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  1. #10701
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    Cool Smell it

    Quote Originally Posted by motomachi View Post
    NOTE: Sorry, I am only going to quote you on the good stuff and add the site I got from yours under "NEWS" on the upper right portion!
    President of the Court of the presidency of the territory Cordstan responding to the statement, Dr. Hussein Shahrastani, Iraqi Oil Minister

    Dr. Fuad Hussein, head of the Office of the Presidency of the Territory : We are part of the Iraqi government, and when we talk about the Baghdad government, we are talking about the federal government which we are Antamel and with the government of Baghdad, the emergence of the site or the opposition. The issue of oil was a statement to the Iraqi Oil Minister, Dr. Shahrastani pointed out that the contracts concluded between the territorial government and foreign companies are not recognized by Shahrastani, These statements contrary to the Iraqi Constitution that the Constitution indicates that all contracts and resolutions issued by the government of the territory since 1992 Cordstan is acceptable decisions and be dealt with on the basis of the Iraqi Constitution Shahrastani statements have led to reactions to the territorial government. As for the natural resources and oil there in the Constitution of an article indicating that the Iraqi oil belongs to the Iraqi people, this means that the King of the Iraqi people in all its components, and the oil issue, whether in Iraq or in Cordstan be dealt with on the basis of the current Constitution, which was accepted by the majority of the Iraqi people and the الدكتو R. Shahrastani also from persons excited him and the participants in writing.
    Pending the issuance of the Iraqi oil and Alcordstani We depend on materials related to the oil in the Iraqi constitution and the law when there is oil for Iraq in general and the oil Cordstan, these laws will be put forward in the Iraqi Parliament and the Parliament Cordstan will join alliance Cordstani in Seag e Law of Oil in Baghdad, we were part of the Iraqi parliament and the result, the Law oil future must be based on a correct interpretation of the articles on oil in the Iraqi constitution explanations or press statements These views can not be adopted as the legal or constitutional Therefore When there are statements of Al Haveh be a reaction to these statements.
    Certainly the leadership of Alcordstaneh constants is clear : we believe in the federal system in Iraq, and we are part of the federal system in Baghdad and we are not in opposition are in government and federal territory Cordstan been kept in the Iraqi constitution, which was approved by the referendum and we in our public build on the Constitution Iraqi and move within the articles.

    Again, remember what the Minister of Finance stated in the press report when he said that he would be speaking in the meetings with the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, about the "poor" as having the share of the wealth of the land of Iraq as they are citizens as well! (From the lady that owns the deli next to where I have an office, she speaks arabic!)

    RV coming, the government folks and their educated leaders and even some of the common folks like myself agree that their "dinar-bucks" need a RATE kick and soon! Smell that?

    Smells like an RV heading our way!
    Yes and it smells better everyday. So close.

  2. #10702
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    Iraq leaders seek to flesh out peace plan
    [13:40 , 03 Oct 2006]
    BAGHDAD (Reuters)

    PNA- Iraqi leaders hope to flesh out a deal to end sectarian bloodshed in Baghdad when they meet again on Tuesday but conceded a four-point plan, drafted under U.S. pressure, was still a long way short on vital substance.

    Washington's ambassador and its top general in Iraq welcomed what local media called Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's "Ramadan Agreement" as a significant step in the right direction.

    "Now begins the hard work of implementing the plan," they added. Mass kidnaps by men in uniform and dozens of sectarian murders a day during this Muslim holy month of Ramadan have fueled fears of all-out civil war ripping the nation apart.

    Shi'ite and Sunni leaders were at odds in their interpretations of what was outlined by Maliki, after two days of talks led to a deal late on Monday.

    One negotiator denounced it as a hollow sham. Another said it was merely a stop-gap to relieve U.S. pressure on Maliki.

    The formation of local security committees for the capital is the plan's first point. They should involve politicians, tribal and religious figures and the Iraqi military. But several officials said they did not know how large an area each would cover, the size of the committees nor even their powers.

    "There will be another meeting today to agree the details," said Adnan al-Dulaimi, leader of the main Sunni bloc.

    All the parties would sit on every committee, whatever the sectarian make-up of the neighborhood concerned, Dulaimi said.

    However, Shi'ite negotiator Abdul Kareem al-Anizi said the committees would reflect the local populations.

    For example, the Shi'ite militia stronghold of Sadr City would have few Sunnis on its committee. Such imbalances could be common -- in months of ethnic cleansing, thousands of Baghdad's 7 million people have fled areas where they feel in a minority.

    The second point of the plan is a Central Committee for Peace and Security. The third element would be new oversight of the media and the fourth monthly reviews of the plan.


    U.S. and Iraqi officials trying to drive militants from the city say the "Battle for Baghdad" will settle the fate of Iraq.

    U.S. officials say they are uneasy that Maliki's unity cabinet has yet to act after four months to rein in party militias and other groups behind violence like two mass kidnaps this week -- crimes in which some police seem to be involved.

    Washington's envoy, Zalmay Khalilzad, says Maliki has just two months more to turn the tide or Iraq will face disaster.

    ""This ... shows that the Iraqi leaders want their country to succeed," he said in a statement with U.S. General George Casey. "We ... assure them of U.S. support."

    One prominent Shi'ite parliamentarian involved in the talks, however, dismissed the deal as a charade that would not work and was meant only to give an illusion of action for a week or two.

    "This plan is a loser. It's not going to work," he said. "It just means we all ask our own people to cool it for Ramadan."

    Sunni parliamentarian Hussein al-Falluji said the deal came after "huge U.S. pressure to do something about the militias." Maliki just acted to ease pressure from U.S. officials, he said.

    President George W. Bush, on the defensive over Iraq in next month's congressional elections, has vowed to back Maliki if he stays on course to reconcile the opposing factions.

    Many Americans are keen to bring home the 140,000 U.S. troops whose presence may be holding back a civil war that could split Iraq and drag in its Arab, Iranian and Turkish neighbors.

    The military announced overnight that five more were killed in recent days, taking the U.S. combat death toll to 11 since Saturday. Four were shot dead in Baghdad on Monday alone.

    The bodies of 10 people from 26 kidnapped at a meat factory on Sunday had been found in south Baghdad, an Interior Ministry official said. Four had escaped and 12 remained unaccounted for.

    The fault lines in Iraq are complex but a key factor is that Sunnis, dominant under Saddam Hussein, fear Kurds and Shi'ites want to grab the northern and southern oilfields.

    Kurds and Maliki's Shi'ites, in turn, fear a return of authoritarian Sunni rule.

    It is unclear what media supervision the government plans.

    One negotiator said the main target would be foreign media, since Iraqi media were already mostly controlled by the various political factions. Pan-Arab television channels, the most watched in Iraq, have already suffered from official bans.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  3. #10703
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    Default Iraq sells oil to Jordan at a preferential price of 10 dollars

    Source : KUNA - 02/10/2006
    Press reports said today that Iraq will provide Jordan with oil at a preferential price of 10 dollars per barrel.

    The newspaper (the constitution), quoting an official at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources as saying that the Jordanian preferential rate for oil that would be imported from Iraq under the memorandum of understanding signed by the two countries recently, "is ten dollars per barrel."

    It added that the exportation of Iraqi oil to Jordan depended providing the necessary protection for the fleet of tankers, which transferred from Iraq, pointing out that the Jordanian official, "hoped to resolve the security problem as soon as possible to bring oil from Iraq."

    The newspaper pointed out that many reports confirmed that the bad security situation on the road from the Iraqi (Peggy) to the Jordanian territories prevents start exporting oil to Jordan by road in trucks tank "in anticipation of the serious risks that may be caused to the truck drivers at the hands of gunmen who controlled most effectively on the road between Iraq and Jordan. "

    The Memorandum of Understanding between Jordan and Iraq to supply Jordan with Iraqi oil at preferential prices have not been announced officially so far and the rate of 30 thousand barrels per day to gradually increase the quantity of up to 60 thousand barrels per day needed to secure the Kingdom's oil and 100 thousand barrels a day.

    The newspaper reported that sources in the Jordanian-Iraqi Company for Land Transport confirmed "that if a company provided security and protection adequate safeguards to ensure drivers and the transport of oil cargoes will begin immediately."

    She explained that the Jordanian-Iraqi Company for Land Transport and officially charged with the transfer of oil "has received bids submitted by a group of companies protection to ensure the transfer of Iraqi oil to Jordan but that the absence of a company able to provide the necessary protection to preclude the road so far without proceeding to implement the contract between the two countries."

  4. #10704
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    Default The stability of Iraq's oil exports at 1.64 million b / Y in September

    Source : Reuters - 02/10/2006
    Sources said the freight sector on Monday that Iraq exported 1.64 million barrels a day of crude oil in September, the same quantity exported in August.

    Most of the export through the port of export in the main southern Basra.

    And Iraq also has sold a total of 1.6 million barrels of oil through the northern pipeline route to Turkey.

  5. #10705
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    Default Opening Najaf refinery next week

    Source : The statement UAE - 02/10/2006
    Ministry announced that the opening of Iraqi oil refinery Najaf will be next week.

    He said Assem Jihad, spokesman of the Ministry of Information »energy liquidator Najaf new ten thousand barrels a day, Al.

    He added : »that the liquidator will produce quantities of kerosine and black-and-white oil and gasoline denied bridging the domestic requirement and provide local labs such as cement plant in Najaf President labs and other such material Al.

    He added : »The reopening of the refinery was in such a short period of time Al. And »Jihad : The refinery is the second to come into production, after the liquidator Samawah, since the fall of the previous regime, Al.

    He pointed out : »that the Oil Ministry announced that the Al-Ahdab field in the province of Wasit will be the first fields to be developed as the production of this field will be 30 thousand barrels per day is planned to increase production over the next two years to 90 thousand barrels per day and will be a very large electric field in this Al.

    He continued : Jihad »will be the development of the field east of Baghdad, which is expected to be the production of 16 thousand barrels a day to increase to 30 thousand barrels per day during the next term according to the ministry's plan Al.

    He added : »this field, which will feed into Jerusalem thermal processing station for electric power and fuel will be developed for export to Al later.

  6. #10706
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    Default The Iraqi economy between the public sector and private sector

    Source : Al-Sabah - 02/10/2006
    Coexists public and private sectors in the economies of all nations, But it is different role and the size of each in the economic activity from one State to another, depending upon the nature of the economic system approach and the level of development of these countries.

    It was the public sector in developing countries including Iraq of great importance in terms of its size and its control of the joints, the economy, It is no secret to observers of modern economic development, the developing countries after gaining independence have resorted to political control of the most important economic sectors, for reasons political, economic and social conditions imposed in a timely manner, to achieve social justice in the provision of basic goods and services affordable for citizens and the ability of the government to allocate a large proportion of resources to defend, and contribute to the growth and improvement of living standards through the implementation of infrastructure projects and to maintain a reasonable level of operation and provide employment opportunities and to channel resources towards investment activities that serve major public interests and positive impact on exports.

    With the passage of time seemed in doubt about the efficiency and effectiveness of the public sector in economic activity, as experience has shown that public institutions drain government resources in the budget are direct transfers or loans to ensure the continuity of existence and most of that is borrowing from abroad due to the following reasons :

    Inadequate pricing policies in the pricing of the products of the public sector; as is often the price levels without real production costs so as to encourage the consumption and raise the cost of support for those goods and services.

    Excessive recruitment of workers in the public sector institutions to ease the social pressures that negatively affects the productivity of these institutions.

    Lack of exposure to the public sector and compete with national or foreign enjoy legal protection provided by local legislation issued by the State.

    In that light, the economic logic of a shift from the public sector to the private sector, known methods like in selling and rental rehabilitation and liquidation, all of which aim to abandon the public sector for many of its activities to the private sector, has many of the countries at different level of sophistication to the privatization of many of their projects for the public sector and the process is ongoing so far.

    Iraq has defaulted on this approach, especially after 2003 as the economic policy of the new Iraq is the adoption of a market economy has stressed the Iraqi Constitution, article 25 of which encourage the private sector and development. There are several laws and procedures are in this direction remind them to promote the privatization of enterprises belonging to the public sector through a lease or sale, The reduction of tax rates on companies, and the suspension of customs duties, and the enactment of the foreign investment, , and the establishment of a securities and seek to develop the securities market, and allow the opening of branches and offices for foreign banks in Iraq. and work to supplement those remittances Treasury auction of foreign currency for the development of the financial market, and to strengthen the relationship with the International Monetary Fund and the signing of agreements with the economic reform, The steps start accession to the WTO and the signing of the Paris Club agreement for the settlement of the foreign debt of Iraq.

    After these procedures, citizens ask ... Where is the role of the public sector in the Iraqi economy? And how effective, Does the private sector in Iraq was able to play a complementary role to fill the vacuum which will be the public sector?.

    To explore the role of the public sector in the past three years does not require a further effort to determine the level of activity and productivity. It became every citizen senses vulnerability in the performance, electrical energy in the worst situations and fuel lifeline different types of burdening citizens, The local agricultural production and industry lacked scarce funding and stifle foreign competition not to mention the telephone services, banking and other services.

    The local private sector has declined substantially in the light of the deterioration of the infrastructure assistance and the loss of security and openness to global markets, The loss of the spirit of initiative and perhaps left Iraq to look for investment opportunities outside Iraq. it is not surprising that we do not see foreign investment comes to Iraq under these circumstances.

    True that the Iraqi economy is in transition from a centralized economy to a market economy and often accompany this stage difficulties, but they could not predict the length of this stage, particularly heavy burden on the citizen in the light of the lack of clarity and effectiveness of the role of both the public and private sectors.

    The circumstances through which Iraq is required by the public sector played an active role and lead the process of reconstruction and development through the provision of infrastructure and services needed and then can the private sector to have a say.

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    If the oil is what other countries are after and can at this moment import oil like jordan does, WHY is a reval neccesary and why is a FIL neccesary or do they not import oil at the moment but plan to do it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    Jordan to resume importing cheap oil from Iraq, PM says
    Jordan plans to resume importing cheap oil from Iraq, the Jordanian prime minister announced Monday, bringing a three-year hiatus to an end under a deal that envisions setting up a pipeline between the neighbors.

  8. #10708
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    Quote Originally Posted by opps50 View Post
    If the oil is what other countries are after and can at this moment import oil like jordan does, WHY is a reval neccesary and why is a FIL neccesary or do they not import oil at the moment but plan to do it?
    Cos they would be selling their oil for nothing. Jordans currency rate against the dollar is approx 1.4:1$ we all know the NID rate against the $.

  9. #10709
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    Referring to Adster's post


    Iraq leaders seek to flesh out peace plan
    [13:40 , 03 Oct 2006]
    BAGHDAD (Reuters)

    Folks, this is a REUTERS article. Keep this in mind. When was the last positive article you have read from this news group regarding the situation in Iraq?

    and this:
    One prominent Shi'ite parliamentarian involved in the talks, however, dismissed the deal as a charade that would not work and was meant only to give an illusion of action for a week or two.

    "This plan is a loser. It's not going to work," he said. "It just means we all ask our own people to cool it for Ramadan."

    Does this sound like an Iraqi speaking?

    Don't think so.

    Take anything from our MSM with a huge dose of skepticism
    Last edited by One Oar; 03-10-2006 at 12:07 PM.

  10. #10710
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    Quote Originally Posted by clintstella View Post
    Cos they would be selling their oil for nothing. Jordans currency rate against the dollar is approx 1.4:1$ we all know the NID rate against the $.
    Good to see you on here matey.

    Yes you're right, we know the dinar is at an artifical program rate that is not a true reflection of its real value. Even the MOF has stressed the need to get the value up to their neighbours/back to what it was before.

    We know it's close but we also know how slow they are about doing anything...
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

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