the capital in addition to cooperation in the successful conduct of the citizen programs to be developed by them ..
    .. The Council of the Baghdad governorate supervisory and support services for the State, which is implementing the projects after the allocation of funds for them, which thus has a responsibility no less important than the nature of the operators ..
    (: (Citizen) met certain assistant professor Engineer Chairman of the Board and the Baghdad governorate have been expanded this dialogue:
    * Q: How do you see the reality of the capital Baghdad, and whether Chkhmutiri sites imbalance in the aspects of the work?
    - .. - Can be seen in Baghdad, the first two tragic concentrated in the fierce campaign facing capital by terrorism and reflected on lack of services, let alone policy briefing by satellite, which is trying to thwart any effort that would promote the reality of Baghdad .. اما .. The second aspect is the positive we must consider it seriously compared to the magnitude of the challenges is the decline of existing criminal operations thankfully result of the evolution of a plan to impose law .. وفي. In the service area, the work continues daily to collect waste, which amounted to quantity tons (7000) as well as the production and pumping 2 million cubic meters of drinking water while working to increase this quantity to three million cubic meters daily to eliminate any shortage in all areas of Baghdad, all these steps towards reform of pay and conditions to achieve progress in the security situation and service to serve the citizens after the defect sites were diagnosed and addressed.
    ة؟ Q: What steps have been taken in dealing with squatters on State property?
    - .. - There are serious steps had been taken in this regard, where families have been notified extraterritorial two consecutive in several places with a willingness to take action to help the security forces Tekhalitha .. م. But there took its turn in this regard secondary occupants in the army barracks \ former security apparatus and the Baath Party dissolved because the families of poor and non-existent income inhabited which led us to strive to find appropriate solutions to be transferred later to other places and take advantage of these sites serve the public interest.
    * هذا * This leads us to know your plans on resolving the housing crisis and the actual requirement of the housing units Baghdad?
    - لا. - No secret to everybody that there was a crisis of accommodation in the capital Baghdad, and a real need for more than 200 thousand units of the total auto million units throughout Iraq, and this crisis needs to be a breakthrough in the field of investment and to give the role of domestic and foreign capital to contribute in solving the housing problem through the investment law, we will do our best to help solve this crisis.

    * هل المقبل؟ Q: Is their proactive procedures for the distribution of oil and gas to the capital, residents prepared for the winter next?
    - ان . - The distribution of oil derivatives is the duty of the Ministry of Oil-class base and associated services as is the case for the distribution of ration items, which falls to the Ministry of Trade. وبما ة. Since we Sponsors reference to the role and what we sensed from the failure in this aspect and bold in our distribution to seriously follow up this file in Baghdad and demanded the introduction of Baghdad branch for the distribution of oil derivatives, which enables control of this step and inquiry of the Director section on any obstacles or reasons for the delay and others, and this section includes staff in sufficient numbers to contribute Phahalah this ongoing crisis, which led to the death of many innocent citizens by waiting in the rain and large queues in front of the stations because of the criminal acts of terrorists, that we are going to develop the appropriate mechanisms to resolve the crisis through increased quantitative assessments of Baghdad, as the capital needs of (2) to (2.5) million liters of oil per day, (4) million liters of gasoline and ideals of the rule Alkazulin (1000) and tons of liquid gas and always stress to adopt this file in all its dimensions and thinking through the provision of adequate quantity and identification method of distribution and tighten control over the stations, in addition to possible treatments have been importing oil derivatives and sold at reasonable prices for the services of the furnaces and shops direct relationship with citizens so that we can determine the quantity sufficient and necessary for the families on the basis of fuel card, which have not been distributed so far, and this great imbalance in our view, because the reliance on the ration card, which is sent in the form of groups to fuel distribution company in Kilani dealing with a routine sometimes lead to a loss of a number of them, so we see the solution in the development of Baghdad branch for the distribution of fuel and the ultimate elimination of this crisis Steady.
    * How do government departments functioning under the phenomenon of corruption, financial and administrative Where is your role in the elimination?
    - ان وغيرها.. - The Council maintained its cooperation with the executive emanating from the ministries in charge of Baghdad and exclusively as a local government and who is supervising the performance, I felt the desire to develop services by the Council in all its aspects, including the financial backing to accelerate implementation of health and educational sectors, electricity and other .. . But there are suffering from certain executive agencies operating in Baghdad because of the way the routine is dealing with the lack of interest in addressing the problems of the citizens and the elderly as well as non-rush these constituencies which increases problematics formed a committee to begin the 20th Balaminih for follow-up work and say frankly, we could not reach a stage only ambition We submitted important steps in addressing the performance and accountability who caused by the accumulation of Macedonia and the situation in which they operate the central government in Baghdad in addition to the large volume of responsibility placed upon us.

    * د .. * Hear many projects and contracts Ytvezha Council .. فهل بغداد؟ Is there any investment projects in Baghdad?
    - نعم .. - Yes, there are projects funded by the province and as you know we have received the 2006-2007 budget, which together total up to one billion dollars, but that the contracts are primarily basis by the executive When we instruct the secretariat of Baghdad, for example, to implement a project quote is certain to sign the contract and then comes our supervisory oversight addition to the six counties surrounding the capital .. . Therefore Astenvedna amounts properly and come to the disbursement, either for the projects, while medium-term and one short of the draft rescue by Resafe problem of sewage length km (19.5) and 41st draft Khansaa and Jerusalem to deliver sewage by Resafe district to the Diyala River, rather than the previous cost of Line nearly (160) billion dinars and water storage project night and day pumped three giant reservoirs capacity (300) thousand cubic meters and at (236) billion dinars implemented over three years as well as supporting the electricity sector in both sides of the Karkh and Resafe terms were handed (1000) Transferred capacity (250 and 40) kv and (6000) column between Brad and Madour, (100) km barbed Allemenyum, (100) km barbed Ghablo soon Senzodahm certain requirements and are currently working on financing electricity network Sadr City 2 billion dinars wage labor and materials from donor countries.

    اما.. In the education sector, education Venstaad distribution (40) A trip for this season, and (20) A flip after it had been toilet renovation l (40) schools as well to prepare for the residential compound of university professors girl .. اما . In the area of health will be the announcement of the tender special three labs oxygen in the Karkh and Resafe Medicine and the City, and the question of displaced Sinfttah during the Eid Al Fitr next unanimous homes for families displaced distributed (150) Unit in the Karkh and ideals in Resafe addition to our internally displaced whose relatives or their children the killings, but for the security by the Council declared its readiness to maintain funding for the rehabilitation of police stations have been disbursed amounts for the rehabilitation of central returned and Abu Dsheer and police stations will be opened in various parts of the capital and the industrial sector had a share of this support after disbursement of approximately 1 million dollars to restart LAB fabric Balkazemih to work to reduce unemployment in addition to the rehabilitation of the holy city.
    * * The draft waste sorting plants in Baghdad, where he arrived stages?
    - بعد . - After provision (100) billion dinars in support of the preservation of the secretariat of Baghdad, as announced by the auction, according to the agenda of these quantities were bidding on the company eligible for the implementation of the project is six labs by rockets for the supply of waste and two others for treatment, recycling and others to produce compost and a discussion between secretariat of the Council and Iraq to identify land and the environment for the implementation of the project with the science that the machines and machinery private labs will arrive soon to Baghdad by a company.
    * * What's new in the draft Social Protection Network Is 90th to broaden the base covered?
    - وصل. - The number of files beneficiaries of the social safety net to the (140) A beneficiary receiving monthly salaries from the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, for the category of immigrants, we now follow up with the Ministry of the Displaced and migrants to spend the amount (150) thousand dinars each case for six months after that we decided to exchange amount each family million dinars returning to the original residence has been spent so far l (300) family and we have two other trying to depleted to the beneficiaries either the victims of terrorism had reached a number of files organized by the Council to maintain (7000) with the file allocation (2.5) million to the family Martyrs terrorism.

    * * What's new in the plan and how the distribution of land plots have been distributed?
    - اليه. - Over (1500) plot of land has been distributed to the beneficiaries of them with the martyrs who were killed during the former regime and there are allocating land and distributed to the beneficiaries in Baghdad, say that without the level at which we aspire access.

    * ا؟ * Always stand on the security reality of the capital What is new in the surrounding areas?
    - ان فيها.. - That the Baghdad governorate assigned governor interesting aspect of security in areas Mahtih Baghdad, for the first time a government official visiting areas which had been tense security where he visited the signs belonging to the city of Taji and Abu Ghraib and the cities and Errachidia and Mahmoudia and Arab Jabbur eastern good to get acquainted with the security reality in which .. . This indeed ripe for more stability through the findings of the clans and families refusing to rule and the Council emphasizes the need to maintain investment opportunity by the Iraqi government alone to impose security and law and the return to normal life.
    Curriculum vitae of Mr. President of the Baghdad governorate

    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

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    Iraqi PM Opens Second Baghdad Neighbors' Conference
    By VOA News
    09 September 2007

    Iraqi PM Nouri al-Maliki
    Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has opened the second meeting of Iraq's neighbors to discuss bringing security and stability to his country.

    In his opening remarks Sunday, Mr. Maliki told delegates his government has achieved what he called "significant triumphs" in different areas, de****e challenges.

    The Baghdad conference comes after a first round of talks in Sharm El-Sheik, Egypt in May.

    Along with Iraq's neighbors and the United States, representatives from the U.N. Security Council, the European Union and the Group of Eight industrialized nations are taking part.

    Mr. Maliki's comments come a day before U.S. General David Petraeus and U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker are scheduled to testify to U.S. lawmakers about progress in Iraq.

    President Bush has said he will make a speech to the U.S. people about Iraq later in the week.

    General Petraeus is expected to describe trends in Iraq since additional U.S. troops were sent to the country earlier this year.

    Ambassador Crocker will testify about the political situation in Iraq.

    In other news, security officials say gunmen attacked a police station in northern Iraq Sunday, killing five policeman in the village of Hajaj, near Tikrit. Dozens of attackers using rocket-propelled grenades and small arms assaulted the station.
    VOA News - Iraqi PM Opens Second Baghdad Neighbors' Conference
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  7. #887
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Oil and gas law: legitimate questions and legal loopholes or the return of colonial new guise detract sovereignty


    Parliament before more questions Iraqi street raise controversial
    ام السيادة Oil and gas law: legitimate questions and legal loopholes or the return of colonial new guise detract sovereignty
    شؤون عراقية - 07/09/2007 Public Iraqi-07/09/2007

    بغداد الملف برس Baghdad-file Press

    مع الامني. With the start of fall legislative chapter and benefits of the government of Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki to meet its commitments, particularly adoption of important laws, and members of the House faced questions about the feasibility of oil and gas law to be enacted by them in achieving national reconciliation and stability of the security situation.

    في اللاحقة. Divergent views of the deputies who spoke Agency (File Press) about the law, which will be put to a reading in Parliament soon, as some saw a waste of the wealth of the Iraqi people, while others felt that he possessed: hope for the Iraqi people and to preserve the wealth of Iraq for subsequent generations.

    . Omar Abdul Sattar deputy bloc, the Iraqi Accord law exciting for many of the questions and said that the House of Representatives will begin the first step in the discussion of the bill after receipt of the competent official text of the law is on the horizon where there is more than one draft law, but we are waiting Serdena of the Committee to determine the position thereof.

    القانون". He said: "I find that the theme of the law raises more questions are surrounded Bluguet and controversy are the major contracts and the power to the regions and governorates and services center and the mechanisms which will be under implementation, but what we want to Homahafezh this wealth for future generations and unite the people where oil will be a central factor to reunite all the Iraqis are managed a technician away from politics, where experts say will be the political point of view in this special law. "

    ". The MP Abdel Sattar to a specific gaps in the law by saying: "The law has not reached the hands of the prosecution of the four Council members to be of the House of Representatives when that opinion to be discussed with the parliamentary blocs and opinion in the rejection or acceptance or abstain from voting, but we heard of the gaps For example in the exploration contracts and risk, where there are those who say that it will facilitate the looting of major oil companies for up to 75% of it but we want to maintain this wealth and the development of its infrastructure and benefit from the exclusion of oil consumption exclusively .. There clamor Akhrahol validity of the Federal Council to approve or rejected contract, indicating some of the texts that Navveh contracts depend on the ratification or the refusal of the Federal Council and this in itself violates the logic and the truth, as we hope to maintain the rights of the Iraqi people and the unity of its people as well as hanging around the fields and the rate of production located where we have 17 - A and 63-A producer unexplored and unproductive offset much of undiscovered fields, as Iraq floats on a lake of oil floating, representing the second largest oil reserve in the world and we can come companies extracted oil for amounts agreed to be sold, and take our oil. "

    ". He wondered about the feasibility of Abdul Sattar confiscation of participation in oil production company benefit ratio corresponding to more than 50%, and said, "I believe that Iraq does not need this trend now and the need to export 3-5 million barrels per day to five billion dollars for development and we have experience and money We have a national oil company needed to restore the company to make it effective and thus witnessing history, but take advantage of the companies coming to safeguard our right and the right to provide expertise and technology. "

    " MP Abdullah Saleh of the Kurdistan Alliance bloc Frey law to guarantee the rights of all Iraqis, he said, "We are dealing with legal formulas and legislative official, but we emphasize that the law is the Iraqi citizen that the real and actual owner of all the oil wealth and that it will bring together Iraqis and unite economically and fateful where can the economy special specific region without another can of this law providing equal opportunities and balanced depending on the population density of the entire regions of Iraq "

    ". I agree with his view Ridha Jawad Taqi deputy leader of the Supreme Council, that the law has many positives, and said: "I find that insiders law shoulder positive trend, but not without some Poses which must be studied carefully by the experts and put it in Parliament to make adjustments and if we find points will be detrimental to our national and reject change, even though required to change the entire law to guarantee the rights of the current generation and future generations of the wealth of Iraq and the Iraqis will give law for the first time in history the right to Bwardatham oil. "

    لكن". But Deputy Omar Al member of the National Dialogue Front dissenting opinion, said, "The law guarantees the return of the old colonial plundering the wealth of people in a bad way and the right not owned by any political duty every Iraqi fighting this law and seek to preserve the wealth in the national investment promotion and have experience in the old wealth management can Mlactna and expertise of a national dam needs of the country at the present time. "

    ". The Attorney-Jabouri that opponents of the law say, "show strong opposition to vote on the law and stand generally issued to implement the legislation and preparing a betrayal of the Iraqi people as the Iraqi experience does not belong to a political system or a particular party can not oppose the survey date pretext old system and our national experience consisted of spending millions of dinars Perhaps dollars for the rehabilitation of experts specializing in oil production and exports and if they do not have sufficient expertise will work on rehabilitation. "

    ". But MP Abbas Al-Bayati believed that multiple positives in the law, he said, "when it begins the discussion of the bill in the House, and certainly we will have a long and host of experts and concerned officials and academics to satisfy the law explanation to inform public opinion Bamadaminh positive nor conceal any item on our people or paragraph raises the question has especially in the area of investment and the return of foreign companies and Senstoab all reservations to the law as it has not imposed by the group over another, or even by the government to the parliament, and even the people and give citizens pledge that the government hands the interests of the Iraqi people and oil wealth Supreme President in Iraq as a basic resource for income individual and budget and will work to study the phenomenon and the hidden form reassure citizens not to waste corporate wealth and return the form in which confiscates role the National Oil Company of Iraqi citizens and ensure the rights of generations after us. "

    . But assurances supporters oil and gas law is not reassuring to the heart MP Osama Alenjevi of the Iraqi List, which is detracting law of Iraqi sovereignty, he said: that the law in its current form did not lira members both in the Council and in the Commission on oil and gas, but we are preparing not achieve Iraqi interests and contains much violations of Iraqi security and Iraqi sovereignty and economic interest and contrast, the law guarantees achieve large multinational companies and foreign countries in huge reserves of oil and for long periods of time.

    ". He called Alenjevi defer consideration of the law at the moment of the difficulty of the situation in Iraq, but "in the case of insisting on the presentation to the Council we will call for substantial amendments in the structure of the law and we have a lot of points that should be studied by experts on the Committee for modification to suit the interests of the Iraqi people . "
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    DNO confirms 2 oil deposits in Iraq's Tawke field

    A representative of the Norwegian oil producer, DNO said the two new wells have been confirmed as oil deposits in northern Iraq's Tawke field and that Tawke No. 8 has confirmed oil in the central/down flank position of the field, IDP reported.

    He also added that the well has reached a gross output rate of more than 17,000 barrels of oil per day aggregated from four tests.

    It is worth mentioning that a maximum of 8,000 bpd was confirmed from the most productive test interval and Tawke No. 5A has been drilled to its final depth, confirming oil in the central area of the lower deposit.

    MENAFN - Middle East North Africa . Financial Network News: DNO confirms 2 oil deposits in Iraq's Tawke field

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    Iraq Halts Output At Key S Oil Field On Violence-Official

    Iraq has halted crude oil production at a key southern oil field as tribesmen prevented workers from going to work, a senior Iraqi oil official said Sunday.

    "Crude oil production from Majnoon oil field has been suspended for more than four weeks," the official told Dow Jones Newswires by telephone from Basra.

    Majnoon had a daily production of 50,000 barrels a day prior to its suspension, he said.

    Tribesmen wanted jobs for their sons; a demand was rejected by the oil ministry in Baghdad.

    Most of Iraq's oil production and exports are from southern oil fields, which produce an average of 1.9 million barrels a day. The south exports 1.5 million barrels a day from offshore oil terminals in the Persian Gulf.

    Majnoon oil field has estimated total reserves in place of 12 billion barrels, making it Iraq's fourth-biggest field after Kirkuk, East Baghdad, and Rumaila North & South, the country's biggest, according to Bernstein Research.

    Before the U.S.-led invasion oil giant Total SA (TOT) was negotiating Majnoon and Nahr Bn Omar fields, both in southern Iraq, with the ousted Saddam Hussein's regime. No deal was signed then.

    Total and Chevron Corp. (CVX) have recently started preparatory work on the development of the two fields, targeting a possible operational start-up in 2009.

    Such operations will be possible only once the country gets an oil law in place and security on the ground improves. The controversial draft law was referred to the parliament back in July, but the country's parliament hasn't debated the document since because of big differences between the Kurds in northern Iraq and Baghdad.

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    If Iraq Parliament Passes Oil Theft Law, Iraqi Oil Workers will Strike

    The Leaders of Iraqi Federation of South Oil Unions (IFOU) join the Anti-Oil Law front.

    The Leaders of Iraqi Federation of South Oil Unions (IFOU) and many other unionists warn the Iraqi parliament of passing the draft oil law.

    Many Unionists and political figures join the anti-Oil Law Front.

    In a conference held by the Federation of worker councils and unions in Basra today, September 8, 2007, and in the presence of a large number of union activists and political figures, the leaders of the South Oil unions join the ranks of Anti-Oil Law.

    In a statement to Sana TV, the president of the IFOU Hassan Juma announced that the union will shut down the oil pipeline in the event of passing the draft law. He also added that if the Anti-Oil Law Front calls on strike to pressure the Iraqi parliament, the IFOU will respond to the call and join the strike. Noteworthy that Sana TV will broadcast the full coverage of the conference soon.

    The keynote speakers in the conference were Subhi al-Badri; president of the Anti-Oil Law front, Hassan Juma; president of Iraqi Federation of South Oil Unions (IFOU), Ali Abbas; Chairman of the Federation of worker councils and unions in Basra and Mufeed Haider; chairman of Iraq Freedom Congress in Basra. The conference concluded in passing a number of resolutions to tighten the campaign against the draft of oil-law such as demonstrations, sit-ins and strikes in various sectors including the oil sector.

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