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  1. #11671
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    Offshore and Adster,
    Sounds good, I think they will have to cooperate and graduate.
    Come on Dinar......R/V.
    "SAYS" $1.26 here we come!!!!

  2. #11672
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    Could history be repeating itself, this is what they did back then and the Marshall Plan has been discussed at great lengths. With the mention of 10000 dinars per person, makes you wonder......Only difference is the CBI brought in the new dinar whereas the allied forces were responsible for the German Mark which was later changed. The dinar now is here to stay.

    That a WOOT I can hear from 4000 miles away?! or an 'Interesting' from Mike?!

    Taking the country by surprise, Erhard went on the air on a Sunday night in June 1948. First, he announced that each German would be given forty Deutschmarks (replacing the old Reichsmarks). This would be followed by a second installment of twenty Deutschmarks. Credits and debts would be converted into the new currency at the rate of ten to one, and people would have to prove how they came by sums that exceeded 5,000 Reichsmarks.

    Erhard knew that his currency reform would be doomed if the new money, like its predecessor, faced bare store shelves and empty warehouses. To prevent this, Erhard announced the second -- and by far more important -- part of his program: most of Germany's wage and price controls would be dropped. First, controls would end on a wide range of consumer goods. Within six months, controls on food would be dropped. Erhard gained support for his measures by billing them as a patriotic move designed to replace a "foreign" economic system that had been imposed on Germany. The German people were astonished to hear that all these changes would commence the next morning.3

    Almost immediately, the German economy sprang to life. The unemployed went back to work, food reappeared on store shelves, and the legendary productivity of the German people was unleashed. Within two years, industrial output trebled. By the early 1960s, Germany was the third greatest economic power in the world. And all of this occurred while West Germany was assimilating hundreds of thousands of East German refugees.
    Adster, can you please forward this to Maliki and the Iraq Parliament?

  3. #11673
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Didn't realise it was so close between the Dems and Republicans not being massively into American politics. Sure a successful campaign in Iraq by way of huge contracts for American companies and a r/v to pay for the War would 'sway' voters minds...that's why he's sent Rice out there...

    Election 2006: Senate and House Races Updated Daily
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  4. #11674
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    Here again 100,000 dinars per student ($65.00 US) is this enough before a reval for tuition,school suplies, books, transportation etc?

    Last sentence in article: "State officials hoped that the government of the reward amount is sufficient to meet the needs of the holidays and before the appropriate time."

    Are they saying before the end of Ramadan and students go back to school? Hmmmmm.....

  5. #11675
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike5200 View Post
    Here again 100,000 dinars per student ($65.00 US) is this enough before a reval for tuition,school suplies, books, transportation etc?

    Last sentence in article: "State officials hoped that the government of the reward amount is sufficient to meet the needs of the holidays and before the appropriate time."

    Are they saying before the end of Ramadan and students go back to school? Hmmmmm.....
    Sounds more and more like the 2007 budget has put into account a r/v, (which Susie has mentioned) that's why we're seeing amounts that are peanuts like the 10k dinars per citizen, the above for the students, and the 10 million dinars for the sports and youth areas etc. These are pennies without a r/v.......almost to the point of insults to a proud nation.

    It's all mounting up. Looking good, little bits of info coming out before the biggy.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  6. #11676
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    Default Iraqi Investments Club

    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    Sounds more and more like the 2007 budget has put into account a r/v, (which Susie has mentioned) that's why we're seeing amounts that are peanuts like the 10k dinars per citizen, the above for the students, and the 10 million dinars for the sports and youth areas etc. These are pennies without a r/v.......almost to the point of insults to a proud nation.

    It's all mounting up. Looking good, little bits of info coming out before the biggy.

    This is so true, and as we have all seen, when news slips out, some are in the know, and some are not, so we are seeing these mixed signals. We have to look closely to see that this revalue has already been decided upon, and all the little hints are there if you read between the lines, and our bunch here are great betweeners. LOL

    Good luck to all, Mike

  7. #11677
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    Post Budget 2007

    Rebuild Iraq

    Iraqi government considers spending boost in 2007 budget

    Iraq’s government is considering an expansive budget for next year to stimulate its ravaged economy in a finance bill that should go to parliament by the end of next month, a senior government official said.
    Deputy Prime Minister Barham Salih, who oversees economic affairs, told Reuters he and others were pushing for a less cautious view of revenues than those projected by the Finance Ministry and said capacity for spending was improving after a hiatus during the lengthy formation of the government this year.
    “The Finance Ministry is erring on the side of caution in terms of budget revenue projections,” he said.
    “There are those of us in cabinet, including myself, who believe that the projections are too conservative. Iraq needs a budget that should be more ambitious and we need to stimulate the economy by providing the funds necessary for investment in key areas of services and infrastructure.
    I expect that this budget will be crucial to Iraq and should demonstrate to the Iraqi public and to the international community the seriousness of the government of Iraq to utilize effectively the resources available to us.
    Fostering economic growth at a time when unemployment is calculated at 50 percent and inflation has accelerated to 70 percent presents a major challenge for the government, but Salih said economic development was a vital component of efforts to stabilize Iraq and reduce frictions among various communities.
    He said a final budget would probably take longer than a couple of weeks but that the government was conscious of its constitutional obligation to present a bill to parliament by the end of September.


    Despite sabotage and crumbling infrastructure capacity, Iraq’s revenues have been increasing as oil exports grow and oil prices rise, making expenditure rather than income the main problem for the government in carrying out its budget plans.

    Salih said the lack of a functioning government for the first five months of this year following December’s election had been the main difficulty and spending was now picking up—though he declined to say how much of budgeted 2006 expenditure had now been implemented.
    “We are working hard at developing capacity, certainly at local levels, for the implementation of budget programs,” he said.
    “Budget execution was significantly short of where we hoped it would be but that was in large measure because the government formation took longer than expected.
    “But over the last month or so we have seen an increased level of expenditure,” he added, citing as an example that the regional development fund had now spent 40 percent of its annual budget, compared to just 10 percent a month ago.
    Salih said the government was intent on trying to help the poorest Iraqis survive the sharp increases in the cost of living while staying within its obligations under a standby agreement with the International Monetary Fund, under which it is obliged gradually to reduce huge subsidies on fuel prices.
    “Obviously much of the inflationary pressure is coming from rising fuel prices,” he said. “There are serious plans under consideration to help certainly the poor segments of society to deal with these inflationary pressures.
    “We are mindful of enhancing the social safety net programs that we have and to make it a targeted system as opposed to a universal welfare system ... that the state cannot afford. Consistent with our obligations under the standby agreement with the IMF I think we will be able to develop modalities.”

    This message tells me they get it!

    They want to show their people and the rest of the world that Iraq will be a big player and that they have seriouse plans to help the poor by dealing the inflation (which makes the people poor).

    In my opinion that is only possible by a RV.

    Now with time running out and all the news coming out I think we will see a RV this month.

    I hope it will because I have seen a very nice house in Spain.

  8. #11678
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    Mr. net warns of multiple loyalties in the security

    (Voice of Iraq) - 06-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Mr. net warns of multiple loyalties in the security and emphasizes respect for charter signed by the political parties

    Mr. Ahmed touched the net representative of the religious authority in front of the Supreme Gomaa sites in Karbala 12 of the month of Ramadan 1427 AH October 6, 2006, a number of matters and expressed opinion, when he referred to "the signing of the Charter of honor between the political blocs and at the highest levels to outlaw Iraqi blood, which has been recently." He stressed "the need for practical respect to the items of the Charter of the blocs signed by" where he stressed the need for "patriotic bloc signed the agreement courage to evade detection by in the night and agreed to by the day!" , "In order to ensure its success."
    Regarding the implementation of the decision to dissolve the militias commented Mr. net saying that "it must strengthen organs of state security to citizens will feel that there is no need for Altjaeh militias to protect it", adding that "the success of inventory carrying arms in the hands of the government depends on the strengthening of security agencies in maintaining the citizen's life is the most basic rights to the state."
    In the context of recent changes in the police command holy Karbala between Mr. net that "the loyalty of any affiliate of the security forces of the Ministries of Defense and Interior must be only for Iraq," adding that "this applies to all the provinces" and "necessary to the application of the Constitution in this regard. where they belong not to associate for political point to reflect on the loyalty and allegiance Kmentsp in security, "and warned at the same time that" multiple loyalties in these organs negate the purpose of its establishment in maintaining the security of the homeland and citizens because these devices will be subject to partisan Mahassat without considering the public interest in the appointment of a for more efficient and more loyalty to the homeland, "he said.
    N. Khabri

  9. #11679
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    Default Recap Of Week


    Monday they read "something" and was going to read it in 4 day - that's today friday.

    Our congress folks show up for visit.

    We have a holiday monday Columbus Day Oct. 9th banks closed.

    "something" is to pass by October 12 but maybe on October 10th. Because they have this thing with the number "10" going on right now.

    Iraq plans to pay 10,000 dinar Gift for October 23 holiday.

    Chase Banks will sale and buy Dinar as of two weeks ago: September 22.

    Rice showes up for a surprise visit to do some

    Elections here is first of November and Republican's have some nasty egg on face, so GW really needs Iraq to get r DONE ASAP.

    Plus lets not forget the post were a Good surprise was to come out in the middle of October to help Congress/Senate people so that's around October 15th.

    Ok have I missed anything??? SO WHAT DATE DO WE PICK?

  10. #11680
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    Default I don't know about the rest of you, but I am getting excited

    I have been reading seemingly endless posts concerning news etc to the point of my eyes beginning to glaze over. Then for the last couple of pages it seems to all be coming together!!! So much so I am almost afraid to breath and upset the delicate balancing act that appears to be going on. It certainly will be an exciting next 30 days or so!!! I hope Mike is right an now that the hand writing is on the wall so to speak the Iraqi govt will get the job done or be facing down their own people and the insergents without the US military to protect them... Instead of the US servicemen getting sliced and diced and blown up, or their own citizens having the same fate, it will be their turn to face the insurgents and disgruntled population head on face to face without the US military to protect them. Hmmmmmm it looks like we might have finally gotten their attention...... get it together or die!!!!! I wonder what they'll choose???? No pressure or anything!!!!!


    PS How do you get the smilies without the addresses showing up in the posts?
    Last edited by worf; 06-10-2006 at 05:57 PM.
    Are we there yet? I'm getting really tired of waiting and I am getting wet from all of the dribbling. Come on you know it is the right thing to do for your country. R/V the thing in 1 large dramtic move to over 1 usd at least (1 sdr will be fine for a start) will ya?

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