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  1. #11621
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    ÌÑíÏÉ ÇáÕÈÇÍ - ÊÚííä ÇÈæ ÇáæáíÏ ÇãÑ áæÇÁ ÇáÐÆÈ ÈãäÕÈ ãÏíÑ ÔÑØÉ ßÑÈáÇÁ
    Iraq : Appointment of Abu Walid is dedicated to the position of Chief of Police wolf Karbala

    After the sacking of former manager
    Karbala - Sabah
    The Ministry of Interior ordered the appointment of the former wolf brigade (Abu Walid) director of the Karbala police, succeeding Dean Abdul Razzaq on Tai who was dismissed from his position against the backdrop of recent killings and assassinations that have emerged in the city during the current year. The head of the agency and the city of Karbala Abdel-Aal Yasiri told "Assabah" : The ministry appointed (Abu Walid) is dedicated to the wolf known in this position after the sacking of former director of police in the province.
    He added that the Council will hold a meeting to vote on the decision to appoint Abu Walid as the manager of the police to maintain law as Yasiri, did not mention any further details about the meeting and whether the ministry had sent Abu Al-Walid to Karbala Or is it waiting for the voting process to be handed over to the new post.
    The Karbala witnessed during the past nine months more than 265 cases of murder and the killing of long various social strata in the province, bringing the Board dismisses former manager and assigned the task of governor of Karbala police director, pending the appointment of a new director of the police in maintaining
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 06-10-2006 at 09:50 AM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  2. #11622
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    جريدة الصباح - مستشارون
    Iraq Advisers :

    Mohamed Abdul Jabbar carp
    Each of the Heads of State, including kings, and prime ministers, ministers and senior officials, the appointment of advisers. This right is the necessities of work, where are these advisers help officials crystallize ideas and propose solutions and to study the issues presented. Public opinion does not object to that as long as the process of appointing advisers are in the two frameworks : That does not give Chancellor executive powers include the power to take decisions, and that selection is based on efficiency and not violate the laws in force in the country.
    We got in the new Iraq that the advisers were granted executive powers include the authority to make decisions or taking the matter. This was a major violation of both frameworks. Some advisers and acted as if they were ministers. They are not.
    Once that happened Media Advisor to the British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, has been senior British journalists, that behaved in a manner suggesting that he possesses executive powers. , The world would have been up in arms on Blair to be ousted, his media advisor and replaced another defines the limits of his office.
    Yesterday, I read a report on the adviser to Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, and if the report incorrect information, it means that al-Maliki has committed a constitutional violation in the recruitment of some of them. The report stated that the Al-Maliki appointed some members of the House advisers, the report said the names of these.
    In this violation of the text of the sixth paragraph of article 49 of the Permanent Constitution which says, "it may combine a member of the House of Representatives and any action or another official position." only if we said that the permanent constitution is damaged currently pending amendment. Even without this constitutional ban, the appointment of vice-function Adviser to the Prime Minister constituted a breach of one of the rules of democracy Judge separation between the legislative and executive authority, in addition to that there is some sort of conflict of interest. MP appointed advisor to the Prime Minister would not be able to account in the House of fear for his post as an advisor. The report also says that some of these advisers are not a high degree of efficiency and the scientific and practical experiences that qualify them to be the source of opinion and the advice of the Prime Minister. At this point, Abu Asra know what happened, but asking what to do

    franny, were almost there!!

  3. #11623
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    جريدة الصباح - شركة نفط الشمال تتخذ إجراءات وقائية للحد من الهجمات على انابيب النفط
    Iraq : NOC take preventive action to reduce attacks on oil pipelines

    290, a new element for the protection of installations in Kirkuk
    Kirkuk-Mohammed Ali Baba
    The North Oil Company in Kirkuk many procedures for the repair and maintenance of oil pipeline in Kirkuk when they are exposed to the terrorist attacks and to start preventive action to protect the pipelines. Manna, said Abdullah, Director of the North Oil Company told "Assabah"
    The company will hold monthly meetings with the security services to protect the infrastructure and the protection of oil installations and oil pipelines in order to discuss matters relating to the technical aspects of pipeline repair and repair facilities as well as the security aspects related to take precautions to prevent damage to the oil installations and also provided k study the negative aspects of work and how to avoid them.
    On the other hand, Sami Secretary Osman, Director of the Service for the Protection of the oil installations of the "morning" that the Oil Ministry and approved the appointment of 290 security guards for the shortage suffered by the Service. He added that this number is not enough compared to the needs of protection of the installations in Kirkuk because of the current security situation in the region, stressing that these appointments will contribute to improving the performance of his institution in the protection of the installations, which is a key pillar of Iraq's economy.
    On the other hand, said a source in the governorate of Kirkuk to the oil and minerals in the preservation field visit to the hand Elton bridge in Kirkuk, and met with officials there to study the problems and suffering a shortage of oil derivatives and the amount allocated to the hand as well as the shortage of products, gas oil (kerosene), which Yassin m in the operation of artesian wells.
    And source added that the committee held a meeting to discuss the latest developments of the problem of oil in the province and matters raised by the delegation of the provincial council during his recent visit to the Ministry of Oil.

    franny, were almost there!!

  4. #11624
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    ÌÑíÏÉ ÇáÕÈÇÍ - ãíËÇÞ ÔÑÝ Èíä ÚÔÇÆÑ ÈÇÈá æÇáÕæíÑ&#201 ; áÅíÞÇÝ ÇáÇÞÊÊÇ&#225 ; æÃÚãÇá ÇáÊåÌíÑ ÇáÞÓÑí ÈíäåÇ
    Iraq : Honor Charter between clans Babylon and Essaouira to stop fighting and work forced them

    Babylon-on plumber
    The Senate clans North Babylon and Essaouira code of honor which pledged to stop fighting and the forced displacement of the sons of those clans. He said Major General Qais Almamori director of the police in Babylon in a press conference that a security conference held recently in the Aldairh clans of the tribal areas and Alkhozorg Ghareer, fishing, and the Mu `amirah Po` Ajil, Alsaidat
    Senate and the surrounding areas have attended about 68 senators representing the clan during which they agreed to renounce violence and to stop the fighting and displacement between the two sides.
    He pointed out that the charter signed by the representatives of the clans with the leadership of the police and the army commander in the region, the representative of the American forces to ensure the agreement to cooperate fully with the government bodies to bring military forces and police forces from the province and police forces from Kut in the areas referred to also ensure that bears the owner of the house in which the T. planting a bomb exploded in front of his house responsible for pointing out that the most important thing is reached proceed immediately to families forcibly displaced from these areas. Almamori announced Tuesday that the process initiated by the police in cooperation with the governorate of Babil, Wasit police kill nests of terrorists on the border between Babylon and eliminate Suwayrah without make further details of the process.
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 06-10-2006 at 09:50 AM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  5. #11625
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    جريدة الصباح - التجارة تشدد على تعليق لوحة مفردات الحصة التموينية أمام المواطنين
    Called for immediate processing of the material putty during Ramadan
    Baghdad Mahdi Karim Al-Taee
    The Ministry of Trade Bostrat containing details of the distribution of ration items each month suspension imposed on the agents on the front of their shops are clear. At the time the article were processed within putty immediately share this Ramadan.
    He called for Dr Hassan Abdel farmer Sudanese Minister of Trade, the announcement during a meeting of the operations room set up by the ministry to follow up and check the distribution of the ration card items and the development of effective mechanisms to ensure secure access to the monthly quota citizen continuously and without delay. According to a ministry spokesman told the media "the morning."
    He pointed out that the operations room and addressed during the meeting the importance of mobilizing the energies of the ministry of all human and material for the follow-up to the scrutiny of their distribution and materials in warehouses all around the country and ensuring quality and compatibility with the materials supplied to the country under contracts with Iraqi traders and the holding T. world and ensure that the replacement of a big bad during workshops movement.
    He pointed out that the ministry imposed on the agents Buster comment on the front of their shops contains material distributed each month in order to inform citizens on the quality and origin of the weight and be able to know the details of the monthly quota and the development of the agent in the distribution of responsibilities before the receipt of the Ministry of Trade warehouses full and without manipulation.
    He reiterated the determination of the ministry to ensure all the components of the ration card in the coming months through the supply of foodstuffs continuous processing through contracts with international companies known credibility after taking many measures and the development of new work mechanisms include transportation, storage and distribution in addition to continuing its oversight function to eradicate corruption in the administrative section of the distribution of ration cards.
    He stressed that the process of distribution of putty approved by the ministry within the quota this Ramadan by half a kilo of the individual will be immediately and during these days after the arrival of quantities of it to the warehouses of the ministry in a number of governorates.
    Dr. Ahab and all Sudanese citizens to perform their role in the reporting of any defects or deficiencies in their monthly ... He pointed out that what happened to shortcomings in the distribution of the components of the share of Ramadan came after loitering transport and the supply of some materials to Atsaleh for human use and the refusal by the ministry stressed punish anyone who violates controls a the approved contracts with the ministry.

  6. #11626
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    جريدة الصباح - الزراعة تصدر تعليمات استرداد القروض الممنوحة للفلاحين
    Iraq : Agriculture issued instructions recovery of loans granted to farmers
    Baghdad-Mustafa Majeed
    The Ministry of Agriculture only granted loans to farmers, which have recovered after a year or less for the crops and vegetative installment disbursed after two months of the date of the first installment to the short lifespan of these crops and six months for loans of medium and long-term term recovery more than a year
    The fact that the implementation process is not restricted to a specific date certain to be able to benefit Cooperative Agricultural Bank of the amounts allocated to them.
    This was stated by an official source at the International Monetary Fund lending to farmers affiliated to the ministry, in a statement to Al (morning), and added that the observed monthly statistics submitted to the Agricultural Cooperative Bank of branches that no large amounts of its expenditure - which represents amounts subsequent installments of the first installment in spite of the fact that the amount of branch annexation n amount of the branch.
    He pointed out that the resolution adopted by the Fund in its recent meeting yesterday, the first aim was to urge farmers to speed completion of projects financed with loans from the Loan Fund small peasant farmers on one hand and in order to benefit from the funds allocated for the subsequent batches of the first installment noting that the process of disbursement of loans subject to the supervision of directly by the technical committee, according to the stages of implementation and are usually two payments or more, especially medium - and long-term recovery for more than one year.

  7. #11627
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    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    Did anyone ever wonder why the IQD, when turned over has its value written in English?

    The USD only has English writting, when you turn it over it does have Chinese or Spanish on it. What about the Euro or other world currencies. Dont know personally AS I have not seen or remember if other World currencies have langueges other than the countries of their origin.

    Any thoughts on this VERY INTERESTING FACT!
    just watch out this The world of the National Bank

    forgote to say, our swiss money have 3 languages. german, france, italien and romance
    Last edited by winner; 06-10-2006 at 10:01 AM.

  8. #11628
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Urgent : Rice reach Irbil

    News were added on 10 - 6-2006 10:11

    ... Rice will arrive Irbil

    Arbil - WAI
    Arrived, the American Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, the city of Irbil, the capital of the province of autonomy, in order to meet Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani.
    وكالة الأخبار العراقية :: عاجل:رايس تصل اربيل

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  9. #11629
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    Rice flies to Arbil to meet Iraqi Kurdish leaders

    ARBIL, Iraq, 06 October 2006 (Reuters)

    U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will urge Iraqi Kurdish leaders on Friday to work with Sunnis and Shi'ites, particularly on the controversial issue of managing Iraq's vast oil wealth.

    Rice, on a visit to Iraq, pressed Iraqi leaders on Thursday to end their "political inaction" and put aside their differences to rein in sectarian violence that threatens to tear the country apart.

    Witnesses said Rice, who arrived in the autonomous region of Kurdistan on Friday, was meeting Massoud Barzani, president of the Kurdish region.

    U.S. officials said Rice would stress the importance of the Kurds finding a compromise on a new Iraqi law to govern its energy sector.

    Barzani, one of the guerrilla leaders who wrenched the mountainous north from Saddam Hussein after the 1991 Gulf War, often refers to Kurdistan's right to secede if the U.S.-backed project to establish a decentralised federal democracy fails.

    Largely free of Baghdad's control for 15 years and spared the violence that followed the U.S. invasion in 2003, the Kurds have prospered. But their territorial designs on Iraq's northern oilfields around Kirkuk are a potential flashpoint for violence.

    Kurdish leaders are mindful of their landlocked region's dependence on its neighbours and the opposition to independence from their U.S. ally, as well as the outright hostility from Turkey, Iran and Syria, which have restless Kurdish minorities of their own.

    Rice flies to Arbil to meet Iraqi Kurdish leaders | Iraq Updates

  10. #11630
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    Maliki choice of the political blocs between quantum leap

    (Voice of Iraq) - 06-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Maliki choice of the political blocs between qualitative leap in consensual governance or putting the facts on Iraqis
    Baghdad-from Essam Understand : Iraqi political sources expressed confidence about the possibility of easing tension and sectarian violence, against the backdrop of the signing of the political blocs in the parliament, so the document as "the sanctity of the blood of Iraqis and money», , which was signed by representatives of the bloc, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and Vice President Tariq Al-Hashmi. The sources said that the atmosphere and the conditions in which the process was the signing of this document can be a mainstay for the commitment of the items of this document by the parties signatory.
    The sources told "Public Opinion», that cross-Maliki during his meeting with representatives of the bloc prior to the signing of the document that he arrived at the stage of impatience because of the lack of commitment of political parties and limits frameworks necessary to sustain the political process and success ».
    It stated that sentence is not a secret that the intelligence agency of the army and the Iraqi police, to its limited, documented abuses of the nature of many of the parties that have accepted to enter the political process », In this context, is no longer able to Maliki should take all before the facts in his possession, trying to notice all of the allies and participants in the authority after the elections of the end of last year. consensus does not mean that the commitment to the acceptance of this or that party, and work behind the scenes against what is she objects, learned that the consensus means a complete package of accepted procedures and unacceptable to the parties to the political process ».
    The sources went on : "The first time they found everyone to run a firm stand before one question is clear : Are participants in the meeting with the Prime Minister keen on the political process of compromise, Or that both of them give the same power to act against what she objects not, regardless of all the efforts to adapt the decisions and actions of a political, economic, social, whether in the cabinet or the House of Representatives or the presidency of the republic controls conciliation, and to achieve the majority without coercion or disregard for the aspirations of the other? ».
    According to some reports, "Public Opinion» inside the political blocs headed by al-Maliki, it appeared for the first time a firm, But radicals, revoked the excuses of others, because he wants to establish on the ground each of its assertion political blocs in the media about its seriousness in working to rebuild Iraq in light of retrieval stability, Otherwise, it will resort to Iraqi public opinion and put it all in possession of documents is not refuted.
    Says one of them : "The first time started Maliki Pacific posture in his hurry to achieve unanimity Gad prevent further slaughter of Iraqis. whether through the use of the identities of private security escorts for a number of officials, or by wearing clothes police, emergency and the use of mechanisms of the Interior. » and adds : "I succeeded in achieving Maliki respond to the demand, because what arouse anger in his hands all Iraqis, regardless of their community or electoral list, which voted it ».
    At the base of Camp Bendleton, pay soldiers of the American Marines being not guilty on charges of murder, kidnapping, in addition to other charges in connection with the murder of a man in the Iraqi town of Hamdaniya.
    The American military statement Wednesday, killing four soldiers during a security operation in Baghdad. when terrorists attacked their patrol with firearms in the north-west of Baghdad.
    The security sources and other medical yesterday. the killing of two civilians and wounding 22 others and the explosion of a booby-trapped car bomb exploded in the center of Baghdad and the north.
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 06-10-2006 at 09:51 AM.

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