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  1. #11281
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    Just found it posted before, sorry

  2. #11282
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    The arrest of one of the components of the reconciliation

    (Voice of Iraq) - 05-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    London, Middle East »: A source in the Iraqi National Accord Movement headed by Dr. Iyad Allawi, had been on September 25, 2006 arrest of one of the components of the Iraqi National Accord by the National Information Division investigations in the province of Najaf. The movement said in a statement, which, Middle East »copy of the detainee, who did not mention his name Al subjected since then to brutal torture by a group of armed militias for the purpose of pressuring him to secure a confession from him that he charged the assassination of a group of references and religious and political figures in an attempt to link the issue of recognizing Balhae recent conflicts, by some Almitrkhchin on attempted military coup led by Iyad Allawi ».

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  3. #11283
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    Secretariat official in Baghdad : the horses had been robbed of the presidency

    (Voice of Iraq) - 05-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Secretariat official in Baghdad : the horses had been robbed of the presidency have left only 16 horses in Iraq

    The South African offered $ 50 million for the purchase of horses

    BAGHDAD : Over Ali Hassani, Albandar
    Love barn to the point of obsession, Thus description responsible for the stable horses Arab inherent relationship bloodstock in the cowshed return to the secretariat of Baghdad. It comes in the late hours of the night despite the curfews and the dangers of confrontations in heated areas, in order to facilitate the process of the birth of the horse called (birth) and the other name (transit), moving them proudly and was a cowshed horses are part of his family, he knows every part of the garden and the details of each of the horses. Veterinarian Dr. Farouk Abu Bakr, no more old-seventh session, but through his actions with the horses, it makes you imagine witnessed Arab veterans, and known to the importance of these horses, and in turn transfer told Al-Sharq Al-Awsat »part of what the Arabs knew of horses, He pointed out that horses Arab specializes things may not be found in other types of horse in the world. He says that the horse Arab nation and the average size Nhafth and accuracy of his feet and his ability to run fast and run at the same time, as well as the ability to jump, and that is what makes them desirable Arab horses in all parts of the world.
    As can be discerned from a distance Arab horse too far when Griha flying tail, contrary to the Supreme remaining items, As can be discerned through capacity dark eyes and nose to the inside hub, any Avens.

    The doctor says Farouk Abu Bakr that the horses now in the cowshed of the Secretariat of Baghdad. horses are authentic Arab and non-transgenic any other type, and each holder of a certificate issued by Britain, There Institute is examining the Al de Any »each animal the owner wishes to know his origins.

    He added that the number of these horses had hit 16 horsepower more than two years ago, has increased to 25 horsepower to reproduce. And how they obtained the secretariat or garden Baghdad this horse, Dr.FFarouk said that the Presidential Office had owned all these horses in the past. It was the 76, after the fall of Baghdad, had been robberies. And we have begun the process of tracking and intensive research to determine the whereabouts of these horses », adds Farouk Al learned from certain sources that there are 16 of them in agricultural areas belonging to the district of Abu Ghraib. actually, we get approvals fundamentalist and some security agencies, and moved in to raid the place and the attribution of joint forces, actually, we have seized in the same place 16 of them. We also have information on the existence of another 32 horses in the province of Salahuddin, where a man becomes, and actually moved after addressing the governor of Saladin, who did not offer us any help despite traveling there to more than three times but deliberately threatened in an indirect manner, He explained that he will protect us if we go that dangerous area. The other numbers were divided between those who encroached upon, and here it is hard to return, and a number of others were smuggled out of Iraq, There States knows very well the views of the value of each horse, as it is known, not only in Iraq but in the world ».

    The Dr. Farouk said that the Presidential Office had any side effects, and that these horses belonging to the hand-now, However, we were able to collect, preserve, and we have made new records of the State, and we are now Petkthirha ».

    And the value of the horse responsible for the stable horses, "The Organization of the State of South Africa came to Iraq to provide assistance, When informed of the presence of these bunkers, the charge of the 50th Mission million for the purchase of 16 horsepower of this Arab horses, But his petition was rejected.

    As the former Secretary of Baghdad that provided a gift to one of the heads of Arab states and also refused, then seems to practical, However, the Secretary understands this man, and help me greatly ».

    He added that there are attempting to access Sperms of horse of this cowshed for a quarter of a million dinars every time we call it in Iraq or multiplication revitalize ». He called Dr. Farouk at the conclusion of all the recent attention to the standings of Iraq in the area of Educational horses and what was known about the people of Iraq from their love for breeding and furthered. The launch by the designations, «That is why we must work to improve our possibilities to restore Iraq's standing in this area».

    Middle East

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  4. #11284
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    Al Qaeda Leader Killed


    Sky News: UK News, World News and Business News. The First for breaking global News!

    Breaking news Masri, Al Qaeda Leader Killed. Another one bites the dust
    got this on another forum
    Sky News: UK News, World News and Business News. The First for breaking global News!

    U.S. forces kill al Qaeda leader in Iraq: govt source 4:13am ET
    BAGHDAD (Reuters) - U.S. forces killed the leader of al Qaeda in Iraq, Egyptian militant Abu Ayyub al-Masri, in the western Iraqi town of Haditha on Wednesday, a government source said on Thursday

    Last edited by day dreamer; 05-10-2006 at 09:54 AM.

  5. #11285
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Twenty-second statement issued by the Iraqi Shiite Ja'fari
    News were added on 10 - 5-2006, 8:28

    ... Twenty-second statement issued by the Iraqi Shiite Ja'fari

    The name of God the Merciful
    The Iraqi Shiite Ja'fari

    The second session
    Date 05 / 10 / 2006

    The objective of Shahs ignite a civil war in Iraq is the heroes of the Greater Middle East Project

    Oh sons of our beloved everywhere.

    When the G-8 adopted a management policy of the United States developed a new strategy for freedom and reform in the Middle East. and in turn, supported the drafting of far-reaching partnership with the peoples and leaders of the regional governments in the Greater Middle East Project, to promote political reform, economic and social advancement of their peoples and agree to work for the implementation of common priorities for reform address shortcomings identified by the report of the United Nations on Arab human development through "to encourage democracy and good governance to build a knowledge-expanding economic opportunities." It opened the way to achieve the goals contained in the body of the project the United States and the international community to change the two Qumaiin in Afghanistan and Iraq. The deployment of democratic impulses among the peoples of the region.

    To prove the validity of the commitment of the Group of Eight countries, including the report of the United Nations above, today there are serious efforts to find opportunities in the historical circumstances is extremely complex, especially in Iraq and Afghanistan for reconstruction and rehabilitation in several aspects of life in Afghanistan and Iraq economically, socially and culturally, which requires perseverance and effort to come to fruition for the benefit of the peoples of the region as well.

    If we look at the issue of the Greater Middle East Project, we find it totally contradicts the claims Savoeion with a group of strangers in the political arena and humanity in the world. Therefore, we see at the top of the opposition and veterans of this project are Iran Safawi movement and terrorist elements deployed in the region and the extremists of some Islamic parties and the enemies of freedom and humanity in the world. This does not mean that there are no politicians, the thought disagree with the project for objective reasons also relates to freedom and place their tire We all respect to their views in this regard. And we hope the Arab media to play a positive role in this area and that no activity is confined only to what is published by the opposition parties of the policies of the countries of the world free from the ideas, concepts and analysis and focus on some figures and itemized and constipation publish their views. The neglect the other side, which represent the majority in the world's political arena.

    As the mullahs of Iran, found in the project with what they claim their defeat of the ideas obsolete before how the project was clear to the backwardness and ignorance in front of the rapid changes and progress towards human progress and a bright future for the peoples of the region, especially the Iranian people friend and neighbor, Think about it as it is typical that make Iraq the only way to achieve victory over the will of the international community and that Bhementhm on Iraq first and the countries and peoples of the region as well as entertain dreams Alsrabiah. Certiorari of southern Iraq and the establishment of the state of elitist oil with Iran to become one state capable of producing oil astronomical numbers of dollars to threaten the interests of the peoples of the region and the world. Let us imagine if the production of Iran and Iraq to twenty million barrels of crude oil is possible after five years and no more having listed more than $ 1 billion a day what can be done Iran Safawi movement region and the world? The question, Do America and the free world are unaware of this fact and dreamed where Iran?

    Iran has taken Safawi movement for all its capabilities as a huge financial and economic resources and human capacities and military strives to rekindle the fire of internal strife remain in Iraq, so America is drowning in problems and complications of a civil war continued to bleed and rendered their efforts away from the region to easily achieve its goals in Iraq and the region without the calculated importance of the stability of the region for the international community as it is an account of the present issue of its nuclear project.

    In order to achieve the ends of anthrax following tasks :

    Sought vigorously exploiting the historic opportunity with the fall of the regime of the arrival of parties loyal to it from the accepted authority in Iraq. By Safawi movement linked to the ruling parties in Iraq, its various factions and forces participate in the political process close Bmlali Iran and militias supported by the multinational accepted money and weapons, succeeded in undermining the national unity of the Iraqi recognition of the fact that Iraq is occupied by Iran. Thus impose its strategic location in the Gulf region of Iraq Gate "East Gate of the Arab world."

    As a result, we see today that the rulers taken with Shahs Taborham fifth of our people in the south are preparing mentally, to impose on them a disaster ignite civil war a prelude to the south to secede by making things move on the ground and the Iraqi Gelatinously vague and alarming through Mlaliha in Iraq and pricing flames of sectarianism and ethnic intolerance smell and a system of ethnic and sectarian division and the violation of places of worship, The burning and destruction. The escalation of reprisals and revenge killings and the identity of the terrorist militias and Alvja'a daily crushed by the central and southern regions, and transformed the capital Baghdad to the scene of the real dirty war recently been unprecedented.
    Made of Shahs rulers in Iran, Iraq partners in the case of any attack by the international consensus against the mullahs in Iran. Because where Iran can not allow the existence of a government under national Iraqi man puts the interests of Iraq and Iraqis in the lead.
    The fighting today signals the seriousness of fighting tomorrow, which will be worse than it is today. And the reasons not related to the absence of trust between the political parties. As far as the Red Line decree of governors Shahs in Iraq by the mullahs of Iran. It is a call to reject any step only those that draw Iraq into a civil war and widespread.

    If the luck of Iraq, come from a dictatorial, unjust to enter into a tunnel of darkness Safavid period terrible. And the game, however, such pygmies, where war, terrorism and crime, the people of Iraq, a sound national political and social life of a bead Sekar injustice and charming in the dark because it does not allow for such, saying that it would be better if the tamper with fake Arakhm fair and wonderful. For this view of the Iraqi Shiites Provided that the requirements of the stage requires :

    Coordination between the Iraqi forces and the national armed resistance to clean the country from the evils of the terrorists and to resist and to isolate those who truly is a terrorist or Safawi had infiltrated the country to ruin. As is apparent that Iran paid the other hand the strong material of tens of thousands of army and their clients to avenge the Iraqi people and destroying the country.

    Stop all operations targeting occupation forces and enter a new phase in its pages begin to open the door of dialogue and negotiation with the occupier positive spirit of the return of sovereignty to Iraqis and then the full withdrawal of the Iraqi cities, especially the capital, Baghdad. The use of berms American diplomatic cope with conspiracies for mullahs in Iran.

    Isolate the components of the coalition leaders who are affiliated to the Safavid period where Iran Safawi movement.
    The abolition of the House of Representatives and the puppet government al-Maliki. And the formation of a government of national saving,
    To dissolve the militias and destroy the boot of terrorism. And the elimination of "rogue elements" in the Mahdi Army loyal to the Mullahs of Iran.
    A file of the Iranian penetration in Iraq at the top of an agenda, or to introduce at the top of the priorities of the security solution in Iraq.
    Recognition of the Arab identity of Al-Dawa Party and the central and southern non-affiliation to Iran, could give assurances for the Iraqi national.
    Depart year and our Kurdish people in Kurdistan of Iraq and Ja'fari community and the rest of the components of Iraq's conflict with Iran and Latin America seek.

    The United States of America is capable of an effort to build bridges between Iraqi communities. That scares Iran, contrary to the principles of the decree before Shahs to their clients in Iraq.

    The United States will be able to overcome the disaster in real time and effort to build bridges between Iraqi sects, which converges with the Red line to Iran, its Safavid period Decree of Iraq.

    We firmly believe that the Americans have a clear idea of what would happen if civil war broke out in Iraq and the possibility of foreign troops to control. And American leaders know that the reaction of the senior officers in the new army, which received training with the American community Ja'fari and components of the Iraqi people will have a big role to eradicate conspiracies Shahs despicable.

    We are sure consequently that America would not accept Iran's sabotage role in the region and can not allow them to be the dominant force in the region under the guise of anti-Israel and by all means, military, human and economic.

    And it is incumbent on the forces of Iraq's national-opportunistic to urgently preparations strong parallel Iranian preparations in Basra and the south, we hope that they can be organized and activated in order to take advantage of the opportunity against the enemy Safavid period. So as not to turn the south of Iraq, particularly the cities of Najaf, Karbala and Amarah and Basra to the cities of real fighting between the eyes and Shahs Ja'fari community and the rest of the components of the Iraqi people. , Which seeks to Iran.

    As the forces of good and love and brotherhood and peace in Iraq are able to meet the country's requirements and to meet the needs and interests of the Iraqi people, the prospect of the defeat Shahs, The remainder of the forces of evil and terrorism remains forever visible, The survival of diversity and pluralism, tolerance and fraternity, national, religious, sectarian and political Iraqna alive in the thousands of years since the liberation of the country would regain its independence and sovereignty. the peaceful and legitimate immediately liquidate the country from the evils of Shahs and terrorists.
    Finally, the voice of Iraq will rise to the inherent hears from want to vote for the war and destruction, that the voices extinguished, Meanwhile, the voices of peace and love and brotherhood, you will hear it and gives us hope that Iraq might become an example of democracy, freedom, pluralism and respect for human rights and the establishment of civil institutions and the renunciation of war and achieve peace for the peoples of the region.

    franny, were almost there!!

  6. #11286
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    Quote Originally Posted by day dreamer View Post
    Al Qaeda Leader Killed


    Sky News: UK News, World News and Business News. The First for breaking global News!

    Breaking news Masri, Al Qaeda Leader Killed. Another one bites the dust
    got this on another forum
    Sky News: UK News, World News and Business News. The First for breaking global News!

    franny, were almost there!!

  7. #11287
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    Quote Originally Posted by day dreamer View Post
    Al Qaeda Leader Killed


    Sky News: UK News, World News and Business News. The First for breaking global News!

    Breaking news Masri, Al Qaeda Leader Killed. Another one bites the dust
    got this on another forum
    Sky News: UK News, World News and Business News. The First for breaking global News!

    U.S. forces kill al Qaeda leader in Iraq: govt source 4:13am ET
    BAGHDAD (Reuters) - U.S. forces killed the leader of al Qaeda in Iraq, Egyptian militant Abu Ayyub al-Masri, in the western Iraqi town of Haditha on Wednesday, a government source said on Thursday
    Great news!

  8. #11288
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    U.S. military denies killing al Qaeda in Iraq leader - Yahoo! News
    U.S. military denies killing al Qaeda in Iraq leader 6 minutes ago

    BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The U.S. military on Thursday denied reports that it had killed al Qaeda in Iraq leader Abu Ayyub al-Masri.

    "There was a raid where we thought he may have been among those killed. We are still doing DNA tests but we do not believe coalition forces have killed al-Masri," U.S. military spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Barry Johnson told Reuters.

    franny, were almost there!!

  9. #11289
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    US military denies killing Iraq Al Qaeda leader
    5 October 2006
    BAGHDAD - The US military on Thursday denied reports that it had killed Al Qaeda in Iraq leader Abu Ayyub Al Masri.

    “There was a raid where we thought he may have been among those killed. We are still doing DNA tests but we do not believe coalition forces have killed Al Masri,” US military spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Barry Johnson told Reuters
    Khaleej Times Online - US military denies killing Iraq Al Qaeda leader

    US forces kill Al Qaeda leader in Iraq: govt source
    5 October 2006
    BAGHDAD - US forces killed the leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq, Egyptian militant Abu Ayyub Al Masri, in the western Iraqi town of Haditha on Wednesday, a government source said on Thursday.
    The source who declined to be identified told Reuters US forces acted on a tip and launched an airstrike and ground assault that killed Masri and three of his aides.
    Khaleej Times Online - US military denies killing Iraq Al Qaeda leader
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 05-10-2006 at 09:40 AM.

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  10. #11290
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    Iraqi minister escapes deadly blasts

    Wednesday 04 October 2006, 19:14 Makka Time, 16:14 GMT

    The bomb exploded near the industry minister's convoy

    At least 12 people have been killed in a series of bomb blasts in central Baghdad which interior ministry sources said targeted the Iraqi industry minister's convoy.

    Police sources said three of the industry minister's bodyguards were killed in the blasts, but Fawzi al-Hariri was not with the convoy at the time.

    "The minister is at the ministry and perfectly safe," a spokesman for al-Hariri said.

    Drivers and bodyguards for one of al-Hariri's deputies had been taking the cars for fuel when the attack happened.

    A bomb detonated in the Karrada district of the mainly Christian Camp Sara neighbourhood as the convoy passed, police said. Subsequent explosions outside a nearby market also caused casualties.

    Police 'complicity'

    Iraqi authorities have taken a police brigade out of service and returned them to training because of "complicity" with death squads in Baghdad, a US military spokesman said.

    The police officers have been told to stand down after armed men stormed into a frozen meats factory in the Amil district and snatched 24 workers on Sunday. The bodies of seven of the workers were found later but the fate of the others remains unknown.

    "There was some possible complicity in allowing death squad elements to move freely when they should have been impeding them."

    Major-General William Caldwell, US military spokesman in Iraq

    Sunni leaders blamed Shia militias and suggested security forces had turned a blind eye to the attack.

    Major-General William Caldwell, US military spokesman in Iraq, said: "There was some possible complicity in allowing death squad elements to move freely when they should have been impeding them.

    "The forces in the unit have not put their full allegiance to the government of Iraq and gave their allegiance to others," he said.

    Commander investigated

    The Iraqi interior ministry said on Tuesday that the commander of the unit, a lieutenant colonel, had been detained and was being investigated. The major general who commands the battalion that includes the suspended brigade has been suspended temporarily and his transfer ordered.

    Aljazeera + Agencies
    Aljazeera.Net - Iraqi minister escapes deadly blasts

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