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    Workers in the Iraqi STAGE SIT, claiming protection

    (Voice of Iraq) - 03-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    STAGE SIT-workers in the Iraqi media, claiming protection

    Canal workers staged a sit-in yesterday in protest at the Iraqi threats by the Iraqi representative in the parliament and the attempt to ascribe charge (sectarian) b channel, demanding the protection of the freedom of information and media of the dangers and threats to their work.

    The director general of the Iraqi Media Network, Habib al-Sadr said that the network prompted a lawsuit against the Member of Parliament Mohammad Aldaine pointing out that the statements Aldaine came within the context of Hamlahlasthdav network by parties unknown. He went on to say that these masks have fallen on their faces and they are impelled by the goals and intentions are known and not understand how a member of the Council of a the deputies fired insults and threats against the network and it Sadr such statements are not new as we hear from time to time they like and stick to the network of sectarianism, pointing out that these statements are employed for the purposes of the Nile aim of the network and its role in dealing with terrorism and terrorists and support national reconciliation.
    The Director of Network Habib al-Sadr that the network has already received more threats and the affiliates of the assassination.
    For his part, denounced the chairman of the trustees of the network Jassim Mohammed Khodeir threats that have been leveled in the network, calling for an end to all forms of recklessness, and Alvutrosh abuse and hold accountable the perpetrators and bring them to justice. He said in a speech addressed to the protesters that the alleged intruders and national politics and occasional customers it must be held accountable the worst punishment and beaten on the hands of every arrogant abuse brained does not want the perpetrators only grist to the forces of darkness and appease Saddam Fedayeen.
    He called on workers in the network to resume jihad on Baraka's hand in hand to write their distinguished media and said : a deaf ears on every dissenting voice added : Leave him out of the picture Caws Iraqi pave the path through which explosives death by Allemae.
    Addressing the commander of the protesters, saying : to insist on the continuation of the love the land and the people, seeking to consolidate unity landscape Mokadi the fire spreading. Referring to the efforts made by the network for the success of the draft national reconciliation through poetry festivals and the National Song Festival, which were aimed at unity and urging Iraqis to heal the rift, as well as continuing to cover reconciliation conferences including the tribal chiefs and the civil society organizations.

  2. #10692
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    There we go! Law Suites, that will fix everything in time!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. #10693
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    Council of Ministers-the arrest of 43 and 133 terrorist suspects

    (Voice of Iraq) - 03-10-2006

    The Republic of Iraq
    Council of Ministers-the governmental communications
    Media Relations
    A press statement / Press Release
    Tuesday, 10 - 3-2006

    Arrest of 43 and 133 terrorist suspects and to neutralize the nine explosive devices

    Within the security plan, which resulted in the fall of empty warheads for the Al Qaeda terrorist In order to uproot Altkverein and Sadamiin forces continued operations of the Ministry of Defense in Baghdad governorate and the partitioning of other operations, and managed to arrest the 43 and 133 terrorist suspects and to neutralize the nine explosive devices, This came in a statement issued today by the Information Bureau of Mr. Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, and those actors have four hours and twenty years as follows :
    The Ministry of Defense
    1. Mosul leadership boycotted the second and third grades :
    Arrest (2) of the suspects.
    2. Absolutely Baghdad leadership sixth and ninth grades :
    A. Arrest (2) of the suspects.
    B. Neutralization (7) explosive charges in Yusufiyah, and Mahmudiyah.
    3. Gray leadership boycotted the first and seventh grades :
    Arrest (16) of the suspects.
    4. Absolutely Kirkuk, Diyala, Salahuddin leadership grades four and five :
    A. Continuation in the implementation of the Quick Reaction Force, managed secret reconnaissance team of five arrests (43) terrorist South Bldroz, through ambushes and Alsitarat sudden.
    B. The arrest of the (105) of the suspects.
    C. Neutralization detonated two explosive devices in the area of Khan Bani Saad.
    5. Absolutely Furat and the southern command eighth and tenth grades :
    Arrest (8) of the suspects.

  4. #10694
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    more progress toward ending violence. Get it done already!!!

    Posted: Tuesday, October 03, 2006


    Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al Maliki has announced a new four-point plan aimed at reducing sectarian violence.

    The plan, involving setting up local security committees in each area, came after intensive talks with top politicians.

    They have been engaged in bitter recriminations as violence has risen, especially in Baghdad.

    Shia politicians had accused senior Sunni figures of providing cover for terrorist attacks.

    With the situation on the ground worsening rapidly, the political climate within the national unity government was also becoming increasingly envenomed.

    The Sunnis accused Shias in the government apparatus of allowing their own militias to carry out sectarian abductions and murders on a huge scale.

    With the death toll from sectarian violence reaching ever-higher levels and new atrocities happening every day, something had to be done.

    Maliki held emergency talks with senior figures from all the major factions represented in the government.

    He gave them a stern warning that the situation was getting out of control.

    They agreed to a four-point plan aimed at stemming the sectarian violence.

    Special committees are to be set up in each district with representatives of all the major factions to monitor the drive to halt the carnage.

    A similar central committee will co-ordinate with the security forces involved.

    One senior Sunni leader said that if everybody stuck to their commitments, sectarian strife would be ended.

    If not, he warned, Iraq would be finished.

  5. #10695
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    Quote Originally Posted by zwhatimsaying View Post
    more progress toward ending violence. Get it done already!!!

    Posted: Tuesday, October 03, 2006
    They also signed this.
    "Leaders of the political blocs signing of the Declaration of political agreement between blocs of promises to stop the bleeding Iraqi".

    No idea how to translate this but that's the head line for it.

  6. #10696
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    BAGHDAD, 03 October 2006 (Middle East Online)
    Baghdad was abuzz Sunday over revelations of a plot to attack the heavily fortified Green Zone, the seat of the government, as parliament cancelled a session to discuss a contentious law.

    Traffic was moving again on Baghdad's streets after the end of a total curfew, which brought the city to a halt between Friday evening and Sunday morning, trapping residents in their homes during the holy month of Ramadan.

    Shortly after the curfew's end, however, a car bomb exploded near a US patrol killing at least one bystander, in a sharp reminder of the conflict that was killing more than 100 people per day before the lock-down.

    The vehicle ban was believed to be prompted by US revelations that a security guard working for senior Sunni politician Adnan al-Dulaimi was involved in a plot to carry out multiple car bombings in the Green Zone.

    Parliamentarians decided to postpone their session, which would have featured the second reading of a contentious law on federalism that would lay down the mechanisms for carving the country up into autonomous regions.

    "The session is postponed until tomorrow because of what happened with Dulaimi - we want to know what is going on exactly," said a deputy from the Shiite parliamentary bloc.

    Another parliamentarian, however, rushed to say there was no relation between the two events and insisted the decision had been made three days earlier, though this was the first indication there would be a delay.

    US officials and Sunni leaders were careful to say the arrest of Dulaimi's guard in no way implicated him in the plot, but Shiite politicians were quick to demand that any possible links must be investigated.

    Iraq parliament delays session after bomb plot | Iraq Updates

  7. #10697
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    First foreign oil deal may go to China


    03 October 2006 (MENAFN)
    The Iraqi Oil Ministry stated recently that if China agrees to apply a deal originally signed with the former Iraqi regime, China could be the first foreign country to sign a contract to develop Iraq's oil resources, The Globe and Mail reported.

    Oil Minister will visit China, Japan and Australia soon to examine projects and develop exports, as well as to discuss fulfilling previous contracts with Chinese firms inked with the former regime.

    In case the deal comes through, China will develop the 90,000-barrel per day Ahdab field in south central Iraq as the first project since 2003, Iraqi oil officials stated.

    Ahdab field, was given to China National Petroleum Corp. and Chinese state arms manufacturer Norincom, with an estimated development cost of $700 million. Sources at the Iraqi government said that Ahdab is taking a high priority because of its closeness to new power stations and refineries.

    Iraqi oil minister said that his country desires to raise exports to the Asian market, especially China and Japan, due to the growing economic in those countries.

    First foreign oil deal may go to China | Iraq Updates

  8. #10698
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    Default has anyone here seen this?

    link credit: WCIAPPETTA at AD

    "· Report : Welcome again Dear viewers, Mr. Minister, the subject of recent talk is the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar. It seems that the state insists, or preserve the value of the Iraqi dinar 148 against the dollar but this offset by a significant increase in prices, spending and Asaaaralmwad food and fuel prices How can the government help the Iraqi citizens to these increases?
    · Zubaidi on this subject : the two split the price and that the financial and talk about the monetary side. Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states. · Report : say there's a statement to Mr. Jabr deleting 0 of currency? "

    · Zubaidi : I stated that I suggest to my brother, Mr. Governor of the Central Bank which is responsible for monetary policy, Klin to have a delegation with me and Oil Minister and the Governor of the Central Bank met with the International Monetary In one of the meetings proposed to the governor to strengthen the Iraqi dinar is dear and decent Iraq as history, civilization, at least that was the Iraqi dinar equivalent of three dollars and little to equate dollars on the psychological Even when sorrow for one hundred dinars, you assume Bscheholh hundred dollars and not with a corresponding cent dollars today any bearing hundred and fifty thousand dinars, in addition to the strength of the economy and, of course, the governor has another view. Turkey rose six zeroes from its currency and many African States were also subjected Iraq to strong tremors. This aspect God we have great hope that working together, and suggested that the International Monetary Fund to strengthen the Iraqi dinar and we will discuss this subject either side of financial and price increase it is natural that all the things back and take photo, we can not sell oil or gasoline in Iraq three cents, and sold in neighboring countries Fifty cents is medicine be very aware that there smuggling of money for Iraq and its people, and must find a solution could not be found from whatever solutions police and the Customs and security can not, therefore you have to put fiscal policy to reach the price of gasoline, such as neighboring countries, if not more of them.

    Translated version of tle=

  9. #10699
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    Morning Treater, yes this was posted about 20 pages ago, not sure too many saw the significance. See my signature for the quote that makes me tingle!

    That's why Ward and others including myself are thinking $1.48 is very much a possibility for an initial r/v.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  10. #10700
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    Jordan to resume importing cheap oil from Iraq, PM says
    Jordan plans to resume importing cheap oil from Iraq, the Jordanian prime minister announced Monday, bringing a three-year hiatus to an end under a deal that envisions setting up a pipeline between the neighbors.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

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