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    Rice Pushes Iraqis to Defuse Violence
    Visiting Baghdad, Secretary Cites Urgency of Improving Security, Reconciling Rivals

    By Robin Wright
    Washington Post Staff Writer
    Friday, October 6, 2006; 6:54 AM

    BAGHDAD, Oct. 6 -- Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, making an unannounced visit to Iraq, urged the embattled government to accelerate efforts to foster national reconciliation and help end sectarian violence.

    She emphasized her concerns with a trip Friday to the Kurdish north, where regional officials said privately that there is much growing sentiment for independence as violence increases in the rest of Iraq.

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    Rice Thursday warned that Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's six-month-old administration has reached a "critical time" and needs to make faster progress to defuse the turmoil. A day earlier, U.S. military officials announced that the number of planted bombs in Iraq had reached "an all-time high" and that at least 24 U.S. soldiers had been killed since Saturday.

    "The security situation is not one that can be tolerated and is not one that is helped by political inaction," Rice told reporters traveling with her.

    Although Rice did not give a timeline, Sen. John W. Warner (R-Va.) warned Thursday that the United States should explore a "change of course" if the security situation in Iraq does not improve over the next 90 days.

    "If these movements now being taken by the Iraqi leadership and their government do not bring about a reduction in the killings and all of the other disruption and do not point to a clear direction that Iraq is going . . . then I think we have to make some bold decisions here in our country, but make them in a way so that we don't allow this land of Iraq to be torn up and fall into the hands of terrorists," Warner, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said at a news conference in Washington after returning from his own trip to Iraq.

    After talks with Rice, Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari acknowledged that Washington is expressing growing impatience with Iraq and asking for more tangible progress in both security and reconciliation of the country's divided religious, political and ethnic factions.

    Over a dinner breaking the dawn-to-dusk fast during the holy month of Ramadan, Rice told Maliki and other Iraqi leaders that it was time for ordinary Iraqis to feel a difference, Zebari said. But he said she also confirmed the Bush administration's full support for the fragile young government.

    Iraqi officials told Rice that they need time to make "slow but steady progress" on political reconciliation, for example, before they can act against factional militias, particularly the Shiite militias that might undercut Maliki's own support base, Zebari said. Maliki is a Shiite.

    "Our role is not to resolve those issues for them. They are going to have to resolve those issues among themselves," Rice had earlier told reporters traveling with her. "Our role is to support all the parties, indeed to press all the parties to work toward that resolution quickly."

    During the dinner, Iraq's parliamentary speaker, Mahmoud al-Mashhadani, suggested to Rice that U.S. troops reoccupy Baghdad, where the government's new security plan has made limited progress, according to both Iraqi and U.S. participants. Mashhadani, the leading Sunni Arab in government, until recently had denounced the continued U.S. military presence in Iraq.

    Though U.S. officials rejected such a move, they took the exchange as a positive development because it reflected the changing Sunni attitude and a realization that the United States is not the enemy, a senior State Department official told reporters.

    n a reflection of the deteriorating security situation here, Rice's plane was forced to circle Baghdad for nearly an hour before landing because of a mortar attack near the airport.

    Violence continued to rage across Iraq, with at least 35 people killed or found dead in separate incidents across the country, police said.

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    The U.S. military announced that two Marines assigned to Regimental Combat Team 7 were killed in combat Wednesday in Anbar province, the volatile Sunni insurgent stronghold. And a Kurdish member of parliament, Mohammed Ridah Sinkawi, was assassinated by militia members in northeast Baghdad on Thursday night, according to Mohammed Abu Bakr, another Kurdish legislator.

    Despite growing concern, even among some U.S. officials, about whether Iraq's leadership has the ability to take the firm steps required, Rice said she believes Maliki can do the job. "I think he has the strength. He's a good and strong prime minister," she said.

    Rice praised Maliki for his "excellent leadership."

    She also praised Iraqis as a strong people capable of facing the current political, economic and military problems. "This is an important time and a challenge for the Iraqi people . . . and we know that they will overcome these challenges," Rice said.

    Rice, who is playing the dominant role in Iraq policy during President Bush's second term, also talked to the Iraqi leadership about the national compact aimed at settling outstanding and divisive issues in Iraq's new constitution. The compact seeks to resolve such problems as dealing with militias, distributing Iraq's oil revenue among its three major sectarian and ethnic groups, and determining how much autonomy to grant areas of the country under a federal system.

    Rice made clear Thursday that the United States opposes a proposal by Kurds to channel oil revenue from Kirkuk, a disputed northern city, into the country's three primarily Kurdish provinces. "We believe that oil has to be a resource for the Iraqi people as a whole and benefits the people as a whole," Rice said. "Our only view, which we have communicated, is that oil needs to be a unifying factor, not one that makes the country less unified."

    "The core of getting a stable security environment really does rest on getting some of these political issues resolved," Rice said.

    In her visit Friday to the northern Kurdish city of Irbil, Rice met with Massoud Barzani, president of the regional government, and urged him to cooperate with the national reconciliation efforts. Despite growing support for independence, Barzani said the three northern Kurdish provinces will remain part of Iraq.

    "Kurds like any other nation have the right to self determination," he said. "This is a natural right. But a parliament in Kurdistan has adopted within the framework of a democratic Iraq, a federal system."

    On the controversial issue of oil, Barzani said that the Kurds favor "fair distribution of all oil revenues all over Iraq."

    Rice also talked about the efforts to stop attacks into Turkey by members of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) working out of northern Iraq, saying she was pleased that PKK offices had been closed "in all of Iraq."

    "Iraqi territory can't be used for terrorism against any country," she said.

    Rice is expected to hold meetings in London Friday night but her plane experienced mechanical problems and her departure was delayed.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  2. #11662
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    Quote Originally Posted by clintstella View Post
    Mods, Can't we have rcguy banned for spamming?
    Sure enough.... here's his SPAM PM.... just got it today.

    Hi dude,

    Just found something, so thought I\'d let you know. Sorry if I disturbed you.

    I came across Global Finance Forums - Your Guide To Making Money In The Financial World - Powered by vBulletin the other day.
    They seem to have lot of information on Dinars, PIPs, HYIPs, and related high and low risk programs.

    I joined and became active there, and you should try it to. Everyone is so friendly, and the atmosphere
    is so nice and loving. Just perfect!

    Would love to see you there as well

    Have a great day,
    RC Guy

  3. #11663
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    Default spamming

    Great Resource For Dinars, PIPS, HYIPS, and more


    Hi dude,

    Just found something, so thought I\'d let you know. Sorry if I disturbed you.

    I came across Global Finance Forums - Your Guide To Making Money In The Financial World - Powered by vBulletin the other day.
    They seem to have lot of information on Dinars, PIPs, HYIPs, and related high and low risk programs.

    I joined and became active there, and you should try it to. Everyone is so friendly, and the atmosphere
    is so nice and loving. Just perfect!

    Would love to see you there as well

    Have a great day,
    RC Guy

  4. #11664
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    Default spamming again

    Good stuff on dinars, pips, hyips, etc.


    Hi dude

    Just found something so thought Id let you know. Sorry if I disturbed you.

    I came across Global Finance Forums - Your Guide To Making Money In The Financial World - Powered by vBulletin the other day.
    They seem to have lot of information on Dinars, PIPs, HYIPs, and related high and low risk programs.

    I joined and became active there, and you should try it to. Everyone is so friendly, and the atmosphere
    is so nice and loving. Just perfect!

    Would love to see you there as well.

    Have a great day,
    RC BEASTplease stop this with all the things going on in iraq i dont want to read this

  5. #11665
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Please, can anyone just pm Neno with this and leave the thread free for dinar info, takes long enough to go through and read pages and pages of posts which is fine but not when you get this in there.

    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  6. #11666
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  7. #11667
    Senior Member Onenomad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    Could history be repeating itself, this is what they did back then and the Marshall Plan has been discussed at great lengths. With the mention of 10000 dinars per person, makes you wonder......Only difference is the CBI brought in the new dinar whereas the allied forces were responsible for the German Mark which was later changed. The dinar now is here to stay.

    That a WOOT I can hear from 4000 miles away?! or an 'Interesting' from Mike?!

    Taking the country by surprise, Erhard went on the air on a Sunday night in June 1948. First, he announced that each German would be given forty Deutschmarks (replacing the old Reichsmarks). This would be followed by a second installment of twenty Deutschmarks. Credits and debts would be converted into the new currency at the rate of ten to one, and people would have to prove how they came by sums that exceeded 5,000 Reichsmarks.

    Erhard knew that his currency reform would be doomed if the new money, like its predecessor, faced bare store shelves and empty warehouses. To prevent this, Erhard announced the second -- and by far more important -- part of his program: most of Germany's wage and price controls would be dropped. First, controls would end on a wide range of consumer goods. Within six months, controls on food would be dropped. Erhard gained support for his measures by billing them as a patriotic move designed to replace a "foreign" economic system that had been imposed on Germany. The German people were astonished to hear that all these changes would commence the next morning.3

    Almost immediately, the German economy sprang to life. The unemployed went back to work, food reappeared on store shelves, and the legendary productivity of the German people was unleashed. Within two years, industrial output trebled. By the early 1960s, Germany was the third greatest economic power in the world. And all of this occurred while West Germany was assimilating hundreds of thousands of East German refugees.
    Very interesting idea, I hope they do something soon I agree with you that if nothing done soon US will bring in a new set up and if that happens I dont see that being good as the impression that would give to other Mideast countries would be one of domination and I think that would open up a huge can of worms. Its so frustrating the Iraqi's have so much potential but are so slow to get things going lets hope its soon. Thanks for all the great info.
    We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only when others are fearful.
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  8. #11668
    Senior Investor Hardwood's Avatar
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    Lightbulb A Fistful of Dinars...

    As we are waiting for word of a reval and wondering how we will "know it", I think monitoring Safedinar is the best way based on a quote from Bryan Canavan, the owner of Safedinar:

    Copied from post #883 in this thread....

    “At some point,” he says, “the business as it exists now will be gone, and that time will be, God willing, when things settle down over there.” He adds, “If the dinar hit a penny, you’d never see a website close down so fast, because I’m stacked up pretty well.”

    What he is saying is that even at a penny, he'd "Shut 'er down".

    I have always received an e-mail whenever the CBI changes it's rate. I wonder if he'd still isssue that "one last time...."

    I'm going out of town this weekend and won't have access to the forum. Hopefully I'll get back from camping to see that Safedinar is closed down!
    Do unto know the rest...

    Here I am getting my Dinar News Fix waiting for that "Bold Adjustment"

  9. #11669
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    Default Iraqi Investments Club


    The word from my Kurd's is a tighter timeline than was reported. Seems Bush sent word of work it out, you have 30 days, or else. The or else is obvious, he will announce pulling some forces out as last resort to hold onto House in elections. Talk about politics, there is more to this timing than the concerns in Iraq. As most know, Kurd's have been self sustaining for 15 years, and with recent threat from Turkey, this could all come crashing down, and guess what, U.S. ain't going to stop it, and this is a wedge laid out with Rice visit, so this is getting more interesting. (g)

    In short, they have 30 days to work it all out or they will all regret it, as we will. No more BS tit for tat bickering, they are making way to flush out the dead wood in parliament, as well as the obvious militia loyal leaders, so talk about something going to happen, I think this will be the month to remember out of all others we have been waiting for something to happen.

    Think about it, what would you do if you were the leaders in Iraq? Would you BS around any more, or just get it done knowing if U.S. threatens to leave, it is all over for Iraq as they have failed the people, and isn't this what it is suppose to be all about, the people?

    This is it, watch how these puppets fall in line now, I'll bet it is all resolved in two weeks and we can get on with revalue and helping the people. Politics sucks, always has, and more and more are getting fed up with all the BS, like we are. (g) Tick tock, elections are just around block.

    Good luck to all, Mike

  10. #11670
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Nice one Mike, so you're thinking r/v within 30 days???

    Am convinced the FIL will be done on the 12th, no more buggering about.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

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