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  1. #11601
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    جريدة الصباح - ضبط مواد غذائية غير صالحة للاستهلاك البشري في النجف
    Economic : Control of food unfit for human consumption in Najaf
    Hussein al-Najaf

    Seized Directorate combat economic crime large quantities of Pepsi funds to the tune of 746 boxes loaded on trucks, promised unfit for human consumption for lack of access to health certificate proving their safety.

    In the same context, the Directorate had arrested a number of violators in control of Karbala, Najaf possession of quantities of the article Pepsi and sweets imported from Syria without a health certificate, also able detachments Directorate arrested three persons in possession of 114 bags weighing 50 kg of flour stocks. In Kufa boycotted detachments Directorate has seized 960 liters of a kerosine were sold illegally.

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  2. #11602
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    جريدة الصباح - ندوة عن ظاهرة التضخم ودور السياسات المالية والاقتصادية
    Economic : A symposium on the phenomenon of inflation and the role of financial and economic policies
    Baghdad Haider spring
    Assess the cultural center of the Iraqi economic reform symposium on the phenomenon of inflation and the role of financial and economic policies to reduce Saturday 7 10 2006. This was stated by Al (morning) official source at the center and added :
    The symposium aims to identify the most important reasons that led to a rise in inflation rates in Iraq and the development of treatments and ways to reduce it, particularly to the Iraqi economy witnessed during the past months continues to rise in the rate of inflation until now reached over 70% with the possibility of continuity rising. The source said that among the main reasons that led to the rise in inflation rate was the high prices of oil derivatives and scarcity and the high proportion of government expenditure
    Weak services and increased expenditure on security and irregular local markets and the difficulty of supplying the imported.
    The source pointed out that among the topics to be discussed at the symposium was, What is the amount of cash provided from the state was able to raise the prices of oil derivatives, What is the efficiency of services provided by the State for a price reform, and whether the state adjusted
    In achieving the strategic protection of the poor,
    Does reform adverse effects on the standard of living and economic activities.
    Note that the seminar will enrich experts from various disciplines.

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  3. #11603
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    جريدة الصباح - سامراء تمنح امتيازات لمصانع أهلية حق تصنيع أدويتها
    Economic Samarra : grant concessions for manufacturing plants civil right medicines

    Given the company for the pharmaceutical industry in Samarra, many factories manufacturing excellence civil right to the advancement of the pharmaceutical industry and the achievement of the Iraqi financial revenues for the company. He said media source in the ministry "that the granting of the concession will increase in the annual income of the company
    And also contribute at company's production capacity in spite of the problems and obstacles faced by the continuing drop in the electricity and the shortage of fuel in addition to other problems. " He added : "The company had many internal and external investments and contribution rates ranging from 5% to 24% and is likely to bring about an evolution in annual revenues also"
    . The source explained : "The domestic investments are / Company Wise / Mansour and the company for the pharmaceutical industry / and represented the Arab Foreign Investment Center for Pharmaceutical Industries and the Arab Company for the production of medicine / IBM / Dibba Company for Pharmaceutical Industries." In relation to the source indicated : "The company for the pharmaceutical industry in Samarra and Nineveh had many future projects that would expand and diversity of the company's activities and modernize their production lines containing the current line will be set up for the production of intravenous solutions and modernize production line treated and modernizing the production Alvialat Alaotobak and modernize the droplets Laayoune
    . " The table includes the company's three thousand and 765 associate after finding distributors on the political departments in the company, which includes the company's headquarters and factory Samarra, Baghdad and factory plant Babel addition to the research centers of the four centers.

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  4. #11604
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    جريدة الصباح - تخصيص خمسين مليون دولار لمشاريع واسط
    Economic : Allocation of fifty million dollars for projects and Wasit
    Kut morning
    Construction Supreme Council announced its agreement to the allocation of $ 50 million dollars to implement a number of service projects in the Wasit governorate. He said Lateef Hamed aside, Wasit governorate : approval of the projects submitted to the Supreme Council of reconstruction and the allocation of the funds required for implementation in the areas of roads, bridges and Education
    The water and sewerage sector, municipalities, youth and sport. " He added : "Decides to remain closed for sports in the cities of Kut and the neighborhood in addition to the implementation of a number of streets and the rehabilitation of the purified water for drinking and build a number of schools, these projects unspecified time line for completion, but we hope to be completed soon." He pointed to the anecdote : "All these projects have been studied by the specialized committees in the governorate and municipal councils for the purpose of providing better services to citizens in the districts and maintain all aspects."
    He explained : "There are specialized committees will hold technical disclosures required for the establishment of the third bridge after ascend Kut and dignity bridge linking the two banks of the Tigris and reflect President of the vehicles" global jihad inspired by the pride and the center of the city and vice versa, in order to alleviate the loads on the top of Kut. " He said : "we will conduct maintenance operations on the bridge and the rehabilitation of Suwayrah large number of rural roads, also continuing work of the Technical Committee for study on the redesign of cities to maintain President commensurate with the state of urban development in the country currently. "

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  5. #11605
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    جريدة الصباح - 13 مليار دينار لتنفيذ مشاريع خدمية في كربلاء
    Economic : 13 billion dinars to implement service projects in Karbala

    Karbala - Hamid Abdel-Abbas
    The Commission for reconstruction in the city of Karbala a number of service projects to be implemented in various places to maintain mandated increase to 10 billion dinars discuss with the President of the conservation service in fact hand Husseinieh after allocating three billion dinars them.

    The committee chairman, ages Falah Hassan Attiya told (morning) that the most important projects for implementation are allocated by the Abu Aouijelh by Shahid Hussain, Maan and through the rotary and bathroom and through the village of thanks and the surfacing of Aweyna through neighborhood streets and cooperation inspired by Imam Ali and Eastern Abbasiya neighborhood preservation and street route between the stadium and Karbala inspired Alghadir The projects include tiling neighborhood streets and door-Ansar Khan and the implementation of a project Lalonde in hand free and fraud, processing and extending water systems in the province and maintenance of a water district in the Indian with the processing pipeline rehabilitation project and the city of Al-Hussein (p), Attiya stressed that the next few days will see more projects referral service within the b Rnamj development of the Territories and accelerate reconstruction Among these projects allocated task sewage projects in the city center.
    On the other hand, President of the Council of the city of Karbala proxy Abdel-Aal Yasiri, with the President and members of the hand Husseinieh fact service in terms of the meeting and provided a detailed explanation of the events of reconstruction and in terms of services, officials said, is that the Husseinieh characterized by wide area and a large number of the population but are not getting the care Almut for him, For his part, the President of the Council to maintain the presence of (3) billion dinars allocated for the expansion Street handbag Husseinieh Karbala towards the center point and there are more than nine water projects are under implementation and the other on the way of implementation as well as the preparation of projects waiting lists own.
    In the same context, the Chair of the Committee of the Provincial Reconstruction officials from the point of the preparation of the full disclosures of the overall needs of the Husseinieh reconstruction projects to be ready at the beginning of next year in 2007 where there were promises from the Minister of Finance to release funds for a program to accelerate reconstruction and development of the Territories.

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  6. #11606
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    جريدة الصباح - تجّار الأصباغ :غلاء الأسعار يضطرنا إلى توريد الأصباغ الرديئة
    Economic Traders dyes : : price increases obliges us to supply dyes bad

    The profit motive turns the equation of building and construction
    Baghdad-Imad Principality
    The traders dyes they have to import dyes bad from the outside and that the high prices and the difficulty of making them in Iraq because of a lack of raw materials, He warned those traders in the round by the (morning) to a number of them that the industry dyes fade in Iraq if the government were to fast processors and traders dyes, "says Attar's" : After the events of 2003 / September 4 became trade and imported dyes Iraqi-controlled and quality control with a sharp increase in prices compared with the preceding this date in addition to the mediocrity of production, which is specifically for the poor ratio of the added material (chemical decomposition) and the fact that few companies producing dyes e number, the market situation and make a woman-controlled prices and the quality of production without rival.
    He added that the sale at this juncture is down sharply, especially in the city of Baghdad. and specifically in the Karkh because of the security situation, and the areas formerly witnessing the building broad areas of the times, the university, Justice, Ameriya, Ghazaliya, Jihad district, On the other side, sales increased dyes in the country's southern provinces and regions of the Euphrates East and to the stability of the situation, Turning many of the centers sell Alasbae in Baghdad to Hilla province in search of stability, merchant's, as the price of the painting medium-sized home (1) million dinars, while the cost of large quantities of House (3, 500) million dinars (4) million, at an average cost per square meter b (2000) dinars. There are problems head emerged recently entering the bad and dyes manufactured inside homes, The exploits many of the contractors of this phenomenon in order to profit big and the situation emerged in a large number of schools Baghdad, which was painted walls Basabbag poorly manufactured in pursuit of profit and for the interpretation of this phenomenon, we say : the contractor obtained (1) gallons of dyes bad price (1000) dinars.
    And writes in the list of work and the exchange rate is good for pigments (5 - 4) thousands of dinars. and determined that the industrial fraud through mixing artisans (1) gallon A/46/151 good b (3) dyeing poorly gallon (verbatim) and then get on a bucket (1) (5) gallon price (2) for the written exchange on the list (21) dollars, To avoid this, we suggest that the deteriorating situation required the formal and informal contractors through the adoption of "engineer" a good and efficient examination of the material before direct dyes at work, or they can be a technical competent this aspect, because continuing in the current situation portends negative results hurt the Iraqi market, merchant (Sami Khalil) a comparison of prices of dyes trade between the current period and the other events that preceded the 2003 / September 4 when he said : The period preceding and following the events of 2003 / September 4 witnessed positive aspects was government support, which was submitted to the dyes and through the (support agent) to facilitate access to materials and dyes premiums and up to place these materials without incurring transport fares in addition to the fact that the Iraqi dyes and then imported to check the quality control Kh Lofa fraud industrial But after the events of 2003 / September 4 appeared significant negative aspects of the most important, The Iraqi trade and imported dyes are not subject to quality control check with a sharp increase in prices compared with the preceding this date, which is specifically added to the weakness of the rule of sepsis and the fact that the chemical companies that produce dyes few in number, in addition to the trade dyes is suffering from a marked drop in the rates of sale and this situation reflected on the various aspects of physical activity in the country.

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  7. #11607
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    جريدة الصباح - طقوس رمضان
    Family and community Ramadan rites :

    Hassan Rubaie
    Habit of Iraqi families to revive a traditional rituals and activities in the holy month of Ramadan is Mragd visits to religious and breakfast in Venaouatha and assembly of the families in the form of breakfast at one and periodically punctuated by long evenings and the performance of some popular items and the holding of religious discussion of the definition of the importance of virtues Also m, and Thoabh race to seal the Holy Quran.
    These actors have inherited features characterized by the inspiration of the neighborhoods of Baghdad and other governorates.
    However, the security conditions and its hours curfews deprived of these components based sweet these actors in this holy month, where families were unable to leave their homes.
    But all this does not prevent from finding its own platform families drawn to itself or in conjunction with a number of neighboring families live during those events sweet, it can provide children with hours of beautiful substitute for the social atmosphere and demonstrate that they have the capacity to find alternatives and not succumb to the fates of emergency and temporary doomed species and could hold a family of children during daily exercises off Ramadan beautiful.
    The hearings panel devoted profound implications for the occasion and communication with the neighbors and the question of relatives.
    That, in and of itself to achieve all away aired on the satellite channels of programs may not rise to the required level and meet the aspirations of families.
    We must not lose contact situations known to feed the poor, the needy and to prove our ability to always uphold our values and traditions beautiful.
    And we appreciate the importance of patience learned from fasting is a moral value to pay all displayed and networking for the deepening of the values that our good when exposed to the invasion of cultural and rapid desertification has Insiha these pictures community beautiful and noble values.

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  8. #11608
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    The first political Leaders in the house : Maliki to add eight items to the document Ramadan

    Going over some of the sanctity of mosques and compensate cities and create jobs in the balance
    Baghdad morning
    He met with opponents of the document the "document" in the house of Ramadan, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki yesterday evening to discuss the completion of eight items of the document was not included in the text, which Maliki announced Monday. It has not been possible for the "morning" know what the outcome of the meeting, but the deputies from the coalition and consensus as the hours it said :
    There are items that they need more details and to the leaders, they can not reflected in the first instance in order to be discussed and agreed upon. And there are eight of these items, according to Deputy Abbas Bayati of the coalition and deputy compatibility preferred to be anonymous, told in the recent "morning" on the emphasis on the sanctity of mosques, including the return of "rapist" and the speedy resolution of the issues and crises that have arisen in the wake of the terrorist criminal attack on the military kindergarten pious in Samarra u Hacen past. It also focuses on one of the eight items need to create a balance in the functions of the Ministries of State and the political and administrative representation, another clause calls for compensation to the affected cities and citizens.
    He says MP Abbas Al-Bayati : The leaders will discuss a mechanism to find a joint effort between the two communities in the Main Iraq to contain terrorism and the provision of adequate opportunities for cooperation against the movements of terrorist groups and its attempts at Altagej sectarian. The items also include the release of detainees and control of religious speeches.
    In the event of the eight leaders endorsed the document would include the twelve was a document referring to four calls mechanisms of implementation, one concerned with the formation of sub-committees in the areas of Baghdad field is composed of representatives of the political blocs, religious scholars and tribal leaders and dignitaries to address acts of violence in the formation of boards e follow central behalf of the Central Committee of the Peace and Security Council which will follow up the matter general security in Baghdad, with local committees and coordination with the general command of the armed forces.
    The Attorney Qusai Abdel Wahab told (morning) : The concluding document the leaders who will meet on Wednesday evening at the home of Al-Maliki.
    It is believed politicians and observers speculate that some of the details leading to the delay in the announcement of the eight items not previously disclosed, but they said : The rush of leaders to face the crisis this time would accelerate the development of the items into effect. Yesterday, the Iraqi street and document the welcome and hope to be a good omen for Iraq, which faces a tense security situation. They were citizens on the document name and document after this Ramadan holy month, which was going to put out the fire between the sons of one people.
    جريدة الصباح - القادة في منزل المالكي لإضافة ثمانية بنود إلى وثيقة رمضان

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  9. #11609
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    جريدة الصباح - وفود إلى عدة دول لحث أطراف سياسية على المشاركة بمؤتمر الأحزاب
    The first political : The delegations of several countries to urge the parties to engage with the political parties

    The reconciliation meet early this week to crystallize
    The supreme body for dialogue and reconciliation to address the delegations to a number of countries to ask personalities and parties not involved the political process for the purpose of participating in the parties to be held in Baghdad on the 21st of October of this month. He said one member of the Al (morning) : Its members would hold a meeting early next week, attended by President Jalal Talabani and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki or one to develop ideas borne delegations to Iraqi figures in those countries.
    The Board announced that the conference be held on the 21st of October and agreed last Saturday of Ramadan will be the largest and the largest conferences that have already organized a conference of tribal and other institutions of civil society. He said the member, who asked to remain anonymous, said : they are designed to invite all political parties, including those forces (Shiites) and their representatives and leaders living outside Iraq.

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  10. #11610
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    جريدة الصباح - الفضيلة تقترح راتباً شهرياً للطلبة ومكافأة الموظفين والمتقاعدين قبيل العيد
    The first political : Virtue suggests monthly stipend for students and reward staff and retirees such as Eid

    Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Finance Minister welcomed the proposal
    The proposal Virtue block grant university students a monthly bonus and pay for staff such as Eid al-Fitr welcome in the House of Representatives and the Ministry of Finance. The deputy Virtue Karim have deployed that the proposal calls for university students monthly grant of one hundred thousand dinars, and to help them to perform their jobs scientific and pushing for greater excellence.
    The bloc also proposed exchange reward amount hundred thousand dinars to all state employees and retirees, and contract workers, The families of the martyrs on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr. He disclosed that have deployed the Speaker of the Parliament Dr. Mahmoud Almshahadani welcomed the proposal contained believes Virtue, He also welcomed the statement by Mr. Jabr Al-Zubaydi, Minister of Finance. The bloc says Virtue : that the living of the students require government intervention to help university students to meet the requirements of high costs, both in securing school supplies, transportation or other duties. The bloc Virtue submitted this proposal to the House this week, where he is expected to take legal action in order to convert it for approval, and the executive authorities.
    State officials hoped that the government of the reward amount is sufficient to meet the needs of the holidays and before the appropriate time.

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