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  1. #10791
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    Default Great find

    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    Iraq has completed a draft law on securities and stock exchange

    (Voice of Iraq) - 03-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Iraq has completed a draft law on securities and stock exchange
    Baghdad-Adel Mahdi life-03 / 10 / 06 / /

    The Executive Director of Iraqi Stock Exchange, Taha Ahmed Salam, The committee, consisting of the Securities and Exchange Iraqi Al completed a draft securities law in Iraq, after consulting with a number of international experts, At the forefront of the American Stock Exchange to make the specifications of Iraqi law in the global reality, not a slogan ».

    He pointed to "update» phases of the project in the form in which Al makes it compatible with the requirements of modern investment and circulation mail and link with the outside stock exchanges, the Arab economies and regional ».

    Electronic trading

    And electronic trading expected to begin implementation early next year. Salam said that this system Al important results in strengthening its ability to activate the potential investors and shareholders to benefit from the advantages. It will provide the possibility of opening the rooms bourse Iraqi territory in the provinces of Kurdistan and the central and southern governorates ». He pointed out that the market for a plan that would include the possibility of Al registering non-Iraqi companies in the Stock Exchange and the Iraqi Iraqi companies in Arab stock ».

    He said Salam, who returned to Baghdad after a follow-up with a delegation headed by the President of the Stock Exchange of Trustees asked Tabatabai, phased implementation of the electronic system in Oman by the international company, The issuance of the new investment law which allows non-Iraqis trading on the Stock Exchange and the application and use of electronic systems, Al encourage and stimulate investor-Iraqi circulation in the Iraqi market. This means the high market value of the shares in light of the high demand, and increase the incomes of investors in the market and the wealth ».

    The executive director of the market circulation that counts now adopted at the Stock Exchange and two meetings a week for two hours each meeting. The continuation of the process of changing ownership from the seller to the buyer in a period ranging between two and four weeks to prevent Al investor buyer of the sale until after this time. while allowing the circulation of electronic trading through intermediaries, according to spread their offices in Baghdad and elsewhere. The Exchange could also be held during the ten deliberative sessions five days a week, divided into two mornings and evenings, For two hours each ». He pointed out that it will be "investor who could buy the shares in the morning session, selling in the evening as well as in the opposite direction».

    The sign said, "the number of contracts executed now 350, with the adoption of the electronic system hundreds of times, This means achieving high liquidity of the shares traded by perhaps up to 100% ».

  2. #10792
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    Quote Originally Posted by wciappetta View Post
    Yes I've got one...Marry an American move to Florida save 12-25% on that Tax Bill
    Are you kidding...marry an American woman? LOL!! Head for the Ukraine and get one of their babes!! Oops...I feel the wrath of the dinar gals descending upon me!!

  3. #10793
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    Cabinet agrees to join Iraq agreement

    (Voice of Iraq) - 03-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    The Republic of Iraq
    Council of Ministers-the governmental communications
    Media Relations
    A press statement / Press Release
    Tuesday, 10 - 3-2006

    Cabinet agrees to Iraq to join the railways in the Arab Mashreq

    The Council of Ministers during its regular meeting on the 28th of last month, a draft law to join Iraq's agreement railways in the Arab Mashreq and the annexes attached to it, the site in Beirut on April 14, 2003.

    The bill will be submitted to the House of Representatives to take the appropriate decision thereon

  4. #10794
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    (Voice of Iraq) - 03-10-2006

    Prime minister
    Media Bureau

    Tuesday 3 / 10 / 2006
    Press statement

    Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki full Bmkth official in Baghdad today, Tuesday, the leader of the Republican majority in the American Senate, but Senator Frist and Senator miles Martinez, It was discussed during the meeting the latest developments in the country and the signing of the political blocs to a document made a commitment to stop the bloodshed in Iraq and sustain the momentum of the political process and national reconciliation.
    And, Mr. Prime Minister, that the government had achieved great successes and the many developments, but the media coverage is trying to counter it, It added that there are internal and external challenges However, the state fixed the most feared and the face of terrorist acts through the activation and strengthening our security and improve services and economic situation in addition to the political aspect of national reconciliation.

    He continued that sovereignty had allocated large sums of money for services and has completed several projects in the areas of security quiet to the allocation of funds for the provinces unstable and that will be spent once the security situation improves them, pointing out that the budget for services is the largest budget in the history of Iraq, adding that the investment law and open the door wide for a national and foreign investments for the development of the Iraqi economy.

    He said that the government's policy sovereignty with a list of the militias to contain a two-way political and military is not the place for militias in the civilized nations, this letter we gave to those who think the mentality of the militias. And Mr. Prime Minister, we have a plan with the multinational forces to complete building the Iraqi forces over several months and the possibility of American forces to get rid of a lot of burdens, which would cost the Iraqi forces.

    For his part, Senator Frist, but that the American people are very interested in the progress being made in Iraq, congratulating the Prime Minister on the document, which was signed by the political blocs, as well as the progress made in the face of terrorism. He added that President Bush would sign the new financial allocations for Iraq and reflects the continued support and confidence in the Prime Minister and the Iraqi government.

  5. #10795
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    Default It's a long one, but an interesting read...

    There was some talk on this thread about Iraq becoming the next Dubai. I've thought about that, and I can see it--though it would be a much more conservative Dubai--with Iran as a neighbor, I don't think they would tolerate the...Western "extremes" you might find in Dubai...

    Personnally, I did not know much about Iraq before I got into the Dinar, so I can't compare their cultural standards, or general standard of, haveing said all of that--[COLOR="navy"] Folks, make no mistake about this--Iraq is full of very proud and well educated people. They know that their land is considered to be the Cradle of Civilization, and that it's where most believe the Garden of Eden to have been, between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Often, we focus only on the political/economic pressures to bring forth a reval--but there are also other aspects of Iraqi life that will bear pressure on the government to improve life in Iraq...Though we don't talk much about Iraq's culture, there is news of it if you look...I think it helps to see the bigger picture..[COLOR]

    Modern Iraq better known for looting than luting

    Crafted by one of the grandsons of Adam, oud is under threat as musicians are bearing brunt of violence in Iraq.
    By Ahmad Fadam - BAGHDAD

    Iraq in recent years has been so much associated with images of death, destruction and anarchy that it is easy to forget this country was one of the cradles of modern civilisation.

    It was here, for example, that the "oud", ancestor of the modern lute, was born. Legend has it that the first of these stringed guitar-like instruments was crafted by one of the grandsons of Adam.

    The oud quickly spread from ancient Mesopotamia to become prized across the entire Arabic-speaking world. The first known pictorial record of one such instrument is on a 5,000-year-old seal currently housed in the British Museum in London.

    Baghdad used to be renowned for the quality of lutes turned out by its artisans. Iraqi lutes were so sought after that special government permission was needed for them to be exported.

    This bureaucracy did not deter musicians, who converged from far and wide on the Iraqi capital in search of the best.
    But then the wars came, and now lute-making in Iraq is a dying profession.
    "Foreigners used to come here, and it made us proud to see Iraqi lutes exported across the world ... to know that people referred to our country as a land of traditions and civilisation," says lute-maker Amir Ali.

    For Amir Ali, the lute-maker whose shop once teemed with musicians, students and tourists visiting old Baghdad, things can only get better. He looks forward to when they do.
    "God willing, the situation will become normal again," he says.
    "I want the best for all Iraqis. I want this beautiful, artistic and traditional instrument to regain its former glory."

    Read the unchopped article here: Middle East Online

    and this:

    Braving death, Baghdad's children start school
    Despite dangers brought upon them since 2003 invasion, Iraqi kids insist on going to school.
    By Aseel Kami - BAGHDAD

    Still, there was a sense of expectation in the air, and unmistakable happiness as children reacquainted themselves with friends they had not seen over the summer.

    Mustafa, a stout boy of 14, said he moved to the area when his family fled their home in the south of the city after two of his uncles were killed and his father was kidnapped.
    Of course, my parents worry. They want me to come back home as soon as I finish class, not wander around with my friends."
    But fear had not stopped him from passing his exams last year, and it will not stop him now, he said.
    "I'm happy to be here. I don't let the security situation affect me, or my performance."

    Back at Jawad Salim Primary School, another boy also named Ali, 12, was waiting for the afternoon shift to start.
    "There's death out there, people are dying," he said matter-of-factly. "But despite all that I like to come to school."

    See the whole article here: Middle East Online

    and this

    Violence Changes Fortunes Of Storied Baghdad Street
    By Sudarsan Raghavan
    Washington Post Foreign Service
    Monday, September 18, 2006; Page A01
    BAGHDAD -- A silence has fallen upon Mutanabi Street.

    In the buttery sunlight, faded billboards hang from old buildings. Iron gates seal entrances to bookstores and stationery shops. On this Friday, like the past 13 Fridays, the violence has taken its toll. There is not a customer around, only ghosts.

    Perched on a red chair outside a closet-sized bookshop, the only one open, Naim al-Shatri is nearly in tears. Short, with thin gray hair and dark, brooding eyes, his voice is grim. This is normally his busiest day, but he hasn't had a single sale. A curfew is approaching.

    Soon, his sobs break the stillness. "Is this Iraq?" he asked no one in particular, pointing at the gritty, trash-covered street as the scent of rotting paper and sewage mingled in the air.

    It is a question many of the booksellers on Mutanabi Street are asking. Here, in the intellectual ground zero of Baghdad, they are the guardians of a literary tradition that has survived empire and colonialism, monarchy and dictatorship. In the heady days after the U.S.-led invasion, Mutanabi Street pulsed with the promise of freedom.

    Now, in the fourth year of war, it is a shadow of its revered past. Many of the original booksellers have been forced to shut down. Others have been arrested, kidnapped or killed, or have fled Iraq. "We are walking with our coffins in our hands," said Mohammad al-Hayawi, the owner of the Renaissance book store, one of the street's oldest shops. "Nothing in Iraq is guaranteed anymore."

    In a city known across the Arab world for its love affair with books, such emotions reflect the decline of a vibrant community. For the residents of Baghdad, Mutanabi Street is a link to their city's past glory, less a place than an extension of their souls.
    "It is the lungs that I breathe with," said Zaien Ahmad al-Nakshabandi, another bookseller. "I'm choked now."

    Three months ago, the government imposed the midday curfew on Islam's holiest day to stop attacks on mosques. That was a major setback for Mutanabi Street, named after a 10th-century poet. For most Iraqis, Friday is their only day off from work and a time to head to the book market.

    In earlier days, a multiethnic stew of secondhand booksellers would lay their wares out and carefully swipe the dust off. Inside the famed Shahbandar cafe, intellectuals would gather to wax about politics and culture over cups of tar-black coffee and glasses of lemon tea, even during the most repressed of times.

    Under former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein, Mutanabi Street was the nexus for resistance and freewheeling debates, where underground writers published illegal books that denounced Hussein.

    "I wish you could see how it used to be on Fridays," Shatri spoke before he broke down in tears. "You could not even walk. The whole street was filled with books and people. Mutanabi Street is a part of how great Baghdad is."

    These people may have become accustomed to living in squalor, with the threat of a sudden and violent death, but it's not all they know. Given the chance, I'm sure we will see Iraq restored to it's former cultural glory--and with the blessiongs of the West, I'm sure Iraqi Culture will blossom like never before....

  6. #10796
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    "Now this post makes the most sense I have read in a long while.

    If anyone knows this McDig character, please invite him over here."

    He's here .... just doesn't post a lot.

  7. #10797
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    Throughout the parliamentary session until tomorrow, after reading the draft

    (Voice of Iraq) - 03-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Throughout the parliamentary session until tomorrow, after reading a draft operational procedures of the Territories
    From the hushed Abdulamir
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)
    The president of the Iraqi parliament, Mahmoud Almshahadani throughout the meeting today, Tuesday, the House of Representatives until tomorrow, Wednesday.
    The Iraqi parliament has begun today, Tuesday, the second reading of the draft executive procedures for the formation of regions saw significant differences of the members of Parliament, which led the Board to resort to the legal committee to resolve the dispute.
    The parliamentary blocs had objected to the reading of the law including the Iraqi Accord Front and some members of the Iraqi List, members of the United Iraqi Alliance list.
    According to the law, the Territory consists of more than three governorates, No territory to the territory of another united only if they are adjacent to each other.
    And summarizing the dispute between members of the House of Representatives a proposal by some members of the Sunni Iraqi Accord list to include the second reading of the law, which was drafted in the first reading on the 26th of last month all the proposals and additions made by some parliamentary blocs.
    Objected the United Iraqi Alliance list of the proposal are required to continue the second reading without any additions.

  8. #10798
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    The Cabinet-transport and trade in the region (ESCWA

    (Voice of Iraq) - 03-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    The Republic of Iraq
    Council of Ministers-the governmental communications
    Media Relations
    Press Release Press release /
    Tuesday, 10 - 3-2006

    Cabinet agrees to the formation of the National Committee
    To facilitate transport and trade in the region (ESCWA)

    The Cabinet decided at its 18th regular meeting on 9-19-2006 on the formation of the National Committee to facilitate transport and trade in the States (ESCWA), according to the following :

    First : The overall objectives of this Commission :

    · Remove the obstacles to the growth of foreign trade.
    · The promotion of regional trade.
    · Manpower development in the field of transport and international trade.
    · Elimination of illegal practices.
    · Simplify procedures and the development of laws.
    · Study the bottlenecks in the implementation of international trade transactions on the level of Iraq, and to identify causes and provide viable solutions.
    · Facilitate transport and trade with the simplification and harmonization of procedures and processes, legal and administrative reform, Mechanization and procedures to support information and communications technology, and reduce the cost and time, and enhance security, and by all means and facilities through the provision of transport services and the exchange of documents on international trade.
    · Enhance national competitiveness to increase exports.
    · Simplify procedures and the removal of barriers to trade between nations, in order to increase trade and tourism and thus speed up the regional integration between these countries.
    · Provide a national forum to facilitate the streamlining of procedures, practices and documentation used in foreign trade.
    · Draft proposal for the approval of the government, dealing with all the measures to facilitate transport and trade.
    · Make recommendations to the government on future investments for the purposes of transport and trade.
    · Increase awareness of the benefits of achieving trade facilitation.

    Second : The National Commission approved structural follows :

    · Chaired by the Minister of Transport, trade, financial and other ministers have two deputies.
    · Linked to the President of the Council of Ministers.
    · Membership be divided between the public and private sectors with varying numbers of members of (10 - 15) as a member of the maximum.
    · Representation from the government side at the level of deputy minister.
    · Noted that the private sector representatives in the Committee of traders (exporters and importers) and service providers (intermediaries transport, freight forwarders, customs Mikhchi, marine agents, travel agents) and transport companies, management and Shagil, The private banks and private insurance companies, and chambers of commerce and industry, unions, associations and trade unions relevant.
    · Appoint an Executive Secretary share the task of managing the executive secretariat of the Commission and to prepare for meetings and assisted by a team specialist.

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    Emergency meeting of the sacking of governor of Karbala

    (Voice of Iraq) - 03-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    N /

    Al our sources say that just before an emergency meeting held in the holy city of Karbala this afternoon October 3, 2006, to attempt to remove the Governor of Karbala, the holy (Dr. Aqeel khaz'ali) from the office,

    The sources did not state specific reasons for the details of the meeting or the person the alternative.

    It is noteworthy that khaz'ali announced yesterday for the first receipt of the police command in Karbala, in addition to his post as mayor of the holy city, and after the sacking of former police commander Brigadier (Rezag-Tai) Order of the Board Alozra

  10. #10800
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    Iraq agrees new plan to halt sectarian killings

    Prime Minister Nuri Al Maliki held talks with Iraq's political leaders Tuesday after the devided nation's factions signed up to a plan to stem spiraling sectarian violence killing 100 people a day.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

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