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    جريدة الصباح - ملاحظات سريعة عن الوضع الراهن في العراق
    Translations : Quick observations on the current situation in Iraq

    Interpretation Khaled Kassem *
    * The New York Times American
    The facts of the recession under the weight of politics. The sharp controversy that took place between the supporters of the two parties, raised by the national intelligence assessment on the struggle against terrorism is the case confirmed this fact. In the same way, we will find that our statistics that track the effects of what happened in Iraq during the last four years where he assigns the opinion of supporters of the war and critics have.

    But there is one fact seems clear, undisputed that the violence during the year was the worst since the invasion, perhaps since 1991.
    The number of victims is true that the American army has retreated somewhat during the summer of this year. But it is difficult to consider this as a positive development as long as the major part of this modest improvement was the result of reducing the rate of American periodicals (down from 400 patrols a day last year to 100 patrol in the current year). But when the American forces leave their bases, they face the same level of risk as they faced. The same may be said about the serious decline in the number of foreigners abducted and which came primarily as a result of the fact that foreigners became rarely leave the Green Zone in Baghdad. At the same time, the kidnapping of Iraqis in large numbers.
    Also, the economy is still far from recovery seems to show some improvement. Oil production has returned, for the time being at least. levels close to what it was at the end of the reign of Saddam and the production of electric power is the other returned to the same levels or increased it, and especially outside Baghdad. As enrollment continues to escalate, rates of vaccination of children being respected and continue the Iraqi media to flourish.
    However, unemployment remained at the level of 30% or more, while Iraqi authorities continue and the coalition forces resisting the idea of adopting the program of public works on the pattern of Roosevelt to alleviate the volume of unemployment. As well as inflation remains high and investment in the private sector was weak because of the security environment.
    The rate of growth in GDP is modest and perhaps decline due to the decline in world oil prices. fuel supplies and suffer from the recession in the face of growing demand.
    The increased optimism in general, even if slightly low, since the spring, especially between the Shiites and the Kurds. But Iraqi optimism about the future remains different than it was in the past. It does not seem clear on what basis that optimism. The Iraqi government will continue to make efforts in trying to curb the militias and ensure fair distribution of revenues future for Iraqi oil and rehabilitate former Baathists with grades partisan lying to fight in public life and the rebuilding of the economy. And when all the stake data reveal that while Iraq has not put the United States and its allies are making hardly a victory as well.

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  2. #10962
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    جريدة الصباح - وثيقة العهد: الكتل عزمت على التخلص من الاحتقان الطائفي والسياسي إلى الأبد
    The first political : : The document the bloc has resolved to get rid of the political and sectarian tension forever

    Showed a determination to defuse the crisis and accounted received broad attention, describing politicians medicine Shafi
    Baghdad morning
    It accounted document clinched by the leaders of the political blocs, announced by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on Monday evening with great interest, The politicians spoke "Sabah" hopes that this document to ease the tension and stop the bloodshed, With the American side said it is the desire of the Iraqi leaders to remedy the situation confirmed researchers in the political arena for the "morning" it is not a substitute for reconciliation.

    The document states that the conferees on the leaders of the political blocs determined in the friendly atmosphere ratified the normalization of the situation and get rid of the joint state of standstill sectarian and political forever.
    She felt leaders concerned for the souls of innocent citizens, which invited them to the Treaty of God and His Prophet and the Iraqi people to deal with the crisis and to stop the bloodshed and the adoption of effective political dialogue instead of violence.
    Leaders agreed to four mechanisms for the implementation of the undertaking aimed first to the formation of subcommittees joint field in the different areas of Baghdad composed of representatives of the political blocs, religious scholars and tribal leaders and dignitaries and representatives of the armed forces for the purpose of dealing with the violence and to work on preventing, It was decided at the second formation of a follow-up committee as "the central Central Committee for Peace and Security" will follow up the issue of security in Baghdad, with local committees and coordination with the general command of the armed forces, With document III recommended the formation of a joint commission to control the media, Finally, as the need to review the plan at a meeting to be held monthly to assess performance and make the necessary adjustments whenever the need arises to do so.
    An prince and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, Vice President Tareq Hashemi, the President Accord Front Adnan Al-Dulaimi. Chairman of the Board of dialogue consolidated Sheik Khalaf Al-Alyan, and the representative of the Supreme Council, Sheikh Jalal Al-Din small, the head of the Badr Organization, Hadi Al-Ameri, The representative of the current Sadri good spring, and the representative of the Al-Dawa Abdel Sudanese farmer, Mr. Faleh hospitality, The representative of the Virtue Party Hassan al-Shamri, and the representative of the Front National Dialogue Dr. Mostafa Mohammad Amin.
    He hopes that politicians tend Covenant defuse this crisis push the country down a slippery slope of sectarian war. He said President Accord Front and one of the most prominent signatories, Dr. Al-Dulaimi of "morning" that blocks this time is determined to make the document, describing it medicine Shafi, In the opinion of Dr. Ali Adib that effect will be positive, but hopes that it would not deliberately point to any breach of the Charter, stated, expected Sheik Khalaf Al-Alyan that document to force many to lay down their arms. However, saying that its success depends on the sincere intentions, The Secretary General said, the Iraqi Communist Party and the representative of the Iraqi Hamid Majid Moussa, they need to help and support and the expectation that impact positively on the security situation.
    The Kurdistan Alliance bloc welcomed the document said deputy Mohsen al-Sadoun it in a very positive stressing that the alliance with any national effort to stem the bloodshed. It called Block chest parliamentary blocs to ask the multinational forces to work to serve the document and in harmony with them, according to Deputy Nasser Al Saeedy, who expressed his wishes that the document put an end to the killings and displacement. Part of the Front MP Mohammed dialogue Aldaine
    To complete the document for the subsequent steps
    To promote this progress and said : What is needed now to achieve what the situation in the coming days.
    Although the document is in the course of reconciliation but they are not a substitute for, "says Prof. Dr. Amer Hassan Fayadh said that the document had acted properly when I stood on the differences in the" Summit "and not political base.
    At the same American side welcomed the document, a statement issued by the American ambassador in Baghdad, Zalmay Khalilzad and the commander of the joint forces, George Casey, that the agreement shows the willingness of Iraqi leaders to remedy the situation.
    The document comes in the middle of the deteriorating security situation, The political climate is frustrating, he told citizens "morning" on the wishes of the politicians to abandon their differences and to work to reconcile House and the arrangement of the Iraqi reconciliation and take an access road to love and friendship.

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  3. #10963
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    جريدة الصباح - الطالباني: خطوات مهمة قريباً على طريق المصالحة الوطنية
    The first political : : Talabani soon important steps on the path of national reconciliation

    Meeting with the gunmen before the parties and blocs
    Baghdad morning
    The president said Jalal Talabani : The important steps on the path of national reconciliation Prime Minister will announce in the next few days, including a meeting and dialogue with the armed men, He also reviewed the dimensions of his recent visit to the United States of America.

    Talabani praised yesterday when he received a delegation from the Armed Forces Committee in the American Congress and the warm welcome extended to him by American officials and institutions, which he visited, He said : Most of them stressed the need to rely on the local population in different regions of Iraq to confront terrorism, as is happening now in Ramadi Senate clans began to chase terrorists.
    And on the dialogue with armed groups to control the operations of armed violence taking place in various parts of the country, Talabani pointed out that Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki will announce in the next few days on the important steps on the path of national reconciliation and dialogue and that the meeting between representatives of the government and representatives of these groups hoped the e Prior to the political parties and blocs on reconciliation and national dialogue, which will be held on the 21st of this month and it is hoped that refuses to participate in the currents of the political process and the armed groups.
    In a statement issued by the press office of the Presidency of the Republic "Sabah" received a copy of Talabani renewed support for the Prime Minister, stressing his confidence that Maliki with a strong personal will and determination, He is determined and able to establish a state of law. and on the implications of the arrest of one of President guards Iraqi Accord Front Dr. Adnan Al-Dulaimi Talabani said that, although there is evidence to suggest the involvement of the guard "terrorist acts and the relationship with Al-Qaeda, but that is for the prestige and dignity of Ames Dulaimi." He stressed that he personally was to appreciate Dlimi respect and blamed some of the haste in the reactions might have included positions are inaccurate and do not result in the service of the country and society.
    His head of the delegation of the American Congress, Senator John Warner, expressed his confidence that the fate of the whole world and not only the fate of the region depends on the national reconciliation in Iraq, which his government was facing the current challenges that hinder the political process in the country aimed at ending the conflict.

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  4. #10964
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    جريدة الصباح - المالكي: نعمل على احتواء الميليشيات باتجاهين سياسي وعسكري
    The first political : Al-Maliki : We are working to contain the militias two-way political and military

    And our service is the largest in the history of Iraq
    He met with the leader of the Republican majority in the American Senate
    Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki that the policy of his government with a list of the militias to contain a two-way political, military, stressing that there is no room for militias in civilized nations. The Al-Maliki, during his meeting with the leader of the Republican majority in the American Senate, but Senator Frist and Senator miles Martinez in Baghdad yesterday

    The services budget is the largest budget in the history of Iraq, adding that the law on national and foreign investments will open the door wide to Ttoralaghtassad Iraq. Al-Maliki and discussed with the American delegation the latest developments in the country and the signing of the political blocs to a document made a commitment to stop the bloodshed in Iraq and sustain the momentum of the political process and national reconciliation, according to a statement from the Media Office of the Prime Minister, the statement said that Al-Maliki said that his government had achieved great successes and the many developments but trying to counter media coverage by adding that there are internal and external challenges but the firm does not fear and will face terrorist acts through the activation and strengthening our security and improve services and economic situation in addition to the side the political goal of national reconciliation. He went on to say that large sums of money earmarked for services and has completed several projects in the areas of security quiet to the allocation of funds for the provinces unstable that will be spent once the security situation improves and pointed out that the budget services is the largest budget in the history of Iraq, adding that the investment law and open the door wide for investments national and foreign for the development of the Iraqi economy. He explained that the policy of the government with a list of the militias to contain a two-way political, military, it is not the place of the militias in the civilized nations, this letter we gave to those who think the mentality of the militias. He said a plan with the multinational forces to complete building the Iraqi forces over several months and the possibility of American forces e should get rid of a lot of burdens, which would cost the Iraqi forces. For his part, Senator Frist, but that the American people are very interested in the progress being made in Iraq, congratulating the Prime Minister on the document, which was signed by the political blocs, as well as the progress made in the face of terrorism. He added that President Bush would sign the new financial allocations for Iraq and reflects the continued support and confidence in the Prime Minister and the Iraqi government.

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  5. #10965
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    جريدة الصباح - وثيقة عهد .. محـاولـة أخــيرة لإنقــاذ المــوقف
    The first political : Document era. A final attempt to save the situation

    Peasant Torch
    Charter prohibition of Iraqi blood, which was agreed by representatives of the Iraqi political blocs is a good initiative to stop the blood that is shed Iraqi in a way that raises terror and threatens real disaster for the Iraqis all.

    Citizens hoping to be given the impact of this Treaty in a bid to contain the conflict and the reduction of sectarian killings, which became mutual moves from one area to another and Tdhaaifh practices in the murder of identity and produced daily by tens of unknown bodies and kidnappings, assassinations and the threat of displacement and other methods to shut T. many walks of life, all natural and made from the people of the city of Baghdad in the spiral of fear and death, which returned a known cause or result of sectarian anger blazing, without any objective justification and real reasons between the sons of one homeland. politicians of various parties have not taken this step Itfaloa much optimism and not express it Baetka Raids that confidence was still missing among the political parties that share the sectarian fighting and mistrust one another, They also believe that the degeneration indicators demonstrate a lack of control of these components on the movement of political chaos and street weapon, which emerged from the militias into aggregates individual or criminal gangs that suggests a pattern of revenge from the other, as dictated by the political background and inherited the contract. the fact is that play today, referring to what is undoubtedly the country will face a real catastrophe, What is happening now is a prelude to a sectarian civil war that lasted thousands of lives in record time compared to the experience of civil wars that struck the other societies, The losses are inflicted in greater depth than was expected, This means that the conflicting parties had ingested taste prepared by the firmly anti implicated in sectarian civil war where one of Airbh, from here should be on all political parties, religious leaders and clan
    Paying heed to the magnitude of the losses and the extension of this dark tunnel, which is all
    Treaty ending bloodshed last attempt to save the situation and rectify the errors and increase the rancor and personal differences, and think of the fate of the innocent citizens of this nation who lost their lives daily. the future of Iraq, who have suffered so much from war, persecution and serials repression and mass graves, the most recent graves terrorism, this treaty another test of the will of the people and politicians alike. Although not invest the bereavement awaiting repatriation of all its sects and components.

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  6. #10966
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    جريدة الصباح - حزب توركمن أيلي يقترح استحداث هيئة دستورية باسم مجلس الوحدة الوطنية
    The first political : Eli Turkman Party proposed the creation of a constitutional body on behalf of the Council of National Unity

    Baghdad morning
    Suggested Party Turkman Eli / Iraq develop a constitutional body on behalf of the Supreme Council of National Unity that oversee the House legislation and the decisions of the executive branch, The members enjoy the right of veto (Vito) for the strategic themes of interest to different sects and ethnic nationalities in Iraq.

    The party said in a statement received by "Assabah" a copy of which was yesterday, he suggested that the Council is composed of the doctrines and consists of four members with representatives from each denomination to be chosen by the Shiite and Sunni leaders and other nationalities and consists of four members with one representative of the ethnic Arab, Kurdish, Turkmen and Alcaldoashorih, selected representatives of ethnic nationalities in the House and the Party, announced Turkman Eli reservation to the codification of Article (140) of the Constitution, pointing out that the pressures brought to bear in that period led to making the issue of Kirkuk, the issue of constitutionality by the inclusion of the above-mentioned article in the chapter of the transitional provisions of the Iraqi Constitution, the Permanent.
    Noting that Article (140) concerning the normalization of the situation in Kirkuk have nothing to do directly with the demarcation of the territory (Kurdistan), therefore seeks to reconsider the clauses of this article, which are to normalize the situation in Kirkuk. He called for the abolition of the item on the holding of the referendum to determine the fate of the province of Kirkuk, because this process was not included in the article (58) of the State Administration Law. In addition, it is still the subject of great controversy among the diverse nationalities in Kirkuk. Not to mention the existence of the Kurdish parties no secret dissatisfaction with the application of the referendum process on the scheduled date.
    He called for the process of normalization of the situation in Kirkuk in a fair and transparent manner under the supervision of parties and national and international neutral.
    In the absence of consensus on the abolition of the referendum for the self-determination of Kirkuk governorate confirmed that the party will demand the involvement of all the Iraqi people in the implementation of the referendum process. Or that this process be considered successful in the case of acceptance of two-thirds of the population in the province of Kirkuk. He supported the party support the application of the draft federal governorates in order to avoid fears and uncertainties contained on other projects in this area at the present time

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    جريدة الصباح - مجلس النواب: مشاريع الأقاليم آراء خاضعة للنقاش
    The first political The House of Representatives : : Non views of projects under discussion

    The Kurdistan Alliance objected to the nomination of a successor to Alvluji suffered
    Baghdad morning
    Decided the presidency of the Chamber of Deputies for approval of projects submitted views on the territories under discussion, With objected to the designation of the Kurdistan Alliance MP Hussein Alvluji Chairman of the territories after the resignation of its former Chairman Zafer Al-Ani.

    Dr. Mahmoud Almshahadani Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, said while presiding over the 41st meeting of the Council yesterday, Tuesday,, The projects submitted views on the territories will be discussed and agreed on most of them, and if there was no agreement to adopt Visar vote.
    The meeting yesterday witnessed a lengthy debate among members of the parliamentary bloc with a view to the specific language and how to vote and approve the project and how to deal with the other projects.
    It was after protracted discussions, the second reading of the draft law on the executive procedures for the formation of regions.
    It is noteworthy that the draft presented by the United Iraqi Alliance is the first submitted to the House of Representatives as well as several projects submitted by the Party of Virtue and the Accord Front and the Iraqi List.
    It objected to the designation of the Kurdistan Alliance MP Hussein Alvluji Chairman of the territories after the submission Zafir Ani Chairman of the resignation earlier. He said Fread Raunduzi spokesman for the Kurdistan Alliance bloc in the Council's meeting yesterday : "We will vote against Alvluji Hussein in the event of his candidacy for the chairmanship of the Committee."
    He added : "It is desirable and preferable to the Accord Front to change its candidate to be chosen from are not statements bursts against other blocs at the appointed positions." For his part, Dr. Mahmoud Almshahadani President of the Council :
    "The rules allow the Vice-Chairman of the Committee to be Chairman of the Committee and will be chosen by the members of the Commission and not to vote by the members of the Council."
    He added : "This is subject to the previous political agreements must be the Chairman of the Committee of the Iraqi Accord Front."
    He supported the MP Hadi Al-Ameri the United Iraqi Alliance proposed by the President of the Council, said :
    "There is a political agreement provides that the Chairman of the Committee of the Regions of the Accord Front and the Committee is responsible for the selection of its chairman to be according to the political agreement.
    The agenda of the House of Representatives at its first session held yesterday, Tuesday, the vote on the draft bill to abolish notes the removal of judges, prosecutors and the second reading of the proposed amendment of the law on the public prosecution No. / 159 / 1979 and to complete the discussion of the draft law on investment, and reading the data

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    جريدة الصباح - وزير الثقافة يدعو الأدباء والمثقفين العرب لدعم المصالحة والحوار الوطني
    The first political : Culture Minister invites writers and Arab intellectuals to support reconciliation and national dialogue

    He asked the government to embrace artists and to help them
    Baghdad - the Samurai
    The Minister of Culture Dr. Asaad Kamal Hashmi all writers and intellectuals in the Arab and Islamic countries to support the national reconciliation initiative launched by Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki pointed out that the effective participation of Iraq in the Conference of Ministers of Information Islamic countries, which was held recently in the city of Jeddah in Saudi Arabia and the formation of a number of committees to develop work Aloza danger.

    Hashemi said at a press conference held yesterday and attended "morning" that the participation of Iraq through the Ministry of Culture was specially invited by the President of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, sent through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and including officials of Information Ministry of Culture was caused our natural to prove the existence of Iraq in this important forum.
    He reviewed the Hashemite role of the ministry to highlight the civilized face of Iraq through meetings and numerous meetings with the ministers of information and to encourage participants to the conference in support of Iraq and achieving national unity among his people, and the rejection of violence and sedition addition to the allocation of a special item Iraq in the final statement refers to the need to Alou standing with him and support national reconciliation.
    He added that the meetings had discussed the means of promoting Islamic Information and open up the media and cultural cooperation between the participating countries and the exchange of visits and experiences and the emphasis on the opening of cultural centers in all Muslim countries, where they were approved on the conclusion of a cultural agreement with the Sudan.
    The Hashemite appeal to all writers and intellectuals in the Islamic countries to support the initiative of national reconciliation in order to stop the bloodshed and called to stand with Iraq in these difficult circumstances.
    In reply to a question, "Sabah" on the steps of the ministry to absorb the staff of the dissolved Ministry of Information, said the Hashemite after Cabinet approval to the request submitted by the ministry on the use of the experiences of media owners, particularly the media and cultural been taken several actions in this regard as the deployment of administrative staff Bi n the ministry and will be distributed soon according to the size of other contexts, especially so.
    He called for state support for the intellectuals, writers and artists and to provide the full support of creators to be have their role in supporting the initiative of national reconciliation, pointing to the formation of a committee to follow up artists, senior artists and writers who are still alive or from God and we will Tovahm number of boards tribute to the artists who lost M. Awni insatiable creative Krome, affirming the ministry is ready to provide any help and assistance of artists and intellectuals and artists.
    The Ministry demanded 20 billion dinars to support intellectuals, but the Ministry of Finance did not provide the Ministry of Culture this amount.
    He explained that the ministry submitted to the Cabinet a proposal for the formation of the Directorate of the oversight body called the media role is to grant leaves media channels and be responsible for the press release and follow-up of all aspects of the media in the service of the draft national reconciliation.

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    Default The draft investment law, the views and observations

    Iraq - Iraq Business Directory | Iraq Business News | Iraq Online Directory

    The draft investment law, the views and observations 03/10/06
    The government of the Principles during the more than thirty years ago has issued numerous resolutions and provisions to encourage the entry of foreign investments into the country, notably the decisions by encouraging private investments to enter the Arabian Gulf, which granted many privileges and exemptions and special projects for the land titling Might j, for example in order to achieve that end, in addition to their holding several bilateral agreements related to the regulation of investment and the movement of capital with a number of Arab countries as well as collective agreements on the scope of the League of Arab States, particularly the Convention on the Regulation of transition and capital investment, the c Mia those efforts, these conventions have failed to lure Arab capital and foreign to enter Iraq for reasons known stands in the forefront of the war kindled by the Principles and the relevant nationalization and economic policy EgyptAir march by for the past period, which lost credibility and confidence in the system.

    Although many of the Arab countries, especially for imported capital had begun special laws to regulate the entry of foreign investments and to the Arab and given a lot of privileges and tax exemptions and customs designed to stimulate participation in the development process and the transfer of technology. However, Iraq's failure to develop S44 n particular investment despite its eagerness to bring capital as we have previously remained the case as it is until the fall of the Principles in the April 9, 2003.

    It is known that after the entry of coalition forces to the civil administrator in Iraq issued Resolution No. (39) on the organization of foreign investment, in the context of application inefficiencies in Iraq. However, this resolution (the law) has been dysfunctional for the last three years for lack of objective conditions of its implementation as well as it lacks many of the provisions necessary for the organization and the necessary investment and to determine the rights and obligations of foreign investors for that multiple attempts were made by some stakeholders, especially the Ministry of Pla Ting, cooperation and the development of a replacement law, but those efforts have not succeeded. Since the process of economic development in general require adequate sources of financing and our country is suffering from a large gap in the provision of funds for investment because of the scarcity of sources to provide the necessary income and the limiting of the foreign currency to emanate oil exporter, where oil revenues constituted 92% of budget revenues a for general of the State in 2006, it was necessary to establish a national law governing entry to invest Arab and foreign investments, especially since our country has adopted the policy of allocative all dimensions. In the light of this trend has prepared a draft investment law, which we hope will be a quantum leap in supporting the economic movement and the transfer of advanced foreign technology.
    We have received a draft bill in the article (34), were distributed among seven chapters spoke of the objectives it seeks to achieve law and the means used to achieve these objectives and the formation of the Investment Authority, which will be the application of the law, duties and their relationship to investors also included a number of privileges and guarantees granted to the capital, Ala Faat enjoyed by the investor obligations and also addressed the procedures for the granting of leave and the establishment of investment projects and other miscellaneous provisions.

    Through quick look at the draft law that we believe need to add many of the provisions necessary to regulate the entry of foreign investments and how to employ and develop the effectiveness of exemptions within the framework of the foreign investor, as well as the organization and duties towards the host country in a clear and defining the role of the Investment Authority, clearly P j implementation of the law, in addition to the diagnosis of sectors open to foreign investment, we believe that the draft needs to be re-examined in many of the materials, for example, is not limited to believe at the outset that the language and terminology contained in the body of the project and identify remembered in the introduction to the law and in a separate article, as well as a breakdown the fields in which investments can be just as stated in the Investment Law which was launched recently in the territory Cordstan which identified areas of investment are in the manufacturing, electricity, public services, agriculture, health, scientific research, technological development and infrastructure, education and the free zones and so on. As the draft law did not address how to exploit land to be allocated for the projects and the responsibility of the state to provide essential services from water and electricity, roads, sewer and others.

    Also, the real estate housing for workers or for the purposes of the projects, departments and address the irregularities committed by the foreign investor may lease land as a subcontractor to other uses for the project also lacked the project is to identify the functions of the Investment Authority in a clear and defining their terms of reference and their relationship to the districts of Waldo it requires different than organizing this side and not left to the rules of procedure as well as the project neglected to identify the grades of the members of the Board of representatives of the state, as well as the lack of competence to identify the representatives of the private sector.

    We believe it is necessary to look Madoa project to such matters of substance and other gaps and avoided in the proposed project in light of many of the laws passed in the area of foreign investment and provide the appropriate investment environment for the entry of foreign capital and benefit from the experience of developing countries, which o Bqatna in this area, including investment laws of a number of Arab countries, especially Egypt and Jordan, for example.

    However, it is still in ample time to avoid those gaps and deficiencies and redrafting the proposed project in light of many of the observations, taking into account the benefit from the advantages involved in the investment law in the Kurdistan region or any law Achrokhash in Arab countries
    Last edited by Lunar; 04-10-2006 at 08:56 AM.

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    The limited stocks of oil and citizens CALL

    (Voice of Iraq) - 04-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    The limited stocks of oil and citizens urging the government to resolve the crisis before they escalate

    Increasing queues of cars in front of packaging for gasoline
    Baghdad-Tariq Al-Araji
    The mobilization of fuel stations for the second day running, increasing queues of cars in front of the period for processing material in gasoline and oil ministry revealed the existence of a real crisis facing the processing of citizens in this article result of limited quantities of oil stored in the warehouses of benzene as well as other factors led to a Zdiad queues of cars trying to get to their goals of gasoline.

    It called Citizens met (morning) and the Oil Ministry and the government to take measures to eliminate the crisis before they escalate Kalmerat Yugoslavia. An official source in the ministry told (morning) that many reasons led to the return of queues of cars in front of the mobilization stations, fuel for petrol scarcity of the product in the Baghdad costing upwards towards the northern region and the limited stocks in warehouses article oil pipeline processor and the targeting of the Al-Dawra refinery crude oil, which led to the identification of the level of production.
    He added that the imposition of curfews on Friday and Saturday, two power outages in the central and southern regions were also among the reasons that led to the increase in lines alluding to the presence of good quantities of gasoline refineries in Baiji but the carriers are reluctant to transfer these amounts to the city of Baghdad due to a continuous exposure me and threats targeting a number of tanks.
    The source revealed that there were real problems in the supply of quantities of gasoline, which contracted by Iraq with the neighboring countries as the Turkish side to deliberately non-delivery of the contracted quantity to the northern region for political reasons and another technical stressing that the areas of the Euphrates and the South East there is no crisis in order to reach the quantity contract a Kuwait with a continuous basis.
    On the other hand, asked citizens met (morning) government and the Oil Ministry to expedite the development of appropriate solutions to reduce the petrol crisis which has led to increased queues in front of packaging and the non-recurrence of the deep crisis in which the country has continued for six months and that the government subsequently eliminating them and confirmed that a citizens the frenzy of gasoline rose during the past two days to (20) thousand dinars per package, which holds (20) liters of gasoline after they had (10) thousand dinars only several days ago. Sa'ad said Abboud, who was waiting in the queue and getting to enter the station from the time that it took more than two hours to reach the door of the station after the finish on Thursday during the last two lasted over five minutes wondering about the reasons that led to the return of the crisis, calling for the creation of appropriate solutions to eliminate them before they escalate.
    He added the beautiful driver that is covered returned from the petrol crisis and new evidence that the number of guards station, which processed them returned to the request of five thousand dinars to enter the exit door without standing in the queue calling for the regulatory bodies to intensify their efforts to control the weak and punish


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