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  1. #10281
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    The first political : Deputy Minister of National Security : OPEN reconciliation of the former army officers
    The displaced families to return to their homes in the third phase
    Baghdad Safaa Hadi
    Soon a conference of the officers and employees of the former armed forces within the framework of the project of reconciliation and national dialogue according to Undersecretary of the Ministry of State for National Security Affairs Dr. Aqeel yellow explaining that the ministry is currently active preparations to participate in this conference in order to make it a success. He added yellow in an interview with "morning"
    Published tomorrow that the draft reconciliation achieved in the previous phases of good achievements, The government has responded to the demands and proposals of the previous conferences held in this regard, in the forefront of the postponement of the draft law of the provinces and the large proportion of former army officers to service. as well as the study of the law of the Baath strike. He explained that the ministry was prepared to legally transferred from the Ministry of State to a bag full title (and the Ministry of National Security) and that the law has been discussed in the advanced stages within the State Consultative Council so they can be enacted in future. He pointed out that the Prime Minister face to families forcibly displaced to their areas within the third phase of the Baghdad security plan that may be initiated in some areas of the capital. affirming that the terrorist operations that occur daily in the country of cases Altvkhikh, bombings and the targeting of civilians is far from the Iraqi Jihad School, it is the practice of schools by terrorist and takfiri cinema beyond the border
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  2. #10282
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    The first political : : Skinner on the government welcomes the international efforts to support the draft reconciliation
    The Chamber of Deputies is the only topic on the establishment of foreign or not
    The Iraqi government welcomed the international and Arab efforts to support the project of reconciliation and national dialogue and its spokesman said : that the parliament to decide what people saw on the establishment of American bases in Iraq or oppose it.
    A spokesman for the Iraqi government Aldectorali Skinner noted that despite the absence of any government received the invitation to attend the conference on Iraqi religious leaders to be held in Mecca soon, but Iraq welcomes international and Arab efforts in supporting the reconciliation and national dialogue.
    And on the proposal of the President Talabani summoned foreign forces to set up military bases established in Iraq said in a exclusive interview with "morning" yesterday : The proposal by the President of the Republic summoning foreign forces for the establishment of the rules fixed in Iraq expressed fears after the withdrawal of multinational forces and leave a security vacuum allowed to neighboring countries to intervene in the internal affairs of Iraq, stressing that the issue of the presence of foreign forces in Iraq for the House is a legitimate j allowed to decide.
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  3. #10283
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    Since it didn´t happen now Susie, have you heard anything new

    The rates have been posted so I guess it is no use looking at the forex tonight

  4. #10284
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    The first political Governor : 11 governorates debating a draft law before submitting it to the House
    Draft granted the governor the authority to direct all of the security and administrative exception of the army
    Karbala morning
    Discussed the provinces of central and southern Iraq in Karbala yesterday, the first draft bill sent to the provinces before the House for approval (11) the presence of a governor representing the governorates of Baghdad, Karbala, Najaf, Diyala, Babylon, الدوانيه Samawa, Basra and Maysan and Wasit and Nasiriyah.
    The draft article 39 and set the framework which defines the financial and administrative situation, and the legal status of the governor and the form of government in the provinces and their relationship with the central government as well as the relationship between the governor and the directors of administrative units authorized the governor responsibilities of the implementation of the draft laws and direct authority over all administrative and security devices e except for the army.
    It recommended that the governor exercise all the powers of ministers in the talks with the Foreign and governmental and non-governmental organizations.
    Showed how the nomination by the governor to maintain his post and gave the Council of Ministers the right to be relieved from his post with the consent of two-thirds of the district or isolation in the event of a judgment against him and enforceable, as well as many of the articles that govern the relationship of many of the governor relevant authorities.
    The governor of Karbala for the "morning" that the conference was consistent with the principle of decentralization is designed to allow Ansabih largest of the executive authorities in the provinces, pointing out that the conservatives are still so far working within the law (71) issued by the former civil administrator Bremer.
    He explained that the draft law would be submitted to the parliament for formal approval of the fact that the executive authorities were not linked to any party in the State.
    Meanwhile, the governor of Najaf, As'ad Abu relentlessly that Iraq is experiencing new and there should be laws to promote decentralization of local governments nationwide, pointing out that these laws do not conflict with the law of the provinces if they form the relationship because the conservatives will close with the people of the governorate if one form of the Territory of M. one portfolio or more. He added : This is a good step forward because we have nothing so far indicated legal action conservatives and still work 71 specific law passed by the civil administrator (Bremer) prior to the transfer of sovereignty to the Iraqis.
    The Governor of Basra Mohammed Alowaeli that such meetings result in the provinces and local governments on the establishment of a wholesome to build the country on a democratic basis and added that the law is clear to the powers of Governors approved the new constitution could be conservative role of a good performance.
    The governor said Maysan, Adel Mhoder that the reason the discussion of this law is due to the postponement of the draft law of the provinces and therefore remained without the governor frames for his work as an executive. He added. This conference is a good governor of Karbala to the drafting of a new exit through the crystallization of ideas that are the seed for the district and will try to overcome the obstacles and constraints encountered in the previous stage a result of unclear and the lack of clarity of the work of the conservatives.
    He said Samawah governor Mohammed Ali Al Hassani said that the conference is to draw the experience gained by conservatives during the last period of this responsibility to confront Israel aims to reach new legislation governing relations governors and provincial and Management Act governorates both between central government and local governments, the governorate and the governor e and services. He added. Now that any governor has no power to appoint or remove any director of the ministry as long as that determines the final approval in addition to the law-making process within the preservation and distribution of tasks between the executive administrative units within the same governorate and described Wasit governor Mohammed Latif conference as a gesture of good in such circumstances T. Iraq struck a good step to address conservatives through the acquired good experience vinegar years in order to put a new discusses and defines the administrative and legal situation in the province. He added. We are still working within the law of 71 set by Bremer and the law of the mystery lot. Therefore, the provinces which will Bmsudth according to the terms of reference of conservative legal methodology will not depart from the new Iraqi constitution, but working within its numerous articles and the draft sets out the relationship and give legal status of Murad said that the manner in which the governor makes the provision of services to its citizens does not depart from the context of the executive authority. He emphasized that such a draft discussed freely and cruise and open-minded by the Conservatives themselves and the heads of committees in their governorates will TURNING POINT task in the work of the Conservatives and the hope of delivery to the Allen father of the vote and taking their consent.
    For his part, the governor of Diwaniyah Khalil Jalil Hamza, that the draft law will address the vacuum that works by conservatives and the heads of administrative units because all the laws that have been enacted maintained areas vacuum not accommodate the work of governors and address the final and therefore works by conservatives and the legal problems this draft addresses these areas of empty hand and the other hand is trying to absorb a new Iraq, which must be given new powers to the heads of administrative units to perform their duties in the best possible way.
    The draft terms of reference and governors and heads of administrative units in the judiciary and district and village as stated in the Constitution and shown how to meet the tax and how the conclusion of contracts administration to be a party also stressed that the draft law is to maintain the conservative judiciary in the face of others and authorized him to develop a unit the scope of the administrative district or DISENGAGING villages and fields and enroll in administrative units and the draft terms of the nomination of the governor to be Iraqi by birth parents and the Iraqis and possess a university degree is recognized preliminary maintain residence or a resident of the normal and not deprived of the exercise of political rights and non Menteş Bi security services.
    The draft showed how the nomination of the governor simple majority by the Council to maintain the lead right guaranteed by the draft and also discussed the conservatives is that the Governor is the Chief Executive in maintaining the level of Under-Secretary and is considered one of the officials coming in for the duration of the landlords to stay in the post and the Council of Ministers the right to MI Q. governor from office by the decision and the approval of two thirds of its members, if requested to two thirds of the province and isolate the governor from his post if he was rendered judgment is enforceable and the governor the right to challenge the decision of exemption from Federal Supreme Court within seven days and discussed conservatives also included the implementation of the functions of the governor of decisions taken by the province and the direct supervision of the state's general policy and production facilities and services in the governorate, sale and rental of state funds without bidding or without allowance and that all powers and functions of the executive Ministers under the laws and regulations.
    The draft law granted the governor the power to exempt incumbents from office after the Supreme Council approval to maintain the right to challenge the decisions of the governor of the province, the local council if they are contrary to the state's general plan or budget or a contravention of the laws in force and the right of the governor to invite representatives of a member governorate in the House for a meeting involving the members of the province to discuss the way of achieving economic and social development in the province and the governor of the right to delegate some of his powers to his deputy or any other employee in the governorate. In addition, the conferees discussed the many articles in the new law, which will be in a shelf e with recommendations to the House for approval.
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  5. #10285
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    Economists : Dropping three zeros from the Iraqi currency leads to a collapse
    Baghdad - Haqqi Ismaeil
    Economists doubted the benefit from dropping three zeros from the Iraqi currency saying that this step will help in collapsing the Iraqi economy collapsing due to the bad security situation and financial and administrative corruption in the governmental institutions. They expected an increase of item prices and decrease in purchasing demand if implementing the zero dropping. They suggested opening the door for investments, finding a base for production, controlling resources and getting rid of illusive projects. The ministry of finance has submitted a proposal to the Iraqi Central Bank asking for dropping three zeros from the Iraqi currency. Dr.. Ismaiel Taha, a professor in Economy and Administration in College Al-Mustansiriya University, said that dropping three zeros has no sense now but minimizing the number of different currencies in transactions. It will lose the Iraqi dinar its purchase power and there will be no space for small currencies. Dr.. Salim Mohammed Abood, from the Customer and Market to Japan Center in Baghdad University said that the step of dropping the zeros will decrease the purchase power of the Iraqi dinar and in stead of that we should control the national resources, get rid of the illusive projects which have high percentage of expenditures in addition to the salaries and equipments assigned for security institutions.
    Dr.. Salah Al-Baghdadi Sahib, from the Higher Institute of Accountant and Financial Studies in Baghdad University clarified that the government has to concentrate on tasks such as defusing the fuel crises rather than increasing its prices, supporting the item prices in the markets, continue providing foreign currency through the Iraqi Central Bank to keep exchanging the price of the Iraqi dinar against foreign currencies. Sinan Al-Shibibi, the central bank governor has promised to form a committee of experts from the bank, ministry of finance and the commercial bank to study proposals. The Iraqi citizen, hameed Jasim expressed his happiness wondering if the Iraqi dinar will regain its value during the seventies and eighties of the previous century when it equaled three American Dollars. He also said (why don't we have a strong dinar since our country is rich and has all the necessary requirements for development). Another Iraqi citizen, Hasan Bahaa, has another vision. He said that the government is aiming at keeping the Iraqi people busy because most of them are unemployed and even if they find jobs. they will find themselves exposed to many risks so there is no use of such procedures unpractical.

  6. #10286
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    The first political Parties : the participation of the political process bear the deterioration of the street
    Abdel-Khaleq told Zenknh "morning" : called for the recognition that Iraq is not unified now
    Baghdad-Youssef Mahmadawi's Deputy, also clarified
    Abdel-Khaliq Zenknh member of the House of Representatives from the Kurdistan Alliance list that some political forces to participate in the political process have an interest in a crisis situation and the arrival of the situation to what it is now for some of these do not believe in an Iraq pluralistic forces and tried to return to the rule of totalitarian regimes.
    The Zenknh, In an interview with him (morning) and that the solution to get out of the current tragic situation lies in the activation of the initiative of national reconciliation, disbanding the militias, and the application of these things in practice and not merely in words and finds that the federal Zenknh Federal is a need for Iraq and the need for it is impossible to talk about a unified Iraq because it is practically Iraq now is not uniform.
    * Zenknh first asked about the reason for the situation in Iraq, the danger is greater the year after the change, Is that the root lies in the mechanisms of this change in the reservoir or the other?
    - Borders believes that the process of change and the fall of the tyrant after decades of the establishment of a dictatorship and oppression process is not simple though everyone had been waiting for the fall of the tyrant and change the Iraqi reality and to move in behind the developed countries in everything. However, the events were the opposite of what the citizens want, Instead of dominating the language understanding, tolerance and reconciliation prevailed in the wrong methods in political dealings. Yes, we as a people are not alone in this negative phenomenon, which came after the change is passed peoples lived the same experience and the same ordeal as is the case in South Africa, but this does not give us the right to justify what is going on because it is now necessary to address chronic problems brought about by dictatorships and chauvinism and racism. Unfortunately late to address this issue of lack of a common language of understanding with the politicians, even though they were owned by the fall of the totalitarian system.
    Some political parties bear responsibility for what is happening
    * Zenknh asked that he thought that what is happening now is the conflict between the political blocs?
    - Yes, responded immediately and emphasized that the political conflicts, explaining that does not mean that all blocs and the political parties bear the responsibility of not understanding the realities and the composition of the components of Iraqi society, he felt that there was a strong political affected by the fall of the tyrant Saddam because it was under the shadow, With that political forces were affected by the tyrant came Ttsid political scene (labor) without taking into account the political and social reality and without considering the reaction of the other party beneficiary previously, This created a large gap, a big gap you what happened, and now we are in a disastrous situation. Despite what is happening now some of us are trying to aggravating the situation.
    * Why is creating a problem in this situation as long as some people is a partner in the political process?
    Non-faith pluralistic Iraq and the impossibility of the return of totalitarian regimes and the central as well as the lack of understanding of the other party and the principle of non-belief in the devolution of power.
    Reconciliation ... Is the solution
    * Where lies the solution from your point of view?
    - No way out of the present situation only through the national reconciliation requirement is the only solution to the country where it happened elimination of a dictatorial unique in the world requires that there be national reconciliation and national dialogue, The call for reconciliation requirement Kurds, according to the Jalal Talabani and Massoud Barzani in the London conference of the Iraqi opposition before the fall of the regime five months, which is also called the reconciliation conference held in Irbil, a year after the fall of the tyrant.
    And now we see that we have to be translated into a draft reconciliation put forward by Mr. Prime Minister, and do on the ground in deeds, not words, speeches and conferences only. because noticeable now that the more the call for reconciliation and dialogue increased terrorist operations and the security situation worse and that is why we Despite our belief that the perpetrator is a terrorist, than an organization and Saddam to believe that there are a large part of these tensions and strife and displacement and killing of identity bear responsibility hoses z political forces, which are militias to achieve the objectives of self-no more at the expense of the citizen.
    Q : Is that the political forces that were alluded to by the forces participating in the political process?
    - Yes, that part of them participating in the political process and before the first elections in the referendum on the constitution, and the recent elections, but it also participate in the government of national unity.
    Iraq is now practically non-uniform
    * There is a controversy exists between the political blocs in the House of Representatives on articles 118, which means the application of federal and Article 142, which means a constitutional amendments What is your view of what is happening and what will happen?
    - From the principles of the Constitution and fundamentals of its Iraq is a country that federal, pluralistic, this was approved by 74% of the people and who participated in the political process, no matter what banner to remember that he vowed to believe, pluralistic and federal Iraq, The federal system in Iraq and the federal need and necessity and it is impossible to talk about a unified Iraq because Iraq is now practically non-uniform and work through the Federation is to ensure the unity of Iraq.
    It is the right of the parliamentary blocs and political actors to give their opinions and observations. Some believe that Article 142 should be discussed before the article 118 this technical issue, and I do not think it deserved all those positions and eased their political escalation unwarranted some of the parties seeking to reject federalism and the return of Iraq to the central and despotism, this is not only unacceptable but ended in Iraq and the return impossible. And Iraq without federalism can not be, The disagreement over the timing of the application of the federal This is due to the citizen whether in the south or in the Euphrates East or West Coast, he has a decision to do so.
    Federal legal and legitimate right of the Kurds
    Q : What is the position of Kurds from this controversy?
    - Federalism in Kurdistan applied since 10-4-1992 and the issue of federalism for the response is not, as some say, that it tied and this is the reality that it is a legal and legitimate national of Kurdish people. And if there is a view or proposal by some that the idea of applying federalism in the south or Furat or in the western region unsuccessful at the present time, this view of us to recognize that everyone believes federal and pluralistic Iraq remains subject to a conviction of the Applied citizen in this province or that.
    The problem in the Iraqis themselves
    * America as a super power, but can impose security and stability in Iraq, or the survival of the situation as it is now serves a certain scenario is set in advance?
    - That Iraq and the decision by the Security Council has become an occupied country and issued another resolution to the national sovereignty of Iraq, but the problem is, in my view, lies in the Iraqis themselves frame that Iraq is a country that everyone, country components country partnership is not a country autocracy and the decision if we were able to join forces and laying the foundations of building an Iraqi army to replace empowered after the withdrawal of foreign troops as happened in the provinces of Samawah, Thi-Qar and this will include the whole of Iraq if what unites us linen and sincere intentions to build a new country.
    Our own solution
    * May be in the American political mistakes in Iraq have made things of this tragic situation?
    - I am not going to engage in such matters What I mean is that the United States should declare that it erred or not erred, as everyone knows that there is a strong debate and controversy within the American administration and within the Congress and even in the popular American about this issue and at the United Nations are such discussions as stated in a word the Secretary-General's recent about the deteriorating situation in Iraq, we must not now as Iraqis await a solution or the other because the solution in our hands and that the continuation of the deteriorating situation of the murder scene and the identity of unknown bodies and random assassinations is a threat to everyone without exception.
    Attention must be before it is too late
    * Will the Kurds are interested in this danger?
    - Of course they are interested in the matter and would have this danger and the deteriorating situation, if not directly involved in the Territory it would have in the provinces, which consists of a diverse mix such as Kirkuk and Mosul, Diyala, Baghdad and other areas. he stressed that the government's program to address persistent problems and speed up the formation of the national army and national police, so
    Able to play their role to the extent that they can impose our national sovereignty.
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    franny, were almost there!!

  7. #10287
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by opps50 View Post
    Since it didnīt happen now Susie, have you heard anything new

    The rates have been posted so I guess it is no use looking at the forex tonight
    why is that? the cbi posts on their site they can change the amount posted at any time due to market fluxuation.

    im lookin for opening of the forex and if not then i will put my dinar in my closet and wait.

    i cant make the news any better than its been so all i can do is sit patiently at this point.

    franny, were almost there!!

  8. #10288
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    The first political : Design and completion of the final studies for the port of Basra great
    One of the largest ports in the Middle East
    BAGHDAD - Najla Al-Khalidi
    Completed competent professional staff in the General Company for Ports Iraq designs and the final studies for the project "great port of Basra." He said Jassem Al-Tamimi Director representatives in the ports of Basra and the Ministry of Transport to "Assabah" to the port of Basra big costing $ 16 billion is the largest investment project in the field of transport in Iraq, in the case accomplished expected to change the face of the city of Basra, explained :
    The company referred to the Council of Ministers for approval in the event of the failure of the State to financing, it will be brought to the views expressed willingness investment financing.
    And Tamimi : The great port of Basra designed to be one of the largest ports of the Middle East, where Iraq will connect Asia and the States of Europe, consisting of one hundred pier extends by a network of railway lines and a number of roads as well as exhibitions and free markets and tourist resorts expected : The project provides jobs for tens of thousands of idle hands, as well as huge financial revenue for the country.
    And on projects that were completed in the port city of Basra, said Al-Tamimi : that in spite of the limited possibilities for the Iraq Ports Corporation is constantly seeking to develop and modernize the port city of Basra and raise production capacity in order to revitalize the movement he continues to work in the port to achieve deep liner suitable for vessels moored since been added Rusevin near the docks in the old port of Umm Qasr, which Iraq is the largest ports to increase shipping and unloading cargo.
    He added : The company had to rehabilitate and develop the port of Khor al-Zubair, a port jurisdictional task as accommodating ships carrying petroleum products.
    The Al-Tamimi, a number of problems and obstacles that impede maritime traffic, including the high number of sunken vessels from the Navy 280 to 300 pieces left Iran-Iraq war and the subsequent wars in addition to the problem of sediment and sand trends that impede the approaching ships berth loading and unloading, thereby causing damage food-borne.
    He continued : the company does not have the rigs and service the sophisticated equipment that must work for 24 hours in order to keep the lanes open to the movement of ships in addition to the lack of equipment and modern marine communication equipment, as is the case in neighboring countries.
    He called for activating the port director representatives to the cabinet decision, the judge distribute housing plots between company employees and give them serious allocations equal footing with their counterparts in Iraqi Airways, as well as equipping and clothing allowances safety.
    He called on government officials to pay attention to the company for the ports of Iraq through continued coordination with the ministries related work in the company pointed out that some government officials are ignorant of the importance of ports strategic outlook, unmoved by the threat resulting from the establishment of the ports of neighboring countries and made us great distance Bai the possibility of this match or compete with them, which the right enormous losses to the national economy.
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    franny, were almost there!!

  9. #10289
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    All these news articals are fine but as i see there is no rv i will do as SGS says she is to do and put dinars in closet get on with life and come back in 5,10,15 years maybe then eh!! lol

    suppose i will have to go to work again Monday

  10. #10290
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    why is that? the cbi posts on their site they can change the amount posted at any time due to market fluxuation.

    im lookin for opening of the forex and if not then i will put my dinar in my closet and wait.

    i cant make the news any better than its been so all i can do is sit patiently at this point.
    Doing a top job Susie, we sit and wait patiently, all we can do. Like a win on the lottery, we have the ticket, just dunno when the draw will take place.

    Still at a 10 by year end, 9 by end of November and 8 until then. Too many good things happening.......
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

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