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  1. #11641
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Iraqi Vice CALL law for investment consistent with the government's policy
    Source : life
    06 / 10 / 06

    Discussed the Iraqi Parliament yesterday, in a courtesy meeting, the session was delayed for hours, the lack of quorum, the Investment Law. As was postponed discussion of the bill for the executive procedures for the formation of regions to the next Sunday.

    He criticized MP Jalal Eddin Sagheer (from Al coalition bloc ») some of the items on the law of investment, considering that it is far from the nature of the economic theory that must be followed up by the country »,

    Al and any imbalance in the law Seoul to the economic situation in general turmoil ». He called for granting broad powers to regions, «is to be governed by the policy of a general advisory, The formation of the special advisory body working within the framework of Assembly in the central government ».
    The deputy said Haider Abbadi (Al coalition of the bloc ») fears that Al articulated by some parliamentary blocs of the impact of foreign investment in national sovereignty unjustified », calling for the formation of a coordinating body in the House of Representatives to encourage foreign investments in the country. He asked Vice-third amendments to the law on the Arab Investment in Iraq to find some sort of consensus with the Foreign Investment Law.

    In relation, said Salim Abdullah (member of the legal committee in the House of Representatives), that the Presidency Al deferred resolve the issue three candidates for membership of the Committee to amend the Constitution, to reach that religious minorities in the parliament (Alaizidion, Turkomen and Christians), a final decision on the choice of candidates in the beginning of next week, in preparation for the meeting of the Constitutional Commission next Sunday ». He said : "The Presidency is seeking to resolve the issue of the three candidates no later than Sunday, after concluded parliamentary blocs choose 24 candidates implementation of the agreement that was concluded between ten days ago, and the judge set up a constitutional committee of 27 members, including 12 members of the bloc »Al coalition and five from the list of Kurdish, and to allow religious and ethnic minorities in parliament to choose three representatives in a compromise. Abdullah explained that the committee would meet after the selection of the President to do with compatibility among its members, expected to be selected President of the Frente Al compatibility », being bloc, which formally called for forming a committee to amend the Constitution.

    In the same context, Salih Haydari, head of the Office of the stay Shiite, »" Al-Hayat said that the Sunni and Shiite personalities attending the conference of religious leaders in Mecca will go a joint document calling for an end to sectarianism and repercussions not to be drawn behind the sectarian fighting now trying some political entities and blocs nutrition », He said that the conference would be far from the political speculation, which includes religious figures Shiite, Sunni from inside and outside the country ».
    ÔÈßÉ ÇáÒæÑÇÁ ÇáÃÚáÇãí&# 201; - äæÇÈ ÚÑÇÞíæä íØÇáÈæä ÈÞÇäæä ááÇÓÊËãÇ&# 209; íÊáÇÁã ãÚ ÓíÇÓÉ ÇáÍßæãÉ
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 06-10-2006 at 11:30 AM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  2. #11642
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Webster View Post
    Yes, that's what is on the news in Australia as well. All 700 back to training camp for looking the other way when they shouldn't have!
    uncle sam spank!!

    franny, were almost there!!

  3. #11643
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    rcguy rcguy is online now
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    Default Great Resource For Dinars, PIPS, HYIPS, and more
    Hi dude,

    Just found something, so thought I\'d let you know. Sorry if I disturbed you.

    I came across Global Finance Forums - Your Guide To Making Money In The Financial World - Powered by vBulletin the other day.
    They seem to have lot of information on Dinars, PIPs, HYIPs, and related high and low risk programs.

    I joined and became active there, and you should try it to. Everyone is so friendly, and the atmosphere
    is so nice and loving. Just perfect!

    Would love to see you there as well

    Have a great day,
    RC Guy
    Forward Message

    Are we all getting this Ad from this guy ?

    Looks like he joined just to Spam us all with Ads for his Forum.

    Can someone ask/make him leave please ?
    Last edited by laurenr; 06-10-2006 at 11:44 AM.

  4. #11644
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunar View Post
    This is that site that IIF warned everyone about because of viruses and spyware.
    Quote Originally Posted by rcman View Post
    Hi all,

    Was just looking around the web, and came across
    Global Finance Forums - Your Guide To Making Money In The Financial World - Powered by vBulletin

    They seem to have lot of good dinar info, check it out.

    Attention all members. We all know about the spamming here and IIF as well as TG forum with these GFF Forum spamming post. We are not going to close the PM's down again because of these spammers. We are banning them as they come in.

    If they were smarter they would have a membership list. I dont know about their site having Viruses, but I do know that the only reason they even have a count for views and post is because we all went there when RC was down for those few days.

    They do have a couple of good posters that talk to their selves but then again, they maybe just coping and pasting from RC. Oh well, if you recieve a spam from them, this is your warning. I felt this was as good as a place to put this message since the Dinar forum has the most Interest from the membership right now, and is a target for these socalled RC BEAST, rcman, and rcguy.

    So just see it for what it is worth. Heck these spammers dont realise that it is there fisrt post, OR DO THEY. So we will just ban ip's as they come. I posted this here cause all the emails I am getting would just take tolong to reply back. Have a Great Day.

  5. #11645
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Virtue Party submitted a new draft law of the Territories
    Source : Zawra
    06 / 10 / 06
    The deputy said the United Iraqi Alliance Karim Mohsen that the bill's new Non Virtue Party, the Chamber of Deputies will be the difference between the demands of federalism is rejected.
    Mohsen said in a press statement that "the project includes the formation of the province of one department, and to enjoy the powers to maintain the territory, And at the same time maintain its population and administrative unity of the province itself. "
    He added that "some parties rejected the project believed that the matter requires the formation of several institutions and the authorities of legislative burdens for the state."

    On the other hand, the Iraqi Accord Front proposal to the United Iraqi Alliance list includes three points to be added to the covenant document launched by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to stop the bloodshed in Iraq.
    The head of the Front Adnan Al-Dulaimi in a press statement that "The first point states that the formation of Maliki pledged two brigades from the peacekeeping forces balanced sectarian one of the Karkh and the second part of the Rasafah in Baghdad."
    He pointed out that the two blisters saying that Al-Maliki also pledged to complete the sectarian balance within the security services, The three include building new Sitarat deployed in Baghdad and be balanced sectarian be done within 30 days. "

    For his part, President Jalal Talabani expressed hope that "terrorism and routed the Iraqis to unite to eliminate sectarian tension. in order to build a strong democratic Iraq and independent. "
    This came during a joint press conference held after his meeting with the American Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice in Baghdad.
    Talabani said that "the meeting covered developments in the political process in general. He focused on the covenant document signed by the leaders of the political blocs for Iraqi blood, Anbar tribes and cooperation with the government in the face of armed men. "
    For its part, Rice stressed the "commitment of the United States government in helping Iraqis build their state and the reconstruction in Iraq."
    Pointing out that "the American people look with admiration to the achievements of the Iraqi elections and writing the constitution."
    Rice also praised the role of Talabani and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, in order to strengthen the democratic process, and building a state of law. "
    ÔÈßÉ ÇáÒæÑÇÁ ÇáÃÚáÇãí&# 201; - ÍÒÈ ÇáÝÖíáÉ íÊÞÏã ÈãÔÑæÚ ÞÇäæä ÌÏíÏ ááÇÞÇáí&#227 ;
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 06-10-2006 at 12:04 PM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  6. #11646
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    Rice warns Iraqi leaders from the continued sectarian violence

    Iraqi oil must be a unifying factor and not disperse for the Iraqis

    Arbil-10 - 6 : Arrived, the American Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, to Irbil the morning of Friday, in order to hold talks with Massoud Barzani, head of the local government in the Kurdish north of Iraq on the need to involve all the people of Iraq to benefit from the country's natural wealth. Rice said that Iraqi oil must be a unifying and not divisive to the Iraqis.

    And Rice, who arrived in Baghdad on a visit undeclared after discussions with Israeli officials in Jerusalem, Iraqi leaders had warned that it is imperative to move quickly to resolve their differences in order to put an end to the growing sectarian violence in the country. Rice met with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and senior Iraqi government officials.

    The last week has seen a higher number of car bomb attacks and road bombs in the capital Baghdad since the beginning of the year, according to spokesman for the American military.

    He said the government television station Al-Maliki before the visit of Rice that security will be achieved in the country during the next two or three months, He added that Iraq is now in the last phase of the "face of a security threat."

    The minister said American reporters on the way to Baghdad "did not have the time to engage in endless debate on these issues."

    And Rice has ended a visit to Israel. where held talks with the Ministers of Defense and Foreign Israelis Amir Beriz and invited exhausted in Jerusalem.

    Welcome to AlRafidayn: The Iraqi information service
    Welcome to Rafidayn: The Iraqi information service

    franny, were almost there!!

  7. #11647
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    Default spur of the moment.

    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    rr, are you suggesting that your kurdish ladyfriend's family knows more than we do how well our condi kicks a$$ ? lol
    we realized when she went spur of the moment it was a grind of the highheel comin into play!
    Just a thought....With Foley's follies going on as well as other distractions for the republicans, GW realized he needs something positive, quick. Maybe Condi's trip was to kick-start this RV process. Our pres. needs some positive spin and an RV would do it.

  8. #11648
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    Saleh : next year's budget submitted to the parliament for ratification
    The Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Barham Saleh said that the next few days would witness to the Council of Ministers next year budget to the House of Kratha and validation .
    Saleh said in a press statement that "this budget will be a qualitative leap in investments and create employment opportunities for citizens."He pointed out that "the Iraqi government is seeking to make every effort to improve the economic reality in the country and achieve economic development through the establishment of enterprises and attracting capital."
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 06-10-2006 at 12:37 PM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  9. #11649
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    He's running out of time, this needs to be done in the next 2 weeks....

    The fact the celebration 'Party' has ben set back was a sure sign that all has not gone according to plan in getting Iraq back into the world fold.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  10. #11650
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    An urgent appeal to the Iraqi leadership repeat Very Urgent

    (Voice of Iraq) - 06-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Mr. Jalal Talabani, President of the Republic of Iraq esteemed
    Mr. Nouri Al-Maliki the Prime Minister of the Republic of Iraq, the esteemed
    Mr. Mahmoud Almshahadani Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Iraqi esteemed
    Members of the House of Representatives honored.
    Mr. Defense Minister of the Republic of Iraq esteemed
    The Minister of Interior of the Republic of Iraq esteemed

    A large number of aggregates Altkvrih and sectarian attacks continued over the thirteen days from five and a half on the afternoon of 9 - 16 to 9-27 of the past month, the villages in the northern West Bank town of Suwayrah, adjacent to the area of Latifiyah, and the villages are, the village, inhabited by tribal Alerdasih Khazg-and Mu `amirah village and tribe Mu` amirah-inhabited village inhabited Alclabiin Alclabiin tribe! After the heroic steadfastness of the defenders of these villages for a period of thirteen days Kbdua the attackers tremendous losses in human lives and vehicles and equipment, Following the entry into force of ammunition, American forces intervened in the 13th day of bombing, a brutal of these villages brave helicopter coming from the transmitter in Musayyib, , which killed fourteen killed and a large number of injuries, , which forced the residents of these villages consisting of the 117 family, whose population of about 800 women and children and the elderly to leave exclusively to areas near Suwayrah, North Babylon come back into use and nudity, only tents simple Astjeroha hurry to protect children and the elderly. This enabled the forces of satisfaction and sectarianism of the seizure of these villages and looted assets within each of these houses, burning and exploding another.
    We would like to place on record strongly Altselat the following points :
    1-Learn how to the Iraqi government in an attack by large numbers of Altkfriein periodically, and the rule says in all of Iraq and the people of Iraq and the disasters for thirteen days?
    2-Where are the forces of the Ministry of Defense and the Interior and all factions, and factions from the so-called Bwolfb, Assad, Scorpio, and Woon this heinous crime, where were the so-called new Iraqi intelligence service of the disaster of ethnic cleansing?
    3-How can the Americans were able to obtain information on the war in this region and the attack helicopter flights and villages, killing and wounding several people in the area, the Iraqi government did not hear this tragedy!
    4 - If you did not hear these events for a period of thirteen days, you will not be eligible for the rule of Iraq. I say once again that you are not qualified to rule Iraq! And you heard about this, you did not intervene partners in the crime! Will Iqadikm people of Iraq!
    After the statement in the above call immediately set up a committee of the Iraqi government and American forces invading and contributed with terrorists to attack the safe villages, in order to set up for the damage and set up and compensate villagers from the Alazarar resulting in their property and their homes and rebuild homes razed before the onset of winter. the re Skntha immediately, and the allocation of military force to control the region for thirsty non-recurrence of these diamonds again! We would like to announce here that the clan will not stand idle for a long time waiting for the end of Almesaoeh. We hope that the Iraqi government will respond immediately to this call for humanitarian Maljeh this catastrophe as a matter of urgency, also call every honest world of organizations and human rights bodies to stand with these families and support to overcome their predicament, We also call on all the media and television and radio Amegreh Iraqi, Arab and international, to shed light on what is happening from the daily crimes of killing, displacement, torture of the Iraqi people!
    The Maikhs Altkverin periodically these murderers to justice and would allow the Iraqi people to retaliate against them closer than expected, soon, God willing.

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