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  1. #10351
    Can read but not post. motomachi's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Good Security Report!

    Iraq says it's closing in on terror head - Yahoo! News
    Iraq says it's closing in on terror head By QASSIM ABDUL-ZAHRA, Associated Press Writer
    30 minutes ago
    BAGHDAD, Iraq - Security forces are closing in on the leader of al-Qaida in Iraq, a senior Iraqi official said Sunday, showing a captured video of the terror chief teaching followers how to build a car bomb.

    (They are trying to clean their house of these "terror-people" and those that support them. Talibani stated that a "warning" was issued to Iran, Syria, and whoever tries to interfere with Iraq's Independence and Growth!)

    RV, lets Wait and Listen for the Announcement!

  2. #10352
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    Default OK everyone...

    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    Hey guys,
    Wasn't there a post a few days back that talked about when China revalued their currency last year and there are no advance notice it just showed up on the exchange with an announcement after that??? Hang in there everybody...
    Lets get back on topic...

    I for one would love to know all info there is on China and revalue as Charmed has posted...
    I read the post a few days back too about 2 day embargo on media and people in the know with China revalue...
    I know this has never happened before, meaning the Iraq situation, but I just feel the China revalue can help us understand a little better too about an RV, lets all go out and dig up China's revalue info and how it happened...

    I for one will be holding hope till Monday 5:00 PM New York time...

  3. #10353
    Can read but not post. motomachi's Avatar
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    Default Baghdad returns to normal!

    Baghdad returns to normal after day-long curfew
    [15:13 , 01 Oct 2006]
    BAGHDAD (Reuters)
    By Mussab Al-Khairalla
    .:: Peyamner Daily NEWS::.
    pna - A nervous normality returned to Iraq's capital on Sunday after a 24-hour curfew imposed after U.S. troops arrested a top politician's bodyguard suspected of a plot to bomb the heavily fortified government compound.

    The curfew was lifted at 6 a.m. (0300 GMT) and traffic converged on central Baghdad's busy streets as shops and businesses re-opened for the start of the full working week.

    Though there is a daily overnight curfew and cars are banned during weekly prayers on Fridays, Saturday's blanket ban on all movement, even on foot, was unusually severe and disrupted the social life normally associated with the holy month of Ramadan.

    Just west of Baghdad, in the minority Sunni stronghold of Falluja, a car bomb killed four people and wounded six in a busy vegetable market, police said.

    On Friday, U.S. troops arrested a security guard at the home of the leader of the main Sunni Arab political bloc, Adnan al-Dulaimi. They said the man planned suicide attacks in the government's "Green Zone" and may have had links to al Qaeda.

    "The detained individual is suspected of involvement in the planning of a multi-vehicle suicide operation inside Baghdad's International Zone," the military said on Saturday.

    A senior official in the Accordance Front named the arrested man as Khudhar Farhan and said he was in his mid-20s and had joined Dulaimi's security staff about a month ago. Dulaimi leads the Front, the largest Sunni bloc in parliament.

    U.S. officials fear an increase in violence during Ramadan. Suicide bombings were at an all-time high during the first week.


    There was no official explanation for the curfew which emptied streets on Saturday but a political source said it was linked to security in the Green Zone that had been compromised. Another senior official said Baghdad feared large-scale unrest.

    The 5-sq km (2-sq mile) riverside compound once occupied by Saddam Hussein is home to thousands of people, including most senior officials, parliament and the U.S. and British embassies.

    In March, Iraq jailed several defense officials accused of a plot to infiltrate hundreds of al Qaeda fighters into the Zone's security force.

    A surge in sectarian killings since February has been marked by dozens of corpses being found nearly every day dumped in the streets of Baghdad, bound, tortured and shot. Many are victims of tit-for-tat communal fighting.

    One senior U.S. military official said this week police had allowed death squads to re-enter areas already cleared by U.S. forces in a seven-week-old crackdown in the capital.

    Washington's ambassador to Iraq threatened to cut off funding for the Iraqi police if the government failed to punish police officials for torture and human rights violations.

    Zalmay Khalilzad told the New York Times that U.S. officials were reviewing programs under a law that bans U.S. funding for armies and police forces that violate human rights.

  4. #10354
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    Voices of Iraq : Baghdad-ban (report)
    Nadaomran wrote : On Sunday, 01 October 2006 6:27 PM-BT

    The return of normalcy to Baghdad after curfew sudden
    From just the latest
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)
    Life returned to normal in Baghdad after the imposition of curfews approved by the Iraqi government as of Friday evening and last until the morning of today, Sunday, and suddenly, This has frustrated citizens fueled waves of chatter and speculation in the Iraqi street.
    Iraqis had divergent views on the reasons for the sudden curfews and most of those views were consistent with the views of politicians which they unleashed today that the government had uncovered a coup attempt to overthrow the government of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.
    And justified by the statements of officials and soldiers, the process of imposing curfews came to security measures has nothing to do with rumors about a coup d'etat, or against the background of the American forces raided the house of the head of a parliamentary bloc large and one of his arrest Friday pretext of the existence of an unlicensed weapon.
    Citizens in Baghdad showed their displeasure at the curfews because of the sudden they did not get prepared for it, especially in the circumstances of the month of Ramadan and the need for people to get to shopping and work.
    Says Mr. Muhammad Nasir (33 years), a bus driver, he committed his home did not come to work, especially after hearing rumors that tens of people about the existence of a coup by armed groups want to overthrow the government of Al-Maliki.
    He adds that he passed the news after the government imposed a ban on riding surprise.
    And the words of Mr. Maan Mohammad (50 years) from inhabited by the five-Karkh police that the embargo has caused high prices of vegetables, the basic needs of citizens suddenly n adding that some shopkeepers closed their shops because of fears of security conditions.
    He pointed out that he has shops in the complex Alsenk sell specialized tools reserve car and has connections with clients, which led to the suspension of several acts had intended to carry out or postponed.
    He said Faleh Hassan Badri citizen (40 years), the owner of a business, , "the leadership of the political and clan leaders usually write charters authorized honor comes from where terrorism is supported and how it happens daily killing."
    He continued, "we have a right to ask many questions of the officials know how to behave towards the events and happenings the various things that the increasingly blurred and complex day after day, especially after the new measures and curfews sudden we see from time to time, which almost paralyzed life in the capital without warning or clear justification.
    He says Mr. Jalal Al-Hamid, an employee of the relatives of the Rusafa (38 years) that "curfews sudden In the month of Ramadan, called on us to be rushed to the market to provide food for fear that the ban affects disappear and basic foodstuffs from the markets."
    He added : "We hope that Atzdad sudden decisions in our daily lives."
    It led to curfews also invisibility of the local newspapers suspended on Saturday and Sunday due to the closure of printing and non-attendance of editors and the delegates for their work.
    He said one of the heads of the local daily newspapers that the ban had a positive effect on the presence of its organ in the street due to lack of distribution, Valkare looking for its organ preferred first and did not find when looking for an alternative.
    He says one chief editor of the local daily newspapers that the repeated imposition of curfews to delay the issuance of print, particularly since there commitments with advertising, which is funded through the press self-financing, The ban makes the press away from the event and is far from the truth.
    He says Mr. Kadhim Ghanim (52 years), a retired, he considered the knowledge of the news through newspapers, but it was not able to buy any newspaper because of curfews and the lack of newspapers.
    P-n pertaining
    Translated version of

  5. #10355
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    Quote Originally Posted by PopaDinar View Post
    Lets get back on topic...

    I for one would love to know all info there is on China and revalue as Charmed has posted...
    I read the post a few days back too about 2 day embargo on media and people in the know with China revalue...
    I know this has never happened before, meaning the Iraq situation, but I just feel the China revalue can help us understand a little better too about an RV, lets all go out and dig up China's revalue info and how it happened...

    I for one will be holding hope till Monday 5:00 PM New York time...
    China had told US about plan to revalue yuan

    July 25, 2005 18:32 IST

    The Chinese government told United States officials in advance of its plan to drop its currency's link to the dollar last week and raise its exchange rate, news reports said Monday.

    US treasury secretary John Snow learned more than one month ago of the tentative plan and Chinese officials gave him details on the change and its timing before the announcement, The Financial Times and The Asian Wall Street Journal said.

    The unusual advance disclosures by the secretive Chinese government helped to smooth the way for the change and assure American support, the newspapers said, citing unidentified sources.

    The announcement that Beijing was switching to a more flexible system based on a basket of foreign currencies that could let the yuan rise in value over time came after years of study by Chinese finance officials and a lengthy lobbying campaign by Snow and other American officials.

    China's trading partners had been pressuring Beijing to raise the yuan's exchange rate, complaining that it was undervalued and gave Chinese exporters an unfair advantage. Some US lawmakers had even threatened to impose punitive tariffs if Beijing didn't raise the value of the yuan.

    "A week before Thursday's announcement, the (US) Treasury received a firm signal from China that revaluation was imminent. Mr Snow was informed in advance of the timing and details of the new rate regime," the Financial Times said.

    "He kept the market-sensitive information secret from Treasury colleagues but assured Beijing the US would warmly welcome the move and that there would be broad international support," the report said.

    Snow assured Beijing of US support and persuaded lawmakers to postpone any punitive action after China said it wouldn't do anything under pressure, the Financial Times and the Journal said.

    In mid-July, Senator Charles Schumer said he and other lawmakers were told during a meeting with Snow and Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan that China would soon change its currency policy, and that he would delay a bill he had co-authored that would impose penalty tariffs on Chinese imports if Beijing did not act quickly.

    The People's Bank of China announced Thursday it was cutting the yuan's peg to the dollar and would start linking its value to a collection of unspecified currencies. The bank immediately raised the yuan's value by 2.1 percent against the US dollar to 8.11 yuan from 8.28, where it had been set for more than a decade.
    The Chinese central bank wanted the yuan's value raised by 5 percent, the Journal said. But the Chinese Cabinet decided on the lower increase "under pressure from other ministries that feared the impact on China's exports," the report said.

    Chinese officials had been studying other governments' foreign-exchange policies for years.

    Last year, they stepped up visits to Singapore to look at the Southeast Asian trading powerhouse's use of a "managed floating exchange-rate system," the type of mechanism that Beijing adopted last week, the Journal said.

    In May, Snow appointed a special envoy to Beijing on the currency issue, the Journal said.

    The envoy, US Treasury official Olin Wethington, made three unpublicized, weeklong trips to Beijing, where he warned Chinese leaders of potential "adverse consequences on the US side" if they didn't take action, the newspaper said.

  6. #10356
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    Default Look at the positives here...

    Let's not be so quick to overlook the positives here folks.

    The biggest:

    Today's rate from CBI is 1472. That's the lowest it's been in what, 6 months or so? And the current trend in DOWN (Meaning UP for us ).

    Then there is:

    Loads of positive information coming out of Iraq, both security-wise and economically.

    A sense of global unity in the success of Iraq. How long has it been since you heard such a collective number of countries stepping up to help out, beyond peacekeeping?

    Ramadan in effect. The entire Muslim community is celebrating (That's right, CELEBRATING) the holy month of Ramadan. A time for peace and reflection. Ironically this puts a spotlight on those who aren't participating in Ramadan by blowing themselves up and ignoring Ramadan and the Muslim principal ideals. Makes them easier to find this month.

    And the most important positive here? You guys! All of us are here to keep tabs on our investment, and collectively we are putting it all together. Although we can't force anything to happen, I'm certain we will be the first to know when anything DOES happen!

    So keep up the good work and who knows, things may happen when you least expect it

    Do unto know the rest...

    Here I am getting my Dinar News Fix waiting for that "Bold Adjustment"

  7. #10357
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    Quote Originally Posted by postcon View Post
    The problem since Aug was that there were lots of dates floating around with some claiming to be a done deal and attributing their veracity to their "sources". All the mentioned dates so far have gone past without much happening. Stating a rumour as a fact as if it had happened already and just waiting for an announcement sure bumped up hopes to great highs. No one is questioning the good intentions of those who post what they hear or learn from others. Unfortunately, due to human nature and personal circumstances, some choose to believe in these dates and "done deals" as the gospel. We can't really have a go at them for dreaming prematurely.

    The bottomline is : despite the sources and tons of information being posted by well-read individuals, I don't think anyone actually knows when the revalue might happen, if at all. Most, if not all, are based on assumptions and putting 2 and 2 together. The only people who might be privy to such confidential information wiould probably never leak such information knowing fully well that it would form part of a public domain. Their jobs and lives would be in jeopardy.

    It's time to take a breather and let events take their course. Don't lay too much emphasis on dates put forth by others. Whilst their intentions might be good, it's nigh on impossible to actually predict a date for the dinar revalue. It will happen when it will. In my case atleast, when times are desperate, one does lay a lot of emphasis on these dates only to be disappointed at the end.

    Here's hoping that the dinar will revalue at some point in the near future rather than drag its heels.

    Thanks for the level head reasoning and for being a leader on the side of PATIENCE.

    If I had not jumped onto this rollercoaster back on Dec. 3rd, 2005 and, if I was just informed today by someone that I may--quite realistically--be on the verge of becoming a multi-millionaire...BEFORE THE END OF THIS YEAR!!! I would be so overwhelmed that I would need to grab my blood pressure medicine and keep it in my pocket 24/7 -along with a small bottle of aspirin.

    Just for the sake of self preservation I've been telling myself that it won't happen until say uhmmmm next March...Yeah, I think my heart & head can maybe get a grip on that...

    All in all it might be best to just step back a while and think...really get a perspective on this....WHAT AN UNBELIEVEABLE OPPORTUNITY THIS IS THAT HAS BEEN DROPPED IN OUR LAPS!!. I want to express a big THANK YOU a thousand times to everyone that's hard at work researching all of this difficult information!!


    P.S. Even if we're derailed by something and it never reval's...we are still free and can still pursue happiness.

  8. #10358
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    Cool Lateast On Dinar News. Part 4.

    Ok this will start Part 4 with the same rules for posting here. Part 3 has been left in the sticky for reference. Continue the quest for the reval with rules followed. Have a Great Future.

    1. This is the link to see all threads pretaining to the Dinar Forum, just incase someone doesn't understand how to Navigate thru the forum.

    2. This will be where all Rumors and Predictions will go from now on. Not here in the News Thread. This is located at the top section in the Dinar Forum.

    3. Latest On the Dinar Threads Part's 1 & 2 & 3 are locked and made into a sticky for references. This is Latest on the Dinar News Part 4. Please Post all articles and Try to stay on the topic.

    4. Anything you want to discuss other than the Latest News, please do it in here. "Crazy Thread part 2" It is a Sticky Thread Also.

    5. I dont ever want to Ban anyone. So Please "Agree to Disagree" and Leave It At That.

    6. If for some reason there is a Personal Attack are Rude Remarks to a Member you will be ither Banned are Sanctioned for a period not less than 30 Days to Permenant.

    7. Fellow Members, I want this more than anyone else. If we can reseach and share with others in a mature fashion, RC will not have no Problems. If you feel there is trouble in the forum, please PM Myself are Admin, Co-Admin, or anyone of the other Mods. there is just 5 of us and almost 20,000 members. Please be Patient as Mods are looking out at all times. Just dont be "Stupid" and lower yourself to commence in the Child Play.

    8. I have agreement with some naysayers to debate in their thread. So visit them from time to time so that it will stay there. And we will have nomore Banning.

    Thats It Gang. Lets "Rock this Baby'. Oh yeah Thank someone with the Feature RC has so there is not a bunch of Thank You Post. Have Fun!!

    PS. Subject to Change by Any Admin's or Mod's.
    Last edited by neno; 04-10-2006 at 02:35 AM.

  9. #10359
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    Cool Part 4 to begin Now.

    Ok Part 4 is now ready. Part 3 will be left as a sticky for reference. Same rules. Just getting very long again for clicking back. Lets continue the quest of research .

  10. #10360
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    Cool Isxdata currently below.

    Baghdad Time: 10:41pm, 10/01/2006 ~ market is closed | $1 USD = 1472.60 IQD ^

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