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  1. #691
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    Starting service ATMs and smart card for the first time in Kirkuk

    Director of Bank of brotherhood in Kirkuk Dler Mohammed Aziz said Sunday that the bank was working the first four exchange companies, was adopted in the smart card to pay the salaries of government employees working in the city.

    The bank manager fraternity, one of Warka Bank branches in an interview with "Uzmatik" that "the Warka Bank is the first bank in the private sector enter service ATMs in Kirkuk, and seeks to set up 700 ATMs throughout the governorates of Iraq."

    Aziz pointed out that "the first such exchange firms have been erected at the headquarters of the bank and following the successful use of exchange companies were opened in three other locations such as a cement plant in Kirkuk, and now benefiting from the 1040 borders working in the lab."

    Aziz said that "facilitate the ATM to withdraw cash to traders in Iraqi dinars and U.S. dollar, working in three languages: Arabic, Kurdish and English, according to the system and a special card and pin number, and that" the customer does not pay any fees for the issuance of the card and for once it is issued to open an account in one Bank branches deployed in Iraq. "

    The bank manager fraternity in the KIRKUK that "the bank aims to open 700 ATMs in the other governorates of Iraq," adding that "this action is a development in the Iraqi banking system, and provide a successful test speed of withdrawing money away from conventional procedures."

    Aziz noted that "the new product is a wage or so-called smart card, which helps speed up the payments on time and ease the burden on the services of staff and the subsequent administrative and financial problems such as transport and distribution and delivery of cash to the staff, as well as security risks Faced by companies during the transfer of funds ".

    The branch of the brotherhood of Warka Bank opened in the city of Kirkuk, 260 km north of Baghdad, last year, one of the private sector, has seen Iraq before the 2003 open a bank in the banking sector and the civil and private banking was limited to the Rafidain and Rashid Banks of the Ministry of Finance.

    Translated version of

  2. #692
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    Sadrist bloc deputies sit in front of U.S. embassy in Baghdad to condemn Convention Security

    MPs sit on the Sadrist bloc in front of the U.S. embassy in Baghdad Green Zone security to condemn the Convention to be signed between Baghdad and Washington.

    The deputies from the Sadrist bloc protested last Thursday near the Iraqi Council of Representatives in the Green Zone, members of parliament, demanding the "rejection of the convention security to be signed between Iraq and the United States" and described them as "the worst of the occupation" as expression.

    The spokesman, Ahmed Al Masoudi Sadrist bloc in an interview with "Uzmatik" "The Sadrist bloc deputies protested, today, Monday, before the U.S. embassy in Baghdad in a tent set up for this purpose to denounce the Convention security that are being negotiated between Baghdad and Washington," asserting that "the sit - Will continue for more days ", but did not specify.

    Massoudi said that "the protest was the second after the first Sdrien sit in front of the House of Representatives," saying the "other protests will be held in Baghdad and some provinces, especially in the holy cities such as Karbala and Najaf."

    The spokesman for the Sadrist bloc to "sit in front of the U.S. embassy in which parliamentarians and other persons of the Iraqi people," pointing out that "participation expected from the institutions of civil society and tribal leaders and citizens."

    The hundreds of thousands of Iraqis demonstrated two weeks ago at the invitation of Baghdad cleric Moqtada al-Sadr to denounce the occupation and Security Agreement.

    The Convention sets out the security situation of U.S. forces in Iraq after the UN mandate in 2008 and is rejecting the Convention reactions of many political and parliamentary blocs, which it considers detract from the sovereignty of Iraq.

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  4. #693
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    Chinese Energy Ministers visits Baghdad to start implementation of oil contract

    Iraq’s Ministry on Sunday announced the Chinese Energy would visit Iraq in November to activate service deal developing a giant oilfield in Wassit province.

    “Chinese Energy Minister with a high-level delegation would visit Iraq in November to sign the contract of al-Ahdab oilfields” Oil Ministry spokesman Assim Jihad told Aswat al-Iraq.

    “The contact came into action after being endorsed by the council of Ministers in August, “he noted “The Chinese part must start installing the equipment in two months after approving the contract.

    The Iraqi government and the China National Petroleum Corporation have signed a contract in Beijing that could be worth up to $3 billion.

    Chinese Energy Ministers visits Baghdad to start implementation of oil contact-spokesman

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  6. #694
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    Compatibility: the law of legislation to Parliament to ratify the agreement with Washington

    Deputy of the Iraqi Accordance Front, parliament's ratification of the Convention strategy with the United States requires first enacted a special law for the ratification of the conventions of international security. He told al-Rashid told (AKI) the Italian news Monday that the agreement with Washington would take en route to the discussions In the parliament if it is signed by the government. He added: "But before that, should the House legislation to ratify the Law of the agreements concluded with the countries of the world because it was so far no special law to be discussed on the basis of the Convention in the legal framework", he said.

    According to Iraqi politician who belongs to the Islamic Party, led by Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi, "the signature of the Convention is a government function, not the House of Representatives, with the latter before it reached the final draft after U.S. and Iraqi sides through negotiations to compromise formula satisfactory to both parties and signed by the Iraqi government". "After Parliament approved the Law on the conventions, which I think it will take time, deputies will discuss the terms of the draft agreement in all its aspects and then vote at the end of the day," as he put it.

    In the meantime, sources close contact with the Iraqi government that Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki discuss at the present time with his delegation negotiating the bulk of the preparation of the draft proposals and demands made by all Iraqi political parties when it received earlier in the final draft of an agreement with America.

    The sources pointed out that these proposals will be to vote on the Council of Ministers at its next meeting, if approved by immediately handed over to the Iraqi negotiator for delivery to the American side, but expressed the hope that "the Americans agreed to those proposals and demands," according to her.

    It was stressed Haider Abadi leadership in the Islamic Dawa Party, led by Nuri al-Maliki told the newspaper (life) of London that "the content of the proposals on the Iraqi draft agreement dealing with the deletion of sentences and paragraphs were found to be not significant and do not violate the spirit of the agreement, but allowed to stay Ptooellat and interpretations and judgments Many raised fears of the officials, mostly Iraqis. "

    The association terms of the agreement on the application of timetables for the withdrawal of U.S. forces and the power to the Iraqi government issues an ideal may not be available on the one hand (not specified) for the governance of the hand, he said.

    The political observers and legal experts pointed out that the United States still retain the judicial immunity for its soldiers contrary to the understanding of Iraqis to hand it reserves the authority to determine whether troops should be out or not.

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  8. #695
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    Opening the first branch of the American Company in Irbil

    Irbil Governor opened Monday, the first branch of the U.S. company YORK global cooling services in the province, the governor said such a move would contribute to economic development in Kurdistan.

    The Governor Nawzad Hadi said at the opening ceremony that the section of the company "will help and facilities to companies and the private sector who participate in the development of Kurdistan."

    With the ****utive Director of the Company for YORK (Voices of Iraq) that "the opening of this section is to contribute to the development and the provision of services and modern."

    He added that they hoped "to engage in the development process and participation in the economic arena, competition to provide development services to Iraq and Kurdistan."

    The company YORK competent in refrigeration, which was founded in 1874 in the United States of America global corporate networks cover most of the world.

    The American companies for the development and investment is not to attend the Kurdistan province, according to statistics and Investment Corporation lion share of the company so far to neighboring countries, South Korea and some other countries.

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  10. #696
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    Invest 15 billion dollars in 127 projects in Kurdistan in two years

    The Director-General of Investment in Sulaymaniyah, on Monday, said that 15 billion dollars invested projects in Kurdistan province in two years.

    He also said Saeed Al Faki (Voices of Iraq) that "15 billion dollars invested projects in the province of Kurdistan since the investment law in the province in June 2006 and June till September last."

    He said that "the number of investment projects of 127 projects, most of which were completed before the Egyptian and UAE Uzlndep, Lebanese, American, British, Jordanian," noting that "the lion's share of companies which were the UAE, where received projects worth 6 billion dollars."

    He said that some of these projects "is being implemented jointly by Iraqi companies, Arab or foreign, such as South Africa, Sweden, Austria, India, Kuwait, Germany, Britain and America", noting that "45% of those projects, tourism and 32% of the housing."

    He said that the share of agriculture and industry, "the least, while we desperately need to develop these sectors."

    The director said that the investment "of the total 15 billion, was allocated 11 billion of Irbil and Sulaymaniyah to three billion and one billion of Dahuk."

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  12. #697
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    The Iraqi Parliament’s Oil and Gas Committee will meet Tuesday

    This is from Ben Lando's Blog and is reported in UPI by him. Can't post the entire article because he complains - so here is a bit from his blog.

    The Iraqi Parliament’s Oil and Gas Committee will meet Tuesday with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to determine the fate of the draft oil law, after a version of the long-awaited bill made a brief appearance in Iraq’s Parliament Sunday before being kicked back to the Council of Ministers.

    Ben Lando and Alaa Majeed of United Press International spoke to committee members who, despite differing opinions of what the final oil law should look like, all say they want the Council of Ministers to sign off on the legislation and give it to Parliament once and for all.

    The law has been — and remains — stuck in a dispute between segments of Iraqi society over two key issues: to what extent companies other than the Iraqi state oil companies should be allowed to enter the oil and gas sector, and to what extent control over the oil strategy will be decentralized to the local governments (oil-producing provinces and regions).

    Read the some of the article here :-

    Or sign up to UPI and read the entire article there

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  14. #698
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    Maliki says Iraq will seek to develop its relations with Kuwait and all Arab countries

    Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, during his meeting with Kuwaiti ambassador in Baghdad to the insured, Iraq is seeking to develop its relations with Kuwait and all Arab countries in all fields. A statement issued by Maliki received a copy of the NOAA radio the prime minister as saying that the historic responsibility on the Iraqi government had surgery last survey and develop a solid foundation and bright opening page of the relations between the two countries.

    For his part, Ambassador of Kuwait's support for the Iraqi government, praised the achievements and pledged to work to develop relations between the two countries.

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  16. #699
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    We coordinate with European airline to start flights between Iraq & European countries

    The Minister of Transport said on the ministry had coordination with a number of European airlines to begin flights from Baghdad to the nations of Europe.

    Jabbar and Zkrabd "There is an understanding with the French company Air France in preparation for the start of flights between Iraq and European countries," pointing to the existence of "other European companies wishing to start a joint operation of flights from Iraq to Europe and East Asia and America after opening up to the world on Iraq."

    The minister noted that "the flight Sept Turkish Airlines to Baghdad airport on the day before yesterday was the first European flight to Baghdad."

    Kdhbtt and on the day before yesterday on the ground Baghdad International Airport, the first Turkish plane belonging to Turkish Airlines official on board more than 50, led by Minister of Transport and Communications Turkish Beynold Yıldırım and Minister of Trade and the Turkish deputy ministers and a large number of businessmen and interested in aviation and this is the first flight of the lines Turkish Airlines 17 years ago, Kmajery opening the first office of Turkish Airlines in Iraq.

    Abduljabbar added that "Iraqi Airways last week rented five planes in the conduct of modern lines instead of the old aircraft."

  17. #700
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    Parliament: to strain the country's economic crisis if it were delayed Oil & Gas Law

    Neighborly: Parliamentary warned of the Shi'ite bloc in the Iraqi Council of Representatives Jaber Habib Jaber, which he described as "crisis" may strain the country's economy if no settlement is reached between the Governments of Baghdad and Arbil to the oil and gas law, which is long overdue.

    The decision of the Commission on oil and gas in the Iraqi parliament, in statements to (AKI) the Italian news Tuesday that "the initial draft of the law, which raised more than a year ago and approved by the Kurds, if they rose to parliament and make it more amendments, it will be the consent of various political parties , He said, "He went on" It is unacceptable for those parties that remain to this moment, without a law that regulates how to manage the oil wealth in Iraq, especially today and the country needs investments and cooperation with the countries of the world for the extraction of natural resources, as described. "

    Jaber pointed out that "the delay in the enactment and lower oil prices in world markets and weak export capacity of Iraq, all factors threatening economic crisis will leave a negative impact on the public budget of the country in which we want it to remain at levels well so that we can meet the requirements of construction and reconstruction," the He put

    The Iraqi MP that "the differences between the central government and Kurdish law comes about because of differences in interpretations between the two sides of the constitutional articles related to the management of oil wealth from article 111 to 115 amendments that need to define the powers and obligations between the two governments and know what each party has its rights and In contracting, management and distribution of this wealth, which is the backbone of the Iraqi economy. "

    And on the possibility of a deal between the political parties law was passed to the Iraqi Parliamentary said that "no political agreement on the law must have the consent and agreement of all parties involved, then can we talk about end settle differences, but what concerns us now is to reach a settlement quickly and agree All political forces on how to manage the oil wealth, "he stated.

    The parliamentarians stressed that the Iraqi oil and gas representative refused to pass the fourth draft of the law made by the government to parliament earlier this month.

    The Chairman of the Committee, Ali Hassan al-Blue "The members decided after a meeting held a few days ago, with Parliament Speaker Mahmoud al-Mashhadani, they will not be able to approve the new draft because it did not receive blanket approval from the Council of Ministers," said Blue, a Kurd, said "the government sent to Commission a copy of the draft law, and conducted by the Ministry of Oil amendment is different from its initial draft that was approved by the Council of Ministers in February 2007, so the Committee can not accept, without specifying the nature of the disagreement. Will develop oil and gas law framework for investment in Iraq, a member of the Organization OPEC which has the third largest reserves of oil in the world n but the law is still facing obstacles due to differences over how to distribute wealth because it contains clauses allowing the regions and governorates as well as the signing of the territory of non-oil investment contracts without reference to the Government Center, which it considered many of the political step To divide Iraq.

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