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  1. #10311
    Banned archangel's Avatar
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    AmCham-Iraq to host hydrocarbon laws summits
    Posted: Sunday, October 01, 2006


    The American Chamber of Commerce of Iraq (AmCham-Iraq) has announced plans for industry-government summits on the proposed hydrocarbon laws (oil and gas laws) of Iraq and the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) to take place in Amman, Jordan and Erbil, Iraq during the fourth quarter of 2006.

    These events - the first of their kind - are designed to further the dialogue between global and regional oil companies interested in participating in the development of the Iraqi upstream and downstream oil sectors and officials of the governments of the Iraq and the Kurdistan Regional Government who are taking the lead in developing and enacting the hydrocarbon laws that will control outside investment and development in Iraq's massive oil sector, said a spokesman.

    These events are being organised by AmCham-Iraq with the assistance of the Iraq Development Programme (IDP). IDP is a member of AmCham-Iraq and a leader in organising Iraq development summits at which industry and government officials have opportunities to confer face-to-face.

    With the new hydrocarbon laws of Iraq now being prepared and considered, these planned AmCham-Iraq summits in Amman and Erbil provide a unique and timely opportunity for senior industry leaders worldwide to voice views of what is desired and needed in the upstream and downstream laws.

    Initially in Amman, details of this process will be explained and leading oil and gas executives will have the opportunity to comment on the forthcoming legislation.

    Feedback will be filtered through AmCham Iraq and presented to the legislative decision making authorities in Iraq.

    Under AmCham-Iraq planning, the high-level summit in Amman will be followed by a two-day summit in Erbil with the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG). Here there will be an opportunity to obtain the latest information on the KRG proposed hydrocarbon law and to engage in private one-on-one meetings with KRG senior decision makers. TradeArabia News Service

    AmCham-Iraq to host hydrocarbon laws summits - Middle East Business news related to travel, food, hotel, real estate, health, oil and more

  2. #10312
    Banned archangel's Avatar
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    keep your chins up..........

  3. #10313
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    A complaint to the Ministry of Finance (the problem of waiting ahead of the minister personally after suffering for a period of 3 years)
    News were added on 10-1-2006 15:14

    ... A complaint to the Ministry of Finance (the problem of waiting ahead of the minister personally after suffering for a period of 3 years)

    Received and the Iraqi News Agency complaint attached below of a number of employees of the Ministry of Finance and the Agency presented the problem and we are hopeful that the ministry and respond rapidly to the problem of standing three years ...


    Dear Professor Abdul Karim esteemed charity


    Wrote many complaints in Iraqi newspapers, but without success as a result

    We send him all this hope and through you to contact officials in the Ministry of Finance to present our problem, which affected more than three and a half years

    Our problem in the Ministry of Finance, which differ from the rest of the ministries and that decisions have been taken by those who wish for reinstatement of the member or wish to be referred to the retirement and payment of the full rights and rewarded and this happened in the Oil Ministry and the Ministry of Education is a long time, but the Ministry of Finance and seven months before the forms were distributed to the members of the Wa leaders difference for those who wish to retire them was filling in the forms and return to Djibouti and our yourself and lasted more than four months and auditing in the difficult security conditions and the approval of the reply came our referral retirement papers were sent to the Directorate of retirement to supplement pensions and procedures after a week of review objected Directorate retirement files that must be supported by the Committee for abolishing the Baath Party and once again sent cards to the Commission, but without response and reviewed at the Djibouti said that the Committee had been resolved earlier and await the formation of another committee to consider the requests in this regard clarify the following

    We originally offered to all conveyed to the Commission on abolishing the Baath Party and agreed to turn us in retirement

    The dissolution of the Committee and the formation of another committee to consider applications for Aikhsana because of this Committee will consider new applications

    Djibouti and with the approval of the Ministry of Finance originally agreed to turn us why this delay

    We are the families and all of those who have long experience and deprived of the salaries we did not spend any amount of the fifth month of assistance assigned in 2003 to reverse military advances that included a favor help in some of the amounts added to the fact that there are elements of the women's unable to work for old age, heart diseases and diabetes, and the pressure we live days reconciliation and hear a lot about the repeal of a law abolishing the Baath Party, which for Ainina originally approved because our referral retired issued after the approval of the eradication of the Baath, after completing the forms for this Committee

    Come to our request that our referral to retire and pay Roatnaba of the fifth month / 2003 with the exchange end-of-service bonus, as in other ministries

    This, you thanks and appreciation

    A number of employees of the Ministry of Finance

    æßÇáÉ ÇáÃÎÈÇÑ ÇáÚÑÇÞíÉ :: Ôßæì áæÒÇÑÉ ÇáãÇáíÉ ( ãÔßáÉ ÊäÊÙÑ ÇáÍÓã ãä ÇáæÒíÑ ÔÎÕíÇ ÈÚÏ ãÚÇäÇÉ áãÏÉ 3 ÓäæÇÊ )

  4. #10314
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    Default Gloom and Doom!

    Quote Originally Posted by hondo882003 View Post
    SGS thanks for all your insight it helps me cope.The person who I bought my dinar from lives in the states but his dad lives in Iraq. His dad feeds him information when he can, he says the fil is finishedand should be made public any time, he also says with the fil comes the rv.We all get impatient but dont get discouraged it will be soon. I havent heard any rate but he says it will be good. Please dont bash ive been in this for 1 1/2 years now just trying to help. Thanks SGS ,Rolclub and others. I think this ride is almost over. hondo.
    Hey why so glum, I thougt we were waiting for Monday 5 am in Australia, family scheduled for a mind-melding session. That's what I thought. For me, I am drained with the ups and downs the adrenaline the anticipation, I keep going and keep dreaming.

    SGS you are right, we just have to hold fast to all of the NEWS that is coming out of Iraq. It is irrefutable that this will happen. As we get closer the news becomes more powerful and more informative and in more rapid succession. I thank you as well, for all your personal time devoted to researching this investment, you must get mentally exhausted too. But the show goes on and we wait for more news and the day it will happen.

    But just a question for any of the 'Dinar Geniuses' isn't NYStockExchange where we would be looking for it to hit first. Where does Autralia factor into the equation.
    Isn't NY the Financial Hub of the world Stock Exchange.
    Just MHO! Can someone elaborate of give some insight on this please. It is only 10:30am-ish on Sunday in NY.
    5:30ish Sunday in Bagdad, and 12:30am-ish Mon. in Australia.

    Marlene in NY
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  5. #10315
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Voices of Iraq : Baghdad-congressional delegation -
    Santiago wrote : On Sunday, 01 October 2006 1:54 PM-BT

    ...The source pointed out that next week we will have periodic visits by delegations from the Congress for Iraq and in the form of waves.
    The source of the prime minister said earlier today that a delegation from the Congress Alamrbaki arrived in Baghdad today in an undeclared visit to Iraq.
    The source added that "he is scheduled to meet Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki Congress delegation later today."
    O L-u p
    shippin delegations of congressmen to iraq in waves?? (to cash in? lol)
    umm, postponed until tomorrow because of security, yet they are here today meeting with the pm. whats so unsecure about meeting in parliament if you can go to malikis pad?? was it because they already had said parliament would meet monday then had to cover up the boo boo? im confused about this part. any suggestions?,,,, buehler??
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 01-10-2006 at 03:49 PM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  6. #10316
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by archangel View Post
    keep your chins up..........
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 01-10-2006 at 03:59 PM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  7. #10317
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    sure is getting more, and more confusing Susie. Thanks for all the great upgrades, and news you bring us. I guess it will all happen when it is due to happen. It's like life, and death when it is due it will be due. and all the hopeing and praying will not really change the out come. The power here is held in the hands of the IRAQI government.

  8. #10318
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    Post Banking, Money Laundry Training, WTO

    USAID works with Iraqi institutions to establish an environment for sustainable
    economic growth. Assistance empowers policy makers to develop
    and execute decisions based on economic data, and to implement modern
    best practices in economic governance. USAID projects provide a framework
    for private sector trade, commerce, and investment across Iraq.

    The Iraq Company for Bank Guarantees (ICBG) gears itself for late October
    launch. Preparatory work is well underway at the ICBG to ensure a business
    commencement date at the end of October 2006. Shareholder and follow
    on ICBG Board- meetings have been held in August and September. During
    September and October 2006, ICBG management will undertake a structured
    marketing effort with all commercial banks and finalize guarantee applications
    with those that will be ready to approach the company on its scheduled
    launch date. Guarantee applications for two SME loans are expected in
    September for management review. Executive, Risk Management, Audit and
    Grants oversight committees will be meeting shortly to take stock of all preopening work underway. Committee reports will be presented at the next ICBG Board meeting in early October. At this meeting a formal opening date for the institution should be set for announcement.

    Through a technical assistance and grants program developed with the ICBG,
    USAID is endeavoring to foster among the Iraqi private banks an SME lending
    capacity, a shift from an asset-based to a cash-flow-based lending methodology,and development of healthy corporate governance & loan practices. Anincreasingly large portfolio of ICBG guaranteed loans offered by participatingbanks will contribute to national economic development, which will in turn spur SME expansion and associated job growth.

    USAID program works to advance intellectual property rights law.
    With the support of USAID’s Izdihar project, the Intellectual Property Committee of the Government of Iraq completed an integrated draft of the intellectual property law which aims to be fully compliant with the requirements of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Currently under final review, the draft will soon be discussed by the Council of Ministers and then submitted to the Parliament.

    USAID helps train private bankers on anti-money laundering and combating
    the financing of terrorism.

    On September 10, thirty bank directors and senior managers from private banks were trained, as part of USAID’s Izdihar program, to understand their roles in combating money-laundering under the Iraqi Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2004. Preventing, detecting, and reporting money laundering is an on-going responsibility for management and all bank employees. Appropriate anti-money laundering policies and procedures should be established, roles and responsibilities understood, and official reporting channels available.

    Could it be that a RV is on hold until all bank and financial institutions are ready and that when this is ready everything will be announced together at the above set formal opening announcement??

    Just a thought!

  9. #10319
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    Guess Congress in waves is purposefully done in the event of some catastrophic event planned by the mallitia, they are not all in the same place at the same time. Stand to reasoning!!

    1) Congress needs to signfoff on Laws
    2) Then Parliment needs to signfoff on Laws
    3) Finally, Pres. Talibani needs to signfoff on Laws

    This is the Process, now factor in the day-too-day changes that can occure on the dime and here you have us, WAITING!
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  10. #10320
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    Default Train Wreck Coming?

    My biggest worry with this whole dinar investment is the time frame. Here is what I mean. This investment is like a train wreck waiting to happen. Coming one direction is the RV , the FIL and the hydrocarbon law, this is our train, if it arrives at the station we are all rich. Then we have the other train heading straight for us on the same track. This train has Iran, civil war, zero lopping. This train is much bigger than ours. If the two trains meet we can't win. So it's all about timing. Iran is going to do something that will send us in. Then there is the Kurds that are being threatened by Turkey. This whole place is going to blow. You put the sorry economic condition of the poor average Iraqi's and you have a recipe for civil war or chaos. I would say we have 3 months at most. Something is going to happen. One of those trains is going to reach the station.

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