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  1. #10461
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    Quote Originally Posted by zwhatimsaying View Post
    if you read it again, could they have ment ######604.50
    Originally Posted by lndmn_01 View Post
    I think by "four and 50th dinars" thay mean 54 dinar

    What I was getting at is, how would they get that with the dinar denominations they have? It can't be done with out smaller denoms. Can't do 54 or 4.50 dinar with out smaller bills.

  2. #10462
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    The first political : Agricultural Engineers Association calls on the government to intervene
    To prevent the construction of a dam on the Tigris River Area
    Baghdad-Mustafa Majeed
    The Agricultural Engineers Association appealed to the government to take urgent action to what it called the great danger that threatens the future of Iraq, a direct result of Turkey agricultural construction of the Ilisu dam the Tigris River Basin.
    The union demanded in an urgent appeal by the three presidencies Republic and the Ministers and the House of Representatives and the Ministries of Agriculture and Water Resources, "Sabah" got a copy of it. Move quickly to find solutions and treatments, and address the Turkish conducted on the building of a dam on the Nile Basin Area principal of the Tigris river, which would serve to mitigate attributed almost 21 billion to nine billion cubic meters annually. Describing the great risk that the project would threaten the future of Iraq, the fact that the agricultural production of agricultural and food security outcome depends entirely on land and water resources, which provides the base sober for agricultural development in the present and future.
    The union during her urgent that on the basis of professional responsibility and the national board of directors held an emergency meeting, which was hosted by experts from the Association's members and to be fully aware of the danger of the retreat in imports of water from the Tigris and Euphrates to 35% of the total known noting it is on its way to decline suspicion for more if Turkey were constructed more dams in the draft (Cape), as well as Syria's construction of dam on the Euphrates river class will meet with Free Iraq to end agricultural and convert it into part of the Sahara. According to the statement.
    It is noteworthy that an expert specializing in the Ministry of Agriculture had warned that the construction of the dam will reduce the agricultural lands in Iraq, and 12 million square meters by one third will completely with the rest of the agricultural land in Iraq and become part of the Western Sahara during the twenty five years following the construction of the dam. This means the elimination of ten thousand years of civilization, Mesopotamia and Asia, which provided one third of the crops produced in the medieval past.
    جريدة الصباح - نقابة المهندسين الزراعيين تدعو الحكومة الى التدخل

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  3. #10463
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    The first political Tribes : Anbar clamping down on terrorists and pursued by in the desert
    Maliki will meet the Governor and the President of the presence of Al-Ramadi Hashemi and the ministers of defense and interior
    Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki with the Governor and the President of the Anbar governorate yesterday, the security situation and the developments in Ramadi clans battle with the terrorists. The governor said Mamoun Sami Alaloni told (morning) : The Prime Minister briefed in a meeting attended by Vice-President Tarek Hashemi, minister of Defense and the Interior Abdul Qader Mohammed Jawad al-Ubaydi, who is on the overall situation of the details of Anbar province after the pledge made by the clan leaders of the owners to prosecute terrorists.
    The observers speculate that the battle of the clans yielded victories and clear in a few days was to kill a number of terrorists and chased them in the wilds of the island Bank and they conclude that this strangulation caused them to withdraw to Baghdad in an attempt to hide but the government made them the way to impose a comprehensive ban last Saturday.
    The governor of Anbar predict the return of stability to maintain within a short period of time, and said in a meeting with the (morning) : Anbar tribes that would not backtrack on Antvacoctha against terrorists and will continue to chase them everywhere.
    The governor of Anbar, Mamoun Sami formation of the Directorate for the Protection of roads.
    He said : There is a plan studied with the Minister of the Interior would require the passage of Trebil-Baghdad and Baghdad-Walid.
    He added : Sami this Directorate will consist of very large numbers and would equip the cars developed modern, fast and sophisticated offensive weapons, as well as to provide communication between detachments Directorate will spread on the road, which links the international Iraq with Syria and Jordan to protect citizens. He explained : that there had been a marked decrease during this period sabotaged out on the road after vanquished terrorist elements corrupt. It is hoped the governor, Mamoun Sami Al Alaloni that breathes Anbar blessing stability in order to begin reconstructing wide campaign said : Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki promised to the people of this province.
    The Maliki met a group of tribal chiefs known in Anbar where it pledged to retaliate against terrorist cells and groups that have wreaked havoc in the province.
    Within a few days the clan was able to prosecute persons involved in terrorist operations, news agencies reported that the tribes demanded the government to confront the fleeing across the Syrian border. A statement issued by the Office of the Adjutant General of the Armed Forces yesterday that the clans Anbar cooperation with the local police managed to raid nests, killing four terrorists and arrested eight others. and politicians and analysts believed that the interaction between the p Char-Anbar and the government would influence the terrorist cells and dismantle Balmenoal witnessed in the past few days, which forced the terrorist groups to the tactics quickly to meet the emergency situation. He said Dr Muwaffaq Rubaie National Security Advisor to Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki promised to support clans Anbar Pa for the money, weapons and personnel, and that this interaction will be created tribes to the pursuit of terrorists and harassing them, and said : We have narrowed the ways terrorists and not to them only in death or escape justice. For his part, President of the Al-Anbar governorate, Dr. Abdul Salam Abdullah : residents of Anbar want to be considered, and are determined to combat terrorism. This is a phrase reminiscent of the people in Anbar known courage and daring and refuse humiliation. The Iraqis throughout the country have Astthgulwa to see the silence before the clan groups Astabahth blood, and money supply in the province, before exiting Arinha killers to face with honor. The Chairman of the Council to maintain security plan provides for tightening grip of the terrorists and eliminated. In the meantime correspondent in Ramadi, Mustafa Sabah Al-Dulaimi said that three terrorists were killed in a car bomb exploded as they were transported to another location in order to detonate on the passersby or public services. He said : The mechanism and foot patrols of Iraqi and American forces searched some places in the city that are suspected of workshops where car bombs. With fighters launched by the American forces at dawn on Saturday an air raid on the strongholds of harboring terrorists in the Humera area south-east of Ramadi. witnesses said people from the region that the planes dropped Knab for heavy weight and power on the three houses believed to be harboring militants and destroyed completely, Witnesses said they did not know the number who were in the three houses. It is noteworthy that the city of Heet witnessed an escalation in terrorist operations in recent times due to the infiltration of terrorists from Ramadi, the impact of the establishment of the rescue Anbar, which is recently out of the tribes to the liquidation of those groups, which caused the deterioration of the security situation to maintain general and Ramadi in particular.
    جريدة الصباح - عشائر الأنبار تضيّق الخناق على الإرهابيين وتطاردهم في الصحراء

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  4. #10464
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    Iraq : An increase in the salaries of employees of the Ministry of Health between 30-50%
    Baghdad-Saadi deer
    The Ministry of Health approval of the Cabinet Secretariat to increase the salaries of all affiliates serving at the ministry and departments is the capabilities of medical and technical and health and nursing staffing and Central and service staff, taking into account the academic achievement of the mentioned categories ranging from the 10th grade to career six with reference to the abolition of class XI as of 2007 / January 1.
    The Minister of Health, Dr. Ali Hassan al-Shamri in a press statement : The new increase approved by the secretariat of the Council of Ministers had already submitted a request by the ministry to the Council, pointing out that the growth rate ranged between 30% - 50% of the total salaries.
    He called Shamari all workers in the health institutions to adhere to the official attendance and provide medical and therapeutic services for the citizens and reflecting them in good manners, which must be enjoyed by all the capabilities of medical and nursing and administrative.
    جريدة الصباح - زيادة في رواتب منتسبي وزارة الصحة ما بين 30 - 50%

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  5. #10465
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    Iraq : Improving the lives of people
    Mohamed Abdul Jabbar carp
    The phrase improve people's lives is the backbone of the efforts of governments, individuals and groups. The central objective of development everywhere. It simply means the search for the provision of goods and the needs and services needed by the rights and enable him to obtain them. Man needs security, electricity, water, food, medicine, transportation, clothing, freedom, knowledge, education,
    The warmth in winter and cool in summer, also needs the money in order to buy what it bought these goods and services.
    And usually provide constitutions of a large number of these requirements, do programs, as well as political parties competing in the election battles. But the lesson, ultimately, is the amount obtained by the ordinary citizen of this already, goods and services needs. This is linked to two issues : the provision of goods and services, and allow citizens to access, Though some planning for the arrival of goods and services to the citizen and not vice versa.
    In most cases, it is possible to measure the amount of improvement already achieved in the lives of people, it is vague and difficult, Gebia. Governments can say that it was able to improve the lives of its citizens by certain can be verified.
    Parties and groups, the leaders in democratic countries competing in the amount of what they can do to improve the lives of people, The voters can judge them by what they have already made in this area. This makes the political process are of a concrete process, and directly relevant to people's lives and their concerns and needs. These are simple and easy to understand, not Kshaarat political rhetoric and ambiguous, and perhaps by the ideology of Arab political elites in general and the Iraqi market, especially dumped by the political and popular. And at certain times led to the involvement of a lot of people there, but, unfortunately, did not improve the conditions of their lives and livelihoods.
    جريدة الصباح - تحسين حياة الناس

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  6. #10466
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    Iraq : The end of the curfews and a return to normal daily life in Baghdad
    Some Rouge malicious rumors about its causes
    Life in Baghdad returned to normal after the end of the day set by the government to impose curfews where six in the morning yesterday, Sunday, and thereby return movement in the streets and markets and government departments, schools and colleges, which marked the start Sunday, the new academic year.
    The malicious rumors spread between capital inhabited for failure to declare the causes of the ban, which began last Friday evening, especially as it coincided with the announcement of the arrest of one of the elements of a protection force Prime Iraqi Accord Front Dr. Adnan Al-Dulaimi, relying on information reported that the intelligence related to armed groups may be linked to the EAR base in Iraq, according to press sources said that American officials and Iraqis said so.
    جريدة الصباح - انتهاء حظر التجوال وعودة الحياة اليومية الى طبيعتها في بغداد

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  7. #10467
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    Iraq : Council for Peace and Solidarity in Muthanna underscores the need to abolish the armed rallies
    And countless arms in the hands of state bodies
    Convening a conference to promote stability and security in the province
    Samawah morning
    The Iraqi Council for Peace and Solidarity Muthanna branch of the national dialogue under the slogan of "national dialogue honest enough to protect the security of showing" and the presence of Hall Alghadir governor Mohammed Ali Al Hassani Muthana, a large number of leaders of political parties and blocs, the clergy and leaders of the security services and the gathering of dignitaries and heads of the clans and Mthk in the province.
    The conference started with an address by the President of the Council Hassan clear Mendelian pattern which he hoped to unite all the good efforts made in the province in order to establish security and stability in the city and the need for cooperation between citizens and security agencies to monitor anything that might disturb security in Samawah.
    A clear Mendelian pattern and the need to combat all manifestations of race in both happy and sad occasions calling for state control over arms inspection campaigns and raids on homes of suspected.
    For his part, Mohammed Ali Al Hassani governor Muthanna speech in which he expressed his dissatisfaction with the role of parties in the political arena and called for a more active role with regard to the security aspect, he said : The security agencies in maintaining the problem is not without weaknesses and flaws.
    He called Al-Hasani to work together to confront the armed rallies in all its forms and appeal to the officials and political blocs need to prevent these phenomena also announced approval of the formation of armed popular committees in specific events, in coordination with the security agencies. And in turn, asked Mr. Mehdi representative of the quality of the establishment of the Islamic Dawa Party Tje with legal disputes and solve problems.
    He said : The Dawa Party is ready to cooperate with everyone in order to maintain security in Samawah. so one clan elders to the significant role played by the clans in maintaining security after the fall of the regime and called for the diagnosis of those who exercise the right to kill citizens, pointing out that there is the ruling manages assassination operations that get the poison Oh.
    Abdel Jabbar Bjay President of the Federation of literary Muthanna branch has indicated in his speech that the Security Council as a companion of faith and put forward an initiative for the formation of a security square in each of the writers, artists and the people of the area to protect and activate culture and the sense of security across the television sets in collaboration with the army and the police, in addition to the role played by school administrations during the stand on Thursday, information and the use of religious platform, especially during Friday prayers to Nscherhza awareness.
    جريدة الصباح - مجلس السلم والتضامن في المثنى يؤكد ضرورة إلغاء المظاهر المسلحة

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  8. #10468
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    Iraq : Council of Ministers approved the establishment of some 100 projects in Kut cost $ 50 million
    Within the reconstruction projects in the province, the Supreme
    Kut Shahid Hassan al-Azzawi
    The Council of Ministers has approved projects of the reconstruction of the Supreme Wasit governorate cost (50) million. Sabah announced that Mr. Lateef Hamed aside, Wasit governorate explaining that the Council of Ministers approved the project for Wasit governorate within accelerate reconstruction projects cost (50) million.
    He added that coordination with the reconstruction in the preservation project will be announced local newspapers to be completed if the direct implementation of the establishment of a tender. He pointed out that the projects are divided between the Directorate of Roads and Bridges at (7) projects and the General Directorate of Educational b (6) projects and the Directorate of sewage b (10) projects and the Directorate of Municipal Kut b (5) projects and the Directorate of Municipalities b (29), including projects (17) and administrative unit, the Directorate of Water and Wasit b (24) projects a share of the Almchari p allocated to the Directorate of Youth and Wasit through the establishment of two sports, one in Kut and the other in the district of the neighborhood. He pointed out that there has been no amendment to the contract between the Iraqi and Chinese to invest Alahidb oil field located in the Wasit governorate also will be direct station Alzbideh electricity amounting to production capacity of 1220 watts Mika. The governor instructed the operation of the existing generators in the city of Kut of the generator (16), one of them Energy 1, Mika 75 watts for the processing of citizens with electricity during the breakfast hours and meal.
    جريدة الصباح - مجلـس الوزراء يصادق على إقـامـة نحـو 100 مشروع في الكوت بكلفة 50 مليون دولار

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  9. #10469
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    Iraq : Electronic system to monitor transactions of the citizens in Baghdad Secretariat
    BAGHDAD - Najla Al-Khalidi
    The Baghdad Division has developed to guide citizens and the follow-up of their transactions via the Internet service in a step is considered the first of its kind in Iraq. He said Abdel Hamid Sarhan Director of the Division for the "morning" that the introduction of this division is aimed to speed up the completion of transactions Auditors less effort and without the need for a personal Hazorham
    As well as the elimination of the phenomena of corruption and administrative red tape. The Division has prepared a special card containing information on references and the Chamber concerned his treatment, pointing out that the citizen can know the stages of completion treated through access to the Internet site of the PSD is :
    [email protected]
    He pointed out that the three districts in the secretariat began actively work the system are water, sewage and administrative and financial departments to begin the rest of the system during the coming period. He went on to say that the division had prepared a comprehensive plan to upgrade the level of services provided to citizens included the adoption and training of personnel working in the Division through involvement in evolutionary cycles.
    جريدة الصباح - نظام الكتروني لمتابعة معاملات المواطنين في أمـانة بغـــــداد

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  10. #10470
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    Quote Originally Posted by frathousemicrowave View Post
    Originally Posted by lndmn_01 View Post
    I think by "four and 50th dinars" thay mean 54 dinar

    What I was getting at is, how would they get that with the dinar denominations they have? It can't be done with out smaller denoms. Can't do 54 or 4.50 dinar with out smaller bills.


    franny, were almost there!!

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