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  1. #11291
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Iraqi Police Unit, Accused of Complicity with Militias, to be Retrained
    By Jim Randle
    Irbil, Iraq
    04 October 2006

    Randle report (Real Media) - Download 205k
    Listen to Randle report (Real Media)

    Iraqi authorities have taken a police unit with hundreds of officers out of service because of possible complicity with death squads. The action follows a mass kidnapping in Baghdad earlier this week.

    Baghdad policemen and firemen at site of a bomb explosion (file photo)
    The authorities acted following an attack Sunday on a frozen food factory in western Baghdad.

    Gunmen stormed the factory and shot two workers and abducted 24 others. Seven of the workers were later found dead, while the fate of the others is unknown.

    Sunni leaders accused security forces of allowing Shi'ite militias to carry out the attack on the factory.

    The U.S. military spokesman in Iraq, Major General William Caldwell, said the Iraqi police brigade in the area of the factory has been taken off duty and ordered to undergo retraining for alleged complicity with militias.

    "There was clear evidence that there was some complicity in allowing death squad elements to move freely, when in fact they were supposed to be impeding their movement," he said.

    Meanwhile, violence continued around Baghdad and elsewhere in Iraq.

    Iraqi security officials say a bomb attack against Iraq's industry minister killed around a dozen people and wounded scores more in southern Baghdad. The minister, Fawzi al-Hariri, survived the attack, but three of his bodyguards died.

    The bombing occurred as the minister's convoy was passing through a predominantly Christian neighborhood. Several buildings were severely damaged and may cars were destroyed.

    An angry resident blamed the U.S. and the Iraqi governments for Iraq's continuing violence.

    He said the government and the Americans have had three years, and, in his view, nothing has been done to help the people.

    And violence continued outside Baghdad. In one incident police said a suicide truck bomber attacked Iraqi army headquarters in western Ramadi, wounding many people.
    VOA News - Iraqi Police Unit, Accused of Complicity with Militias, to be Retrained

    franny, were almost there!!

  2. #11292
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Reading newspapers in Baghdad the day

    October 5, 2006

    1. Long
    The first page
    1-clans Muqdadiya, killing nine Syrian, and Saudi and Sudanese. Rapid response : the arrest of 41 required in Diyala, including 4 of Alfbahin
    Two-Maliki, during a reception dignitaries and Sadr City : We are in the final stages of meeting the challenge of security
    3-violent clashes center of Ramadi, gunmen attacked a building preservation
    4-Almshahadani threatens to take action against MPs absent from meetings
    5-importing kerosene from a source other than Iran
    6-INDUSTRY MINISTER DENIES because of an attempt to assassinate him. 21 killed, 75 injured in bomb explosions in Camp Sarah
    7-attack on the headquarters of Al Muthanna after the sacking of the police commander
    8-launch balances of non-governmental organizations
    9-committee to consider applications separated from the political entities of the dissolved

    The inner pages
    1-France Presse portray pessimistic for the future of the political process in Iraq.
    Two-Maliki is the guarantee of human families of the martyrs and political prisoners
    3 - Allawi thanked Talabani and Abdel Mahdi al-Maliki and to question them about his health
    4-Police Dhi Qar : Liberation driver of the car and the restoration of his kidnappers. The escalation of kidnappings in Nasiriyah
    5-Alzobai during his meeting with the presidents of universities, deans of colleges : the government decided to eliminate all manifestations of political inside universities
    6-integrity check on the issues : financial corruption worth 7.5 billion dollars
    7-after obtaining the documents and reports that convicted. Start investigating the cause of the Kurds clients with the former organs

    2. Justice
    The first page
    One Abdul-Mahdi discuss developments in the political process with a delegation of the American Congress and received the Special Envoy of the United Nations in Baghdad.
    2-Johi : No change in the presidency of the Anfal and the resumption of the meetings of the Al-16 this month.
    3-Political Council discusses security developments and relations with neighboring countries.
    4-Tunisia showing its willingness to participate in the reconstruction of Iraq.
    5-trade constituted a working group to follow up the distribution of ration to the citizen and a list of materials distributed monthly on the facade of shops agents.
    6-new contracts for the importation of kerosene.
    7-Zebari discuss with Khalilzad survival multi-national force in Iraq.
    8-Minister of Construction emphasizes the problems of ownership Nadi implemented by the project.
    9-day ... The House of Representatives listened to the proposed amendments to the law on investment.

    The inner pages
    1-establishment of the first civilian airport in Wasit.
    2-Implementation of service projects in the Nasiriyah cost 53 billion dinars.
    3-Deputy Premier discusses with officials of the Secretariat of Baghdad plan to initiate new service.
    4-Maliki during his reception leader of the Republican majority in the United States Senate : the government had achieved great successes, but many developments media coverage trying to counter it.

    3. Azzaman
    The first page
    1-clans Anbar believes the international map with Jordan and Syria, and the arrest of clan chief in Kirkuk demanded the release of Saddam.
    Real Estate : 2-15 - 30 million dinars loans to staff.
    3-Sacked police chief create a new crisis in Samawah and attacking the headquarters of preserving g buildings with mortars.
    Four British Consul-General in Basra told (time) : resolving crises Basra lies in the political cooperation.
    5 - (600) camera to monitor the entrances of Baghdad.
    6-Rice discussed with Mubarak the completion of the political process in Iraq and Washington is showing increasing interest in democratization governments.
    7-Release of the property CSOs.
    8-Zibari, Khalilzad looking neighborly relations of Iraq.
    9-penalty for the accused in police uniform and practiced kidnapping.

    The inner pages
    1-Mutnon and Vice harbor and the ministry assured : Investment oil wealth will not mortgage the Iraqi economy.
    2-disagreement between the Kurdistan Alliance and consensus on the presidency of the Committee of the Regions.
    3-Political Council discusses developments death and relations with neighboring countries.
    Four-quarters influential monopoly scrap iron and control the bidding and the deterioration of the iron industry and the recovery of import and smuggling.
    5-kidnapping gangs roaming the neighborhood banks and sowed terror in the hearts of its inhabitants.

    4. European
    The first page
    1-delegation from the American Congress will meet the President of the Kurdistan region.
    2-to be completed today, the House discussion draft legal investment, and the Territories.
    Three-launch balances of non-governmental organizations.
    4-Sumo conclude new contracts for the import of kerosene to Baghdad.
    5-establishment of the first Academy of Criminal Evidence in Iraq.
    6-Tabahin arrest of four terrorists in Diyala.
    8-Rice concluded her visit to Egypt to meet Mubarak.
    9-Bush : we defeat the enemy in Iraq.
    10-study to protect the oil pipeline and the completion of a number of projects. Kirkuk Governor : our firm regarding appointments.

    The first page
    1 - The killing of 11 American soldiers since the beginning of the week, the army frustrates sectarian attack in the al-Ubaydi.
    2-terrorists targeting a convoy of the Minister of Industry launched dual Successor 14 Palestinians killed and 71 wounded.
    Three-words of praise to the commitment between the Iraqi political blocs.
    4-Foreign Minister Receives American Ambassador.
    5-in Baghdad. Life moved to the Internet.
    6-Kurdistan Parliament to ratify the legal and Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Water Resources.
    7-Kurdistan participate in the meetings of the General Assembly of the United Nations.
    8-16 Dara Foundation Kurdish participate in the Frankfurt International Book Fair.
    9-half a million dollars for the reconstruction of the monument Altzkarive Halabja.
    10-deputies to visit Turkish Kurdistan Iraq. The effects of differences Atjdi and Ativa!

    5. Fraternity
    The first page
    1-President of the Republic of Iraq, federal : We will not allow Iraq to become an arena for action against neighboring countries.
    2-During his meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Zalmay Khalilzad had : the mandate of the multinational force in Iraq needed a parliamentary and government united.
    3-forming five committees to the normalization of the situation in Kirkuk and the Minister of Justice to dissolve the Special Committee denies detainees.
    4-Cordstan delegation of the government of Iraq for the first time participate in the meetings of the General Assembly of the United Nations.
    5-Mahdi Al-Hafiz : There is considerable misunderstanding by members on the investment law.
    6 - The Ministry of Industry, the Minister denies exposure to the assassination attempt.
    7-British Consul in Basra : We seek to speed up the delivery of the security dossier to Iraqis.
    8 - The Ministry denies selling oil to Jordan at low prices, and form emergency room to address the crisis of gasoline.
    9-killing twenty-one people and injured nine and 80th in bombings in Baghdad.
    10-demobilization of the brigade in the Iraqi police charged with the death squads.
    - 11 : Iraqi police killed 11 Arab gunmen east of Baquba.

    The inner pages
    1 - 1-SPEAKER Cordstan
    Network receive the delegation of the National Alliance for the women of Iraq
    2-Minister of Culture Alcordstani : (650) Cordstania titles at the Frankfurt International.
    3-Minister of Construction Ministry invites companies to accelerate the implementation of the schools and especially with the start of the new school year and stresses the need to end the problems of land ownership implemented by the project.
    4-Minister of Culture Alcordstani : (650) Cordstania titles at the Frankfurt International.
    5-a report prepared by the Council of European parliaments : heritage and culture Alcorditan Agenta European heritage and culture.
    6-Minister of electricity visit rehabilitation network Sadr City and urged the workers to accuracy in the completion of the work.
    7-Minister of Displaced Persons and Migrants DENIES STATEMENTS spokesman of the fair.
    8-Agriculture announced a plan to cultivate 11 million dunums of wheat and barley.
    Nine-called oil mobilization stations provide fuel to the owners Aljulikanat refueling.
    10-NOC is studying how to protect oil pipelines.

    6. Morning
    The first page
    One-Maliki leaders in the house to add eight items to the document Ramadan, going over some of the sanctity of mosques and compensate cities and create jobs in the balance
    2-delegations to several countries to urge the parties to engage with the political parties, the national reconciliation meet early this week to crystallize
    3-Virtue suggests monthly stipend for students and reward staff and retirees such as Eid, head of the Chamber of Deputies, Finance Minister welcomed the proposal
    4-abortive attempt to blow up a bridge Saraveh
    5-launch balances of non-governmental organizations

    The inner pages
    One-Maliki meet the martyrs and political prisoners in the House of Representatives
    2-Kurdistan participate in the meetings of the General Assembly of the United Nations, for the first time, with a delegation of Iraq
    3-Alzobai the government sought to raise the level of university education
    4-internal disavow statements on the effects on the chopping ministry
    5-the House of Representatives began to put the draft law on investment and attributed the Kurdish deputy
    6-Oil confirms its intention to enter into new contracts for the import of kerosene to the city of Baghdad, after loitering in Iran processing operations
    7-integrity condemns 57 officials in senior positions, financial corruption, ongoing investigation of the disappearance of more than seven billion dollars

    7. Evidence
    The first page
    1-Cabinet Secretariat acknowledges increased (30-50)% in the salaries of employees of health
    2-bodyguard of Adnan Al-Dulaimi member association with the leader of the leaders of terrorism in the Diyala
    Three-staff and guards, personal and heads of clans adopts the killings and displacement
    4-body integrity issued a decision to prosecute some officials in the State on charges of financial corruption
    5-overwhelmingly successful 30 years as ambassador in Moscow
    6-crisis spies former officials of Saddam's intelligence shake the government of Kurdistan
    Another 7-control model (criticism of the Bishmaraka in the northern governorates, Tameem control the pretext that they searched the women and tore up the Iraqi flag sticker on the car windows)
    8-brothers Give us our cars (1000 stolen truck belonging to the Ministry of Trade stolen since the fall of Saddam and is now in Kurdistan)
    9-middle of this month may witness judgments against Saddam and his gang crimes dejeil

    8. Middle East
    The first page
    1-Baghdad : the killing of nine Syrian and Saudi and Sudanese security in the face, a suicide attack on the headquarters of the Iraqi army in Ramadi
    2-demobilization of the 8th Brigade in the Iraqi police, because of accusations of its components assisted death squads
    3-clan attack on the headquarters of Muthanna governorate in protest at the sacking of the police chief, the attackers used light weapons and mortars
    4-Najafi : we will resist every phenomenon to re-establish the Baath Party, the Shiite religious authority, warned of the American bias in the political equation in Iraq

    The inner pages
    1 - Kirkuk : the arrest of the leader of the clan advocates launch amid speculation about Saddam relates cantoned
    Two-Sources in the Prime Minister : terrorist plan to target 50 responsible
    3 - chaos spread to the fuel stations and government militias sailors monopolizing the distribution of derivatives. armed groups calculated on the parties attacking workers stations, including accounting
    4-Adoption of the draft law of the Ministry of Women in Iraq
    5-arrest of one of the elements Accord Movement
    6-security official in the secretariat of Baghdad : horses presidency was robbed and only 16 horsepower in Iraq. the South African offered $ 50 million for the purchase of horses
    7-Saudi Arabia stresses building a security fence on its border with Iraq for anti-infiltration operations
    Eight Iraqi-Saudi border. 814 km of barren desert, there are new outlet Arar Border

    9. The new evidence
    The first page
    1-to escape the hell of Iraqis fleeing the country and abroad to escape forced from homes
    Two-Americans would attack Sadr City at night and Inthron brochures and pictures of the Christ, the irony of locals
    3-governor of Kirkuk : "We will not allow any Iraqi resettled in Kirkuk before normalization

    The inner pages
    1-denies selling oil to Jordan at low prices and the emergency room to address the crisis of gasoline.

    10. Baghdad
    The first page
    1 - crises of water and electricity and fuel transformed the life of Iraqis to hell.
    2-Zebari : increase Iraqi diplomatic representation abroad.
    3-d. Mahdi Al-Hafiz : investment law to extensive discussion.

    The inner pages
    1-Trade decided to suspend Buster in the front of each place of the Under.
    Two-opening of the first national academy for criminal evidence.

    11. Conference
    The first page
    1-oil imports kerosene on the other hand after loitering Iran.
    2-Political Council for National Security : discuss security developments and relations with neighboring countries.
    3-Police announced the Minister of Industry and the attempt to assassinate the industry denies.
    4-body integrity verification issues of financial corruption estimated (7.5) billion dollars.
    5-denies selling oil to Jordan at low prices.
    6-Zebari Khalilzad discuss with the mandate of a multinational force in Iraq.
    7-poll : Bush fails in the defense of the Iraq war.

    The inner pages
    1-clans Anbar urges people to enroll in the army to contain the (rule).
    Two-Kuwait refused to vote on canceling the debts of Iraq.
    3-nomination is dedicated to the wolf, to the post of Chief of Police in Karbala.
    4 - The killing fourteen terrorist in Khalidiyah.
    British Consul-5 : Solving the security problem in Basra is subject to a political solution.

    12. New Sabah
    The first page
    1-Oil constitutes emergency room to address the crisis of gasoline.
    2-investigation with officials on the background of the kidnapping of 26 workers in Baghdad.
    3-proposal to grant state employees and the families of the martyrs and retired grant Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr.
    4-strict measures to control the components of the ration card.
    5-parliamentarians of the political blocs are calling for dialogue, building and the Iraqi Accord Front confirmed its adherence to the government of National Unity.
    The inner pages
    One-Maliki discussed with the delegation of the American Senate, the latest developments on the Iraqi arena.
    Two-attack on the headquarters of Al Samawah. The seized mines and missiles in Missan.
    3-suicide bomber blows himself up in the market for the sale of fish in the Saydia.
    4-industry denies exposure REVIVAL the assassination attempt.

    13. Orient
    The first page
    1-killed 11 Arabs in the armed clashes in Diyala. The bomb explosion near the checkpoint session for inspection.
    Two one-clan attacked the headquarters of Al Samawah after the sacking of a police officer in the city.
    3-demobilization of the 8th Brigade in the Iraqi police accused him of the support of the (death squads), and dozens of dead and wounded in Baghdad a huge explosion.
    4-Minister of Justice denies detainees to dissolve the Special Committee.
    5-Repertory Shiite warns of (American bias) in the Iraqi equation.
    6-Prime Minister of Denmark refuses to set a date for the return of troops from Iraq.
    7-Kuwait voted to reject the Court of toppling Iraq.
    Eight first-representation of Kurdistan in the meetings of the United Nations.
    9-Political Council discusses security relations with neighboring countries.
    10-Washington is putting pressure on the United Nations to Iraq's declaration that the civil wars.
    11-Shahrastani told (Mashrek) : oil and gas in the regions and provinces King of All Iraqis may not be the monopoly of wealth.
    12-Governor of Kirkuk : "We will not allow any Iraqi resettled in Kirkuk before normalization.
    13-meetings of the leaders of Iraq's reconciliation recalls holding Lebanese eve of the war.
    14-clans Anbar incite people to enroll in the army to lay siege to Al Qaeda.
    The 15-Turkish military on the border with Iraq lasted three days.
    16-Min surprise announcement : the crescent of Ramadan entering in the night vision would be impossible, according to the astronomers.
    17-trial for the murder of an American soldier two Americans.

    14. The statement
    The first page
    1 - The Prime Minister will meet with tribal elders and dignitaries in Sadr City.
    2-Higher Ministerial Committee lifted the council decision to launch the stocks of non-governmental organizations.
    3-Maliki receives members of the martyrs and political prisoners and the implementation of the proposals.
    4-the House resumes today its discussions on the law of the provinces.
    5 - The killing of 11 Arab terrorists east of Baquba. The arrest of four and liberate hostages and found laboratories for the manufacture of explosives.
    The 6-clans Anbar and cooperation with the armed forces clearing the Line rapid ambushed and killed and arrested dozens of terrorists.

    The inner pages
    Trade is one-room operations to oversee the distribution of the components of the ration card.
    2-Water Resources completed a number of projects in Baghdad and other governorates.
    Translated version of
    to be completed today, the House discussion draft legal investment, and the Territories.
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 05-10-2006 at 10:29 AM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  3. #11293
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    I read this thread everyday but don't post (as you can see) but I thought I would let you all know that in the UK we can now get Dinars from the following banks.

    NatWest, Halifax (cash over the counter), and Barclays (by phone if you have an account)
    Adster has already quoted HSBC and The Royal Bank of Scotland but I haven't had any personal knowledge of these, the others I have.

    More banks getting on board - looking good.
    Take care - Be Happy - and Smile

  4. #11294
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    The Completion of Draft law on Securities and Stock Exchange
    Source: Dar Al-Hayat

    The Executive Director of Iraqi Stock Exchange, Taha Ahmed Abdulsalam revealed that a committee, consisting of the Iraqi Securities and Stock Exchange Staff completed the draft of securities law in Iraq, after consulting with a number of international experts, like the American Stock Exchange staff to make the Iraqi law specifications within the International frame, a fact and not only a slogan.

    He pointed out that the draft is "complete" in the form that meets with the requirements of modern investment, electronic circulation, outside link, stock exchanges, the Arab and regional economies.

    Electronic trading

    Implementing electronic trading expected to begin early next year. Abdulsalam said that this system has important results in strengthening its ability to activate the potentials of investors and shareholders to benefit from its advantages. It will provide the possibility of opening the Iraqi bourse rooms in Kurdistan region as well as the central and southern governorates. He pointed out that the market has a plan that would include the possibility of registering non-Iraqi companies in the Iraqi Stock Exchange and Iraqi companies in Arab Stock Exchange.

    Abdulsalam returned to Baghdad after an observation trip in Amman with a delegation from the bourse presided by Head of Trustees Talib Tabatabai. There, he observed the phases of implementing the electronic system by an international company. He considered the issuance of the new investment law which allows non-Iraqis to trade on the Stock Exchange as well as applying and using electronic systems, encourages and stimulates non-Iraqi circulation in the Iraqi market. This means the rise of market value of the shares due to the high demand and the increase of investors' incomes in the market as well as their wealth.

    The executive director of the market said that the manual circulation adopted at the Stock Exchange, holding two sessions a week for two hours each and the continuing process of changing ownership from seller to buyer that takes two or four weeks, all prevent the buying investor from selling until after this period, while the electronic circulation allows the agents to trade through their offices in Baghdad and elsewhere. The Exchange could also be done during ten sessions within five days a week, divided into a morning session and an evening one, for two hours each. He pointed out that the investor who buys the shares in the morning session can sell them in the evening and visa versa.

    He anticipated that the number of executed contracts, now 350, will increase hundreds of times after adopting the electronic system. This means achieving high fluidity of the circulated shares by perhaps up to 100%.

  5. #11295
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    anyone know if the HSBC Australian branches will exchange dinar?

  6. #11296
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    Good explanation from IIF forum why the dinar has to have a stronger value

    The dollars coming in from oil sales won't change no matter what the exchange rate is, but the government needs to either spend in the form of dollars or needs to convert those dollars to dinar from the CBI. If most of their spending is in dollars, again, the rate wouldn't matter.

    When it comes to imports, Iraqis want a strong currency to be able to afford to buy products from abroad. With a weak currency, imports become very expensive.

    So while it benefits the government to have a low exchange rate since it can change those petrodollars into large amounts of dinar, the people are worse off being unable to afford to buy foreign products.

  7. #11297
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    The Iraqi government denies killing of the Egyptian Abu Ayub Al-Qaeda leader in Iraq

    Baghdad-agencies -5-10: The Iraqi government denied today, Thursday, news about the death of al-Qaeda leader in Iraq, Abu Ayoub said.

    The source said media cabinet official "no truth to the news that has been repeated (this morning) on the killing of the Egyptian Abu Ayoub al-Qaeda leader in Iraq."

    Iraqi security sources said the Arab channel's correspondent in Baghdad Thursday, 10 - 5-2006 that the modern security in the city west of Baghdad resulted in the killing of Al Qaeda leader in Iraq Abu Ayub Masri with three companions after a raid by American forces.

    The Egyptian also known as Abu Hamza Muhajir Egyptian nationality, He assumed the leadership of Al Qaeda in Iraq after the killing of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi last June, The Iraqi authorities were broadcast last Sunday video appeared for the first time during which the Egyptian Abu Ayub, during the training, some of the elements on how to booby-trap cars.

    He said the Iraqi security advisor Muwaffaq Rubaie said in a press conference held after the disclosure of the tape that the Egyptian "miserable desperation began after humiliation and narrowing the rope around his neck he called for the killing of the elderly Anbar, which is responsible for the killing of Sheikh Osama Jadaan" who was killed gunmen in the Al Mansour last May.

    Welcome to AlRafidayn: The Iraqi information service
    Welcome to Rafidayn: The Iraqi information service

    franny, were almost there!!

  8. #11298
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by opps50 View Post
    The Completion of Draft law on Securities and Stock Exchange
    Source: Dar Al-Hayat

    The Executive Director of Iraqi Stock Exchange, Taha Ahmed Abdulsalam revealed that a committee, consisting of the Iraqi Securities and Stock Exchange Staff completed the draft of securities law in Iraq, after consulting with a number of international experts, like the American Stock Exchange staff to make the Iraqi law specifications within the International frame, a fact and not only a slogan.

    He pointed out that the draft is "complete" in the form that meets with the requirements of modern investment, electronic circulation, outside link, stock exchanges, the Arab and regional economies.

    Electronic trading

    Implementing electronic trading expected to begin early next year. Abdulsalam said that this system has important results in strengthening its ability to activate the potentials of investors and shareholders to benefit from its advantages. It will provide the possibility of opening the Iraqi bourse rooms in Kurdistan region as well as the central and southern governorates. He pointed out that the market has a plan that would include the possibility of registering non-Iraqi companies in the Iraqi Stock Exchange and Iraqi companies in Arab Stock Exchange.

    Abdulsalam returned to Baghdad after an observation trip in Amman with a delegation from the bourse presided by Head of Trustees Talib Tabatabai. There, he observed the phases of implementing the electronic system by an international company. He considered the issuance of the new investment law which allows non-Iraqis to trade on the Stock Exchange as well as applying and using electronic systems, encourages and stimulates non-Iraqi circulation in the Iraqi market. This means the rise of market value of the shares due to the high demand and the increase of investors' incomes in the market as well as their wealth.

    The executive director of the market said that the manual circulation adopted at the Stock Exchange, holding two sessions a week for two hours each and the continuing process of changing ownership from seller to buyer that takes two or four weeks, all prevent the buying investor from selling until after this period, while the electronic circulation allows the agents to trade through their offices in Baghdad and elsewhere. The Exchange could also be done during ten sessions within five days a week, divided into a morning session and an evening one, for two hours each. He pointed out that the investor who buys the shares in the morning session can sell them in the evening and visa versa.

    He anticipated that the number of executed contracts, now 350, will increase hundreds of times after adopting the electronic system. This means achieving high fluidity of the circulated shares by perhaps up to 100%.
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 05-10-2006 at 10:45 AM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  9. #11299
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rhys925 View Post
    anyone know if the HSBC Australian branches will exchange dinar?
    i would think it would be a global policy.

    franny, were almost there!!

  10. #11300
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Maliki. The era of coups in Iraq Crown

    Baghdad-10 - 5 (KUNA) -- The Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki today that the era of coups in Iraq and Saudi security conditions experienced by the superseded within the next three months. Al-Maliki said when he received in his office in Baghdad and a delegation of elders and tribal dignitaries Sadr City, "the rush of the Iraqis in the elections enabled them to achieve the foundations of a modern state based on the will of the modern people in the time of the failure of some of the parties wanted the elections and the suspension of the political process and that there should be no constitution."

    He added that Iraq was currently in the last phase of confronting the security challenge reminder of what he called "progress in the security situation."

    He explained that "the Security Council to impose air and tank force, violence, and these mistakes have occurred foreign forces after the occupation of Iraq that goes towards political reconciliation and the political undertakings between the parties to avoid falling into a sectarian war, as happened in Lebanon."

    He praised Sadr City, said "the bed of the Black in confronting injustice and dictatorship and the tides of the martyrs."

    He stressed the need to get this city on its appropriate services and the distribution of land, "referring to the ill-health services, overcrowding, which experienced Sadr City.

    For their part, the Senate and the dignitaries of Sadr City in support of their government and Astaadadam to assume full responsibility Bmaikhaddm the political process and creates security, peace and brotherhood among all Iraqis.

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    Welcome to Rafidayn: The Iraqi information service

    franny, were almost there!!

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